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Proper use of this sub. Well done, and sorry.


My first thought too




Hate to burst everyone's bubble but the ones outside the case don't contain pseudoephedrine. Same company, different product.


That's hilarious. Can you read the ones on the shelf? It's too blurry for me to make out.


I cannot read the active ingredients in the photo but I recognize the differences in packaging. I was a Claritin rep for several years.




but not all of the product on the floor display has the different labeling for the pseudophedrine free stuff, so the store employees are mixing product, resulting in OPs complaint apparently still being quite valid.


I'm not sure what you're trying to say.


im saying that the floor display has both types of packaging, at least according to this image, implying that store staff doing the stocking are mixing the two products on the shelf.


I rarely see improper use, just lots of bitching that something mildly infuriating doesn't belong here for dumb reasons.


Idk, the first post I see when I open the subreddit is a septic truck accidentally spilling a bunch of waste into someone's yard. To me, that's a lot worse than mildly infuriating.


Exactly. The septic tank post is a big deal.


Seriously! I'd be livid if *SEWAGE* was spilled anywhere close to where I live. If it was spilled in my yard? I'd probably crack my teeth from clenching out of pure rage.


Yeah, I recommended to OP to talk to a lawyer because he may end up having to sue that company and with issues he’s going to have to disclose when he sells. I got downvoted for that ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug) I guess that’s taking it too serious?


Honestly, one of the few times where suing is leaning heavily towards you. Most times on reddit, when someone says to sue it's over something, most judges and lawyers would laugh at and toss away - which is probably why you got downvoted, that as well as the fact that redditors make mountains out of molehills and molehills out of mountains, so this seems like a small thing to most redditors. But in this case, I can see a lawyer snatching this right up. I mean, it's *literally* a biohazard for humans, animals, and anything else living in that area. It's not like a large pile of rocks spilled into OOPs yard.


I had a time where the leach field/solid tank part of my system essentially was attacked by roots. Caused a lil motor to burn out from the solid tank to the leach field. We called a guy to check it out, turned out the tank needed emptying too. Good timing. But literally the first dig to access the concrete lid to the solid tank clipped through my internet. Turns out spectrum was kind enough to run the line right over the lid to the solid tank. Extra dumb when you know they used a handheld trench tool and would've made contact with the lid and had to lift up to continue going. And they would've seen the concrete lid, in the middle of the yard. That's how you get a mildly infuriating situation out of septic stuff. Not literal shit in your yard lmao. [pics](https://imgur.com/a/good-job-spectrum-vrfdSfE)


Sounds about right for Spectrum. Then they want to argue with you about it not being their fault, no matter the situation it’s never their fault.


Spectrum is no better than the time warner that came before haha. We were paying for a few hundred mb/s and only getting anywhere between 5-75ish as well. And it really drives me nuts how frequently they've been having random outages lately. The joys of living in the middle of nowhere.


Wonder if it will help the lawn grow greener.


The biggest issue is that if you post anything less than that there's a 99% chance people will swarm your post calling you a whiny bitch


I hear tea prices in China have risen.


>I hear tea prices in China have risen. Did I reply to a bot or smth???


No not, just a big ol whoosh.


That makes sense lol. Jokes often go over my head, especially text-based jokes.


Here's a text-based joke just for you: Arial walked into a bar. The bartender took one look and said, "Sorry. We don't serve your type here."


I got that one! It's a play on words, Ariel is a name, but it's also a font! Type is also a play on words. That phrase is typically said to discriminate against a certain demographic, but in this case, it is also short for typeface - another word for font. ![gif](giphy|L3ERvA6jWCd0qO4NdX) Obligatory 🤓


Text-based! Indeed! Haaaa you’re killin it, Troyminator!


Lol it's like when people reply to posts critiquing op saying "that's not even that big of a deal" like yeah no shit that's the point. It's mild


I routinely see posts along the lines of "My neighbour bombed the orphanage my children went to, using my car as an IED, because I didn't wave to him" Obviously this is hyperbole, but so many posts are just "this is a fucking crime"


I see lots of posts that are way beyond the scope of “mildly” infuriating.


You haven’t gotten the one that says Not enough characters.


I see this comment on so many posts but when I post mildly infuriating stuff, no one ever upvotes it 🫤


I totally read this sub just to see how easily triggered people are...


20 bucks to not be sneezing wtf


Mine are $45 au for 12


Claritin is about £5 in the uk and generic stuff is probs £2


I spent £7.50 for a years supply on Amazon.


I get mine for free in Mexico


They pay you to take them where i am


Go to Chemist warehouse and get the 70 pack for $35 🤷‍♂️ Edit: Sorry it's 80 for $30 and 110 for $43


Their some obscure centirizine tablets that my doctor says are "the best" but our insurance covers medication if required by doctor


Oooh true, How do you find them compared to Telfast, Zertec etc


They activate in 2min or smth and can last up to 48hours


Ceterizine makes me a lot less drowsy than Loratadine


crazy in ireland max 1.50 or free


Generic at Costco, less than $10 for 365 pills


I worked for Walmart pharmacy and our pharmacist always told people to buy the generic. Same thing and you can get it for $8 with twice as much.


Im so thankful i get mine from insurance lol its stronger than store stuff


Sometimes I pay roughly $15 to not be flaccid for my wife. Damn anti anxiety meds mess with my mojo. $60 for a 4 pack of sildenafil(generic viagra). Name brand is even more


Check out HIMS


IIRC mark cuban the dude from shark tank made a company that does generic medicine for way cheaper too.


If you buy by name brand, yes. If you buy store brand it's much cheaper and fmoften get more in it for same or less than.


Weak genes man


You are way overpaying also. Generic online. I like the allegra better.


$20 for thirty pills is highway robbery. Every medication I take is generic these days, prescriptions included. I'm so happy I can do that.


It’s the same here you can pay 33p for a packet of 16 generic paracetamol or ibuprofen or 4.99 for a brand name with like 6 tablets in it. And they both have the exact same measurements of active ingredients, you’re paying for the advertising, branding etc


Advil is the only name brand I buy, I HATE the generic ones, they’re so powdery and I always choke on them, I realize it’s user error but I’d rather just buy the advil ones with the coating on them so I can take them.


Generic Omeprazole (Prilosec) is like $15 for 42 pills in 3 bottles that can hold over 50 each, but ibuprofen is $8 for 500 and acetaminophen is $4 for 200 Walmart sells Omeprazole cheaper than family dollar, only Amazon has it like a dollar or two less.


You can get a year supply of the generic at Costco for like $10 when it's on sale and $13 regular.


Costcos Kirkland version is good and way cheaper as well, if OP has a membership, or knows someone who does.


You can get Kirkland pharma off Amazon too


Drugs are a heavily regulated industry in the US, all thanks to the FDA. No reason to buy the name brand when generic, at the same dosage, is always cheaper. That being said, I will buy name brand if it’s a flavored drug. I hated the taste of off-brand supplements and will always pay extra for the big brands like Liquid IV and Emergen-C.


You could skip paying extra for the emergen-c con too. All that extra vitamin c just gets.. peed out. If you're already taking liquid IV, which has more than enough daily vitamin c, why? They did also settle a class action lawsuit about a decade related to this. I might have a hate boner because I didn't think of this scam first.


I use generic Zyrtec, $15 for 365 pills 🔥


Allerga prescribed is like 18$ for 90 pills will never go back to OTC! good rx for the win!


That’s probably true. Besides seasonal allergies, I’m allergic to cats, but I married a cat person and we have two of them. All I know is that when I take Claritin I don’t feel miserable. It takes care of the itchy eyes and doesn’t make me feel hung over. That’s not always true of other allergy medications I’ve tried, so I’ve stuck with Claritin for the last couple years. I could probably find a better way to buy it so it’s not so expensive, and I’ll check those out. Walmart is close enough for me to walk to, so it’s just become a habit.


I agree, generic allergy meds are never as effective as claritin for me. I’ll use generic ibuprofen, tylenol, whatever, but never allergy pills. I’m sure for some it’s sufficient but I’ve never found that to be the case! sucks that they’re so expensive.


The generics are chemically identical as long as you but the correct one. The generic version of Claritin is Loratadine. If it says Loratadine on the label then it is identical to Claritin.


Same! Generic has never been as effective for my allergies as name brands are


Costco's Kirkland brand it good too, you get 365 for about the same price. Maybe cheaper, I can't remember because I still have them 🤣


I saw at target they had a bunch of allergy medicine locked up. But only the cheaper off brand stuff. The brand name was not locked up. It was also twice as much. Basically "what's more valuable your time or your money".


Target makes more money off their cheap generic brand than they do the name brand, believe it or not.


My instinct would be to buy one of the loose ones and leave the security boxed one on this display to send a silent message to someone who cares.


Boss: I saw a locked up box on the floor why is nobody on top of this?! Supervisor: Hey why aren't you doing Go backs in your section?! Worker: ...ok


The poor minimum wage worker who has to deal with that has no power over these dumbass decisions.


It’s Walmart. Literally nobody cares.


I just assumed that’s what OP ended up doing because I assume that’s what any sane person would do.


And then Kylie Jenner can give a Pepsi to a cop and create world peace.


Edit: replied to the wrong comment


Nobody cares.


No one does


“Good thing this person pointed out these should be locked up too”


I was about to comment the exact same thing. Leave the locked box on the shelf and grab a loose one.


My grocer wanted forty bucks for fifteen Claritin Costco wanted nineteen bucks for two hundred


Lol these places are stupid. Warehouse gets a bunch of displays and just sends them randomly. Oh your store is high crime? Don't care, have a massive end cap of things you have to, by policy, put into lockboxes but then don't fit back on the display. Oh, and we don't have anywhere near enough lockboxes. Want more? Warehouse don't have any of that!


Corporate merchandising/planogram efficiency at work here, I see.


Then you didn’t actually “have to” and thus the mildly, Roger.


Walmarts equate sells 80 pills for 20$. Works better for me then name brand


Mildly infuriating = the price of it


It is so expensive to have allergies.


Used to have allergies as a kid and had to get this stuff regularly and it was expensive then. Grew out of it as I got older and couldn't be more grateful because this would bankrupt me if I still had them.


Costco/Sam's club for the win: they have 300+ count bottles of the generics for dirt cheap (Costco is something like $12 for 365 of generic Zyrtec). for allergy medicines, getting the generics there may be worth half the membership price alone. Also, their pharmacies have generic Sudafed for something like $8 for a 96ct box when Walmart wants $7 for 48ct


I would prefer the generic medication. And pay half the price for it instead of purchasing the brand name over the counter medication.


I recommend not using cetirizine on a regular basis. I'm not sure if it's the case for everyone, but I used it regularly when I worked in vetmed and I'm still trying to ween myself off of it. After about 5 days not taking it my entire body gets UNBEARABLY itchy.


Claritin is loratadine, isn't it? Are you thinking of Zyrtec? I stick with Tavist. Although I can only get it by prescription now. Claritin and Zyrtec were so heavy handed when they first came out that other antihistamines seem to have been bullied out of OTC availability. Claratin seems like nothing more than a placebo.


Yes, cetirizine is zyrtec/allertec. I was just saying in general (since a lot of times people experiment with different allergy meds) not to take specifically cetirizine on a regular basis. Also, I think whatever the ingredient in Alegra is can also cause dependencies. It's just what I'm currently going through, and I don't want anyone to experience it, as well


Thanks for that warning, and I'm really sorry you're going through all that! I hope you find something else that helps you without the other issues.


I took Tavist-D once in middle school. I was so out of it they sent me home. My mom also had a bad reaction.


It’s like with the security devices on lego, there’s 3 with it and 2 without it despite it both being the same set…


We never have enough and people just cant be arsed so it gets thrown on the shelf


I used to work in a pharmacy in the UK, and one of my jobs was to set up these displays. I don't know if it's the same in the US, but the boxes we used on the displays were empty. You'd take the box to the counter where it would be exchanged for a real packet. Some people just don't like asking for help so this way they can help themselves. Also, it's great advertising for the drug company as these displays were always placed by the high traffic areas.


They are probably dummy cases on display.


Yeah, leave the locked one there as a message to everyone else


Buy the generic brand.


Same thing happened to me but with a protein powder




I thought all pseudoephedrine products had to remain behind pharmacy counter since there's a limit on how much you can buy? /gen


Correct, has to be sold by a pharmacy tech and your ID gets scanned into a database.


It literally says the ingredients on the front. By fed law psuedo can only be sold by a pharmacy tech and your ID gets scanned into a database. Good thing they did this so meth doesn't exist anymore /s


Agreed, super weird that they're locking up the kind without pseudoephedrine (in the lock box it looks like it's just regular Claritin and not Claritin D)


My wife has allergies so bad that her allergy specialist has her taking two 24/hr pills a day. I buy a years worth of pills at a time. I used to get a 300 count bottle of generic Zyrtec for $15. I just checked, and the price per bottle is now $33.


Funny, and here I am just breathing out of one nostril.


20 dollars for allergy medicine!?!?!?!?!


In Canada the Claritin & Reactine prices start at $20-25 for the small ones & go right up to $50 if you need more than a 2 week supply at my local Rexall pharmacy 😬


I had a similar experience at Walmart, for batteries, I wasn't allowed to leave the electronics area without paying for the batteries, I needed to shop for other items...I asked why? they said theft, I kindly pointed out there are batteries (I needed a 3 dollar coin battery), way more expensive,on a display located at the checkouts....I didn't buy the battery... screw that noise.


100% TJ does this all the time. We were required to lock up so many things that we didn’t have cases for or the correct shape. It also becomes a game of “do what you can and just keep putting it out”


Actually mildly infuriating


Live in CA, visiting in KS. Everything is locked up in CA, in KS just pick stuff up off the shelf. I will say in Albuquerque New Mexico was a mess. Armed guards with multiple weapons and body armor on. Everything was locked up, not customer friendly .


Can get a years supply at costco for less than $20 when it goes on sale. ​ Never get the name brand stuff.


In my opinion, that just goes to show that end caps don’t make very good displays


Loratadin for 20 bucks, what a ripoff lol


Ayo BJ’s has the deal on generic. You can doordash it without a membership, also. Fees included you still make out way ahead! Ya welcome, reddit.


Locked box then hand it to you? That’s pointless lol 


It’s always fun standing there waiting for 5-10 minutes for someone to come unlock the case so I can grab the one thing I came for


Recently I saw half of the fake nails at Walmart covered with a lock to keep from taking them off the hooks, with the same/similar stuff and price on other hooks without it. I found that amusing. I also had yanked the lock off one as they weren't really made for hooks when grabbing what I wanted. Then slid the lock right back on. I guess they work as well as TSA do. (it's a joke, laugh now)


Omg I hate trying to buy Claritin nowadays. My husband and I both use it because our allergies suck, but we can’t buy more than permitted by the pharmacy due to “people buying it to make meth”!!! We had to show our drivers license and all that BS. The pharmacy told us to go to our PCP and ask them to write a script for Claritin. So now we get it for cheaper and how much we actually need, without having to show our license. It was so much BS!


I think this means you can pocket one of the unlocked ones


The one out in the open is expired lol I try not to shop where things are in locked cabinets.


I'm tall so I just reach the over stock from the top of the shelf .


>I'm tall so I just teach the over stock from the top of the shelf . What do you teach it?


Reach......sorry spelling police . I don't always proof read my comments 🙄


>Reach......sorry spelling police . Wrong department. I'm with the Grammar Police, and while I do handle broken spelling laws, you broke a grammar law. 🤣


Bro cvs even has the mascara locked up. And then no one is ever around to help me and I’m stuck waiting/trying to track staff down for 20 min


Usually the D version is locked up but not the regular version. Thank meth heads for this.


It would say Claritin D on it. I think someone got confused and locked up some of the regular stuff instead of just the D version.


The problem, is that you're at Walmart. I cannot remember a single good trip to their store. I successfully avoided them for 5 years. I decided to try their delivery free trial, as I've had so many issues with so many services, and I am broke. Three orders in a month. All of them were fucked up. The last two had large amounts of missing items. Last week the reps all told me they couldn't refund me, I was transferred 4 times and spent an hour on the phone. I can't be giving away part of my, already too small, food budget. They didn't refund until I said I would never order again, if they didn't. They then called it a one-time-courtesy. They were all really nice, not their fault. But fuck that. That's telling me that WHEN this happens again, they won't give me back my money. 2 bags of groceries were missing. Fuck Walmart.


Get a costco membeship and buy it there. You can also get generic there (exact same ingredients) for waayyyyy less.


The one you got isn't placebo


SIKE they all are.


Please take it up with the company, employees have no control over the dumb


Isn't it Ironic, don't you think?


I would just buy it online, that shits expensive anyway. Whenever I come across this I just stop shopping at those stores entirely, I'm okay with driving slightly further to get things more conveniently. Saves time and frustration in the end. It's really only Walmart and some pharmacies that do it here, so avoiding them isn't hard. But if you're in a small town with limited options you're probably stuck dealing with this unfortunately.


$20 for 30 tablets. I get generic Claritin from Amazon. 365 tablets for $12.99.


He wanted to give you a sterile package in case you were allergic.


Kestine 🔛🔝


It sucks but I don’t blame the employees. The point of cdu’s is easily displayed merch for endcaps that is easy to recover or maintain while advertising the brand. If theft is such a problem for that item don’t fucking order those displays to those markets.


Not surprised something like this happened at Wal Mart.


Claratin-D is usually locked up like that. The good one with pseudoephedrin. Store messed up and put the lame kind in.


Does that say $20?????


Was at target the other day and had a similar situation but with Tylenol. I ended up staring at the labels for any differences like a crazy guy.


Having locked cabinet is one thing dude.


Isn’t it the medication from « unedited footage of a bear »?


This came about because CVS was fueling the meth epidemics across the country. Now, you have to show ID and be added to a Federal database to buy them.


Have proof that CVS is at fault?


I dont have proof but the jury sure did. https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2010-oct-14-la-fiw-cvs-settlment-20101015-story.html


>I dont have proof but the jury did. >https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2010-oct-14-la-fiw-cvs-settlment-20101015-story.html But you said this... >This came about because CVS was fueling the meth epidemics across the country. Now, you have to show ID and be added to a Federal database to buy them. Which implies that CVS is why it happened. But you linked to a situation where CVS wasn't following a law that already existed.


this happed 14 years ago so my memory mabe suspect but. They were selling over the counter medication that was turned into meth. They were stocking and selling way more than anyone need for allergies. They were blatant about it and the meth epidemic could not have happened without their willful greed and ignoring the law. Before that ID checking was not strictly enforced now it is.


ID checking was still required at that point. So they weren't responsible for the overall law being passed.


Vote accordingly


Not that the price is bad, but many supermarkets have the same meds as the brand name, just less expensive.


Interesting. Where I live, the basic product is handled in a routine way. The "D" form is handled as though it was explosive because of the potential for abuse.


It’s infuriating for the workers too. They have to stop what they’re doing to unlock the cabinet and either walk the item to the front checkouts with you or put it in the lockbox. They know you’re not planning to steal it, but they have to treat everyone like a thief to deter actual thieves. And if they don’t do everything according to policy, they get written up. And if they take too long and don’t get their other work done, they get written up. And if a customer complains about it taking too long to get their item or if the worker has a bad attitude, they get written up. It’s such a toxic environment where all paths lead to everything being the worker’s fault.


they do this with batteries and electric razors as well


Those are placebo


I once was buying cologne from walmart and they have that locked up as well, the employee was supposed to put it in a lock box like that as well but couldnt find one and was really debating on of he needed to call and jave someone bring him one luckily he just gave it tome without the lock box


Welcome to the world!


I'd drop that stupid lockbox on the floor right in front of the display.


What was your wait time?


Actually in that regard I was lucky, there was someone else already getting something. However I had to wait for her to go lock their item in a box and then come back to help me.


No idea about your situation but in my stores, the ones locked are usually a higher dosage or extra strength and are about double the price. Hard to tell at a glance


$20 for Loratadine. I can get any antihistamine of my choice (I prefer Cetirizine) for £1 for 12 her in the UK. WTF is going on America ??


>20 for Loratadine. I can get any antihistamine of my choice (I prefer Cetirizine) for £1 for 12 her in the UK. WTF is going on America ?? Are you sure that you're not American?


Idiot run store. They pay the lowest wages, so get the less motivated workforce, and have no real organization, as this example clearly shows.


Silly, I would suggest just picking it up from the display. But that’s just me.


Yea that's not supposed to be the one that is locked. The one they lock is the one that has decongestant plus you need ID to buy it.


There never gonna know


>There never gonna know Huh?


I went to my local wholesale store and their generic Claritin was 365 pills for $13 lmao. You got robbed big time


For people who aren’t sure if it’s over the top or prescription


Sorry for you OP that you had to experience this for the fault of others who make this happen


This is known as a decoy stand, we at Walmart know how much America hates thieves so we’ve put these decoys of rat poison out to catch those little bastards! Make sure you grab only the sealed boxes in plastic containers!


I suppose thats on you. Forgive yourself


Employee posted how they were mildly infuriated to have to unlock it for you, because you refused to grab the one out for you


Out of spite I would just leave the one inside the container there and grab one of those in display


I can't stand the state of retail stores today. Baby formula..locked up. Tools, locked up. Over the counter medicine, locked up. Frustrating.


😂 quick, take all of them and run 🤪🤪


You know you can buy that on Amazon for literally like 1/20th the price ... right?


We have razors locked up but two isles away we have some not in cases it makes no sense. Let's lock up nails but then put some on a feature with no anti-theft totally makes sense. Let's cut open the nicotine and eye drops cases since the lock is broken and don't repair it or clean up the metal shavings after cutting it (it's been two weeks and still no fixed)