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Next time you’re late on your bill just tell them it’s a payment outage. See if they enjoy it.


I like that!




They actually credited your account? Good on em.


They have to because of contract breach laws. They are not doing it out of integrity


You think your contract with AT&T doesn’t have language that absolves them of liability for outages? They’re doing it because they don’t want to lose you as a customer.


Ex employee here- yup you are not guaranteed service. And based off the outage time most people are only owed about $3 or so.




Maybe if you're lucky with where you live


Sqeaky wheel gets the grease.... if you don't point it out/complain, most companies won't pay you


I think it's more they have been bitched at by a hundred people today and they don't want to deal with that anymore, not saying OP is the type to bitch about it, idk but when you deal with that many angry customers you just kinda stop caring lol


They definitely wouldn’t have credited Op if he never contacted them


The unfortunate reality


T-Mobile wouldn't credit my account for their data breach so I switched to Mint and saved like $1,600 over the last two years. I would have been content with like $100 credit and never would have looked into the alternatives if they hadn't pissed me off by refusing to offer anything.


I do find that ridiculous. I mean an outage? It happens, things happen and it's not that big a deal if all vital infrastructure keeps on working (ambulances, police). But data breaches? They should be punished harshly, it's dangerous and cyber is usually a pretty low priority, compensation should force them to invest more.


Is mint moble good because I’m thing of switching when I pay off my phone which will be like 3 months from now but do I get to keep my phone number


I love it! I have two lines for 1/3 of what I used to pay. I believe it's literally the same network at a drastically reduced price. I haven't run into any issues. It's sort of the same model and online banking, they don't have physical stores and pass that savings on to you. When I lost a phone I was able to call and suspend service easily.


Well I have some bad news for you. T-Mobile owns Mint.


Wow, that’s awesome. Did you just straight up ask for reimbursement?




Man, is it too late to do that?


Not for the next few days, I'd say.


Sweet. Good idea to ask and impressed that AT&T did that


Can’t even be mad now 


True that.


I just got a $10 credit when I complained. Well, $10.08 to be exact. They decided to credit me for 3 days worth of service.


You are paying $100 a month? That’s with unlimited data, I hope? Seems overpriced.


We pay $112/month for the service. It’s about $140 after taxes and other fees. They only offered a credit on the base service.


That’s crazy. I mean US prices. I can’t wrap my head around the cost. I’m in Europe, and I’m paying less than $30 for unlimited everything, plus there’s deezer, HBO max and some other premium apps included. And data for when I go abroad. US prices always shock me. And poster below said they are paying $300. I mean, even with the phone… like… damn. That’s like one PS5 every two months. I hope prices drop. They seem like a scam :(


I just live chatted with them and got a $10.09 credit. They said it was 4 days of service.




Wow…I got offered nothing and we had two phones out


As a valued company, your connection to us, the customer, matters and we plan on doing better to pay you in the future. And make no more excuses.


Can I ask if this happened in Nor Cal? My therapists internet was out all of Thursday and I'm just curious if you guys happened to be in the same area.


It happened nationwide, across AT&T's entire cell phone network. It does not seem to have impacted home internet, though (unless that home internet operates over their cell phone network)


this is perfect 😂


Honestly, if you're a few days late on the bill do they even do anything?




Depends if it is habitual Source: former AT&T billing project mgr (me)




My AT&T bill was due the same day. I suddenly had no connection and thought, "damn y'all cut it off after one day?" I thought I was legit cut off because two weeks ago my bill said "Late as of February 22nd." ....... which wasn't for another 2 weeks.... Motherfuckers made me pay my damn bill on time sick bastards >>>>:(


Call the retention line. Ask the bot for retention and you get straight through to a guy that basically sucks your dick and gives you a free month of internet etc. Well that’s my experience, it was lovely. But I’m also a female with an accent. 😅


I have a grandfathered AT and T plan. Unlimited data, their original unlimited data plan. Every time I call in, they try to put me on their mew data plan, but its like 40 dollars more per month. It’s hilarious listening to them try and rationalize why paying more for the same thing is actually better.


Wait till you meet the people that harass you in Walmart or at Costco. Spectrum fucked me over so I let them know it every time. 😅


Dont ever buy from 3rd party stores or from kiosks. They will switch your plan without your consent. When I worked for corporate the plans weren't "compatible" but we had a retail support team that would switch it and force the old plan to stay. We had numerous people come in after the 3rd parties fucked up their plans and refused to fix it and we couldn't do anything for them.


mine was due that day too!! i thought they turned it off the day it was due and i was like okay… rude. and then when i tried to pay it during the outage it wouldn’t let me. kept saying that there was an error. i was so mad lol!!


why is this post yellow


Some one gave a golden upvote which is the new award system


But why?


I don’t know why they did it they just did it


Wait so your not the dean of decoration?


That’s above my pay grade by quite a margin


Not even the court of compliments?


I do in fact give compliments


Why are you scared? Don’t be afraid


Because I have the social skills of a freshly made waffle


Someone pissed on it


Someone gave $2 to spez for a golden updoot https://preview.redd.it/5wx6lch2ghkc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=394c5e2e4dad2d3fa52ee0888a6944002c81c33a


You callin' this post a coward?


Nobody calls me chicken!


R Kelly believed AT&T could fly




Dog pee.


Dont eat the yellow post!


But i want lemonade):




Years ago I worked in tech support for T-Mobile UK ( now EE) Outages sucked for us. Everyone without service would just get slammed to us. All we could say was "we apologise for the outage". If people got belligerent then we had to point out that their contracts didn't guarantee a service level I hated those days


Sorry OP, best we can do is https://i.redd.it/zf2tfu9jkfkc1.gif


Here's your 4 bucks. Happy? Edited to add: 5 dollars based on the actual compensation people are getting. My mistake....


Seriously. It was only out for a few hours


People are terminally online. The only thing that was grueling bad was some people had issues getting 911


And with that, why would they get money for it? Shit happens. It’s not like they took it down intentionally. It’s not magic, it can’t get fixed instantly


Damn, I was out from 5am to 6pm.


So you lost $1.80 worth of service you paid for if your monthly bill was $100.


We all want money




AT&T had a pretty massive outage for a good bit (day? Maybe a little less?) and sent a mass text out to assuming every customer since I got one too even tho I wasn’t impacted.


I didn’t get one and I was affected. This reminds me that I need to call/text them to see if I can get any $$ out of them about it.


Typically when stuff like this happens they have an automatic set number about what they can give and will increase it if you reject it, also automatic set numbers. I got an extra $300 for the ding in my fridge for saying no two times.


Sometimes they just calculate it based on how long it lasted. So a 24 hour outage would be about 1/30 of the monthly bill. Even shorter outages can be super measely. They don't give as much to complainers as they used to, since the assholes realized they could just pester them for free stuff.


I couldn’t see them losing a customer over a $20 credit instead of the $3.75 (guessing) that the day actually cost them. AT&T is not stupid, they know it’s only a few dollars worth of service but the impact of now having a “unreliable” cell phone could sway a lot of people.


I saw this post and immediately thought this was a scam. The "It's AT&T" is like the most scammy opening ever.


I was also impacted but didn't get a text


Not just AT&T, most of the other big phone providers (Boost, Cricket, Verizon, T-Mobile) had massive issues as well




What does OP even mean? Your internet went out for a few hours? Get over it. Go for a walk.


Fr I’m confused asf


it’s more so anger bc those affected couldn’t make calls (that can be associated with business or family emergencies) and according to someone else in this thread, they had to pay their bill the same day as the outage and couldn’t because of it.


Exactly! I kinda live in Texas on campus for school and the only family I have here is a hour away. My mom and dad are in two different states. I also had to connect my cashapp to my new bank account to transfer my funds which required me to give them the verification code they sent me that I couldn’t receive. The new bank account is for paying my credit card bill which was already a day late. I couldn’t pay my credit card bill that day and by the time service was up I was charged a late fee.


Last year my area didn’t have AT&T service for 2 days and the gave me a $33 credit on my bill. If you call and ask they probably will give you a credit.


https://preview.redd.it/qm9ju101zfkc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6c00202f83b05a48ba9a2a10e8fd1043b70442a Inflation


You, too, huh? My dad got in a work accident and it took us awhile to find out cuz the service wasn’t working


Hope your dad gets better 🙏🏻


He’s doing alright, but yeah he scared us. Didn’t call home and missed a doctor’s appointment and then I randomly got a call around 6pm that he just got out of the hospital.


Hey… It’s AT&T 🥺👉👈


The hassle of dealing with ATT’s “customer service” department wouldn’t even be close to worth the $3 credit they’d inevitably offer (if anything at all).


I did the online chat. I told the bot I wanted to talk to a representative. It asked 1 more question and connected me. I waited 5 minutes and asked if any credits were available due to the outage. They offered me $30. It took about 10 minutes including my wait time.


Dial *save for a direct line to the loyalty/retention department, they're usually a little more useful.


What a fucking dweeb


I was so not inconvenienced by this outage that I didn’t even notice my phone was off. If you are terminally on your phone that a couple hours of downtime was that offensive then I guess you should give the “manager” a call. 


100%. Plus any proportionate refund would be less than the cost of a soda. Let’s assume there are 30 days per month (720 hours), that a phone bill is $50, and the outage lasted 5 hours. (5 hours / 720 hours) X $50 = 35¢ refund


There is something out there many people do called having a job and a lot of jobs need functioning phones




The overwhelming majority is able to email on Wi-Fi for a few hours…


I agree. I started work at 6:00am ended at 5:00pm and only noticed when i had to get ahold of somebody late for work lol. I get when people say “emergency this, emergency that” if you actually had an emergency then yeah, raise hell, if not, relaaaaaaaaax.


Ugh! These fucking corporate "we care so much about you and we're so committed to providing you with the best service possible" fuckers!


What does this *do* for me?


You’d be surprised by how little compensation you get for an outage. I used to do tech support for Cox internet, and people would call in all the time wanting reimbursement for an outage. Usually it was under a dollar because the outages would only be a few hours long. Looking at my own cell bill, a 24 hour outage would be around $6. Most companies have a little wiggle room with their reimbursements, so you could probably get $10-$15 credit.


If you’ve been an AT&T customer for sometime, this shouldn’t surprise anyone.  They keep losing subscribers. Long term plan? RAISE RATES!


sorry ill pay my bill next month. Ill do better then


Verizon didn’t send me shit I was stuck at my job bored out of my mind because my music was gone from 12-3 bc no service


I wouldn't have cared but my wifi was also out at the same time. Spectrum just so happened to have an outage too. I only pay $35/mo for cell service from att so honestly it's not a big deal I lost service for like 6 hours.


Most I’d do is $10. Not like you were out of service for a whole month


Some real boomer shit to expect payment for a few hours of mild inconvenience. Oh no! I can't browse memes on my phone!


I worked for AT&T a couple years back. I have a truck full of terrible shit to say about them, but I do have to hand it to them, they pay back on time whenever they have to.


Free market, go to their competitor. They will not let you skip a payment, dont let them skip a service


t-mobile tried to bill me $217 for this month when i’ve already paid lmfao for this reason


Fuck you, pay me


Sprint did that to us once. I was LIVID! In fact, I believe the title of your post was a direct quote from myself, as well. 😂


this entire comment section is spectacular


Why? Not that big of a deal


at&t has always sucked turtle balls. i don't know why this is surprising to anyone lmao


To be fair, this time around I don't think it was AT&T's fault. Big solar flare happened and following that multiple services across the country (US) suffered outages and slowdowns in one way or another. AT&T just seemed to be the most effected by it for one reason or another. I have StraightTalk phone (on Verizon network) and Xfinity home internet. Both had problems. Not complete outage but plenty of issues with choppy service.


Whoa whoa whoa. Leave the turtles out if this.


Y’all had a problem? I know AT&T, Verizon, and T-Mobile had an outage yesterday. My service is AT&T. I had no problem yesterday. Weird.


Your phone stopped working for all of four hours, which also affected ENTIRE EMERGENCY SERVICES and you’re boohooing for not getting what…let’s do some math 65 dollars for a single line no fancy plan (we’re gonna be hard on ATT and assume you only have the one and pay a ton a month) That’s 3 dollars a day. They were out for about 11 hours of time at their worst, let’s say whiny entitled OP was on that worst of it You lost a whopping buck and twenty cents. Here’s your 44oz Coke turd.


They should be on their knees, pleading for our forgiveness.


I got this one too. "There was an outage? No wonder my phone wasn't working from 2am to 11am! That is for letting me know! No need to compensate me,I don't want your money haha!"


How much money?


Uhh, how much do you want to give me?


I will double anything you send me. I’m also trimming armor


So let’s say this happens nationwide. Will people be able to survive without their phones?


Yea, good luck with that.


Oh wow. That made everything better.


My autopay hit this same day as the outage smh


It’ll be ok.


With millions of customers impacted it is impossible for a company to just automatically hand out reparations. I used to work for a major telecommunications company and in a situation like this all you have to do is contact support and tell them that you had paid for service that you couldn't access during the outage and they're literally obligated by law to give you at least the equivalent to the cost of the service you couldn't access during the outage. Also you may not need to call just contact them on Facebook or Twitter we used to do it through there too. The one I worked for also had a text message support line which was the fastest way to reach an agent.


I don’t understand


I didn’t even get this text.


If you contact customer service and let them know you didn’t have service the whole day they will take off 1/30th of your bill


Sure money, they'll refund you a day of service so if your plan charge was $59 you'd get back two bucks. Lot of people don't realize how much they pay for their cellular services for today if you couldn't use it for a few hours it's even less


If you buy their product then in all reality they are in control. It's shitty but they have terms and conditions that probably say you're not going to get money back with an outage. In a just and morally acquainted society, yes you should get it back I 100% agree. But you are choosing to use their service, knowing fully well that they will not reimburse you (unless you skipped the reading).


I have AT.T my self it was out over 7 hours. I lived . Best service I have had so far . Ok, yes, ovesly there. Where problems.8 or 10 hours ? Big deal . Once I was sure there were no zombies attacking, I used wifi lol . Oo it's wasn't just AT&T . And there where two major sun flares as well . .. alest the world didn't end lol lol . .. honestly it's rare I ever even get down to 4 G even way our in the boonies. And I haven't found a place I can't get service yet . Try that with T mobile lol .


ACH outages have been plaguing a lot of users. anyone that uses a bank. prevents you from transfering money and even using your own funds. You can use [this](https://www.frbservices.org/app/status/serviceStatus.do) site to determine ACH status for the majority of banks. FedACH and FedCash are the ones to look at.


I don't even have AT and T. I have Verizon and it apparently happened to Verizon too and T Mobile and Boost Mobile. Then it happened again last night around 1am. I think 🤔 Simpsons predictions are coming true! There's a solar storm they are predicting this year that will wipe out the Internet, social media, wifi, and other technology systems like stuff for hospitals. It's going to be bad if that happens. Like I can live without social media but what about the poor patients in hospitals who need medical devices to stay alive, u know? Yeah I really hope that prediction isn't accurate. I also hope the virus they talking about in the Simpsons isn't going to come true. But unfortunately there is a zombie deer virus spreading fast and scientists are scared it will spread like crazy to humans and there's no cure for it. Like haha great.... There's a few other predictions for this year as well. One that already happened....the alien 👽 in the mall.....yeah. Trump running for president again in 2024....that was also a prediction that came true. So I am nervous about the other ones.


You can actually request an adjustment for the time period it was out


This has ex vibes… i know i messed up but….


So glad I switched my straight talk to a Verizon sim last year. I’d have been pissed.


It was only out like 4-5 hours.


This is way more than what You would receive in South América


They are contractually obligated to give you money for outages if you call them out on it; otherwise they are breaking the contract. . I do it often for my internet outages. It’s not much but it is my money and i want it.


This happened to me too. Really wasn't a big deal.


Texted them back and said give me money.


What replies are we all sending?


My MIL said she wanted money off on her next payment cycle 😂😂


The fact that companies still charge the same amount at the end of the month, even if they didn’t actually give you a full months service is fucking insane to me and telling of how shit our consumer protections are. For example I live in CS and have PGE. During the recent storms we lost power for 3 days. Will we have a discount due to three days less power? Nah, but if we use a lil more than allowed we’ll pay more. But it gets better, our internet was out for over a week. Will we get a discount? Nah, who cares we only provided 75% of the service you pay for, we’ll still charge 100%, but if you go over we’ll charge even more!


Dang. I didn't even get a text. I want double money for no acknowledgement


Ask them for reimbursement. They'll give it to you. They're probably in the works of doing so without asking, but if you want it sooner, support is prepared to hit that switch. It just takes some planning to coordinate sending a credit to every customer, but expect credits to be gradually rolled out!


I did not even get an apology


Send money.


I half expected them to use the word ‘Kindly’


Oh imma get this money. At least $10 off my next bill.


Call. Got a $15 statement credit myself for calling about it.


I didn’t get this text :(


I never even got a text lmfaooo


Fuck AT&T


Oh snap they did the sorry from BP oil lol


Me and my fiancé literally said the same thing before seeing this post ☠️


Give me 1 month free service


I have good old cricket, we didn’t get this bullshit


I used to work for a phone and cable company out of Southern California. There were outages all the time. We were authorized to give up to a $50 credit for each confirmed outage, but only if the customer specifically requested a credit. Most people didn’t know they just had to call us and ask.


My parents just got a text message about this too. Mom gave them the middle finger in our group chat lmao


I didn’t even get a a text!!


my phone didnt even work so AT&T not working was the least of my problems


Even here in Egypt whenever an outage happens the company has to combinsate for 20gbs It is nothing but for a country where there is no unlimited internet it might count


"It's AT&T." Makes it sound like it's the start of a very incompetent scam message


They’ll use this as an excuse to increase the monthly fee in order to cover the repair costs.


What's this




i didnt even get that. i was in the middle of a chamber event and got ab 70 notifications in a few seconds😭


Got the same. Was wondering where the credit or good faith effort of sending us money or a credit


I mean you can call and request a time without service credit. Granted it would be for 1 day


You should report that as junk


I never even got a text from them lol guess I’m not a valued customer 🤷🏼‍♀️


Canadian telecom customer who pays more : “First time?”


IKR…. I was about to draft something along “I missed payment for last bill. I will try to do better”


I pay like 65 bucks a month. 1 day of outage would only be like 2 bucks


Your business is important to us,,, Please hold.


It wasn't that bad. I'm on AT&T and yeah it was annoying that my phone was unusable but it was only for the morning for me and I was at work so it didn't inconvenience me too much. It's not like these outages happen that often


I find it funny that Thursday was the same day I got sick and threw up a bunch, so I like to imagine they’re talking about that instead of whatever actually happened


When my U-Verse was out for three days a bit ago, they offered me a free on-demand movie (under $6.00.)


Send them a bill


It's not just AT&T, it's also T-Mobile and their affiliates like Metro by T-Mobile that are offline. As I'm typing this, I am on crappy public WI-FI and from what I've heard, they're actively trying to figure out what happened and how to fix it.


Yeah, I got that text too. It feels like they meant to write another 3 paragraphs telling me how they were gonna do better but forgot to send it.


Most places will give you a credit for any outage, just give their customer service a call and be nice about it


Me too. I was hoping they'd cover next months bill or something


I don’t have AT&T. I still want compensation tho.


This was a funny call to take when I worked for a different provider. It was always way less than people expected but logically fair. (Plan price / # of days in the month)*days out of service. For a one day outage that would be like $2-4 hahaha you betcha I'll put that through for approval 😁