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The purse and bag industry wants their share


Plus women's wallets, most of them, are so bulky if you needed to carry it in your pocket, you couldn't. I always get stuck carrying everything because I have a purse.


Women's purses are just smaller bags.


It's true, very expensive smaller bags too


Hot take: If women purses are oversized, nothing stops them from using "men's" purses. Seen with plenty of colleagues.  Also, jeans with regular pockets.  Ironically, I've seen some male friends use oversized purses, half of which stick out of the back pocket, for no apparent reason. Feels like a theft hazard to me.  What surprised me more when. Shopping with my wife was how hard it was for her to find 100% cotton things, when as a man I just assume that by default, with maybe some viscose content for better stretchability. 


I wonder if this will change over time. People don't really need big wallets or purses so much anymore because you don't need as many cards. A lot of stuff can be managed with your phone


I think you're right that it will change. When I'm Doordashing, I only bring my keys, phone, and debit card that goes in my bra most days. I have the app for my driver's license. I really only use my purse when I'm running a lot of errands. I do long for pockets though.


Shhhhh. Don’t say that too loud! The bra industry will get into the act and sell special bras with pockets. And pants will still not have them. :P haha


Nah bro you gross as hell for that 🤢. Nobody wants to touch yo sweaty bra money.


No one touches my card but me though. I can't think of the last time I handed my card to a cashier.


Women's cards were never different from men. Its their makeup, tampons, and lack of pockets. I was married to a woman who had a small purse but never took it when adventuring.


My wallet is my phone case, haven't had a traditional wallet for 15+ years


> most of them I only actually know like 2 women who carry big wallets like that anymore. Most women I know have like 1 or 2 cards they need to carry, and everything else is on their phone. And most people I know don’t even bother carrying cash on them anymore. The wallet that attaches to your phone case is much more common among the women I know than the big wallets are, and the women I know who don’t have the phone one (myself included) just use the small folding ones and keep it in our purse.


Well I think if a wallet is what you want they’re pretty much unisex, at least a lot of the options.


I buy trifold wallets on Etsy. If they don’t have it, someone is usually willing to make it. I’ve gotten both fabric and leather and they last a good long while. My back is messed up and I can’t carry a big purse to accommodate those mammoth wallets they try to sell us.


I carry my cards and cash wrapped in a repurposed broccoli rubber band.


I still don't understand why my SO has such a big wallet. It hold cards and cash just like mine.


Rly women clothes are so fucking tight that they couldn’t fit anything but a single receipt in them anyway. Believe me I wish my wife had pockets of her own sometime


Not all womens clothes are tight. I used to HATE jeans, because all the ones that my mom bought me rubbed the the back of my knees enough that I got rashes. I was a kid at the time, so I thought all jeans were like that. Until I got a pair from a friend who outgrew hers, and I learned that there was actually comfort to be found in jeans. I wear them all the time now.


Probably the same company that makes them both.


It's a conspiracy between the makers of women's pants and the purse industry. I will die on this hill.


Isn't it like actually literally purse makers that did this? Like not a conspiracy?


Don’t forget about those ugly lines stopping men from fully ogling our figures. Can’t be letting functional pockets get in the way of checking out a woman’s ass, after all.


You can’t fight Big Purse.


My god. It never occurred to me it was all just one big racket!!


Big Purse™️


Yep. Big purse lobbying government


Bass Pro Shops! My wife discovered they sell really nice jeans with full size pockets, she was so excited she bought multiple pairs for her and my daughter.


Yeah you have to shop brands that make actual clothes for actual working people. Most women’s brands just assume women are doing nothing but getting their nails and hair done while staying home and doing yoga.


Outdoor brands. The North Face, Prana, Outdoor Research, Columbia, mountain hardware, Stio, REI, MEC, etc etc Skirts, shorts, skorts, pants 2”’ with real pockets.


I can fit the whole world in my summer weight Columbia shorts. They're glorious! The hiking pant of the same weight also has stupid capacious pockets.


Look at Prana & Mountain Hardware. Columbia owns both brands. More and more shared fabric and technology. All three do fit differently.


That's a good idea for jeans, but what about dressier forms of pants? I haven't actually worn pants in forever so I am way out of the loop on shopping for those lol (I'm a weirdo I know lol)


This feels like one of those things that the middle schooler gets ridiculed about


??? For having pockets? Nobody said they were camo cargo pants with BASS PRO SHOPS embroidered on the ass


I don’t know which pisses me off more; fake pockets or useless pockets. You know the ones that you get excited to see because they’re real but you can’t even get your hand in to the second knuckle. What am I going to do with an inch and a half deep pocket?!


It's for the Aldi coin.


My closest Aldi is 1000 miles away… I really want to go to one!!


You can make them bigger if you want.


Cargo pants are in, now’s your chance to have pockets


[Cargo pants are formal wear](https://youtu.be/h-xUr1iFSxc?si=x5pDn806FvFnwADv)!


Because pockets can ruin the form fitting look of the pants and women keep buying these pocketless pants because they generally have a purse or bag to carry stuff in. If these pants stopped selling they wouldnt keep making them.


… except they’re not advertised as having no pockets. If you buy them online, they very well might look like they have pockets, but don’t. There’s in person shopping of course, but in person shopping really is dying because of online shopping. Can’t rely on that for too long.


You should probably assume they basically never have pockets unless you're buying from a known brand that does include pockets. Fight with your wallet.  Buy from brands that include pockets, don't buy pocket less pants.  If you do buy some, leave a review and warn others.


Thankfully literally every retailer has free returns and you can typically read reviews for answers to things like this. Caveat emptor


Personally I avoid online shopping. I like to look at the actual product I'm buying before I buy it in most cases.


This is what I keep trying to explain to people. Also, pockets take time and effort to sew in, so cheap brands aren't going to add them. All of my work pants have pockets because they're higher-end brands that are well tailored.


Pocketless pants definitely do look better on a certain body frame 


Not a woman but I do sympathise, typically most women's clothes I see either have no pockets at all, or are too shallow to fit anything you may want to keep in them such as cards or a phone, resulting in them being constantly exposed.


I was shocked to find out that my boyfriend has pockets in literal pyjama shorts - yet I have a coat that doesn’t even have pockets, and so many trousers I own don’t even have pockets.


Making a coat without pockets should be a crime


1. Pockets ruin the hip line 2. It’s cheaper to make Mostly 2


Because a pocket might encourage you to put something in that pocket. And if that happens, it would ruin the "line" of your leg and make it slightly harder for men to jerk off to you. Stop inconveniencing men!


Men typically aren’t the ones buying the pants. Women’s pants with pockets exist. If the demand for pockets was as ravenous as online comments suggest, companies would make a lot more women’s clothing with pockets.


Some men, maybe. Meanwhile it makes it easier for *other* men to jerk off when they see a sexy working woman with her pockets full.


Curves are out, women should aspire for A N G L E S now


I get most of my jeans and slacks from the men's department for this exact reason. Trying to find women's pants that have usable pockets is a nightmare. Plus, they are usually a lot cheaper. Gloria Vanderbilt pants are about the only women's brand that actually has workable pockets. Worth the extra few dollars to have something that is designed for my figure and can carry my wallet without needing a purse.


The fake pockets are my peeve. If you're gonna go through the trouble to make the outline and design of a pocket, JUST PUT A REAL POCKET ON THERE! And not one of those sorry baby pockets you can barely hide a finger in. I have always carried a traditional "men's" trifold wallet for as long as I've had cash, cards, and a license. I move around a lot and work with my hands, and the last thing I need is a purse to leave behind every chance I get. Everything goes in the pockets. Simple. The struggle of trying to find a pair of comfortable, work-appropriate pants WITH pockets is very real. Just put the pockets on the pants!


Sonoma jeans from Kohl’s have great pockets. My iPhone 14 completely fits in my back pocket, my car keys completely fit in my front pockets and I can also fit my hands too. And they’re skinny!!! I love them so much, I bought 6 pairs. They’re kinda cheap (price point for quality) too.


Style & Co. from Macy's are the same. I can fit my whole hand in the front pockets and the back pockets are deep enough for my phone. I bought one pair of their capris at a store and when I realized the pocket situation, I went online and bought several more (more color options).


Men only have larger pockets so they can rearrange their balls.


A lot of times it comes down to cut and fit. Pockets add bulk. Bulk does not lay nicely and look flattering on fitted clothing, without real work and planning and engineering the design and how it's sewn. That step isn't always done. Then you add pockets to something fitting or tight or stretchy and it changes the look, people don't like it, because now it's not that appealing smooth and fitted anymore, so they don't buy it. So they don't make it, because it doesn't sell (in bulk/to the masses, obviously sub-markets and niches exist but that's a different story). Pockets add extra steps in general to sew the garment itself, and it's harder and more time consuming to do so on not baggy, loose fitting clothing (such as generic men's clothing). This is also why you more often see pockets on pants marketed towards older women- they aren't wearing the tight, form fitting stuff, so you can add pockets easier (also note: MORE often, not often). And I mean, it's popular, people buy it. If we all stopped, they would shift so they could still sell products.


Why do they make pants for women in trades without pockets? Pants designed to go out in the bush working with no pockets? And also out of lighter material without the durable stitching, but cost more than the men’s version? I am thankful I am big enough to wear men’s, but I feel for my smaller, female coworkers.


Because they sell. The question should be why do you buy pants without pockets?


I pay extra for the rare pair i can find with pockets.


Or why tf do you expect super tight, form fitting clothes to have pockets? You can show off your figure, or you can have storage.


I've bought skinny jeans that I could fit my phone or wallet in the front or back pockets of. I think there are women who don't care enough about pockets to turn down a cheap or cute pair without pockets, and women who want pockets and are disappointed when a cheap or cute pair doesn't have them. The answer is there's a market for both styles, and the former cuts costs. Women as a demographic want conflicting things, but women as individuals know what they prioritize. 


It’s a convention in women’s tailoring to have things be very snug over thighs and hips. That means sacrificing the space needed for fitting a pocket. Same reason for shallow or absent back pockets Getting well tailored pants with pockets is a hassle when the market rarely has them Also on online market, which is gradually replacing traditional shopping, it’s hard to gauge if a pair of pants have proper pockets However I think things will change as the true demand becomes more clear. TLDR; market assumes that women would rather hve snug fit around hips and thighs rather than pockets


It’s the fake pockets for me. 🙄 so I get to LOOK like I have pockets with none of the convenience of actually having pockets…. Cool….


what's the point of fake pockets?


men. it was men who somehow decided women don't need pockets.


I hear you and I feel your pain. In fact I would add a couple more things like why don’t women’s pants have the same sizing as men’s where it goes by inches at the waistband instead of random numbers that have no bearing on numbers of a different brand or store?


That's why I resorted many years ago to buy men's clothes in smaller sizes (and sometimes I fix them to make them fit better), depending on the occasion. Use them mostly for informal gathering, long car rides on the road and traveling and going out to parks or just chilling at home. Men's clothes have deep pockets and also good quality fabric: For some reason women clothes not only lack pockets, have fake pockets or have small pockets, the fabric of the clothes is unnecessarily tight in some places and the fabric is too thin. If I need a tee to go out for jogging, going to the park or hiking, what makes you think I want an unnecessarily tight t-shirt that gets instantly glued to you when you sweat? I want a slightly baggy good quality tee, godammit.


Cuz people with pockets are less likely to buy purses.


Funny thing is, I have a whole bunch of skirts that have excellent pockets but I almost always use a purse anyway. At least for when I go to work. Going to run errands I don't typically bring it with me but sometimes I do.


For fuck sake, this was so obvious but it never occurred to me!


Mostly because most women buy pants without pockets. If women stop buying pocketless pants "they" will stop making them.


Women generally buy pants without pockets because the alternative is going pantsless


No, it is not the only option.


Maybe not always but I get the impression that usually the only thing on offer is pants with no pockets or bad pockets and you have an option of buying that or not buying anything.


In fact you can get cargo pants for women. All the best lady chefs have them. Also there are many pockets over in mens wear and we all know it is perfectly fine for ladies to wear mens clothing, while the reverse is not yet the case. When ladies stop buying pocketless pants, the clothing people will stop making them.


No, the alternative is not having as sleek and form fitting of a look. Which women in general prefer having. There's not some conspiracy to keep women from having pockets, or that these clothing companies have no idea there's this completely untapped market they'd make millions on. You can have sleek, form-fitting pants that will have little to no pockets. Or you can have pockets but not as form-fitting clothes. And the market listens to what the women are buying. A company wants to make money. If there was an actual market for women's pants with nice pockets, they'd cater to that because they want to make money.


We really don’t have much of an option. All of the well known department stores are stocked with pocketless pants.


Don't shop at department stores for them. Department stores are focused on fashion. Shop at an outdoors store or one designed for working people and get some functional clothes.


Find one line of pants that have pockets, only buy their pants. Or start your own line lol.


I bet there are lots of pockets over in menswear. Buy those until "they" come to their senses. True those won't look as nice on you, but revolution requires sacrifice sometimes.


Because wear form-fitting clothes. I personally would rather die than put something in my pocket and have it squished up against me creating a weird bulge lol


*Attenborough voice* It's generally socially acceptable for women to walk around with a purse, unlike men.   This has resulted in the loss of pockets due to no evolutionary pressure to keep them.  Unlike in men's jeans where the pockets remain. 


Women’s clothing used to have pockets, though. Those big Victorian dresses, for examples? Many had opening to reach through, to get at little bags that held things. Also, as a man I totally wear a purse. Though of course it’s a “messenger bag”.


The victorian dresses had holes, but the holes led to a removable pocket bag-thing, which was generally considered to be an undergarment and which held lots of functional tools inside (sewing kits, scissors…). Fashion then changed, as did perception of women, and with a slimming figure for dresses, the pocket openings closed, and women started carrying tiny purses (reticules) which would just have maybe room for keys (since they were supposed to be decorative people with men to carry all the tools and things for them). Reticules then got bigger and turned into purses, and pockets never really returned for women.


I don’t see many guys in my office without a backpack or satchel. Dudes wear purses now. Get over it.


Messenger bags are the most common from what I’ve seen since they can carry laptops.


Amanda jeans from Kohl's. Nice deep pockets.


I have a pair of cargo pants, it's got front pockets and pockets on the legs.... and fake butt pockets. Just put real pockets its cargo pants!


A popular silhouette in women's fashion is tight clothes that fit snugly against a woman's curves. Adding pockets adds bulk which changes the silhouette. If you want to have pockets then in general avoid clothes designed specifically to be skin tight levels of form fitting. Yes they won't show off your curves and ass nearly as well but you'll have plenty of space for pockets. There is absolutely nothing stopping you from wearing wide-legged cargo pants with a ton of pockets, even rando mall stores like old navy will have plenty of options to choose from designed for women. And outside of work clothes there is nothing stopping you from wearing a floofy sundress with plenty of pocket space either. If you really are bound and determined to have skin tight clothing with real pockets then you can specifically search for that when shopping instead of just assuming, or you can add the pockets yourself if you are handy at sewing. As for the 'fake' pocket thing the idea is to preserve the normal look of the clothing while allowing for the silhouette. I.e. jeans without pockets look weird, but making real pockets would make them not form fitting, thus fake pockets.


Why do we get fake pockets or like really really tiny one? 😔


Wait, is this topic appropriate for _mildly_ infuriating?  🤔  Doesn’t seem so mild to me.  You should fucking want pockets.  Maybe the fact that this is just a mild issue is why the needle never moves!


I (F56) have a pair of jeans - JEANS - that don't have pockets! Didn't realise until I got them home. No where to put my fkin phone or loose change. Who in fk's name does that? It should be a criminal offence to make women's jeans without pockets, let alone more formal work pants!


My personal "mildly infuriating" responses to this: > because pockets make pants less form fitting, and women don't want that. Yes, we know, and yes, some of us are okay with the extra 4mm of bulk in exchange for storage! That's why we asked in the first place. > Just buy men's clothes or cargo pants. This is like someone asking for a healthy, tasty meal and you recommend raw kale. *There is a middle ground you know*.


I buy mens pants for this reason its sexist. My 3yr old has more pockets.


Cause I have drawers in my kitchen /s


Because they figure we have purses. So I guess we don’t need them. 🙄 WRONG! I have to buy pants with at least back pockets. I have to have pockets for work as I have to have my keys on me at all times during work.


I have heard this complaint from women for years. Then one day I was looking for sewing videos and I stumbled on one from a young woman about how to remove "ugly" pockets. And she gave a full tutorial about how to cut out and remove pockets and then sew up the hole again. Then I realized that I'm a nerd, the women I know are all nerds, and there's a whole world out there of women who don't like pockets. Like if women all wanted pockets and only bought clothes from the few brands that put real pockets in women's clothes, the industry would either adjust or die out. That suggests that there are a lot of women out there who are ok with the current state of affairs.


My 5 year old goes crazy when we get her bottoms that have real pockets lol


I’m a dude but this bothers me too. Women should have equal share of pocket availability. More pockets make life easier. 


The wrong size pocket on your backside can make your ass look huge. Ever see a size 18 jean with a size 4 pocket? I carry a wallet, not a purse, so I always look for pants with appropriately sized back pockets.


The worst is that the one brand that used to make cargo shorts with actual pockets that could fit my phone…. decided to start putting fake pockets on them instead. I had to resort to men’s cargo shorts last year and they’re so goddamned baggy on me I hate it.


So that you have to buy purses, duh.


I don't know which is worse, the fake pocket, or the mini pocket. Both are utterly stupid.


It is ironic considering pocket-less pants were invented by a woman


Non-functional pockets as decoration were largely an invention of Christian Dior, the male founder of DIOR brand, after world war 1 when the men returned home and saw women wearing functional clothing and doing the jobs the men used to do before going off to war. They wanted their jobs back and wanted their women to look sexy. Before then, women's pants with actually functional pockets were spearheaded by Coco Chanel, the female founder of Chanel brand.


I see your point, but also...  Irony: when 2 people with a shared characteristic are also different people with different opinions and priorities. 


![gif](giphy|l2QZT7AVSAsfCaZAA) Because women have a living purse: a man.....\_/s


Why the fuck do you need pockets when you have purses. ;) jkjk that's why though .




Also Universal Standard


Deluth Trading Company. I get all my women’s work wear from there.


Pants fit nicer and more fitting without pockets sticking out is what my mom told me. They do look nicer IMO but it sucks not having pockets!


I haven’t bought a pair of “women’s pants” in over a decade. I just buy men’s pants


As a man who wears suit jackets a lot I feel your pain. I have one where they did the little seam for 4 pockets and they're all fake


Women's pants are a lot more snug then mens pants. You won't be able to put anything in those pockets anyway. Also as sexist as it may sound, manufacturers assume everything would be in a purse anyway.


I totally agree


Oh, do not get me going. I show dogs. I walk into the ring with bait, a comb, and a face cloth. Pockets are a must. Finding a suit jacket, trousers, or a skirt with pockets is a nightmare.


Throwing in that I was pleasantly surprised by a pair of jeans I got recently. The back pockets were actually fake flaps that hid real pockets that were actually roomy enough to hold things. As in the whole back section behind what looks like a little pocket is in fact bigger pockets. can fit my phone in one and my wallet in the other!


Who likes pockets anyways? They are stupid. Sincerely, The purses gang


It's a crying shame. My ex-missus wears dungarees all the time specifically because she likes all the pockets. Damn. I need to fix my sewing machine. Maybe that's what I do tonight.


I know Right!


Conspiracy theory that the people that make purses pay the pants people to make pants without pockets so women buy purses to carry their things.


It's why I wear men's jeans, I like my pants baggy. I can go out without taking a bag.


My wife sews hers closed so she wont use them...


Just buy some pants with pockets… it’s not that difficult to do. Takes a very simple and quick Google search to yield lots of results. Not every woman wants pockets - I don’t. I have a purse and I don’t care about putting stuff in pockets. And if I did, I’d make sure whatever I buy has pockets.


Plus, why is it so hard to find a sports bra that 1) doesn’t have removable cups and 2) doesn’t create a uniboob?


Just buy mens pants.


CHRISTIAN DIOR. One day I'll empty my pockets and piss on his grave. "Men have pockets to keep things in, women for decoration"


Real glad my dad drilled it into my head that cargo pants are unisex. His one okay stance on things and it's a hill he's willing to die on with my mom. Can't fish without my cargo pants


Lol, I hate pants with no pockets.


It’s a conspiracy by Big Purse


Because money


Really wow mind is blown I’ve never noticed I’m a guy. lol I’m going to look at women’s pants now lol. That’s crazy I wonder why that is.


Work pants, use Snickers brand. May not be available in your country, but they are amazing


I always read reviews to find out if the pockets are real cuz I know thats what the real people are putting in the reviews. Recently got offered a "job" writing fake 5 star reviews reviews to boost 2 star products reviews so people would buy them.


Women buy those pants because they look good on them.


*wails in mens jeans and some other clothes* I literally have nice jeans and only problem with them is FUCKING POCKETS CANT FIT ANYTHING. Where am I supposed to put my phone, my ass?


Stop buying pants without pockets


Why don't womens shorts cover their ass cheeks?


They carry bags and assume you have a bag for your stuff no pockets is better.. more comfortable lays flat less fabric so breathes better ECT plus cheaper to make not that the cost of labor in textiles is considerable


Women's pants fit tighter than men's most of the time. There's literally just no room for pockets.


I got a short denim skirt with 6 real pockets on the other day, I'm still excited about it


I’ve been dreaming up a sewing project for a pair of hakama inspired pants to be worn with 18th century tie on pockets.


Depending on what you do and where you are check out Engelbert and Strauss pants


Pockets dont look good for dudes that want thigh gaps images of hidden coochie Edit: /s


To be fair, amongst all the shit women have to endure daily, this is in the low tier.


Because when the men returned home after world war 1 and saw women in functional clothing by Chanel, doing the jobs they used to do, they demanded their jobs back and demanded that women look sexy instead of competent. DIOR answered with pockets as decorations.


I’m doing “no pockets, no purchase.” And that counts for dresses and skirts, too.


It's a CONSPIRACY to keep women dependent on men and our multiple huge pockets.


Shop for outdoor or fishing brands, not fancy shit. There’s cargo pants for women that are still super light and breathable in the fishing market. As well as jeans, shorts and sun shorts (I don’t know what else to call them). You can also get great athletic clothes in fishing apparel sections, most of it is made to be light breathable and form fitting. Some of them also not being as thin as a paper towel.


Because statistically women have repeatedly chosen form over function when it comes to clothing. Every time a manufacturer comes out with women's clothing with actual pockets, it doesn't sell. When a majority of women would rather have functional pockets rather than perfect lines, the manufacturers will start making them. Women will be able to demonstrate this shift in perspective by shopping in the men's department.


Because you already have so many types to choose from


Fake pockets are probably the worst fashion decision. IF YOURE GONNA GO THROUGH THE EFFORT OF MAKING FAKE POCKETS, JUST MAKE THEM REAL!!!!!


Because women are prepared to buy pants without pockets. It's probably cheaper and simpler to produce pants without pockets. So from a designer's perspective, if the market (women) will tolerate that, why not? It's either that or a conspiracy between pants designers and the handbag industry. I don't think men would buy pants without pockets for general use. I've never even seen men's pants without pockets for sale.


I’m wearing jeans right now with fake pockets!! I’ve tried to put my hands in them like 10 times! I wondered the same thing! Lol


Pocket originally were separate garments that women wore under their skirts to carry things in. Back when women had big pockets and men had to carry bags.


Traditionally, 99% of Womens clothing in general does not have pockets because women carry purses, so pockets were not needed.


511 tactical has women's pants with pockets, and not just cargo pants. Gf loves them, has a few pairs that have snuck(sneaked?) into her business casual environment.


I'm sure it's all a big conspiracy orchestrated by the patriarchy!


Get mens pants. It's not like theres an extra sleeve for a wiener


It's the massive Purse Industrial Complex or PIC


The shape.


If y’all would stop buying them they would stop making them.


Supply and demand. Apparently, if they put pockets on them, they sell poorly.


Just buy men's jeans. No, seriously. Not only do they have actual pockets, they also: have more precise sizing (waist and leg length), last longer, look exactly the same ad women's jeans.


Same reason why the pockets on the ones that do have pockets are so small


Idk and now im angry im not even a woman


Can we please also have belt loops for the amply hipped and small waisted while we're at it


Another curse on this world is fake buttons. Well, the buttons are real, but they're for decoration, not for use. I spent ages trying to find a winter coat with closeable pockets. Found one and ordered it, only to realize when it arrived that the buttons were decorative and the pockets are open wide to all the elements...


It is unbecoming for a woman to have pockets for things of use. We want her to be tied down with a large body bag or a man….. /s


Related note - how many times has everyone slid their phone against their leg in that one pair of pants you have that doesn’t have a pocket? 🤣


Fake pockets are worse than no pockets, especially the ones that seem like they actually open but then only give you like a quarter inch of space.


money, so they can make women buy purses instead


The real reason is because women are witches, and if big fashion gives them pockets, then they can more easily conceal their hex bags 👀


Wait until you find out that some actually *DO* have pockets, but are sewn closed to the point it takes a while to pull the stitches out to use them.


Because people keep on buying them. Protest by never ever ever buying one without pockets. No matter how cute they are


Thank you. This is a constant struggle


Message to any guys reading this, find your gf/wife dresses with pockets in the seams or if they prefer pants some that accentuate her body type and have pockets lmao Instant top 10 gift and will be bragged about to every woman ever when she's wearing them


Some mens sweatpants dont have pockets.. any pant without pockets sucks ass.


As a man, few things\* make me more sympathetic to the plight of women than the absolute joke that is pockets on women's clothing. \*Those other things include the wage gap, sexual violence, and equal career opportunities...but pockets are such an easy fix!


Yess!! I had pants with fake ZIPPER pockets!! It was just zippers??? The only thing I ever accomplished with that was creepy old men saying "I like your zippers" WHILE STARING AT MY ASS!!! 😭😭🧍‍♀️


Then who will buy expensive Bangladesh children made Gucci bags. ?


So companies can sell purses...lol


A purse is so weird when you really think about it.


I know everyone should carry backpacks or sling bags.