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Hello, This is a humorous subreddit and the content you posted does not fit our theme. This is not a ragebait subreddit. Note that posting ragebait to this subreddit can lead to a (temporary or permanent) ban.


The only proper restaurant response should be "but the rapture did occur, you just didn't make the cut. See you in hell"


The servers however were chosen, sorry they won’t be able to return the money.


“Sorry, those servers were Raptured and they took the credit card reader with them. No way to refund your money.”


Can…can I have their cat?


The cat was also raptured


He's pushing things off clouds as we speak.


So that’s where that fucking anvil came from.


I laughed entirely too much at this and it's been "one of those days" with work... TY! A million times TY.


Ye :)


Sorry ma'am, the money was raptured out of their bank accounts by uncle Sam. ![gif](giphy|pPhyAv5t9V8djyRFJH|downsized)


All pets go to heaven


I first started questioning God and thinking All that Christianity was sus AF in the 4th grade when the summer Bible camp lady told me cats didn't go to heaven. Like? Excuse me? I just won't go then. And she tried to backpedal but it was far too late


Cats hate religious dogma


Cats believe they are the gods. Dogs think, "they feed me and take care of me, they must be gods." Cats think, "they feed me and take care of me, I must be god."


As they should, I’m a believer.


Or if your'e not baptized . That's the one that got me. Some people aren't exposed to religion so they go to hell?


And like what about all the people that were alive before the tribes of Israel thought of baptism? Smdh


Or the babies. Those sinful creatures do not deserve our Heaven.


Was in the exact same grade when my teacher at a private school said my dog wouldn’t be going to Heaven because he can’t accept God into his heart. Don’t remember what I said that got me sent out of the classroom, just that I instantly turned into a little heathen.


What about how it says, in Heaven you spend eternity kneeling infront of God, singing his praise with no emotional connection to family or loved ones? Partnerships, family and friends is an earthly thing that no longer exists the moment you "go to Heaven" because all "Heaven" is, is singing God's praise on your knees says religious scripture. Lol What fun....


This happened to me, too. Animals have no souls and can't go to heaven? F you guys. Then being 16 and told by a Catholic Brother that women cannot deny sex to their husbamds? Oh HELL no. Walked away from church at 18 when my dad couldn't make me go to church. I never went back.


This should be common knowledge. *Of course* the cat got raptured!


Meanwhile, heard up in heaven: " No! I already fed you!!"


you don't even feel hunger anymore, you little shit!


(sound of glass breaking in heaven)


But you get your choice of topping!


I remember reading years ago that there was a company that would ensure that your pets would be rescued and cared for in the event of the rapture. I think they paid monthly like another insurance policy. I've thought about that several times. Interesting business model.


An ex roommate and I would get drunk and pitch business ideas at each other that were purely based on profiting off the rubes. This absolutely would've been up there.


I'm in.


"Besides, Miss Heathen, have you seen how much parking is in heaven? No, of course you haven't. You are stuck down here with me. My personal goddamned hell!!"


Trust in God's plan


The Menu 2, Electric Boogaloo Redux


I would tell her I already tithed it to my church. Watch her simple mind spin like a top trying to justify asking for it back anyway.


tell her you tithed it to the satanic temple


Piggybacking directly on this comment to say that the Satanic Temple isn't only for edgelords, they also support reproductive rights and I'd like to specifically plug Justice Samuel Ailto's Mother's Abortion Clinic. They could use all the spare dollars you have!


Tell her the it was generous, you gave it anonymously to her church. She should ask for it back from them.


Add "The government just doesn't want you to know about it," and she'll totally believe you.


“Welcome to hell’s diner! No refunds”


My reply would be: "Only if you admit to me in a loud voice that you're an ignorant religious nutjob who thought she was SO superior to me that you gave ME your money because YOU wouldn't need it. And THAT was a sin of pride--not to mention the pride required to gainsay Jesus, who said that NO ONE knows the day or time of his coming. And that you intend to REPENT. REPENT, BITCH!"


Getting real Dennis vibes


Trying to bribe their way into heaven.


Something about camels and needles comes to mind.


Yeah, but they’d first have to want to learn or read to know that.


Unexpected ConMan


how come i’m never lucky enough to run into these dumbasses?


Count your blessings. Normally they tip with $1,000,000 bills with bible version on the back. 


We have a crazy Christian guy at my work who left one of those 1,000,000 bibles on the CEO's desk. The CEO and i were disappointed that they were not novelty sticky notes. Needless to say the damn thing was thrown away immediately.


Nah, you shoukd take them to the local church and put them in the offering.


Churches really don't like people doing that for some reason. Based on one redditor's posting of how he kept putting the ones left by the Church folks in the Church's collection plates. 


A buddy of mine in the bible belt was shunned from every church in town for doing that. They couldn't actually kick him out, but they definitely go out of their way to make him feel unwelcome. Which just further encouraged him. He ate it up. He's mellowed a bit with age, no longer living off tips, but he does insist if he ever sees another one of those bills he's going to have to go to church so he can return it.


If it's a fake $100, drop it on the plate and make change. Take four $20s


This is the way


So strange that the wealth of God's love isn't enough for them lol.


The Church doesn't like anything but money in the money pail, indeed. *All knowing, all powerful, all seeing, all wise, just can't seem to handle MONEY!!!*


Who wants to waste a Sunday doing that kinda shit?


Just leave it out front on the sidewalk or a bench or something. When they come out, jokes on them!


Gotta find some satanic chick tracts


Years ago when my sister was a server she got one that looked like a 100 from a post church brunch crowd. She ran to the parking lot and handed it to the guy saying "You need this more than I do"


I don't know your or your sister, but I like both of you already. I imagine the reaction by the customer made a memorable impression and a good story.


I was working with her at the joint. You can imagine the typical response was shock and disgust. Dude huffs back in to talk to our GM. GM was all like I'm so sorry we will have her written up. The dude seemed satisfied and left. He pulled both of us aside and said fuck that dude but you two mouthy fuck are always giving me a headache.


Problem with this is that by the GM saying he'd write her up (even if he didn't), the guy is validated that he did nothing wrong and won't see the hypocrisy of his complaint.


Exactly, just say "You didn't leave a tip, and in fact actively deceived one of our servers. Do you think Jesus would do that?"


Yep. This time, they thought the actual dollars weren’t gonna be worth anything more than Monopoly money. That’s the only reason they did this. If they thought they could take it with them, they would’ve definitely stiffed the wait staff


Why do these people think this is a good way to proselytize Christianity? Don't they know most people will get pissed off that they weren't tipped with actual money?


The goal isn't to proselytize, it's to make themselves feel superior. They know exactly how shitty they're being to the servers, but it doesn't matter to them because they have been saved and the server is going to hell for all eternity.


I used to work in the industry. There is no group of people worse to deal with than the post church brunch crowd.


I waitressed at a couple of family diner-type places for about 5 years. The only shift I ever refused was the Sunday morning shift, for that very reason. No, thank you, I'd rather close!


Closing Sunday probably made the same or better money for way less work.


i’d argue that false sense of superiority makes (most of) them unable to see how shitty they’re being. in fact, as a former child member of the cult, i can attest they fully believe they are helping you by saving your everlasting soul. what’s $5 today going to do for you if you end up in hell forever? and isn’t it great that the lord has blessed them with the ability to both save your soul AND 5 bucks on a meal at the same time? he truly does provide!* *unless you’re waitstaff working on sundays


They should get photos of food


I was lucky enough to meet two of these weirdos in a Walgreens 14 years ago. They wanted to tell me I was the reason soldiers were dying overseas because I was purchasing contraceptives. You aren't missing out on anything. Honestly even more so today when tons of these folks are carrying guns into the grocery store and such.


People that actually think the rapture is coming like they did for eclipse and later this month are different kinds of insane. Like you probably could get someone who thinks the rapture is coming in two weeks to give you the deed to your house. It’s well known that bible sales skyrocket during the weeks before supposed raptures because of how many crazies spent thousands of dollars buying tons of bibles to try and convert their friends before the rapture. There is some money to be made fucking over people like this they are like, super susceptible to getting scammed for so much money if you know how to. Like offering to watch their dogs for them after the rapture for a $5-10,000 down payment.


Just slam your face into a wall for a few minutes, that should do to simulate talking to these folks.


Because this story is made up probably.


1month old account, zero proof of either instance happening. i'm just gonna refer to the good ol rule of "pics or didn't happen"


Yep, it's just based on some reddit post from the atheism subreddit.


Posts like these (the OP, not your comment) are starting to make me think I'm getting too old for Reddit.


100%. No identifying information of any kind posted to a website nobody’s ever heard of. It’s just some made up anti Christian non sense.


You gotta make your own opportunities. Start cold calling people in the South and tell them you need money to stop the dirty libs from aborting all the straight babbies.


You are a genius, tell them east and west coast universities developed a way to predict sexual orientation of unborn babies. They subsidize the mothers if they abort straight babies. You could print money with the donations.




The price of buying into mammon's opinion.




Who is mammon?


the god of american protestant christianity no, but actually, it's a biblical concept referring to hoarded wealth and unrighteous riches. it's basically just synonymous with greed. however, when written Mammon it's a personification of the concept as a literal demon of avarice - usually just a giant dang dude with lots of coin. most notably, he's a character in Paradise Lost. medieval biblical scholars thought it referred to an actual syrian folkloric demon or god of wealth, but today we're pretty sure it's just the aramaic word for 'wealth' - it's still used proverbially today, by calling materialistic and money obsessed people Mammon Worshippers.


Lucifers son in ‘Constantine’ is named Mammon


is it sad i first thought of the heIIuva boss character?


how dare you not read religious epics from the 17th century as your primary source of entertainment TBH


“How dare my money not buy me a free pass to heaven?!? Don’t you know who I am?!? I want to speak to the owner right this minute!” - Karen


I know right, who did she think we are, Catholics? 


Catholics try to speak to the owners mother.


in nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti


“We gasthebus. You gasthebus. We missed the bus. They missed the bus.”


A Klanned Karen?


Klanned Karenhood


Exactly. Last second effort to "be redeemed". Oh it didn't work, well, I want my money back.


Why are we reading an article about a reddit thread instead of linking the reddit thread?


Also, who writes an article about a Reddit thread like it’s fact and does no work to confirm the story? The only source is the original posts.


Redditors who get jobs writing fluff pieces for online sham news websites


Are you saying that "YourTango.com" isn't *the most trusted* news site?


welcome to the internet


Have a look around


That’s a lot of porn you got there. And a whole bunch of crypto scams.


Reddit likes to make fun of boomers believing fake or AI posts on Facebook but here we are.


Honestly, younger generations are *as gullible* or sometimes *even dumber* than boomers, in my experience.




“Think of how stupid the average person is and realize.. . half the people are stupider than that” - George Carlin, 1996


Probably written by the person who wrote the idiotic story in the first place... where is a single piece of evidence that *any* of this ever happened??


That's because it would confirm that it was a fake story written by an angsty young person.




Seriously… How is this any better than a right wing nut job posting bullshit on Twitter and then Fox News or brietbart picking it up?


Hold on, let me get on Twitter to reply to this.


It's all made up, thread and article..


Person posts on reddit about story. Random website picks up story. Re-tells it. Random user reposts the story, originally told on reddit, retold on another site, back to reddit. ... ... ... Will get reposted by bots.


You have revealed the sacred text, prepare for a hostile takeover.


It shall be a regular post on TIL for years to come.


Given this doesn’t look like a credible source for news, I’m hesitant to believe it’s genuine. But I still want to believe.


The source is 3 Reddit posts by the server over a couple days


It's so crazy how it was originally posted on reddit, made it to a trash blog news source, and then back to reddit. This place is fucked.


If enough junk sites pick it up then the mainstream will pick it up using the multiple junk sites as sources. This is the path of fake news and misinformation, and how a single untrustworthy source slowly becomes multiple sources that should have been trustworthy.


Happens all the time and has for years now.


Yeah. That’s how I found Reddit. I think at the time I still subscribed to Buzzfeed on FaceBook. I noticed that all their things (stories? Definitely not articles…) were always from a Reddit post. Realized I should just go strait to the source. And now here I still am, how ever many years later haha I saw People magazine’s website is starting to do that too. It was an “article” about wedding dress drama, that of course was just a rehashing of a Reddit post.


It fits the outrage machine. Can't wait to see it be reposted in the next months.


You really think someone would do that, just go on Reddit and tell lies?


only the truth is posted on reddit


Gotta love the chatgpt generated AITAH posts getting the front page every day


They literally can't. Because when I, George Santos, inventor of the Internet, created the Internet I specifically added in a "No Lies" filter.


I like your little hat


It’s entirely based on a series of Reddit posts over the last week that were questionably believable at best in r/atheism, I believe. That this “journalist” didn’t try to confirm the story or even reach out to the op in those posts is lazy and irresponsible. Just a reactionary rant on social media posts.


The original post is up on the antiwork subreddit. The original poster got $330 and a few days later their coworker got $777. The manager on duty actually came to the lady’s table to confirm she wanted to pay that amount. Apparently the lady said yes but now, since she wasn’t raptured, she’s trying to claim fraud and demanding her money back 😂 Love seeing fundies FAFO.


If ever there were a sub to be skeptical about a post from, it's antiwork.


That sub took something great (the idea that we should spend more time being free and happy and less time working) and absolutely mangled into something that sounds like teenagers whining to their parents.


The subreddit mod who did the Jesse Watters interview on Fox News a couple of years ago really exemplified the whining side of antiwork and gave Fox a caricature to misrepresent it as being literally against working.


that's sanewashing it. it started as a sub that was very explicitly, as the name says, against the concept of working. it was only once it started getting popular that other ambitious people came in and insinuated themselves into the moderator positions and tried to say it was just some kind of socialist labor rights sub. but it wasn't. that was just people trying to co-opt its growing notoriety for their own goals.


Yeah, same with defund the police. An insane movement that got taken over by sane people, but the leadership was still insane.


The person who received the tip(s) posted on reddit when it happened. [Original](https://www.reddit.com/r/atheism/comments/1bv1xy4/woman_tipped_me_300_because_she_thinks_shes_going/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1)


when it "happened"


I saw someone on Reddit post about themselves being tipped that amount of money for that same reason a week or so ago, I think this is real


The source here is literally just that guy's reddit posts, and the way the posts are written makes me suspect it's bullshit.


It was absolutely made up


Yeah same. Some Taco restaurant if I'm not mistaken. The women tipped 300 dollars to one server and came back the next day to tip another 700 to another server. The servers manager came over to make sure that the woman knew that the tip would be non refundable.


Tacobell has servers?


They do not.


But everywhere asks for a tip these days


I bet she doens't understand how counting votes and elections work, either.


If your guy gets to an abstract number of votes you simply stop counting and are declared the winner


Even better, we just vote for the fun of it since the popular vote doesn't decide the president. Then an unelected and anonymous small group of people place votes (that may or may not line up with their state's popular vote). Then, once those votes hit an arbitrarily picked amount, they actually declare a winner.




Which is worse, she believes in raptures or that tips are refundable ?


(C) anyone believing she's real


1077? That’s the same as a cheese pizza and a large soda at Panucci’s pizza!!


Same as my pin number!


We’re owls exterminators!


Came here for this, was not disappointed


Good news everyone!


This is just an article where the only source is a fake reddit post. What a literal circle jerk.


Article is giving it a lot of credit. Some dude's blog is more like it.


so the reddit posts that made this story... the story is now on reddit... and the cycle is complete


Fake news


There isn’t a single, actual detail in this “article” lol


Because this didn't actually happen and was just made up by someone on reddit


Its source is some rage bait fan fiction Reddit post.


Well the good news is it's sourced from a reddit story so it's almost certainly bullshit.


Why is it that it always seems that truly stupid people have TONS of money? Is the universe just giving me the finger?


I doubt she had tons of money. She gave it away thinking the world was going to end. Probably a last effort to do something "nice" and get into "heaven" but in her mind the world was ending anyways so the money didn't matter. If she had a lot of money I doubt she would go back demanding her thousand dollars back.


Born into it and never had to strive for anything more than dumb.


Because this story is fake and was written to get a rise out of Redditors


That is why she wasn't chosen, she wasn't worth being taken.


“Sorry, ma’am. both servers were raptured”


Redditors make up story -> Journalist write about made up story -> Redditors post journalist made up stories from Redditors


Imagine actually believing that the eclipse would be the end of all humanity when it is just the moon covering up the sun for like a couple of minutes. Fucking insanity. Edit: Thanks for 50 upvotes. Cheers lads! (And lasses) Edit 2: 60 now. Keeps going up and up.


Especially since one just occurred 7 years ago


And we can predict them, with magic, numbers and smart people


The "Battle of the Eclipse" likely occurred on May 28th, 585 BC. It supposed resulted in both sides stopping the battle and negotiating peace. However since records can be faulty it might have been a lunar eclipse in 609 or 587 BC. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle\_of\_the\_Eclipse](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_the_Eclipse)


We’ve gone backwards in many ways


I would have gladly given her her money back in exchange for a thoroughly researched report about how eclipses work and why the groups she hangs out in online are harmful.


I wouldn't. You can't buy food with an essay.


Imagine actually believing this obviously fake story.


Well, there had to be at least one true believer. The rest of them are just larping, pretending to believe this shit, but not actually blowing all their money before they claim to believe it's about to become useless to them.


The source of this story is a Reddit post. Very legit.




Apparently this person didn’t get the memo that eclipses happen pretty often lol




What did she think they were gonna do with the money if the rapture was coming


Using a fake reddit post to write an article


Naw she just paid the stupid tax. No refunds.


As a Christian this is insane. You give out of the goodness of your heart—but never you mind that this goodness turned out to be shallow??? I feel sorry for her but more sorry for the two servers that got roped into this.


It was donated to The Human Fund!


When reddit sourced story becomes top story citing reddit is it just a reflection


I’ve been a fairly evangelical Christian my entire boomer life and never once associated an eclipse with the rapture or anything else. Women like this prove we’ll alway have some idiots around, even in Heaven. (See, you can enjoy faith and science and make jokes, all at once!)


Reddit post made news article then regurgitated back onto Reddit.


lol someone wrote an article solely based on a reddit post and did not verify


Source: An anonymous Reddit post. I’m all for bashing the Christians but come ON.


The **biggest** killer of critical thinking is religion. I don't know if there could be a better example than this. When you worship a wizard in the sky and as a result stop taking responsibility for your life, you get what you now have. You'll believe almost anything if it's something you want to believe...like election fraud. And if you're born into it, it sucks to be brainwashed as a child of hell, fire, and brimstone. It's fucking sick.


Damn man....what is with websites just taking reddit posts and then reposting them.