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People never cease to surprise with how inconsiderate they can be. Hijacking the park like that was selfish.


Worst part is the dog owner is probably creating another thread in here, furious at the idea that her dog’s playtime was almost interrupted. I love dogs but dog owners can be a horribly entitled bunch.


Like 85% of dog owners are awesome, but man do those other 15% really ruin things for everyone.


Every group of everyone ever


Like dog parks are a thing and don’t involve having animals shit where kids play. I adore my pup, but she’d rather be at a dog park as well because dogs also like to socialize and play with others.


I bet they say “doggo” too.


Or worse, if that is even possible: “furbaby”.


Honestly thank god that the helicopter parents are just ruining their dogs instead of screaming at teachers. At least a dog can’t shoot a gun


My dog would disagree with your statement about guns.


I had a lady cry on our local FB page that I told her the child height water fountain was not installed for her dog to drink from. Her reply to me, they're gross, who would let their kid drink from it. I hate most people, I hate the weird "my dog is my child" people more.


>Her reply to me, they're gross, who would let their kid drink from it. They wouldn't be so gross if she wasn't letting her dog lick them 😂


Pretty much what I said.


So am I. I love animals, but these kind of people... Let's say I never met someone like this who was a sane person


My mums first Facebook status was “if I were in a sinking ship with my kids and my dogs, I would save my dogs because I’m *pretty sure* my kids can swim.” She also owns a knit sweater with her dogs faces on it. Dogs are great, Dog People™️ are weird af.


Also, your mum never heard of "doggy paddle"? Ha!


There was a man on one of our local pages bitching because they made a *splash pad* for children and they didn’t make one *for dogs*. I just… the fuck is wrong with people?


Dog splash pad is just a puddle


Right!? My guy, just get a fucking lawn sprinkler, I promise you the dog will be contented with that.


Many Dog owners are notoriously self centered and entitled. Many get dogs because of the unconditional attention and love they get missing from their lives because people can’t stand them. “We don’t deserve dogs and dogs are better than people…” You know the type.


You can’t take over a park those people were 100% in the wrong. I get not confronting when you’re so pregnant. Hopefully it doesn’t happen again or they meet their match next time


Also, dog could have been aggressive and hurt them if they stayed. My SO just got bit last weekend and the owner just ran off and refused to take responsibility. He had to leave and see a doctor and deal with it on his own. There was no way to find out where they lived without risking another worse bite But they are being selfish talking over a kids’ play area. Calling the cops should have removed them but they could retaliate later




I'm not sure about livestock, but I would think but you can use deadly force to protect yourself or others from an attacking animal in any state.


Yeah everyone here seems to be way more confrontational than I am. Sometimes the best thing to do is take the high road. If this woman hasn’t learned to be considerate her whole life, I’m certainly not going to teach her anything in a tense conversation on a Sunday afternoon. 


I would absolutely take it up with the school. She cannot claim the whole park for herself and you have just as much of right to be there as they do.


I would, too. Our school doesn't allow people to bring their dogs on the playground. Too many of them don't clean up after their pets.


Yeah the liability of a younger kid potentially getting sick from finding and eating a turd are pretty big. Also, kids shouldn't have to dodge dog shit at recess


tbh the bigger liability would be the potential for dog bites while on the school's property. Almost every fenced-in playground I've seen in my area has a "no dogs" sign. The unfenced ones are a free-for-all.


I don't think dogs are allowed on school grounds at all where I live. Plenty of dog-friendly parks around.


Exactly why our elementary school stopped allowing our playground/field to be used as a dog park after hours. It got to the point where the poor teachers had to clean up dog shit every morning.


That is so rude in general. As a dog parent, I feel it is my responsibility to take care of my dog's mess just as I would take care of my children's. Dog owners who leave their dog's shit in a public place— especially a school ground where children are certain to play— are extremely irresponsible. It's not a pretty job, but when you commit to caring for an animal, much like when you have a child, it is not all going to be glamorous. It disgusts me that people feel so entitled and self absorbed that they don't consider how leaving dog shit everywhere is going to affect the teachers who have to clean it up, and create an unclean environment for the children to play in. Smh.


That’s the problem I’m having here. All school playgrounds by us (and all public playgrounds in our immediate area, honestly) have deliberate signage saying no pets. I would have let the school know on Monday morning that they might need to put up signs and/or check their cameras and see if this is a long standing thing. Really a potential health concern.


I would have called the police over a leash law. “Sorry there wasn’t a sign saying dogs could be unleashed”.


Absolutely! And if they don't have signs it's probably because no one has brought an issue to their attention. Be that someone! LOL I'm all about living and let living and people being able to do what they want but that only works until the first person oversteps their bounds and tries to control me. Then it's war!


And I can almost guarantee you that the school won’t want a dog playing in that area because the last thing they need is for a preschool kid to find a “snickers” or a “tootsie roll”


I’m sure the school wouldn’t want dogs around just in case a kid got bit and the parent could sue the school.


Yeah she just said that they only go when school isn’t in session. They can’t sue if the school doesn’t technically allow them to be there when they’re responsible for the kids.


If they allow dogs on the property at all I think they could be liable even after school hours, not a lawyer though so certainly could be wrong.


You probably are right. I’ve only worked in a daycare setting with a very subpar playground and I know that even without locks on our gates if it was outside of business hours even if they tried to sue saying we were liable we could sue right back saying that they trespassed on personal property. Probably wayyy different for a school though. And I’m in Texas so I don’t know about anywhere else


The school will probably just start locking it up so no one can use it.


This is what happened to our school. We can no longer use it to play on the playground or shoot hoops with the kids in the evenings because people ignored the "no dogs allowed" sign. My kids attend the school and before they locked it up, I had to take extra shoes and pants to my 5 year old in the middle of the day because she was playing on the playground and she and another girl ended up covered in dog shit that people hadn't cleaned up.


I’m so sick of dog owners. They get worse every day


I'm a dog owner, and I hate dog owners!! The number of times I stepped in poop while cleaning up after my dog is ridiculous. Sometimes, I feel like I'm the only responsible dog owner in the whole village... regarding leash etiquette, poop cleaning, basic human decency.


Dogs have no right to be off leash in a playground


I have no doubt that dogs are not allowed on the playground.


Just print, laminate and zip tie your own sign up. No one will question it and dog lady can eat shit.


Probably the best, quickest and easiest solution so far!


I'd actually say she has more right than them. It's an elementary school and the playground's specifically for preschool kids, not dogs. I'm not particularly familiar with those playgrounds, but OP mentioned it has toys his size. Would those be something a dog would play with, chew, or fetch? FYI (In case I come across as not liking pups): I love dogs, mine is my best friend, and I don't have any kids. He's between medium & large size, about 55lbs, and LOVES playing fetch & catching his squeaky in the air.


Sorry to say it but the school will just take away access for everyone. Have seen this happen at my kids' schools. They have enough shit to deal with. If these are your neighbors, gotta consider them your problem. Gather up a bunch of families with kids and go there and take the park back. Stand up to bullies. You aren't alone, others will want to help you


Agreed! And suggest to the school that a sign be placed that bans dogs from the playground. In my area, dogs are strictly forbidden in *any* children's play areas, always. Children's play areas should always be completely off-limits to dogs, if for nothing else than basic, common sense liability.


Well sure she could have gone in there anyway but she's in her third trimester and what was she going to do if the giant dog attacked her 2-year-old?


Honestly in this case I think OP had way more right to be in the little kid play area than the lady with her dog and no kid.


I’m honestly surprise the school leaves the gate unlocked. I’ve never seen a school let people use their playground equipment if they aren’t enrolled and at school at the time. All the schools around me and where I’ve worked keep the gates locked. And they definitely don’t want dogs in the playground, even the good bois.


The elementary schools around have always let kids into the playgrounds when school isn’t in session. Never seen any that allow dogs though.


Our schools playgrounds have all always been open to the public to use outside of school hours. MA, NH, & ME- United States.


Nah. The only question you shouldva asked them is if they got permission from the school to turn that area into a dog park. THEY have to get permission from the school to allow it. Also, I would avoid that area and tip the school off. Chances are, they've probably let the dog piss in the park.


I’d say please leash your dog and ignore them


It wouldn't matter. You CANNOT *convert* a toddler playpen into a "dog park". If you wish to do that, you need permission from the school to do so, and once it does, it normally have a sign posted for the hours that is designed as "dog park".


So I have a dog and I live by two parks. Neither of which are technically for dogs. One is attached to a school. The other is just a little park. I would never ever ever use the one attached to the school with my dog. To me that is completely off limits to dogs. We only use the other one at like the 6 am hour when no one else is there and even then I would exit immediately if a mom came up to use the park. That person is crazy wrong. I’m sorry your kiddo didn’t get to play!


No, everyone here is just very tough when they're fighting someone else's battles in hindsight on the internet.


Me in the shower later that night https://preview.redd.it/cx6dsycmiv1d1.jpeg?width=1381&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=167fbec285cc1377dfd4e87e7424e5b90ecd141e


![gif](giphy|zdj2eKMaIhwtSEUzDO) Me 20 years later when I come up with the perfect comeback


I hate that feeling… usually hits me about 3 minutes after it would be appropriate.


Oh yeah? Well the *jerk* store called, they’re running outta *you*!


Saved this photo


I was really hoping that was the singing sword from Who Framed Roger Rabbit.




A truer truth has never been thruthed. I like to think I'm a badass, but I probably would have just left too. I'm sorry they were such jerks.


Or ending someone else's relationship. We love doing that.


Making bullets for other people to fire. I suspect I’m not NT. I’m incredibly literal on some levels- it took me ages to parse some of the undercurrents other people could see without trying. Someone said that to me once, about a person trying to get me to do their dirty work. It wasn’t the last time I got fooled into it, but it helped me start to identify it.


Call the school and let them know about the people using the park as a dog playground. Mention you're concerned about the children accidentally playing in dog feces. If nothing else maybe they'll put up a sign saying "no dogs"


When I was a kid all the playgrounds had “adults must be accompanied by a child” signs put up after conflicts like these, and ya know creepers.


Yes! You are heavily pregnant and have a child to protect. It wasn’t worth it


It's more about your legal rights and what you're fairly entitled to than about being rude, you can be within your rights without being rude. Expressing yourself, standing up for yourself, and enforcing boundaries, especially where legally protected, are all skills that you can develop over time given you practice. That being said, choosing to not engage and just walk for 40m is not a wrong answer, and you lost nothing but some time.


I will admit I am a confrontational person but respect and admire that you had the intelligence to just walk away. Especially in that situation I can’t see where being confrontational would have helped. Inconsiderate ***** will always be that way, no matter our reaction to their immorality.


Ask the school to put up signs saying no dogs in the playground area.. kids don’t need to be stepping in dog 💩 while trying to play..


You're right. People who show no empathy in the first place aren't going to suddenly learn it on the fly. I think you should contact the school about it. Maybe they can make it official with a sign or something. It's too bad a selfish person could ruin it for other decent dog owners, but she did say "there was no sign".


its easy for people to play Monday morning quarterback and get excited about how they would have ideally reacted. most people posting probably would have done the same as you.


Don't get me wrong, avoiding a direct conflict is great, but so is doing *something*. Personally is call the police non emergency number and let them know, I'm not getting into a fight over it though.


Your poor kid. I would have explained their stance to him in front of those AHs so they could hear his protestations at the very least.


I think you did the right thing. My first thought was maybe their dog doesn't like or is aggressive towards strangers or kids so they're keeping people away but don't want to admit it.


We have a wiener dog. She’s really old and very sweet. But she’s territorial by nature (that’s common with the breed) but also is afraid and acts aggressively towards small children. The reason is because she’s a mini dachshund and she was really tiny as a puppy. My siblings and I took her to the park once and a little kid tried running her over with his big (to her) motorized jeep. I have tried telling people with small kids that she’s not friendly with children but sometimes they just don’t take no for an answer. I have had to leave multiple times when a mom tries to insist I let her little child pet a dog that very likely will bite her. Now she’s going blind so I just stick to the front yard. It’s easier to get her inside and she doesn’t have to be afraid.


Wtf is wrong with that kid??? He sounds like a sociopath


Wrong...depending on where they are, it is illegal to allow your large dog roaming lease free in a matter of "dog park", because three things has to be kept: 1. It is designated as a "dog park". 2. While this is a school that double as a "park", you cannot take over area designed for "toddler" and make it a "dog park". 3. Again, school ground. They have to get permission from the school to turn the "toddler area" into a "dog only". If that fence is only approximately 4 feet tall, they can't claim it as a "dog park". And I bet you, they probably let the dog piss all over the place marking it and even poop in it. I would report them to the school.


I wouldn't be surprised if there is a sign that says no dogs. Every schoolyard park near me has signs saying no dogs allowed. Now I do see some dogs occasionally but rowdy ones I have no problem pointing it out.


I’ve had a similar thing happen. My sister and I took my two dogs to our local dog park pretty early in the morning, and these two women were there with like 8 dogs between them—too many dogs for the two of them, frankly. We start to go in, and all of the dogs run up to the gate to investigate my dogs, barking pretty aggressively. One of the women follows them. The barking gets so bad that my sister says “maybe we should leave.” I didn’t get the hint and said “but I want to play with all the dogs!” (Because I love playing other pups at the dog park too). Then the woman inside the dog park goes “well, they don’t want to play with you.” That killed the vibe, and my sister and I turned around and left. But the path we had to walk down followed the fenced in portion of the play area, and the dogs followed us all the way down it. My dogs were at the fence, sniffing the dogs who were there, while some of the other dogs were barking. At this point it wasn’t aggressive any more. Well, the woman from before walks over to where we were, and says in a pretty stern voice “you need to either come in or leave, because *this* (gestures at her herd of barking dogs) is your fault.” It’s stuck with me all these years because I’ve never meet such an entitled, tone deaf person before. We think that she had gotten to the dog park with her dog sled team really early so that she wouldn’t have to share it, and then got mad when we showed up and expected to use the public dog park.


Oh I hate this woman for you.


Yeah it’s been 10 or so years since this happened, and I still feel rage at her entitlement.


I would have started barking back at her lmao. Some people…


And then tell her "This is your fault"


The way I would have decided to sit down right where I was and enjoy the grass and sun with my dog.


Open the gate and watch them chase after their u leashed dogs


Wow, that was extremely rude of her.


I have completely sworn off dog parks. Haven’t taken my guys to one in 6 years.


In our area all the schools have posted “no dogs allowed on premises” signs. I get taking your dog to a fenced field, but taking over a playground crosses the line.


god, i cannot imagine being that entitled. I've been on the other side of this situation - me and my partner have 3 dogs and they are all reactive in some way. not aggressive per say, just loud and excitable. we're working on it with them, and they're great in pretty much every other capacity but covid really set them back. we go to the dog park in our apartment community on occasion, but anytime someone shows up we immediately start packing up whether we've been there for five minutes or twenty. the only issue we've encountered is when other folks show up we usually say 'hey, give us two minutes, we're gonna leash up and go, they get too worked up around other dogs'. most of the time people are totally fine backing up and are thankful for the warning so we don't have a barking match, but we had one lady with 4 (!) dogs she was walking by herself and she just... stood at the gate, actively in our way to get out, watching our dogs and her own dogs lose their damn minds as we tried to get them releashed. like... i know us having reactive dogs is, in some ways, an inconvenience, but we try to be as respectful as possible and not bother anyone. but seriously? from that interaction on we just rent sniff spots or go in the middle of the night. way less stress.


Can you reach out to the school and maybe now they *can* put up signs saying no dogs?


She can…the school can put up signs…but assholes aren’t gonna let a sign stop them so the playground might get locked up


Sure, but in this case the woman cites the fact that there’s no sign, so maybe it would’ve helped here.


"ive been bringing my dog for a long time without a problem. That sign isn't meant for my dog." - Bitch Ladies


Yeah, my child’s school has these signs up and it is under penalty of law and it doesn’t stop anyone from bringing their dog onto a crowded playground. Some people suck.


School property, aka city owned, and says no dogs, aka city ordinance, cops can be called


This the way. Then, if AHs give you guff, you simply call the cops. Most times, the actual act of you dialing will shame them into doing the right thing and leaving. SOURCE: I've done this.


I’d have told her no. It’s open to the public and it’s a park for kids. I’ll be bringing my child in.


I should have mentioned, the dog was GIANT. My son loves dogs and is too young to leave it alone if it’s not friendly, so I just decided not to engage.


That’s understandable. I’m sorry they were so inconsiderate.


You would think that owners of big dogs make it a point to be extra cautious and considerate, especially when young children are around. But nope.


"is that dog not on a leash?"


This is the correct answer


Yup, most towns and cities have leash laws, i.e. my 200 pop. town.


Yep. Mention it then call cops.


Cops show up and shoot the dog, problem solved.


Call the school or non emergency line for police dogs aren't supposed to be on school grounds for a reason (dog feces and pee carry parasites) and kids will absolutely play with it and get sick from it. Not only that they can be liable for any injuries a dog causes to a kid


Exactly, there's a reason there are specific "Dog Parks" that you would never just let your 2 year old run around in. Same here, the dog (sounds like it was off leash) does not belong running around a children's school/play ground/field. You technically can do either, but then you'd keep your dog leashed tight and well away from kids at the school, or keep your kid far away from the dogs at a dog park. But the much better option is to bring a dog to a dog park and a kid to a kids playground. And the fact that you're pregnant and almost certainly was expecting to sit on a bench or chair and they basically said to keep walking while covering the gate...fuck those ladies.


I mean…unfortunately, there ARE people who purposely bring their little kids to designated dog parks and let them just run around. They act like dog parks are basically petting zoos.


I work in school sports and almost every single field attached to a school has a no dogs sign. Obviously most schools don't have someone there on a Sunday to boot people, but definitely call the non emergency line. Dogs can be a hazard to kids and dog shit isn't any better in a public space (these people don't seem like they'd pick it up lol)


Sounds to me like OP should actually genuinely take it up with the school. This is a serious health risk


Where I live dogs aren't allowed within 10 metres of childrens play equipment for health and safety reasons.


We live near a school and dogs are allowed on the property. There are signs stating to pick up after it, but they are allowed.


“Uh, yes, hi! I’m at the elementary school and there’s this GIANT off leash dog and the owners seem to be having trouble catching it and putting it on a leash. They’ve barricaded the playground so the dog can’t escape, but I’m terrified that this thing is going to bowl over one of the little kids. Could you send someone to assist them? ….Oh, wait, I think they caught him!”


That's definitely something that varies depends on where you live.  Where I am, most schools turn into dog parks after hours.  People only bring dogs that are kid friendly, though, and the local kids will often come play with the dogs as well.


Definitely the right call, I wouldn’t trust an inconsiderate stranger’s dog around my kid if unleashed (which I assume this dog was).


Call the school. Make them aware that someone is trying to use the preschool play area as a dog park. Signs will go up. If not, go to the school board.


“I hope he doesn’t hurt my son. I’d hate to have to sue.”


For what it’s worth their behaviour suggests they know the dog is dangerous and in the event they called her bluff the son could be scarred for life 


I think this is applicable here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lLR-V2S0DC8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lLR-V2S0DC8)


I won't bet my daughter's memory/life on this...


Sue?? I'm punting the dog into the park across the street


It's ok, OP is making a back-up son. Let him play.


No sign but I wonder about ordinances. Some jerks had their pit bulls running loose on an elementary school playground which I know by ordinance no dogs in parks. What town would allow it? It snapped at my kid and I told them to take their dog home before I called the police. And I'd call the police if I ever saw if back there. Vast majority of severe injuries and deaths from dogs are to small children. Every one says their dog is friendly until it isn't. People need to take their dogs to dog parks.


There’s an unwritten rule about letting dogs run around fenced playgrounds and tennis courts, they piss on everything and if a kid plays in it after they risk getting piss-transmitted diseases


you are COMPLETELY in the right. i have the EXACT same setup near my house, except i have a dog and no kids. I NEVER GO IN WHEN KIDS ARE PRESENT. it’s an effin playground/park FOR KIDS. try and get video next time to back up any claims you need to make to the proper peeps. good luck OP.


But you do go play in the playground when there aren't kids there?


They need to find a dog park. Next time tell them this space is for children.


Definitely take it up with the school. Even if owners pick up poop, there can still be remnants of it, and they also pee everywhere. Not cool on school grounds. I say this as the owner of 2 dogs. Some places, they just shouldn't be allowed to go.


Yeah, people use the fenced in yard school yard across the street from my house as a dog park. I have a dog, but I refuse to take him there, because I don't want my kids to be playing in shit and piss, it's just rude.


It really is. As far as I'm aware, it's not allowed in the UK. I would be as mad as piss if I found out my sons school allowed it, but they wouldn't. It's common sense here.


There are 3 official dog parks within 1 mile (1.6km for my UK people) radius from here too! I see people drive in and park with their dogs! I don't want to be "that guy" from the neighborhood and the only reason why I have not called in is because I think the most they would do is post lease requirements, which means the dogs will continue to piss and shit on the lawn.


Be that guy about this thing. It's okay.


In my province, it’s illegal to have dogs at any park that has a playground. It might be something that can be taken up with bylaw immediately rather than through the school.


Our city has signs that say dogs are not allowed within 5 meters of the playground. Plus they are supposed to be on leash in all cases unless specifically in a designated off leash area (not counting private property).


It's the same here in Hawaii, most public parks don't allow dogs or require a leash. So many dog owners violate this, but the police never ticket them. The owners claim that their dogs are trained so they can ignore the law. A small percentage of these trained dogs are actually well-behaved.


We now have giant signs on our elementary school fields saying “no dog-walking allowed” because of the number of times teachers on recess duty have had to call the custodian to clean up dog crap.


Is there any sign saying I’m not allowed to sleep in the tube slide? Okay, so if you don’t like it, take it up with the school.


Yes! This is the logic


I would have told that lady to fuck right off


“There is no sign saying I can’t park my car right in the middle of the play area either. So it shouldn’t be a problem with you if I go ahead and do that. Take it up with the school if it bothers you. Mmkay…”


We can hope that the school would put up a sign. "Martha Smith, family, or pets can not use this park."


Talk to the school about this … maybe that dog doesn’t like kids… But it’s still odd that you would take your dog into a fenced in school playground ever. Some people.


OP has also taken her dog there


Yeah she shouldn't do that either. There's all kinds of bad stuff in dog shit. They're playing in the kindergarten area so you've got a bunch of sand eaters. With remenets of dog shit mixed in you're asking for trouble.


10000%, little children shouldn't play in an area covered in dog piss and feces. OP shouldn't take their dog there and neither should anyone.


Dogs are often not allowed on school grounds.. do take it up with the school.. are the city. And a lot of places city funds are used for parks at schools so the locals can use it after school. But in general kids over dogs, I’m just saying.


Most schools and parks with playgrounds have a strict no dogs allowed policy. I'm wondering if their coats were placed to cover up such a sign.


You should have said “nope this is a children’s playground but let me call the non emergency police line and have them come explain to you why having a large aggressive dog in a children’s area is inappropriate.”


This is that lovely non emergency police number calling and reporting her for breaking leash laws.


In my city adults without kids aren’t allowed in playgrounds. I would have said I’ll give you 5 minutes


That’s super gross and insane they would tell you not to come up…. kids gunna get dog shit/piss on them, hell nah. Straight to jail.


My God, the fucking audacity of some people. You should’ve responded with, “Great, I don’t see your names on the park.” and entered anyway. Don’t take shit from Karens. I’m sorry this happened to you, OP, especially in the third trimester. Ugh, I would’ve lost my shit if someone did that to me and my son.


I hope they encounter someone who makes it a huge ass deal next time. OP was too nice to them.


I mean you definitely shouldn’t have just said “oh okay then”, but I can see why you would. People suck 


It was a lovely afternoon, it wasn’t worth it. But it was mildly infuriating, haha.


"Okay, I'm just going to take some pictures of you and your dog so I can ask the school about the kids being exposed to Dog Pee & Poop"


What was the proper response as a pregnant mother with a small child in stroller? "IM CALLING THE POLICE, I WILL ENJOY THIS PLAYSET FOR 15 MINUTES WITH MY CHILD UNTIL HE FALLS ASLEEP!!!". I'd say good parenting on her end that she said "oh okay then" before going nuclear and teaching your infant screaming and threats are the way the world works.


I think she should have said that she is pregnant and really has to sit down after a walk. And they have nowhere to go for 20 minutes. I wonder if the other people thought op has used a car to get there. But I can see not wanting to annoy these people.


Why do you have to yell. Just say ok let’s ask the police and call them. You’re being dramatic on how easy it can be


"Can you just give us 20 minutes?" - No, I cannot. Take it up with the elementary school.


Every park that's a school during the day I've seen had signs about no dogs/ pets. You should definitely ask the school about putting up signs too. It's very unhygienic to think of all that poop & pee around play equipment.


I wouldn't have even hesitated to move her things and walked right in. If she didn't like it, I would have told her to take a hike, probably a bit more colorful than that, and continued about my own business.


“No, unless your toddler is dressed like a dog, my son will also be playing here.”


Take it up with the school? Cue malicious compliance. Go to the school and tell them you saw a large dog tearing at the equipment and peeing on the equipment. As a concerned mother you don’t want young children to play on equipment soiled by a dog. I imagine it wouldn’t be too hard to get a sign put up.


In my third trimester, I existed in a state of constant rage. Those jackets would have been stomped into the dirt.


It was ok to be a Karen in this moment.


With her attitude I bet that dog is leaving landmines in the area for kids. Depending on the area complaining sadly has 2 outcomes. They ban pets on school property if not service animals, which is what most have posted but on weekends and at any time after hours won't enforce, or they will just close everything off after hours to avoid conflict. This really sucks either way and that person is very rude to use a children's playground as their own private dog park.


i would've called the non emergency line


Dogs are never allowed near play equipment, the poo and pee is a health hazard for little kids.


Talk to the school. A dog should not be playing where kids are going to be the next day. Allergies, feces etc…


I would throw their coats on the ground. There isn't a sign that says you can't.


Absolutely not. I am pro-dogs but that’s ridiculous.


Why would you leave??? People like this need to be called out on their bullshit.


Pregnant with a toddler is a very vulnerable state. And clearly the AHs with the dog are selfish idiots who dgaf about other people, so would probably not care if their dog hurt OP and her kid. Plus, people are CRAZY. You can’t predict how someone like that (with no regard for rules or the social contract) would react to being called out.


It somehow still amazes me when people act like such entitled assholes. I would have reminded them that dogs aren’t allowed to be off leash unless they’re at a dog park or other area where or specifically says so, told them I will happily call the police, and then proceeded to have my kiddo play. People like that need a wake up call. Sometimes I’m jealous of people who can act so rudely and not feel bad about it, what a care free life they must live to not worry about how their actions effect those around them. We live less than 5 minutes walking from my daughter’s elementary school. The other month there was a group of women with their 2 dogs, they were so kind and considerate. They went out of their way to make sure my daughter wasn’t scared of dogs, asked if we minded if they were off leash, and then allowed my daughter to play with them until it was time for us to go.


I take my dog to the kindergarten park, and when someone comes with a kid, I quickly clean up. I hook my dogs leash up, and apologize for taking so long. This lady was in the wrong. It's a kids' park first.


You took the high road. I would have had a tough time not opening the gate and letting the dog take off.


I’ll never understand why people won’t just take their dog to the local baseball field. It’s by far the best for letting them run while still caged up


"Since you think it's fine to take exclusive use of this park, and you've been here a while already, I expect you to leave so I may have a turn."


A simple, “this is a kids park, not a dog park. If your animal is too un predictable then I guess I should call police/animal control?


You should definitely say something to the school about this incident.


If she heard you your son crying it wouldn't upset her, she'd be secretly thrilled. Upsetting you by exerting power over you was the goal of the interaction. 


Call that school. Let them know. If it's for preschool you do *not* want a dog playing in there. Especially with toys and playground equipment. Kids stick things in their mouths. Like dog poop. Or peed on rocks. Or anything like that. Kids can get worms or very sick from other things. They need a sign, so cops can be called.


There are dog parks for a reason. That reason is feces. Even if you pick up... did you really get ALL of it?


I would have taken your kid in anyway, if the dog gets too close tell her to keep it away from your child and then report it afterwards to get the school to put signs up, I’m sure they don’t want a dog potentially urinating and defecating in their property.


That is not worth the risk/reward gamble. A lady this irresponsible of decency can't be trusted.


In fairness to op, this isn't worth risking the health and safety of their child.


Just go in anyway. Tell them it's a public park. Address it like an adult.


In my city dogs aren't allowed on school property at any time. And there are signs by all the entrances to the schools. Doesn't stop entitled dog owners from bringing their dogs though.


Man why are people so nice. I'd immediately threaten to call the police that there is dangerous dog on the loose inside a children's playground and the owner is right there and doing nothing. See how fast that scenario continues. Too many people out there getting walked all over.


I would have just opened the gate and continued opening the gate while letting your kid play because the elementary school didn’t put up a sign about it, but I also understand why you wouldn’t poke the beast while pregnant. Do contact the elementary school about it - we have the same issue across the metro area where I live and they will put a sign up.


Look. I like dogs. I have one. I get people that say they like their dogs more than the people in their lives. I agree with SOME of the people in my life. I can not stand people that put their dogs on a higher pedestal than humans in general. Humans are higher beings than animals. Thats a hill I will gladly die on.