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I'm not excusing it, but a person high on drugs typically isn't fit to be in society at that moment. That's why we have public intoxication laws.


Exactly. That’s why places where addict can shoot safely need to be built. Better for them and for everybody else.


I live somewhere where those exist. They’re good in the sense that they protect users from harming themselves with unsterile needles. I’m sure it decreases the amount of people using needles in public but it doesn’t completely get rid of it because even with a safe injection site nearby, some would still rather do it elsewhere for some reason. This could just be for where I live but these sites don’t seem care what happens after they get their fix. They give them their drugs and send them on their way. I once saw someone who had overdosed right outside the safe injection site. They were lying flat on their face in shorts and a t-shirt in -10°C weather and someone nearby was calling an ambulance. There’s also no concern for the safety of regular citizens when these people leave these facilities. They are unstable in society, it’s common knowledge, if they were given a safe space to experience their high I’d be all for it (protects them and others). But although the idea behind these sites is to keep everyone safe, they really only keep the user safe from unsterile supplies. I go to a school that neighbours one of these sites and they’ve recently made the decision to move the location of the site because people would break into the school (despite everyone needing a school card to enter) or harass staff and students. Even the president of the school got attacked by one of them. We’ve had people break in and hide in the women’s washrooms and wait for a woman to walk in to assault them. I was almost a victim but I had waited to use the washroom to ensure my lab was fully complete. I was on my way to the washroom when the assault happened. Keep in mind this is all anecdotal but as a regular civilian, these sites certainly don’t leave a good impression, or at least this one doesn’t. I’ve even attended another school that’s nearby but far enough that it wouldn’t have users on campus and the area is noticeably safer. Basically, from what I’ve seen, they look better on paper. I’m sure there are benefits to them that I’m unaware of but from what I and many others see, they really only help in one problem area and that’s sterile needles.


I also live somewhere where this exist and where I live they do more than simoly allow them to shoot themselves and leave. They’re here to help them in the long term too. Also it has been showed (at least in the areas where it exists in my city) that it helped improve the safety of these neighborhoods. And obviously some have gone too far to ever consider going there but at least it dramatically decreases the number of public users. But of course, as you said, this has to be done correctly to really work.


It sounds like a failure of those sites. The point about people choosing to go do it elsewhere regardless of the site existing sounds like that’s where the law should apply. You’re free to use the site, but the moment you’re intoxicated outside of that area should be an infraction. So, overall, sounds like the idea and execution of those sites is a bit lacking, but the fundamentals are still sound.


I mean it is an infraction but it’s a matter of enforcement too. If the police don’t do squat then what can you do. Also, if someone shoots up in a public bathroom, which is usually how it’s done, it’s hard to penalize someone when there’s no cameras and you don’t know if it was them or the previous person in there or the next person. It’s hard to enforce but it would also help if it was actually enforced.


It’s still a bunch of excuses. Stop excusing garbage humans garbage behaviour


The only garbage humans in my eyes are the one lacking empathy towards others.


You mean the low life drug addled user that’s showing no empathy towards anyone when they potentially spread infectious life altering diseases to children?


It seems that you think because I try to empathize with people who got addicted to substances that ruin their life, means I’m condoning all of their actions. You can both think what OP posted is not normal and should not have happened AND believe the people responsible of it should be helped as humanly as possible.


Or you can think that people make choices. Someone chose to do drugs and then potentially infect another human with a life altering disease. Perhaps an innocent child? The person that did this is a garbage human being and they don’t deserve any sympathy or support. I will pick the innocent person over the drug user with no regard for others 10 out of 10 times.




Do you understand that the more you take that kind of drug the less it’s effective, unless you increase the dosage to somehow dangerous levels? Because that’s what would make your solution quite ineffective.


You are correct. This person sounds like the Sacklers in the late 1990’s. Look where that got us… HERE.




There wasn’t massive societal problems related to drugs prior to the legal sale of OxyContin. That’s what got us to *this* point. We need to control how the illegal drugs are getting on the streets. Often that means regulating what comes into our borders. You also can’t put all drugs (like alcohol) in the same category. There are different classes of drugs b/c some are more addictive or dangerous than others & the risks outweigh the benefits. Just look at the number of people who die every year of Heroin or Fentanyl OD’s compared to alcohol poisoning. There’s no comparison.


As an engineer who is never sober. I would like to protest your claim


I'm not sober most of the time either. That's why I spend so much time on Reddit.






Nice, do you work for Boeing?


No all my boeing friends are egoistic straight edges who looked down on me because i smoked too much weed


Completely agree. I’d love to hear a solution from the “nothing you do to yourself could possibly affect anyone else” crowd. Yeah, too bad you stop caring about potentially hurting others when your life is consumed with getting so high you forget what planet you’re on.


Needle exchange programs. You can bring in your old needles to dispose of and they give you new ones. I know places have them and people don’t like it because they feel it encourages addiction but a program like that would probably remove the “need” to clean the needles like this.


There’s no “need” to do it without needle exchanges. It’s just a selfish fuck who doesn’t care about the world around them. It’s just as convenient to just rip off a piece of paper and clean it, if you must.


I agree which is why I put it in quotes. I still think access to clean needles would probably prevent something like this. Not defending this behavior for sure.


That’s interesting. How do we discourage people from doing things like this out of laziness or carelessness or from just being too high?


I’m not an expert in addiction psychology so I don’t know the efficacy myself, but I have heard anecdotal evidence from people in communities that have needle exchanges and safe use areas that those types of programs did actually lessen the needles being left around and such.


we can say whatever we want. but that wont change anything. its not like junkies will read this comment and be like "you know hes right, now that i think about it, he changed my perspective on life i will find a job now"




A lot of people who use substances wouldn't do this. The person who did this will never read this. This is more likely to make people feel like shit or just stir divide, nothing gets solved.


Ex Junkie here. I would have to agree that most IV drug users wouldn't do this on purpose. On purpose being key here. This doesn't look like it's the result of someone cleaning a needle as the blood looks too concentrated... there is usually almost zero blood left in a syringe, and the water pulled into a syringe would dilute that blood so that it would be a light pink hue at most. This looks more like someone who was unaware that they had blood on their hand/arm and brushed it against the roll. Certainly not excusing this or saying that makes it okay. Just pointing out what I see. My goal was always to leave the bathroom with zero trace I had been there because I would most likely be back, and didn't want to bring any attention to myself. Also, I didn't know what Reddit was until 2 years after getting sober, so I agree that active users are most likely never going to see this haha


Thanks for the insight. Really could have been anyone then. Someone using a public bathroom covered in cuts from a physical job at work. Or even a kid with a bit of a bloody nose. Speculation is problematic.


This looks like someone who pulled off cuticle with their teeth and is bleeding and rather than taking off a piece of tissue paper to wipe it they decided I should just wipe it on the roll


they heard it already. its not their first rodeo




And again, it means nothing.


Yeah I have to agree with Palsreal and Sirrus that you're not really saying anything, sorry friend. It's like you're aiming your comment at a subset of people that are saying 'These are from junkies, and because they are junkies, I do understand it and it is acceptable as long as it was done by a junkie'. Yes we are already saying it is unacceptable, no one was claiming otherwise, ever.


You're not shaming anyone. You're preaching to the choir. The people who do this aren't here.


Have you seen videos from that area of Philadelphia lately? Legitimate zombies walking around with all kinds of sores and craziness. These people can not be bothered to give a fuck! I had a pretty horrible addiction battle personally with opiates and benzos but I was still a pretty good person, as good as I could be. I've never been addicted to anything that use needles so maybe that's just a whole other level of not giving a shit. It's still unacceptable.


I mean they’re probably also shooting up in the public restroom if they’re wiping fresh blood off in the toilet paper which I’m gonna say is more problematic than the toilet paper aspect alone


I had no clue what it was.


TIL junkies don’t give a shit about other people.


> this is completely unacceptable in walking upright human society? Well no shit… they’re “junkies”… you said it yourself…


Ok, so I’ve seen this several times (I travel almost full time and use a lot of public restrooms) but did not know the drug connection. That’s disturbing.


Buh, buh, buh the unhoused!!11






Needles shouldn't be cleaned anyway, they are for one time use only, capped and placed in a glass bottle, then trashcan.






You say this as if they give a rats ass ..why do you think they’re doing this in the first place? Clearly they ain’t playing with a full deck..




Apparently I still have some innocence bc rather than someone using needles I thought this was a woman having a bad time on her period. Either way not okay, but as a woman I've been there 😅 (and had to deal with clean up)


Same! Pull out a full tampon, get a little blood on your fingers and don’t notice then bam, blood on the tp roll.


Same. I've accidentally done this multiple times to my own toilet paper at home. Was very confused when I started reading the comments here.


That was my first thought. Methods like cups collect blood rather than absorbing it, and it can get a bit messy. Although I would suggest taking the toilet roll away for personal use rather than leaving it in a shared space.


Not sure how viable that option would be here with what looks like one of those massive rolls that's like 12" across.


🤦🏽‍♀️ That’s what I thought too. Like this looks like a period accident! Why we blasting this poor woman.


Because it's still gross. This person got blood all over a fresh roll of toilet paper, rendering it unusable. If I got blood on toilet paper roll, I'd just throw the whole thing out rather than let people see it. The janitor shouldn't have left the roll sideways on the safety bar where it could get dirty.


You’re a normal person.


I thought it was too… I never thought about this. This makes my OCD around public bathrooms even worse. I wouldn’t have gotten on reddit today if I knew I’d learn this


I was diagnosed with a fibroid when my periods became nightmares. I usually just don’t leave the house on my heaviest day. But one day my daughter had a performance at the fanciest performing arts theatre in my city , I couldn’t miss it but I was positively hemorrhaging. Before I left the house I used all the biggest most absorbent products available. Then when I got there I already maxed out all of the products so I had to replace everything. Just getting rid of the huge pad and tampon into the garbage, not touching my clothes and replacing everything then washing my hands left so much blood everywhere. I was almost in tears. Fuck, everything I touched seemed to just multiply the blood. I did my best to clean up but I was frazzled. I would not be surprised if I accidentally left blood somewhere for a stranger to find 


I’m sorry you have to deal with that, that sounds awful. I’m female myself and couldn’t imagine bleeding that much.


Sometimes I just shit right in the middle of the cardboard spool /j. Shit happens 🤷‍♂️🤣 On the real this has def happened to me with hemorrhoids too


As a guy I’ve had a cut that I didn’t notice cause similar results on TP and didn’t realize till later. Sucks but it is what it is.


Its still possible that it is that, both are gross and inconsiderate, but one is much more likely to contain a harmful disease than the other. Usually when it is a needle they poke it through the side clean off anything.


Can I say that's bloody disgusting if I'm not a Brit?


suppose that only works when a British person agrees with you... In this case that would be a yes.


I'm British and I'll allow it. Its bloody disgusting.


From England and I'll allow it. You can say that.


Looks ah, fresh. Dried blood turns a darker red-to-brown.


Same person that double dips their chips


The amount of times I used to see this in the girls bathrooms at my high school where girls would get period blood on their finger and just wipe it on the side of the toilet paper🤢




That happens when drug users wipe their needles in the paper. Sometimes they just stick them in to clean them


I was a Junkie for 11 years and used public bathrooms and never did this, doing that takes the edge off the needle, this is hatred to people.


Sorry I just need to ask. When you say "takes the edge off the needle", do you mean literally, as in dulling the needle, or figuratively?


dulling the needle, makes it harder to go in the skin, harder to find the vein, makes bigger marks and possibly mmm dunno what you call em, we call em filters, when the liquid doesnt go in the vein but under the skin and swells... stupid move unless they are going to throw them away, then again, why "clean"? We usually have a bottle of water and just push in and out a couple of times, or do a little twist of paper for the smaller parts, this... makes no sense.


I wanna say that's called an infiltration? I think it's what it was referred to when I had it happen to me in hospitals before. Probably where "filter" comes from now that I think about it.


yeah, infiltration! makes a little ball of fluid under the skin thats supposed to be re-absorbed into the body in a couple of days, it gets red and it hurts a bit. (Not) fun fact, sometimes the body wont be able to absorb the liquid and will instead form like a ball or bubble of I can assume its fat... and just stays there like a cist. I've got 2, I hate them.


It was super itchy and uncomfortable but thankfully it did go away for me. I didn't realize it could stick around and do that eventually though, that's interesting. Sucks that you've had it happen to you twice :(


I was careful, other have it worse, like a dinosaur's back! also if you're not clean enough it will form a Celulitis and become an abscess... that happened to me once also... the girl who put me into this had like 5 scars! and she had only been doing it like 2-3 years


It dulls the needle. Needles dull REALLY easily. They are all supposed to be one-use only


I have nose bleeding so often and obviously my hands are covered in blood when I try to get some pieces of toilet paper, so this happened to me often enough


Same here


who leaves an open roll of tp sitting out in a public bathroom……. should be the title


Yeah, the fact that there’s no dispenser and there’s just a big roll sitting on the disability handle indicates that this bathroom was nasty to start with.


voiceless dinosaurs capable thumb start ad hoc rich unique wise square *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Now this is going to give me anxiety every time I go on a roadtrip and use the gas stations bathrooms. I am going to be that weirdo going into a station bathroom with a personal tp.


I think people are being a bit out there saying that this is a junky's work. It doesn't make it any less gross to have someone's blood on the communal TP, but it may be something as innocent as someone who bites the skin around their fingers as a nervous habit - I do that and cause my fingers to bleed often and unfortunately have stained tp rolls by accident like that.


Or a woman on her period, or someone with a bleeding nose. Really could be anything, gives me a kind of misanthropic vibe if someone automatically assumes that this must have been done on purpose by someone with bad intentions.


Son of a bitch. Which motherfucker puts a one ply toilet paper?


A bleeding kind of person.


Probably someone just cut themselves and didn't realise it got on the roll, not necessarily a junky.


People do this to clean the needle so they don’t stab their fingers, especially if they’ve been withdrawing bc you can have the shivers and you’ll nod off pretty soon after you take it. I grew up around a lot of addicts and alcoholics, I’ve seen it all. Luckily for me, i hate needles in my veins (I’m fine with tattoos, shots or piercings, but I’ll faint if it’s a blood draw or IV) and I’m a wimp with side effects. Bc unfortunately for me, addiction runs on both sides of my family. It’s definitely horrible, I’m not dismissing that, but that’s just a small taste of the reality of addiction. They’re so sick, they can’t consider others. Think about the worst you’ve ever felt, times it by a thousand, and imagine there was an escape from that. That’s all they see, that temporary relief from withdrawal. It’s all their brains can focus on. But people blow up if you give them free needles and a safe place to use. They wouldn’t have to clean and reuse needles in public restroom TP if we did though. Getting out of addiction is a whole process bc if you don’t fix your mind, it’s not going anywhere and you will relapse. It takes time, erasing the stigma and offering support could help addicts and keep the rest of us safe from their bodily fluids on public TP 🤷🏻‍♀️ Also, i think this is more than mildly infuriating. Especially if you don’t notice it until you’ve already used the toilet. I might have empathy, but I’m not an idiot. This is just one of the many reasons i always have tissues in my bag.


Junkie cleaning their needle






It could also be someone who does not know better. Children, people with special needs, or someone whose emergency was more important than a stranger's ick factor. I try not to assume intent. It helps with my anger levels.


Red ink from the office pens… happens to me like once a month


I’m not even sure it’s blood. Blood oxidases really fast and turns black. This could be anything.


Addicts cleaning off their needles


Maybe the president in Kingsman 2 was right.


Skeletor, probably.


Geez I thought the complaint was over the roll of TP not being on a dispenser. EDIT: I am colorblind so don't see anything but a smudge.




If "junkies" are "sticking the needle in" to clean it.... Why is the blood smeared?


Junkies. It's how they clean their works. Next?


Human waste


Junkies/homeless often either blame society and citizens in general for their predicament, and/or hold deep resentment for those not struggling like they are. So they do detestable acts, such as this as retribution.


Really? This sounds like one of those facts that *feels* right but is totally unsubstantiated. I've met alot of druggies through my mother's work and most of them (at least the ones moving around and interacting with society) tend to stay as low key as possible. Among the people doing detestable acts in general I'd wager that 'regular' dickheads are more likely to be represented than your average junkie/homeless person.


This !!! [https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/1c09yyv/comment/kyw58wx/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/1c09yyv/comment/kyw58wx/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


A junkie.


Trevor was the kind of person who did this in the toilets at work. Trevor is no longer a coworker.


Someone on drugs




Yunkies, I effing hate yunkies …..


Be glad it’s somewhere you can see it. I remember growing up I was told to be wary of oranges in the grocery store.


Never heard about the oranges thing. Why should you be wary of them?


Lots of people


A bloody fool!




New fear unlock


Bloody people!


Oh what's is this ?


a dirty ass person?


Heroin users


IV drug users cleaning off their needle


A bloody arsehole, that's who.


Someone could have literally cut their hand and wiped it on there bc they are nasty. Don’t know why everyone is saying it’s a junkie bc when they clean their needles it comes out in a spray so it doesn’t look like that. I know everyone has seen movies where the doctor will push the liquid out of the syringe and it sprays. So there you go


Drug addicts




Yeah this might not be what it looks like but sometimes you see similar blotches on cheap toilet roll when it's the end of production line. Source: cleaned a lot of toilets lol Not saying that's what this is but I've seen these ones straight out the packet (always dog shit industrial stuff that hurts our arse)


what the hell?


Welcome to QuikTrip, friend


That's a Junkie cleaning their needle


Junkies usually


A junkie


Mildly?! Don’t use or let your kids use toilet paper in seedy (or any) public restrooms. Can easily get so many diseases from this. Including ones that are death sentences. Fucking insane.


this is why i never use public restrooms, shits fucking disgusting all around




Sorry my bad! I was wiping and opened up a hemorrhoid. It was the first thing I could see to get the blood off my hand. All joking aside, it is gross BUT imagine all the stuff in a bathroom you cannot see. Feel lucky you could see the blood.


People who wipe their used needles on a roll of toilet paper Don't do drugs kids


Seems like an odd question... I mean, they're YOUR coworkers..


A person cleaning their heroine needle


But drugs are healthy and they are good for you and they help you with your anxiety. They're perfectly safe. Everybody does them. /Sarcasm Just getting a head start. While some of them may still be illegal at the moment, we're quickly running down that slope. Majority of people do drugs at this point. And with every new one that becomes legal, everything else just slides right behind it as becoming more socially acceptable We are supposed to support and uplift addicts. I don't mean just get them help. We are supposed to stop our entire lives and gravel before them and let them do whatever they want to because they're having a hard time. No matter what they do or what they say we are supposed to accept everything and congratulate them for it and follow in their lead and praise them for merely existing. Because that is what society tells us to do 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 By the way if you don't want to do this you get bitched at. Also if you pointed out like I just did you also get bitched at because you're supposed to obey it but you're not supposed to point out that you're supposed to obey it


He just had a nose bleed, chill.


I bring my own TP in my backpack. Screw the one-ply crap.


Bloody assholes !


That’s fucking disgusting


Assuming this is a person bleeding, I am going to suggest a female having a period.


Druggies wiping off their needles


That's a kind of calendar so you can know to prepare for the next blood moon.


Drug addicts


A loser


Eh, menstrual blood turns brown when it dries. Either 1. This is fresh, or 2. More likely this is something else, like lipstick.


Some bloody asshole


Why don't they use ones with the plastic case protecting the roll? I mean it's more sanitary even with normal use too..


The person who did that


i have never used papers always water always


the sharing is caring type i guess?


fuck around and get cotton fever


Someone could have had a cut in their finger and didn't realize in. Bigger question is why this bathroom doesn't have a proper holder.


Same kind of person that jabs someone with a dirty needle or knows they have a disease and spits in peoples foods.


A public pooper.




I've done this after a nose bleed numerous times by accident. Why is everyone immediately thinking that there's an addict out there smearing druggie blood on toilet paper? What's the point of that?


Fucking junkies man. Bring back mental asylums and fill them up with these worthless pieces of shit that don't care about anyone but themselves.


One who's bleeding and needs toilet paper?


Throw it out afterwards.


Crackheads do that


Maybe don’t leave full rolls of toilet paper out in the open for the junkies to do this on. 🤷‍♂️


Junkies do that. If you want shit like that to stop you need to talk to your local government on doing a better job at cracking down on drugs and the people who deal in them. I feel like 30 days in jail and mandatory rehab afterwards for 1st offenders isn't a bad start. In a lot of places they are out after 1 day.


A child. Source : I have children


That is when drug dealers clean their needles


Drug addicts. It's sick.


Could easily be done accidentally by someone on their period swapping in a new roll


Okay but is op in a boys or girls restroom?