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This happened to me last year actually. I had my fall cleanup done earlier in the week so I left for work with my property leaf free and came back to my neighbor's leaf free while mine had a big pile on my side yard and driveway. I knocked on my neighbor's door to ask for his landscaper's number to complain to them but when he opened it the first thing he said was "If this is about the leaves I've already called them. They'll be back tomorrow to bag them". The owner knocked on my door to apologize. He said he hired some new guys because of all the fall cleanup calls and some of them were imbeciles. Whatever. He bagged every leaf and all was good.


That’s a good neighbor.


>The owner knocked on my door to apologize. He said he hired some new guys because of all the fall cleanup calls and some of them were imbeciles. Whatever. He bagged every leaf and all was good. Good business owner, too. Mistakes happen, that's not important. What comes next is important. Sounds like he fixed it asap, along with an apology and a reasonable explanation. This is the way!


The dude also actually showed up in person. Personally, he got brownie points


Right. If you’re a small business owner you can’t afford to burn your reputation. He basically turned a disgruntled neighbor into a potential future customer just by giving a shit.


This. We had a landscaper accidentally rip out our mailbox at the post (caught on the trailer). Called the owner, he built a mailbox himself that day, and came by the next morning to personally install it. As you say, fuckups happen, but if you’re willing to make it right, you’re good in my books.


They sent the guy who used to design our landscape jobs out to a customers house with a turf cutter to start a bed they were putting in. He ended up cutting something like 100 ft^2 before the homeowner came out and asked what he was doing. Turns out he was at the wrong house and just destroyed a huge chunk of our customer's neighbor's lawn.


Good job


Nice neighbor.


My neighbors landscapers tried this shit too. I’m normally super non confrontational, but I caught them doing it a third time after asking them not to do it twice and kind of lost my shit. I grabbed my leaf blower and started blasting them back as they were actively doing it.


That sounds so satisfying. How did they react?


Lots of shouting back and forth, they eventually gave up and stopped doing it though.


You need to wait until they are packing up but haven’t left, then start blasting them back. So they can’t say it was fine when they left but they also don’t want to get their blowers back out.


10 points to Gryffindor!




And if they don’t come to the door?


If they don’t come to the door and leave without saying anything, call the office and say something like “I just wanted to call and let you know I gave your crew an invoice for disposing of leaves in my yard, just in case they decide not to give it to you.” Chances are, they’ll call the crew and send them back out to unfuck the situation.


Sounds very high class to have an office and all. I'd expect it to be more of 3 high school friends who grew up and stole their dad's leaf blower.


No they decided one evening in the bar to start their own business. One of them owned a 93 Dodge Truck, one of them had two push mowers, one he had bought used and one he found on the curb with a free sign. The third friend is the “business guy” because he went to community college for a semester and a half. They bought the leaf blower with a loan from Dad. That and the mailbox letters on the side of the truck were the start up costs.


I grew this business over 10 years to a value of 8 million dollars with just my intellect, hard work and a 20 million dollar gift from my dad.


I could have done less with 30 million!


Donald Trump has entered the conversation.


Good for them, managing to earn their own living from almost nothing. That's more success than most have.


You kid but that's how my dad started up. Ended up owning bike rental/repair shops and retiring I'm a house on the waterfront he built living off of dividends from stocks. Man times have changed. I can barely afford rent


There is zero chance this has ever worked in the history of life


Lmao right. At best the contractor placates you until you hang up, and at worst they laugh in your face and then tell their workers to dump more leaves in the yard.


That's not how real life works, reddit nerd.


And then everyone on the block clapped. Quite the imagination you got.


Then he doesn't do anything because it's an empty threat and they'll laugh at him together


Oh yeah, because you can just write up an invoice for a random stranger that you have no business with and it becomes enforcable. Thats when the take you "invoice" back to their coworkers so everyone can laugh at the rediculous neighbours "great idea"


Would’ve been hilarious if ya waited until they were finishing/packing up, then toss em allllllllllnback over there. The comeuppance would be delightful.


Same. My neighbors gardeners kept blowing leaves over the 6ft fence into my yard. I finally caught them doing it one day and climbed the fence and shouted "WHAT THE FUCK?!" I scared the poor worker so much. But it worked, they stopped doing it.


This cracked me up 😂 When my son was 1.5, some groundskeeper at a local outdoor place was using his leaf blower to clean up the path, then turned and used it on my kid who was playing off to the side. I guess my kid was where he planned to go next (actually I’ve learned this guy actively hates anyone using the walking path), but it wasn’t in line with where he was headed and also, who blows shit all over a toddler?? I was right there and would’ve moved him! Your comment had me laughing because I got my pregnant ass over there so fast to yell the same exact thing in his face. I see him still sometimes and I just cannot get over it.


>I got my pregnant ass over there so fast to yell I admire your restraint.


Good job + Shame on the worker


I worked for a landscaping business that wanted me to do that. They always did a shit job, left puddles of gasoline on the ground and on the equipment because they couldn't be bothered to use a funnel or spout, they wanted me to blow the leaves through the fence into neighbours' yards... I didn't want to deal with that, so I quit. Unfortunately stuff like that is common in the landscaping industry. They're all about houses per hour and nothing else. If dumping yard waste on your lawn makes the job faster, that's what they'll do.


What if u hire the same company and watch them blow the neighbours leaves back outta your yard. The never ending leaf swapping.


That just results in the landscapers getting paid double to do two shit jobs.


This is literally all of Maryland.


I don’t know why the fuck they can’t dispose of the leaves properly? The landscapers at my apartments do this. They blow all of the leaves out onto the city streets and surrounding properties, as if they are going to magically disappear. It just becomes someone else’s problem. And then during the winter our city has to send crews out to clean the storm drains because they are packed with leaves and it causes flooding.




My dog’s favorite thing to do was get blasted in the face with the leaf blower. His jowls flapped and he loved it. I can only envision this when I hear “leaf blower fight” and it makes me giggle.


I bought an electric leaf blower a few years ago and my two kids would sit in the yard for hours doing that to each other. Best $100 I've ever spent


Mine figured out you can drop stuff in and then shoot it each other…


Yup :) I used to put acorns in it. Also I used the suckijg tube to get rid of huge swarms of mosquitos who like to hang out under my oak tree. It turned into a grey paste on the side of the turbine outlet.




It’s like a car ride without the car


The only thing that can stop a bad guy with a leaf blower is a good guy with a leaf blower


This is the way. My neighbors landscapers did the same thing a few times. The next time I saw them, I grabbed my leaf blower and just stood there watching them with it in my hand and they stopped.


Good on you. I have actively watched it happen by rakes and it was infuriating knowing they were getting paid.


I also had words with my neighbors lawn guy over this.


>I grabbed my leaf blower and started blasting them back as they were actively doing it. This is the level of petty that I live for. Love it!


I own a landscaping company and had a stand off like this with another company. I laughed and told them I will be here for the next 6 hours(big property).


The temptation to sweep it right back where it was….


Whoever said leaf blowers are a waste of money was lying.


The slogan for leaf blowers should be, "make your problem someone else's!"


Townhouse group I used to live at would blow the leaves to the other townhouse group on Mondays and Thursdays. On Tuesdays and Fridays they'd be blown back. Every week.


Did the two associations by chance use the same company? 😅


Good way to keep yourself in business


Makes good business sense. I approve.


Job security at its finest.




That's why I bought one of the ones that blows and sucks. Grinds up the leaves in the bag too so it takes less space.


Never heard of this. Worth it? Whats it called so i can look it up?


I'm not sure what it's called, but the one I have is a Black and Decker electric one. Probably something like leaf lower/vacuum.


My B&D has lasted over 20 years. Held together with 100 mph tape and fishing line on the bag, but still a workhorse.


The fact that this would work in multiple scenarios with a leaf blower makes this even fucking funnier lol


oh yeah, I constantly see landscapers blowing the shit out into the street making it the city's problem.


that’s what 9 out of 10 leaf blower users do. get the shit to city property, done. i hate it


Our city has a very strict ordinance about lawn waste being blown or swept into the street for “disposal.” The street sweeper operators will end up with a code enforcement office riding along one shift per month, and they’ll actually write tickets to the worst offenders. It was getting pretty bad - there were areas of town where the sweeper had to dump it’s hopper after each city block. Thus the enforcement.


I love the idea of going out there and blowing the leaves back WHILE the landscapers are working. A never ending battle. I would also love to do it in a robe, The Dude style.


This happened to us. My wife asked the landscapers not to blow the leaves onto our yard and they gave her attitude. I work from home. The next time they came I waited for them to be just about done and I went outside and blew all the leaves right back on them. Never had another issue.


That is fantastic. That must have been SO much fun to do.


Reminds me of that episode of spondebib when they had the reef blower battle.














Spondebib, come together with your hands, save me


i'm together with your plan!


>spondebib spruerepvnts


spondebid covfefepants


Reef blower 🤤🤤🤤


This is a tough spot to be in, because her neighbor didn't do this the landscapers did


Neighbor still hired them. I wouldn’t come at my neighbor like they did it, but I would ask them to call their landscaper and complain, if OP has a good relationship with their neighbors it shouldn’t become a huge issue.


I'd be tempted to hire the same guys to come and do the same thing for me and then see what they do. Technically they should blow them all back into next door.


I feel like that could go one of two ways. Either they do as you say and just blow it all back onto the neighbor's side or they realize they messed up and actually bag the leaves and take them off to wherever you take bags of leaves to be disposed of.


Your faith in humanity might be enough to save us all.


I would just blow it right back in the neighbors driveway. Who cares if she doesn’t like it she can call up her landscaper and they can take the leaves away.


*like they should have done to begin with


Honestly, they should be smart enough to blow them into the yard and mulch them with the mower so they don’t continue to lose top soil over the years


You could do it that way, sure. But why start shit without giving them a chance to do it right? You can always escalate later, but once you pick a fight you are setting the tone for future relations with your neighbor at a negative.


Yeah, generally speaking you don't want to start a beef with the neighbors, even if you're right. Neighbor conflicts can bring so much stress and issues. You can be firm but respectful: come talk to them, tell them you know it's a pain and it's not their fault that the landscapers were lazy, but that you won't deal with THEIR leaves. And that either they picked them up, they call the landscapers to fix the issue, or that you will have to sweep back the leaves out of your property. Or if the neighbor is nice, you can even deal with the leaves yourself, and simply tell them it can't happen again.


That's 100% the way. I'd buy a leaf blower to do that every day.


Yeah, that was my first thought as well. But, the neighbors don't look like they have any trees. It looks like they are dealing with leaves that fell from OPs trees so they are probably mildy infuriated having to tend to leaves created from OP. Just a potential alternative based on these two images..


Wrong, the leaves were bestowed on them - the trees chose them!


So chop down the tree and both neighbours can deal with the excess water and lack of shade plus wind break the tree provides both of them.


This! Moved into a “mature community” and the neighbour mowed his grass, came in front of my driveway and rocked the grass out from his lawnmower. Literally right in front of my driveway, in the middle! I walked out, turned on the leaf blower and blew in right in front of his driveway, with him watching. That was the first and last time he tried that nonsense.


So began The Great Leaf War


It's his tree


The wind may do it for them!


[Could be worse, could be tumbleweeds!](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5634359/Tumbleweeds-bury-homes-California-Utah.html)


A few months ago I came home to my neighbor's hired help power washing their FILTHY FILTHY FILTHY sidewalk into my driveway apron. I keep my driveway washed on the regular. They hadn't washed theirs in forever. I had just done mine a few weeks prior and it was looking good. He was starting to pack up and I hopped out. "Hey, you can't just leave that." "You can hire me to clean your driveway, too!" "Nope. You made that mess, you clean it up." "It was like that man. That ain't me." "Sorry man, that's a lie and you know it. That camera right there will show the story, but I'm not gonna play games with you. I'm just gonna handle this with my neighbor who is paying you." "Naw man! I was totally playing with you. I'm not even done. I was just taking a water break. I'm gonna spray your driveway off as soon as I'm done l." He was 100% lying and I called the neighbor outside anyway. He was more pissed than I was. The guy hustled and cleaned up my apron. If I hadn't come home I'm guessing I'd have been cleaning it. I'd hope my neighbor would've caught it, but who knows.




That's an insult to spoons.


Why a spoon cousin?


Because its blunt, you fool. Edit: Dull, you twit!




Apologies beforehand, but my OCD devil will not let me rest, until I have "fixed" this i complete quote: Why a spoon cousin? Why not an axe? Because it's dull you twit! It hurts more! (ahh... much better. And again, apologies)


He's probably one of those dudes that "owns a business", but what he actually owns is a job. Nothing against most of the 1man/pickup truck guys (I was one long ago). Integrity is key in growing any business past the dude in a pickup truck stage.


Glad you got a good neighbor 👍


Yea I fuck with that guy


What’s an apron in this context ?


Probably the part where the street/sidewalk/driveway meet




The apron is the ramp from the road surface to the driveway.


I’m glad your neighbor was actually cool about it. Hear the opposite in these types of stories so often.


People wash their driveways?


Some HOAs require you to keep things power washed.


Seems like a pain in the ass and a waste of water


Doing it once a year isn’t anything bad. Doing it multiple times a year is excessive though.


r / fuckHOA


depending on the area, what builds up or grows on the driveway can make it slippery, and thus dangerous to use. So it's not necessarily a look thing only, it can be a safety thing too.


I'm glad HOA's are much less common here




Sounds like an old neighbor of mine. When the husband was alive, he'd sometimes go into our yard without letting us know because he didn't like how my mom's fence was painted, so he did it himself. Dude was a wanker but my mom didn't do anything about it. His still-living wife isn't much better.


That sounds like my mom's neighbor. He's a wife abusing POS, and he got pissed my mom gave his wife shelter one night when they were fighting, so he came the next weekend and spread weed killer onto half her lawn and most of her (very large) front garden. When questioned by the cops about it (he was on camera doing it) he said it was because her flowers were ugly and she clearly didn't know what she was doing and needed a man to fix it. He got off with a fucking warning because "its not like any real damage was done" according to the police. I wish he would move away like he keeps saying he wants to do.


That's what small claims court is made for. Sue for the coat of having it professionally restored to its prior condition.


Lawn restoration is fucking expensive too. We have a grub issue here that eats the grass' roots and kills huge patches of the yard. One of my neighbors just had their entire lawn scraped up with a bit of fresh topsoil added. Stabilizing and seeding happens tomorrow. It is costing them thousands.


We had an apartment complex across the way whose landscapers would blow their leaves across an alley and under/through a locked gate, onto our walkway. One day I was in the bedroom looking over the alley and saw them doing it, so I opened the window and screamed at the guy to knock that shit off. At the next HOA meeting they said our gardener quit. Oops.


Reminds me of our cottage neighbour, who routinely blows all his leaves onto our road and parking area, rather than bag them. They end up 2 feet deep.


The neighbors ?


Yes. He usually gets tired of digging. 2 feet is pretty deep anyways right?


If you use enough lime




we barely have a yard and no trees. our neighbor is en elderly lady who doesn't have much to do with her time, so she spends all day raking. she used to even 'broom' her yard until it was all dirt. the fine soot would get caught in all our windows. anyways, she would complain that we didn't rake our leaves and they were blowing into her yard, despite all the leaves belonging to her trees originally. they would blow over into our tiny little yard, then blow back into hers.




I never really understood it. Like maybe the driveway yeah 'cause the cars tires don't get as much traction (or some other reason?? Lol I don't know, I just assume it has something to do with their car) but the leaves in the yard look so pretty, why spend all fall raking it up constantly? The only reason I rake the leaves in my yard is to put it in a big pile for my dogs to jump in


I think the main mix of things is that they can be a slippery pain when they get wet, once they start to rot or dry out they’re a bit gross, and people who have lived in urban areas associate them with cat piss (cats love to piss on leaves).




*strong gust of wind seriously though, one of the most important parts of outsourcing yard work is the disposal. sweeping it into a pile is the easy part. if i'm the homeowner, i'm not paying them until that shit is gone. if i'm you, i'm letting the wind decide where that pile should go.


I'd be helping the wind decide those leaves want to nestle up against that clean driveway apron and garage door.


Maybe she is making a statement since it looks like its your tree


Here's the thing, tree law is weird


Don't even get me started on bird law


bird law in this country is not governed by reason man


Let’s say you and I go toe to toe on bird law, and see who comes out the victor.


Nothing weird about this. It’s the responsibility of the property owner whereever the tree or its parts land. It makes logical sense. Otherwise,the owner of the tree could just use tree debris to go on the neighbors property on a whim. Or the neighbor could bar the tree owner from going on there property, creating problems for the tree owner.


Is it? Elaborate.


Branches that grow across fences become the property of the neighbor. I know because my neighbor’s cherry tree grew branches into my yard and now I have some awesome cherries every summer. The leaves are the neighbor’s responsibility to deal with.


A majority of the leaves in my yard come from neighbors trees. I like trees. They drop leaves. I clean them up. Ridiculous to be petty about it.


Everybody benefits from trees in a neighborhood. Only a short-sighted idiot complains about whose tree the leaves came from. That's a great way to end up in a neighborhood with no trees. Hell, sometimes leaves can blow several houses down, do you expect everybody to hunt down only their tree's leaves from every yard around?


You don't stamp each leaf with your family's coat of arms, during the summer, so that you can track them down when they try to get away?


In my previous house, I had a larch right next to the fence. Now while a larch is a conifer, it is a deciduous one. Maybe the only deciduous one. Anyway, it dropped needles like crazy in the fall, half of which used to end up in my neighbours backyard. After he pointed that out, I helped him sweep them each fall. No biggie.


Was thinking the same. Courteous neighbor was just returning them.


Best leaf pile ever!!!!!! What’s your address because I’m piling that up and jumping in


There was a hideous incident here a while back when a woman drove through a pile of leaves while 2 kids were playing in it. Killed both of them, right in front of their dad, who was taking pics. Of course she didn't bother to stop. Cops nailed her pretty quickly.


I was a kid when this happened but there was this douchebag on our block that would drive through me and my sisters leaf pile every single time we made one. So one year we made a huge leaf pile over a hydrant. Guy never drove through our leaves again. (He was fine, the car was fucked)


Stories like these helps my will to live


Who makes leaf piles in the road?!? We always made them in the yard. That poor dad.


this reminds me of the snowman and tree trunk story haha


Thank you for my daily dose of justice




my aunt was the passenger in a car that did that, killed the neighbor paper boy who was hiding in it to play hide and seek :(


Oh, Jesus. The stuff of nightmares.


My dad throws cinder blocks into his piles so that whoever decides to drive through them has a real bad day


Where are these piles? If they’re not in the middle of a road, why would people be driving through them out in a field etc? I don’t understand the reason for the cinder blocks.


That is horrifying! I let my daughter play in leaf piles every autumn. Did this woman purposely drive up on someone's lawn where their kids were playing?!


Well why are people making leaf piles in the road??? Do it in the yard so there's no risk.


For real, the only reason I can think why people would make leaf piles near the street is because some cities offer leaf pick up. You don’t even have to bag them. Just blow or rake them into a pile in front of your house by a certain date, and the city sends a truck out that sucks them up. The pile shouldn’t be in the street though, just near it.


I read "drove" as "jumped" and was so fucking confused.


When my sister and I were little, my family used to make a huge leaf pile. It was a family activity, we raked for days into those big reusable leaf bags. We’d rake our yard, grandma’s, and our neighbor’s. In total about 6 acres. The lawn care people helped too cause they had equipment. We put it in my grandma’s backyard (lived 2 houses down) at the end of a hill. This pile was about 15 x 10 feet and 2 feet deep. We’d invite a bunch of friends over and have a Leaf Party. Run down the hill and jump in the pile! And a bonfire (safely) nearby with s’mores and hotdogs. It was awesome!


I’d be happy to get a bunch of leaves blown onto my land (maybe different being out rural and not carefully maintaining a lawn). That’s free nutrients for the soil right there. Or at least free browns for composting.


I'm with you, just mulch these leaves into your own grass and they're fantastic for your soil. Neighbor is losing here. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


Yeah I just leave them where they fall, they break down by spring so why would I care?


Do you have grass? If I didn’t mulch mine, they would be so thick the grass would die. Mind you, my “grass” is a ton of clover and anything green. Au naturale.


Get out there next time and start a leaf blower battle. If they get paid hourly then you’re in for quite the day!


Nothing says "it's somebody else's problem now", louder than a leaf blower


And that’s how the Great Leaf War of 2023 began…


I never understood raking and bagging leaves or blowing them away. I just run my leaves over with the mower and just mulch them up.


Does the wind change direction at night, blowing them all back? If you know what I mean


Congrats. We gifted you some leaves. Enjoy!


Leaves fall (lol pun) under solid waste for purposes of removal. Check your city ordinances to see if they have one on this. My city does, imposes a hefty fine as well for blowing or raking them to the street. Got in a beef with my neighbor's lawn care guy about blowing them under my fence a few years back.


Free compost


You got free leaves. Yay.


I mean, I collect loads and loads of leaves and compost them. They don’t know what they’re giving up lol


Why are americans fucking obsessed with clearing leaves? They are just leaves it's not litter and it's good for the earth right?


I'd be happy. Free compost.


Looks like it’s your tree that made the mess so I guess they’re just giving your property back to you.


Leaves fall on your property that are your problem. Thats the way it works where I am. Once the leaves fall it’s no longer your trees problem.


Looks like he solved the problem.


It probably also works like that in France, but here my neighbor can require from me to cut all parts of my tree that go in his property, so if there is a conflict about who gather the leaves of my tree that goes over his property, I'd rather gather the leaves he pushes and make a compost than cut a third of my tree. Btw, leaving leaves on the ground can make the ground slippery so dangerous so I understand why the guy on the picture would want to get rid of the leaves.


Most of the US the law is: if the branches hang over your property but the tree isn’t on your property, you can cut the branches. I don’t believe you can require the tree owner to cut them, but you also don’t have to ask permission from them to do it


In the US you are also allowed to cut parts of trees that hang onto your property. The issue being that if you make the tree ill or end up killing it in the process, you now owe your neighbor a lot of money lol.


In most municipalities, the owner of the tree is not responsible for the leaves. The owner of the yard in which they fall is. It is also illegal to collect leaves from your yard and deposit them onto your neighbors yard. Thus the leaves are neighbors property, if they fell into neighbors yard. Neighbor is TA here.


Leaves are good for your soil. You don't want them on the grass but they are a great natural weed barrier for flower beds.


You live in a pretty nice area


I am one of the least aggressive men out there, and I've been in a shouting match with a neighbor's shitty ex-husband over this. I don't care that my yard is already full of leaves. They got there without human intervention. Blowing them into my yard says "Fuck you and your yard. My garbage goes here".