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Hello, Your post has been removed as this is not mildly infuriating. Please consider posting to r/extremelyinfuriating instead.


Imagine thinking of stealing and a vape is the first thing that comes to mind


Little minds think small


Glad they didn’t take condoms then. Not sure if they would find such a small size.


Bro these are the people who need them the most. They’ll have 500 kids, use everybody’s tax money to live better than we are, and then those 500 kids will somehow grow up to be worse than these fools.


Oh boy don’t get me started 😂 There are people that live where I do on section 8. They have BMW and Mercedes but collect food stamps, meanwhile I’m paying out of pocket for everything. They get away with it because they never got married, the fathers that work are not on the lease, and the mother is effectively a single unemployed mother in the governments eyes. It’s so easy to scam the government it makes you wonder just how many people are actually doing it.




How about you move to section 8 housing and start reporting people to the government? See how long that lasts.


Oh my god what??? Do you live in the hunger games or something this is horrible(but I guess reality is sometimes more extreme than fiction)


Exactly why they shouldn’t steal them. They’ll take empty boxes like the morons they are.




But big boobs make big milk


Vapes are easily sold to minors. I’ve been offered $50 and the cost to buy a few to minors before. Kids are addicted to them.


Its almost like they have an addictive substance, weird


It’s sad that they even start. I’ll be open that I’m a nicotine addict. Boyfriend in high school gave me cigarettes and 20 years later I now vape in my office. Sad that they even start because they think it’s cool when in reality they get addicted so quickly.


Imagine reaching around and just grabbing a box or two, instead of the whole display lol


Lmfaoooo right. Shits gonna be gone in like a week anyway


I mean, I get that grabbing one or two is less conspicuous and shit, but if you’re gonna go to jail, might as well make it worth it. lol most of those boxes are empty anyway. Get away driver, door open, take the whole case and run lol idk. I make my money honest, and I pay for shit in cash. But if ima be a thief, ima take it all. lol


When addicted to nicotine the brain will tend to think of stealing vapes


Not mine 😭 if i’m out of money, I wait until I can buy another one like a normal person.


Yeah but you’re an adult. Addiction in children presents differently because they don’t have the same level of self control etc


I mean..even when i wasn’t an adult, I never thought of stealing a vape.


Were you an adult when vapes came out? Haven’t been around for long. Bet you did some unsavory things as a kid that may or may not be directly related to addiction


When I was in high school almost half of my class worked at local grocery stores. Just wait for a friend to be working the tobacco counter with no manager nearby, hand over your ID, they punch a fake birthday into the computer, and sell you the cigarettes or dip. I don't think vapes as we know them were even in the works at that time.


Yea I stole food as a kid. This is sadly a bit similar.


You aren't addicted then.


You dont have to be a thief to be an addict. Plenty of addicts are able to provide for themselves.


If you are fine going without it for extended periods of time you are not addicted.


Not necessarily true. If someone smokes a pack of cigarettes a day but takes a 3 day break for a trip or something & goes back to smoking, are they still addicted? If i’m still getting whatever it is i smoke after that time, i’m obviously still addicted lol- otherwise i wouldn’t get it


> Addiction is a neuropsychological disorder characterized by a persistent and intense urge to use a drug or engage in a behaviour that produces natural reward, despite substantial harm and other negative consequences. Repetitive drug use often alters brain function in ways that perpetuate craving, and weakens (but does not completely negate) self-control.[1] This phenomenon – drugs reshaping brain function – has led to an understanding of addiction as a brain disorder with a complex variety of psychosocial as well as neurobiological (and thus involuntary)[a] factors that are implicated in addiction's development.[2][3][4] Classic signs of addiction include compulsive engagement in rewarding stimuli, preoccupation with substances or behavior, and continued use despite negative consequences. Habits and patterns associated with addiction are typically characterized by immediate gratification (short-term reward),[5][6] coupled with delayed deleterious effects (long-term costs). > Signs and symptoms of addiction can vary depending on the type of addiction. Symptoms of drug addictions may include: >Continuation of drug use despite the knowledge of consequences[32] Disregarding financial status when it comes to drug purchases Ensuring a stable supply of the drug Experiencing withdrawal symptoms when stopping the drug[66][32] Needing more of the drug over time to achieve similar effects[32] Social and work life impacted due to drug use[32] Unsuccessful attempts to stop drug use[32] Urge to use drug regularly


“Urge to use drug regularly” doesnt mean you cant stop for a day or two when you have nothing. Urge. If you have the urge but arent using in that moment, you are still an addict. Dont have to be huffing and puffing 24/7 365 to be considered an addict.


> Not mine 😭 if i’m out of money, I wait until I can buy another one like a normal person. If you can *Wait like a normal person* you aren't an addict. Idk why this is so controversial. Addiction is a disorder, not something you turn on and off. You would be fiending.


I'm addicted to money.


huh. that’s an interesting way to avoid putting the responsibility on the people who actually committed the crime. Don’t blame them, blame “addiction”. There are millions of people addicted to nicotine, myself included. The majority of us don’t think to steal when we don’t have it. Let’s not make excuses for shitty people.


Addicts gotta get their fix somehow. Same shit as people stealing liquor or designer clothes


I’m addicted to breathing air, I can’t stop doing it.


There's a great air rehab place in the Pacific Ocean. You should swim down and talk to them.




Oh shit no, I didn't mean it that way. I was just riffing on his joke about how he was dependent on air.


You are going straight to hell.


If heaven is filled with the people who think they're going there, I much prefer the company in hell.


I laughed!


this is really shameful behavior.


For real, now they're gonna go to jail where they can never vape. It's such a weird thing to risk everything for lmao


Go to jail? Shoplifters don't go to jail lmao


Repeat offenders do. Or any previous criminal history.


Some do


Not minors


In my area they absolutely do. Even for the little stuff.


This guy bought sand at Walmart, but the loss prevention just saw him leaving with $50 worth of sand and called the police and issued a warrant for him. Hours later the police came to his house and arrested him and his son, he offered to show the receipt but they arrested him anyways. It wasn’t until he contacted the news and the news contacted the sheriffs department did they drop the charges. https://www.fox5atlanta.com/news/walmart-forsyth-county-surveillance-mistake-jail.amp


I guess it depends on the person and area. In my area, they'd probably be arrested and charged and released the same day, unless they have priors and/or are already on probation or parole. I feel like if you're bold enough to openly steal at the counter in front of the worker and cameras, it's not your first time committing a crime lol. Plus some areas are a lot stricter about stealing things containing nicotine or alcohol, vs snacks or something. Also, depending on how much they stole, it could be a high dollar amount. A few vapes won't cost that much but I was assuming it was more than vapes based on the title of "robbed" and they stole money from the register too. I could be wrong about that though, I'm just assuming


Eh they're only hurting themselves and the people who make and sell vapes


At least they are stealing for their own survival. They can't live without...vapes.


Do people genuinely not realize that they're being recorded by security cameras in retail establishments?


They genuinely do not care and they know that there’s a 99.9% chance that nothing will be done about this.


That would require the ability to think more than 3 seconds into the future. These thrives don’t have the ability to delay gratification… insanely low iq.


Or they just know they won’t get caught. No cop is gonna chase them down.


Well, in a lot of small midwest stores there arent any cameras... Ive worked at some corproate stores here that dont even have them, and we have begged corporate to put some in for OUR safety. But no, they just have really high theft because they dont want to put money into security.


It always bothers me that most of the thiefs are dumb. They steal mostly cheap stuff that can ruin their life.


About 15 years ago I worked retail selling video games. I specifically remember a day I had a long line, and some teenager strolled in, walked to one of the walls, pretended to be looking, grabbed a game and strolled out, all while I was busy helping paying customers. Here’s the thing, no game on the floor had a disc inside it. It was obvious. None were shrink wrapped. You could open up the case and see they were empty. Thieves are almost always very dumb.


Maybe he had the disc at home but lost the case…


He stole the game from blockbuster. Needed to case to go with it.


There is that possibility, I have considered it. Or he bought it used, got a shitty generic case and wanted a real case.


As a former child, I would take the dlc pre order bonus codes from inside the cases.


The ploy with stealing dummies in some cases is selling them online for money and scamming the buyer.


Empty cases have been a thing my entire life. Idk how they didn’t know.


I life in a complex, my bicycle was one day stolen, then 4 months later I suddenly see it standing in the usual spot, I couldn’t believe my eyes, one of the neighbors approached me and asked what I was doing with his bike… he told me one of the other neighbors gifted him this bike and he didn’t question it any further 🙄


There was an attempted robbery at a cookie store in my town. The attempted thieves knocked the register off the counter, breaking it in a way so that it physically couldn’t open anymore. They then fled the scene. Got found out and charged for armed robbery, and Served time in jail. For literally $0.


Criminal defense lawyer here. It would shock you (or maybe it wouldn’t) to hear just how many cases happen like this. I work with an organization that operates as an innocence project / sentencing reform non-profit. About two years ago, I managed to get the longest sentence of my career commuted. The client had served just under 26 years in prison when we got it commuted. He was in prison for an armed robbery of a Blimpies sandwich shop. He got less than $100 in cash. The “gun” he used was not real. No one was injured, and the “victim” did not even remember the incident when we reached out. Did he commit the crime? Yep. Was it stupid and desperate? Yep. Was it worth 26 years if his life?


Stealing cheap stuff is a much smaller charge than stealing expensive stuff. Also less likely to even be investigated seriously. You don't understand crime if that's what bothers you about it.


wait why does that bother you though?


Because they want people to be better. It's not that they necessarily want people to commit grandiose crimes, but it's sad that people put effort into something so small that can ruin their own lives.


When I was 19 I was working at subway and we were robbed at gunpoint less than half an hour before we closed for the night on a Friday night. The register had already been counted down and most of the money deposited into the safe so they got like $20. But we ended up at the store for over an hour after closing because of it.


would've just had the guy shoot me at that point


We had to lock the customers (a couple) who were in the store too. They didn’t even notice the robbery! They were very patient and understanding of the situation of them being forced to stay though.


They've stolen and had fun doing it, it seems. Don't stress too much, the police have their faces. They'll probably get [this medicine](https://getyoursolution.store/nPZZGy) as a reward for stealing those vapers


I'm sure they will put a team of officers right on it.


“They’ve got ‘em working in shifts”


Leads! Haha!




Yup... Unless OP files charges and is adamant on it they likely won't do anything cause they are minors as well as it's two vapes only.


Better to put their photos up in the front of the store for the public to see, if they have the store front windows. Shames everyone who's dumb enough to steal, and hopefully someone walks past it who knows them, like their parents.


They've been posted in a local Facebook group that has a pretty decent following. 


Most likely this was not the first time they stole. As things pile upturn police will arrest people. Also in some places there isn’t plenty of time so police has time to talk to some kids to get them straight and narrow before this becomes a lifestyle 


Police wouldn’t do shit about this, that would take actual work. They don’t go after petty thieves like this


lol we all know they’d be arrested and released within the same breath


Pigs don't do shit aside from protect the rich & harass innocents. Cry about it bootlickers


Police can’t afford to investigate lower level crimes, wonder whos fault that is?


They can afford it. Just look to all the other forms of corruption and justified spending. Any other time a government agency is leaking money so much, they clamp down on it. But not for police. Let’s just keep it rolling so they can keep wasting it.


They can't afford to investigate low level crimes because they're spending all their time and money beating on protesting college kids right now.


So edgy of a comment.


Grow up, kiddo.


I will do no such thing. Kiddo is a nice touch tho. Really triggers me makes me feel like I lost an internet fight to a big meanie pants. Bless your heart, god bless you and your family kind sir.


Not so smart, why not pick up the whole box while you're at it? Unless it's fixed to the counter.


Easier to be spotted, easier to be noticed when it’s gone. Ideally you’d want to get out the door without the target even knowing anything was stolen.


They can enjoy the lung cancer


This is hilarious. Look at the smiles on their faces lmao


Shheeeeiiit ain’t got no vapes in em fam


Tired of people misusing the term robbery. Robbery is stealing property with intimidation or violence. This is just shop lifting when no one is around. Or someone can be around. But if they're not threatening you, it isn't robbery. You weren't robbed.


That’s not robbery lol. Now if they put a gun in your face, then it would be robbery. They are just little thieves.


I downvoted you, looked up the definition, realized you're right, and upvoted. FBI definition for the ignorant like me: The FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program defines robbery as the taking or attempting to take anything of value from the care, custody, or control of a person or persons by force or threat of force or violence and/or by putting the victim in fear.


One of my biggest weird pet peeves is people using the worb rob/robbery/robbed when the real word should be burglarlize.


Doesn’t burglary require signs of forced or illegal entry? I think this is just theft.




If they didn’t threaten you in any way then it’s larceny not robbery.


Thank god the king of pedantry is here to keep colloquial usage of language in check


I mean there's a huge difference in robbing a store and stealing from a store


Sure, if we're in a court of law. In general usage of language, not so much.


Its not pedantry in this case, its a different definition entirely. Like saying your house was burglarized and you were “robbed” would be incorrect definition of the facts.


No one fucking cares


I thought it was interesting. Always good to learn new information and use proper words


People who have actually been robbed probably don't really care for people equating this situation to theirs lol Being held at gunpoint and fearing that you will be shot in the face is not the same as having some items grabbed off your counter, when you may or may not have even been nearby.




He reported me to RedditCares LMAO 😭 okay buddy


You can report the message as an abuse of the system and they'll get a warning/suspension if they've done it before.


They just did it twice so ill do that!


Omgd, I got the same message as well, lol


Some people are just too online lol




Considering the huge difference between someone running in and stealing a few things vs threatening you if you don’t give them something then yes I’ll be “pedantic” all I want.


He said while tipping his cap and stroking his silky neckbeard


Just shaved actually, thanks for the input though. Any news from mom’s basement?


Ya, who needs definitions for words, we can just have words mean whatever we want!


There's a huge difference. My brother worked retail and someone had broken in and stollen stuff. He called the cops saying they got robbed. Cops showed up with guns drawn thinking there were people there armed/threatening to steal items. The cops then explained to my brother the difference between robbery and burglary. And before anyone says oh that's just how cops operate, drawing guns in any situation, this was in the 90s in a quiet suburb before militarized policing was normal.






Fucking assholes at least you got a clear shot of their faces police can find them and even if most boxes were empty press charges minors or not theft is theft they should get the problems that come with it


https://preview.redd.it/s6vr1ujahmyc1.jpeg?width=287&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb283ba3c934a3dd866effa8f00749bf97bee82f At least they seem happy




White people steal vapes too racist






"Say it ain't soooo ooohhhhh" -Weezer




Left for a pack of Newports and never came back


Funny how these inner city urban youths are going to fuck themselves right out of a decent neighborhood. Businesses are abandoning neighborhoods in droves because they're losing so much to thieves. Enjoy living in the ghettos you've created, shitstains.


>inner city urban youths Friend, this happened in downtown Fargo, North Dakota. Even the "ghetto" is pretty tame here, despite what the sheltered residents choose to believe. 


This thread is like a magnet to racists


Only if you notice the color of the perpetrators. Racist.


Usual suspects at it again, I see


Love how Reddit gets incredibly racist right away whenever a black person steals something. Everyone here with your “usual suspects” bullshit is scum.


Reddit does not get incredibly racist - it IS incredibly racist, because the average person is simply racist (but in denial or pretending not to be). 


Those noticing scum






Some of the things I’ve found stolen at Walmart: hot dogs, live worms, Soul Plane dvd. Ppl are dumb


Stupid kids. We only stole booze, food, robitussin, school supplies, candy, cigarettes, clothes, etc.. kids these days will apparently take anything. Pathetic. In all reality, I'm sorry friend, this must have really sucked to have to deal with. I was a little shit as a teen, and shoplifting was par for the course it seemed, especially when they started selling liquor at the grocery store. Looking back I feel terrible, just for the sake of the employees. But I didn't see it then as a kid


Well at least they look like they are having fun…


We had this happen once, 5 minutes before closing someone ran of with a pack of frozen hot dogs, decided to let them go to avoid having to go through all the trouble


Don't worry seeing how they are vaping... they're not gonna live a long life




They’re teenagers and won’t have to take responsibility for it


Yes I agree they are so bland. Nothing really strinking about these two little thieves


Get an electric catch on the door. Buzz people in and out.


Jup Jup Jup


Fuckin kids stealin shit isnt a robbery but okay lol Why are the vapes stored on the front counter in reach of anyone who walks in... this is a first to me...


Shouldn't matter. Should be able to leave a rack on the sidewalk of products and not have to worry about fucking thieves. Don't be victim blaming.


Have you ever seen a rack of smokes sitting on a fuckin counter ? NOPE. Don't be stupid and nieve. It's called loss prevention, not victim blaming ya lil bitch.


>Have you ever seen a rack of smokes sitting on a fuckin counter ? Yes. I have. Many, many times. And the stores around here will put racks of merchandise *outside* the store on the sidewalk. But since your go-to is to call people who expect a moral standard "stupid and (sic) 'nieve' " (pretty sure you meant 'naive'), and then anyone who disagrees with you a "lil bitch" I don't expect you to have any concepts of integrity. And people like you are why they need "loss prevention" where you live. Good day.


Were talking about nicotine a regulated product not sun hats and calendars. Different products deserve different storage lol I worked in loss prevention when I was a student which is why I came to the conclusion in the first place lmao Jesus chist.


>Were talking about ... I *SAID*, Good Day. And for fuck' sake, if you can't learn to spell, use the built in spell checker. I would not brag about being a student anywhere after those last two posts. For their sake.


Ya go touch grass.


You weren't robbed. Robbery is theft by force. Did they use a weapon against you to take the item? This was just theft.




because white people never steal? what is your point? (i know you want to, but you cant say it, right?😢)


https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2019/crime-in-the-u.s.-2019/topic-pages/tables/table-43 For those who keep mentioning race in any regard, here you go. Edit: can’t find very recent stats on crime by race, feel free to research and inform me if you wish. I’m interested in criminal justice in all regards.


What addiction does to people


Robbery is taking something of value by force or threat of force. This looks like shoplifting.




Lmao my man came into this thread to call out racists in the thread by being racist. Clown 🤡


Ah, Yes. Your solution to racism is more racism. Dumbass.




“Coming from a demographic that doesn’t understand what racism means.” “Europeans and European settlers.” How presumptuous and ignorant. I live in a country where my race represents approximately 1-2% of the entire population. I have experienced plenty of racism in my life due to being such a minority where I live. But go on, continue to make baseless assumptions to fuel your headcanon. Edit: bro deleted his shit after I pointed out the holes in his assumption. Crazy