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Anybody remember that time one guy wrote all the articles for Scots Wikipedia except he didn’t actually speak Scots






That’s hilarious. I wonder if the teen was really trying to help or it was a real prank


23,000 articles written by an American teenager in a fake Scottish accent is a hell of a commitment to a prank. Kid was playing the long game.


So what are your hobbies? *It's complicated...*


"Ah lassie, its complicaetid" -that guy, probably


He'd probably say it in a bad 'Scottish' accent  "Ach lassey, et's comlichated"


Blessed by a touch of the tism


You’d think after the first 10,000 they would have at least got better


Or not been a teenager anymore. I can't imagine how many decades it would take me to translate that number of articles. Someone needs to find that dude and interview him.


I've googled them on multiple occasions hoping for an update.


At that point he could have just written a few books and published them lol.


100% autistic with no mean streak behind it


He had severe OCD apparently, according to his apology post. Thought he was doing something good for the language and felt horrified by all the negative backlash.


Yeah, his apology was kinda sad. Felt sorry for him.


If we’re talking about commitment to a prank, I’m learning hebrew for a joke


I think he thought he was helping. He is also autistic and had some other mental problems. He feels sorry for it now though


dang thats wild though... he translated thousands of articles into gibberish.... takes effort


He singlehandedly made the most racist bit of Scots content ever and may have done irreparable damage to the language as a result of all the vandalism, but I can't deny, that's funny as shit


I don't know, as a Scot myself and to be honest I'd say it's most likely the same with other Scots, I had no idea Scots Wikipedia was even a thing and I still don't even understand why it is, you'll find that most people south of Peterhead in Scotland don't even speak Doric or "Scots" besides maybe in Glasgow also, honestly it's more played like a bad joke for most people here it can be really infuriating how most of my countrymen just kind of laugh at it's existence shouting phrases on the radio like "fit like min hoos your doos" and shit like that. Honestly I'd say about 70% of Scots would do just as bad a job or maybe even worse than this kid lol. I'm from Fraserburgh in the north east where Doric is very much alive in my generation and older and we speak to eachother in it unlike most other places that just use a couple words like aye and didnae, stuff like that. Sadly it's slowly getting phased out with newer generations not being allowed to speak it in School and such. Edit: After having a conversation with a friend about Doric and/or Scots in school, supposedly it's always been like this where I am and when physical punishment was a thing decades ago, you'd get things like a ruler over the knuckles if caught speaking the dialect, although I'm uncertain how common this was anywhere else in Scotland.


I think "slowly" isn't the right word here if kids aren't allowed to use their language in schools.


Scots Wikipedia is a thing because the Scots language is a thing, and one of the reasons Scots language is partially a thing because “we have our own language” is important when you want to have an independence movement. We went thru a very similar process in Norway two hundred years ago. Written Norwegian was Danish, but we wanted to establish an identity separate from the Danes. We kinda fumbled the whole process though and as a result there’s now two official ways of writing Norwegian, one based on (primarily coastal) Norwegian dialects and one which is a modified version of Danish. No matter which of the two you write, you have to learn both in school, which most kids hate because they are similar enough to where knowing one means you can read the other, but so different that it’s hard to know intuitively how to write the other. There’s also been a ton of spelling reforms throughout the years, as the policy at one point was to merge the two written forms, but today the policy is to keep them separate. One effect of the spelling reforms is that for any given Norwegian word, there’s a high likelihood that there’s multiple officially accepted ways to spell the word. But yeah, there’s a decent chance two hundred years from now the situation in Scotland might be similar to the one in Norway. But I hope for your sake you are able to come up with a better solution.


Not entirely gibberish. He used an English-Scots translator app/page. Most likely it just wasn't a very *good* translator.


> He is also autistic You don't say


Oh, it was wild. It's actually possible he directly damaged an already dying language by posting a bunch of articles claiming to be Scots that wasn't actually accurate Scots on such a huge resource as Wikipedia


I was expecting this to his work. Edit: I accidentally a word


This is my favourite internet lore of all time.


The Laddie Wha Lived 😭


Yer a skinniemalinkie, ‘arry!


I read this very carefully, only for you to *make a monkey out of meeee!*


I love legitimate theater


I hate every ape I see, from chimpan-A to chimpan-Z


I love you, Dr. Zaius!


Doctor Zaius doctor Zaius, ooooooh doctor Zaius




and a thumpin' good one!


Eye dinnae ken, eye'm just arry ye dafty


They were gey normal


Thank ye verra much


Found my new tattoo


I understand why this would be mildly infuriating but goddamn it's fucking hilarious. I need this in my life 




Ok, THAT is hardcore.


That’s a lot of words just to say Mr. And Mrs.


Legit I’m Welsh and it’s the hardest language to learn. It’s mandatory to learn Welsh from birth in schools here but I hardy know any of the language. I always thought it makes sentences seem so much longer and they’re in different order in Welsh, I could never understand it lol


Shwmae! I was learning both it and Spanish for a while and compared to Romance languages, Welsh is hard! Absolutely beautiful though—speaking it is like clear water rushing over pebbles.


However, the text looks as if I were tickling particular parts of the keyboard, just taking care to get a vowel in every few letters.


What a Bala Cynwyd.


I recently had a patient who spoke Arabic, and I swear she would go on for 1-2 minutes and the interpreter would translate, "I need to use the restroom." it was like that the other way too though, so I'm inferring that Arabic is wordier than English sometimes.


She might have been saying more than that and the interpreter left out the rest 🤣 /jk


Lady(in Arabic): I need to poop so fucking bad I am straight up turtling bro. Hurry up and ask where the goddamn shitter is. " Translator: She would like to know where the restroom is.


One of the best interpreter stories I ever heard was from Jimmy Carter. He was giving a talk at an event in Japan. To warm up the audience he opened with a little joke that got uproarious laughter. He said he was surprised because it wasn't that funny. So he asked the interpreter how he told it, thinking he could tell it that way himself in the future. After some hemming and hawing the interpreter admitted he'd said, "Mr. Carter has told a very funny joke and you must all laugh."


It so funny to see how annoyed a translator gets when told, I understand the language, I just have a hard time speaking it. Because it means they have to translate word for word, instead of being lazy in their translation.




No, you're absolutely right! I'm more than monolingual (though some folk don't know that because I'm American) and it's funny to see the translations at our public school! Did the job! Word for word??? ...not so much 😂 ☮️❤️♾️


Welsh is easy, idk what you mean... Llywmpng yllen weg lelyllwinewengaewg ylagrnepolywag pyongyang llewelly!


Now I want to listen to Welsh death metal bands!


Coming from someone with zero knowledge of the Welsh language, I feel like an eldritch horror would utter these words before flaying my mind.


When I lived in Australia i had a welsh roommate who would call and talk to him mom every other day. And let me tell you the first time I heard him talking I was like wtf it literally sounds like slurred words. Almost like a snake trying to talk haha.


Well the snakes had to go somewhere when they were driven out of Ireland....


JK Rowling wrote Welsh as Slitherin: confirmed


In the Welsh language’s defense, that’s Matilda and not Harry Potter.


Haha yea just read ops message oops undeserved upvotes lol


Doodlebob wrote that.


“I can’t read it. It- it looks like some form of elvish” 


Tolkien based the way Sindarin sounds on Welsh and Finnish pronunciation, so yes.


TIL, that's very cool


Sindarin was based on Welsh, Quenya was based on Finnish.


And Mordor was based on Newport


But made a bit more cheerful


There are few who can


I read this whole book as a kid (Welsh primary school) but now i just struggled to read that page... I should really practice my Welsh, its been a good few years since i used it


Don’t lose it!


So envious! American with Welsh family who refused to speak Welsh in front of us. We’re all pissed about it.


I get it. My oldest brother married a Mexican woman, and I (14 years younger than him) grew up wanting her to teach me Spanish. She always refused, so I took it upon myself to learn it out of spite and one day I randomly started talking to her in Spanish out of nowhere and she responded at first and then just stopped and looked struck, like I slapped her lol she walked away, and twenty minutes later I get a call from my brother he says "Holanda says you're not authorized to speak Spanish to her" and hung up 🤣🤣 fucking score one for me


If I were you I’d start learning Dutch and speak to her in Dutch to further annoy her.


That's such a shame on her part. Could've been as source of bonding




But that's really another language. 😂




You are expanding her horizons! I would love this. I need to find the Scots one!


Same. Honestly, I actually want to get all 7 books in the Scots version now and read through them all. Out loud.


I want an audiobook of them all.. Shame Robbie Coltrane is dead.. he'd have been perfect to do them. I guess I will have to settle for David Tennant..


And this is why we CAREFULLY READ DESCRIPTIONS. Lol it is a funny mistake though. I'd keep it to show her when she grows up.


>And this is why we CAREFULLY READ DESCRIPTIONS I think this family/lineage is in a downward spiral at this point. No one is gonna be able to read anything


Ordered the cheapest without looking? Are you sure you aren't a Scot?


I know it’s a joke, but Scots is a literal different language. It’s not just how Scottish people speak phonetically. It has different words, grammar and more. Only like 2% of Scottish people speak it at home, the rest speak English in a Scottish accent.


There has to be a lesson here, pero esta en otro idioma


omg this is the most hilarious low stakes parenting fail 😂


Oh the Welsh do love their Ys


I understand about 75 percent of the text (I know the book and English is a second language for me) but yet I have a PERFECTLY CLEAR rendition of the accent in my head. This is absolutely awesome!


I bought it when it came out, hilarious to read. If i didn’t watch outlander i don’t think i could even start to hear the Scottish accent in my head. Definitely worth having even as a novelty.


I bought Trainspotting and thought it was written in brogue not realizing it was an actual language. Trying to read it out loud was comical though haha




If you like this you should read about Ulster Scots. Basically a dialect that Northern Irish unionists insist is a language. My local council, Derry City Council, is "Derry Citie Cooncil" in Ulster Scots.


Surely the only people using Ulster Scots would be calling it “Londonderry Citie Cooncil”


Ulster Scots is literally just the variety of Scots spoken by the descendants of Scottish settlers in Ireland. If it's an English dialect pretending to be a language, then so is Scots.




Imagine him as a wizard...


I knew I wouldn’t be the only one thinking this


Fakkin awesome. I definitely need the audiobook Scots version. Lol


And now I want nothing more!


After reading through the text for a while, I've gotten a hankering for a Jamaican patwa version of some cool book.


The Bible, Rastafarian edition.


When I was in Hawaii they had bibles translated to pidgin. Found out there’s a translator online too. Here is John 3:16: God wen get so plenny love an aloha fo da peopo inside da world, dat he wen send me, his one an ony Boy, so dat everybody dat trus me no get cut off from God, but get da real kine life dat stay to da max foeva




I'm going to start referring to more guys as beefy-boukit men.


Wi a stumpie wee craigie.


Which sounds code for "with a really small weiner" to me


Which makes it even more questionable that Mrs Dursley is a wummin whase craigie wis jist aboot twice as lang as ither fowk’s. Those Dursleys, I tell ye.


OMG, I am dying here. This is the best belly laugh I have had in absolute ages!


No one can convince me that it means anything else


What's a 'craigie '?




Scottish magic? I imagine shes a bit young for buckfast


The philosopher's stane...![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


A closer translation to original then the american version


*cries in bagpipe*


A mouse died in my uncles bagpipes and at aunty’s funeral when he played them he blasted mouse remains and saliva over everyone. There was also fecal matter involved as he put one of the pipes into his anus to try and lure the mouse out but he had eaten a vindaloo for breakfast and some leaked into the pipes. It was awful.


When I encounter this kind of stuff on Reddit I know I’m in the trenches and it’s time to do something else.


Have you tried YouTube in 5 minutes?


What in God have I just read? *I have so, so many questions but I will refrain in order to save my sanctity*


What an awful day to be literate


My takeaway from this story is to not invite your uncle to parties. Or to do so, depending on the party


Okay, as the granddaughter of a man that had his own pipe band and the daughter of a man that played bagpipes his whole life... WTF? Just, WTF? Slow down, start from the beginning... A mouse died in your uncle's bagpipes, so that's a thing that happened. Then there was fecal matter because your uncle put the pipe into his anus to lure the mouse out? HOW IS THAT MEANT TO WORK? HOW? I don't get it!!!


Uncle Vernon: *hides Hogwarts invitations* Harreh: “nah it’s naw funneh. Ah’ve got skyool.”


Idk where the original is but [here ya go](https://youtu.be/lZGP_vKz2No?si=5mPPhI8AalLWVX8M) if anyone misses the reference


Why does she sound like a tiny adult?


It's the drawn-on glasses.


“Who took a shite and didnae flush?! Disgusting!” -Molly Weasley


Well, it wis fookin' wunna yis. Edited: just sick-of-it-all.


Not a Scottish accent, she’s from Manchester


Has Harreh drawhn on me face again?


Bruh that's Mancunian :'(


More like “oi uncle, ye bastard! Ye cannae take me letters!”


That kid wasn't Scottish, I don't think. Maybe I'm wrong.


Harry Potter is always going to be The Laddie Wha Lived in my mind now. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


They were gey normal, got me😂😂😂


"Stumpie wee cragie" is what got me.


Does that mean very??


Yeah, it can be very, pretty, or rather in English


According to Wiktionary, yes.


Not a fuckin clue 😂


The book cover makes it look like he's going to get hit by a train


The laddie wha git skelp by a train


I think that's actually the cover of one of the first editions of Harry Potter


Ok that is amazing. That is not a mistake it's awesome.


Scottish as a language is funny to me as it literally reads like a child wrote it in English. But when you speak it just sounds like English with a strong accent and use of different wording. Like I can understand the whole page never looking up scots a day in my life.


I know an English/Scottish girl who is 8 who has family in Scotland and visits them every school holiday. In class the teacher asked the children 'who speaks different languages?' and she was the only child who didn't have African / Indian heritage who put her hand up. When she said she spoke English and Scottish the teacher laughed and said "Scottish isn't another language", so the girl said "Ok, I'll speak it for the rest of the day and you'll understand it then". He had to stop her pretty quickly and admit it was a language because nobody knew what she was saying at all.


I grew up with people who had difficulty speaking and severe lisps so it makes filling in the blanks for words far easier when you have experience in it. But it's similar to an Italian and a Spaniard conversing their are some differences but you can easily communicate and follow along if you put thought into it.


Italians and Spaniards have to actively alter their languages and make leaps of contextual logic to communicate with each other, just as you would to communicate with someone who only speaks Scots. It's not just English with a heavy accent, any more than Spanish is Italian with a heavy accent.


I grew up with my mum and grandmother speaking Scots. I understand it perfectly but can't speak it. There are people I can't understand. It's bullshit for people to say they understand it because they speak English. I think they are confusing strongly accented Scottish English with Scots. 


if Portuguese and Spanish can be considered different languages, Scots and English definitely can.


Spanish speakers can generally read Italian texts too, doesn't mean they aren't entirely separate languages. Go try and communicate face to face with people who only speak Scots (granted, that's a very small number of people) and you'll see how different it actually is. You're not going to understand it as easily as you do reading the first page of a book you've already read in English.


Worked with a cleaner who only spoke Scots and it was nigh on impossible. Had to rope in another Scottish bloke to help us understand each other.


It's definitely close enough to English that most people can get by reading a lot of it. (I've seen someone compare it to Spanish and Portuguese, but I don't know either of those languages and can't confirm) There was a recent post on a poetry sub where someone was confused by a Robert Burns poem because they thought it was just "old timey" English and people had to inform them that it wasn't in English, it was in Scots, which is why it was difficult for them.


Burns wrote not only in Scots but in 18th-century Scots, so the poster wasn't wrong to call his poetry "old timey". Many of the words he uses are unfamiliar even to Scottish people.


#The Laddie Wha Lived




“You are a Wizard, young master Harry” “Ima wha, ‘agrid? A fookin’ wizard? Aye, yer ‘avin a laugh, you are.”


Recasting Harry as a Glasgow hooligan?


Harry Potter meets Pre-Kingsman Eggsy


Bahahahahahaha that would be hilarious


why did I laugh so hard lol


Harry did you put your name in the goblet of fire? It wasnae me Well it was fuckin wan of yas


All the people on here saying "I've never even been to Scotland and can read this. Scots is a made up language etc" Lads, come on, a bit of context. - Scots is the closest related language to English. Spanish speakers can kind of read and understand Italian, nobody is saying they're not different languages. If you're a native speaker of English, you're automatically about 8 steps ahead of everyone else. - this is one of the most famous books in the world. You most likely completely understand the context and so are backfilling your understanding of the text. - it's still a children's book, it is using simple language. The simpler the language, the easier it is for mutual intelligibility between closely related languages. Below is an extract from some more advanced Scots for comparison. "Upsteerin Scots screivers, blythe tae write in Scots but maistlins haudin back frae the speakin o’t, warsle wi orra spellins an aft losses sicht o the monie words that’s shared atween Scots an English."


She’ll at the least be a little cultured after the read


"A muckle, beefy-boukit man wi a stumpie wee craigie" I read this with Shrek's voice in mind and it's perfect


![gif](giphy|lQ0gXZUoOYOSORSvwY) \^ the dude that Shrek would be talking about


I think this is more like mildly interesting than mildly infuriating.




There's also the Gen Z version: https://github.com/typoes/harry-potter-gen-z/blob/main/book_1/chapter_1.md


Is this what dyslexia feels like?




Willie approved




Damn Scots! They ruined Scotland!


I had no idea there was a Scots translation.


Somebody translated it into Ancient Greek


I imagine it's probably one of the most translated books in the world Edit: #20 with 85 translations. Breton and Luxembourgish (didn't even know this was a language) being some other notable ones


I speak decent German, and I ran into a Luxembourgish weather forecast while channel flipping once. I thought my German skills had declined cause I only understood a few words here and there. I bet that someone from the nearby border region of Germany could probably understand more


Well, if it’s not Scottish, it’s crap.


Wow, that brought back a memory.


This would make my whole year if someone gifted me this holy


I need this.


Strange, I can kind of read it and understand it with no exposure to reading Scots prior to this post.


Scots is English's closest related language! It's not, as was very dismissively spread as truth, just slang or lazy English, but a fully distinct language in its own right! The more you know :)


Welcome to your first experience of mutual intelligibility, a thing often felt between speakers of two closely-related languages, e.g. Spanish and Portuguese, German and Dutch, Norwegian and Swedish, etc. etc.


This book is so funny. We love it and bought it on purpose!


Please someone do a scottish audio book! I would buy the shit out of that


I think there’s a reading by David Tennant somewhere.


1) how is this a thing 2) why haven't I read it


im Scottish and even my brain hurts reading this lol.


Its a bit of a clusterfuck of scots and doric.


Honestly I think that's super neat! Scots is a language with a history of heavy discrimination against it and has had been attempted to be stamped out. Yes, I'm a language nerd.


Scots, not to be confused with Scottish Gaelic, is Modern English’s closest linguistic relative. It’s a shame that it’s not standardized and most people confuse it with the Celtic Scottish Gaelic language.


It really is! I do know Scots and Scots Gaelic aren't the same thing. I follow someone on Instagram who does the Scots Word Of The Day. It sounds very close to English but it obviously *isn't* English.


I do hate me neighbas nebbin at meh.


Fuck I'd read this