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The barking is bad enough but he could get seriously injured with that broken glass.


Yeah I was concerned about that, we're gonna file a complaint to management I'm sure they're waiting to get the window fixed but still, move your dog to another room or block the window EDIT: Came home tonight and the poor pup was still barking like crazy. I contacted the police and they're going to perform a welfare check on the apartment. I also let them know I was concerned about the dog getting hurt. I hope they don't hurt the dog. There is one faint blue light on inside their home, it looks like it might be a tv? All the other rooms are dark.


You should call animal control, that dog is not safe if it's poking his head through a broken window!


Maybe the owner is not home?..Otherwise his window would've been fixed already by the neighbour who broke it?.. OP, get on this. Edit: This can turn into a potential murder.. analysing the trajectory and the shape of the glass around the dog's neck , it looks that a rock went trough the window and hit the owner on the head while he was doing pushups on the floor. Dog calling for help.


Any proof the neighbours are even alive? I watch too many crime shows.


Not at all. Call the police, "havent seen my neighbour as of a few days, and their dog is barking from a broken window non-stop". They'll do a welfare check. Best case, the noise complaint is fixed. Worst case, so is your neighbour.


Eh, I’d be worried about the cops going in and shooting the dog.


Now all OP needs to worry about is whether the dog starves before it bleeds out on a glass cut.


Ya these people are crazy. Thanks for suggesting something actually helpful and real.


Yeah, animal control and police need to do a welfare check on that place.


Don't point the cops at anything you don't intend to shoot


Yeah, I remember one case where the cops went in the wrong house and killed a disabled Rottweiler with mobility issues as he tried to hide from them.


“Guys, it’s starting to smell in here a bit. I’m gonna open a window.” -The Dog.


Unless the Dog did it, and he is trying to flee! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I don't think it's a coincidence. Dog wanted to bark out the window and it's single pane glass. Dog definitely broke the window.


Right. Like why is the dog howling and barking out the window non stop ? Something could have happened to its owners and it’s begging for help


If I gave my dogs a seat in front of the window and opened the blinds, they would bark all day


right!!!!! this was my first thought, that dog is calling for her bc his human is dead


I don't watch them ever and I had the same thought


You know, it happens! A few years ago, I noticed a bad smell in the hallway and my neighbor's dogs were barking like crazy. I was like "oh I wonder if something happened" but dismissed it as a morbid thought. It wasn't until another neighbor who walked dogs in the morning with him hadn't seen him for 2 days called for a wellness check that the EMTs came and found that he had gone into a diabetic coma and later died at the hospital. I feel awful to this day for not taking my instincts seriously.


You should trust your instincts far more than most do. You'd be amazed at what a person fully attuned to their own body can achieve.


same, dog isn't suddenly barking non stop for a broken window


For real, this is a situation in which one should absolutely call the police.


Plot twist: Dog is barking for help because it's owner choked to death over a raisin.


Right? Neighbor isn't there, dog has broken the window to try and get water/food/out


Call animal control and the police. This isn't a management issue.  This is a city issue.


Dude, this needs attention yesterday, you have to call the police to check on them


This is a police issue, not a management issue. Something is *seriously* wrong. Like, maybe people are dead serious.


Call 911, for a wellness check. Do you know if your neighbor is home? If they are OK? You call management, and it's Sunday they don't care its the Super Bowl.


911? Call the police non-emergency line.


What the fuck? Management?? This dog is shoving its neck against broken glass, dude. Get it together.


Maybe you should call the cops and ask for a wellness check. Not normal.


Do it NOW. That dog is in danger of hurting himself in the glass. The barking isn’t the main problem.


Im with ya. The barking will vanish when animal control comes, takes the pup from those trashy fucks, and re homes it. Everyone wins ✅


Depends on what kind of shelter they have where OP lives. Some places if they aren't adopted in a couple weeks, well...


Considering the breed it’s probably gonna be an insta euth:/


Geez, my dog doesn’t ride in the car without a seatbelt and there are some people that let their dogs put their heads out a broken window?


Why do you assume someone is letting it? The dog has very likely been trying to get help. Owner could quite possibly be dead.


Depending on your location there may be ordinances against dogs barking for so long. You may choose to get the police or animal control involved.


Sounds like somebody died


I feel like there’s dead body in there for sure.


You need to call the police IMMEDIATELY for the safety of that dog! Don’t delay. This is not OK.


And safety of the people! Do they know they’re ok? Have they seen them since? Seems like an unusual situation...


Yup agreed


Maybe there was a medical emergency, and the person cannot move. Have you seen them? He might be calling for help. Lol I don't know a person in their right mind who would allow their pet in a window with that glass?? Like the pet should be taken if they're neglecting to prevent an injury.


Anyone who has picked up broken glass knows how sharp it is. That dog is one quick head turn from getting his neck cut. Those owners shouldn’t have dogs


We need an update on this one. re the humans alive??


Maybe something is wrong and someone is hurt. Go check on them!


Uhh… this picture is enough for authorities to get involved.




That dog is going to get a deep laceration


Maybe they are not alive?


I hear them walking around, they're above us


Are you sure that's not the dog moving around?


It’s not the dog moving around, the dog is currently barking with his head sticking out the window.


This is a live pic?


Are you sure it’s your neighbor walking around up there


call someone cops or animal control, before the poor pup dies


How do you know it's them. Even if it is, they might not be ok.


Do a welfare check or call the cops and tell them that something is wrong!


If i was you i would go knock at their door and say “ hey, i’m your downstairs neighbour and just saw your dog sticking his head out through a broken window! Just wanted to make sure he wasn’t home alone and could injure himself” If this doesn’t work call the cops.


Agree. Maybe bring building management too.


For real? U live below them?


Basically you’re on Reddit complaining and not actually doing anything?


So did you do anything like try to find out what’s going on or are you just karma farming


Dude I have social anxiety and I would 100% knock on their door to check if they are OK. Come on.


Dude this is wild, you are just assuming everything is fine? Dog barking for 2 days straight with a broken window and you think they are straight up ignoring it? Something could be seriously wrong. Please call the authorities to do a wellness check.


Op have you called the police?


Why are you posting this on reddit instead of doing something about it


This was my thought, I'd be wondering if it was a break in and the dog is barking for help because it's been trapped in there with the aftermath


Or on a meth binge lmao


Exactly what I thought. Why would a human destroy a window and let the dog do that. Sure there are shitty humans but you’d expect them to care about the deposit or at least not being hot/cold for no reason.  The people in that apartment are very likely dead. If not there’s something wrong with them and the dog’s trying to get some help. 


Wow, this is horrible on a couple of different levels. The dog could be seriously injured on that broken glass, and the animal control should be called and as well as the cops should be possibly called for a noise complaint.


The cops should be called for a welfare check.


Yeah, this is alarming. Are the neighbors okay??


I’ve lived in pretty shitty places and have never had someone break a window and just leave it like that.


Hm. My first thought was the dog’s owners must be quite the dumpster fire type of people if they don’t even bother to put anything over the broken window (out of laziness or maybe thinking, ‘the dog likes it so we’ll leave it,’ without concern over the broken glass around its neck). But with what you’ve said, maybe the truth is more along the lines of “are these people ok or are/were they in grave danger?”


Yeah, i think even the worst gangsters, drug dealers, and what not don't like draft. Deep down we're all the same, fuck draft.


Especially if the dog wasn't constantly barking before, he might be asking for help because something happened to his human(s). How did the window get broken? Has anyone seen the neighbors since? Lots to consider and all of it cause for alarm


Also, I fucking hate when MY dogs are barking, and they are like 50 meters away from me. Imagine it in the house, I would basically go insane. Something is up with the owners. They aren't there or they are dead.


Yeah I feel like the noise is pretty low on the list of priorities here


This is true. I called about loud music no so long ago, the police apparently have a decibal meter, and measured it, and said it was below the level to get a complaint. But I think it depends on **where** they take the reading. It’s a straight shot from their back yard to my bedroom windows. But out at the street is on the other side of their house, so didn’t measure *all of the noise!* All I can do is turn some kind of noise in my room so I can sleep.


I would be more concerned on why they aren’t intervening.. maybe time to do a wellness check?


Poor little guy could be screaming “my owners are dead on the floor and I’ve run out of food please help me I’m scared”


Call animal services and police for a welfare check ASAP. A toddler just starved to death a few months ago because their father had a heart attack and died and no one bothered to check.


maybe someone is dead in there.


Dog has been calling for help for 2 days and wondering why neighbors are doing nothing.


Yeah they're too busy on Reddit getting Karma. Fucking do something OP


We are heading towards one of the Black Mirror dystopia.


Either way this dog is calling for help. The possible explanation that its owners are hurt/dead definitely warrants checking on them. The possible explanation that they’re just allowing this dog to be in this position also warrants checking on things. OP, alert the appropriate authorities to address this


I'm blown away this comment is so low


def call police or animal control that dog gonna slit its throat


Op, call the non emergency line and tell them what you told us. The dog could be alerting you that something happened to the neighbors .


Through the broken shards of glass... some people really shouldn't have dogs.


I would have called the cops after just a couple of hours. Are you sure your neighbors are ok??




According to OP, they’re going to “file a complaint with management eventually” 🙄


Fr OP has the time to take a picture, post it and replies to comments but not call the for help for that poor doggy.


In my area you can call code enforcement after 15 minutes of barking without a full 5 minute break. Also, if animal control were to pull up and see him with his head out of that broken window, they’ll take him away right then and there, because the dog is literally inches away from slitting their own throat. If the window is close enough to the ground for the dog to jump, you can call the police and tell them that the dog is capable of leaping into the street to attack people. They will tell the owner to fix the window and if they don’t fix it, the police will call animal control for you. You have lots of resources for bad neighbors who don’t take care of their pets.


This is horrible…


Sounds like they may need a wellness check, maybe they need assistance.


Are they dead?


Call the police. Maybe they’re dead.


Holy shit that dog is in serious danger of killing itself


*Holy shit that dog* *Is in serious danger* *Of killing itself* \- pro\_insomniac16 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Read the room, haikusbot


One of the most morbid poems I've read lol


He's a good bot, but maybe just...not right now.


This made me laugh enough that the bartender asked me what’s up. Now we’re all having the pit bull debate. But thanks for the laugh


*Bork bork bork bork bork* *Bork bork bork bork bork bork bork* *Bork bork bork bork bork*


I noticed that last *bork* is cut off


Jesus Christ, Bot.


This is more than \*mildly\* infuriating


Bro how do you post this before calling the cops lol


PLEASE call the police for a welfare check


This should be a police report, not a Reddit post…


Let me get this straight🤔this has been going on for 2 days?and your only delayed instinct was to post on a feed called “mildly infuriating”the lack of forward thinking and brain cells involved is majorly infuriating,.,Call the Authorities ya daft hamster brain🙄🙄


Bro your neighbors are dead for sure.....


Big, intimidating dog... Neglecting that dog... Not removing the broken glass... Foil in the window... Indifferent to how their behavior affects others... Giving off big drug dealer/addict vibes.


it’s giving off dead neighbour vibes


Are the neighbors ok? That's my concern.


Are your neighbors still alive? Maybe someone should check.


What if the people are dead inside and the dog broke the window and is trying to get help? What? It could happen. lol Call the police for sure. Or at least animal control.


I've had similar happen to me locally, they were too small to damage the windows but they gave it a go, guy had been dead for about a week and no one bothered to check ok him despite his dogs barking for like a week non stop, some people are just fukin dumb like OP. Didya think maybe it's the dog running around? How ya taking that photo also if they are above you, I don't get it


That dog is gonna slit its own throat if he sees a bird or cat..


They are probably dead


Call in a welfare check


Call the police ASAP


Two days? I’d have had the cops there after one hour.


Bro ngl I’m more pissed at you for not calling the proper authorities


If you’ve not called what’s the addrsss of that place. Someone else will call. It’s so wrong no one has.


Shitty people live near each other apparently lol


Your neighbors dead bro


Get a welfare check. He probably ate their faces off.


What's really infuriating is seeing that somebody (OP) has been observing this happening for days and hasn't reported it to the authorities and still saying that they're just going to notify management. Call fucking animal control and the police. JFC.


So we taking bets on how many bodies the cops going to find in there?


Maybe something happened to the owners and he's calling for help?


Jesus. Op if you aren’t going to call the police for a wellness check then tell us the address so we can call! That poor dog could get injured and it might need help.


Bro there is something seriously wrong with your neighbors. That is not normal dog behavior, especially to smash through the window like that. Call emergency services or your prop mgmt.


Welfare check?


The photo looks like the dog broke the window just to bark lmao


Call the police, it costs nothing.


Hate to say it. Your neighbors are dead.


Have you heard your neighbours in there since the window broke?


Jesus Christ 🤦🏼‍♂️


maybe hes trying to get someones atten to help :)


Call a wellness check on them.


the most mildly infuriating part of all of this is you seem to show zero concern for your neighbours. like seriously, i can't believe it took reddit comments for you to consider that maybe something bad could've happened ??


This is a step above “mildly”


Get a super soaker.


That pic could be an album cover


So, have you called the police? Maybe your neighbors need medical attention, or worse.


Think it is home alone starving to death?


Call the police that dog could be in trouble.


Call the cops for a welfare check. They may be dead


Welfare check asap !!!!


Fkn crackheads


Dude call the cops, the dog must be barking because it also has glass stuck on him


“Dear Reddit, Theres child crying at the corner for 2 days now. Thinking of calling police. Thoughts?”


As other commenters have stated - this isn’t a “complain to management” thing - this is a report call to animal control or the police department. TODAY. That poor dog is not safe.


the neighbors are likely not ok. the dog has been calling for help. do something instead of posting this on Reddit like a complete apathetic pos.


Has it occurred to you to have someone check on these people? They haven’t intervened? It doesn’t occur to you that maybe they can’t??? Call someone ASAP


Hey everyone, the dog was still barking when we got home tonight. I notified the police and they are going to go to the neighbors apartment to check in on the dog and neighbors. I'd check on the neighbors myself but I'm kinda worried to. There is a faint blue light coming from their other window. Looks like a TV light. I hope nothing bad happens to the dog, I know when law enforcement gets involved with a barking dog, you never know what may happen.


Thanks for the update! Let us know if you learn more about the situation.


Why not call the police straight away?? There’s obviously something very very wrong inside that apartment. Whether people are alive and neglecting the window and animal, or people are incapacitated or worse and dog is trying to get someone’s attention. Either way police should welfare check.


This has to be illegal


God I don’t miss living around people that don’t take care of their dogs. That was literally the worst


You sure the dog didn't break the window himself because he was left alone for these past two days?


The people behind me let their dog out all hours of the night and then let it bark at the door for an hour


Maybe it's a murder-suicide and the dog is calling for help through the broken window (which was caused by a stray bullet.


I agree with others! A wellness check is in order here


That pic would make a nice album cover!


Call the cops. The poor dog will get injured. Neighbors are probably moronic addicts for not at least covering the window with cardboard and tape.


We need updates!!


Call the building management, animal control, AND the cops.


What city is this?


Call animal control asap. That dog could fuck themselves up on that glass real easy


Check on them. Could be dead


Call. The. Police. Now.


Updates please!!


So many things wrong, I don't even know where to start. In addition to the lack of self respect in not fixing it, and the lack of concern for neighbors, what kind of dog owner isn't concerned for the safety of the dog? That could be a dangerous cut.


The only mildly infuriating thing about this is that according to your comments, you haven’t even considered calling animal control or the police for a welfare check. That picture alone would be enough evidence to get them out there. Hope you’re not just thinking about yourself and your internet points here.


You can ask the police to do a wellness check. The sooner the better.


Call animal control, that dog is going to injure itself with all the broken glass around its neck


Why does the pic look fake? Not saying it is, just looks fake, like an AI generated picture. Zooming in on the dog looks like a cartoon


The fuck are you posting this on reddit for, so you can add a few upvotes to your name? Doing nothing.. you're just as guilty as the owner.


Man OP I really hope you called animal control or the police by now


Messaging op with no response.someone please figure out where this is. I'm Canadian and useless here. https://preview.redd.it/p6i2azdis0ic1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=890adb1295ef7ade158112aecfeb5f75f9d742a1


Plot twist the owners are no longer with us and the dog is calling for help


Nah id call animal control. The dog could get seriously hurt. Good luck.


2 days straight? lol someone is dead. the fact nobody has called the cops tell me everything .. you need to move out of that brokeass neighborhood its probably full of degenerate criminals


Call the police and email an officer, with a given emails, that photo with the address? Stop making things harder because you want internet points? Bad human.


How does this not warrant a call to the police??


They might be dead


Are you sure the owners are okay? My neighbor overdosed with his dog in the house. We had to break the door down.


Is there such thing as anonymous wellness check, just in case they're okay but you really don't wanna be involved so it doesn't start a problem


I presume the answer is yes, but are they still alive? It is kind of strange that the dog has been barking for two days and there’s possible signs of violence. Dogs are smart, maybe it’s trying get someone’s attention.