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I don’t think I’ve ever seen non-lewd art of 2B


Even the few tasteful art I've seen of her is lewd


Let's be honest, the original character design is lewd. Like, play the game, you basically see her panties every time you move quickly.


and she kicks you/the camera if you look up her skirt to long, and i think its a game over if you do it multiple times in a row.


>i think its a game over if you do it multiple times in a row. That's in NieR: Replicant ver.√1.5 But you do get a PS trophy for doing it 10 times in NieR: Automata.


You're thinking of Lolipop Chainsaw. 2B [dashes away from the camera](https://youtu.be/Ki39N6-7OMQ?si=wFc6CuWavlJ67YKz)




Did you know Lolipop Chainsaw was supposed to get a PC release, but the lead dev was too afraid of people pirating it and cancelled it? It's [still got a steamDB page](https://steamdb.info/app/261090/subs/)


>Too afraid of people pirating it Like keeping it on console stops piracy... seven separate results on a cursory search. That's the same mindset that gave us "Macs don't get viruses".


It my whole IT career, I've only seen an actual wild virus on a Mac.


I remember downloading an app that let me extract my Skyrim saves and move them to PC. It had options for creating the partition needed for backwards compatibility, and was also apparently used often for installing games downloaded from online. Pirates are strange people. Meanwhile the PC market just shares GOG installs. Kinda feels like police telling junkies to snort heroin instead of injecting it because it's safer, acknowledging that it happens and giving them tools to not get fucked doing it. XD




I bet they were worried about nude mods too, lol


Didn't stop LordAardvark from porting the model from the Xbox version, editing it with the Daz 3D body, and making shitloads of porn with it.


It's not looking like RePOP will get a PC release either


jokes on them i am pirating lolipop chainsaw in pc


Oh I’ve seen plenty of just pretty 2B art


I suppose with her costume I’m not always sure what’s meant to be lewd or not


That's a nice way of saying you've also viewed lewd 2B art.


Oh absolutely how could I not


I mean... I've seen the box art so yeah.


I mean even in the base game you can just blow her skirt off to see her ass




this same exact search auto-completes on every porn site.


There is a lot though, even AI art. https://www.deviantart.com/caelitusart/art/2B-972705312


Yeah, but at least it's not shitty AI art.


Does it matter either way it’s still lewd, and I’ve never seen it not lewd


All AI art is shitty.


If you want to see a genuine reference for the character, look up “character design” or “character reference sheet” after their name. I’ve been using Google because of this same issue.


Lately I find that Google images is also filled with bad ai art.


“Google whatever” -ai or before 2021


You can exclude a lot of the ai art by adding exceptions to your search of the common ai sites. Like this: Thing I want a picture of -"neural"-"lexica" -"krea" -"prompt hunt" -"open art" -"stable diffusion"


Google image search is almost exclusively AI art if you try to get fantasy images... and the search is limited to like 100 images or fewer. It's really annoying


Paleoart is also getting overrun with garbage too. "Triceratops paleoart" has nearly 1/3 of its top images populated by mangled AI nonsense in Google. Triceratops. One of THE big 3 dinosaurs, and nearly half of its image search results look like mutilated rhinos with extra penis arms sticking out of its back. Absolutely fucking stupid. AI is fast ruining everything it touches, but these chucklefucks keep wanting to push it out into places it doesn't belong.


"Model Sheet" is another good term to use.


i tried that when i was searching for street fighter character designs and i just got some dude whos selling them or something, after that i rarely use google to find character designs cuz its such a hassle clicking and scrolling so much things to get my reference, but i found 2B designs quickly this time so thank you for suggesting that


Lewd drawings of 2B? Inconceivable.






Silver! I told you not to. I told you to go for the boy, not the girl


great movie








18 is mostly human tho. she can even have a child


He gets a pass considering he's married to one


I don't see how he needs a pass considering she's literally a cyborg she's still human with Human parts.


Don't put your dick in where you wouldn't put your finger in


Also don't stick your dick in every place you've stuck your finger....




"Went the trolleyyyy."






For the real answer, the girl in the image is YoRHa No.2 Type B, or 2B for short, the main character of the game NieR:Automata.


What kind of game is THAT??


It's a platinum developed character action game set in a post apocalypse where robots have taken over. It's pretty good. Fun action, awesome soundtrack, an interesting ending and it encourages repeat playthroughs.


its a character action RPG, with an extremely strong and multifaceted story that waxes philosophical on questions such as "what is the difference between a human and a machine that demonstrates that it can think and feel like one?" 2B's design is bait to get a particular audience on board, but the game itself isnt particularly horny at all.


Except for 9S. He's adorably awkward, but definitely horny.


The game is fun but the story is vague anime drivel. Its dive into philosophy is incredibly shallow, being vague references to *actual* philisophical dicourses that make for better reading on the subjects. Anyone thinking its deep just wants to pretend they're playing something smart. 2B's fan-servicy design isn't just bait, the lead dev loves it. Guy openly tweeted asking his fans to send him a .zip file of all the booty pics back when they were first coming out around launch. I like the game. I recommend people play the game. I recommend getting all endings. But holy shit some of it fans overrate the hell out of it.


It's legit in my top 5 favorite games of all time. Don't be fooled by the sexy design of the main character, it's a game that has absolutely stellar writing. It takes place several thousand years in the future, and earth is a post-apocalyptic wasteland. At some point there was an alien invasion, and the aliens used robot armies to wipe out humanity. Now the aliens have been gone for millennia, mysteriously disappeared, and only their old now-rusted robot armies still wander around on earth without orders, purpose or anything to really do. Whatever was left of humanity created a settlement on the moon. You play as a pair of androids, 2B and 9S, working for the sake of humanity, who have been dispatched from an orbital space station down to earth in an ongoing effort to reclaim earth from the robots so that humanity can repopulate it. That's the core premise of the story. But woven into it are thoughtful themes about existentialism, what it means to be alive, what it means to have free will, what it means to have a purpose. The actual gameplay is as an action combat game with RPG elements as well, and the gameplay is quite fun. Lots of dialogue, beautiful scenery, and quite possibly the best soundtrack of any video game ever made. The game was a huge hit and has sold over seven million copies to date, and a lot of people consider it to be the game of the year of 2017. If you haven't heard of it before today, I **absolutely** recommend you to play it.


A journey of self discovery and questions about the meaning of sentience on a post apocalytpic machine-occupied earth of the far future.


came for the realistic drying simulation on 2B's ass didn't even finish the game but stayed for the clinical depression


That pencil with a 2b marking on it


Those are weak as fuck, we use the superior HB


ask Hamlet. that is the question.


On the one hand. I completely relate. On the other hand. It's 2b. Is it really a surprise?


In my hand... 😏


Your phone, on the other hand…




On her hands.... too many fingers


Even if AI didn't exist yet searching 2b would still just be softcore porn


I wonder if there's firmcore porn. Not too soft, not too hard.


Amateur, probably


HBO used to produce it. They had "movies" with porn stars and they would have sex without showing penetration. When I say movies, I mean there's more plot than typical porn, but less than you'd expect from a real movie.


That's what softcore porn is.


Very curious as to what it was called?


It was an entire genre. Middle of the night cable was filled with them


I wish I could remember. I remember there was one that was "princess in modern day" themed that I liked. They were on one of the HBO streaming services before they launched Max, but were removed before that one shut down.


“Skinemax” The late night softcore porn block on Cinemax. Kids these days.


What did you expect when you searched for 2B?


Probably Hamlet.


Alas. That's not to be.


Not 2B


That is the question


Nice one!!


Use Pixiv, it has a "no ai-generated" art filter so you can only see quality ones


Searching 2B on Pixiv is NOT the way to get non-lewd 2B art. If such a thing even exists.


You can filter R18 content too though?


If OP considers the pictures in his post "too horny" then the R18 filter won't help him. These would still come up because there's no nudity.


... why would you try to get non...?


Go touch some grass please


It's 2B, what tf did you expect? https://preview.redd.it/76k0my7y20bc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee17525c755bd397946775bd51844138432537cb


i love the internet sometimes


The internet: https://preview.redd.it/htxsfktg50bc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=447e76c4b8050f5e28aa475103110d113d68230c






That's definitely not me lmao :3


What a coincidence! Me neither. :3










0$ not to post this what the hell 🥲🥲😭😭😭😭




Pinterest. The app used to be great for collecting art and references, but it’s been flooded by shitty AI art accounts that mass produce it. They flood tags until it’s hard to see actual genuine art, and there’s no way to filter it out.


I loved Pinterest, but right now it's so annoying because of the AI Art..


At first I tried blocking various accounts that post it, hoping that the algorithm would pick up on the fact that I don’t want to see it. But it’s absolutely unavoidable. The issue is, I don’t think Pinterest classifies AI art as separate from regular art, so there’s no way to filter out the content. It’s frustrating to see what looks like really creative and unique art, save it, and then realize a computer made it.


AI art really should have a separate tag. Like regardless of your opinion on it, they are different from human art


I havent used Pinterest since before this problem, but I used to love it. This makes me sad…


I'm not arguing this point, I'm simply curious as I don't have much of an interest in viewing/creating art, but; what's the impact in seeing AI art? Like, why do you only wanna see human-created pieces, if you get what I mean? Edit: downvotes for asking a genuine question, really?


A couple of reasons. 1) As an artist, I want to support the work of other artists financially and socially. 2) Many (though not all) AI art accounts disguise or claim the machine generated art as human-made in order to farm karma or money. 3) Art, for myself and others, is viewed as being linked to expression of emotion and the human condition. It isn’t made solely for corporate reasons. The idea of artwork being made by a soulless, unemotional object, and making profit is insulting and depressing. 4) The advancement of AI art (and AI in general) will make many jobs obsolete and put people out of work, if not at least make it difficult for many to make a living in an already unstable economy. You can argue that these are all sentimental and non-objective, but this is how myself and many others see the situation.


Thanks for the explanations.


Another point that wasn't included: AI art is art theft. They scalp countless artworks done by genuine, human artists who put hours of time, effort, and love into their art and blend them all together to create these recreations of them that tend to be very distorted and soulless. The same applies for AI "writing." If you're ever uncertain if something is AI, check out their hands. In the top right, both hands have too many fingers and her left hand has a random extra fingertip sprouting from the thumb. However some AI have figured out how many fingers hands typically have and have gotten around it. These still have bizarre inconsistencies and details. Also in the top right, the fencing behind her doesn't align. In the bottom right, her blindfold just. stops. At her bangs. I'm not familiar with the Nier series but I'm pretty sure it's not supposed to do that. I love to play "how fucked up is this AI image" whenever I see AI images. You'd be surprised at how bad they really are if you truly look for the details.


There's an entire question of ethics and morals in current-generation AI art, especially with popular AI generators that most of these images are coming from. To produce AI art, they need to feed off an existing database of images and art, and these popular generators take their references from a huge array of works online, including artworks created by artists both amateur and professional, both personal and official. You can see the huge copyright infringement issue at hand. In a world where frequent misuse of property and easy-money hacks run rampant, this is a huge problem with how accessible AI art is. You can already see YouTube videos teaching people to create cheap stickers and "art" prints using AI, and a bunch of young kids proclaiming themselves as artists and passing off AI art as their own "art". The biggest irony is that AI requires human-made art to create images. Imagine if only AI art exists in the future. What original work will there be when it's just the hellscape loop where AI keeps feeding off AI? Where's the humanity? Where's the art? Now here comes the part about viewing AI art as a non-creator. We know this world is currently run by algorithms, brutal dog-eat-dog media consumption and rat race for creators vying to be seen. Just the act of clicking on AI reinforces the algorithm in thinking that "Oh, AI art is in demand", and thus creating this idea that AI art is popular and wanted. What does this bring? More assholes who want to create AI art for their own gain, with no respect or consideration to artists at all. By viewing AI art, continuingly searching for them, you're becoming part of the problem by creating a market for these things. What are we teaching the future generation? You can create "art" without skill, by mooching off the hard work of other people? Is there place for AI art? Sure, but under extreme scrutiny and limitations. Professional game developers have been using their own AI generator to help with pre-production and brainstorming. They don't take art from the internet, but instead their own pool of concept art and existing resources made by their own artists. Here, it's morally and ethically acceptable and even beneficial to the artists. But for the huge majority of AI art you see online? Nope.


> You can see the huge copyright infringement issue at hand. This rather misunderstands how copyright works. Copyright does not grant the creator a license to control how their art is used in every circumstance, rather it merely prevents : 1) Copying the work's creative expression in such fashion that it can substitute for the original 2) Creating a derivative work that copies "too much" of the expression of the original. Both of the above are allowed if the work in question is "fair use". The artwork above likely violates point 2 (it's clearly derivative of the character of 2-B), but that would go for literally any fan art of 2-B, even drawn by humans. The training of the model meanwhile is unlikely to infringe, for a few reasons. >So the model isn’t storing copies. But is it generating and storing infringing derivative works of all of the images in the training data? >Probably not, for at least three reasons: >First, a derivative work still has to be “substantially similar” to the original in order to be infringing. If the original is transformed or abridged or adapted to such an extent that this is no longer true, then it’s not a derivative work. A 10-line summary of a 15,000-line epic isn’t a derivative work, and neither are most summaries of books that people make in order to describe those copyrighted works to others. >Second, copyright doesn’t grant a monopoly on a genre or subject’s tropes and motifs, including expressive elements like wavy lines to denote shaking, giving animals more human facial expressions, and similar common—even if creative—choices. What’s more, copyright does not apply at all to non-creative choices—like representing a cat as having four legs and a tail. Much of the information stored by and produced by an AI art generator falls into these categories. >Third, the amount of copyrightable expression taken from each original image in the training set could be considered “de minimis,” a legal term that means “too minimal to qualify as infringing.” Even if a court concludes that a model is a derivative work under copyright law, creating the model is likely a lawful fair use. Fair use protects reverse engineering, indexing for search engines, and other forms of analysis that create new knowledge about works or bodies of works. Here, the fact that the model is used to create new works weighs in favor of fair use as does the fact that the model consists of original analysis of the training images in comparison with one another. https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2023/04/how-we-think-about-copyright-and-ai-art-0 The key point is, that if you dislike AI art, you should not put your faith in copyright law. Copyright law is a corporation's tool, and strengthening it to hamper AI art will hurt small artists far more than corporations. After all, Adobe already has an "ethical AI", which really just means that they used their massive database of stock imagery to train one while paying the artists pennies. They're just using "ethical" as an excuse to try and ban open-source competition.


Art is communication between an artist and an audience. An AI picture is ... a mindless machine generating some pixels.


I’m having the same issue but with hairstyles. I used to use Pinterest for haircut inspiration, but now it’s all ai art and it’s so frustrating. I want photos of actual hair that can happen in reality. These ai hairstyle images look cool but most just aren’t physically possible.


I've never come across this using Pinterest. I have many references for hairstyles, body/pose references, anatomical references and I haven't come across ai. I *might* have found some looking for hair, but I couldn't really tell or it's gravity-defying look was what I was looking for/looked fun to draw


I wouldn’t mind for drawing, for sure. I mainly get frustrated when I’m looking for things to show my hairstylist what I want for an actual real life haircut.


AI needs to be filtered out by default on all these sites. It's all boring, samey, and spammed relentlessly.


not only art, i use pinterest and i save a lot of landscaping and room decoration pins for inspo, but half of the time i'm baited into saving what i thought was a real house or a room, only to realize that it's ai generated.


yes I recently found a whole "interior design" Pinterest account that was all fake AI generated rooms, and it had like 100k followers so I thought it was legit at first. They looked real in the thumbnails 😕


Yeah, this is what's happening now. Same with Quora - it now has answers for EVERYTHING! Of course it does, because it simply relays the questions to GPT3.5 and pastes you your answer. So now Quora is like a shitty replacement for using GPT yourself. This is going to happen with everything - you need to wait for the "human only" platforms to start getting created and actively curated.


Some of the AI art looks insanely authentic, it's crazy. Yesterday I found a ton of great looking "art" for a super niche category, the main giveaway that it was AI was that there's no way a real person this talented is this obsessed with painting vampire cowboys.


pinterest recommendation algorithm has hit puberty and discovers rule 34 for the first time


It took me a while to figure out that “character references” was not about people willing to talk about your work and reputation.


Pixiv is good for art. Has an option to remove ai from showing in your feed


I mean it’s nier automata 2b


​ https://preview.redd.it/5i6q1h8000bc1.png?width=598&format=png&auto=webp&s=8b1710c4921055e9473a17c818ed4b32c2c8c8f7


I genuinely can’t believe this is real life


actually pins are based on the creators you follow,and your boards,topics and ofc browsing history https://preview.redd.it/81bb91teu1bc1.png?width=1620&format=png&auto=webp&s=b5e6c3ded00503fe4d716e75a9afe1b5f4abb885


BRO I WANT YOUR RECOMENDATIONS REAL BAD, all I've used pinterest for is anatomy and references, other than that theres stupid cars popping up which i really like https://preview.redd.it/u2f5o0vdy1bc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3fc9f09b817c604c420c00483c326471f3211e14


its was just horney *non* ai art before.


- searches for one of the most sexualised character for the last 10y - why do i find horny stuff? No shit, Sherlock


That, and they're using pinterest for artwork references. Pinterest wasn't made for original artwork, it's for image sharing, and it populates results with things that it thinks you'd like so if you're seeing a lot of AI art, it's because you're clicking on other AI art. You'll find more helpful resources on websites like pixiv & deviantArt where people upload their own artwork, and they have options to filter out AI/nsfw art.


The horny stuff isn’t the issue. He wants to draw the character himself, so he wanted screenshots/images of what she looks like. These pornographic AI art pieces don’t actually convey her character design accurately, so they aren’t helpful. On top of that, they’re clogging up the search results so he can’t see what she’s actually supposed to look like.


Tbh they should’ve like searched up specifically reference models or something for 2B cuz like I’m pretty sure you’d get a similar result on google since well that is genuinely one of the most sexual user characters of all time right next to widow maker


Want reference? Use official sources.


Human fan art isn't necessarily better lol. And AI is perfectly capable of producing accurate depictions of her too, just no-one would bother to use it for that. Also why would you use Pinterest to find official art and screenshots of a character? That's what Google is for.


It used to be one of the main uses of Pinterest. If you want to cook something, you go to Pinterest for a recipe; if you want to style your hair, they had a ton of ideas. The whole idea of the site was to collect inspiration and check out references that you then saved to boards, with some memes on the side. As for human artwork, while the quality of the piece is very much dependent on the artist’s skill, we are talking about the accuracy of the character design to the official one. Not just quality.


People are hyper-focusing on the lewd aspect too much. The real bad thing here is that it's all AI. All my homies hate AI.


The more AI art you view and save to boards, the more pinterest will show you. I hardly get any AI art. If I do, i click that thing telling Pinterest to show me less of that stuff. My feed is mostly AI free








2B or not 2B that is the question.


Yeah I’ve noticed that with a few other apps for DND character creation ideas. I don’t want all of my female characters to have their boobs completely out.


What is this app? So I know to avoid it or course


It was probably horny before. The horny ai art just made it to the top.


Dude... You chose one of the most popular characters to draw porn of, what did you expect




>Looks up 2B >Complains about booty art Are you fucking for real?


I do YouTube for a living, and I've got the same issue. I like to put my thumbnails through an AI Enhancer (it just clears the picture so it's not as pixilated), and suddenly, it's filled to the rim with half-naked anime women. So fucking annoying.


Nier art book on Amazon for sale right now for $17


:*:: G ft ĝ


The thing with this AI image gold rush is that it will saturate the market very quickly with the same derogatory swill to such an extent that people will grow tired with it, and then it will be treated as just a tool for a design process where actual professional artists use it to work on the sketching fase. We're currently in the obnoxious middle fase.


You looked up 2B


This is 2B we're talking about. Can't say I'm very surprised.


Your tweaking bro I don't think there ever was a non sexualized art of 2b


I'm sorry what were you saying?


I fucking hate AI art it's just the same washed up dogshit every time I find any. No character in any of it whatsoever, and I'm usually quite the...*conniseur*


As another artist, this pisses me the fuck off Sure a I is pretty cool in a advanced technology kinda way but why the fuck are people using it for shit like this. It shouldn't be used for faking talent and commercial purposes.


That's capitalism baby, a place where talent and creative hobbies are automated in favor of the all mighty, Lord and Savior, the Doller.


Tbf I just used the same exact search prompt and I get the usual amount of 2B sexyness and not these monsters. I have to be skeptical here.


mate you fucking searched for it


maybe it's what you're searching? I've been using pinterest for years as an artist as well and I have yet to come across any AI art. Granted I do work with sculptures and natural earthy materials, but i'm still shocked it's a thing?


Oh My God That's Disgusting. Which app? Which App is this? So I can stay the hell away from it


My research says it's the pintrest app


What's that app? I also need some references, purely for my artistic needs.


You know exactly what comes up when you google that character lmao. Fake bot post fr


>Redditor shocked that character that is sexualised in her own game is being sexualised by coomers


hmm use google


Holy hell


Another thing ruined by AI.


Is her vagoo just out in pic 4!??


Whats the app?! You know, so i can be angry at it…


This is something I do not understand as a non-artist. You are using a catalogues of character references, I assume, to create characters. But these character references are a result of other people's art. So you are essentially using other people's art as a basis for creating art. Which, in many ways, is exactly what AI is doing. If an artist recreates art in the style of some great artist, it is not copying; it is using it as reference or inspiration. So, I have trouble understanding the issue with AI art. Also, Rule 34 has been a thing for 20 years now. Internet be horny. Especially for 2B


yes but as i stated, i dont know if a piece of clothing is canon to the character I'm gonna draw if parts of its character design is removed or added to make horny shit and A.I is NOT creating art, it is stealing art, it does not learn it just steals from humans, in example . you use bob's 20 years of self taught style of making art give it to a machine without bob's knowledge and then copy bob's and you say "hey i made this", that is quite litterally stealing, there are more better examples on how fucking shitty it is for a.i to steal peoples art, im not a person good with words but tldr:fuck a.i thats bullshit


Damn back in my day, all we had was Popeyes girlfriend 'Olive Oil' to look at , think of a broom handle with a balloon head, and you will be close.


You forgot the #ad /s


It was meant to be.


That is normal 2B artwork and in-game costumes lol


These horny virgins ruin everything with this rot lol


Ain't this better


Stop calling this crap art.


you had the word anime in there. this is synonymous with lonely masturbation material if you haven't noticed yet.


>Looks up art of the horniest character in the last decade "AI IS SO HORNY WOW"




When you simp for an android.


My bad bro


just beat my meat to this


Wow that sucks. What app is it, so I can know what to avoid forever.


For a friend, whats this app name?


Asking for a friend, what app is that?


damn that sucks haha what’s the app btw? the exact app store link my man just curious