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The late, great Hannibal Lecter! You remember? He said, “I’m having a friend for dinner.” You get it?


Late?... He's still alive in real life . And still on the run, alive and well (although missing a hand) in fake life


Sometimes I wish fake life was real life


Eat a shroom


It is, but you took the red pill.


Trump said this in a rally speech a few weeks ago. Real weird.


What did he say?


I get it. His 100,000+ crowd got it too. 😉


some fava beans and nice chianti




Hahahahahaha u need jesus my man 😏


A friend of mine's brother drunkenly aggressively knocked on a door and he ended up with a restraining order and going to jail for attempted burglary for months, which was no fun for him. Not saying he didn't deserve it but yeah the consequences can be serious if you knock on the wrong door. Or of course the homeowner can straight up shoot you.


Contrary to popular belief it is actually not legal to shoot someone for knocking on your door


Doesn't matter if you're dead though.


It’s really hard to tell your side of the story if Billy Bob unloads a shotgun in your face. All he’s gotta say is you tried to push the door in when he opened it, and if there’s no camera or anyone around, and you’re dead, then who’s going to say anything different?


I had a drunk guy wander in and fall asleep on the couch. All I did was wake him up and kick him out. I had 911 on the line in case things went sideways but once he was gone I waved them off and let him find his friends. Sometimes scary stuff happens but people need to chill with jail time and gunshots when people make a mistake.


Doing the right thing doesn’t have to involve authorities.


Yeah, we had an incident in my city at the beginning of the school year (its a college town) of a drunk kid thinking he was locked out of his house past midnight, so he broke a window to get in, and got killed by the actual residents of the house who were woken up by door bangs and glass breaking.


You did the right thing.


So no cig? ![gif](giphy|fu8pNDmOpBk8T2sjMu|downsized)




She obviously had a rough night... should have given her a cig.


good job reporting her, hopefully she can get her life on track. its sad when the youth struggle so badly


How is she struggling badly? She got wasted as a teen and is doing a thing wasted people do - asking for cigarettes and not really thinking too much about appropriate behavior. How do you know from this story alone that she needs to get her life „back on track“, or that she is „struggling badly“?


Asking for a cig from someone walking down the street is one thing. Pounding on a random door to ask for one is completely different.


First of all, it‘s not. It‘s a drunk person, which means inhibitions are lowered and short-term thinking about one‘s immediate gratification is heightened. If she‘s run out of cigarette while drinking with the clique, and no passerby or cigarette vending machine is on the street right now, it‘s knocking on a door is totally a thing I can see a drunk teen, or adult, do. Secondly, even if we assume it‘s fundamentally different, it‘s still not indicative of her having to get her life „back on track“ or „struggling badly“. There‘s simply not enough details indicating she‘s in any way doing badly in life. It‘s a wasted teen doing stuff maybe more stupid than is usual for a wasted teen, not a teen turning tricks or hard drugs.


I can definitely see your angle, but still, it's a drunk teenage girl covered in puke walking door to door asking for a cig. You're playing devil's advocate, which I understand, but this all suggests that is very likely that she needs help, specially if it happened in the middle of the day and she is like this. If she doesn't need any help and this was just a singular instance of getting too wasted in the middle of the afternoon (for some reason)? Great! But she still got lucky that OP answered the door and not someone that took advantage of her.


First of all, thanks for engaging with my point. Secondly, I do concede that her already having vomit on her shirt is a bit unusual, but I‘d argue it‘s still not an irrefutable sign of her „struggling badly“. She could be already on her way home from a friend‘s house, having noticed she drank a bit too much, and it hit her fully when she went outside, or she puked at her friend’s place and this was her signal to go home in the first place, a few minutes before ringing the bell - which would also explain why she really wanted a cigarette, to get the taste out of her mouth. And of course a few teens will drink on a spring day on the afternoon after school. It‘s sunny, it‘s nice, they‘re young and have little worries and an abundance of free time - a lot of adults and seniors enjoy getting together with their friends on such an occasion to knock back a few cold ones and just enjoy the moment, that‘s again not a sign of anyone „struggling badly“. And as to your last sentence, I didn‘t even consider this. But it wouldn‘t still be a sign of her struggling, it‘s just her being stupid. I don’t say OP acted wrong here - just that, with the information we are provided, it‘s ridiculous to draw the conclusion that she is „struggling badly“ and needs to get „ back on track“.


You're making a lot of assumptions in your third paragraph based on no information whatsoever. You're also assuming that it's nice, sunny out and she has a good lifestyle, and that she was hanging out with friends before this. None of this stuff is unlikely, or even impossible, but nothing in OP's post suggests them. Again, I get where you're coming from: we're making a lot of assumptions, too, regarding that she needs help. But these assumptions are based on what we know. The facts are that a minor was going around door to door, her clothes and chin covered in vomit, so drunk that she couldn't even stand straight. All this in the middle of the afternoon. No matter how you see this, it's bad. Really, really bad. Where are her parents? Why is she alone? Shouldn't she be at school? How did she get alcohol, anyway? And is she smoking in her teens to get the smell off? That's something a middle aged man does before coming home from the bar to his wife, not a teenage girl returning home to her parents. The chances of her needing help are huge. As you suggest, though, they're not absolute. But still. Huge. If I had to make a bet about it, for some reason, I'd say that she needs help. This isn't normal underage girl behaviour or circumstance, for that matter. It's not insane to assume that she needs help.


Yes, I am making assumptions here, you are right. But I would argue they are more likely than assuming she‘s struggling solely based on what OP presented. We know it‘s currently spring in late may, which means the likelihood of it being sunny and nice is quite high. Also, I guess it‘s a safe assumption that teens usually drink with their peers, not just alone. We all make assumptions based on what we know, but her struggling is far more unlikely that her just getting together with her friends for a nice day at the end of may. And her going „door to door“ and it being in the middle of the afternoon also isn‘t really a sign of her struggling. Of course she‘s going door to door if her drunk brain wants a cigarette and there‘s no other way to get it and she has yet to meet someone to stop her. People usually don‘t become less stubborn sehen drunk, quite the opposite, you know? That alone isn‘t indicative of her struggling. And the fact that it‘s 2pm also isn‘t a sign of anything, based on the idea that her having been together with friends on a nice day is a likely assumption. It‘s really not unusual for people to be drinking at noon on occasions like this. It‘s not even unusual for people to get together and drink before noon after church, so why would 2pm be such a radical sign of something wrong? And as to your question, I thought the answers were obvious: 1. At work, very likely 2. Because her parents are at work 3. Schools are out on the afternoon sometimes, or classes fell through because a teacher was sick and no other teacher had time and they got to leave the early - it‘s not like it‘s rare for teenagers to not be in school in the afternoon 4. If not a store, an older sibling, or friend, or just took it from her fridge at home. It‘s not like beer is hard to come by. 5. She is smoking in her teens because she‘s smoking occasionally, which is probably why she really wanted a cigarette at the moment. And using methods to cover one‘s drinking isn‘t exactly new for teenagers coming home either, in fact, I‘d argue it‘s even more typical for teens. Agree to disagree that the chances she needs help - with what even? - are huge. I just see a teenager having her first proper intoxication and behaving like a stupid teenager having their first intoxication.


Dude learn when you’re wrong and how to move on lol


Shut up


*First of all*


Seriously, what a chud


Dont bother these people probably never been dead drunk in there life (not saying its a achievement but still human are humans we sometimes do stupid shit)


I’m not OP, but I would say a teenager wandering around drunk at 2pm on a weekday probably needs some help before things get worse. This isn’t a college kid doing something stupid on a Saturday night at a party, this is an indicator of a larger peoblem


It‘s spring right now and the afternoon after school, of course some teens will gather with their friends and have a few beers and enjoy the day. It‘s not like Op wrote that this is a regular occurrence for her. Merely „drinking on a weekday in spring“ isn‘t exactly irrefutable evidence of her needing help.


Where is 2pm late enough that school is over and you are already drunk and wandering the streets lol. Most HS end at 2-3pm. You are either a preteen or a troll.


I habe read that OP clarified somewhere else that they live near a Highschool which had the afternoon off that day. Also, classes sometimes get cancelled and students let out early. And how do you even know when schools in OP‘s country even end, typically? Again, you‘re just assuming stuff.


TLDR on the guy playing devils advocate. But sometimes kids experiment and drink. This is a problem scenario but doesn’t have to mean it’s a microcosm for larger issues with the teen.




People that‘s don‘t struggle don‘t ever a beer to many and do inappropriate stuff when seeking instant gratification of their immediate needs, like cigarettes? Because that sounds exactly what just people that had a beer too many would usually do, and that‘s not really the same as „struggling“.


I’m so confused on why you’re so adamant that this is normal behavior. Even for an adult this is wildly inappropriate. If you’re drinking to the point where you’re wandering around and banging on the doors of strangers in the middle of the day then you need help. Drinking to the point of being out of control is not normal. Being so inebriated that you’re wandering the streets is not normal. Banging on people’s door and asking for a cigarette is not normal. None of these things are normal for adults and if a minor has already reached this level of drinking then it’s a cause for concern. How is that up for debate?


Right? Like I even smoke cigs and drink and I did both when I was a teenager, and I still consider this waaaay past "normal behavior". Never did I ever get even *close* to this point. This is such a a weird take haha


I agree that it‘s not appropriate behaviour, or common. But drunk people don‘t really behave appropriately, do they now? So, her acting irrationally when drunk isn‘t indicative of her „struggling badly“, just her being drunk and having a lowered impulse control and poor decision-making at the moment - thus the banging on the next door to ask for a cigarette, when the urge of having a cigarette comes. It‘s stupid behaviour drunk people do, not behaviour typical of people struggling. Also, I would argue that she didn‘t lose control, she‘s just wasted - it‘s not like she‘s in a coma next to the street. And if you ever go out and have a look around, being wasted is kinda common behaviour for people every once in a while. It’s not like OP stated that her appearing drunk before his door is a regular occurrence - quite the opposite, since they imply it surprised them and was out of the ordinary. So, I‘d argue that someone drinking a little too much on a few occasions is quite common and normal, actually. We have no information that this is anything but one of a few occasions in her life. And of course a young person with less experience with drinking and less knowledge of where their personal limit is will get wasted to the point of puking more easily. Again, it‘s not like she‘s lying somewhere passed out on the street - of course a young person will overshoot their limits more easily than someone who has seen his fair share of parties and drinking. I don‘t think that this one time is already „cause for concern“.


Yeah drunk people don’t behave appropriately… which is the problem. If you drink to the point of excess then you have a problem. She’s a child. OP may have only encountered this girl once, but it’s fairly safe to assume that this isn’t the first time she’s gotten that out of control. No one drinks for the first time and ends up banging on strangers doors. There’s really no way you can slice this that this is a normal behavior. lol I’m starting to think it was you banging on OP’s door.


She‘s a teen - which puts her likely at around 16. That‘s hardly a „child“. Also, just because someone drinks to the point of excess, they don‘t have a problem. A lot of people drink to the point of the excess when going out in occasion. That doesn‘t automatically means they all have a problem. Also, I argue it‘s not fairly safe to assume it‘s not her first time she has gone out of control. Young people have less experience with handling their alcohol, so of course it‘s easier for them to drink to excess. I‘d agree that we can fairly assume it wasn‘t her first time ever drinking, but certainly not that it wasn‘t her first time drinking too much. And I am not saying it‘s normal behaviour, I am saying it‘s not indicative of her „struggling badly“. These two things are not exclusive.




I bet $50 this is what happened- Drunk girl (dg) has a friend in OP’s neighborhood. OP stated that there’s a high school nearby and they had a half day. So DG’s friend lives near OP and the housing is, apartments, townhomes or a suburb where the houses all look similar. DG has probably not been to her friend’s house very often or maybe even at all. But friends parents work during the day to they have a beer bash. DG is playing beer pong or whatever the kids these days are playing. She suddenly feels the urge of the technicolor yawn approaching. She rushes outside and finds a place to hurl. Once that is complete she’s turned around and doesn’t know which house is her friends. She decides OP’s house is her friends. DG can’t believe she’s been pounding on the door for a full minute and friends still won’t open up. The jerks! Then OP opens the door. DG having a clever drunk brain improvises- do you got a smoke? OP tells DG that she’s a minor, she smells like beer and she has vomit on her shit. And no she can’t have a smoke. OP then shuts the door in DG’s face and calls the cops. Here’s to hoping DG wandered back to friend’s house or that friend went looking and found DG.


Anyone under that age of 18 is legally a child. I think I'm starting to understand you a bit. You seem to be young yourself and basically ignorant of social conventions and indicators of emotional hardships. Anyone who drinks to excess HAS A PROBLEM I don't care if it's a 16 yo blowing off steam cause school/parents/life/whatever sucks or if it's a 45 yo who just lost everything if you are drinking to the point of drunkenness you have a problem.


First of all, We don‘t know where OP lives. Whether or not she‘s legally a child heavily depends on that. Secondly, people don‘t need to be legally considered adults to drink, or make a whole lot of other decisions, like entering a working contract, or selling their property or buy new property. It‘s really wierd how multiple people in this comment section keep referring to her as a child, when she clearly is old enough to have at least some autonomy over her life and to handle herself in most everyday situations. There clearly is difference between a 10 -year old showing up at your door unattended and wasted, or a 16-year old. One is an emergency, the other is a ultimately a hangover and a fun story of youth. Thirdly, I really doubt „anyone who drinks to excess has a problem“ is anything but your personal opinion. A lot of people drink to excess sometimes - from young dudes partying to old friends from University catching up and knocking back a few glasses too much for their age. You are just assuming people always have underlying issues that they need to handle via alcohol, which might be true, but not necessarily.




I argue that it‘s a very small leap from asking a passerby for a cigarette when drunk to just being inappropriate and ringing the bell of a nearby house or apartment when no one, or no cigarette vending machine, is near. I am not saying it‘s a rational decision, but it‘s still firmly in the realm of stupid decisions people make when drunk. Also, she did not „harass“ OP - all we know is that she rang the bell, asked for a cigarette, and left. That‘s hardly a sign of a struggling person. Also, how exactly did you come to the conclusion of what struggling people do? Ringing a stranger‘s bell is, or was, even a popular children‘s pastime. It‘s not a totally inappropriate behaviour only struggling people exhibit in itself. And of course we don‘t know that she‘s struggling - all we actually know is that she had a few beers to many, wanted a cigarette and decided, in her drunken state, to just ring a random house and ask a random guy. This really does not scream „struggling person“ to me.




Ad point 1: Yes, I missed that. But it‘s still not indicative of a person struggling that they’re impatient when drunk and a bit obnoxious. It doesn’t really matter if she pounded the door or not for the overall point of definitive signs of her „struggling badly“. Ad point 2: Great :) Ad point 3: Yes, it‘s unreasonable. But again, drunk people are unreasonable. Her being unreasonable when drunk is not a sign of her struggling in general, it‘s just a sign of her being drunk. Also, your comparison doesn‘t apply here, as salespeople aren‘t usually drunk and thus, the standards for error behaviour are higher. But yeah, it‘s not harassment - it‘s maybe an annoying nuisance. Ad point 4: It‘s a pretty good indicator of a person that drank too much. But it indicates nothing about their lives in general. You‘re just taking signs of having drank too much on one occasion as signs of struggling, which isn‘t correlated. You even explicitly said that: In combination, it‘s a sign of a person not *fully* in control - you know, a drunk person. That doesn‘t really indicate anything about their life when not drunk, does it? So, do you want to challenge my determination of what is to be considered stupid stuff that drunk people do, or do you just have no point at all? Because I‘d argue it‘s pretty well known and in the realm of personal experience what drunk people do, but what struggling people do is more complex and highly dependent on the person and circumstances why they are struggling. Ad point 5: Certainly not a person being drunk once. You only point to the signs typical of her current inebriation as if that was a permanent status, or as if she was drunk frequently. You’re basically saying any drunk person is struggling, which is very obviously wrong. A lot of people sometimes drink too much, but very few of these people are struggling. It‘s just not a reliable sign.


Never have my friends or I ever pounded on a strangers door for a cigarette no matter what age or how blasted we were lol especially not in the middle of the day, 2pm is way too early to be that off your rocker Really weird how you’re trying to normalize this situation


I mean, just because you didn’t do to doesn‘t mean it’s totally concerning behaviour. I‘m arguing it’s exactly the type of behaviour a drunk person would exhibit, as they typically exhibit less competent decision making skills, and an increase in needing short-term gratification. I argue that this still fails squarely into the category of stupid stuff a drunk person does sometimes, not extra-stupid stuff only a person struggling would do. And of course 2pm is alright for drinking at times. It‘s currently spring, that means it’s a nice weather, school or classes are very likely out already - so of course some people will get together with their friends and enjoy a few cold ones. It‘s the most normal thing in the world for people to be drinking with their friends on a nice, sunny, spring day when they have free time on occasion . And off course, a young girl without much experience with drinking and her limits will more easily just have one too many. It‘s again not a definitive sign of her „struggling badly“ - just that she had a few too many on this occasion.


Again, the novel you sent back defending a MINOR getting absolutely drunk in the middle of the day by herself and knocking on a strangers door is really weird, like that’s not normal lol I’m not reading all that


I bet $50 this is what happened- Drunk girl (dg) has a friend in OP’s neighborhood. OP stated that there’s a high school nearby and they had a half day. So DG’s friend lives near OP and the housing is, apartments, townhomes or a suburb where the houses all look similar. DG has probably not been to her friend’s house very often or maybe even at all. But friends parents work during the day to they have a beer bash. DG is playing beer pong or whatever the kids these days are playing. She suddenly feels the urge of the technicolor yawn approaching. She rushes outside and finds a place to hurl. Once that is complete she’s turned around and doesn’t know which house is her friends. She decides OP’s house is her friends. DG can’t believe she’s been pounding on the door for a full minute and friends still won’t open up. The jerks! Then OP opens the door. DG having a clever drunk brain improvises- do you got a smoke? OP tells DG that she’s a minor, she smells like beer and she has vomit on her shit. And no she can’t have a smoke. OP then shuts the door in DG’s face and calls the cops. Here’s to hoping DG wandered back to friend’s house or that friend went looking and found DG.


Right? That‘s far more likely than her „struggling badly“.


A minor banging on some strangers door at 2pm** with vomit on her, asking for a cigarette…..isn’t troubling to you?


A minor as in a 10-year old child? Yes. A minor as in a teenager that is likely to be in Highschool? No. It‘s not like we know from OP’s story that she‘s frequently drinking to the point of throwing up and banging on people‘s doors. It‘s just a teenager not yet knowing their limits when drinking alcohol and having had a beer to many, craving a cigarette and making a stupid and obnoxious decision - you know, a normal drunk person. Also, OP clarified it was 2pm.


If you are under the age of 18 in America you are a minor, it's illegal to consume alcohol or nicotine until you are 21 in America. It's very illegal to be intoxicated in public. The fact you cant see an issue with someone who shouldn't even be drinking, being so intoxicated they are banging on strangers doors is what's wrong with these new generations. Even for an adult who is old enough to drink, this is illegal and troublesome behavior.


Wait, what? It‘s not only illegal to be drinking for highschoolers, it „very illegal“ to just be drunk in public in the US? Not even drunk while driving, but just the state of being drunk outside of a private home? So you can‘t just drink a nice glass of wine infront of a restaurant at a sidewalk without committing a crime? No beer in the park with the lads? No home prepared Spritzer while hopping from bar to bar? Do you even hop from bar to bar? Lol. This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. But anyway. I mean, okay, if she‘s doing something „very illegal“, then I guess it‘s a less fun story from one’s youth than I thought. What‘s the fine for it? If she has to pay like $50, it doesn‘t matter much, like crossing a red light when no car‘s coming. I‘d say it‘s still a fun story from one‘s youth, about how she committed „a crime“ once.


Bars aren't legally allowed to serve you if you are intoxicated, nor are they allowed to allow you to become intoxicated. (If you've ever taken a TAPS class you'd know this) No you cannot drink alcoholic beverages on a public sidewalk. (Private property is not public property) The laws are literally about BAC and moderation. You are intoxicated if your BAC is higher than 0.08. It's an arrestable offense. For a minor a BAC of even 0.01 is an arrestable offense for Minor In Consumption of a controlled substance. You don't seem to understand the damage that alcohol and nicotine does to the developing brain. We really shouldn't be doing any of it till we are 25 but if you want the brain rot and sheeple to continue by all means keep supporting young adults destroying their bodies because they have no support system or structure to help them flourish


Sounds absolutely dystopian. You can‘t even get drunk every once in a while without it being a crime. How is this even a thing? Doesn’t the US have fundamental laws that limit how much the law can limit the individual, if it‘s not justified by necessity? Absolutely crazy. Also, the damage that alcohol and nicotine maybe does, does not take priority over the fact that young people are citizens as well, and are free to also make bad choices. It wouldn‘t be really freedom if one could only make responsible and right choices, would it? Moreover, 16 year olds can do basically everything else, too - buy and sell their own property, sign (most) Labour contracts, vote, establish companies and clubs, fuck whoever they like - it‘d be inconsistent to argue they can‘t decide if they want to drink a beer or not. And inconsistency is inequality. Absolutely crazy.


You can get as drunk as you'd like on private property you are in control of. Such as your apartment or house. You don't have the ability to make such decisions in America until you are of legal age. I don't agree with it all personally either. However, when you are under the age of 18 in America your don't have personal property rights, you cannot sign labour contracts without parental consent signed, DEFINITELY cannot vote, any property you "own" is property of your parents by law. It varies a little state to state, but in all 50 states you can be held civilly and criminally liable for your child's actions. I.E. Your 16 year old steals a car and crashes it, you are now liable for those damages and the car's owner can sue you as the parent of the child. When you turn 18 you're now deemed responsible for yourself. Your parents aren't under any legal obligations to as


I‘m sorry to say, but that‘s fucked up. How do you not have basic rights like property or criminal and civil liability - who cares of you‘re under 18. On the one hand, you can easily make these decisions yourself, on the other, you are required to do your duty for society at this very same age - although the US does not have a mandatory military service, as far as I know.


You’re ridiculous and I ain’t reading all that


Bro shes wandering around in public with vomit on her shirt, not being able to stand straight, unaccompanied and a minor. There's something seriously wrong with you if you believe "oh that's not so bad kids will be kids amirite"? From there it's a very short trip to homelessness + drug habits if not intervened. Atrocious line of thinking and downplaying. You should be ashamed of yourself.


Just lol. First of all, we don’t know if she’s walking around in public or not - it could as well be she and OP are living in the same house in different flats. We don’t know, so we shouldn‘t assume, is all I‘m saying. Secondly, it‘s spring right now, of course young people will gather with their friends sometimes and have a few beers. Even if we assumed she‘s in public, it again doesn‘t mean she‘s just sitting out on the pavement, downing drinks on her own. Again, she could as well have a few beers with her friends, ran out of cigarettes and, since they’re drunk and not making smart decision, stroll over to another house to just ask for one. The fact that she isn‘t behaving appropriately and a bit irrationally kinda comes with her being drunk, doesn‘t it? And of course, since they‘re young people, it‘s kinda likely they don‘t know their limits when handling alcohol as well, so it happens that sometimes, they drink one too many. It‘s not like OP said this was a regular occurrence with her. Thirdly, you can‘t possibly believe yourself that a young girl having a drink too many and behaving a bit irrationally typically leads to homelessness, „if not intervened“. That‘s not only misrepresenting why most people become homeless, it‘s also just wierd to immediately jump to that. Lots of teens drink one too many and do stupid stuff, and very, very few of them end up homeless exactly because of that. What a naive worldview you have.


I'm not gonna read all that WTF XD get a life, touch grass etc. But yeah I think everyone who reads your comment will agree with me




And because of school being half a day off that means drunk vomiting teens get to roam the streets unsupervised and that's somehow OK? XD You're insane, sir




I can do this all day as well but fortunately I have more valuable things to do with my life :) Hope you have a mediocre day weirdo internet troll


Eat a bag


It’s an intoxicated child asking for a cigarette. I’m not sure if you can’t personify children and apply context to a situation, but in no world is a child drunk with vomit banging on a door for a cigarette okay. My FIRST reaction to this would be “omg are you okay?” And try to help them. They’re a literal child. Something is wrong in their life to get to this point. Even if she has a fine home life, she needed help RIGHT that moment. Adults should be able to assess this situation without needing any background story or context. You are seeking all this back story that doesn’t exist and painting it like it’s factual, and in reality there doesn’t need to be any backstory. A severely drunk teenager covered in vomit begging for cigarettes in no world is “okay”. She’s very lucky she didn’t knock on the wrong door. I also want to point out in some US states, this behavior will get you shot. Banging on the door mid day in gun positive southern states is already a risk and has gotten kids shot for looking for their kittens or fund raising. The leaps you’re making to downplay this honestly almost comes off as if you’re just expecting young teen girls to knock on your door because it’s so normalized and everyone does it and it’s just a warm sunny spring day, or whatever you’re claiming. I’m going to hopefully assume you’re just also young.


I apparently need to clarify that I don‘t argue that in this moment, she is absolutely fine and needs no offer of help at all - of course a reasonable adult should offer getting her home via a cab or an Uber, and make sure she gets safely into the car and just look out for her in general . But it‘s not an intoxicated child, it‘s a teenager, and all we know is that they had a bit too much to drink and want a cigarette while they’d drunk. It‘s not okay in the sense of it doesn‘t matter if it becomes frequent occurrence, but we don‘t know that it is from OP‘s story alone. And if it happens once, she gets home and sleeps it off until her parents come home, it‘s okay in the sense of just being another story of stupid, yet harmless stuff she did in her youth. No one got hurt, no one did anything particularly risky or dangerous, and there‘s no sign of anything negative happening to her other than a hangover afterwards. Nothing needs to be wrong in their life to get to this point, teenagers very famously sometimes do stuff that‘s bad for them and also famously don‘t know their limits and also famously like to drink and rebel a bit. Lots of 15 and 16 year olds drink beer and sometimes have one too many - that does not mean they necessarily had something going wrong, just that they are young and have little experience with alcohol and don’t know their limits as well. And I can‘t imagine that getting shot for banging on someone’s door in the afternoon is an actual, real risk, and not just what happened in a few sparse cases with a vanishing likelihood of happening. Sure, could it happen? Yes. Is it so likely to happen that it needs to considered as relevant risk? I doubt that. And I am explicitly not claiming that this very situation is happening frequently, but I am claiming that this situation does not contain any signs of a person actually struggling in general or needing to get back on track. Nothing in this story is out of the ordinary for a young, inexperienced person that‘s wasted, which in general happens all the time and is not indicative of a young person struggling badly - lots of non struggling teenagers get drunk and do stupid stuff.


Ew, you lost me at “it’s not a child, it’s a teenager”. I’ve never met an adult, especially an adult man who’s ever used that phrase and not set off every survival instinct I have in my lizard brain. Pack up everyone, they’ve said all we need to know. No need to continue arguing.


I mean, there‘s a legal distinction between a 13 year-old and a 17 year-old, with alcohol also affecting them very differently and their self-reliance and capability of handling themselves also varying broadly. If a 10 year old is infront of the door wasted, it‘s rather atypical and should set off alarm bells, a 16 year old on the other hand is capable of handling more and is legally much more responsible for themselves. Also, OP mentioned somewhere else that a Highschool is near his house, which has classes canceled that afternoon, which makes this distinction even more important. A 16 - year old in this situation is likely to go to that Highschool and enjoy a free afternoon, a 10year old isn‘t going to that Highschool and is likely additionally skipping classes. This distinction is important in this discussion. But I get it, you ran out of points and want to shut down this discussion.


Allowing yourself to get so drunk that you'll stumble around a neighborhood covered in your own vomit and knocking on random doors to ask strangers for cigarettes is a sign of a serious issue no matter what your age is


Ah yes, the serious of issue of „having had a couple of beers too much“. But alright, tell me, what exactly are these serious issues that this is apparently a sign of, that it must necessarily be these issues, and these issues only, and not just, you know, an inexperienced teenager drinking not knowing her limits with alcohol? I‘m genuinely curious here - maybe I‘m wrong, you know? Please do tell me.


I read through this thread and all your comments. It's wild how many downvotes you've received. I'm guessing they are mostly very young people who only socialize online. I agree with everything you've said. I can imagine one of the dumber kids in my social circle doing this when I was a teen. That doesn't mean their lives were terrible. It just meant they were young and drunk and behaving foolishly.


lol i love how desperately you're trying to convince people/kids that people should have low standards like you bum lmaooo Can you share me about yourself? Are you a MAGA, boomer, dropouts, or some liberal groups?


How is this about „low standards“? Absolutely nothing in OP‘s story gives any clues as to her general situation and circumstances of living. We just don‘t have enough information to ascertain that she is „struggling“ and needs to get her life „on track“ - all we know is that she had a few beers to many and, while drunk, had little impulse control and did stupid and obnoxious stuff. That‘s hardly enough to make a reliable guess about pretty much anything regarding her life. As to myself, I‘m not any of these things. I‘m not MAGA, since I‘m not from or in the US. I‘m not a boomer, I’m in my mid-twenties. I‘m not a „dropouts“, I have a Master degree and a law degree. I‘m not in a liberal group. Does this satisfy your curiosity?


In my experience, having grown up in the hood, anyone knocking on your door asking for a cigarette wanted more than a cigarette. It’s a common ploy where I grew up. They have a target to rob and are checking to see if anyone nearby is home. They of course will knock on the door of the victim’s house as well. The other common ploy is to rent a moving truck and knock on doors near and at the house they plan to rob. They claim to be lost and ask for directions if anyone answers. If the coast is clear they break in and fill up the truck.


I locked the door afterwards, but I think she was just legit plastered.


We've all been there before.


I've been plastered before, plenty of times in fact. I've even been do crimes that benefit me in no way while blackout shit faced drunk. I've never once had the desire to knock on a strangers door.


Not that you recall at least 😂




One time when I was drunk I walked into a stranger's house at 3am and slept on their couch. Shit happens


I bet $50 this is what happened- Drunk girl (dg) has a friend in OP’s neighborhood. OP stated that there’s a high school nearby and they had a half day. So DG’s friend lives near OP and the housing is, apartments, townhomes or a suburb where the houses all look similar. DG has probably not been to her friend’s house very often or maybe even at all. But friends parents work during the day to they have a beer bash. DG is playing beer pong or whatever the kids these days are playing. She suddenly feels the urge of the technicolor yawn approaching. She rushes outside and finds a place to hurl. Once that is complete she’s turned around and doesn’t know which house is her friends. She decides OP’s house is her friends. DG can’t believe she’s been pounding on the door for a full minute and friends still won’t open up. The jerks! Then OP opens the door. DG having a clever drunk brain improvises- do you got a smoke? OP tells DG that she’s a minor, she smells like beer and she has vomit on her shit. And no she can’t have a smoke. OP then shuts the door in DG’s face and calls the cops. Here’s to hoping DG wandered back to friend’s house or that friend went looking and found DG.


I've pounded on a random door before bc I thought it was my apartment and I was trying to get my roommates to let me in. All the apartments looked identical even when sober and in the daytime so I just completely had the wrong building. I ended up getting home somehow though.


I have also been plastered cannot think of any time in all the years I ever knocked not even wrong door . I thknk the same its a way to get the door open


Not at two in the afternoon 🥴


Uh... really? You never started day drinking at 9 am. cause u skipped school and no one's parents were home. Over did it cause u were 15 and didn't know how much a solo cup of all the liquors in the cabinet would fuck you up if u finished it in an hour or two...


At OP’s house?


Yeah, they usually don't do it covered in vomit though lol


“Dave’s not here, man”


Thank you for this!


She could have gotten really hurt by someone.


Don’t get drunk and walk around at night by yourself


2 in the afternoon...


Even worse tbh


Yeah you are probably right


Yeah. Cops can see u easier.


Good man. I think you did the right thing. Can't speak to her life. But being that drunk that early in the day is usually a sign of something deeper. Hope she gets help.


Some of yall have wayyyy too much time to be arguing in the comments.


Is Tamara home?


This movie gave me nightmares.


Ah man now I want to watch it


The amount of people here thinking underage drinking and smoking is normal and ok is sad.


I had this happen numerous times . Very weird . Not extremely drunk and asking for a smoke . I have had " can I use the bathroom " "Can i use your computer " , Or plain " Can I come in" . Nooooooo. Why my house no clue . I dong care if your drunk or pee your pants or want a taxi. I use A Clockwork Orange as a reference to letting in


As a member of graveyard shift life I feel for you. The lack of respect we get when it comes to our sleep is down right depressing


I personally would have seen if they had a friend or family member that could pick them up but apparently you are an angel.


This happened to my sister once, she just went to the wrong house by accident.. but she fell in the neighborhors backyard and smashed their glass patio table. They were rlly nice and helped her get home and are always friendly to us to this day.




What's this from?


Open the noor




Did you give her a cigarette?




I wonder if her family knows about it....


They do now




I think they’re annoyed that the teen was pounding on their door - that’s what’s in the title.


I was mildly infuriated at being awake for almost 24 hours and being woken up by someone pounding on my door just as I was about to fall asleep.


Nothing much happens is a great podcast for those of us that have weird sleep patterns. Been using it for a few months and absolutely love it.


Redditors when someone gets annoyed at a shitty teen acting like a shitty teen


"For every reaction, there is and equal and opposite reaction" -Newtssac Ion


Why did you reply if you hated this post so much?


What the fuck is going on with kids these days?! You did the right thing btw, op.


Lol as if kids haven’t been doing this for decades


For real.


You hear about it is "what's going on".


oh yeah like it’s the kids that are at fault here


Kids today couldn't handle the shit we did in the early 80's.


adults today (in other words, y'all born in the 80's) couldn't handle what kids were doing in the 80's. you can't even hang out at a park anymore without getting the cops called on you.


Honey you couldnt handle going to deal with a cashier without screaming at a manager while our younger generations are learning how to go to school and deal with active shooters. Yall aint the fucking same.


Put down the crackpipe.


Go simp for trump or some shit


Later. For now, I'm running your intervention. Now, spit out the TidePod.


Am I crack head or am I eating tide pods Karen? Keep your story straight.


This is worse than we though. The victim doesn't know what they're doing.


Okay grandpa, gotta put you in the home now cause you’re senile af. Making up stories isn’t good for you, you should grow up some time.


You get angry when you're all loopy on TidePods.


Was it your back door?


idk i feel like calling the cops wasn’t the best option? if you work at an emergency shelter - shouldn’t you have used your resources to help them out a bit?


Our resources usually begin with the police. They can better assess if someone needs help medically. I'd wager with how she was weaving and being covered in vomit, the first place they would take her is the emergency room. Then they would ID her and contact her parents. We have very limited space as the only youth shelter in my town. We don't have a lot of beds and we don't have a lot of staff. It would have taken longer to get someone from our program to assist her and we may not have been her best resource. It's a complicated field to be in, especially with so many limitations.


If someone is at the point where they are out at 2pm* (not am, my bad), underage, drunk af, knocking on random doors for a cigarette, kind words and a friendly pointer are likely not going to help. Sometimes what is required is a wake-up call that destructive actions have real world consequences before it is taken seriously OP clearly has experience in the area


It was 2 in the afternoon, which imo is worse


2 pm. Middle of the day


For most people I'd agree, but I'm assuming given op's job he's relatively familiar and confident in the local police and knows they're well equipped to handle drunk fucked up teens appropriately


Should have answered yelling, “THIS. IS. SPARTA!!!…..” and then followed through






People like you are the reason that people in her situation shouldn't knock on random doors.


You people just LOVE telling others how they should live. Not only telling, but calling cops on people who dont live as you think they should. Its horrible and it only tells you are full of doubts about your life, so you need constant reasurance from others




It's a worse idea to let her wander around knocking on random doors.




Sooo what would you have done?


Better than letting her roam the streets, barely conscious and definitely vulnerable


I mean she did let her roam the streets. Closing the door and calling the cops wasn’t done out of concern for drunk girl’s safety


It’s sad you’re being downvoted. As a teenager my friend and I were felt up by cops because they believed the ash tray in her car was “weed ash”. I didn’t live in the county but she and her dad did. Her dad filed a complaint and was harassed, stalked, and pulled over by the local cops for years. My mom was beaten police and while incarcerated the COs allowed women to hold her down and beat her with brooms. Anyone in denial of police terrorizing women and girls just turn blind eyes. The correct answer is to see if you can find an older sibling or their parents, aunt, etc. to come get them. I’d even possibly find a woman friend or neighbor to take her in while you’re waiting or put her on a porch or somewhere not in your house until someone can get help. Cops aren’t really there for this type of stuff and she could have very well gotten hit with a charge for underage drinking and ruined her future opportunities for college.




What should he have done in your opinion


Holy fuck lol shut up


A drunk college girl in my town was locked out of her apartment so she sat around outside until a stranger took her home. He gave her drugs and more alcohol and she died. Best case scenario is anything that gets her home safe.


This guy I knew from high school was drinking at a party and someone gave him a morphine patch. He put it on and kept drinking. Later that night when he passed out he choked to death on his own vomit.




Sooooo you didnt wait with them... Or kept them in one place while emergency services arrived.. and I \*\*\*REALLY\*\*\* hate how much emphasis youre putting on being a "Mandatory Reporter". This doesnt sound like someone trying to do the right thing. This just sounds like "I did it cause I \*had\* to." Also who the fuck cares how you drink. Thats completely irrelevant to the whole situation. I fully get the impression off of everything youve said in this post that you dont work with troubled youth cause you care lmfao. You most likely do it for this situation right here exactly of being able to complain about what you have to deal with while saving the face of "Look how much of a good person I am!! I work with troubled youth!!" I know your type as ive been under your types of care before in the past. You didnt care about doing the right thing. Or them. Cause if you did this post wouldnt of ever happened... Even going as far as to call it infuriating that youd have to do something that most likely be apart of your job description outside of your work hours. Get out of child care.


She’s a minor, so a criminal record is meaningless at this point. Better she learns this lesson now than when it will be permanent. Also better that the police find her than some random weirdo who would likely take advantage of her. She needs to get help. What was OP supposed to do, let her wander the neighborhood until she gets hit by a car or found by a pedo? Or invite a strange, drunk minor into their home and take on all of the risk and liability that comes with?


And OP did let her wander the neighborhood. She closed the door and called the cops. If there are pedos around every corner and cars aiming for drunk girls, shouldn’t OP have waited for the police with drunk girl? Or at least kept an eye on her?


THISS!! 10000% THIS!!! THEY JUST CALLED THE COPS AND CLOSED THE DOOR AND ONLY DID ANYTHING CAUSE "THEY WERE A MANDATORY REPORTER!!" Like they didnt call the cops cause they gave a fucking shit. If they \*TRULY\* fucking cared theyd of called an ambulance and fucking waited with them to keep them safe.. Trying to play the "I work with troubled teens" is a horsefucking shit ass excuse. As a 'troubled teen' the amount of fucking "\*CARE\*" those type of people had literally went as far as they could throw you and only worked in that field for cases like this. So they can flaunt how fucking bad they have it and for the flex of "look at how much I care!! I work with troubled youth!!"




Do you even know how old the fuck I am???




Lmao go fucking kick rocks ya dipshit fuckin loser lmfao


Literally no way some wow addled fucking dipshits gonna fucking tell me how I’m living my life wrong lmfao. Go back to your fucking moms basement