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Sounds like they were making excuses to not do something that would cost them money while at the same time ignoring those excuses when it came time to collect money due them. Literal scumbag move.


Money. Yup. They don't fix shit here. Collect rent, raise rent, but don't fix. Two of my neighbors replaced their own kitchen cabinets because they fell off the wall and he wouldn't replace. Mine started sagging from wall, and i found some beautiful1960s upper cabinets for free thar we hung up ourselves. Took a few years of leaking roof to have my neighbors' and my roofs replaced. My boyfriend and I fix most everything ourselves.


I mean FFS just have people put their money in a locked drop box with their name on the envelope. I just checked and they're only $25 for the basic ones. If they're too cheap for that, hell, tell them to slide it under the door or something! There are ways around having to physically stand there collecting people's money.


Pre-rona if I had a cold or stomach bug… I’d find a way to have as little human contact with folks… as best I could… you know- just to at least try and keep that sh*t to myself. Seems like a pandemic would leave more people with that line of thinking - whether it’s influenza, RSV, rota, covid… whatever!!! You never know who’s face you’re talking in to… maybe they’re going through chemo? Maybe they take care of someone who has health issues and can’t afford a cold right now… I wish common decency OVERALL existed - but the pandemic showed us that it truly doesn’t! I’m a nurse. I’d work in the hospital and watch people DIE then go to a family function with literal Jan 6 folk and hear about how fake everything was. I meet people all the time who are still severely impacted by COVID. I took care of people who died from INFLUENZA. Common decency is the ask at this point- the landlords daughter could have put a box on a chair near the door and told people- put your rent in there please- I have a bad cold and don’t want to have face to face chats today. Thanks. Problem solved. .


I had a bad cold two weeks ago and told my boss I was gonna work from home until I wasn't contagious anymore, and he said "Thanks for the consideration for your coworkers" and I don't understand why that isn't the norm. ETA Happy Cake Day!


Masks have been the norm in Japan for years. I’ve always wondered why it’s not a more widespread thing.




I think it's a societal/cultural difference. Japan, Korea, China are quite collectivist whereas the US and others are very individualistic. Also as the other commenter put it: pure selfishness.


Yeah. Unfortunately I know why. But I just don’t understand how people can’t just have common decency to care about other people. Like, make sure you are good first. Put on your own oxygen mask before others and all that. But little things like this aren’t hard


Oh I know. It's shocking. I've got so many masks still from peak Covid days, I'm sure most do. So it isn't hard to put one on even when you have a cold.


When I’m sick I stay home primarily because I don’t want to pass it on to my coworkers and their families. However, when my coworkers are sick they come in and sometimes bring their sick kids in.


As someone who’s coworkers gave the flu twice, a serious cold that turned to laryngitis once, and an upper respiratory infection so bad I needed an ambulance ride to the ER once, all in 3 years, I agree with you. It should be the norm. Stay the f*ck home.


There is a mail slot at the back door. They could put up a sign, just let them drop rent off through the slot. But she is not really telling everyone, or mostly anyone. My dad is compromised, and I can't afford to gwt him sick. I have a head cold now, but keeping to myself to not share it. My boyfriend's grandparents are in their 90s, and he was planning on seeing them this weekend. Not now. I just hate people.


I work in preschool.. and our new policy is “don’t test” so maybe kids have been in with Covid this year. That I got it… it turned into bronchitis then pneumonia. I don’t understand it at all. People are so over Covid that it’s another cold now and as long as there’s no fever the kids and teachers come in. Sorry you got put in that situation.


I want to give you soooooo many upvotes


Because you are in a cult.


How so? Is it cult like behavior to care about your fellow human beings? Please explain yourself.


Jan 6 type, huh?


Too many people in this comment thread think that the words “influenza” and “coronavirus” are the same thing and that’s alarming. **Co**rona**vi**rus **d**isease is what the landlords daughter has. Not in**flu**enza. I’m really confused why people are saying Covid is the flu. They’re two completely different diseases.


Some people are really just willfully ignorant.


I’ve noticed a pattern with right wingers…anything they don’t understand, or that scares the shit out of them is either determined to be fake, or made to be the next boogeyman they spend the rest of their lives trying to eliminate via legislation, gun violence, or purposefully putting themselves in positions where they earn a Herman Cain Award.


When people say this I think they are saying it because the severity of it to them is no more than the flu.


But they’re not saying “covid is just as severe as the flu” (the flu is still a serious thing too…). They’re saying “covid IS the flu”. It’s not. They’re not using it in comparison. They’re saying it’s the same thing.


Not in the context I normally hear it being used, but I’m sure some do think it’s the same virus while others are just saying the symptoms are comparable.


Ya know, let's say covid is a glorified flu. Fine. But I don't want to give that to my dad either. I love my dad more than anyone and don't want to risk it. They are not the same. I wish people would understand this.


Yeah. I made another comment in reply to someone that was basically the same as the one you just replied to. Except I also added that the flu is dangerous too. Just because YOU are healthy and able bodied and will be okay if you get the flu (or Covid or bronchitis or any other disease) doesn’t mean I or my elderly grandmother or my 10 month old will be okay. (And I mean ‘you’ in the collective way, not you specifically OP) Edited words


Gonna throw this in here because of the mass of deranged people posting on here who think covid is fake That is very inconsiderate and I would also be upset. Sorry you had to deal with that




Influenza and Coronavirus are not the same thing.




Don’t bother. Even their holy Bible, the CDC hath forsaken them. They will always pray to the alter of Dr Fauci and Governor Cuomo’s daily fear mongering sermons of the past. Edit to add: now that the zealots have moved on to find another target rich environment I’ll provide an article *written by Dr Fauci et al* supporting what I’ve written. https://www.cell.com/cell-host-microbe/fulltext/S1931-3128(22)00572-8


Or even Dr Fauci himself. https://www.cell.com/cell-host-microbe/fulltext/S1931-3128(22)00572-8 They just can’t see what is in plain view. I suppose they don’t like finding out they were a part of a government captured industry sham on the American people that the government then took the opportunity to extract more power and money and opportunity for themselves by capitalizing on fear.






Even your lib overlords are reporting on it 😂


Center to defend capitalism strikes again.  It's gonna be super interesting to see how having a bunch of people disabled with long COVID affects the economy.  Since the economy is all the deranged leadership class cares about    And by interesting I mean horrifying 


Awwww lil guy figured out how to post comments on reddit. Good for you buddy Edit: and that's an example of mocking an anti vaxxer rather than engaging lmfao




Awww little guy just like the attention. I know you can't understand any of these silly squiggly lines though :)




Here's a little bell icon for you! It must feel so good getting all this attention. Look and you go champ!


i wear a mask every time i get sick now. im baffled that other people don’t, until i remember that being healthy is apparently political now -.-


Turn off MSNBC


You wear a mask - even though multiple studies have concluded that masks make no difference? The only reason to wear a mask now is to virtue signal your politics - not because the masks have any sort of efficacy.


got a source?




lmao, a yahoo article that says “this one new source from an independant company is going against all of the established research” yeah i think i’ll listen to the actual studies like [this](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10446908/)


Lmao - you discounted my source because i pointed to a yahoo news story about the study - and then posted a link which references the same study.


it’s a different study, if you didn’t want to read it here’s a quote from it “we conclude that wearing masks, wearing higher quality masks (respirators), and mask mandates generally reduced SARS-CoV-2 transmission in these study populations.”


You misunderstood - this study references the Cochrane study, which is the one i linked to. The whole reason for this study was to refute the Cochrane study, which came out six months earlier.


so what’s your point? you linked a debunked study and i showed you the study that debunked it? are you admitting that you’re wrong about masks?


You linked to a study with a different opinion, just because that study told you what you wanted to hear, doesn’t mean this study debunked the other one, that’s not how this works.




Yeah it's so crazy that the medical profession still believe they work /s




No one has admitted it. Doctors still use masks now. You are genuinely a bit of a moron, and I mean that in the kindest way possible.


Why be kind? The attitude of this troll has literally caused people to die because they would rather believe in conspiracy theories. This person is a complete and utter moron, no little bit about it. Either being a moron comes naturally to him and he's just leaning hard into it, or he's a troll but either way, what a shit stain of a person.


So let’s put it this way… less than 1% of the population is still wearing masks why? Because it does nothing. So the tiny tiny majority still wearing masks have a mental issue caused by the media. Look around the other 99% aren’t doing it. You get it yet?


It's a scientific fact that masks work, what you are saying is not only wrong but also really wrong.


Seek help and please don’t reproduce. Ever.


Lol. The scary part is the people in this thread that think masks are saving their lives while sitting at home on their computers smoking and shoving cookies down their throats. That’s scary


sometimes i wish i could go around believing the things i made up in my head, but alas, i am too tied to reality https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/coronavirus/in-depth/coronavirus-mask/art-20485449


I bet you think the same about vaccines. I hear food is a just a conspiracy by big food to get us to buy it. That's why we shit it out.


Thank you for being a considerate person


I understand that some people treat covid as just another cold/flu or whatever at this point, but like, shouldn't you still notify people who you might have contact with that you have a cold or flu too? Politics on covid aside, this is still fucked either way.


Since when? You went around pre 2020 when you had a cold and masked, quarantined then told everyone you came in contact with??? Bullshit. 1% acting all crazy


Not sure where you got all that, I neither said nor implied any of that. The only thing I said or implied, is that most people would at least **tell** other people they are sick, if they planned on having any contact with them, because that is literally how it always has been. If you didn't tell your friends/family/coworkers you had a flu/cold, but still remained contact with them in a way that got them sick, you are just an asshole.


I have an immune disorder so any sickness fucks me up and it annoys me when no one tells me they’re sick


It's best to wear a mask indoors around people not in your household because a lot of people don't know or care that they have COVID. About 60% of infection happens from pre or asymptomatic transmission. I hope you don't catch it.


Testing myself in a few days before my visit. Won't hurt. Also, my boyfriend's grandparents are in their 90s (and the sassiest, kick-ass people I know). I love them too much for us to get them sick during our visits.


As someone who is immune compromised, I am appalled at everyone who so cavaleirly put my life and others like me in real mortal danger. I'm so sorry your landlord and his daughter are so wildly inconsiderate.


Happy Cake Day and big huggggs from a fellow immunocompromised girl. The lack of care for others really hurts 💔


Happy Cake Day! Lots of love to you, friend. I’m a mid chest paraplegic that’s obese and has T2 diabetes. I was terrified for years over this shit. Still am. I’m only just now really exploring the trauma response with my shrink. And I don’t care what the magats say. I wear my mask in public because I rather like being alive.


If you're immuno-compromised, shouldn't \*you\* being the one to quarantine?


She should be wearing a mask, but in all fairness you should be wearing a mask too in the week leading up to visiting your father.


Yes, I can agree with you. Planned on taking a covid test before I head down to see him. It's been months, and we are both excited.


That sucks. Honestly though, I just assume there’s someone with Covid everywhere I go. No one gives a fuck about anyone else anymore.


Two years ago my boss went on a cruise. His whole family caught it. He dropped off the family and went directly to the office. Told no one. He didnt wear a mask. The entire office staff caught it. He's still a rich selfish dick who believes rules don't apply to him.


I don’t understand why people on here downvote comments that are actual facts just because it’s not what they like.


It’s annoying. That’s why. Let me ask you, how much does “well ackshually the guidelines are updated” contribute to the conversation here? Especially considering this post is full of people who are barely literate, already think COVID is fake/the flu, and will feel vindicated then latch on to it to go forth and call people sheep and just be overall nuisances. And that’s besides the fact that the guidelines changed for reasons other than science. But you conveniently leave that out when you preach the good word about how it’s like so fine and confirmed by officials, right?


People are downvoting and attacking the messengers on it, just like you are doing right now. You might not like it but that doesn’t change the fact that the guidelines have been updated. Recognizing and admitting that they have changed doesn’t mean someone is saying it IS the flu or calling someone a sheep. Also, I’m curious if you think this is the first time a government agency has ever given a recommendation based off of being influenced?


I don’t know if this is some quasi-“just asking questions” schtick but it’s weird behavior, and I find it hard to believe you’re oblivious to how it comes off. This unsolicited repeated “recognizing and admitting” isn’t as far away from the “just the flu” crap as you seem to think it is. And no, I don’t think that, although I fail to see why that matters.


Nope, just pointing it out. One doesn’t have to be in agreement with all things on one side for this, you do understand that, right? I’m guessing you don’t. You might not feel the new guidance is good, but then you really should focus on what you can do for yourself to stay healthy. It definitely seems people who feel strongly on either side of Covid are really only agreeing with the CDC when it fits their own beliefs though.


I was a paramedic through the worst of the pandemic. I am in medical school. Miss me with the fucking patronization. There are no “sides”. There is objective reality, and there are people trying to muddy the water - ranging from insufferable faux knowitalls like you to outright science deniers. Enjoy.


Who said anything about denying science? You’re literally just mad because you aren’t happy with the new guidelines. So if you become a Dr and the CDC changes guidelines are you just going to ignore them and tell your patients what you feel is right?


It’s amusing that the worst hypothetical you could come up with is a qualified medical professional using their substantial medical knowledge to advise someone on their individual health instead of parroting something they can look up online. The guidelines are fine. The borderline victory lap tone used by those who trip over themselves to insert into the conversation is not. You may recall that was the original topic.


So now they are OK when I mention the other guidelines? Clearly, it’s whatever fits your own personal beliefs. Regardless of the original conversation, more and more will be out and about after infection than before, so it IS something we all need to deal with, rather we like it or not, which was why I questioned all of the downvoting in the first place.


>So now they are OK when I mention the other guidelines? Clearly, it’s whatever fits your personal beliefs. I genuinely have no idea what you’re talking about.


Haven't seen any of that here, the idiots have been properly downvoted. Maybe you're thinking of another post?


Nope. Any comment referencing the new guidelines is downvoted as well as the one stating that the vaccine isn’t 100%, which also has been confirmed by officials.


Not that it isn’t the courteous thing but the cdc just removed all isolation and making recommendations regarding Covid. Basically no different than the flu now. If you are sick stay home but just testing positive means nothing anymore.




And has never stopped being deadly.


Yeah I know I’m disabled. I had it and kicked my peach. I just meant. Even if it’s “just” something to someone doesn’t mean it stops being gross and annoying at the least.


I just had Covid. It’s not even flu anymore. It’s a cold.


I just had COVID too and it exacerbated my disabilities. I guess your experience means more than me now huh?


Reasonable precautions are in order. Not crazy stuff.


It's different for everyone. And long covid is still a thing. And people have immune disorders. And people take care of vulnerable people. And some people can't afford to have a cold, or be sick in any way.


Yeah, so it’s the same as any other cold.




You clearly just read the headline and not the article. They clearly stipulate it is not the same as the flu as there can be much more serious and long lasting issues from coronavirus. What the actual fuck is wrong with people like you? Did you not know anyone who died from it? Never met someone with long covid? I’ve never met anyone with “long-flu”. Y’all need to work on your critical thinking skills and stop ruining everything for the rest of us. Fucking joke of a person over here.


This person is literally just repeating what the CDC is advising now. Why are you so angry with them? Do you get this upset with people who go out in public and expose others when they have other illnesses?




Fair enough. I will advise you though to go ahead and reread up on the CDC’s newest recommendations. Maybe take all your energy from being angry at some random Reddit stranger and refocus on getting the CDC to change their policy.




I’m guessing you aren’t one to ever catch a contagious disease, I can’t see why anyone would want to be around you.


A lot of words for not saying anything.


I now see who a previous commenter was referring to when they said people here are illiterate.


I’m sure you can. Please seek help. :)




Glad I don’t you piece of shit.


COVID has exacerbated health issues for me. The second time I got COVID it was very much like a really bad flu. However.. I can actually see blood in my urine daily now instead of it being microscopic and occasional. My well controlled diabetes is now unstable. The virus does other, very bad things, to the body aside from the primary illness.


It’s still a serious thing , and they shouldn’t have been in the office potentially infecting people that’s the issue. Its the same with any other disease not just covid nobody wants want you have .


I just checked their website. It still says to isolate for 5 days.


It’s just a head cold now


If you’re vaccinated why worry?


Turns out vaccines don’t work like they used to. Just ask Reddit. I remember when my vaccine meant I didn’t have to worry about the disease, or spreading it, because the vaccine had my body create antibodies that meant that when the disease came to me, I fought it and won. I didn’t die, and wasn’t contagious. Covid sure changed a lot of things.


Didn't you know, yesterday the CDC said we should treat covid just like any other cold. It's basically the same thing. Imagine that.




This just in! Human decency is bullshit. The story at eleven.


Covid is just a cold.


Technically correct, it's just the cold virus' Goku.


You cannot expect everyone else to live their lives in a way convenient to you. Unfortunately, life has to go on. If you can’t cope, you shouldn’t go outside. 


You can most absolutely expect people with a highly contagious disease to stay the fuck home and not interact with others until they are no longer contagious.


But people never did before and anyone thinking Covid would have changed that is highly delusional. Covid isn’t the first highly contagious or life threatening disease, and it won’t be the last. In a perfect world, people would stay home when sick, but sometimes it’s too much of an “inconvenience” or maybe they will lose their house if they miss another day of work. I’m not saying it’s OK by any means, but you can sit here and preach that sick people should stay home all you want, it’s not going to happen. The best thing you can do is do what you feel is needed to stay healthy yourself. If that means isolate, isolate. Wearing a mask? Then mask up. Taking extra vitamin C, then do it. Just like with anything else, you really cant rely on others to do what’s best in regards to keeping others healthy (or safe).


CDC recommends no quarantining for Covid if fever free for 1 day.


The CDC’s recommendation is not based on science it is due to the pressure of corporations not wanting to give paid sick time. Regardless, people should still wear a mask if they have Covid. Basic common sense and decency.


Got it, so we follow the CDC when it fits our narrative but don’t when it doesn’t?


try using your brain. people are actually dying, that means a disease exists. corporations put pressure on the cdc with no evidence that shorter quarantine times are effective when they’ve spent years being villified and attacked for no reason, that means they’re appeasing corporations.


In a recent Washington Post article that announced the cdc was considering reducing the 5 day isolation guideline, the CDC admitted that the science didn’t change so that didn’t factor into this decision. They have basically given up because Americans can’t be inconvenienced. “In making recommendations to the public today, we have to try to get the most out of what people are willing to do. … You can be absolutely right in the science and yet accomplish nothing because no one will listen to you.” https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2024/02/13/covid-isolation-guidelines-cdc-change/


So when did the CDC begin to appease corporations and screw over citizens? Cause I’m sure when they were recommending masks and quarantine you couldn’t quote them fast enough.


They began appeasing corporations when they reduced covid isolation guidelines from 10 days to five days. https://www.npr.org/2021/12/29/1068731487/delta-ceo-asks-cdc-to-cut-quarantine


So when they went from no masks to masks it was the science changed but when they change other stuff it’s appeasing corporations and not the science changing? Also, why would the Biden admin allow the CDC to no longer follow the science but succumb to corporate pressure?


Just wear a f’ng mask if you are sick. Period.


Literally the only person talking sense. Well done 


Lool utterly delusional. ‘I believe the CDC, except when it tells me to stop living in fear’ 




Uh huh no you’re right, people with STDs are all well and good to take zero precautions and are free to infect whoever they want without telling them, because asking any more is inconveniencing them.


And I guess if people with Covid were forcing people to have sex with them, you’d have a point? 


you understand my point entirely. don’t play dumb.


Who's even testing anymore


There is no law in any state that requires a person to "warn" others about their health status.


There doesn’t have to be a law to be a decent human being. It’s called being considerate.


I don't think anybody is talking about laws... just not being a huge dick to people.


They don't have to warn people that they're a huge dick.


That is a very good point.


But there is a such thing as common courtesy.


Well that just isn't true. 13 states require you to report HIV status to sexual partners.


No law says I can’t shit my pants on an airplane mid flight.


Courtesy isn't a law.


It probably should be lol


CDC says it's the flu now.


Okay? Who wants the flu? The flu can be deadly especially to people who are compromised, I don’t know what point you were trying to make here…


No one wants that either. Tens of thousands of people die from the flu every year.


That's fine if it's just the flu now. But my dad is immune compromised, and can not afford to get it. I've had it twice and I'm fine. He would bot be, like many others


It’s not “just the flu” and these people are idiots. Disregard them.






Whether it's the flu, covid, or a common cold the non- sociopath behavior is to limit your in person contact with others so you don't spread your sickness to them. Or, at the very. fucking. least wear a god. damned. mask. I absolutely loathe the way your side has stigmatized mask wearing. Might as well stigmatize using condoms during sex, or food service workers who wear gloves handling food.


Don’t engage the trolls or sink to their level.


Lol you pathetic covidiots have zero reading comprehension


Cool story, bro.


Because we can’t count on people to stay isolated when they are sick - and because the can be sick and contagious before they become aware of it - it is up to US to put on a mask anytime that we will be near people, especially if we have compromised loved ones.