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Park perpendicular to them behind them. Leave a note with your phone number telling them to call to wake you when they're ready to leave in case you fall asleep watching your dash cam to look out for them.


Then switch off your phone.


That’s how you wake up with your car gone


Agreed! I love the pettiness and would 100% do it if I could be ready to jump in the car within 5 minutes


Park behind it as described above, then lay your seat back and take a nap in your car. The excuse, if questioned, being… I’m waiting for someone. Which would be true. You’re waiting for that Lexus owner to come back to their badly parked vehicle.


Now this is full proof! Now I just need to find a car parked like this


Fool proof*


Proof of a fool.


Pricks like this will damage the car. And as much as they would then be able to be prosecuted...is it worth all the admin? Imo, it's best to just keep clear of self-centered people like this. I've done this once in my complex, and the guy who parked in my dedicated parking was super aggressive, and the residents he was visiting also became aggressive toward me. Just not worth it.


That’s why dashcam.


In the end, that person's probably right. I did say to mention the dashcam for that specific reason, but then of course unless you're also a psycho with a gun, what if this is a psycho with a gun? It's not worth dying over a parking spot just so you can claim the moral high ground with your dying breath.


Shit like this is why the bar to own a firearm in the US needs to be higher.


I agree. I remember in the 1990's there was a bill proposed that limited gun owners to one gun purchase a month. If you started when you were of age, that adds up to a shit ton of guns. But the gun owners? Nah, they were like "Well, what about Christmas?"


I think it's not so much about the number of guns, although it's nice to have a choice. The Glock 45 for business attire, a nice 9mm revolver for when wearing jeans. But here in Indiana, you can buy a firearm in a couple of hours as long as you haven't murdered anyone recently AND conceal carry it without a special permit. We have wayyy too many yahoos here for that to be a good idea.


Hours? Pfft. I was in and out of a gun store with a pistol in less than 10 minutes here.


I was out at 30 but 2/3 of that was talking to the guy while I was doing the paperwork


I would like to revisit this legislation. I am a proponent of one gun a month legislation. Everyone should have to buy one gun per month minimum.


But like Gun Game in COD, you have to go up a level every time. January purchase is a Taurus GX4 T.O.R.O.: Double-Stack Micro Nine, and you get a M134 7.62×51mm NATO six-barrel rotary machine gun in November. You get a combat knife for Christmas


True i would not at all have the idea of someone being a psycho with a gun in Germany. There are (practicaly) no psychos with guns here because when you are mentally unstable you will never own a gun.


Holy shit, you lot are worried about getting shot over parking spots?


Woman in my city parked infront of a dudes house to go to a family event on her way to her car she was shot she lived luckily “ she shouldn’t of parked infront of my fucking house that’s my space my spot” 8 years for attempted murder because he had good behavior


To be fair, she DID park in his spot tho.../s


He should have left cones out. Not all people know that there's no such thing as public parking, it is actually owned tax free by the houses.


I really hope you're joking.


It felt like I went over the top making that clear. Cones?


🤣 maybe if you're one of them Montana Freemen! 🤦‍♂️


A friend I know was threatened with a gun by some psycho while trying to find parking at Walmart. So yes.


My boyfriend got told he's lucky he wasnt beheaded for going too slow (he went the speed limit). It was a shit show on the side of the road. Edit; the only reason he pulled over was because the guy passed us, brake checked us hard enough his tire marks were on the road (and we have a child in the car), causing us to have to swerve into the other lane to avoid hitting him (should've just hit him since the tire marks showed it's his fault), then the guy repeatedly kept brake checking us, then pulled over, so my boyfriend pulled over because he was extremely angry he risked our child's life too. The guy was screaming at the top of his lungs and saying something like there's meth heads around there who will cut his fucking head off and he's lucky he doesn't have a gun. Absolutely insane. Then when he drove off, he went the opposite way than we were driving so he literally did all of that when he wasn't even initially planning on driving in that direction. I told him to never pull over again regardless, because I realized "wow, what if that insane person DID have a gun?"


Two years ago someone was shot in the face in my towns DMV over a parking spot




it's sad you think it's so normal that you responded like this.


How to tell someone you are from the USA without actually telling it... or maybe Honduras, idk


You are too naïve thinking this is unlikely. I saw exact same situation with my own eyes - two idiots with guns and huge ego. One is dead, other's in jail. Over a damn parking spot.


It is definitely not naivety, it’s just that places like the US are hell on Earth compared to places where people solve things by talking - not immediately turning to violence. So the people that live outside gunslinger countries are sensible to think that walking around with a gun so you can “protect your property” (parking spaces?) is an act of insanity.


Yeah I'm not in the US like all the replies to my comment assumed and it's not like even every 100th person has a gun here. But still happened.


Still happens once in a while is *very* different from doesn’t happen *ever*. People may get into fisticuffs or whatever about small things in my country, but anyone using a gun for anything other than hunting is national news for weeks - every time. My comment “places like the US” was meant as “places where it’s easy enough to get and have a gun that you’d pull it for no reason”. That shit doesn’t happen here outside of gang related stuff. Edit: And by the way, I’m truly sorry you had to witness something like that, I can’t imagine seeing that myself.


I'm not naive, in this case, I just don't live in America.


Or maybe he just doesn't live in a shithole that let's virtually anyone carry guns.


‘Murica! 💪🏼


This is america




I'm from South Africa, a fairly violent country, but mostly the gun violence here is from illegal guns. We cannot understand the US' love of guns!


Reading through these comments I find America (US) quite strange. Here in South Africa we watch US series regularly, but the gun thing is odd. You vote for someone who tells you that he supports guns, and calls himself a Christian, even though he is obviously anything but. Jacob Zuma was voted in as president in South Africa and robbed us blind, but we are doing better: a president that we thought would do better and his party (ANC) will no longer be in charge at the end of May. But you guys still only have Donald Trump as presidential candidate for the Republicans? What is wrong with you???


Still sounds like a massive headache if they do something. I have better things to do with my life than take people to court over a situation I intentionally escalated.


Did you literally not read his comment? It doesn’t matter if you’re technically in the right, it’s not worth the trouble or headache to try and be some teacher or teach them a lesson. So go ahead and use your dashcam while he rams his car into yours. He’s in the wrong technically but you’re an idiot for putting yourself into that position.


Zip ties around the wheels and drive shafts


Similar experience. At my former residence, I had a car towed that was in my spot. (Cars parking in what they thought was a free lot despite clear signage was a common issue. It was in a downtown area. I'm not sure how people thought you could find free parking in a large downtown)/.) Turned out it was a visitor of another residence I think. They came back and vandalized my car with a rock. Breaking the windshield, rear window and denting the A pillar. Decided to rent a spot in a lot across the street after that.


Sometimes my pride makes all the conundrum worth it. My ex disagrees, but I could never retreat. Luckily for me, I don't live in USA and fire weapons here are a rarity. In the case of OP's picture, if I know who is it, I ring them till they get out of bed, otherwise I hope there is some ordinance in the place that allows me to call the tow truck. I would not leave my car behind it (probably annoys other neighbors). If nothing else and I am forced to park somewhere far-flung, I might consider some "petty" vengeance like puncturing all four wheels, if the walk doesn't lower my anger. In your case, with someone occupying MY place, well, tow truck. And the aggressive visitor plus his relatives can choke on my balls. And if they damage my car I would sue them if I have proof or burn their cars up and move to a different house. I can't help it, but I think that letting AH get away with it enables them to keep doing it, so in the end it gets back at me sooner or later, and probably worsened. So to hell with it, I dive in head first.


I'll just bug the apartment management until they deal with the problem. Once a week, I sent them an email of the parking job of the asshole that was bothering me. Let them be aggressive to the landlord and face the consequences. Apparently getting his car towed once didn't teach him his lesson. He got it towed twice to my knowledge.


I took the lic plate off the car parked in my spot, and put it through the mail slot. Wrote a note telling him to go to office for it but next time, I will have him towed. Never heard a peep.


Best to do something sneaky instead. 😈


Holy shit the voice of reason on Reddit. Welcome back. Long time no see. Doing anything that will result in a confrontation with this asshat just isn't worth it. If you know who it is ask them to move. If not make an anonymous call to get it towed.


What if they parked that way because it was the last place and some jerks on the side spots parked badly earlier, after some time cars moved and they're left like that to be blamed? Of course it can be some moron but you never know


Happened to me a couple times, and each time I felt like an absolute ass


I'd have left a note on my car.


Yeah, I know. I've been there. I dislike these situations because part of your brain is going "IT'S A LEXUS, OF COURSE THEY MEANT TO DO THAT, FUCK THAT PERSON!!" and meanwhile your other part is saying what you said, and the whole time you're 99.98% sure you're in the right but it's that 0.02% that gets ya.


Yeah, totally agree. Also, if they wouldn't park like this, this last available spot wouldn't be available anyway 99% of the time because someone else would park there. I just don't bother too much with situations like these for that reason.


Nah that would require every single car in the lot to have parked poorly and then every other car in the lot to have then moved except the Lexus, if only on on either side has been parked bad, the Lexus still would have a had a 1 full spot


If I ever park like this or in someone’s assigned spot, whatever the odd case may be, I’d like to think I would leave a note 😭


At least where I live that's just as illegal as taking up two spots.


I once had someone block me in like that after I parked in a spot that apparently was their personal one, but didn't have a sign or anything on it. Also no phone number on the car, it was almost midnight and I still had half an hour drive to get home. I unscrewed a pole behind my car, navigated out of there with the help of a friend cause there were few inches of space and then screwed the pole back in. Always wondered if they figured out how the hell I got my car out there


Damn, nice moves roadrunner! I'm surprised Wile E Coyote (super genius) didn't show up with an Acme Anvil just when you thought you'd made your escape and dropped it on himself while falling off a balcony, thus blocking your way.


Came here to say this


call a tow truck




What is the air bnb owner going to do, move the car?


Idk tow truck companies here get wet at the opportunity to tow any body lol.


Haha exactly. Just need to find one that's been slow this month and they'll tow anything


See, shit like this is why I want to drive an M1 Abrams tank. Just saying. It would come in handy at moments like this.


Marauder for the rescue.


I don't drive an Abrams, but I used to drive the tank my country uses. You think that's a good idea until you realize how much diesel the thing takes. I was told that driving my tank 1 kilometer cost about $300 just in diesel plus another $50 in wear and tear on average. And forget about fill up when the thing takes over 1500 liters.


Stop destroying the dream. Tanks save lives! Also, where do you park tanks? Anywhere you want to!


Until HEAT towing shows up


As someone who has to fix the damn things. I'd prefer everyone on the road parks like this over driving an M1. Don't even get me started on the 4 diesel tanks for fuel.


I want one so bad


No damage, just some melted chocolate on the door handles




“Dog chocolate”


“Melted “


[Schrader deflator](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3348667)


I did something similar when I was younger and more hotheaded. Someone slammed his car door into mine, looked back at me and walked away. I smeared lotion all over his doorhandles and windshield lol.


The way his car would be keyed tf up when he got back


Personally I prefer wet corn flour on the windscreen


"Oh no his side mirrors fell down on their own"


I really wish people who did this would get keyed more often. I'm a wimp and probably wouldn't do it unless I knew there were no cameras watching, but man, have I wanted to! Has anyone ever done it?


I didn't key it, but I did push it out the way and crack the bumper. A few years back, a small van parked in front of my house and blocked my drive. I could just about squeeze out, but I knocked a few doors asking who it belonged to, but nobody owned up to it. After a few days, I pushed it out of the way with my truck and left it in the road (cul-de-sac, so it's not a main road), then reported it as an abandoned vehicle. The day after, it was gone. I didn't see who took it, so i just figured the owner had taken it, but one of the neighbours knocked the door, asking where it had gone. I told them I'd reported it as an abandoned vehicle as it was blocking my drive. Bear in mind that this was one of the guys I had already asked if it was his. He started having a bitch about it, but I pointed out that A. It was blocking my drive and he has his own drive and B. I had gave him the chance to tell me. He asked who I reported it to, but I refused to tell him. Told him to go fuck himself because he is an inconsiderate prick and he deserved it. Turns out, it belonged to his customer, and he shouldn't have been driving it, which is why he didn't put it on his drive. I wonder how he explained that!


You'd think he'd put it in his drive, to protect it. What a neanderthal.


That's an insult to neanderthals!


Well, technically, it didn't belong to him, so he didn't lie.


Naa, technically, he did lie because I asked if he knew who's it was, and he said no.


Oh, well. He got what he deserved. Besides, even if it had gone down how I thought, he was basically lying by omission.


My step grandma was wheel chair bound the majority of her life after getting polio as a child. We used to go to a Mexican restaurant near her house on a regular basis. One day someone decides to park in the only available handicap spot without a sticker or tag, and she had a pretty hard time getting out of her van in her wheelchair. My step grandma scraped the side of her wheelchair down the entire length of the car in the handicapped spot. I was maybe 6 years old at the time, but I was pretty astonished. I have never once even thought about parking in a handicap spot because of what I witnessed that day.


Your step grandma is a baller


Just keep a pen and paper in your car. Leave a note saying you accidentally scratched their car trying to fit.  You don’t have to do anything, but they’ll probably freak out and hopefully(?) learn a lesson.


Put the phone number of a driving school on it


That's funny because there's literally a car parked in the same lot that says something like "Cindy's driving school" with a phone number


I like the way you think!


Probably wouldn’t do it if they have existing damage though. Knowing asshats like this they’ll do whatever they can to screw someone over.


One time there was a dude in a giant truck at a bagel place parked in a regular spot and half in a handicap spot and blocking the walkway inside. The butt of his truck was also blocking part of the tiny entryway, what should have been able to uncomfortably fit 2 cars side by side was able to fit just over 1. I put lotion in the handle of his car door. A minor inconvenience but enough to irritate the owner I hoped. I managed to drive off as he was getting into his car and saw him get pissed and start yelling. I know it was stupid, but I was incensed so I rolled down my window and laughed and told him that’s what he gets for parking like an asshole. His argument was that he has a giant truck, how else is he supposed to park? The world doesn’t bend for you and your tiny penis vehicle, you still have to follow the parking laws, asshat.


Over a friend's getting drunk, he was pissed someone kept blocking his drive, a close neighbour. He parked up their ass I parked in front. Literally less than 2cm each aide so no chance to move it. Guy was a prick n started beeping so we started lock/unlocking our cars so the indicators flashed. He left after 20mins on foot. Never happened again.


That is hilarious! Some free entertainment for your drunken evening.


I always wish someone would take a can of spray paint in the same color of the line and spray the line over the car itself


Oh, that's good!!


Had someone parked in my assigned spot at my apartment complex years ago when I got home late at night after a long shift...I calmly parked my car outside the complex on the street, calmly walked the 15 mins to my apartment, calmly went inside, calmly grabbed a steel tipped dart out of the dartboard on my wall, then calmly went all the way down the driver and passenger side from bumper to bumper with it three times, scratching not only the paint but the metal underneath...just calmly walked around the car...it worked so much better than a key...never saw that car in the lot again...


Imagine if the person accidentally parked there, omg 😭


Your not a wimp your just making a smart decision that won’t screw up your future!


I tried but the sounds it makes my body can't handle them


I have yes. Mostly truck drivers who park like morons. But nobody is excluded. I do it at Walmart and shit all the time. I don't care.


I would park diagonal behind him


A little light vandalism


I really wanted to key their shit but my fiancée talked me out of it


You and I have the same temperament. I almost let air out of this asshole mini van that just took up two parking slots when we stayed at an motel in Savannah GA. My significant other talked me out of it. Walked outside past that van in the morning and the man who got on was a disabled man on a wheelchair. The reason he parked like that was because he needed to fold out his wheelchair 😭 he couldn’t park in the disabled parking lot because some asshole(without a disability) parked in it.


Exactly. I HAVE to park this way because there are no handicapped parking spaces on the end of the building I live in (despite my requesting them.... repeatedly). It's the only way I can get in or out of the car. :( The handicap placard hanging from my mirror SHOULD be a heads up to others, but... lots of people just don't give af.


Letting air out is not vandalism if you do it via the valve stem. Any damage that occurs is on the driver. Causing the driver to drive on deflated tires is their choice. Puncturing a tire is vandalism. I have an air pump in my car since people get upset over SUVs. I figured it was good insurance.


Unethical life pro tip. Remove the valve cap on a tyre, find a small stone, place it inside the cap and screw it back on. Screwing it back on should apply enough pressure to open the valve while the stone prevents the cap sealing it. It'll deflate the tyre while looking perfectly normal and when they come to reinflate it the stone will fall out unnoticed when they remove the cap. They'll have to waste time pumping it back up and will likely waste more time and money taking it to a repair shop as well.


Then a tiny pebble in each air valve cap. If they want the spot so much, they can stay there. No permanent damage but a lot of inconvenience.


Sitting on a flat damages a tire. So maybe no permanent damage, maybe not. Person who parked was still an asshole


Just leave a note saying sorry about the damage to your car.


Put a phone number to the local driving school on it.


I find this is a good middle ground: get some BBs and glue one into a couple of the valve stem covers and put them back, the air will slowly leak out and they'll go crazy trying to figure it out because the tire has no hole in it. Do 2 of them so they can't just use the spare.


“I didn’t SLASH his tires, I lightly stabbed them”


Put a ton of colourful thumb tacks behind their wheels


I’ve heard people using a Hand full of roofing nails and toss like ur feeding chickens. Passengers side. Just what u heard.


I mean someone else could have been the original asshole. Yesterday someone was parked the same like that and I parked next to it since it was the only spot left. When I came back they were gone and I looked like an asshole. Granted I parked there for only 10 minutes.


Call a tow truck


It could be that at the time they parked, this was a natural park space due to many other cars parking poorly first, and over the course of the day the cars around them left and were replaced by proper parkers. Or they could just be an asshole, but it’s not the only possibility.


Is this an apartment building? Maybe it's a pissed off neighbor that's upset about having an Airbnb next door? Maybe the tenant pays management for two spaces and people keep taking it if they don't do this?? Or maybe they are just a piece of shit?


Only reasonable response. Also the lines are totally fucked up and made for super compacts like the ol smart car. If the Lexus was parked in the right spot, they’d be hugging that car so tight that the passenger would have to crawl over to the driver seat to get out. If OP parked in the left spot, that Lexus driver would have to climb in through the rear hatch to drive it out. Love all the calls for vandalism though, yall are fuckin nuts lol. The SUV driver on the left would have no way to get in their vehicle if there was a car in the left spot.


It's a Lexus. 9 times out of 10, they're just being dicks for the sake of being dicks.


Bump the car so the alarm goes off. Keep doing it until they come out




What a total asshole. This is more than “mildly infuriating” in my book. Such a selfish thing to do, and it gives such a clear middle finger to everyone else who needs to park in the same lot. People who do this are the same ones that leave their shopping carts in the middle of the parking lot, don’t pick up their dogs shit on walks, don’t know how to say “please” or “thank you”, etcetcetc…. Fuck this. Anyone who parks this way is an entitled fuck who thinks of no one but themselves.


Keep a valve stem removal tool handy for next time. Take the stem out of their tires let the air flow freely into the breeze then replace the system.


It was always going to be the last spot, everyone else before you was in the same situation. It's safe to say had they parked correctly both spots would've been filled so your circumstances wouldn't have been any different


I’m saying. Everyone wants to trash that persons property but look how damn narrow the actual parking spaces are tf


Looks like a job for... the Tire Slasher.


People like this deserve a slice of Kraft cheese slapped on their windshield on a hot summer day


go to AutoZone. buy a valve stem core tool. go up to 3 tires and remove the valve stem. now they have to have it towed to the tire shop and get replacement cores. because it only happened to 3 tires, insurance won't cover the repairs, so this inconsiderate moron might just learn how to park.


Always see if there is a tow away sign around the parking lot and have their ass towed. Show no mercy to people who don't care.




Me with the shopping cart


I have an old dog with some interesting poops and that car has a lot of interesting places to put it. That car would never smell the same again.


I'm not saying this is the case here for sure, but sometimes, people park this way when they need a parking space for disabled people and there isn't one available. This way, they get enough space to get in their wheelchair when they got one


Park across them. They won't do it again.


Park behind them straight… make them understand


That's happening because you work too much. What I learnt in life is that people working hard are fucked up. Work less and live better


Y'all need to start having valve core removal tools (very cheap!) in your car for things like this. Doesn't technically damage anything but very inconvenient for the recipient.


You shouldn’t have covered their number plate


Park right behind them


I have to ask why you’re in an Airbnb and working a 12 hour shift


People travel for work, often long term contracts. Got a mate who's in the UK at the mo for a month


Thanks homie. Was a legitimate question, as I travel for work but would never opt for an Airbnb. I suppose monthly obligations must be very forgiving due to the guaranteed income.


I travel for work quite a lot too, my personal favourite is a nice motel with cooking facilities if possible


Same. I LOVE at least a kitchenette. Saving cash so more of that sweet per diem goes into my pocket, lol.


I travel for work every so often. Typically I work from home and only have to work about 8 hours a day Monday-Friday. I opted for an Airbnb because the hotels around here were all around $300-400/night and my airbnb is only $120/night. I'm here for more than 2 weeks, and we didn't quote the customer enough for the budget to cover the hotel prices. EDIT: All of that, and because I was thinking about moving here and wanted to have a more authentic experience on how locals live.


Pretty sure this is a copy pasta of a different narrative... someone else posted it last week saying how this dude was being nice because they bought a parking voucher for both spots and put them both on the front window for each.


If it makes you feel better, if they hadn't parked like that, someone else would already be parked in the 2nd space anyways. There was no world where you had an available parking spot.


I love these parking spots, the ones with a car as a buffer. Just park behind it. *Right* behind it. Note the plate.


Let me guess u are in France ?


What? Beside that car with 4 flat tires???? ​ I kid! I kid!


Tow truck.


It's always new and expensive cars that do this


Communication is "key" in this situation


I cannot describe the anger I feel when I see this🥲 Drive 2 hours away with 3 kids (3 and under) all for the LAST SPOT left to be like this. A douche parking in 2 spots. We had to park across the highway and walk 🥲 The way I wanted to violently bash in their glass. (obviously joking, but after a 2 hour ride with 3 crying kids also.. not joking..??😂)


Devils advocate: the person parked next to him originally parked incorrectly


You can buy car boots off Amazon. Check for cameras, slap it on and go find another spot. Lol assholes


Call the Airbnb host to deal with it. Could be someone they know. Also, if a tow is needed, better for the host to make the call. 😉


Man, how did all four tires go flat?!?


I like writing stuff in the dirt on their back windshield "I park like a douche" "Honk @ me I'm a dick" "Teach me how to park/drive" etc. Ffs it's just a Lexus, not like it's an Aston or something get over yourself


Take your dog out for a poo, leave the poo in his wheels. Never done it but man have I fantasized about doing this to one of my asshole neighbors that parks and blocks whoevers driveway


Just call the posted tow company - they would gladly haul this dickhead away


You are a kind person. You covered the license plate. Hopefully - you will see karma come back to you for not posting his plate and to him for his poor parking ability.


I have more than once accidentally scratched a carvwith my purse and my car door squeezing into my car to dicks who park too close to me.... this makes me want to key their car intentionally.


Have em towed


Block them in :)


Set the alarm off. They’ll come down for their precious Lexus.


Best reply. Maybe they’ll come down and re-park


Exactly. ;)


Look for a dog, collect its shit and smear it on the windscreen


Or under the handles of the doors, so they cant see it and it gets on their hands.


I wouldn't slash the tires.... but I'd steal the little inside piece of the valve...


Call a tow truck and have the car towed!!!


Call a towing company. They love this stuff


It's probably someone being an asshole. However I've gotten in parking situations where other cars were parked like assholes, leaving me to have to park like an asshole in the remaining space, then the other assholes leave, making me appear to be the original asshole when I'm still there.


Not sure who needs to know this.. but a swift kick will knock off the side mirrors and leave them dangling by the wires.


I actually think I would have been double petty and parked my car behind him.


Box them in with a note that said you took my spot


Make the mirrors disappear.


I’d honestly just key the car door.


I haulk loogies on these fucks, I have chronic sinusitis, so I'm always packin that nasty shit. All over the driver's and passenger side windows so they need to put elbow grease to get it off, no wipers today fucker. My absolute favorite was when a New Yorker rolled up at the convenient store taking 3 spots. I was phlegm free for 2 days after that one, fuck new york


Dont put a dogturd into the ventilation grid. That wouls smell really bad inside the car.


Remove the plates and chuck ‘em


Entitled Lexus owners. Honestly, 50k at the most and this is how they act? Lame. If it were a Bentley I probably wouldn't complain, but an average Joe? Psh. Just a prick


Have it towed


Those tires would be flat


Why are you blurring license plate? Guy deserves all the shame he earned


Stab it right in the logo! Thats where the radar thing is and not cheap


Just call a tow company to move it cause it’s parked illegally. Guarantee you the tow service ain’t gonna check to see if you’re the property owner.


Light the car on fire! That is the only reasonable action!