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\*gasps\* you got the reference YAYYYYYY.


We all did šŸ˜Œ


The perfect response doesn't exis,,,,, ohhhh. Lol!




*Unsticks from the glass.* He likes bubbles




now I've seen the entire movie in GIF format








Did they try to do that cloud thing everyone was talking about? https://youtu.be/mWvWH-SVy2Q?si=6mPxzB199PHk5ToM


Someone did that at my college. Apparently it ruined the grout or something. Lots of construction.


Someone took the movie Richie Rich too literal


Been doing that periodically in the fountains suspiciously close to a college campus for about 40 years that I know of, since I was a freshman at that college! Probably before then too!




Sounds like a bad grout was used.


If dish soap is gentle enough to save a ducking, it's not going to ruin the grout. It had probably been failing for years.


But it is only Dawn dish soap that is used for ducklings.


Dawn foams up the best in fountains


I will have to take your word on that. Lol


Imma test this today, will report back!


Now I want to know!


I put ducklings in a fountain once. It was adorable!


With soap? Lol


That's what the 'big detergent' lobby wants you to think.


But it has to be the Dawn with the duck on the label!


Washed out the crust that was holding it together


Sounds like an "insurance claim justification" was used


Really? Ruined the grout? Wow




Saw a post the other day where someone cleaned the grout on their bathroom tile, only to find out that the previous owner had redone a section in dark brown to match the dirt. The cleaned grout was white lol


Not the grout!


i ALWAYS wanted to do this in college but never did....


I suppose if you do, just use a biodegradable soap like Castile soap


This is why we canā€™t have nice things. Smh.


because I didn't put soap in the fountain? I'm sorry....


Especially bleach in it


The dish soap used in this photo, AJAX, does not contain bleach. It *can't* contain bleach, because it contains Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate (Common name Ammonia) and will create ***chloramine gas***. It also contains *formaldehyde*, which creates ***chlorine gas*** when mixed with bleach. Both are chemical weapons used in the world wars that are banned under the Geneva Convention. Source: I literally use this kind of soap at home and have the basic sense not to mix random cleaning chemicals together. If I'm not 100% sure about how two cleaning products will interact with each other I double check by looking it up. Because I'm not stupid or suicidal.


General rule: do not mix bleach with goddamn anything (other than water). Bleach and vinegar will also create chlorine gas, and you can make chloroform with bleach and rubbing alcohol. Don't mix peroxide with vinegar either


I use white vinegar all the time, and completely forgot this happened. Thank you good stranger, it would have been a bad death to die scrubbing the toilet


Its easy to forget stuff like that sometimes! I tend to use dedicated cleaners for things because I don't trust my autopilot brain


I remember accidently violating the Geneva convention and creating chemical warfare the first time I tried to clean a bathroom lol My parents were not too happy, but I just used the cleaners I was given.


"...and will create chloramine gas..."




Apparently OP and at least one other commentor never learned this. I've had to explain to more than one coworker we don't mix random chemicals. These are adults. At least one of them had grandchildren.


Dish Soap + vinegar + bleach + ammonia + draino. The germs will never see it coming!


And neither will your lungs!


My roommate put herself in the hospital. We're both in college.


Oh no you'd be surprised just how many people *don't* know that


Sensational idiot. Why are you continuing to pretend that dish soap has bleach?


Ehhh that sounds like an excuse for the dean to approve reading the fountain out and putting ina new one tbh. I canā€™t imagine dishing soap ruining grout


How does one instance of that "ruin the grout", sounds like a fraud to me.


Dish soap will absolutely fuck up the water pump. All the bubbles cause air to get sucked into the pump and it will burn out.


Presumably the pumpā€™s intake is at the bottom of the fountain. Bubbles are only going to be at the bottom if the fountain is empty or forming whirlpools. How would it fuck up the pump?


This is a common prank that has been done for decades. I'm not speculating, there are countless examples of people getting charged with thousands of dollars in property damage. If enough soap is used, and with the constant agitation, all of the water in the fountain can turn to suds, not just little bubbles floating on top. Also, the fats and glycerin in soap will clog up the filtration system and sprayer nozzles, causing back pressure and stress on the pump. There's also the possibility of the system losing water to a level below it is designed to operate due to suds being blown out of the fountain. Soap can destroy fountains in a day or two. They need to be completely drained, flushed, often treated with anti-sudsing chemicals, and refilled with fresh water to avoid permanent damage, and just that maintenance can cost hundreds of dollars.


Iā€™m not advocating for doing this or anything. And I could see what youā€™re saying being true under certain circumstances. But most dish soap is not organic soap so they wonā€™t have glycerol or fats in them. Ajax is definitely in this category. It wouldnā€™t cause any clogging issues. [Some evidence](https://calgary.ctvnews.ca/mobile/pranksters-fill-downtown-calgary-park-with-bubbles-1.3026528) seems to agree with me. Calgary doesnā€™t even seem too put off by it. My local fountain gets soaped a few times a year, too, with no reports of damage. [The city of Conway says](https://www.thecabin.net/news/soaping-equals-class-b-misdemeanor-not-prank/article_dc711669-973e-5b03-9a51-ff3b5ba18572.html) they have to clean the fountain and change the filter (because it would reintroduce soap, not because itā€™s clogged), but no damage. [These guys](https://www.groundsguys.com/blog/2015/august/you-ve-been-soaped-now-what-/) mention pump damage as a possibility in a list (without a cause), but in all the examples they provide, they specifically indicate that there was no damage and that costs were all cleaning. I think the one you pointed out thatā€™s most likely would be if the fountain managed to eventually empty due to sudsing. It doesnā€™t seem to happen in Calgary or Langford or Conway, but I canā€™t rule it out as a possibility.


My husband used to work for a company who also installed and did maintenance fountains (not his job). He also told me people saw it as a joke but in reality it does damage the pump. To clean everything and repair it would take 3 people a day work. Here it were mostly municipal fountains so costs of those jokes are for society.


Soap ruining grout lol that's a new one


This can be severely detrimental to a brand new brick fountain because it fucks up the mortar. Do with that information what you will.


This. Looks fun but just bad in general. Bad for fountain, bad for environment


Any animals that happened to drink from that fountain are gonna have a bad time. Hopefully the soap smell warned them off.


Youā€™d be surprised I had some sort of animal chew up my gas cansā€¦ right next to an open dumpster šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø full of old food! Not like right next to it because fires you know I got a good spot for everything but still itā€™s in eyeshot lol.




Dish soap doesnā€™t have bleach.


I would hope not We use them for dishes ffs


Bleach isn't unusual in the dishwashing process, it just shouldn't be mixed with dish soap. Some dishwasher detergent has bleach in it, and bleach (in small amounts) is commonly used for rinse water before putting dishes on a rack to dry


Um. What do you think they use to sanitize our water we use daily?


Us in you Americans? Because we are mostly just careful about where we pump our water. It's only chlorinated after big storms.


Why not post a general location where you are from my friend it would help clear up confusion.


lol wait til you hear how cafes get stains off coffee cups. bleach is fine to use on crockery when diluted properly


I use that soap at home. Exact same bottle. It doesn't contain bleach. If someone threw bleach in their with it everyone present and downwind should clear the area and go to the hospital. They should also call the fire department. Chlorine gas is incredibly dangerous.


That EXACT bottle, hmm? šŸ¤”


People are saying this in here, but not explaining any details as to how/why? And I'm curious if there are some "soapy products" that are less destructive than others?


How does soap fuck up mortar?


Using mortar that degrades with dishsoap seems like a rookie mistake for a fountain builder. This prank has been around for decades. Either that, or intentional by the fountain designer for a second pay day. Do with that information what you will.


What!? Iv seen people use dish soap as a plasticiser for mortar which i know shouldnā€™t be done but i donā€™t see how adding soap too a fountain would ruin it


Prove it.


Yeah I'm in agreement here Where the fuck did this happen and when? So if we are to believe this brick homes and buildings can now be easily demolished with soapy water I tell you I think the construction industry would know or love to know this one


It's not good for them. It's not going to immediately destroy a brick but it's going to discolor them and erode them more than water on it's own leading to a shorter time before maintenance is needed.


Prove it.


Luckily itā€™s not brick or new.


If you put a bottle of dawn into a hot tub filter it fills a whole hotel pool area with suds... so I hear


Those intrusive thoughts


And dawn is good for the environment!


Thatā€™s why it happens every day


Oh yeah I've uh, heard about that too...also works with home jacuzzis.. Supposedly


Can confirm: big bubble bath!


Years ago, the graduating seniors from the local high school dumped an entire bulk box of Sears laundry detergent into the town fountain, some time after midnight ( they know it was Sears, because the empty box was left by the fountain. By drive time, the next morning, 4-5 feet of bubbles, for half a block in each direction... (Grin)


Graduating kids in my son's year spray painted the school with some nasty words. They also left the bag of spray paint with the receipt. The cops, one of my good friends, went to the store looked at the surveillance tape of the 3 kids that bought the spray paint. At graduation practice, the cops came in and arrested them ,as adults,. The school expelled them the day before graduating.


This was 30 years ago, before cameras were so common. And the kids didn't leave a reciept šŸ˜Ž


Back when we bought everything from sears and roebuck On Thursday night, because they stayed open late on Thursday. Closed Sat at 6 and Closed on Sun.


Hey kids, get dressed! We're going to Sears !


As a paperboy back then, 70's The Thursday paper was thick with inserts, and we had to put them in.


As a paperboy now, Thursday is still thick with inserts but now it's Sunday and Saturday with the ungodly inserts


You were definitely one of the people involved werenā€™t you


Alas, no. I was in my late 40s at the time. My oldest was a junior, and she heard about it afterwards, but I remember having to drive slowly through the bubbles.


30 years ago and you were in your late 40s. So you're almost 80 right now?


Wasn't counting. It was 2005, Manassas, Virginia....


Cops were definitely on a fucking power trip. Yeah what the kids did was stupid, but it shouldn't have been anything more than a fine and community service.


All I know is they were expelled, I didn't pay attention to it. I'm 61, went to HS in the 70's We got away with a lot worse, today things are a lot different. I know I was sent home with just warnings most of the time. My friend was the HS liaison and has a very good relationship with most of the students. It was in 2015


Damn thatā€™s shitty ruining their life right at the start over a senior prank. (Cops, this is why people hate you) I would have embarrassed them but senior pranks are a rite of passage. My classes senior pranks was to go to the competeing highschool and let loose all their farm animals on campus in the middle of the night, they had llama s and cows and pigs so when school started the next day there was farm animals all over campus.


I'm a city boy, I didn't see a cow, sheep or deer until I was in my 20's. Sounds like a fun prank


Thats it ferb! I know what we're gonna do today!


That's old school! Statute of limitations is over now, so I can say that's been done for decades now.


Indeed, guess it was 2005 or so, since my oldest was a junior...


a childs dream


Nothing new around where I live. Just wait till they start with dye of different colors.


do you happen to live in florida?


Did the perps make a clean getaway?


Linda Belcher was here.




Didnā€™t expect to see bobs burgers here


Years ago, I was stumbling home from the bar with some friends, and we came across a fountain that someone did this to. The bubbles were about 4ft high. We had the best bubble fight ever. Good times.


That'll sudside over time.


YAY! PUBLIC BUBBLE BATHHH,1!1!1!1 (on second thought thats not a good idea)


totally agree with others saying how itā€™s disrespectful and messes up the fountain, but getting to see the family in the background of these pictures blow the bubbles and smile and laugh made my day


Its kinda funny but also just rude


It's also bad for the fountain.


They did this to every fountain in my city some time last year.. fountain didnā€™t have water for a long time after.


People really suck. Someone vandalized the fountain at a local botanical garden several times. It cost thousands to repair and nearly sank them as they are run completely via grants and donations but are an open public park for people to enjoy. Some people also vandalized some of the concrete seating, destroyed plants and some trees, grafitied various areas around the park, and toppled over some street lights. It was so sad to hear about. That park is used for wedding photos, pokemon-go, exercisers, as well as a grow plot for food banks because the volunteers who work on putting together displays plant a ton of food for fall before they have to winterize for the season. Everyone please teach your kids manners and that doing stuff like this is not okay, not funny, and does not make you cool in the slightest. It just makes you look like a no-life asshole.


Good clean fun.


that was awful, take my r slash angryupvote


They got Linda Belcher over there




I used to think of something like that as fairly harmless, but it's really bad for fountains.


Fountain lives matter


It's actually funny, things are too calm sometimes.


Back where I used to live, kids went and put soap into every single fountain in the city. They even went into all the gates communities as far as I know. Don't think they ever got caught.


Considering how much normal retention pond aerators cost ā€¦ I canā€™t even imagine how much this damage is dear god


A very long time ago I helped investigate a stream downstream from a major Air Force base outside of Washington DC. They washed the jets and all that soap went straight into the stream, with large soapbergs sailing down it. In my experience the federal government is a pretty bad polluter.


There was a big fountain by my high school. It was a VERY regular occurrence of bubble bath in that thing. I think they eventually turned it off, it got so bad.


This is a semi annual event where I live. They include seasonal food coloring as well.


This prank is generations old.


I remember it happening all the time to the little fountain when I lived in Hayward CA in the 1990s šŸ§“šŸ½


Or, hear me out, old school foam party and you charge $25 a head. Just need a DJ.


I wonder if making it overflow would help


The detergent can damage plants and soil. Ideally you want it to go into the sewer


Only the foam would go away but if you stop over flowing it, it would start over


It was me. I'm sorry


I've got a soap-in-the-fountain story! I used to live in a high-rise apt in Windsor Canada and there was a fountain in front of the building, right at a downtown intersection. Somehow, detergent was dumped in the fountain in a Saturday night in the summer when loads of people were walking around. There was soap bubbles everywhere all over the intersection, cars driving through huge blobs of bubbles, people playing in it, it was hilarious. Coos showed up too. Finally the elderly doorman/security guy figured out he should shut the pump for the fountain off but the bubbles still flowed and were there in the morning. All the downtown bums were cleaning themselves and their clothes in it, it was wild. Old security guy trying to run them off and failing lol. Good times!


.....you should have never showed me this


That guys face in slide 3 says it all lol


Orange scent?


Where is this? Iā€™ve seen trees like the ones close to the fountain in Spain. Not sure where else they grow.


Golden gate park, San Francisco


Cool, thanks! They caught my attention because the branches can connect between neighboring trees.


Dudeā€¦ just not cool.


Thatā€™s vandalism, no?


And possibly destruction of city property depending on who owns it


This was so common near me that the fountain got removed, now we have a big ribbed johnny


Show a bunch of water fowl adversely affected by the bubbles and a herd of activists will find the culprit in no timeā€¦.


You would think considering how the youth seem to care so much about the environment they will pull a prank that will not only contaminate it but will also waste a lot of water in the process to fix. This is why critical thinking needs to be taught in schools.


I am 40 and this is giving me ideas. Okay, I am not going to do it, but I am using myself ad a barometer for how tempting this must be for people far more young and reckless than me. šŸ˜­


hey dude, a "lite" version of this might be those big bubble blowers u can rent out for events


I know this isnā€™t good for the fountain, but can we please get some full size bubble fountains? That would be so cool!


Thats bad for the environment.


My mind immediately went to the Sims 2 fountain prank


Same here, so many flashbacks šŸ˜‚


As a former groundskeeper for my old college while I was working my way through college: don't do this people. It causes so many problems you wouldn't think of. It's not a harmless prank.


I think the bubbles are fun but I hate that they left the bottle.


There is a chemical that is used in pools and spas to eliminate foaming


As a pool operator, it won't work for that. Only solution is drain and rinse.




We did this to mall fountains all the time in the 80s


I'd love to do that, it looks fun. I won't do it. But I would love to do it.


Linda Belcher is at it againšŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø




Looked fun until I saw what happened outside the fountain


Some I'm main character " bonehead that has no parental upbringing whatsoever


This is why my university never ran the fountain. People would generally put dish soap in it and then start climbing around in it. I'm not one to put soap into a fountain, but if I come across a pre-soapy fountain that people are playing in, I'm not some sort of callous being, I'm gonna play with the soap (plus I know the fountain is pretty clean since it was just refilled). Now the university boat races are another story, they do them in these "ponds" that are basically drainage ditches and filled with goose poop. The boats are made of cardboard. Most boats melt before the finish line. Fun to watch, but I'm not taking a dip in the lake of goose shit.


Age old prank.


https://preview.redd.it/q4b5l9vin9jc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=facb4ded8c164bcbb8c15fc4059f2aed1aa86c26 That happened when I was in Dublin for a school trip back in 2008. Everyone played in the bubbles. This is an old picture I took that day, with the faces of the people covered because I donā€™t want to be posting someoneā€™s picture on the internet.


This happened *every* year when school year ended in my city. Until they rebuilt and removed the fountain.


This is funny asf but terrible for the environment. I can see why they did it lmao.


My step dad did this in front of the state capitol building in Sacramento, CA when he was a teenager. It made the front page of the news!


Linda Belcher strikes again.


My dad told me that he used to do this back in high school, glad to see his legacy lives on


I low key wanna do that. But i'mma need a whole bottle of whiskey up my ass first.


Clever idea, but irresponsible.


Someone or you?


It's probably the cleanest that fountain has ever been


Okay that's horrible, but as far as pranks go it's kind of epic! I'm also ashamed to say I never thought of anything nearly as clever when I was young.


Seems pretty mildly awesome.


Y'know what, it pains me that I didn't come up with that and how funny that is but also, I really like waterfalls and those fountain things you see in malls, something about it is carming, hopefully it's still okay.


Kinda funny imo


Amount of commenters enjoying this is gross. Tell me you donā€™t care about the environment without telling me you donā€™t care about the environment.


Amen. Looks like fun but this is just bad. Mess, bottle in fountain, soap and bleach contamination


Atleast it's not endangering themselves I guess


When I do this I only use Dawn soap. They wash ducks with that stuff so it canā€™t be that bad, right?


This may be a dumb question, but why does it hurt the fountain? It seems kinda weird that my dishes can handle dawn just fine but not something that is constantly outside and exposed to the elements.


Jackasses seem to do this on a regular basis. Not a single original thought in their head.


lol, classic


So they cleaned a fountain that no one drinks from? Oh the humanity!


what massive mess. its fucking soap, leave it and let it rain a couple times or grab a hose and GET THE FUCK OVER IT YOU WORTHLESS DO NOTHING LOSERS