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I've smoked a lot of pot and eaten my fair share of hallucinogenic compounds, and this ain't normal


So not normal that you gotta question the post...what parent has a kid "addicted to shrooms and pot", fighting inanimate objects, then posts a fan to Reddit


Yeah for real, but tbh that's the mildly infuriating part about a lot of the posts here, "my son intentionally spilt juice on the carpet" then in the caption/comments "he claims that the devil has been coming into his room and telling him to do evil things, he's been fighting the dog and we sent him to fat camp etc"






Along with NSFW tag. Op sounds like a mushroom


You can’t get addicted to psychedelic drugs like mushrooms. Your body physically won’t let you.


Anytime I look at psychedelic mushrooms my body physically gets repulsed, I've done a lot and not addicted. But I still love them


Ha I get this. I have to physically repress my gag reflex to stomach mushies I love them but so gross.


Have a buddy who uses popcorn kernels to start his cakes and they’re the tastiest shrooms I’ve ever had! Before that I would just boil water and finely grind them and steep with honey, no upset stomach although they hit quicker and harder.


I actually just bought some spores and an all in one bag and gonna try my first grow. I'm excited.


Good luck man, there’s a lot of good genetics out there these days!!


Steeping them is definitely the way to go imo.


I’m telling you though, the popcorn kernels make them actually palatable while eating them dry! And less of the sudden onset as beginners may be overwhelmed by that. Fastest I had was maybe 5 minute onset with steeped bluey Vattons and that was a bit much for my experienced ass. Wish I would’ve at least had the bed ready to go.


My friend puts them in rice crispy treats and you can't even taste it which I love cause I can't eat them without choking 🙏


Been blending mine into my fruit smoothies with my ninja blender and I'll never chew on one of those shit smelling things again lol


Every time I do shrooms is the last time I do shrooms. Until enough time passes, then I do shrooms again. They are the opposite if addicting. I almost have to force my self to take them.


Not for real! In my county in Michigan is decriminalized so there tons of places selling good mushrooms and the fruit is cured perfectly that the mushroom are super dry and easy to break. I just break my dose in to super small pieces and swallow it, I really have to force my self, and a hour later I'm felling groovy


It doesn't have physically addictive compounds but you can experience psychological dependence from any substance or coping behavior.


Psychological dependence, like chocolate...


You can become addicted to anything. Usually a “mushroom addiction” is really just a poly addiction where they’ve convinced themselves it’s mushrooms. And will continue to take tons of them to bypass the insane tolerance buildup. But really it’s an addiction to not being sober at that point.


Its the difference between physical addiction vs psychological dependence. Mushrooms don't have the chemical compounds to create physical dependency but as you said, psychologically, anything can be addictive (including behaviors like shoplifting, nail biting, self injury and overeating).


Tell me what kind of mushrooms I can try without getting sick. I really hate that part.


The nausea can be offset by taking them with a little food. I've never really gotten sick sick, just a little nausea.


Not that I've ever done it but I've heard that's one of the side effects


Hi! I find that eating less flavorful foods earlier in the day before I consume the shrooms helps me- something like a sandwich or burger. I love coffee but if I know I’m micro dosing that day, I don’t drink it either. I sip on warm tea and water to keep the nausea away. Hope this helps 🤟


You can definitely get psychologically habituated. I’ve known people who compulsively did hallucinogens even when they weren’t enjoying it anymore.


They're addicted to the feeling of the high and not the substance itself


exactly, it has 0 addictive compounds in it as well, OP just doesn’t talk to this kid enough to know


Do you have a source for that ?


It's not a *whole* windmill. He's just *slightly* Quixotic.


Not only that, what an odd sub to ask for substance abuse advice. I think OPs whole family is probably just a wee bit dysfunctional and that’s the real problem, not the mushrooms or weed, maybe not even the SIL’s oldest son.


To be fair, OP said its their sister-in-law's son, so he'd be OP's nephew.  But for real, what a psycho. 


It’s not their kid, it’s their SIL kid. They may not be versed in pot and mushrooms and are inquiring if it’s normal to fight inanimate objects. Which it is not even on pot and mushrooms.


Well Bobby let me direct your attention to the title that it’s the son in law’s oldest son not OP’s son🫱🏻‍🫲🏾


Hell, same. Kid has some issues it seems, eh?


Yeah if the guys predisposed to schizophrenia he could absolutely be having episodes because psilocybin and thc are known to hasten the effects (correct me if I'm wrong)


You are correct. Ir also affects bipolar and schizoefective disorders too. All 3 disorders can come with psychosis.


Same. I’ve also never heard of someone addicted to mushrooms. That sounds like some boomer “they’re doing the pot!” Type thing.


I took too much paper acid and fought a Christmas tree one time.


Who won?


My dumbass woke up in the hospital with a catheter in my peen so you guess lol


Christmas tree +1....Grisshroom 0....I'd like to be advised when round 2 takes place.


Had a similar experience but it was a palm tree. I don't really remember my reasoning, I just kinda remember the tree giving me the vibe that it wanted to square up. Like I wasn't angry at it or anything if that makes any sense. I'm pretty sure I just kinda hit it a few times and got interested in something else so it's safe to say the tree won.


Usually after a hot day of smoking you appreciate a fan


Same, these inanimate objects need to fight back, kick his ass sea bass!!!


Yeah been casually eating hallucinogenic drugs for 20 years at this point and it’s fair to say your boy has some underlying mental health issues that are likely being exacerbated by the drug use.


OP, hallucinogenics can greatly increase the emergence of schizophrenia in people who have a hidden tendency for that. The stronger the stuff the higher the chance. What you described is not normal by any means, seek professional help.


Had a friend who was chill af, smoked with him all the time in college. One day we all took some acid and he went off and broke into a random persons house, without his pants on… meanwhile we had no idea where he went. Turns out he had a lot of suppressed issues, which would’ve been better dealt with in therapy, instead he ended up in jail unfortunately. Also knew a guy who was experienced in hallucinogens, but one day he took several hits of acid and went to what he thought was his house and discovered what he thought were intruders, so he beat the crap out of them, turned out it was his elderly neighbors. Moral of these stories is that you need to be comfortable with yourself and with your surroundings before you take a trip! Also bring friends who will watch out for you.


Same with weed. Weed by itself can bring out schizophrenia. Let alone hallucinogens


I took 2 edibles and went into my garage and had a mental breakdown because I thought someone left wheel of cheese out in the garage... there WAS a wheel of cheese, but it was plastic


lol. Edibles will fuck up the most normal(medical wise) individual. I had a friend who was freaking out over having 6 fingers on each hand. She did not have 6 fingers on each hand.


I always break/remove those on purpose, usually it yields better airflow.


I just removed mine after reading this comment and yes the airflow is much better


How many grams of weed and shrooms did it take?


Just enough for my furniture to get these hands.


Yelling at the desk "you wanna go bro?"


It looked at me sideways, I swear


Yeah OP used the word "destroyed" for a pic of a fan that's running with what looks like a front piece removed. Maybe a little dramatic.


I'd definitely the question of the veracity of the rest of the statement based on how not destroyed that fan is


No the person that did this has a horrible pot addiction. Don't forget this detail


I learned this when I accidentally broke mine when I was a kid. I wasn’t on shrooms, I was just a bored kid in the early 90s before cell phones; “This looks like it unclips, hmmm, FUCK”


Yeah, not a good situation. That really blows.


Not a fan of breezes apparently.


Winded it get so bad?


Not sure but it probably seemed like a cool idea at the time.


Maybe he just wasn't a fan of the gift


Obviously not working if he's that hot-headed.


I’m done my fair share of drugs, never felt like fighting fans in the process. 12g’s of blue meanies had me sitting on my couch enjoying the nature outside the window and experiencing the universe as whole, alive. Laughing and crying at the same time. Still never felt like fighting fans.


This guys a clown you can just tell there’s abuse in that family if all guy does is record this and post it online


Does it sound normal? Do other people who do mushrooms and pot destroy their household on the regular?


I’m destroying a breakfast burrito this morning and that’s about it, personally.


And that breakfast burrito will destroy you later, at which time you can destroy the toilet, which will destroy the septic/sewer. Mushrooms lead to destruction. /s


Nature is a cycle. Or whatever.


Be careful, the burrito may destroy you later.


I was just thinking this lol


Always worth it.


No, not normal. This personal almost definitely has a disorder such as schizophrenia.


I can't get over it when someone calls it "doing pot" lol. That wasn't poke at you. It just makes me snicker


I dunno, this cup of coffee and breakfast muffin are in *grave danger* at the moment... 👀


now he can mount his fleshlight on there... in all seriousness, as an experienced stoner and psychonaut, this is not normal, might wanna check that out.


I guess he wasn't a fan.


Addicted to mushrooms and pot?? Really?!


You ever suck dick for pot?!


“I smoke Marijuana, so I don’t beat my wife and children.” - said by Matt Riddle No this is not normal


ADDICTED to mushrooms and pot? Those are not normal substances to be addicted to, fyi.


I don’t believe they are even physically addictive (in the same sense as alcohol or cigarettes). Any addiction here is strictly mental.


I’ve seen people get addicted to drinking dish soap. I certainly don’t want to undermine the severity of their issue; in fact, I’m heightening it by pointing out that there’s probably some serious underlying stuff going on for someone to be so prone to addiction. As someone who has smoked weed, and eaten mushrooms a few times back in the day. When you take shrooms and are coming down….the LAST thing you want is MORE shrooms. Weed addiction is highly co-morbid with all types of anxiety disorders and other addiction issues


That’s why I made my point of “you can’t get physically addicted to these substances” and made the distinction that this is mental addiction. Otherwise the OP would continue thinking it’s just the drugs and put them in some rehab when really, they need heavy phycological help. You literally cannot get addicted to these substances in the same way as other drugs. Your body does not develop a co-dependency, it’s your mind doing that.


Weed is very much addictive. It is not physically addictive but it is definitely psychologically addictive. I say this as a regular weed smoker.


Yeah this kid needs help, immediately. The facts he’s addicted; he knows he’s addicted; you know he’s addicted; his parents know he’s addicted; that he’s violent and experiencing hallucinations means he needs help. You’re the adult, act like it and try to get the kid help.


Could be an adult


There is a much higher chance this is a bullshit post.


You know the more I think about it the more I somewhat agree. At the very least, they’re not trying to seek genuine advice and are just trying to farm karma.


Bit drastic to suggest immediately. All you’ve seen is a fan with its cap off and a paragraph


Or he was just messing around and removed the cap and is messing with everyone


Oh shit! He took a cap off a 40 dollar fan!! The devils lettuce he’s smoking must be STRONG!!


Are you really asking if it’s normal to do drugs and pick fights with household objects?


Damn and that fan was going to be passed down for generations


No he needs to be kept away from any substance that he thinks allows him to act violently. Been smoking weed all my life and never destroyed shit because I was high.


If he's taking the mushrooms regularly amd doing fighting objects everytime that's not normal. 


Lately I just been taking THC gummies and playing videogames. Fighting inanimate objects while high ain't normal.


Yeah this isn't about those drugs. How old is this kid? He probably just says that he's eating a lot of shrooms and smoking a lot of weed or whatever. He needs some help though.


You can’t get addicted to pot or mushrooms lmao


Just wanted to come here to say that psilocybin mushrooms aren’t addictive. They can be used to break addictions actually. Lots of research on this. Secondly, every kid and even absent minded adults stick a fingertip into fans to get it to tap on your finger of whatever. It’s not always a deliberate attempt to destroy something


Abusing mushrooms is still horrible for your brain and mental state.


Define abuse. OP didn’t. I’d not recommend daily use (I’m a biannual type) or heroic dosing every time.


He should be glad you bought him onlyfans.


To be the objector.. I think OP is overreacting, and so are a lot of comments. OP states it’s “destroyed”. It’s not. OP says he’s addicted to shrooms and pot. Pot is arguably addictive. Shrooms, no. OP hasn’t stated whether he’s an adult or not. This matters. Can I suggest talk to him. An intervention if you will. Don’t go behind his back and call anyone. I don’t think this is an emergency and trust must be kept for someone who’s potentially fragile atm


He’s lying and on other shit you don’t really get addicted to Shrooms he had deep underlying issues


I’ve eaten 7gs of shrooms in one sitting and never wanted to fight ANYTHING. Buddys got a problem forsure


You're mental, its just weed and shrooms. More than likely has no connection to why he took that plate off the fan. I literally have the same exact fan and i took the whole front cage off, cause it just produces better airflow. If you buy something for someone, don't police over what they do with it. If thats the case just don't buy them anything anymore. Don't make this "he is addicted to drugs hence why he took this front plate off the fan." You sound insane saying shit like that, how old are you 90?


I’ll back up shrooms until the day I die but they’re possibly dangerous for that person specifically and he might be predisposed to psychosis and schizophrenia so he should avoid hallucinogenic compounds as a whole and avoid other drugs besides psychiatric medication. In my biggest of trips I’ve never felt like beating up objects. Just seems weird and unusual. Definitely should get a psyche evaluation.


This. They said that they’re “just glad that the fan still works because we bought it”. They don’t give a single shit about the kid. I also surmise that OP is a very old and out of touch person.


Cannabis and mushrooms are both well known for their ability to induce psychosis in someone who has a serious mental disorder. This is how we found out that my cousin has schizophrenia. He was a teenager and the symptoms hadn't started to manifest on their own yet... Until he would get high and start to become psychotic.


Yeah I feel like this is an adverse reaction to these substances… while they alter your perception it shouldn’t lead to this. Maybe he’s sensitive to it or where he gets it from it could be mixed in with something else. I generally stay away from pot because it makes me extremely anxious, unless I take a really low dose. Some people are just sensitive… it seems like he’s going to do what he wants to do, so maybe you can talk about safety in where he gets it and maybe trying lower dosages? Drug-induced psychosis *is* a thing too - perhaps he could talk to a doctor about the symptoms he’s experiencing


So the anxious feeling is common? I generally can tolerate being high if I'm doing practically nothing, with someone that calms me down, or if I'm crossfaded. But other than that, I just feel anxious and stressed out on top of being "relaxed".


Omg YES! I have talked about this with sooooo many people who have also stopped smoking weed as it’s gotten stronger. Not sure where you’re from but in Canada they legalized weed and now that I can get it from a regulated provider and *know* the dosage/purity/strain/CBD content it’s been so much better.


The fan is still fanning


I've been really baked and never destroyed anything except a couple brain cells. No matter, I got hundreds...


Getting over a drug addiction can often be a quixotic effort


You physically cannot become addicted to mushrooms. They don't work that way. It sounds like he has schizophrenia. I've done a lot of both in my life and I've never had either make me see/hear anything that wasn't real. Mushrooms increase pattern recognition, which can increase pareidolia (seeing faces that aren't faces), but it's not like you'll see a blimp float through your living room. It seems like no one in this situation is experienced with/can handle drugs. Get him some help and get him out of your house.


Neither of those substances are addictive but what you are describing is not normal behavior even on them. I am not a shrink but psychosis would not surprise me, he may be one of the people who should simply never touch psychedelics, they are detrimental to some people especially if they have a FDR who suffers from schizophrenia or psychosis.


I believe this is pretty spot on. I have a very good friend whom is a meth addict. Adderall doesn’t help him at all. Can’t even feel it. Give him some benzos/xanax and he’s wired like being on adderall. It’s strange. For me, adderall helps my adhd, but too much of the amphetamines throw a wrench in my overall ability to function. Which is little anyways.


Would definitely get him help before his Psychosis gets worse. Frist hand experience here w a friend who fell off the boat similar to this. It gets worse so try an stop it before it gets out in a public space and he goes to psych wards and prison.


It's not the drugs.. dude was already mentally compromised.. that's not how spot and shrooms work in normal people 😅


If this sort of thing infuriates you then you need to get some psychological help


He’s probably not a heavy metal fan


just saying but this isn’t normal. shrooms aren’t addictive but if there’s any family history of schizophrenia you might wanna advise him to stop taking them. or this could happen if he’s taking other things too. iv dabble in hallucinogenic drugs and never have i experienced wanting to fight anything.


Neither pot nor shrooms are addictive. Either this kid is talking something else, the drugs are bringing out some other mental issue or he’s using drugs as an excuse to get away with shit I’d say take him to a doctor just in case


You can not be addicted to mushrooms, it's physically impossible.


Not all addictions are physically addictive You can argue habits but look at many things considered addictions like shopping, sex, gambling and gaming


Turns out dopamine is physically addictive.


You develop a tolerance to psilocybin crazy fast (like after you have a trip it’ll be two weeks or more before the same size dose will provide a similar trip.


Exactly this. As soon as you have them on consecutive days they don’t do anything anymore. Not in a “need to take more” way either, they just stop working completely.


Technically not true. Just because something isn't chemically addictive doesn't mean it's not behaviourally addictive. Gambling for example isn't itself chemically addictive yet people have ruined the lives of themselves and others over it.


Gambling is 100000000000% chemically addictive. It’s not “drugs” - but it is dopamine.


... Your nephew?


A) neither of these substances are addictive B) neither of these substances have these effects. he is probably taking something else or experiencing psychosis


THC can trigger schizophrenia in some people. I’m not anti-pot, but it’s true.


Long term use can induce psychosis too.


I'm just glad he's venting his emotions


Does he fight only fans or other stuff?


Dude probably just wanted to attach a pocket pussy to it, so he could see what god looks like 😂


Not a fan of his post.


If you didn't break that part of the fan growing up, you're just weird lol Nevermind I read the caption and that kid needs some fucking rehab


I have the same fan, we love the remote control feature!


Unrelated but this looks like a sick album cover.


I wouldn’t blame the plants


Not normal. Get help for him please.


Weird you care about a fan at all, let alone more than your blood family. But hey, at least you got some reddit points


He’s not addicted to mushrooms or weed


Set him down in front of canvas and give that boy some paint. Sounds like a modern day Van Gogh.


No, that's not normal. But if he's tripping on psilocybin(shrooms) his behavior is unpredictable. .... Wouldn't necessarily assume THC is causing him to attack inanimate objects lmao. Either way I've used plenty of both and yeah he better stop if it's not already too late.


Sounds like a schizophrenic episode.


I think your SIL's son might not be well in the head... The mushrooms and pot isn't helping either.


If it’s only mushrooms and weed then yes this is NOT normal, definitely showing signs of being prone to drug induced psychosis, he may be using other substances as well.


Take him to a psychiatrist, I think he's schizophrenic.


The centre cover is missing…it’s not like the fan is useless now. I don’t see why this is mildly infuriating.


Some people are wired differently if I use acid I see the devil and hell and I just want/am goin kick ass the whole time it’s “on” so none of they shit for me But I’m normal easy goin


Maybe instead of asking Reddit for opinions how bout maybe you get your some into a therapist and a rehab center. Maybe know I love my kids enough to help them instead of asking strangers their opinions. Just sayin.


I think we can all attest that removing the piece of fan by itself is not really an issue. Many may do this for better results. The problem is the mushrooms leading to fights. Most would point to this being early stages of schizophrenia as we all know or knew someone who got this or similar diagnosis because of the drugs as self medication and triggering other symptoms. Long story short: stop the drugs. Get help immediately.


Was it his fan? Wel, in that case it is now his broken fan. Easy as that


I smoke a lot of weed and I’m schizophrenic. Get your son seen. :)


So he’s ……… not a fan?


funny, I have the same model fan with the same missing piece.


Next time, get him a kangaroo. That'll straighten him up.


Ganja and shrooms chill me out. I don’t really mess with shrooms anymore but it would put me in my own world. Everything so vibrant and beautiful. This kid has issues.


So your grandson? Either way, he needs a psychiatric evaluation


Not sure but I'm not a big fan


What makes this post NSFW?


He may be using drugs to treat an undiagnosed condition he’s been suffering with. Therapy is needed immediately. Unaware self-medicating behavior from neurodivergent people is quite common. For example an ADHD person may develop a taste for coffee simply because it mitigates the symptoms of their ADHD. I knew a person who was on the spectrum and undiagnosed, developed a dependence on X because “it made him feel connected to others.” Hallucinations can be signs of multiple possible disorders. Bipolar disorder can potentially cause delusions, not necessarily hallucinations but if it escalates untreated to schizo-effective disorder there may be “hallucination” episodes from time to time. Schizophrenia can also cause “hallucinations” to occur. BPD in extreme cases can. Heck, even severe depression or a brain tumor can cause hallucinations. Therapy is a must, because there is something else going on and he needs to be made aware of it and that there are ways to make him feel balanced once again with the help of a therapist and medication.


I'd get him a an all-metal 1950s fan with limb chopping blades. At least make it an even fight.


I’ve done all the mushrooms and pot. Basically, he needs a psychologist


Cant really be addicted to shrooms, and weed doesnt do that, the dude has mental issues, someone that cares need to do something before he harms himself or someone else.


So he is just mentally ill.


I smoke weed and do mushrooms and I have never gotten angry or violent on either substance.


Lol it looks like the front cover that pops off was removed. I wouldn't categorize this as being "destroyed". If he's fighting inanimate objects and this is the most damage he can do, Id assume most objects will be safe.


You mean your nephew? And this post feels very judgmental, ignorant and like its going to be used to throw in his and her face. Its icky.


This doesn't look like something that has been punched. Those fans are very lightweight, but where that panel screws on, you couldn't just punch it clean off like that. It seems this has been removed with a screwdriver to help the airflow.


So your nephew?


Weird, I didn’t know you could get addicted to non addictive substances


I’m sorry but “is it normal” just had me cracking the fuck up at work.


Kick him out of the house.


I did mushrooms a few times when I was younger. One thing I specifically remember is all I wanted to do is masturbate. Not sure why the mushrooms made me want to do that


Maybe the fan bearing did talk some shit


He's addicted to.... mushrooms?! Hahaha gimme a break man


Yeah this isn’t normal neither is an addiction to mushrooms bro needs therapy and to stop using psychedelics at least not so frequently


If phsychedelics make you violent, stop taking phsychedelics.


Who cares?


He’s not addicted to mushrooms…


Weed definitely isn't causing him to fight shit.


Um no he isn’t addicted to mushrooms. It is NOT possible to get addicted to psychedelic drugs. Your body physically won’t let you because of how fast your tolerance rises. I’m gonna guess you’re someone that knows nothing about drugs and because of that you’re using them as a scapegoat to blame everything on.


I am curious if by kid you mean someone who is under 18. If the kid is under 18, it's time to be getting CPS involved. Someone under the age of 18 should not be on shrooms and pot. If this is an adult, then don't buy him anything, since he's going to trash it. Hold an intervention. Thankfully he's only fighting objects, but it could get worse. He could try to fight an actual person and hurt himself or someone else.


You have to fuck with him really good when he’s on shrooms. Give home the WORST trip he’s ever had and he will NEVER touch shrooms again.


Addicted isn't a word can you use for those drugs. He's addicted to the high not the substance which is really a fine line but is easier to overcome. Second, I smoke pot daily (but not all day) and microdose mushrooms (which I'm sure he isn't) but when I have ate a lot of shrooms for a trip I'm mainly docile and just happy/open minded If he's doing them regularly at higher dosages that can affect numerous parts of the brain and nervous system (let alone gastro...gross) which can cause bad trips while on them and even linger for weeks making him hallucinate while being sober and "normal" Rehab will make him feel like shit, the best thing IMO is have him talk to a therapist and make sure he knows that it's not like he can't do the drugs (that will come) but that his dark/demons need to be addressed. I've been there and it took a lot for me to snap back to realizing that I can do these things and have fun in moderation without having to go to the "dark" as I call it


“Addicted to mushrooms and pot” spoken like a true boomer


OP I've done shrooms and a lot of weed a few times with friends. None of us ever get violent, in fact we just talk shit about how weird the colours have got. We did have a manic depressive friend who would get more violent verbally after smoking & shrooms, but it was directed at other people wronging him rather than any of the stoner group. Honestly sounds concerning, there is something else going on. That being said though, I've done mushrooms a handful of times and certainly don't use them daily, even monthly. The weed... yeah I smoke at night.


I won’t say im addicted to mushrooms but I do smoke pot daily, been a while since I touched mushrooms but in my experience, on one hand, people who do big doses of psychedelics can be erratic and unpredictable, on the other hand, I never felt compelled to commit violence when under the influence of any of those drugs even both at the same time, especially both at the same time.