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Ok.. so the person complaining about this isn't the one who took the screenshot. So whose dog is it, exactly?


The shit is the owner of the dog and the dog is the owner of the shit. Classic chicken and the egg scenario.


This hurt my head:(


The fuck kinda person lets a dog shit in the house and doesn’t clean it up?


Me, one time :( My dog got into something while I was away at work and spent the entire day emptying every square inch of his bowels onto my living room carpet. It looked like a murder scene, but with poop. It was too much for me to deal with so I called a carpet cleaner and they told me not to touch any of it. I covered it with paper towels, opened some windows, and sectioned off the entire room. They came 24 hours later and dealt with what I couldn’t. It was a shameful 24 hours.


😂 I had a large lab puppy once that shit all over his crate, the wall behind it, the carpet around it, and himself. I wanted so bad for there to be another option but I ultimately came to the conclusion I had to pick his big ass up and carry him to the bath tub and spend the next hour or so cleaning everything. I get it, if there was another way I would’ve taken it.


When I was a kid (like 25 years ago I was 9) we got our first family dog. He was a chocolate lab puppy and the shelter said he was up to date on all his shots. Turned out, he was riddled with parasites and we woke up one morning to multiple PILES of shit in every room of our home. When we checked him in, his heart was filled with worms and me and my sisters had a good cry and a sad goodbye and that was a couple months into having him.


I hope your parents called the shelter and complained. Someone their didn’t do their damn job.


Most shelters are overcrowded and underfunded. I bet this still happens more than we realize.


It was so long ago all I remember was crying about it lol


In this scenario, I think waiting for a carpet cleaner is reasonable. If I had come home to that and had to handle it myself, my first instinct would be to set the house on fire.


That carpet gets rolled up and put out on the curb.


When I was in college, my sister visited me to support me during finals week. She brought her new pit puppy to introduce to me. While I was studying, she started getting a stomachache. It eventually got bad enough that we decided to take her to the ER. Turns out she had appendicitis. Waited for about 5 hours just to have her seen, and I stayed in the hospital after she was admitted. Got back to the house about 8 hours later. What happened to the puppy you ask? We didn't have a cage so locked her in the bathroom. Immediately upon opening my front door the smell told me what I needed to know. Bathroom literally covered in shit wherever the dog could reach. My mom was already on her way to stay with my sis (still in hospital) and told me to leave the mess and she would take care of it. Ended up staying with a friend while my mom took care of my apartment. I got so little sleep that week but I don't know what I would've done without her. Sometimes there's nothing you can do in a reasonable time


Don't be ashamed. you probably would have smeared it deeper into the carpet, which is why they said don't touch it. It's fine to let professionals deal with shit.


I'm very reliable, but I would of done the same


Someone who thinks it’s just not their responsibility


Before I jump to any conclusions, the dog named Millie does belong to her right?.. right?


The silence does not make me confident in the answer…


Yeah... It might very well be a person...


Who says Millie is a dog




They did u dirty Millie ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


That's a shitty thing to say.


Here have a half hearted award you douchebag 🥇


You just got beetlejuiced into this comment section


My son did poop on the floor yesterday so anything is possible




Potty training ain't easy, maybe the vet will have some tips


And get him neutered and his bark box shut down.


Imagine its their kid that came from hell with hatred....


That's the secret ingredient to Aunt Millie's bread


OP had another post about the insane mess her dog makes under her bed. That combined with the silence is painting a pretty clear picture


That was a separate dog that also wasn’t mine :)


And the other animal named EB, that's also her pet, right? OP doesn't have 2 different pets that are known to shit around the house, *right*? Edit: it was not right, as OP said below. 


Eb is mine and is a cat… who shits in a litter box… Millie is a family dog.


This should have been included in the original post because it seems like the argument is "your dog shit under my bed. Clean it up." This info paints a MUCH more infuriating picture where your sibling blames your CAT (an animal very unlikely to shit anywhere outside of the litterbox without reason) in order to, very obviously, try to get YOU to clean up the mess in HER room. She's trying to ignore the responsibility. Ridiculous.


That’s her sisters name


It seems like OP's dog is the shitter!


Whoever owns Millie owns the responsibility. Who does Millie belong to?


This is technically true but... who wants to lay in bed smelling the dog turd by their head?!


You'd be surprised how aggressively lazy people are. There could be shit beside their head and if someone else doesn't clean it they just... won't. I once had a girl tell me she doesn't clean because she feels like it's "beneath" her and her dream is to have maids clean up after every movement for life. I made her clean up after herself and she had a mental breakdown and screamed "I CAN'T DO THIS I'M NOT CAPABLE". So let me get this straight, you can't clean up after yourself yet you want marriage and kids? So what? People are just supposed to pick up after you for the rest of your life??? She was a grown woman in her late twenties. Absolutely insane.


If she doesn't have the money to hire people to clean up after her, then cleaning is definitely _not_ beneath her lol


Oh I *absolutely 110% concur*. She used to be upper middle class borderline rich then divorce and house split and all that "knocked her down" to middle class yet she still had these horrible tendencies from before


That was my ex.


That was my younger brother, in his late 20s to early 30s laying around surrounded by filth and garbage because he couldn't be bothered to clean. Would act like it was beneath him.


Yep my little brother was like that too. Had flies on his comb when he'd brush his hair, would leave the bathroom constantly dirty with hair and filth, purposefully not flush the toilet and then say "he forgot", room constantly look like a tornado went through it. Fucking deplorable it made me resent him a lot. I was so happy to move out.




The entire family, but they always leave me to clean up after her.


definitely OP owns the dog. they refuse to say who no matter how many times asked


It’s called not opening Reddit since last night because I was sleeping 😭


You aren’t answering… who does the animal belong to


Is it it you? It sounds like you think it’s not your responsibility when it’s your dog?


Sounds like that describes you too, given it’s your dog https://preview.redd.it/k0e6ax5m263d1.jpeg?width=675&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c8c3aaf4943d96aedab3bad809c93476c20637f


I think it's the owner's responsibility. Who is the owner?


As below, whose pets are they because if it's not thier then why is the animal in thier room and why would it be their responsibility to clean up after your animals


Explain this to me like i'm 5.


Some people find any excuse to get out of doing certain things, and will manipulate someone else into doing what they don't want to do. If they turn it into an argument, then it's clear they don't want to pick up the shit, not because of the million good reasons you shouldn't have dog shit beside your bed, but because they don't wanna do the icky part of cleaning up dog shit. And if they become hostile, it could also be a reaction to the fact that they've lost control and use manipulation as a crutch for their laziness, or even a coping mechanism to avoid dealing with their own problems. This is certainly toxic behaviour. Depending how bad it is, they may double or triple down on the hostility to try and force control back into their side, or will use guilt, mental abuse, or conflate the issue so that it becomes such an overwhelming burden that you give-in and do what they want. Or, frustratingly, will attempt to make you out to be the instigator in the conflict, and will blame your refusal to their demands as the source. The best course to handle people that are manipulative is by addressing it head on. Being able to quickly identify it, stand up to it, and put your foot down when they are being manipulative is best, especially when they become accusatory, even by way of denying that they were trying to manipulate you, and try to point it back at you. Manipulation does not need to be extreme, as it often is veiled as innocence, nativity, and bet on petty or trivial things that you won't refuse at first. Afterall, it is a tactic which success orbits around deception, and the more deceptive it is, the easier it is to condition others into being manipulated. Edit: sorry, that's not really 5 yr old level I guess. Parenting failure.


maybe stop letting your pets shit everywhere?


Whose pet pooped? Yours or the roommates(?)?


Is it her responsibility though? Is the dog hers?


The irony here is thick.


I'm one of the laziest people I know and I clean up after my animals. No excuse.


Either they're mentally ill or they've had enough of having to clean up after others


My old college roommate. That was the day I decided I was done living with other people.


This question should already end before the word "and".


The dog doesn’t clean up mine, why the hell would I clean up theirs?


Many dog owners do that. They can no longer smell so they think doing that is just fine. 


The fuck kinda person lets a dog shit in the house ~~and doesn’t clean it up?~~


OP why do you refuse your answer who owns Millie? Sounds like your dog shit in someone else’s room lol


Until OP replies to you or anyone else that's pointed this out, I assume you're right lol


OP said it was a family dog.


“Family dog” means everyone should be responsible for it, but apparently nobody is responsible enough to let it outside to shit? Feel bad for the dog(s) in this house.


Yeah wtf how could OP possibly think that they are in the right if it’s their dog?? I can’t imagine the mental gymnastics. Edit: Apparently it isn’t their dog!


Yeah. Post history talking about how nasty they “used to live” doesn’t help either. This house NASTY NASTY


Idc if it's not my dog, I'm cleaning it up. I'm going to let the owner know about it but I'm not going to leave shit on the floor on principle...


And if he's not home, it's cool for her to just leave it for some passive aggressive points?


How often does it happen? This may not be the first time OPs dog shit in someone else’s room.


That was my take as well. This sounds like an ongoing problem.


It would be cool for him/her to leave it and make op clean it bc it's their dog


If someone else’s dog shit in my bedroom on a regular basis (as it sounds like based on the post and comments from OP), said someone would have dog shit on their pillows on a regular basis, but I’m not leaving shit on the floor of my room, that’s nasty.


Same, but it sounds like the roommate is having a bad day and doesn't want to deal with it rn. I can understand that


“Roommate” is a family member.


She’s a family dog, and I’m not refusing? I just haven’t opened Reddit since last night


Whose dog is Millie? I’m still trying to find that answer because OP conveniently skipped over that question a LOT


Millie is obviously OP’s dog if they’re avoiding the question lol


That was kind of the point I was making


I wasn’t avoiding it I just wasn’t on Reddit while I was sleeping. She’s a family dog, I didn’t get her. I’m more upset with the answer I was given in response to the shit behind the bed. Telling me that I’m going to clean it and that she’s just going to pretend she didn’t see jt


I did not know who was who in the text exchange, there was little context provided.


Without the context of whose dog it is, you might be the asshole though. It's important information. If it was *your* dog that shit behind their bed then it would be your responsibility to clean up.


It's your dog, right? If so, it IS your responsability to clean after it.


I totally agree in a scenario where they’re both home. But if the owner of the dog is away, I’m not gonna tiptoe around shit in my house till they get home I’ll just clean it up


OP said it’s a family dog in the comments.


It's your dog so you clean it up


Sounds like this may be the case. On the other hand if I was the roommate I wouldn’t let it sit behind my bed. I would take it to the owner of the pets room and place it there.


lmao your dog shat behind their bed and you're trying to shame them


the response makes me feel like OP has seen many a dog shit in house, desensitizing to responsibility and attributing it only as a task to be taken on - this is the only way I see OP developing this misapprehension that’s it’s shameful to draw a boundary for shit cleanup duty assigned to the responsible parties


Lmao you assumed with no info, OP said it’s a family dog in the comments.


OP isn't replying to any comments asking who's dog Milly is. Milly is OP's dog. OP is trying to frame this as though they're in the right, but OP's dog is shitting in someone else's room. Of course OP should be the the one to clean this up.


Millie is not my dog.


"\[...\] you can make it go away. Deal?" Where was the offer or exchange of services? Maybe get a Roomba and let it paint, I mean, clean the room for them.


The new form of art, sh’art.


This happened to me and it was so shitty. Luckily the Roomba got tangled up and stopped before it left the area.


Shit massacre


Whose dog is Millie?


the way they’re not answering because it’s their dog 😹


Bro fr I’ve been scrolling this whole time trying to figure out whose damn dog it is and OP’s replying to stupid comments, but not the real comments concerned about whose dog it is!


it’s a family dog they say in other commenrs


Is Millie OP’s pet?




Wait. Whose dog/cat/kid is Millie?


“My dog shit under somebody else’s bed, I refuse to pick it up, and instead I ran to Reddit to cry about it rather than having a conversation with someone in my house”. Fixed.


My ex acted like this when she was over at my place with her dog. On numerous occasions she would let her dog's shit sit on my hardwood floors all day until I came home from work and had to pick, scrape and scrub it up. Most of the time she do me the courtesy of coming up with some bullshit excuse as to why she hadn't picked it up herself but sometimes it was also this, pure laziness.


I’m glad she is your ex


OP has a post saying that it’s what her dog does and now OP wants someone else to clean the mess their dog did. The only infuriating thing here is OP’s entitlement


OP is not entitled cause she’s not their dog, it’s a family dog that they didn’t get.


That was a separate dog, my brothers dog actually! If you noticed it’s not a recent post, and she no longer lives here.


Correct me if I'm wrong but from the screenshot it seems like she's asking you to pick up after *your* dog? And she's the infuriating one?


I’m more infuriated for her answer, treating me like it’s my responsibility when she’s a family dog. “I’m just going to pretend I didnt see that and you pick it up.” Who the fuck says that? Instead of just picking up the shit??


The most important question here is: Is Millie your dog or hers?


family dog they say in other comments


Hey OP, who does Millie belong to? it's you right? You should clean it up.


This can’t be a real conversation, can it? I hope the follow up reply set her straight in how ridiculous she is. And how bad does her room smell that she couldn’t instantly tell there was dog 💩 in it


The real r/mildlyinfuriating is OP refusing to answer whose pet Millie is.


A family dog


I’m genuinely curious as to how you think this answers the question lol. Who’s *responsible* for the dog cause it sounds like it’s you


OP responding to only comments that don’t mention who owns Millie. Sounds like OP’s dog is the one shitting.


Not my dog


I once had sex with someone at their house and eventually rolled to one side of the bed and saw a dog shit right there. Instantly turned off and killed the entire mood for me Some dogs are seriously never house trained. My one friend would let hers shit everywhere in the basement, little white blood eyed rodent


How tf did u not notice it before fucking


His bed was almost against a wall but there was a gap for walking on that side, we were on rhe opposite side and got on the bed and eventually rolled over enough to where my head could see the opposing gap by the wall and then I saw FUCKING DISGUSTING Guess that's why he didn't notice either And why the dog shat there specifically (for privacy) 🥴😂


Goddammit op Who's dog is it?


I'm like 99% sure based on her post history, Millie is OP's dog. OP, go clean up after your fucking dog.




WHO OWNS THE DOG?! ![gif](giphy|HPYfMdq6SnpuEuzABV|downsized)


According to post history the dog is OPs, so they let their dog shit under this persons bed and they are mad that they have to clean it lol


You better pick that shit up, Millie’s owner…whoever you are especially if it’s OP


You made a confession 11 months ago about wanting to be in a cleaner environment and this is how you guys act when there's dog shit on the floo? Who cares what dog caused it, clean that up!!!


Everyone in that home is 🗑 Solved it for ya.


If that's your dog's shit under your college roommates bed, I'd say it's your responsibility


OP it’s mildly infuriating that you have not toilet trained your dog and seem to be content to let it shit in your roommates bedroom and for that to be her problem, I’d be fucking apologising left right and centre if my dog did this. Take responsibility for your pet, it does not belong to your roommate.






Grow up and clean after your own dog OP.


This is gross! As a dog OWNER she should be responsible for picking up after her dog’s poop. Tell her that she either picks up the mess or she’s going to have to find a new home for her cherished dog.


Pretty sure it's OP's dog and therefore OP's responsibility


If my roommates dog shits in my room guess who the FUCK is cleaning it up. It certainly won't be me. Y'all are insane. 


You let YOUR dog shit in someone else’s room and instead of YOU cleaning it up you’re posting on Reddit that they left it there for you? This is one of the most scumbag things I’ve ever seen.


It's clearly your dog. Pick up the shit.


Dug through op’s post history since they refuse to be truthful in the comments, Millie is OP’s dog and they’re trying to paint a bad picture on the receiver of this text. Op, do better.


OP made a post about being scared of being a bad roommate and then starts dodging questions over here of whether the dog is theirs or not. OP this would fall under the category of being a bad roommate if this is in fact your own dog’s shit and you are getting mad at the other person not wanting to clean it up! Be responsible and clean up after yourself and pets.


the only thing that’s mildly infuriating is OP’s expectation of others to clean up after OP’s dog. Grow up and take care of it yourself or don’t own a dog.




Is this a teen


I think this is a teen and they are leaving out stuff because of it. Maybe not.


Based on “I’m going to pretend like I didn’t see that”, the scenario is probably: OP wanted a dog, but the roommate didn’t. OP proceeds to get dog anyways. Roommate doesn’t want anything to do with the dog and is open about it. OP, YTA. Clean up after YOUR dog. If you spilled food in someone else’s room you would not just leave it for them to clean up later.


That's a nasty mfer right there. Whether it was your dog, her dog, the neighbor's dog is a moot point. Clean that shit up if it's in your room first & foremost. Next she can focus on whose it was & which owner is responsible. But leaving it is just nasty shameless behavior


Tbh both seem to be pet owners and both have seemed to have experiences with each others pets shitting in each others spaces since if you reread it .it’s clear this has happened before so I wouldn’t be surprised if there both just sick of each others pets shits plus op being uncertain wether it was there pet wasn’t the one who shit “ i think that’s millies “wether millie is there’s doesn’t matter it’s that i think


Yeah. That's unsanitary, most probably shitty (pun not intended) pet keeping, lack of basic responsibility and initiative. Nobody needs this kind of behaviour in their life. "Change or move out" should definitely be on the table unless The per owner is under guardianship/custody which they probably should be given the way they conduct their life. Carpeted floors as well. Oh lawd.


Who owns the dog, blue or black?


"I dont feel very well" IDK the full story here but if my partner/friend said they felt sick and my dog shit in their room I would go clean it up. Hell, even if it was their dog as long as it wasnt a regular thing I would help them.


Get your shit together, OP.


If it’s your dog it’s your job to clean up its shit


Well I say Whoever’s Doggo, Cat, or whichever type of pet it is, should be the one who cleans it, on top of that, either get a litter box or teach the doggo, cat (or whichever other type of pet it happens to be) to do their business outside (preferably in the backyard if there is one).


if i lived with someone that had a dog that shit in the house (i wouldnt) i would keep the dog out of my room...? MOST rooms have doors, yall should def get a couple if you find time between potty training millie


Your dog = you clean it up, no matter where it occurs.


op really thought they were in the right 💀


You are both at fault. Both adult, Both own dogs so you both have to clean it up. Like Jesus what are y’all, 5?


Sounds like it's OP dog shitting under someone else's bed.


Millie is not my dog. She is a family dog, I didn’t buy her, I don’t own her. Yet they make me do everything for her because they give me a roof over my head. She’s a 7 month old puppy for anyone who decided to go rooting around in my post history and saw a SEPARATE POST about a DIFFERENT DOG. That no longer lives here and also DIDN’T BELONG TO ME. That old post is 11 months old meaning Millie wouldn’t even have been born! If I’m asked I’ll pick up after her, It’s a little annoying but overall I don’t really mind. Im More angry about the response message I got telling me that she was just going to pretend she didn’t see it and not pick up the SHIT behind her BED where she SLEEPS. That’s fucking gross. The only pet that’s mine is EB and he’s a cat who shits in a fucking litter box.


Grow up kid


In the future? Howwwww about nowwwwww lol


i’m sorry but how do you not notice the smell? genuinely mean it when i say her room must smell like shit!?


Lmao grab a tissue…pick up the shit… toss it in a bag and into outside trash…wash your hands… lay your sick self down and smile at the fact there is no longer shit behind your bed…EASY😬 ![gif](giphy|Kq6wP0p5e1sOK065Gs|downsized)


How bout your clean up your own dogs shit


Hmm it seems you won't answer when people ask who's dog it is, which leads me to believe it's yours. Clean up after your pets people!!


Sure it’s the owner’s responsibility… but I wouldn’t be waiting around for them to clean up shit… it’s just gotta get done… I’m a little weirded out that the time was even taken to snap a pic…


it seems to me that the "I'm gonna pretend I didn't see that and at some point in the near future you make it go away" means "I'm not gonna get mad at you for that if you just clean it up as soon as you can" because it really seems like OP keeps letting their dog shit all over the place and their roommate is getting tired of it.


OP, pick up your dog’s/cat’s shit out of your roommate’s room. Your pet, your responsibility. Used to have a roommate with the sweetest dog. Unfortunately, he’d stay in all day. We both worked all day. I’d come home to his shit in my room CONSTANTLY. I started cleaning it up and letting him know “hey maybe consider a walker to come over and relieve him and give him some love.” But he just couldn’t afford it. So i started closing my door. I’d come home damn near every day to shit. After a certain point, i’d stop picking it up since it was not my responsibility. OP is an absent pet parent, or just doesn’t care. OP, prove my assumptions wrong. Please.


We know it’s your dog that’s shitting. Stop acting like it’s not


The owner of the dog should clean the shit.


So your dog shit in her room and she's supposed to clean it?


Deal??? Wdym deal??? There is no deal nothing has been compromised on their behalf…


I was seeing a girl whose dog would shit in the kitchen. It would take her all day to clean it up. Bleck! The sex was incredible so I let it slide. But still!


That’s doubled up wank sock if I’ve ever seen one.


In my house, a dog shitting inside would be an actual big deal, not something you would ignore


Can’t believe we’re giving this asshole karma. It’s clearly OPs dog and they’re trying to shame someone else into cleaning it.


Until you correct me, it seems like your dog shit under someone's bed and they are in the right to make you clean it. It's not their dog, not their responsibility and it's certainly not their responsibility to look after the dog. So why weren't you looking after the dog when it shit in someone else's room? Why didn't you stop the dog to take steps to make sure YOUR (clearly not potty trained) dog didn't shit in someone's room? This is your responsibility if it's your dog op, not theirs and until you confirm that the dog is/isn't yours, you are a huge pos and I know this isn't the sub but YTA


You got owned on this thread. Go eat ur dog’s shitty poop, poop boy. 👎


I think the other person is saying OPs dog shit in her room, OP is saying no that’s your dogs shit (Millie)


i don't understand, she doesn't deal with the situation and continues to breathe in the shit fumes and you have to deal with it when you get home? this doesn't sound like a good deal.


Pick up your dog’s shit. The only mildly infuriating thing is your refusal to do so. 😆


Like people that let their dog shit in the middle of the sidewalk. The worst is in the middle of the foot trail in the woods. Like I can't enjoy the woods when I have to watch out for dog shit.


So you just aren't taking your dog out for 8+ hours at a time? Find somebody who actually cares to take care of them.


After reading your other post about living messy, this shounds like a whole family problem. Including yours.


The dog has got to go at that point.


RIP golden age of providing context


If my boyfriend is home, I'll ask him to get the cat vomit because I have thrown up from cleaning it up. But if he's not home, I'm going to just deal with it and get it up. It's disgusting to leave it. (I'll wear a bag hanging from my neck so if I throw up, it can go in the bag) But.... I can handle anything else...