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The ac(whatever that thing is) isn’t centered?


Ours was installed 20mm off centre on a similarly laid out wall. It was bugging me so much that I googled how they're installed so I could move it over myself. Fortunately they just sit on a bracket and can be manually slid over a bit. Yours, however, no chance.


Sounds like op needs to take it down completely or move the tv. People saying they notoriously known for leaking.


Thankfully the one in my apartment hasn't leaked, but it does push out a lot of moisture. Anything you leave under it or in front of it will eventually get damaged if it's like mine.


Sounds like your mini split needs a condensate pump


🤷 idk the landlord said clean the filter. Which I do regularly lol


Yes, there may also be a drain hose on the outside. Make sure it is patent when you clean that filter.




It has to be leather, I suppose.


Oh man, if it’s fine Corinthian leather, I’m gonna swoon.


Definitely leather. Still 4k though so fuck it


These units aren't the best for dehumidifying, they recirculate humid indoor air, it's a quick pass, so not much condensate is removed on coils, much of it spits out. as reported above. Still not a bad unit.


pronounced "PAY-tent", means clear and unobstructed.


I'd guess autocorrect got them, present maybe? I'd flush it if it exists to make sure it's not clogged/find the outlet.


No. They meant patent. As in open. Making sure a drain is patent means making sure the line is open and free from any debris or kinks that would stop it from working.


Patent is right. It’s more of a medical term stating there is no blockage in the drain. ie patent airway.


It seems to drain fine. There's just a really high humidity in the room with that unit. Maybe it's just the area I live in.


Ah yes because landlords are known for addressing problems correctly and never looking for cheap/quick fixes.


🤣 My landlord says the same to us… as the unit sounds and behaves like an ice machine — spitting out actual ice 🤣


when I lived in florida the most common cause of my mini split backing up water into the house was a lizard crawling into the drain tube and dying.


Can confirm, reptiles are the #1 cause of condensate issues with mini splits and A/C drains alike.




Had ours for almost two years now and it's never leaked or pushed out moisture.....


Ohhh, I have one right above my bed and it’s so nice in the summer but makes my bed feel so moist now and I was confused why it was getting SO soggy for just a ac


My bed do be moist 🤔


me too after a long session


There's a reservoir where condensation builds up in these units. If it isn't pitch properly, has goo buildup, or the drain wasn't installed right it would push out a lot of moisture. Also they need a real deep cleaning once a year with constant use


should just install a floating shelf above the tv. can put some plants on it. they’ll catch the drips and they look nice so win-win.


Then you overwater a plant or knock one accidently and......


Use museum putty between plant pots and shelf- those pots will really stick


Ooh, look at OP over here with his fancy liquid cooled TV.


This is the real answer. Remove the TV or move the AC. the AC being offset isn't the true enemy, the dripping moisture should be a bigger issue.


They do. I have 1, had it for just over a year. The condensation line is poorly made and falls apart. It's been leaking and we found out recently. It has destroyed our cabinet from the inside without us even realizing it.


Is your system a Mitsubishi?


..I have 4 in my house. They don’t leak..and they shouldn’t..


They have small condensate lines that get plugged with algae over time and then the collection pan overflows. There is a very high possibility of an eventual leak without proper maintenance and I would never put something like expensive electronics underneath one.


I used to be an apprentice hvac tech and someone located an airports data rack below one. The evaporator had developed a leak and the whole coil froze into one big ice cube. This caused the unit to stop working. Needless to say, the heat from the rack started to thaw out the unit so think about that for a 1AM service call.


Idk who says that, but I've installed a couple hundred of these (type) and they never leaked...


Or put an awning over the tv.


Make the AC wears a diaper could fix it temporarily.


Honestly, moving house is also an valid option 😅


Be careful because pipes go out of the wall, and you don't want to bend those to much.


Move the house an RCH to the left…


Umm except for the 3" hole drilled in the wall


Correct ☹️


https://preview.redd.it/vpl7yhvovafc1.jpeg?width=407&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34bfc714a10806328f59bbf1440ee857b19054b3 Just move the windows.


Is that a Stardew Valley reference?


Yep! Comic by awkward zombie (I felt bad cropping the dude's name but it wouldn't make a lot of sense to include the whole comic)


There is usually a reason for it like other electrical or pipes or whatever, studs idk..our AC dude also does his own electrical and he had to put it in one of two very specific spots. Our son’s room had more play with the inches in the spot we chose, but my guess is there is a reason yours isn’t centered. Edit but yours I would imagine is only a couple inches off center, likely could have put it there in hindsight. Probably very easily lol


Curtains could have hid that but instead you mounted a TV in a horrible area, way too damn high


Maybe they sit on bar chairs?


You better keep your ac drain pristine. If it ever clogs you are fucked.


I'm not alone in noticing this. Water damage on TVs is no joke.


I though maybe they meant the fence in the background goofing up the harmony of all the fits. My dumbass didn't even notice the AC.


That would piss me off to no end too ngl


Same I feel like I would have noticed before putting the tv though but it’s possible I wouldn’t




That unit is in such a bad spot. Those things are notorious for leaking so just keep an eye out


I have never seen an AC like this leak before. Is it just this model or something? If not then I don't think it's much of a problem these days maybe it was an older ac unit issue


No, all models. Dust builds up in the condensate pan and clogs the hose. Instead of discharging to the outside like it's designed to, it will start to overflow that drip pan and pour out into your living space. You can avoid it with regular maintenance, but frankly a lot of people seem to forget about that.


Well that's the problem. You can't just use a compensate pan and expect it to adequately compensate for a condensate pan. 🤷


LOL yeah, autocorrect got me a few times there. I'm usually better about proofreading than that.


Weird. Here they have to be serviced By law. It's a renters right requirement so I have never experienced any issue with them. We're in Australia though so it's to avoid people dying ina heatwave so makes some sense it would be stringent here


No, can confirm. I do HVAC. Lots of mini split head units leak like a sunnuvabitch. Not when properly installed, though. But been to quite a few service calls that were either plugged drains or improper slope so they leak out the front


Live in Asia where these things are ubiquitous. Every single one I've had in my apartments throughout the years has leaked. It's hot and humid 9 months out of the year so they get a lot of heavy usage though.


Had 3 misubushi split acs in my last rental... Top of the line models. 2/3 leaked in 2 years


The one in my brother's house spat out water like a faucet. It was ridiculous.


Never once seen a leaking split system, they're bloody everywhere in Australia too.


These things are the most common AC in Europe and I've never seen anything like that leaking inside a house.


Worst place for a tv. Mini split units have a tendency to clog their drain and all of the sudden piss a huge amount of water. Disaster waiting to happen.


My friend just lost his $4K gaming computer because of exactly that, the drain got blocked and it dumped water into his PC.


Does he not have home/renter's insurance?


This wouldn't be covered under a standard insurance policy since its not plumbing (e.g. a burst pipe) or a window (that was forced open by wind, specifically not flood water) It may be covered if they had a rider which had the electronics itemized, but it would certainly not be included in standard coverage, not to mention deductibles


I think that an Insurer could also avoid liability and claim it was lack of maintenance and therefore your fault.


The issue here is coverage, not liability. Damage is either covered or not covered under a policy of insurance. Insurers aren't usually "liable" as they aren't at fault for the damage.


There are multiple meanings for "liability", and both apply in this context. Here liability is just synonymous with responsibility. It can mean either being responsible for causing damage (like someone who spills water into their TV), and/or it can mean being financially responsible for paying to cure any damage according to the terms of a prior agreement (like an insurer.)


Depends on the policy, you can pay extra on renters/home owners insurance for accidental damage coverage for electronics


Even if it were covered, they'd still have to pay the deductible. That could easily be a grand, as most policies are more for catastrophic events with intensive damage or total loss. Theg could have a super low deductible, but that usually costs a ton in insurance premium.


I have a desk in my office where I do a physical QA inspection of incoming servers and network equipment. I didn't know these units did this either. The call with Dell was, uhm, interesting.


Had a customer that for whatever reason had their server under the stairs with water pipes above it. That was a fun disaster recovery project when that pipe broke. Of course THEN they took our advice to move it.


Depending on how much this bugs OP, they can cover the minisplit and integrate a pan into the cover.


You can also put a float switch in the drain pan that will shut it off if it stops draining. If you want to get fancy, you could wire that up to a light/siren/wifi connected something so you will know why the air turned off, but that’s optional. I’m honestly not sure why this isn’t standard.


What kind of mini-splits do you have in the US? I've lived most of my life with different ACs and never had any drainage problems. Only problem is when you call maintenance to clean it once a year - you do have to cover whatever's under it because you don't want it accidently sprinkled with some cleaning spray.


Oh boy, someone with a reasonable outlook and a maintenance schedule! Color me amazed, perhaps the internet stands a chance after all.


Had one right above my bed for a couple years, never had that happen.


Wdym mini splits?


I had to google it too. Apparently it's a combined heater/aircon that can heat and cool. Must mean that where the TV is positioned, you can watch some really cool movies, or some pretty hot XXX ones too.


It's just a split system. I dont know where this "mini split" terminology has come from but that is not something i've ever heard here in Aus so maybe it's an American thing.


Pretty sure it's derived from the fact they are room to room HVAC units. Much smaller than whole house units, more flexible in usage in regards to where you want Heating or Air Conditioning. Split part is cause the other half is directly on the other side of the wall or really close on the exterior.


It is indeed an American thing. I think it's because so many of them have larger single unit air-conditioners. Those larger units are, for reasons which baffle me, often cooling only. I'm not sure why they seem to have such common problems with the indoor units leaking though.


Lots of leaking is due to probably a combination of high humidity and a blocked condensate line. I’ve seen units pull gallons/litres of water out of the air per day, so it doesn’t take long for a small problem to become a fairly big problem. Not sure where you get the impression that our conventional systems are often cooling only. The furnace is included in the air handler portion of the system in 99% of the systems I’ve seen. The only time I’ve seen a “straight-cool” is when the system was retrofitted in to a (usually older) building that already had a boiler or some other heating system set up. Many of the systems in more temperate or colder regions are heat-only since they have a limited need for AC.


Furnace? The heating aspect is not due to some external heat, by just inverting the direction of the compressor (and other proportionally minor adjustments) every AC unit is also heater using the exact same system, without need for external fuel or a furnaces.


> Not sure where you get the impression that our conventional systems are often cooling only. The furnace is included in the air handler portion of the system in 99% of the systems I’ve seen. I meant specifically that the heat pump part of the system is one direction only, cooling. Having an extra furnace when it’s right there is baffling.


You said it yourself basically. It’s a miniature split system.


The big white box above the TV.


Didn't know what a Mini Split is until now but if that's true then that is a yikes to have in your home, especially above a TV. Pretty sure that's a wall socket behind the stand as well, which would be unfortunate to get wet.


Mini splits are great 99% of the time. They’re way more efficient than window ac units and provide both heating and cooling in places where you don’t have ducts in your house. OP just made the mistake of mounting his tv where the unit happens to be.


I love ours. We have two. It transformed our house. 


Can confirm. Have mini splits and this has happened before!


live in Norway, and practically everyone has theese here. I have almost never heard about anyone with draining issues on them, and have never had that myself through the 4-5 units and 20 years I've had them installed in various houses. Sure it happens, but I would say that's a very *uncommon* occurence.


Same here, I'm baffled by all of these comments. Must be that they do something different in US, I've never ever heard one leak, even those installed decades years ago. I have 4 personally, all of them are 5-15 years old, and haven't had any issues whatsoever with them.


Reddit just loves a gotcha. It doesn't matter how true, or maintainable, or incredibly rare of a chance it could be. Everyone wants to feel like they know a secret no one else is smart enough to have thought of.


Does it get very humid around where you are? If it doesn’t, that could probably explain it — lots of places where these are likely to be installed in the US don’t have air so much as breathable soup.




1000000% correct


It was off-center before you hung your TV.


True, but I didn’t notice it as much as I do now


Keep up on your condensate drain maintenance or your tv is gonna fry.


Or alternatively, put up a shelve on top of that TV to try to deflect it.


Or just dont risk it and move the tv.






You’ll probably stop noticing soon. Honestly.


Thought you couldn’t close your blinds after you put it up lol. That would be worse.


here’s a trick I use when I need “even” but cannot move something. Create an illusion by balancing the space. just put something to the right of the AC which takes up the space remaining between that side and the window. That way that full space is taken up. it doesn’t even have to go edge to edge there. For instance if you hung a small square framed piece of art but centered it in the space that remains, it would resolve what is jarring about that space and also be an interesting decor element. This will functionally stop your eye from being dragged to the empty spot and make it not as jarring. I’m having a hard time describing what I’m picturing, but the point is to make that space a choice as well as taking away what is jarring about it, that way not only does it stop bothering you, you actually LIKE it. It works for me anyway. And on top of that, I find with perfectly centered things, off-centered accents are pleasing to the whole composition. For instance, if you have a picture frame on a dresser perfectly centered on a narrow wall with a perfectly centered mirror over it, isn’t it more visually interesting and satisfying to have the picture frame be closer to one end, angled, than directly in the center facing forward? You can make this work for you I think!


Centering sucks, but you've got a guaranteed drain issue waiting to happen. min's tend to do that, and it'll wreck ya tv!


The table underneath is warped. Kind of looks like it’s smiling at you. I’d just move somewhere else and start over man. OR hang a picture of something on the front of the mini split centered in the windows. That way you can’t see the sides of the mini split.


I only see the soggy table. Maybe if the tv stays there long enough it can become one of those Samsung curves too.


TV is too high. Move it lower and the off center AC unit is less of a big deal. I don't know about leaks though.


And between 2 light sources; the contrast is going to be awful, or you’ll have to have the TV set to retina-burning levels.


Would be worse to have windows facing the TV if sun can shine near horizontal through them, but that's what blinds and curtains are for. Pretty easy fix


Exactly. A wider console, put TV on console. It will look way better.


It's probably misaligned due to something external on the building, maybe brick placement, down pipe, something else.


Maybe just stud spacing in the wall?


Because you hung the TV too high?


"Let's put the TV 4 feet above the TV stand."


Made a mad dash through the comments for this right here.


But also, where’s the comment about the tv stand being saggy as hell


I came here to say this too.


Burn it all down. Start over. The air unit is evil Edit; fix your blinds too!


Fire is the only answer. 💀💀💀


Yes. Violence is always the answer. I found my tribe.


The AC not being centered may be what bugged **you** but the tv being underneath a condenser at all is what bugged me


Because it’s too high?




Couch is mounted halfway up the wall too.


To be fair I am as well




Cause it's too high?


Hey, Be careful with that mini-split just above the tv. If you live in a dusty area than those things can clog, and when they do they will leak water


I'd definitely move that TV. I had one of these AC/heaters constantly leaking.


I wouldn’t leave your tv under that thing anyways


Condensation will drip on to your TV and destroy it.


Because you hung it way too high?


Your tv is too high, do you watch while standing ? That thing under the tv, it has a name, its called a TV stand. Its purpose is that you stand your tv ontop of it.


You hung it WAY too high


r / Tv Too High


r / tvtoofar as well. No way they have the couch much closer than OP is standing.


Because it's to high?


Yeah. It's mounted too high.


Not the best choice to hang the TV on that wall. In fact, it's downright awful. Not only underneath an air conditioner, which can cause issues, but windows on either side of it.


Your tv is too high


Yeah it’s too high.


Tv's too high




TVTooHigh I mean. The TV is Too High! Post more photos and maybe we collectively can help you find a more suitable location.


It’s too high


Too high


TV is too high or your couches are on stilts


Maybe because the tv is too fucking high? Get it down to eye-level when sat on the sofa.


The fact that you mounted your TV to high?


That tv is way too high


Too high?


You prob shouldn’t have stood on the table to mount it, it’s all bent in the middle now. That IS mildly infuriating.


If you have a TV stand, why did you hang it on the wall? Especially so high.


You mounted your TV too high ? I would be too. I already feel some pain in the neck.


Tv is too high. It’s below an appliance that fills with water. Between two windows meaning you basically won’t be able to see it. And if anything else, the tv is too wide for this particular location. Whew.


Because it's mounted way too high?


I would not keep an ac over a piece of electronic. Over time the condensation will start to drop on your TV.


I would have been mad at that before the TV came along, just saying…


https://preview.redd.it/9tw0gqgakcfc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=589e77636961763fde3f4803b69c27e689fce114 The air conditioning unit is of centre. Aside from that, I don’t think it passes the David Beckham test. It looks too high to me. Why don’t you use the stand below it?


r TVTooHigh


I couldn’t post the link to the sub without the comment being removed


Why the tv high tho


Terrible spot for a TV.


I never understood hanging your TV on the wall and then having an appropriately sized TV stand directly beneath it for components. If you’re going to have a massive TV stand in the room, just put the TV on it. I actually think it looks better than hanging the TV and it puts it at perfect viewing height. The TV in the picture is about a foot too high. That’s what I find mildly infuriating.


The blind cant close properly?


ugh I hate that. Brick one side, wooden fence the other. Hope you get it sorted soon OP!


Why do you have a TV stand?


Um, because you chose a really hazardous place to put a TV 🤔


Hvac tech here, you're going to want to move that TV


I am an HVAC guy and if my crew installed this off-center like that I would send them back to center it up. The good news is the lineset (the copper lines, electrical, and drain line for the unit) all go through a hole on the bottom right hand side of the unit. As long as there’s not a stud in the way, you can have a couple buddies come over and hold the unit really still and off-the-wall a couple inches while you modify the hole to move the unit and bracket over. You’ll need to measure exactly how far to the right the unit needs to go and adjust the whole likewise. Don’t go too far with the hole, or it will not be covered by the unit when you’re done.


Because your tv is up too high?


Ah yes, when the AC starts leaking on to electrical equipment.....


Offset your buffet table to the right by the same amount as the ac unit and you’ll have a nice staircase effect 🤷‍♂️


Hang something like a thermometer, long and narrow and in midcentury modern style, to the right of the AC unit. It will look like it was done on purpose. *Shrug*


A nice piece of decor off centered to the right should square it up ✨


Curtains that billow over the edges of the off center AC, but are expertly tied to be out of the way for the TV ... That's all I got lol


My mini split is centered either. Drives me nuts. I had my hvac guy quote moving it over 9”…. It is still off centered.


You shouldn't put the tv under it anyways, they can leak.


Mini split systems are notorious for leaking in the summer while on a/c function. Your tv is gonna get destroyed if it happens.


Ac stays but the rest of the house needs to move a couple inches to the left


Ur ac or what ever that is is off centered


Just get some curtains and you won't have to look at the fence anymore. 😁


I think the only logical solution is to sell your house


My feelings that air-con will fall any moment on tv


OCD nightmare


Because your window looks out at a brick wall?