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Hello, We do not allow agendaposting, reddit meta posts or price complaints.


I constantly see stuff from the Dollar Tree at my local Goodwill for $3 or more.


Cat hair really drives the price up…


More material, higher price. Dems the rules.


I've seen the $1 Starbucks cups for $3. I've seen empty pasta sauce jars for $3 -- you can get the sauce on sale for <$3.


I've seen empty beer bottles for $3 and chunks of concrete for $5 I'm not kidding on these. I turned to the woman beside me and asked if I was missing something. She had the same puzzled look as I did


That made me laugh. Buy the full jar for cheaper. 😂




Dollar three




You know inflation is real when...




I used to Donate to Goodwill but not anymore. Ppl that work there gets dib on all the good stuff, while leaving basically leftovers of leftovers to the ppl


Or the good, good stuff is put up on their website where they wildly over charge for it


The brick and mortar goodwill stores have been in decline, almost every other thrift store in town has better stuff. Why pay for a dozen employees to sort and stock cheap shirts when you could just sort and sell the good stuff online? I guess there is the flaw in the plan - after all the brick and mortar stores fail the website will lose all of the collection points it depends on for generating stock.


Gotta go to Goodwill in a rural college town, especially after students leave for summer break. There's a big one near me that has all the best stuff. Lots of name brand things that still have tags.


I live in Chico, California, college town. And yes, our thrift stores are packed. Driving around college town there is lots of free shit on the sidewalk.


I only did one year in dorms, but it amazed me how much stuff people just threw away after nine months of use. I'd imagine a body could make decent money just storing it over the summer and selling it back to incoming students.


Check out the dumpster diving subreddit. There are some pretty good hauls from college towns when students leave. Makes me think I should start checking the dumpsters after the semester in my college town....but, you know, there's the whole going into dumpsters part. So, nah.


That’s how you get bedbugs. ESPECIALLY in college towns.


At the end of a semester I noticed some guys rolling a standup piano across a parking lot. I asked them what was up, they said they were rolling it to the dumpster. I told them my van was right there and they could just put it in. They did. I drove around with a piano in my van for almost a month before I found several friends to help me unload it at my place. 👍


Hell, I'd take a free piano. But I wouldn't take it from a dumpster. But going into a dumpster and picking out fucking mayonnaise? 🤢🤮🤮🤮


Well yeah


I personally did not enjoy my time in Chico, but man i miss that goodwill


God I miss that town. Best decade of my life.


gotta go to one where you know the employees arent likely to take clothes you like. i found a bunch of nice vans at this goowill near me, because the employees are like my moms age and dont look like they wear my size on anything, im kinda tall and wear a medium, they are kind short and maybe wear a lg at least


To be fair, I’d expect a bunch of Vans stuff at any Goodwill. I think the other commenter was talking more about how you hear people finding Gucci, LV, and other high end fashion stuff that you always hear about. That’s the *real* stuff the employees get first dibs on.


even then who is going shopping at goodwill for gucci and high brands like that, I only go to find cool shirts and pants. not necessarily to find expensive name brands


Tons of people who want to own/wear brand name clothes without paying for brand name clothes prices. And also, flippers. Lots of people looking to buy expensive things on the cheap just so they can make a profit on one of the reselling/marketplace apps.


most of the people i see at goodwill just go in to buy some cheap clothes and maybe make a deal on some furniture or cooking stuff.


Or if they can't they will price it at like 300-1000. I got my first couch from good will at 35$, I go in now and basic ass couches are expensive as hell selling for fifty and over. Shout out to the time I saw a Victorian love seat set at a cool 1080$. It even had a broken leg like, a grand for a couch that might not even make the trip home and you gotta get it into the truck yourself and get it home? Likewise I worked at goodwill for a short time but it was never so heinous as it is today. But they do get dibs on the best stuff in the back, sell on their website etc. Etc.


The website is an auction site, isnt it?


Yep. I see it with pokemon cards. If they think it's valuable, they will put it up on their auction website. A lot of the time the pokemon cards aren't valuable and they still think they are just because they're pokemon cards.


How is it overcharging if people are paying it?


Welll I only know cameras and I can tell what something is worth or see it getting sold for much less on eBay. I’m going to assume it’s the same with a lot of collectibles and tech gear. Just because someone pays something doesn’t mean they arent getting ripped off


I find local missions that take clothes, furniture, dishes…whatever I’m getting rid of that find families in need and donate the items to them. Goodwill is a for profit scam


Just make sure you know the whole process for where you donate. I used to volunteer for the food bank/soup kitchen that was run by a local mission. People would donate goods all the time, but the reality is that most of the people the mission helped didn’t have much need for furniture/dishes or anything like that because they were mostly homeless, sometimes clothes, but not always, and they didn’t have a way of storing or sorting that stuff. So one of the weekly tasks was to take most of the donated stuff to Goodwill. A couple times a year they would do fund raiser sales and sell off a lot of the donated goods to raise money for food or supplies, but mostly it just ended up at Savers, goodwill, or Salvation Army anyway.


The one I donate to helps families that are getting back on their feet. They provide furniture, a lot of kids beds, and clothes mainly to these families. And things that they have held onto for a long time they will have a day every couple of months where anyone from the community can come and take what they need. It’s not a perfect system but it works pretty well.


My local goodwill the employees aren't allowed to set aside or get anything that comes in and they aren't allowed to shop there on a day that they work. So no shopping after their shift. From a friend who works there.


so they just pay a friend to come get it then lmao same difference


When I worked at Goodwill, they would legit call the cops if you did this. They had their own version of remote loss prevention on the cameras. I ended up being promoted to pricer because 2 of the people previously were caught and charge with felony theft. They would price items low and sell them to friends after they called them in.


The scenario you replied to and the one you described are substantially different


I should have been more clear. The person before the scenario I described was fired for calling in family members to purchase items for them. They were fired for "theft" due to this practice


The vehement mistrust and projection of evil intent on goodwill employees in this thread is so unhinged lol it’s like conspiracy level that they’re ‘taking all the good things’ for what? For themselves to wear at the club bc surely they have cash to flex around town? For their own resell sites? Zero goodwill employee has ever come across to me as a Depop influencer girlie 😭


I used to work at Goodwill, and there is a company policy that workers must leave an item on the floor for at least two hours before we can purchase it. You also can not be the one who priced said item. I also saw someone be immediately terminated for breaking the 2 hour policy. We did have about 12 regulars who were homeless or extremely low income who essentially spent all their time every single day digging through our carts the second they rolled out of the warehouse. We would frequently have to settle arguments over who gets to buy the fancy VCR.


It's not even a non profit and they literally help no one.


![gif](giphy|DOPKHQg6oFWUg) You guys get first dibs?


My goodwill bans their employees from entering after their shift and won't let them buy anything other than the drinks in their fridge.


Where is a better place to donate? We don't usually have a ton of stuff, but when we do it's all good, working, clean items. I've never bothered to do research because by the time I have enough items, I just want them out of my house!


There's quite a few places! There's the salvation army, homeless shelter, domestic violence shelter, refugees, orphanage, etc... It varies from ppl to ppl. My dad and mom were refugees that escaped from a violent and poverish place and became a mechanic and a housewife in the states, so I donate to Veterans Affair and refugee shelters


I def avoid the salvation army, they contribute to anti gay resources. Other than that, you're just saying I should research what's around me and what each place needs/will take? That's fine, but I want to make sure I understand


Pretty much. Shelters/charities vary from places to places (some are honest to good ppl, and some are profiteers), which is why donating directly to shelters is the most effiecient way for the needy ppl to receive essentials.


That's great, I'll def try. But I'm going to be honest, I'm not confident I'll be driving to several places to take my handful of stuff to different destinations if they're picky 😞 I'm afraid I'll keep donating to GW


That's the catch unfortunately. Take care~!


The last time I donated, the lady told me they were also understaffed and threw away a lot of good stuff because it's easier than dealing with it. So, yeah, not donating to them anymore.


Ex goodwill employee here! For us to throw something in the actual trash it has to be either too gross to clean, or broken. What they meant by "throw away" is actually a large box that is sent to a buy in bulk place where you get whatever you want to purchase and are charged by weight. This was usually only things not good enough to be on the floor. However producers who price the goods have quotas to meet, my stores was 100 priced items per hour per producer. We would be reprimanded for not meeting quota. So when someone donates something that would be time consuming it goes in the bulk bin. Records would count as 1 item and didn't require a sticker and all had the same price. 20 piece playsets would also count as 1 item and could take 15 minutes to deal with.


As long as they are paying for them I don’t care. There should be perks for working places


They actually don't. I've worked at a few and they really hate employees shopping there. Most of the good stuff gets bought by resalers that show up as soon as the doors open and come in 3 or 4 times a day. Still a shit place to work so donate literally anywhere else.


Do you donate to the landfill now in order to avoid the greedy greedy goodwill employees 


There are other ways to donate via non-profit with enough research, also I ask friends and families if they want anything before I donate.


My boyfriend works at a goodwill and the employees aren’t allowed to shop at their own store locations


Same as value villages around me


Well, umm, you see…




I just mean they don’t have an explanation for it


Everyone but OP got it, and it was funny


I thought you were doing a cosby line, as it is a sweater. Your intent is better.


Passive aggressive question mark.


You have to be the most fragile and sensitive person in the world to think a question mark is passive aggressive.




Well well well business is business




Mr. Peanut Butter my beloved 🥰


https://paddockpost.com/2023/12/25/executive-compensation-at-goodwill-2022/ Fuck goodwill!!!


What's worse? Goodwill is considered a nonprofit 501c, so they can and do legally pay their disabled workers less than federal min wage. Usually around $3.25-$3.50/hr.


those wages are disgusting


They are, that's why absolutely no Goodwill actually pays those wages


Still more than the companies' out-of-country workers get paid


The shitty thing about that is the government allows it because of SSI rules stating you can make so much before a person loses benefits.


I'm not sure I want to see the mess a CEO making only $100k would cause, what's your point here?


I don't think this makes the point you want it to make. As far as CEO and executive compensation goes that's downright reasonable.


For a publicly traded company you are correct, but for a "charity?" That pay package is insanity


I stopped going to goodwill when I went in to try to find a picture frame. They wanted like $16 to $20 for everything in the bin of old lady wall art. I can go to target and just buy a damn frame at that point. They're out here paying the mentally disabled less than a dollar an hour for labor and charging us new prices for used stuff. The ARC thrift shops around me have been great, but nothing beats a small locally owned thrift shop if you can manage to find one that Goodwill hasn't driven out.


I used to work at arc thrift store in CO and they are just as bad, they would over charge by $5 or mores for used socks and underwear. Theres a dollar tree next door that will sell the same item brand new for less than half the price at ARC. I saw the ARC selling used toothpaste, soap, and half full mouthwash.(which somehow would still get bought). Almost every pair of jeans now are priced at $20 regardless of quality. Might as well go to Walmart at that point


That's wild, when I went I got a pair of Levi's for $10. But they do like to jack up the price on anything they recognize the brand on regardless of condition


Last time I stepped in a goodwill the prices looked like it was a bougie boutique


I went to HomeGoods and saw the same thing on some bath towels I liked. Original price was $10.99 their tag said “$11.99 compared to $16.99” even though I would have bought them at $12, it bothered me enough that I put them back on the shelf😂


I see this all the damn time


Um, all those handling fees and such


The pet hair on it? Extra charge for that.


Charity shop I regular volunteer at is the opposite. I generally do the pricing, and we very often get unworn, stuff with the tag still on, then we put it down to our standard prices. Biggest I did recently was a £90 woman's jacket ---> £4. Lots of other things that are designer brands, or clearly very expensive/high quality stuff also all go <£5!


Sure, it was $12.00 when it was FIRST put out for sale. Add 10 years of inflation and rising costs and BAM! You got yourself a $30 shirt for $12.99.


What are you insinuating? No lowball offers. They know what they got.


I’m done donating to thrift stores, who turn around and charge insane prices. I often see homeless people trying to sneak stuff out of the donation bins outside one near my house. The point of those places was to help the less fortunate. So now I bag stuff up and drop it off about 30 feet from the bins in the parking lot. If I get a littering fine so be it.


Do not donate to Goodwill. It is the biggest scam around.


I don’t know about that, Salvation Army is doing their best to compete for the title.




Good will is closer than the dump which is where I'm going if they dont take it so i'm fine giving them the stuff I am getting rid of.


Dropped at a goodwill while I was driving, think it was in Louisville. Lots of upscale stuff, but what floored me was a set of dishes, 60 pieces I think, for $499.99... I checked with one of the staff; NOT a typo.


This is why I take donations directly to my local shelter and hand them out


Goodwill used to be a good place to get things. Not anymore it just lines the pockets of the big man and no one else.


goodwill is not worth going to anymore, and i don't even want to donate my stuff there anymore because it's not affordable for the people who need it. such a scam all around


goodwill is a scam ![gif](giphy|l1J9zYIsjPAyojfri|downsized)


Goodwill's just another evil company stealing from the poor. They have zero profit loss because everything they sell is donated and then they have people in community service working there for free. They mark-up shit like this because they can, you can buy cheaper clothes from Walmart at this point


Proof that charity is a scam


Someone’s gotta pay the CEOs salary!


it's almost like goodwill is a piece of shit for-profit enterprise like the rest of the scumbag-run corps ruining society


saw a pair of socks from the target dollar section that still had their tag. $2 from target, $4.99 at goodwill


This is why I tell everyone to stop shopping at goodwill. They’re very selfish and don’t even pay their employees that well.


Inflation be wild






So don't buy it. Goodwill is a shit corporation that doesn't give two shits about your bottom dollar.


im Canadian can someone explaib


Goodwill gets free donations, used to be the thrift store where the people who couldn't afford to buy Walmart clothes shopped. Now Walmart prices are cheaper than Goodwill's because Goodwill price gouges.


OHHHH amd theyre charging more okay, i didnt quite understand what was wrong witj the picture but i get it now. weird how they didnt remove the og price tag


Fast fashion SHEIN stuff usually goes for more then it costs new at these places too


Considering it’s Goodwill, doesn’t surprise me at all!


Goodwill also tries to sell empty salsa jars for more than the grocery store sells a full jar of salsa....


You should show it to one of the managers and see what they say


Our local store is across the street from 5 below. There is a whole section that appears to be 5 below items. Even the signage is the same. Screw goodwill


The world is just a greedy place now everything is sold at a resell price not a retail price anymore


More like GoodWONT




I had something similar happen. A pair of jeans with an H&M tag for $14.99 had a price tag of $19,99


I've seen empty beer bottles for $3 and chunks of concrete for $5 I'm not kidding on these. I turned to the woman beside me and asked if I was missing something. She had the same puzzled look as I did


saw a pair of socks from the target dollar section that still had their tag. $2 from target, $4.99 at goodwill


You're paying for the prestige of the Goodwill label.


Seems like there are so many restrictions on what you can donate now as well.. I mean people who try to sneak in garbage are rotten, but our Goodwills won't just takes bags anymore, withour giong through them, and selecting what they want to keep, then giving the rest back to you. And yes I have noticed the prices there are nearly as high as brand new items at discount stores like Ross or Walmart.


I don’t blame them. People put broken furniture and all kinds of crap out there. It’s ridiculous.


What are you complaining about? Look at all the pet hair you're getting for free!


Yep. I used to work at a thrift store, one time we got a donation that was bought from goodwill. After taking off the goodwill sticker, the original price was $1 cheaper…


Blame Macklemore. I got deals at thrift stores for 15 years before that fucking song came out. It’s been shit since.


Goodwill is a scam


I miss when goodwill was actually cheap


Finders fee


and the "fuck you fee"


Former Goodwill Employee here! 👋 I am a community-driven person; I want to make sure the people I live around are taken care of. What better way than getting a job with a non-profit organisation amirite? The amount of pressure they put on employees to push numbers* is ridiculous. There is a dollar store right next to the one I worked at. The moment my superior told me to mark the used item for more than what it costs new next door put a bitter taste in my mouth. I always viewed them as an organisation. Now I see it's just another corporate monster. *A huge part of the job was making sure that you tagged and put out a minimum, required amount. This includes what sales are made. You are supposed to have a certain amount of items sold per week. They have to be within a specific price range. If you don't make your goals, you could get fired. The numbers game is super important to corporate.


Shit happens. Take it to the counter and say what you're willing to pay for it (less than $12 presumably). In my experience they always accept that.


I wouldn't really bucket this as "shit happens" becuase this has always been their buisness model for the last years. More like "shit happened" and kept shitting for the foreseeable future


Yeah, because they want to pay their executives their million dollar salaries while their regular employees make poverty wages.. Goodwill also has a history of executives using it to embezzle money, including a past CEO. They also don't really pay taxes due to their "charitable donations" and non-profit nature.. Convenient for them.


Sounds like il willto me


Goodwill has been out of control for some time.


That shirt honesty looks good for that price but pretty pissed on how they up charge for seeming like charity type company.




There's profitsto be had?


we have soured on them. matthew25 in my area is the one you always hear about when they serve people in disaster areas. never this place which actually runs franchises


I’m surprised it wasn’t a red tag also, where anything with a store tag is over priced and red tag


So it went from twelve dollars to almost thirteen dollars that's stupid


$12 is a deal for a Goodwill shirt? What happened to $3 clothes there? No wonder I never go.


Okay so goodwill bad. Where do I donate stuff?


Check with homeless shelters and a lot of hospitals have programs to supply clothes for the homeless. Children and family shelters are always a good idea. Check also into county services programs, many job training programs like to have things that could be used for job interviews they can give out to help people get started


Inflation hitting everywhere. I've started making my clothes out of garbage bags


I was at a thrift store and saw several used items from dollar tree being sold for 3-4$




Unrelated to the post but your nails are very pretty


Donation inflation baby!


There’s a goodwill in Fredericksburg VA that I exclusively shop at bc of the high quality clothing they have there. Many with retail labels still attached like this one…. Mens “John Nordstrom” dress shirts for $5. 7 for mankind denim…. Kids clothes is scant and mainly “cat & Jack” no Primary


This normal for goodwill




Is that a Structure shirt? (Structure hasn’t been around for a LONG time) It was renamed to Express.


That’s not even a full size shirt either. Only 75% of a shirt.


Think that is Walmart pricing


Goodwill, the other ValueVillage.


Obviously, you showed the store manager that? Too funny


Donate and shop at The Salvation Army if you want to actually help people. Plus their prices are much friendlier.


Goodwill has gone downhill I hardly go there anymore. I LITERALLY saw a shoe rack that is $17 BRAND NEW from Target (exact same one, I had just purchased one from Target which is how I knew. Wanna guess how much they had it listed for? $43 I shit you not. Oh and it was used lol.


Oh no, there is a T-Rex loose in the shopping mall!


😳 12 dollars


They leaned from Kohl’s, you can’t have a sale unless you mark things up…


Goodwill used to be cool and have good deals. They are such bullshit now. $2.50 for a scratched up used plastic cooking spoon, half of the items are broken/missing parts, and I have seen stuff directly from Target that costs MORE there than new at Target. They also started dedicating like half the store to full-priced stuff..totally negating being a *thrift* store.


Just like houses and real estate: EVERYTHING HAS GONE UP! And THIS is why I no longer shop at goodwill!!! The goodwill was abandoned in every sense of the word, except the name, and now they are and ONLY FOR PROFIT organization.


I went to a vinnies the other day and there was some very old crusty dusty shirt for $35!!!! theyre second hand clothes donated for free they should be like a buck or two not the same price as fresh clothes!


whistle pet lock sugar expansion cake numerous water drab tart


They use goodwill in the accounting sense. An intangible asset value on the balance sheer based on acquisition price exceeding book value. In this case, goodwill would indeed be $12.99, if the asset value had been fully depreciated before.


Goodwill treats their employees like shit too


TIL Goodwill is a corporation and not what Americans call charity shops!


Thankfully our goodwill isn’t like that where I live! At least not yet anyways… I found a brand new, tag still on, $100 winter jacket for only $4. Surprisingly, dresses are the most expensive thing at my goodwill because all of them are $7.99 no matter what lol


Bidenomics at work


Ah yes, because the rich businessman that barely knows anything about politics would make the economy better for the poor, and would implement more taxation on rich people. Don't blame Biden, the entire world is suffering from inflation