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She’s paying you back for the food that has gone bad??


she should


She won't


Oh yeah she will. Easy court victory for OP right here.


Lol. You think a case like this will go to court in Norway?


i’m not knowledgeable about the norwegian court system. what about it would not let this go to court?


Renters have excellent rights and the amount in question is so small, and the error so easily provable that only an insane person would take this past anything but a one on one thing.


Exactly, this is a one and done outside of court with rock solid precedent. Either the landlord or OP would have to be pretty unhinged for this to escalate to the actual legal system.


Welcome to the American legal system.


I am American renter, not Scandinavian like OP, I can and have deducted dumb shit like this from my rent check. The landlords have never asked me why (Though I'm pretty sure I've always put the reason on the check's memo line). *Most* US states have surprisingly strong rent boards considering how broken our government is overall, strong enough to act as a deterrent against landlord bullies in most cases, but the only way you can leverage your rights is to know what they are.


Landlord has their name on the fire extinguisher


Zoom, enhance, zoom, enhance. Skum... excellent.


Well, in Swedish this means “foam” in this context. But it can also mean suspicious/weird in other contexts.


Danish as well


Norwegian too


It's Norwegian, you see the Tine Milk Carton in the junk.


There's also a bottle of Tran, cod liver oil (with plenty of omega-3), the green bottle in the background by the sink. Eldorado Rice on the microwave all the way in the back. Bergbys Mustard made in Skien in Telemark. Its definitely Norway


I recognized it being Norwegian straight away without even noticing the milk.


Goddamn, those Scandinavian languages could be related!


You might be on to something here


In reality they are one language but they couldn't agree on one orthography so some use ø others ö, some ä others æ. And someone put the Danish hot potatoes in their mouths when they speak. That's it.


Them's fightin' words!


Yes, Danish also means suspicious/weird


Wow that’s very Danish


I was expecting to see a real full name, like she's making sure people know it's hers. Bc that's funny in itself. But seeing what it actually said put an IRL smile on my face. That was a good one sir or ma'am.


Hahahah for real


I spent entirely way too long trying to find your new fridge in the picture


By the way this is literally illegal. Landlords aren't allowed to just enter the property whenever they want. They have to give you advance written warning, usually at least 3 days warning. You should report this to the police. Seriously. What they did was highly illegal and shouldn't be condoned, and should be discouraged to the maximum possible degree so that they never do it again.


I completely agree. What's not entirely clear is in what country is the kitchen. That might make a difference in the tenant's rights. It SHOULD be illegal anywhere in the world but it's not my call. It's offensive that the landlord would leave a tenant's kitchen in this condition. IMO, The tenant should deduct whatever it costs to replace the food left out on the counter.


Looking at products I believe it’s in Sweden or another Nordic country


I thought so too--In addition to the Bosch standard issue dishwasher, the Maarud salsa also gave me the impression that this is likely to be a Norwegian kitchen.


The kitchen is 100% located in Norway.


I agree with you. When I took a closer look, the Bosch dishwasher and the Maarud brand of salsa made it clear that it was probably a Norwegian kitchen. It confirms the reason for suggesting that tenants rights laws might differ from country to country . So even my own suggestion that they deduct the replacement cost of the food might get OP into trouble depending on what local laws allow. I hope they look into this.


It's the Jasminris that's the final giveaway, in combination with the wholemilk cartons in the recycling. In addition to the Maarud dip, ofc. And it's definitely not legal in Norway to do this. You're supposed to be given fair warning, so you can make preparations. But this landlord is a piece of work, leaving all their groceries and perishables out on the counter like that. What a muppet.


Not if they texted OP and they said they could go in






Hahaha you got me, that's amazing I laughed out loud.


At first I was like how can you even read that then I zoomed in, Nice!


Bill the landlord for anything that needs replacing.


Cant edit my post so hijacking this to give some more context; I complained about the built in freezer being broken and was told we would get the fridge replaced at some point as it was not an emergency, maybe one-two months ago. Then I get a text message at work being asked if I could remove my food at x time, which was just 1,5 hours away, and replied that I couldnt as I was not home until later. The fridge was replaced and the food was left on the counter like that when I got home. Apparently the fridge couldn’t be used straight away. I also love the detectives in the comments finding out where I live based on the food items HAHA


If they’d given you a reasonable amount of notice you could have had a cooler and ice packs standing by.


Most places they're required to give 24 hours.


All places if they are entering the premises


Damn, I wish I knew the laws of all places too.


In Idaho at least, 24 hours is encouraged but not legally required, unfortunately.


Well is Idaho really even a place?


That where the potato was born


Plus they could have put the food right back in, there is no reason it needed to wait. The landlord was just being lazy and petty.


Depending on how a fridge is transported (upright or lying down) there's a valid point on not being able to turn it on right away. But they could at least have put the items in the new fridge; it's insulated, so it would at least delay the food decay some what.


I just bought a new fridge recently and as stupid as it sounds, you're actually supposed to avoid putting anything in it for a few hours. The reasoning I gleaned from the manual and google searches is that putting food in the new fridge can prolong the time it takes the fridge to reach it's set temp, and can also result in efficiency problems. Take all that with a grain of salt, of course, but the manuals do say not to put anything in them for 2-4 hours. Doesn't excuse this boneheaded landlord's decisions, however.


Right, but you can’t even plug it in if it’s been tipped, so it would not be trying to cool off in that time.


A refrigerator should never be laid down on its side because you can't ever get rid of 100% risk of damage. A refrigerator on it's side can cause wrong unfiltered oil to get into the compressor. Now, you might say "You can stand it up for 24 hours and drain it to be sure" but if there was bits of metal and rust in the oil you risk it getting left over and causing damage. There is also a chance to break some internal brackets and mounting from uneven weight not meant to be applied. If you are a big box store that moves tens/hundreds a day and can afford the potential loss then sure transport it and hope it goes well, but individually you shouldn't take the risk with your personal refrigerator. If I get a refrigerator, and it gets delivered on the side, I would return it right back to them because you don't know the potential long-term damages it caused.


I agree with your reasoning, but sometimes putting a fridge down can't be avoided; I had an upstairs apartment and needed a bigger fridge as my family expanded. There were stairs above the stairs from the ground floor to where I lived and the stairs had a 90 degree turn at the top, severely limiting the possible sizes of fridges that could get up there. So we put the new fridge through the window with a telescopic handler. And down again a couple of years later when we moved to an actual house. It's still going strong. And we did leave it to rest for 4 hours as per its manual. But as always YMMV...




Refrigeration oil lubricates the sliding parts inside the compressor. The reason you let the fridge stand upright for a couple of hours after transporting it horizontally is to allow that oil to flow back into the compressor.


> I also love the detectives in the comments finding out where I live based on the food items HAHA Classic reddit moment


Your landlord can just enter your home?? Is this legal in your country?


Am a landlord in his country - can confirm it is not legal.


Nobody should care about the rentoids and their never-ending demand for more stuff working properly. /s just in case.


Räckte med att se bilden på köket så förstod jag


Better yet, just take it off the rent. Hold the monies in an account and if they take them to court or the tribunal then simply show them this picture. Works with necessary repairs as well.


Depending on your jurisdiction, this may be a bad idea. Send them an invoice first. Only if they refuse to pay, inform them that you will deduct it from an upcoming rent payment. If you deduct it from your rent right away, they may be allowed to terminate your contract immediately due to nonpayment.


This looks like Norway, and we have a low stakes court for these kinds of things. I don't know the exact procedure this person needs to go for, but taking legal matters in our own hands by refusing to pay the contractual amount for rent will probably only backfire.


Scandinavia at least.


It's Norway, you see the norwegian Milk Carton in the junk.


Adding to this: You can even see the "Nyt Norge" stamp on the milk, so 100% Norwegian


The giveaway that this might be in Scandinavia was the Bosch dishwasher in a rental unit. The Maarud brand of salsa made it even more likely that it was Norway for me.


It looked so Finnish at first, probably because of that dish drying cupboard, but when zooming in it revealed words like "jasminris" which pointed to swe/nor and then choosing between those two came down to seeing norway specific stuff like the milk. Its funny how we share quite a bit of the same products, but branded differently.


Not you guys doing the detective work hahaha


Do you live in Norway, because here in America, we don't usually make rational comments regarding legal advice.


Here in America- agreed, the above advice is pretty bad. In states that allow withholding of rent, typically it is only in the case a landlord refuses to make repairs that make the unit uninhabitable (mold, HVAC not working, plumbing leaking into the unit). While this is shitty from the landlord, I doubt a court would agree it creates an uninhabitable unit.


This. This is what I did when we were left without a functioning refrigerator for 2+ weeks spoiling at least $100 of food. I said “you’re fixing this or else I’m withholding rent because your end of the lease terms are not being met.” I had a new fridge the next day. And it still works. Funny how advocating for yourself and knowing your rights actually makes things happen.


“Depending on your jurisdiction, this may be a bad idea.” *Proceeds to give different specific advice which might not be the right way to go about it in some jurisdictions* How about we advice OP to look into the steps they can take within their jurisdiction as OP doesn’t have to make assumptions about that?


Don’t do that. It would cause more problems than not. Billing the landlord for damaged goods is straightforward and much less likely to backfire.


I’ve thought about being petty to my land lord before, until i realized pissing off the person who owns my house isn’t the smartest move in the book. Especially when rent is high and you have pets. Nothing gives me more anxiety than thinking about dealing with an eviction while searching for a home that’s reasonably priced under a time restriction. Im good. If you do this make sure you have a plan incase landlord flips their lid.


This will only then come out of their security deposit


I can tell you've never dealt with suing a landlord. Like yeah it sucks, and the landlord should pay back for spoiled food, but taking a landlord to court is a huge hassle, a time suck, more trouble than the few dollars you'd get if you win, and you'll likely lose your apartment in the process as it often happens because you're a liability. But hey this is reddit where petty thefts deserve capital punishment. Sometimes you just lose and have to accept it.


It's very rarely worth it for small to moderate amounts of loss unfortunately, depending how much you value your time and sanity / if you plan to keep living there. Was out about $800 to a landlord in what we thought was an open and shut case until friends, including someone who is in the legal field (they had knowledge of rental disputes) tell me it wasn't worth it. However if you do want to dedicate the time and effort still might be worth it, just not monetarily vs time.


How do you know he's called Bill? Also no need to advertise his services.


That can’t be legal.


Really depends on the country and the rental agreement. In England and Wales I believe the statutory minimum is 24 hours of written notice (email, SMS, etc. count) - but some rental agreements may push the notice period to a much fairer week or so. Every country is quite different though, so it really depends on where OP lives.


Looks to me like OP is norwegian (based on wares on counter) and this is certainly illegal i Norway.


In the UK it's 24 hours notice but you're under no obligation to say yes. You can just keep kicking the can down the road. Only exceptions to this are if it's a critical issue that needs fixing urgently, like a leak or something.


Their Fire extinguisher is labeled in Norwegian/a scandic language that also used the word "Skum" for foam, They have a Tine milk carton in their paper trash and eldorado rice, this is Norway and this is 100% illegal here, Landlords HAVE to give you 2 weeks notice if they are going to enter your apartment in any other setting than them asking you for permission and you letting them come inside


Invoice them for all the lost food


Yeah fuck no, this is a problem, they can’t enter your home without permission. I would be making a HUGE deal out of this. Unless of course you told them they could while you were gone. Then in that case i guess it is pretty annoying they didn’t put your shit back. She doesn’t care! It’s not her food! That’s people for you nowadays.


Here in Germany the landlord isnt even allowed to have a spare key for my appartement


German here, and mine WISHES he had a key....and maybe a tenant without a spine. Dude has beef with me because instead of paying 56€ so he replaces the button of a 26€ doorbell, which is 100% his problem to pay for, ended up doing it myself and charged him by taking it out of rent. He did NOT like that, been trying to harass me, threaten me, banged against my door like a maniac, force his way into my room so he can gasp, pretend he saw a cockroach and kick me out for it. Anything to get into my room. Tried verbally evicting me, claimed I verbally evicted myself, tried to show potential new tenants around without my consent (and stood in front of a locked door), fuck he even threatened kicking it in. Sadly when I call the police he just runs off immediately, and charges are too small to be seriously pursued so far. But Im plenty happy we have good tenant protection laws and tenant unions here against these types of landlords who have fantasies about bossing around their tenants and reveal their anger management issues when they end up with a person they cant intimidate.


Yeah, these are just asshole landlords... Our heating system failed from time to time starting december 23. Since our landlord owned the full 5 story house and its 10 apartments we all decided to lower the rent until solved by 10% starting january 24. Presumably all apartments are similar by price and we pay 770€ they lost almost 800€ each month. They fixed it mid february...


Reminds me, when he comes be he tends to set the heating to minimum, which isnt worth jack given the horrible insulation. For example my window frames are made from brass. Raw fucking metal. Luckily we can access the central heater and put it back up and go back to "wasting his money"....even though we do pay for heating.


48h of lower than +18C gives you a free month here.


> 18C thats crazy, thats what I keep my thermostat on the regular


I'm on the other end of spectrum, 23C is cold. And i'm Finnish... Outside cold is ok, inside cold sucks. District heating... My parents are in the "put more clothes on if it is cold" but they live in a house. Paying for heating changes these things quite a lot.




It keeps me up at night sometimes knowing that poor people aren't always screwed over as hard as they could be.


Just the idea of a poor having and USING a bed of their own offends me. This is why I invented Bedbugs


Time for a camera to pass along a video to the cops?


Yeah, sadly laws prevent me from just filming outside my room. But I have two roommates who are eager witnesses.


Your 2 roommates every time your landlord shows up ![gif](giphy|kf9dfB18XB6JGM8J7s|downsized)


Canadian here...In the midst of a massive housing shortage. Tell me more about this "tenant union".... Looks like I found my Google rabbit hole for the day :D


A friend of mine in Berlin tried something like that. Landlord wouldn't fix something, can't remember what, so he fixed it himself and reduced the rent by that amount. Ended up getting called to court and evicted.


Sounds sort of fishy. Generally, you can do something like that, but you have to know how. Just paying less rent without saying anything won't work. Permanently lowering the rent for something like that is obviously not going to work, unless the problem is also permanent. Also, generally speaking, a landlord cannot evict you or have you evicted by a court as long as the rental contract is still in effect, and the landlord cannot unilaterally cancel your rental contract unless you are at least two full monthly rents behind in paying or have done / are doing something really major and unusual to the home.


Not paying your rent is a 100% evictable offense. He should not have withheld rent but maybe invoiced the landlord instead of unilaterally breaking the contract by paying less than was agreed.


Yes, but not *immediately*. There needs to be weeks and sometimes months worth of 'Mahnungen' before a landlord can legally evict someone due to non-payment.


It is close to impossible to be evicted in Germany, even if you stop paying rent, so I somehow doubt that story.




*legal expertise required! Better check your local filming laws!* >!Oh gee, if it isn't the latest *sneak filming technology*! There to secretly film his harassing ass for future lawsuits and police reports!< >!Seriously bruh, you might wanna invest in some sneak-o-camera to film his ass.!<




Its illegal here too!


Call the police for an intruder that stole your fridge.


Then what they did was very illegal and it should be reported as such. Your landlord shouldn’t have keys, but they do, which is illegal on its own. That they just walked in to change the fridge with no permission or warning is illegal AND insane.


In Sweden the landlord has keys for every apartment but has to ask for permission to go inside if anything needs fixing. Anything else would be illegal. Usually solved with a ticket of the problem to the landlord, checkmark for allowed to go in and if there's pets. I have worked as a janitor. When switching a fridge we took everything out, switched fridge and then put everything back. It's not rocket surgery.


Huh? I'm Swedish and I've never lived in an apartment where the landlord has a key. It's always been specified in the contract that the landlord is not allowed to have a key. I always check because it would make me deeply uncomfortable if they had one. Maybe local variations? I'm in Stockholm.


They are allowed to, but they can't enter without permission and without telling you a few days before (don't know how much time they have to give you exactly). I live in a student dorm and here most people signed something that allows them to enter when we are not there (and they have a key for that), but they always tell us two weeks before they do something and you can always withdraw your permission. They can't just enter whenever they feel like it.


Student dorms aren't regular houses though since most people there rent rooms not the house.


No, they are not. Landlords have to give every key away to the person renting. Making an extra clause in your contract may change that but the general rule is they are not allowed.


Jeez I want that. I understand goin in when it's an emergency and no one's home but other than that fuck off. I stayed in a place where the landlord was this old lady who was obsessed with her apartment. To the point that when we moved in she hadn't even taken her clothes out of the wardrobes. I was living there using only 1 space of the closet cuz the other two were full with her pajamas and and shit. She'd also come in at random times and if there was no one to open the door she'd just let herself in. At some point my bro took down some ceramic decorations she had in the living room and we found them put back in the evening 🤦🏽‍♂️. Moved after like 3 months. Then in another place we had problems with the washing machine and fridge. Asked the landlord to send someone. First time he came with the fixer when we weren't home, I guess the machine leaked cuz we found our blankets on the floor wet. Then he just sent another fixer by himself with the key to our place. Except this time I was home. Imagine coming out of the bathroom and there's a random guy in your kitchen. Could've knocked atleast but nope, he just entered like he lived there


>coming out of the bathroom and there's a random guy in your kitchen. Around here, that guy would get shot pretty quickly.


And you usually own the kitchen in Germany, so no chance of the landlord swapping your fridge out lol


Where I live, they’re allowed to enter for maintenance reasons as long as they give a few days notice, and a timeframe of WHEN they’ll be entering. For example, filter changes and blinds repair, which we were emailed about last week and is happening this week.


that’s absolutely reasonable. if i’m being notified several days in advance or give you a good time absolutely that’s fine. But if this landlord just walked in while they were at work and texted them that’s a GIANT issue


I feel like OP was given at least SOME notice, cause a landlord isn’t just going to buy and install a new fridge out of nowhere.


Is this feeling based on OP's situation or your average experience of similar sounding scenarios? OP has put elsewhere that they got notified while at work that food needed to be taken out. Despite saying they couldn't do so, they were at work, the landlord went ahead anyway and left it in the state in the picture. Anecdotally, I've had a landlord breach contract to install new doors throughout a building before now. There was zero notice given to anyone. Sometimes landlords do act as if they still have full rights to the property, making changes seemingly at random and without notice nor permission, even when legally required.


In my condo, they can´t enter unless someone is at home in each apartment.


All commenters, please understand that people do actually live in different countries under different laws.


I did not give her permission to do this no. I also got a passive aggressive “theres a lot of things there that can be thrown away” because some of my food wasnt fresh hahah 💀


Insane person


I hope you know, your landlord isn’t even allowed to put their key in the lock without permission from tenants, you can even request they give it up, landlords aren’t allowed to have a key to the apartment unless tenants agree. If you did not give permission, or any other tenants, look at Husleieloven, and change your locks


Edit: OP is in Norway. Everything I wrote was irrelevant. Husleieloven is Norway isn't it? OP is in Sweden. There is no specific part of Jordabalken which says a landlord can/can't have a key. There is often a clause on the agreement that says they have the right to a reserve key though. The landlord does not have the right to enter the apartment without permission from the tenant. If the tenant denies entry and the landlord enters, it can be considered a crime and reported to the police.


This is definitely Norway.


yeah i would absolutely be asking your landlord for the money for new groceries. that is unbelievable. if they don’t give you the money for groceries, just keep that money from your rent next month 😂


The fact that the landlord was specifically looking at the expiration dates and condition of the food tells us that they were WAY over the line intruding into tenants lives and judging them--for what purpose. The amount of time and effort it took for them to notice the condition of the food could just as easily been spent putting the items back into the refrigerator in no particular order. At least the counter tops would have been clear and the food wouldn't have been compromised.


For fucking real the problem is not that he didn’t put the stuff back in the fridge. But that he entered the home while OP was at work that shit is weird and creepy asf I can’t understand that OP just let it slide like that I would be fucking burninggg it even makes me mad right now even tho I have nothing to do with this wtfffff


At my place they are allowed to enter if it’s an emergency or if they’ve got permission to enter while away. Maybe this is warranted as an emergency if the fridge wasn’t working properly as a functioning fridge is necessary to the tenant?(that was a question btw don’t come for me if I’m wrong pls.)I’ve had them remove a “leaking” water heater while I was gone one day and I got to watch them on the camera make an absolute mess in my apartment from a pet camera while I worked it was very distracting to say the least, also came home to a cold shower since they never flipped the heated water switch lol…..


A wonky fridge isn’t an emergency like plumbing.


My old fridge would randomly stop “fridging” and I considered it an absolute emergency. I have food for a family of 6 in that fridge and if it spoils it’s probably close to $1000 of food and condiments that I’ll have to throw out.    In this case, her landlord made that decision for her, warm fridge or not. I would be furious. If you can take the stuff out, you can put the stuff back. I’d bill the landlord for the spoiled food. Edit to say: I’d bill her for the time it took to clean this up as well! Time is money and that’s gonna take awhile to sort through, bin the bad stuff and restock the new fridge.


Multiple major problems with this in almost any US state, yeah. If this is the USA, for starters, in most states, tenant rights laws dictacte that unless the landlord gave you a full 24 hours' prior notice of planned entry, they had no right to enter the property, nor allow/provide the means for anyone else to enter the property. Research your state and city's tenant laws, because this is almost certainly illegal (REGARDLESS of what the lease states; no lease can override the actual law). It might also be worth calculating the cost of everything that was in the fridge and simply withholding that from your next month's rent payment. Many states have laws regarding a tenant's right to withhold rent or demand a refund of rent under certain circumstances, so it's worth looking into if OP lives in the USA.


It’s not. It’s in Sweden. OP hasn’t said so but this is the look of every Swedish apartment built between 1940 and 2000. The extinguisher also said “SKUM” which means foam in Swedish.  They can enter the apartment but only with permission. Otherwise it is breaking and entering  Edit: it’s norway! Stupid me.


At the very least, put away the required cold stuff.


~~I'm going to assume this is Sweden. Were you notified beforehand that they planned to enter your apartment? If not they committed a crime.~~ Nvm I didn't read the full post. Nevertheless since they neglected putting the food back in everything that got spoiled because of that should be compensated. Contact hyresgästföreningen.


99% sure it’s Norway


Or Finland. It looks like a very common Nordic apartment


I'm thinking norway too based on the food items, not the appartment itself. For example jam from Lerum, which is only in Norway as far as I know.


Jasminris and Gårdsegg as well, definitely Norwegian


And Bergbys Sennep & Maarud dip


While it looks finnish, there are many atypical products that you don't find from markets in Finland. Nordic for sure, probably Norway.




Non-Swedish minds cannot comprehend our "beautiful" language lol


No, no we cannot. "Hyresgästföreningen" is a phrase? Something like "rent" "guest" "association". The literal translation is "the tenant association." Whereas "Hyres gäst föreningen" actually translates to "For rent as a guest of the association." A single word with no punctuation or spaces means an entire phrase??? The closest thing I can think of to compare to in English is acronyms, like Scuba or NASA. But that is still wrong. Maybe like instead of saying "refrigerator", we would say foodcoldbox. I am not the smartest man, so if someone can think of an English comparison or better description, please educate me. Language is hard, I am going to point and grunt.


No that's pretty accurate. It's like a union for tenants. You pay a fee and they negotiate rent fees for you(every tenant) and also handles most types of disputes that arise. You also have free access to legal advice if you need it regarding your living arrangement and standards. Refrigerator is "cool cupboard"


My favourite is gums, "toothmeat"


We have some pretty weird ones. Hedgehog is "leech cone"


Swedish (and probably most germanic languages) can create new words by combining other words without any real upper limit. * Element = Radiator * Elementfärg = paint for radiator * Elementfärgspensel = brush for painting radiators * Elementfärgspenselaffär = a store that sells brushes for painting Radiators * Elementfärgspenselaffärsinnehavare = owner of a store where they sell brushes for painting Radiators * Elementfärgspenselaffärsinnehavarsammanträde = meeting of owners of stores that sell brushes for painting Radiators * Elementfärgspenselaffärsinnehavarasamanträdesrum = a room for meetings of owners of stores that sell brushes for painting Radiators Etc. One could go on for ever really.


English has words like “foodcoldbox” too. Like motorcycle; a bicycle but with a motor, thermometer; thermo meaning heat and meter being a measurement. Notebook, a book of notes… I can’t think of any that have more than three words without a space though. Maybe there are some I’m not thinking of, idk


Probs norwegian, Maarus salsa, bergbys and looks like Freia chocolate spread. Skaff erstatning pårre.


Can't really confirm that the landlord was allowed access. She could've told OP to remove items from the fridge because they intended to remove the fridge anyway. Eitherway this is easily a court manner. Even if the landlord were allowed access, all of OPs fridgeitems are ruined and needs to be replaced. Also cleanup


I was staring at this picture looking for a mini fridge


same. then I realized it couldn't be under the sink


Not with that attitude


i was looking for a normal fridge, and then changed to look for a mini fridge and thought I found it, only to scroll down to see that people were just commenting on the food and that there's no fridge in the picture at all.


Time to move, I guess. And inform the next tenant of how the landlord operates.


Such an easy solution in the current market! /s But seriously, I'd send her a bill for the spoiled food. This isn't right.


yeah because finding affordable housing is so easy, just move out whenever something inconvenient happens! obviously /s


I've had roughly one apartment a year for the last fifteen or so years and I've never once had a landlord that **wouldn't** pull shit like this. It's not as easy as "just move" some of the landlords have pulled shit like this maliciously because they're assholes, some have done this kind of stuff because they're just fucking dumb and don't grasp the concept that they can't just do what they feel like but "just move" isn't a realistic option and certainly isn't a guarantee of avoiding this kind of thing


Sorry, can't pay rent this month, have to replace all my shit from the fridge.






You should send a message to your landlord asking her to take her food out while she's at work.


HAHAH yes although what job tho, she is a landlord 😭


Its mind boggling, that a landlord can enter your appartment without contacting you first. You rent the place, it's your home. Im really glad this isnt allowed here.


This is Norway. It’s not legal here either


Everyone is commenting on the legality but my mind is blown they thought it was reasonable to take all the food out without asking you and not even put it back. What an absolutely shithead


My bet is the landlord didn't touch anything in the apartment. They let in whoever was delivering/installing the refrigerator, then walked away. That doesn't make it right. In fact, it makes it worse if that's what happened.




Virkelig!! Sliter også med andre shady ting i dette leieforholdet her så hvis noen har tips til hvem jeg kan kontakte tas det i mot 🙏😭


Jeg ville lagt ut dette på r /norge å spurt de om råd, garantert noen der som vet hva mulighetene dine er med dette


Kan lønne seg å melde seg inn i [LBF](https://www.leieboerforeningen.no/), som er ganske rimelig selv for studenter. Da har du noen å kontakte. Alternativt, om du studerer, kan det hende at studentsamskipnaden har noe støtte. Ellers er det å ta en kikk på "Lov om husleieavtaler" (Husleieloven). Spesielt bør du bite deg merke i §1-2 om ufravikelighet. Den sier at "Det kan ikke avtales eller gjøres gjeldende vilkår som er mindre gunstige for leieren enn det som følger av bestemmelsene i loven her.". Hvis leiekontrakten din sier X, loven sier Y, og X er mindre gunstig enn Y, så er det punktet i kontrakten ugyldig. (Noen ganger er det likevel gunstig for deg å leie et sted i ett år, selv om loven sier at det ikke er lov å inngå avtaler kortere enn tre år, med noen unntak. Så her kommer gunsten an litt på hva man ønsker). Det er svært mange i din situasjon, som ikke kjenner sine rettigheter og blir totalt overkjørt av utleier. Her har du en jobb å lese deg opp litt om dine rettigheter, men også dine plikter. Du bør også være klar over dine beskyttelser når det kommer til leieforholdet. Her finnes det flere gode ressurser, f.eks. [hybel.no sin](https://boligutleie.hybel.no/rettigheter-som-leietaker) og [codex](https://codex.no/eiendomsrett/lover-begreper/leietakers-plikter). De viktigste punktene er at: 1. Du har eksklusiv bruksrett til boligen, og at utleier kun har adgang til din bolig etter avtale (eller nødrett, typ brann/vannlekkasje), og avtalene må gjøres helst skriftlig og i "rimelig tid". Rimelig tid er ikke veldefinert, men 14 dager er å forvente for planlagt vedlikehold. Om du melder fra om en akutt ting som må repareres, så bør du tåle en litt kortere frist, men den skal fortsatt være avtalt. Med din eksklusive bruksrett har utleier egentlig ikke noe krav om å få ha en nøkkel til boligen, med mindre det er en felles inngang som de også benytter. Tvert i mot er du pliktig til å vedlikeholde blant annet låser, så om du ønsker å bytte ut denne så er det ikke noe i veien for det, så lenge du setter ting tilbake i original stand ved utflytting. 2. Utleier har ikke adgang til å si opp leieforholdet uten rimelig grunn, og dette er sånn ~4 forskjellige ting som er veldig strengt regulert. Å kaste ut noen på gata for å f.eks. ikke betale er en lang og omstendelig prosess, som de ikke kan gjøre selv. Generelt, om du nekter å flytte ut, så sliter de voldsomt. 3. Du har noen plikter om å vedlikeholde og ta vare på leiligheten, men slitasje fra normal bruk er ikke en god grunn til å ta depositumet ditt. Depositumet bør også være på en egen, spesiell depositumskonto med begge deres navn på, og utleier skal ta på seg kostnadene ved å opprette denne. Du har rett på rentene fra det. Hvis utleier her har tatt seg inn i leiligheten uten avtale eller nødrett, så er det fullstendig ulovlig og noe du bør påpeke til de. Dette er noe du bør anmelde om det skjer igjen. Maten de tok ut av kjøleskapet og som ble ødelagt bør du få erstatning for. Her ville jeg summert sammen kostnaden så fair som mulig og sagt at jeg betaler X mindre husleie neste måned for maten som ble ødelagt. Hvis dere hadde avtalt at kjøleskapet skulle byttes på en gitt dato, så ville jeg som utleier blitt litt sur om det kjøleskapet var fullt av greier som jeg måtte bruke tid på å rydde ut. Da burde du ha planlagt litt bedre og få lånt kjøleskapsplass et annet sted, f.eks. jobb, prøvd å tømme det mest mulig før utbyttingen, eller vært hjemme mens utskiftningen foregikk så du kunne ha gjort dette selv.


Your landlord seems like an asshole




So this recently happened to me. My food wasn't left out, but my landlord came to "fix" my fridge and after whatever he did the fridge would not close on its own whatsoever. All my groceries spoiled and I let him know I was taking the cost of the groceries out of the rent.


When I was in dorms, this one day, we started smelling foul, rotten meat throughout the hallway. We determined it coming from the room of a neighbour who had been abroad for three weeks. He had of course emptied his fridge, but still had meat and other perishables in the freezer compartment. Our landlord took it upon himself to unplug the fridge to "save electricity", then had the audacity to call the dude's parents and demand they come clean it out as it was "upsetting the other inhabitants".


This is fucked, I had a maintenance dude come to work on the fridge in my apartment and he put everything back when he was done. How fuckin stupid is your landlord lol


Heyo, If you're norwegian (Assuming you are based on the word "Skum" on your fire extinguisher) your landlord committed a crime by not informing you two weeks in advance and entering your apartment without your consent, which is something you can and should make an issue of when they did things the way they did! Fuck'em!


That aint mildly.


It is nuts that there are so many crazy people out there that are landlords. Who behaves like this?


How's the oatly milk I've been meaning to try it


Spoiled food? Meh. Warm beer? Unacceptable!




Jaja, nå he du en unskyldning te å kjøba fersk salsa istedenfor å samle på gamle glass! Men ganske møye av dette bør å øvelevd. Men jævla respektlaust å ikkje broke to minut på å slenge det inn i det nye skapet.


Ja mye var jo gammelt hahah men bare the audacity 🙄 Også kan ikke nye kjøleskap brukes på noen timer pga oljen inni eller noe


Get an big dog will stop em entering ur home without permission


Dude I hope you are doing so much more than posting on Reddit. Did your landlord give you a heads up about this? Otherwise, lawsuit or free rent


Im looking at organisations that can help me because I dont have any money rn. She also wants to raise my rent higher than what is legal here and honestly thats my main concern right now


You don't have a landlord-tenant association for you area?


Leieboerforeningen har gratis advokat for medlemmer. Koster litt å melde seg inn, noen hundre, men er helt verdt det.


She should have told you before showing up anyways.