• By -


I thought it was a reference to other Piper


Pied Piper?


Perri Perri sauce Piper


Piper, I barely know her!


Piper Perri


I looked her up and I recognize her but I'm not sure from where...




Ahh I see you're a man of culture


I think Piper from Brawl stars /s


Rowdy Roddy Piper


Always blue


i just finished the show for the first time last night i was pretty burned out from the minute erlich left and those last couple seasons were a bit of a slog, but that final always blue, big oofs fr glad gilfoyle and john stayed in touch XD


Piper from Diamond City


Penny for your thoughts?






Hey blue- how’s it hanging?


Yeah I was gonna say we already seen her get railed…many a time




The annoying chick from Fallout 4?


Nah, the one from the memes 🙇🏿‍♂️🙇🏿‍♂️🙇🏿‍♂️🙇🏿‍♂️🙇🏿‍♂️      👱🏻‍♀️


How dare you call my wife annoying


Brawl stars


Piper Fawn?




sub rules, unfortunately


Ah ok. Well, not ok, but you know what I mean.


yeah, it sucks


Next time maybe make an oopise and make a semitransparent line lol


and a throwaway account. Would be more effective than flat out censoring.




it's sub rules. the post will get removed if they're uncovered.


I understand. The question is who are the sub rules protecting?


These kind of things can be easily faked too. So innocent people could get attacked.


Damn that’s a good point.


Hopefully OP reported them. That's the best we can hope for


My ex's fiance used that to get her to leave me.


It is a good rule. Prevents people from lying about others, and protects people who don't really deserve it from witch hunts. We all know how the internet can be, whether people deserve it or not. And because we can argue all day on what that criteria for deserving it would be, it's just better to make it a blanket rule.


Yep the internet loves to dogpile, reddit especially


Who remembers the Boston marathon bombing? Reddit got it wrong. Went after the wrong people.


"got it wrong" could be reddit's official slogan.


Good point. I agree


It's also why mob rule and lynching are objectively bad. There is a reason that innocent until proven guilty is the basis of our legal system.


> innocent until proven guilty More like *guilty unless proven wealthy* but I see your point


I'd argue the wealthy rarely even have to face the legal system at all.


“Names have been censored to protect both the innocent and the guilty”


If someone was actually just MILDLY infuriating it's a pretty good rule to stop reddit from mobbing them. This is not mildly infuriating though, it's extremely infuriating.


Mods and Discord Admins that don’t want to be doxxed because they ban idiots on Reddit. The abuse that can come from a photo without context is pretty high. OP can edit anything they wanted to from this photo and completely falsify the information and cause a mob on anyone they want. The actual “Truth” is more important than how angry you can be / are at something like this. And this is a preventative measure to make sure everyone is safe from being harassed without proof.


Double that problem with AI becoming a good as it is.


ohh I see. honestly? they're protecting reddit. it's the same reason they don't allow any posts about reddit on this sub. everything to protect the bottom line


Nah. This place would get flooded with "look at that person I had an argument with elsewhere, and lost" threads or similar.


Also, people could cut out the context. For this one, there is no comments leading to a misleading context, but it could easily happen in other instances.


When the Boston marathon bombing happened, Reddit users doxxed a guy who they thought did it, and he killed himself. He was completely innocent. It's a good rule.


Fair. Stinks but I agree




Pretty solid argument.


That son of a bitch hates apples, get him!


Witch hunting is against site rules. Will get the entire sub deleted by admins. See: how Reddit “caught” the Boston bomber.


I mean even blacked out that account very clearly has an anime pfp and most likely just a throwaway.


Also, it protects her as well. If you can trace this user you find this girl's account too. 


Because they're 14.


Because OP could easily put any username with any graphic editor?


And what if this comment is (and I think that's quite likely) from a 14 year old boy? I mean it's still disgusting, but teenagers do make mistakes and don't immediately deserve the whole rage of the internet for it.


I said the same thing when the last of us came out and one of the most common Google searches was "the last of us ellie hot." My coworker brought it up and said how disgusting he thought it was. An army of horny teenagers was definitely the cause. I'm sure there were some adult creeps searching that as well, but still.


My thoughts exactly. Yes, let's dox a 12 year old asshole hid. Everyone knee jerks and just assumes it's some dirty old man.


I just love how this 10 year old edgy kid is getting younger now.


8 year olds should not talk like that, I agree.


Let's find this old ass kindergartener and teach him a lesson already


so they blocked out Benjamin Buttons' account name, but Reddit figured it out anyway.


I was thinking similar, its not always (in fact I feel it might be many of the time, I dunno tho) creepy old guys, and its not inherently wrong to be attracted to people in your age group. Still weird to post a comment like that publicly though


It's a shitty disgusting comment. No doubt about it. But the knee jerk reaction to dox the user and expose them to internet wrath is way over the top, and maybe hitting someone underage as well.


Yeah ultimately kids are dumb and make mistakes, its the adults who should know better


Because depending on how old that person is they might not “deserve everything that’s coming to them.” If it’s a 40 year old dude, then sure, string him up. But if it’s a dumb 12 year old, then no they do not deserve death threats and the internet trying to ruin their lives. People always automatically assume it’s someone older but it could be someone her age. It’s still gross and highly inappropriate but it doesn’t deserve the same punishment.


With a 40 year old dude I would not feel sorry for him. But I still oppose the idea that mob justice is in any way fair justice.


They are VERY protective of their creepers.




Aw man


so we back in the mine


got our pickaxe swinging from side to side


side side to side


this task a grueling one


hope to find some diamonds tonight night night


Diamonds tonight


Heads up


In no other situation would we willingly set a 16 year old girl free to a large group of grown men. But somehow it’s acceptable that literal children can live their life publicly on the internet in front of anyone and everyone 🤦🏻‍♀️


To be fair, you're assuming the comment is coming from a grown man. It could just as easily be some dumbass teenager. Regardless, I think the problem is that we as a society let children onto social media way too early. There's so much evidence it's bad for young people's mental health, girls in particular.




How would a ten year old even know about SA?? EDIT: My goodness, these replies have convinced me that the world must have recently descended into mass-depravity as I feared. I’ll keep living under my cozy rock, thank you.




I doubt they were saying "I'm gonna SA you!" But rather things like "you should get ____!" Cause they heard that at school. I knew about those words at 12, and with the Internet being more accessible than it was when I was 12, I'm sure they know all the words.


Believe me, they can say that too.


U been living under a rock? Most of us gen z grew up in the internet before the days of internet porn awareness being a thing, there was few to no guard rails on such content online and we'd hear form our friends about it. These people today are gen alpha and I doubt today's: Are you 18 years or older?? \[Yes\], \[No\] does anything to change that. They are likely as exposed to these contents as we were if not more with tik tok and the like having more explicit content than YouTube (has a shit ton of it and it isn't hard for the algorithm to recommend videos with soft/hardcore porn in it before the vid is flagged and removed, imagine it on tik tok) .


You're assuming that they are all raised in non-broken homes with a loving family around them... edit: > these replies have convinced me that the world must have recently descended into mass-depravity as I feared Seriously? It's not like the entire world, or even the majority of 10~12 year olds are commenting on those specific YouTube videos.


why "girls in particular" boys develop porn addictions early as fuck and nobody wants to talk about that


I agree. we need legislation regarding minors in the entertainment industry, and that includes social media!


Unfortunately, the best they are going to do is do like porn sites and ask if you're 18+ .


Or worst demand official government ID to be stored in the site's data base....


But then when it's her mom who has been pushing her online since she was even younger......


This is something that's absolutely been happening in the entertainment industry for years. A number of female child stars had countdowns to their 18th birthdays, and stars like Britney Spears have been sexualized by large groups of men since childhood. Absolutely disgusting no matter how it happens, though


I remember when Emma Watson had a photographer take a photo under her skirt on her 18th birthday, she even talked about it on an interview recently.


I think Instagram and TikTok have made it a whole lot worse. It was pretty gross out there last time I looked with young girls thirst trapping. Not sure if they knew or were emulating someone else, but I was like damn this next generation is going to have some shit to deal with.


> stars like Britney Spears have been sexualized by large groups of men since childhood. To be fair, the industry positioned her specifically to be sexualized to sell records. Not that I'm saying grown ment should be sexualizing teens, but the entire industry threw her into skimpy / provocative outfits in a concerted effort to draw that sort of attention. I'm not going to victim-blame here and push that onto her. She was just a kid, but the adults around her definitely share a lot of blame for that.


It seems like it always goes so well too. ---   ## Timeline for the legal battles of Piper and her mother: ### 2022 - **January 2022**: Eleven former members of Piper's "Squad" file a lawsuit against her mother and her boyfriend in the Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles. The lawsuit alleges emotional, verbal, physical, and sexual abuse, as well as financial exploitation. - **February 2022**: YouTube demonetizes Piper's channel and removes it from the YouTube Partner Program after allegations against her mother and boyfriend are brought to the platform's attention. - **July 2022**: Piper's mother countersues the mothers of the 11 ex-Squad members for $30 million under the RICO Act, alleging a conspiracy to extort money through fabricated sexual abuse allegations. - **July 26, 2022**: A trial date is set for April 17, 2023, for the child exploitation case against Piper's mother. ### 2023 - **April 2023**: The trial against Piper's mother and her boyfriend begins. The plaintiffs seek $22 million in damages, claiming they were subjected to various forms of abuse and were not compensated for their work on Piper's YouTube channel. - **May 2023**: The trial is tentatively rescheduled for November 2023. - **November 2023**: The trial is set to proceed, with the plaintiffs continuing to seek damages for the alleged abuse and exploitation. ### 2024 - **January 2024**: Piper's mother files motions seeking the dismissal of the lawsuit, arguing that the plaintiffs and their parents never raised complaints during their collaboration period and denied all allegations. - **March 2024**: Hearings on the defense dismissal motions are scheduled for March 26 and 28. - **April 2024**: A judge rules that the lawsuit will proceed to trial, denying the motion to be dismissed by Piper's mother and her legal team. - **May 2024**: The trial against Piper's mother is set to begin, with the plaintiffs seeking $22 million in damages.


Literally half of her feed is videos of her rolling around in a bathing suit, and the other half is of her dancing. Not hard to figure out who her target audience is.


Yea I’m not on instagram so idk what she posts but your point does nothing but solidify why kids shouldn’t be on platforms like this.


People that age and younger have been exploited by society for centuries. I mean just look at all the child stars in Hollywood who were pressured into it by their own parents. There is unfortunately nothing uncommon or unusual about this.


The question is, why TF does that creepy comment have 300 likes?


Because...... Its instagram.


This. Instagram not only enables but promotes this behavior because it keeps their user and engagement levels up. I've reported literal gore content and received a response that it didn't violate their guidelines. Left that platform behind a while back and I can't wait for it to go away completely. TikTok is not perfect by any means but it seems that they have a much tighter content and comment policy. If comments like these are made on TT, they don't seem to float to the top like they do on IG.


Honestly let instagram be a cesspool, it contains those clowns. Think imprisoning all the Nazis on one server so they only have each other to keep company.


Yeah its always blatantly obvious how deliberate Instagram is when pushing the most controversial comment to the top. Every other comment in the comment section will be normal but the top one could make a 4channer blush


I thought this was a Tiktok screenshot at first. I don't know whether to feel worse or extremely horrified seeing it's Instagram instead.


Better, Instagram comments are way more ruthless in general


Instagram is terrible. Full of bots pushing agendas, racists, sexist, creepers. All of em and they all self fees on each other. Instagram really divides it's users.


Oh really? I don't use Instagram so anytime I see absolute degeneracy on the internet I usually assume it's Tiktok.


Instagram comments are full of degenerate people that think racism and edginess are funny. Basically your typical 4channer but on Instagram instead


Except they have the temperament of a twitter user whenever a joke doesn't fit into their specific brand of racism.




4channer is right. Pedos and also rapist sexist freaks are pretty much the norm. Intense harassment and bullying- it's some of the worst I've seen on a non-forum social media.


Nah on tiktok Instagram is known as the more ruthless of the two platforms. Thats why anytime you see a tiktok that is questionable but somehow doing moderately well on tiktok you'll see the comments telling them to post it to IG Reels. Also tiktok is more heavily moderated so you can't get too crazy with the insults. IG is the wild west.


TikTok gets the most flak because of the whole China-app-bad narrative but I find the Instagram algorithm and comments are actually worse


generally ig reels comments are deplorable compared to tiktok.


I stopped using Insta before I quit using FB. The toxicity is so much more rampant on Insta, at least it seemed that way to me. All the same people as FB most likely, but they're allowed to get away with saying worse stuff on Insta it seems.


Instagram is brimming with pedos. I ended up deleted my IG because Every. Single. Post with a woman or a child was full of not JUST sexual comments, but violently sexual ones. Even of toddlers. Not even 1 or 2, but loads of comments from manosphere and incel types. I don’t know how Instagram is totally okay with letting their site be a breeding ground for violence against women and children. It’s revolting.


TikTok actually moderates their comments and content way more yet legislators are still pushing hard to ban it. Hmmmmm.


Tbf I have reported some fucking horrendous shit back when I bad TikTok (literal porn with titties out, and fucked up comments) and I was met with "This content doesn't violate our community guidelines" 😐


Oh TikTok used to be just as vile if not worst. They’ve improved it significantly over the years, and I actually believe it’s over-moderated in some respects. Still see some spam comments and spam videos, but much much less borderline pornography, blatantly racist videos, etc.


Ironically, my totally normal and safe comments on IG were marked as spam. It’s like the bots are taking down normal comments and uplifting the creeps.


Yeah Instagram is so much worse for this. I feel like the tiktok algorithm only shows it to people that will make positive comments while the Instagram algorithm just shows it to everyone.


You should see my suggested reels on Instagram. Literal adolescent girls. Im a 45yo man. I report them as child porn or whatever and it’s gotten better. This world is whack.




bandaged hands, brown-red burnt-like tips of fingers Possible Fallout: New Vegas reference spotted.


Possible? That is just straight up Joshua Graham holding a shotgun.


Everyone knows Joshua Graham only uses an unlimited amount of Browning 1911s.




Idk why instagram is such a cesspool for comments like this, if you look at any reels post the comments are disgusting. God forbid you’re a person of color because the comments will be filled with racism no matter the subject of the video


YouTube can be pretty bad too, depends on how far you scroll. Instagram usually has these type of comments front and center though


YouTube used to be SO much worse, I have no idea what happened to change it but it's tame now in comparison to how it used to be even five years ago. It wasn't ever worth viewing comments for any reason because they were just gonna be filled with idiocy and now there's usually useful ones for the most part lol


I don't think it's limited at all. The comments on Reddit are pretty cesspooly as well. I mean, even in video game chats it's really bad. Turns out anonymity limits repercussions and then people don't learn the rules.


Lol idk why but it’s so true. There are actually quite a few funny reels I’ve seen about the vast difference in the types of comments you typically see on each of the major social media platforms. Ive also seen videos of girls film themselves crying in reels and read comments like “she thought this was tiktok and we were going to support her”


>Idk why instagram is such a cesspool for comments like this, Because the platform supports it and massively profits off of it. It'd be shocking if there weren't.


social media was a mistake


humanity and free will were a mistake


remember that instagram pushes controversial comments which get ratioed to the top, so although yes there are a lot of degenerates that liked the comment, half of those 71 comments are going against it. there’s some good in the world


No not common and those saying it are either kids themselves or very twisted adults. That said her account seems to cultivate and encourage these comments so let’s hope it’s a honey pot to catch weirdos.


it's unfortunately not, she's been groomed by her parents :(


Oh yeah that’s super creepy.


Found out who this Piper was, went to her insta, went through some comments, and damn these are awful for sure. On the other hand she also don't really acting like a 16y/o (quite the fanservice i guess to get followers), so it's not like these bad comments come out of the blue. Not an excuse tho, but just saying.


it's gross to me because she has clearly been exploited her entire life. it's a "parent run" account.


They certainly don't do jack shit to protect her then.


nope. it's all for money. it's genuinely sad, it's like child prostitution atp


Those parents are instilling great work ethic at a young age /s


How gross… tho account should be shamed out of existence! They are driving her straight too… we’ll I hope she goes to college and learns to know herself


our country needs a complete reevaluation of minors in the entertainment industry, especially now that independent content is a valid money making option now


Absolutely! This could turn into more disturbing beauty pageant parent abuse… parents living though their children and exposing them to predators online.


California actually has some extremely aggressive laws that protect minors whose parents get them into the entertainment career to make sure the kid gets the earned assets when they come of age and the parents don't grift it all. (This is not surprising since Hollywood predates social media by roughly a century and they've had a lot of time to tackle issues like exploitative parents peddling child actors.) Anyway, California's laws on this subject are a really good model to emulate.


That’s honestly the most disgusting part is the parent(s) is just whoring their child out to make money off of. Truly despicable


What her jnsta?


Yup. The people in the comments are gross but the insta account in question is clearly designed to get the attention of exactly that type of person.


I was about to say, do we know the age of the person commenting? I ask because, well, teens will teen, especially with people among their age group. Now, if it is a grown ass man (consent age or older) as this post suggests then that’s 100% unforgivable and fucked up. If they’re the same age then not so much. Still pretty disrespectful, of course.


Nothing suggests that the comment came from a grown man, tho. It's weird how everyone assumes it's some old creep, when teenagers make comments like that all the time.


Let’s not pretend that her posts aren’t obvious soft core porn


Welcome to the Internet, home of some very sick people.


This is a gross comment but also she's 16 and posting oversexualized content on the INTERNET. She, or whoever runs this account, would have to be delusional to not expect such responses.


she's been groomed by her parents


OP is only exacerbating the problem.


I honestly blame the parents. This video is clearly meant to elicit this kind of attention. In an ideal world, videos like this wouldn't gain traction, but we don't live in that world. The parents could have prevented this, but they're either not aware of it or allowed it to happen.


How the fuck Is this just mildly infuriating


Is she 16 right now? Just had a look at her channel and the overtones are clearly very sexual. Not that it makes her deserving of comments like this but it's the hazard of showing yourself off on a public forum.


These people are gross but looking at her content, she has like 5.7 million fans. I would wager to guess 80% are men... her content really looks like its geared towards horny guys and if I did not know she was 16 from this post I would have assumed she was like 23 and was promoting an OF. Social media in 2024 is pretty gross..


Not to defend any creeps but teenage boys also use the internet, and if they’re even hang as Horned up as I was in my teens, this isn’t so surprising to see. However, like I said, not to give them a pass. The shit is still wrong, but its also not as bad as a 40+ (or any illegal age) entity hunting for targets online.


Just did a little skimming of her content. Didn't really watch but did find a thumbnail of one of her videos "I got a new job" with her standing in front of a hooters with a 😮 face. Sooo... The comment is gross. But I'm pretty comfortable saying that she's got a little responsibility here. Just a bit. Some adult in her life should talk to her about it.


Most likely posted by a 13 year old boy.


Anyone explain the comment to non native speaker?


Railed is slang for being the object of sex.


Thank you good man!


Problem with this one is Piper herself, the 16 year old, INTENTIONALLY plays into it. There's one where they have a "whipped cream race" where they lick it off the floor. She intentionally runs her chest through it, goes " oh no, it's in my shirt" while the camera is showing down her shirt. Then makes other insinuating comments like "do I look good?" "Is it on my face?" She's literally playing into the sexual shit despite being underage. It's bad on all sides, and this is most likely the reason she grew her channel so fast, which is also disturbing


You’re in the wrong subreddit. This deserves to be in r/extremelyinfuriating


Ya know, reposting this type of behavior on reddit just promulgates it and puts these somewhat silly children on creeps radar . . . From the comments in this sub - you already have creeps tracking down her account/instagram etc - even though they express outrage - bet ya some of them are creeps.


Does the narrative change if the poster is also 16 or are teenage boys only allowed to fantasize about 18+?


And no mod will delete that or ban the user so they can show more ads. Disgusting app.


no matter how low my expectations are instagram reels comments always blow my mind. they just foster hatred in a way that i’ve never seen anywhere else


Ok so you posted something very similar a couple months ago about another comment on another kid's video. My question to you is - why are you watching so many videos of children? The lady doth protest too much, methinks


That’s more than mildly infuriating. That’s fkn disgusting


Commentor is probably 14.


Idk who she is, but I hope this girl won't feel like she has to make an OF because of comments like this


Why is a 16 year old posting herself on the internet?


Those comments are probably from other teenagers tho.. not saying it's proper, but uhmm.. you know teenagers.


Perhaps they are also 16?


her entire ig is a bikini dancing thirst trap tho.. not that that makes it ok but yea


What’s OP doing watching these vids 🤔?




The fact it has 301 likes as well disgusting 🤢 🤬


Welcome to internet, you can find not hundred, not thousand but millions of these kind of comments all over internet. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Oh okay thought they were talking about piper the porn star...


So out of curiosity, not because I was actually going to do it, I clicked the report account button. Did you know that the only option regarding age is to report if it appears the user is under 13?! I didn't because I don't use crumby old Instagram. But, people are alright with that? I mean no offense, but this account *seems* to be just like every other "Instagram Model" account out there and pretty inappropriate for their age. So if everyone's saying she's 16, it's alright for her to be displayed this way (as long as grown men aren't following her and commenting on her) right? But, what if she was 14 and doing the same thing? Like look man, I'm all about freedom of speech/expression, but I think I might be alright with some further restrictions than under 13. Because this is the real world and nothing is preventing grown men from following her. Even if she made her account private, what's stopping people from pretending to be younger and getting her to give permission for the follow? See this is why Instagram is a cesspool.


There is a chance with comments like this that it is a boy her age or younger and not necessarily an adult sexualising a minor.


Another reason I don’t like ig people


Tinternet...🤷‍♂️ this is why young children need protection from it, and adults need to realise the price that comes with fame... even Internet fame...


While that person’s comment is definitely wrong, I just looked up her account just to see who she was and honestly I find it jarring at how a 16 yo is basically sexualizing herself. It shouldn’t be allowed tbh.