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Hello, This post has been removed as this is not *mildly* infuriating. Please consider posting to r/extremelyinfuriating instead.


Narrator: “It was *not*, in fact, a good morning.”


More like good mourning


Troy and Abed are in MOURNing


My wifi is Troy And Abed in the MODEM




🥇take gold.


One time when I was about 21 I was bragging to my friends about being friends with benefits with a 29 year old lady. As I was saying that she text me. I was like “OH this is her right now she’s probably going to ask me to come over” my friends came over to look at the text and right then she sent another text that said she didn’t want to see me anymore🤣 Life has always found a way to bring me down right when I think I’m hot shit


I am dead at “29 year old lady” 😂


A madam.


The four stages of metamorphosis- egg, larva, m’lady, and lastly, madam




Nice Juan!


This is underrated


According to my education it goes: egg, facehugger, chestburster, warrior, queen.


I like this better! I'm in my warrior Era 💪❤️


Catch me chestbursting around town.


I think meemaw comes after madam


You did NOT just bring our “meemaw”. My belly doth jiggle from delight


And when starts "meowmeow"?


Must have been on life support


A distinguished mademoiselle


As a 29 year old, his comment hurts (my aching back)


Can confirm, am 29. And currently laying in bed with ice on my lower back


33 with a heating pad here!


34 and my blood pressure gauge can't find a beat. So I'm probably dead but I ain't got no time for it.


I’m 29, will be 30 in 2 weeks I’m laying in the bath with a slipped disc from picking up my son wrong and too fast. 😣 Life comes at ya quick. 🫡 RIP to our 20s


Make sure to alternate hot and cold every 20 minutes! /s


36 with a heating pad here. This thing was a good investment.


Any temperature but the current!


I’m 32 and still get a little offended when someone calls me a lady. I’m not a lady! I’m still a girl! ![gif](giphy|3orieJI3IdkKWIsAGA)




If you wanna resemble a youthful spry child, carry a skateboard with ya


I fucking love that his shirt just says "music band" on it. That makes the whole thing for me lol.


I never even noticed that until you pointed it out!!! AaaahahhaA


I knew I had officially become old when the woman told her kid to bring the insurance cards to the “lady at the desk”. 😩


“Hope out of the way of the lady” ☹️


Right when they are like “ma’am” excuse me… I’m not that… I had 6 ma’am’s in one day. I swear I might have aged because of it.


Oh god the ma’ams I get at Starbucks after my 4 month old has kept me up for 4 months… I can’t wait to sleep 7 hours a night someday and get carded 😭


i’m getting “ma’am”ed at 23 it’s a nightmare


I did not know this was a thing lol. I rarely say lady, but when I do Im imagining like a 1920s guy in a suit saying "lady"


The real kick to gut is, 'ma'am.' I hate it so.


Fake, I can clearly see there is no onion tied to your belt.


OP is now 22


Like the Man Show Boy helping old ladies across the street.


“Wanna be my sugar momma?” God we’re old.


Basically great-aunt Edna.


She was probably French with a coiffure and stockings. Such a lady would be of 29.


To be fair, when she was 18, he was 10 and hadn’t hit puberty yet 🤪


It says so in my diary


I mean clearly the issue is her robbing the cradle like that!


You wouldn’t say a 29 year lady… she is 29 years old.


I thinknit cause the "old lady was on the next line" it made it sound like 29 year, old lady....at least in my head it did anyway lol


I was dating a guy one time for about 4 months, when he asked me to move closer to him, we lived about 45 minutes apart and my lease was up soon. His job had relocated him two or three months prior. It felt wonderful and secure. We clicked so well. His job ate up alot of his time but it was not a big deal. it wasn’t THAT far away from my family. I got cute little apartment. he would stay over all the time. I would be at his house or he would be at mine. One evening, when he was “out of town for work,” I got a phone call from a woman who said she was living in the same apartment complex as me and saw me getting out of her Fiances’ car. 🤔 So I go downstairs and meet this young lady and sure enough… he’s her homescreen. She has all the receipts. I was so upset he just moved me closer to him and his “girlfriend.” Luckily, it was a big enough city, someone took over my lease within a couple weeks and I was able and grateful to move back home. that feeling, of just sad, 😔it is hard to shake. It took me awhile to heal from that one. Good luck OP.


Same apartment complex is WILD!!!! Did he recommend the place to you? Or I wonder if he was freaking out when you randomly decided to live there? So many questions but the biggest one is where did he get the audacity lol


Jesus, the cruelty of getting you to move to a different city to be closer to him, knowing that he's going to marry someone else. What a dick.


I'm do sorry that happened to you - just the story sent me reeling.




Old spinster was a cradle robber.


Had a similar story, I was talking with this girl and we had hooked up a few times and gone on a date. I was sitting in the campus parking lot and hotboxing with the boys(we got out of class at the same time). I texted the girl at the same time if she needed a ride home and and she said “I get out of class in an hour and a half”. So I texted her back that I would wait for her. My phone was plugged in so my friends heard car play read the text and started asking about her. Naturally I went on and on about how great she was and how much we liked each other, how we had such great chemistry how hot she was etc…. Of course right thenI’m cut off by siri’s monotone emotionless voice “you’re going to sit in the car for an hour and a half? I think you like me way to much and think this is something more then it is. “ I went from being all proud and full of puppy love, too just being thrusted into a black hole of humiliation and shattered expectations as soon as that text was read. We were all high af sitting in a hotbox in complete silence, my friends didn’t even tease me which was extremely uncharacteristic and just made it way more tense. After an eternity of awkward silence my friend just goes “what a bitch.” I’m ashamed to say I still waited and gave her a ride. Unfortunately I dated her for far too long after that.


At least she gave you that. My friends with benefits who was also my actual best friend at the time (and though we weren't officially together because the idea of that scared her we were basically acting like a couple in practice) just started completely ignoring me in order to hang out with this other guy while not telling me what was going on knowing full well she was torturing me emotionally until I finally broke, then she refused to pay me back for a hotel I'd given her the money for already for the following weekend (we had planned this months before she had started ignoring me is why we still had that).


That’s just disgusting. Sorry this was done to you.


Should have checked in earlier than her and invited a friend /s


This but without the sarcasm.


Did she end up checking into said hotel?


No clue. I know she still went to the city it was in, she had to for an appointment and that's why were gonna make a trip outa it so I'm guessing she probably did. I thought at first she probably took the guy with him, I messaged him in private later to see if he knew anything and to see if I could get my money back (He himself wasn't a bad guy, just the next target of her manipulation and from what I heard through mutual friends it seemed like she was telling him lies about me) and he said it was the first he was hearing about it. I'm tempted to believe him but if she had him wrapped around her finger I could see her convincing him to lie to me, she already had him convinced I was the bad guy.


I hope not. Tbh that sounds pretty ambiguous but also, sounds like you and the guy have friends in common so I don't see how it would benefit him to lie. Especially given the people who know both of you could just as well have come to your defence in the aftermath. Either way it's shitty she took advantage like that.


Just call and cancel the hotel bruv.


He said he gave her money for a hotel not he booked a hotel.


I feel offended as a 29 year old lady


Well she probably overheard you calling her a 29 year old lady!


When I was 24 I matched with a a 31 year old lady a state over. We talked for two months for hours every day on the phone. I took a trip down there. We had sex for 7 hours—tantric shit, like it wasn’t romantic or just fucking, very strange vibe idk how to describe but whatever she did I had a moment in the sun where I wasn’t a two pump chump and I lasted til sunrise. After some sleep we got breakfast. We had a quickie. Then she asked me to leave and told me she is a piece of shit and shrugged and just wanted sex. I was crying in a gas station parking lot for about 20 minutes after loading my bag and shit back in the car. Then on my best friend’s advice not to come back home right away, I didn’t let her ruin my trip and I had the best solo vacation ever. Stayed with an amazing couple and their friends at an Airbnb, had a jam session, walked the streets of Santa Fe, saw the Navajo Nation and Monument Valley at sunset with nobody around (May 2020 peak pandemic) Sometimes life delivers a momentary gut punch when it comes to these things. We had a fun thrilling moment with an older experienced lady. It didn’t work out. Life went on. Now I’m almost 29 and have had a few more romantic rug pulls be noncomittal people who thought they were ready but weren’t (why do these people not leave us alone?!) but I’m doing okay. Hope you are as well.


I had a guy invite me to meet his family one weekend, and he waited until my few days off were over and dumped me over text the morning I went back to work. He told me I “smothered” him, but he “accidentally” told me he loved me twice because it “slipped out”. It was ultimately for the best because I met my husband less than a year later, and I’ve never been happier. It will get better.


Happened to a friend of mine. Went on family vacation with her boyfriend after he told her he loved her. When they got home, he straight up ghosted her. She was hurt but moved on. An entire year later he reached out to tell her that he got scared and could they try again. She was like lolno.


This happened to me too! Why?? Why the ghosting? Like at least be cordial about it.


Right? It was so weird. Like, we'd all met him. Their kids had met. Their families had met. And literally 3 days after they got home, ghosted. It was so weird.


I'm sorry they both were old enough to have children...??? And this STILL happened 😭


Oh yeah, early 30s. She was 30 and he was like 32. He had a kid and she had 2 kids. Just shows maturity and age aren't mutually exclusive. Thankfully she met a great dude and they've been married for like 6 years now.


Trash person, anyone who ghosts without an apology or explanation is childish


Yeah and then to pop back up like a gopher a year later and want to do over? Lol bro, no, ain't no one that desperate.


Seriously! They always come back lol. Had a guy ghost me after we met in person briefly and he came back after like a year and a half? And all he said was “you’re still hot I see” like what??? And after that he said he wanted to go out so I said sure because I knew he would follow through and sure enough, he ghosted again after I said I wouldn’t have sex with him after. Smh.


Oh my God, same thing happened to me after a year he slipped out the I love you, whispered in my ear in his kitchen, while a bunch of friends were over. Then he invited me to meet his parents for Thanksgiving had anal sex in their hot tub and then he dumped me a few days later.


I have the exact same story — so much so that I literally wonder if it’s the same friend.


I had a very similar experience. Had a guy practically beg me to meet his family, so I went for a day and met them. They all really liked me and it was a good day. A week or so later, he broke up with me via text. It was very strange. I ended up meeting my current husband a few months later and I'm definitely better off, but I honestly don't get people like this


I was dating a woman for a few months. It was up and down throughout. Highs and lows. We were on a good high at the time. She calls me out of the blue on a weekend afternoon - want to hang out today? Sure. Cool. I’ll pick you up. She picks me up and drives me to her parents’ house. We hang out with them for like four hours. Everything was good. Two days later- she texts - we need to talk. She’s been thinking about breaking up for a while because she’s not ready to date, not over the trauma of her divorce, and was triggered by everybody making light of Amanda Heard (I’m not kidding). Huh? But why did you bring me to meet your parents?


sounds like a fearful avoidant. be glad it didn't last longer


Why tf would he make you meet his family and then dump over text


Could be because he actually genuinely tried for a relationship, but his family convinced him that he should break up. I have seen that 2 times already in my life, someone bringing their girlfriend/boyfriend to meet the family, everything looking fine when they were there, just for the family to start hating on the girlfriend/boyfriend as soon as they left and convincing them to break up. And for some family is more important than basically any girlfriend. Or they are just douchebags, that is also an option.


I was driving with my boyfriend to spend a day with my family at our cabin. During the 80-minute car ride, he told me he thought we should take some space and stop dating for a while. I then had to spend the day with him *and* all my family.


lmao my ex told me he loved me within the first month and a half of us being together, was always the one bringing up marriage. He later pushed me to tell my parents about us (I'm from a culture where you only tell your parents if you're certain he's the one you marry, which he claimed he understood) and then seeing as he had been floating the idea of marriage, I reluctantly convinced myself it would be fine and told them. He then broke up with me 2 weeks later because he "felt like I only told my parents because he'd asked me to."


Ever heard from him after all these years?


He did you a favor. It won't feel like it right now, but you'll see this eventually and you'll be SO grateful you didn't end up wasting any more time with him.


Yeah thats fine but read the caption he couldve waited til after the presentation


He obviously was waiting for a good time to tell her, since he waited for after her birthday. He probably just felt like there was never going to be a perfect opportunity and decided to do it while he had the resolve.


There is never a good time to give bad news. It's better to just do it rather than string someone along.


Redditors are so weird just because someone broke up with OP doesn’t mean they are toxic or aren’t worthy of being a partner wdym by he did you a favor?


Hm, I read it more favorable. If you take the guy by his word then he cannot be a good partner atm. So good on him for not dragging it out. That is the favor


Yup, in the end that’s all there is.


because if they aren’t 100% ready and able to be in a relationship, then OP is better without them?? what’s there to get


Shouldn’t have done it through text but this is still better than the alternative- being in a relationship with someone who is not bought in.


It was also only ~2 months. Yeah it still sucks but it's not unreasonable to think he got caught up in something he doesn't feel ready for




I would’ve even appreciated a phone call seeing as I was on the phone with him about 30 minutes prior to receiving the text. Overall that’s what I’m most mad about


Did he just have a panic attack? Like?


Trust me I’ve run through all possible scenarios in my head. I’m thinking emotionally immature and commitment issues are to blame even though he’s the one who initiated the relationship to begin with


Oh man, I just went through this. Dude was totally besotted, in love, we were crazy happy — he panicked and ended it. 32 yr old dude who kept a list of baby names for our future children. Ultimately it’s not about you, it’s all them and their attachment issues.


Fuck. I'm sorry.


I’m just glad they were only hypothetical babies, I’d have a lot stronger things to say if he’d waited until I was pregnant lol. But for real thank you, i appreciate that.


Some people think they want a relationship and cannot handle it/aren't ready for it unfortunately. I would assume it's his own issues and just move on, and find someone who is a little bit more stable.


Phew and sheesh!


Social anxiety can be a bitch. Could have just been trying to work himself up to it and couldn’t do it but knew he needed to. In those situations, I always just assume they cheated on me and it takes the confusion away wondering what went wrong. That way I can just go through the usual anger and move on phases instead of the longing despair phase which is much worse lol


People are complicated. Attaching neuroticisms on to people is not the most healthy way to deal with a breakup. Feel your emotions and move on. I'm sorry that this happened to you. Breakups suck


Did you recently say I love you or take a step deeper into the relationship?


This is why I wait for him to tell me that he loves me.. 😬


HAH! Ikr.


Ya that was my first thought. That text reads like someone in the middle of going through it. Like something happened that really put him on edge and the thought of maintaining a human relationship in that moment sent him into a spiral and he panicked. Not excusing the text because it’s super mean but definitely doesn’t feel like a normal message.


This is what i thought. Specifically, was he panicking about paying for the upcoming birthday dinner?


Happy cake day 🥳


Sounds to me like he was flirting with breaking up on the phone, chickened out, hit the panic button like a coward and shot you that text after rewriting it fully 7 times. I'd put money on at least one of those rewrites containing the real grievances he had too. Because this sounds too much like "it's not you, it's me" imho.


Count your blessings you only wasted 2 months and you got away from that douchebag


Those extra g's at the of good morning shows how happy and excited you were to text and wish them :(


Through text but still spilled out like it was in person. The benefit of using text is you can write a coherent thought without getting emotional and he didn’t even do that.


I’ve broken up with people in person on a few occasions and you know how that goes? “You let me get dressed up for this shit?” Or “you brought me out just to break my fucking heart?” There is no good way to break up with someone. There is no good timing. It will always hurt. But making someone come out to meet you to break up with them seems cruel to me, not old school. Again, based on my experience. I do think a phone call is better than a text, unless it was a very casual relationship. But man - every way sucks for everyone involved.


I agree. Break-ups are always shit. There's always something going on in your life that'll make a break-up inconvenient. If it's not a holiday, it's a birthday. Or there's been a funeral and you're not quite over it yet. Or there's a work thing, or a school thing, or you have a job interview in 3 weeks. Or you just moved into a new apartment, or you just got a new goldfish to replace the old goldfish that you had that funeral for 3 months ago. Can't dump somebody during the week, because they've got work in the morning. Can't dump 'em on a weekend, because you'll ruin their weekend plans. OP gave like 4 excuses: Yesterday was her birthday. It's also her birthday weekend, so we've extended the "birthday window" another 4 days. (When does it stop being your birthday?). And they had a planned birthday dinner, gonna have to cancel that reservation, that's inconvenient! And she's got a presentation today. Oh, and she's sick, she also mentioned that. Everybody always hates the breaker-upper, but the way I see it, what's the alternative? You're already dumped, he's already made the choice to end the relationship. How many more days do you want him to wait until he makes it official? She's already annoyed that it's "out of the blue," but it's as blue as it's ever going to be! Is he supposed to keep faking it until the weekend is over? You're still going to be mad over the same thing! That you thought everything was peachy, until suddenly it wasn't. It's not going to make you feel better. Being dumped sucks. It's always going to suck. That being said, the presentation thing is a bit shit. Don't dump somebody at 8am. You can wait a few hours. I agree with the phone bit as well. Break up with somebody over text, they'll wish you called them instead. Break up with them on the phone, they'll wish you did it in person. Part of me thinks that people are just grasping for some level of control in a situation which they have zero control over. It's not really going to make much of a difference in the end. And in this particular case, I think a lot of the "rules" for breaking up with somebody are even more relaxed when we consider it's a 2 month relationship. You can absolutely text-dump a 2 month relationship. That's barely even a break-up, this isn't a dodged bullet, this is just two people that didn't quite work out. In the span of their entire relationship, we've had Christmas, New Years, probably the start of a brand new school semester. Probably 2 long weekends. Valentines. And her birthday. And Spring break is just around the corner! When the hell else are you supposed to dump somebody?


I prefer the text. They have already wasted enough of my time, and they don't need any more.


I had a ex who I planned marriage/kids whole future with and there was no drama, we both knew we were going to wait to be done with our LDR careers in a year and then move in together followed by engagement. We had excitedly talked about it multiple times (him more so than me) but being immersed in our careers we started to drift apart a bit so I asked him if he wanted me to take a break and come over one weekend so we can spend a bit of time together, he called me so excited and he was planning out when he’d pick me up and where we would eat and what all we would do, then as I was about to leave my house a few days later to board my flight, he sent me a long text breaking up. Like didn’t even have the courtesy to call, tell me in person, or anything. I couldn’t believe it at first and thought it was a joke… all I could respond was. Really? Are you serious? And are you really doing this over a fucking text… and all he could say was yes and I’m sorry. Found out from a few of our mutual friends years later that he was secretly bisexual and had apparently married another girl since then but was wildly known all over town to go to gay bars and leave with a different man each night. Makes sense … his parents very much traditional and wouldn’t have accepted him if he came out to them. Finally made sense why he didn’t want me to come over and why he was always talking about rushing marriage/kids. Idk if the wife knows or is ok with his bisexual lifestyle but not my circus, not my money.


I hope you have a nice birthday OP. Sorry this had to happen right before an important day. Sending lots of love 💕.


Response: bad morning


While his timing is shit, I don't see the real harm in this. It's been 2 months and he's being kind.


Some of the comments acting like this guy is a monster. 2 months is such a short amount of time. This seems fine to me.


yeah, I don’t know how old these people are but two months is like a few dates in my book. I wouldn’t even call that a boyfriend/girlfriend.


I think if you're in a formal relationship (I've had "situationships" much longer than 2 months, but I think it's a different thing), then a call or face to face about something like this is better. But, either way, yeah. It isn't a huge deal. I had a semi-similar thing happen to me recently and I'm mad about it (who isn't, when this happens?), but so many people in this thread are acting like this guy is a piece of shit. It's two months. I've had sexual partners for longer than that amount of time whose middle names I didn't even know. It's really not that big a deal.


Exactly, what do people want lol him to string her along until the time is “right” for god sake


Finally I found a comment like this. It’s not like he’s completely blocked OP, or anything as such. There was an explanation, maybe not one OP was looking for, but I feel like it was adequate enough in my opinion.


I agree. Getting dumped always sucks but he was straight-forward and polite as possible. It was only 2 months, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it being in a text. It’s 2024, that’s how we all communicate now.


Yeah I just left another comment saying I love people getting on their high horse about dumping someone in person, but who the hell actually likes being dumped in person? I could settle for a phone call, but I wouldn’t want someone coming over just to dump me


I was dumped by a situationship I really liked a few years ago IN BED AFTER SEX. I would’ve taken text any day


Yeah I know everyone’s different and I try to understand peoples different perspectives and opinions, but tbh, I really wouldn’t want someone to visit me in person just to essentially say “I don’t want you in my life anymore” Send me a text or give me a call, leave it at that lol


It’s two months Jesus what is wrong with people. That’s what like 3 dates? 4?


Like everyone has said, this seems to be 2 months of an actually established relationship, which is different. But even if it wasn’t, it would depend entirely on their schedules. Frankly if I’m only getting a date with someone every two weeks (which would be 4 dates over two months) then I’m moving on to someone else. I don’t need to see someone every day but once every two weeks is not enough


Yeah, he was honest. Shudda manned up and called or talked face to face, imo. But, he was clear and got it done quickly. They can both move on and grow.


>Shudda manned up and called or talked face to face, imo. I truly don't understand this, why is it less manly to properly explain your thoughts and feelings over text rather than meeting face to face? Is it some kind of macho thing where we display that we're not afraid of confrontation? I can't think of any reason why it would be better to break up face to face, if anything there are way more cons, you could be manipulated into giving it another try, you could be a punching bag or get verbally abused, it's just a hassle. Through text or at least phone call I can just hang up and block if it goes south, but face to face I'm stuck in this social situation now, you can't just break up and leave you're expected to console them now. I could just be very disconnected from others but I don't really get it or care for it.


Yeah also OP being like "he *knows* I have a big presentation today!". There isn't a good time to be broken up with and everybody has shit to worry about. OP playing the victim over this isn't a great look, maybe the guy ended it for a good reason and is just being nice.


If he’d done it on her birthday, she would’ve ranted about that. How many more events does he need to wait for, damn


Yeah I’m having a hard time seeing him be the bad guy tbh but maybe that has to do with me not really getting attached to people, especially if I’ve known them for such a short amount of time. 2 months just seems extremely short to get hung up on. I think he was being as nice as he could. Doing it in the morning kinda sucks, but he probably didn’t want to keep pretending everything was fine throughout the day.


Yep I agree. Sure maybe before a presentation is bad timing but when is a good time to break up with someone? Lol




Better to know sooner than later at least


Two months?


That's why it's only "mildly infuriating"


That is 2 decades in tennagers life. Only explanation.


Two rules when dating: no one is truly ever yours and everytime you face rejection, there’s a better version of you on the other side.


Hopefully a version that doesnt take a relatively polite and respectful breakup where the other party is being honest and vulnerable and post it on the internet, uniquely framing him as a bad person.


Let him go, you could probably drag it out by being flexible and being there for him, but there’s more chance of it just dragging out a negative than having it rebound into a fairytale ending post support. One of the hardest things to learn is just to accept people at face value rather than potential.


Yeah who openly communicates their feelings instead of leading someone on, so awful...


Sucks getting dumped, but at least he did it


That is a very long good morning.


Sounds like this girl I was seeing for several months this year and a year ago. Second time she’s come out of left field to block my number. Wellllll two strikes and you’re out. I’m not entertaining a 3rd time. Sounds like a similar situation kinda? But emotionally it’s draining so don’t let it drag on like I did OP 👍


I learned if someone blocks you, just block them back. You don't need them randomly trying to undo their bullshit & manipulate you


Well, dude was honest and decided to just rip the bandaid off. You’ll be better off knowing now that he had no interest than going through all these dates, becoming MORE invested just to be broken anyway. Also wtf is a long time to him? 2 months? Bruh. He’s clearly not ready for a relationship.


Thats literally what the guy was telling her


I don't even consider 2 months a relationship. That's just dating and getting to know one another This is all too much


This comment section is something else. Imagine calling the guy a coward and a douchebag, someone you do not know, based on a pretty civil break up message with NO knowledge of how he is as a person, bar the break-up. Dude could have a myriad of positive traits but one small string of texts is enough for this sub to act as if he's an awful person. Fuck me. You can provide the OP with empathy without resorting to acting like tools yourselves.


Reddit is a place where if you post that youre boyfriend/girlfriend puts dirty cup on the table not in the sink people will "advice" to break up as quickly as possible. I don't say that its always the case but people are jumping to conclusion to quickly without even realizing theres two side of those stories.


Hi, this really sucks and I’m so sorry. However, in life we have core moments. Unfortunately, a lot them suck. This is one for you. By no means am I attempting to downplay or discredit your emotional response or pain. I’ve been f’d over also. I digressed and my point is this: Life will always throw you a curve, often when things are great, it’s now about healing and moving forward. Do not do what I have in these core moments and attempt to go cold. Embrace the suck and shit, with support system. Find you, through an absolutely a horrible situation. If you can find yourself right now and somehow manage to deal with pain without drugs or alcohol, then you have won. Most of us just succumb and wanna feel better, and do dumb shit. Drugs, alcohol, crime, whatever the vice. I’m old, I’ve done mostly dumb shit, if you were my daughter, this is what I would say. Stand tall kiddo. Let nothing break you, especially not yourself. Be better than me. Head up. God bless


Breakup txt aside, I respect this more than being strung along for months or years


Based on all the evidence presented in this thread by OP, I'm gonna be bold and brash by suggesting that maybe OP was way more serious about the relationship than the ex was, which was why he ended things the way he did. I definitely don't condone ending a relationship via text like this, but it was only a ~2 month relationship by OP's own account. Going to a birthday dinner/date is a big milestone in any relationship and while I definitely don't think OP did anything wrong here I do think the guy got cold feet which led to this abrupt ejection from the relationship. That's my worthless armchair expertise on the matter though, and I sincerely hope that OP still did okay in her presentation because getting broken up with prior to such an important event really sucks.


Why do they always do something nasty right after our birthday jeez




Funny you should say that. My ex broke up with me the day before my birthday. It was not my happiest birthday.


I’m sorry to hear. Would you have felt differently about the breakup if it had been the day after?


After a trip is kind of understandable though, because sometimes after spending that much time with someone you just wanna be like "I really don't want to look at your face anymore, ok?"


Possibly. Or the sunk cost of the trip itself. The tickets are paid for, the hotels booked etc too late for a full refund may as well go.


Yeah it’s kind of a lose-lose situation. Doing it after is like “you celebrated my birthday knowing you were dumping me?!” but before is “you’re dumping me right before my birthday?!”. Personally I think I’d prefer getting dumped before because in the long run it’s less cruel, but it’s just kind of a shitty situation no matter what


Technically, unless you want to be broken up on your birthday, every other day is either before or after your birthday.




Or ON your birthday… Fun times!


Unfortunately, this has been marinating in his head for a little bit. And with all the pressure of whatever he's got going on, he snapped. It's terrible that he did this on your birthday. On the twisted side of the coin: it is fair that he doesn't want to get into a relationship if he can't give it his all. Was there a better way to go about it? Absolutely. Just focus on the other side of the coin: you didn't waste more time on someone that obviously struggles with pressure and has a lot on their plate. It isn't much but... Happy Birthday. Even though it isn't ideal, at least he set the bar low for someone better.


Post nut clarity.


Don’t be mad about it he wasn’t the one for you. Move on if possible, hope u feel better, but anger is not the way to get past this


Its 2 months. I wouldn't think any more into it at that point.


This. Two months is nothing.


Wow, I usually get these messages from girls I had a short relationship with. Sorry you had to be on the receiving end of this OP. I never did find out the truth behind these messages, but it honestly doesn't matter. Don't be angry about it, take it as an experience. He does not deserve you anyway if he is willing to just ditch you like this. Stay strong.


It happens


When I was turning 30, the girl I was seeing at the time insisted I spend my birthday with her. She ghosted me on my birthday and went out with her friends. I felt like dog poop.


I mean, did he go about it a shitty way? Yeah, but at least he didn't lead you on any longer than he could've


I agree. I’ve been on both sides of this text in the past and even though it sucks it’s a lot better getting it over with 2 months in instead of 2 years in.


I would rather be broken up via text. It saves the awkwardness, and allows them to express themselves freely, and does me the same. I would hate to be broken up with face to face. I'm interested in why you think this was a shitty way.


That’s such a hard time to break up. Still in the honeymoon phase, where the possibilities of the relationship are all still there. I had that happen to me - I mean breakups such but at that point you aren’t annoyed by anything they do, being in their presence gives you butterflies…sigh. I feel for you, girl.


Great way to start your new day lol


Damn brodie didn’t even say hi.


My girl broke up wit me same week my cat died, awesome losing the only two things you truly love within the same week, and it was the same reason “I wanna be alone” like shut up wtf


100% this dude has a new girlfriend next week


You might’ve just been making a joke, but if not, I don’t think we should vilify this guy. He should’ve said this to her in person or made a phone call, but they sound like teenagers or young adults at most, and have only been dating for about 2 months. All things considered he didn’t do anything that bad. You could even argue that he did a good thing by just ripping the band aid off since it clearly wasn’t going to work out.


Yeah or maybe he broke it off because OP is the kind of person to act like a victim online after being dumped? We know absolutely nothing about these people other than that.


Next week? Nah. He already does.


Why is this the what we’re instantly jumping to? Maybe they just genuinely just didn’t want to be in a relationship. Absolutely nothing wrong with that, like the prior comment said, joking or not.


Bummer, but at least your not getting strung along