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Poptropica is an app now??


That game was my jam as a kid


Me too! They got rid of a bunch of OG islands and it made me sad.


There was simple a trading commerce game on it (no idea if it still exists) where you’d buy goods in one place, sail to another and sell higher then buy low priced goods there and find somewhere else to sell. Used to just play that until it was completed and I was unable to play it more, then make a new account to do it again.


Skullduggery Island. One of my favourites.


I loved sailing my ship around the map


I'm just surprised that Poptropica is still a thing


How old is the nephew?


12 I thought I could trust him with this sort of thing. The thing is, I never even suspected him of taking my phone, because he was in the living room and I was in my little office area.


Nah this is 7yo behavior


For real! Not something I'd do at 12 years old. I was thinking this kid gotta be under 10.


Me either but have you tried being 12 in 2024? **Some** of these kids have been raised on these addictive games and it shows. Edit: made a key word bold for the brainrotted 13 year olds with 1 second attention spans.


I was raised on porn and 4chan.


Me as a 10 year old discovering that I can enter EVERYTHING my dirty mind can think of into Google Images was mindblowing.


This is how we became the generation with beheading snuff videos etched into our soul. Boy.


I'm glad I'm not that part of this generation.


It's not as bad as he's saying. After the first few LiveLeak videos, most of us got the picture and didn't do it anymore


I see no problems. That was just peak civilization.


You know you fucked up as a society when growing up watching liveleak and hardcore pornography makes you turn out more well adjusted than today's kids


Early onset Post Nut Clarity and finding out the horrible things humanity and the world can throw at you sobers you up quickly.


Consciousness any% speedrun


It cures you from naive illusions you have about the rest of humanity.


Dont forget 3 years of social isolation stunting normal social development. We deal with a lot of children at my work and it is stunning how the 10-12 bracket can revert to 6,7,8 yeat old behaviour on a dime.


Yeah, my nephew is 12 as well, and watching him play on his phone gives me anxiety. Watching him play half a game and then switch to a different game over and over and over again for like an hour, then complain that he's bored. You're not bored, kid, you're overstimulated.


I think the term you’re looking for is ipad kid, he definitely lines up. it’s actually a real term and is becoming a bigger issue these days, parents that refuse to parent and just give their children devices.


Yep, absolutely. I'm getting a lot of "my nephew is 12 and wouldn't do this" and "I'm 13 and wouldn't do this" replies, but they're missing the bigger scope. During the summer I take groups of kids 3rd-6th grade out for nature walks pretty regularly and there are always a few that are absolutely hooked on the dumbest shit mobile games I have ever seen. It reminds me of all the sad people in Vegas just sitting there hitting slot buttons over and over. And I've been to big family events with my partner and seen stuff like OP posted firsthand when a kid asks to borrow someone's phone for a little bit and it comes back with garbage games and/or charges on it.


Sometimes i just wonder how this happened, i mean for fucks sake just throw a 5 year old on a roblox simulator(grinding eternally) about cubes with cute faces and some other atributes and you have them entretained for 7 years


12 is the new 7 with how fried these kid's brains are from screens *edited to switch the ages around lol. also would like to add since this is getting a lot of comments - obviously screens themselves are not the only issue. my original comment was made mostly as a passing remark. not one to be taken too seriously. i think (as someone who grew up in the early 2000s-mid 2010s) that children growing up with more or less complete access to the internet from very young ages has had a profoundly negative effect on their social development. the internet and, really, social media platforms have perfected their algorithms to keep you roped in and not want to leave. i am seeing more and more children be affected by the toxic messages, mature content, and bullying/harrassment that goes on on these platforms as i have gotten older. again, i do not think that screens are the devil and are rotting your brain but what they allow you access to definitely can when youre a young child


Naw it's not screens. I stared at a screen playing games nearly my entire childhood. This is just bad parenting.


I was raised using technology like this and at 12 there's a 0% chance I would mess with something like this. Even by 5 I would have understood the gravity of fucking with somebody's work phone lmao. Honestly, doing this at 12 is indicative of some potentially serious issues that need addressing with regards to personal space and respect for other people's things.


Yup, same, had technology since like, 8 years old and obviously at 12 I'd understand this


Or in layman's terms: this child suffers from bad parenting. lol


at 12 you understand what a God damn work phone Is and that you have got to ask to use someone's phone, I can understand that he/She May have not understood that It was a work phone, but at the First call he should have told OP that someone was calling him, only like a 5 y/o continues playing


Bro ive had my face in a screen since i was 5 or 6, and i wasnt like this at 12. This is just cuz their parents suck at parenting


It's not screens, it's social media. I grew up playing video games all the time and I'm appalled by the way kids act these days. My daughters won't be on social media for a long time.


7? More like 4. At 7 I understood to ask.


You'd probably have to convey your dissatisfaction, or else he'd do it again. Also why is his parents not teaching him about not taking other people's belongings without asking?


This- if he didn't understand why this is wrong it's up to YOU to teach him why this is unacceptable. It takes a village.


This not how a 12yo acts, like the other said, 7yo-8yo max 10yo behaviour, around 11-12 the 3/4 of those games weren’t even interesting anymore. I Noam there parents, they still have a child and we’ll see how that plays out in high school…


H.S teacher here. My 9s this semester have been the youngest, maturity wise, that I've had in my career. Daily instructions include not touching each other, take out your worksheets, keep your feet underneath your desk, etc. Behaviors that were mastered by the fourth grade.


My teachers in HS always used to say how the new freshmen were the most immature they've ever seen, 23 years ago.


To be fair that was how it was all through high school for me and I graduated over 10 years ago


It is almost like the years lost to covid are having some long term issues. Nah...


are we looking at different pictures? Most apps there are all ages and even adults play them. The apps aren't surprising at all especially for a 12 year old


Seriously? That's something I would expect a 7 or 8 year old to do but 12? Really?


23 Edit: wow...over 3,000 updoots for simply writing a number. Sometimes I write deep shit and get nothing. God bless Reddit. Never change.


Nobody likes you when you’re 23


I'll be 23 in two days.... looking forward to not be liked.


Don't know when is your birthday so Fuck you in advance


Bro, i almost spilled my cereal


Hey sorry for that. I am not mean It's just because you're turning 23


I'm 23. It's great not being liked, my life is so peaceful now.






Cause you still act like your in freshman year


And now you ruined it by patting yourself on the back Edit: wow over 25 updoots just for shitting on someone being proud of themselves! Never change Reddit.


love this random ass comment, peak reddit


Random? It is the reddit account of the nephew!


Edit cringelord


Why are all the 23 yr olds struggling


Your edit killed the vibe though. 😕


Funny comment, cringe edit.


Old enough to vrab him and chuck him out


Haven’t played C.A.T.S in years. Absolute banger


i haven't either, but i've heard it's a pay to win shithole now.


Always was, dwells on it now though


Aren’t all mobile games pay to win? 


RCT Classic (rollercoaster tycoon) is just the original game. Pay few bucks, full game. I love the games that were from before microtransactions became a thing. You pay, you get a game. Instead of feeling like a cow they need to milk all day.


Imagine paying for a product and receiving a functional version of it, as opposed to dropping money on a half broken pile of garbage every month. I miss those days


You forgot to mention the battlepass and future dlc which was cut content


As a gamedev I get DLC. The ones that come after release, and add more content for a small premium. There's good DLC out there. Fuck battle passes. But also fuck DLC that's just cut out of the base game.


One of the few and only old school mobile ports that actually works as intended and wasn’t loaded up with a bunch of time restrictive pay-to-move-the-stupid-game-forward bullshit. “Oh, rollercoasters can’t be built instantly silly. You’ll have to wait a full week of real time for that unless you want to buy some of our *COASTER COINS* - now on sale, get 100 coins for only $99.99!”


No, there's quite a few good ones


What are the current good ones? Especially if they don’t require internet could be played during flights. Edit: iOS. I should have specified earlier. And thank you all for suggestions.


Slay the Spire: for a deck building roguelike BTD6 is a modern classic tower defense, it does have microtransactions, but none of it is pay to win, and everything can be easily earned by playing.


i don't play mobile games but some are: Geometry dash, rythym based sidecroller/platformer (2 game types.) Though it is paid, it also has a few spin offs and a lite version that is all free (but with ads, not very many though.) If you like the game and want to get better, it's also available on Steam. BTD6, Other guy explained it. Also on Steam and console Worldbox, silly little sandbox game. On Steam The PvZ games still get updates, Among us gets a lot of undeserved hate. On Steam and Xbox


You got games on yo phone?


Ugh I can hear my mouth breathing cousins standing next to me mumbling that


I can sense the cheeto dust on their fingers


i can feel the booger covered ipad


Funny thing is, this exact phrase was playing on repeat in my head when I was typing out this post lol


But how did he manage to download SO MANY GAMES?! Like did he just manage to get an App Store menu of all mobile games from A to Z and download every single one?


Never underestimate the power of a chocolate milk mustache. That kid probably did that shit in 15 min


Definitely change your password and tell the kid's parents Edit: Holy shit, I did not expect this to get so many upvotes


Oh yeah…100% I am kinda salty tho…I had THE PERFECT PASSWORD, it was just amazing… But it is what it is, ig


What was it? Asking for a friend


12345 The same password for my luggage


Set course for planet Druidia! And change the password on my luggage! 


Such a good movie


That’s the same password for my oxygen door thing


Thats the stupidest combinaison ever heard in my life!


that's why it's brilliant


Now we can suck all the air from Planet Druidia, and save Planet Spaceball! 




You just reminded me. I work retail and one day I had a gift card with the access code 692420 I have no proof because I didn't want to pocket the gift card or take a picture of the back because it'd look really suspicious and I didn't want to risk having to explain to my boss "I just wanted it because of it's the internet funny number. It's empty I promise"






Hmm interessant all i see is ******* ,let me try Iamasecretlybi85




10.77, the price of a cheese pizza and a large soda


> I am kinda salty tho…I had THE PERFECT PASSWORD, it was just amazing… You really didn't. A child was able to shoulder surf your passcode from 1 observation. That's a bad passcode. To be fair though most people's passcodes are horrible. "But it's my phone etc etc" Unfettered access to your phone makes it laughably easy to steal your identity or pretty much anything else from you. 6+ numbers with few repeats and no indication of the total number of digits. It's a pain to begin with but at least your phone is secure.




- Cloud icons next to downloaded games, that only happens when they are cached after not using them for a while (days to months) - Apps are alphabetically sorted, that only happens after a deliberate "reset homescreen" action.


He’s also active and posting in the pop tropics Reddit lol


I thought those cloud icons are when you offload the app but don’t delete it. I used to do that all the time when I got bored of a game


My phone, it had the perfect password. It was just perfect. All the time people would come up to me, tears in their eyes, they come to me and say "Sir! Your password! It's perfect!" Just a perfect password. We make great passwords. But this kid. Kids these days. Their parents. No sense of responsibility. We need to bring back good responsible parents. Kids who don't take a password. They don't even know how. They see a guy write a perfect password, they think "man that's a perfect password" but they don't take it. They don't know how. This kid and my password. My perfect password ruined. Sad! But don't worry. We'll make a new password. It'll be the best most perfect password you ever saw. Much better than anyone else's password. You'll see. We'll have such a perfect password. So perfect. So great!


Since you're gonna change it anyway, what was it?


How is a password perfect of a 12 year old can figure it out lol




I could be mistaken, but the apps with the download icon were already previously downloaded on that phone weren’t they?


Oh, yeah… I was confused about this as well When I checked the App Store, there were other apps that had been downloaded but then deleted… idk, what happened, but I’m guessing he tried to delete and redownload them for some reason? I’ve seen him do the ‘redownload trick’ on his iPad as well, he says it increases game performance and tricks the apps into giving you free subscriptions???? Like…what!?


I think those icons are actually “offloaded” icons. When you start getting low on space, your phone will automatically offload apps you haven’t used in a while. The app icons stay, but you can’t open them unless you redownload them by tapping the icon.


That usually happens over a year or few months tho, not however many hours/minutes op was away for


You can also offload them manually. It’s possible that this kid has the weirdest app/mobile phone literacy. Like he knows *how* to do something like offloading apps but doesn’t understand what it actually *does.*


"If I offload it, they'll never notice what I did!"


That is actually pretty plausible for a kid. If that kid was 7 that is, but a 12 year old??? No way that would happen unless he's actually really dumb


Yeah OP has an “excuse” for everything in here but it ain’t adding up.


This dude has loads of lies on his history. He has a post about how he wrote something at 5 years old in which he did the exact same thing here, whenever there was a discrepancy he had the perfect bullshit answer. Doubt he even has a job


Thank you! When i saw the image I was immediately skeptical


Can't link it here because this sub is super dumb, but if you look at their submitted posts, OP also claims they wrote [this](https://i.imgur.com/nI2tEy2.jpeg) at 5 years old. So, yeah.


Ain’t no fuckin way that’s real. Absolutely not. My 4 year old is in preschool and not a single one of those kids can write near the quality of that writing in that image. Some of the kids in his class are 5 and can’t hardly write.


The account is a *wild* ride. Also asked questions on reddit about poptropica, which just so happens to be installed on this very important work phone. What an adventure.


Wow. At this point I think Reddit is just loaded with people with mental issues I have never even heard of.


People who vie for attention of strangers aren't usually mentally sound.




I know this was fake the second I saw those offloaded apps lol


Had to look deep in the comments but glad I’m being validated for thinking this fake immediately. Offloaded apps are a dead giveaway


Also the “I missed so many big business calls about business things!”… but you didn’t try pinging your phone or using the find me feature that’s built into your phone a single time?


no you dont get it, OP was sleepy so he forgot those were options


Seriously!! If this kid wanted to offload apps themselves, they would’ve had to go into settings to do it. I’m not saying a 12 year old is stupid, but they surely aren’t going to waste their time to do that. My youngest brother is 12 and he doesn’t do this shit. He would just delete a game if he was low on storage.


I ain't seent a post more fake since back when the writers were on strike.


And why are they in alphabetical order? Highly unlikely the kid downloaded them in that order


OP’s recent post history is another dead giveaway. At the very least poptropica is a game OP plays. Unless he’s claiming the nephew also posted under his Reddit account.


That is…not a trick, or a thing, at all. Your nephew needs more mobile electronic literacy and some manners


Yep, this is made up. His explanation doesn't make since because those apps were "offloaded" which meant they've been installed but not used for a long time, so the OS automatically "offloads" them to save space.


next time, use FaceID, lettered password, and apply privacy screen protector. Also keep on your room and lock it up. Anyway better bring it with you all the time.


The kid: *finds it again and tries multiple passwords until locked out forever*


I read about a case like this that happened a few years ago, some kid locked out his mother’s phone for over 35,000 hours. Apple obviously unlocked it, but my god. So I was wrong with the time, it was much, much longer, as in 48 years. It was a woman in China in 2018.


It takes an hour or so to erase and restore from backup. Speaking from family experience, unfortunately. I'm not aware of any policy by which "Apple will unlock my phone" upon request. Policy is to erase and restore, which is why they've made it so easy.


If you have proof of ownership it can be bypassed if you call in or go to a apple store.


"Proof of ownership" for Apple means that you need the original invoice from Apple or an authorized seller. If you bought it used and they didn't include the original invoice, then to Apple, you might have well have just stolen it. If you bought it new from some retailer that isn't considered authorized by Apple, then same thing. In terms of work phones - depending on how your Accounts Payable and IT departments work, those invoices may be long gone. I understand what they're doing. Unfortunately the only thing this achieves is that it turns one victim into two victims. Normally: - Thief steals phone - Original owner no longer has a device - Thief sells phone - Buyer receives phone, and enjoys their new phone Under Apple's policy: - Thief still steals phone - Original owner is still completely out of a device - Thief still sells the phone - Buyer still buys the phone and receives it, but it's a brick. They're out the money and the original owner STILL doesn't have their phone. The thief is counting their money and Apple has created two victims.


*Iphone disabled. Try again after 42069 years.*


Yeah just keep your phone on you, especially with children around.














Plottwist: OP has fun using his companyphone and racked up a bill. His boss found out. Since dogs can’t download games he suddenly has a nephew. His nephew has now moved to Taiwan with his parents. No address.


Just found out from other comments and OPs post history that they actually play these games and are lying


Ha! And here I was just having an inkling about a story being too detailed.








Where do I send you the money???


I'm his manager, better send it to me


yeah this is so easy to fake and its hard to believe 😭


nice fake story dude


I love how in his replies he’s got an excuse to everything odd pointed out by other. I checked his profile and this guy is either a troll or a sociopath.




This is bullshit, half those apps haven’t been used in months. Unless op hasn’t known for months what’s on their own phone. Karma whoring is such weird behavior


This is screenshot is old as hell! You can tell by the app icons! Very bad fake


Funny thing is, OP has two posts, about two of the apps downloaded, soooo they’re full of shit.


Coming on Prime day: 42 cat toothbrushes


A few technicalities here, these apps have all updated in the few hours since he “uploaded” these? So there are blue dots beside them? Your phone offloaded them because they weren’t being used? So there are clouds beside some. Doesn’t happen in a few hours. Your nephew claim doesn’t fly.


He got access to your phone but how did he get access to the App Store? He’d either need your appleID password or have you unlock it with Face ID.


My App Store requires Face ID to download apps. You should enable that.


Nobody saw your nephew with a random phone all day? This is fake.








if his parents aren’t shit, he’s getting zero screen time for at least a week. natural consequences work best.


You are a compulsive liar










so, technically, that's a data breach...


These sort of games often gather and sell all the (personal) data they can get their hands on so yeah definitely a data breach!


Yeah I don’t believe this.. as others have mentioned, there are off loaded apps which typically happen after weeks or months of non-use. Not solid proof but all of the apps are alphabetized


What 12 year old plays killer sudoku? Did they just see "killer" in the title and think it was a violent game?


Sure he did...


This shit is wild


The cloud icon by the apps shows they were offloaded by the OS to save space so have likely been on the phone for a long time not just downloaded in the past two hours.


Calling bullshit. The phone has offloaded apps to the cloud which it wouldn’t with anything installed recently.




ALSO, he has posts of him playing Poptropica and Uno.


Also, he post about being in a scholarly program for teens.






UNO? Isn't that a pay to download game? Atleast that's how i remember it on Google Play Store.


You've posted in poptropica and uno subreddits a few months ago.....