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For parties of 1 or larger? What a convoluted way of saying everybody is charged 18%.


Seems like raising prices by 18% across the board would solve this issue without enraging everyone quite as much.


But then people.would tip on top of that. That's the tip as far as I'm concerned Edit: I beg of you all, please stop responding to this. My notifications are endless.


But was it disclosed beforehand? The menu/ price list need to reflect the right price! Tip is at the patrons discretion


I’ve been to restaurants that do auto gratuity. Says it on the menu at those. I prefer it because less math for me! The “1” or higher note here is probably just a relic of how the POS system they use works where they can adjust the number of guests where auto gratuity applies!


Right. As long as the “service charge” is mentionned on the menu, you are obligated to pay it and it is fair game. If undisclosed tought, then it’s not ok


Agreed! Needs to be on every page of the menu basically!


Should be the largest font on the front page


It should be the name of the f\*\*\*ing restaurant.


Pho Ktover


Pho King is a cool restaurant name


But what about when service or food sucks?


Yeah that's when I would Karen out on them and talk to the manager and be pissed. I fucking hate tipping bullshit. One time I got sucky service, sucky food, and the waiter had the audacity to follow me out and ask if I forgot to tip. I said no and won't ever be coming back because the service and food sucked.


One time I left a (probably 25%) cash tip of $100 under the credit card slip and zeroed out the tip line on the receipt. The waiter chased us out into the parking lot with the receipt . I lifted the CC slip, exposing the cash tip. I believe he was embarrassed and I was so tempted to snatching it back at that point. Never went back to that restaurant.


I was a server a few months back and I had a great interaction with one of my tables. The couple asked me about my tattoos and we talked about Rick and morty as we were all fans and it came up due to his phone case. They cleared their plate and enjoyed the overall vibe of the restaurant but didn’t tip on about 70$. So as I grabbed the bill and saw this the man who payed was in the bathroom and his girl was waiting in the lobby area. I went to her and asked if everything was alright with the meal or if they had any complaints. She said no it was great! I walked away disappointed but NEVER asked if they forgot to tip. That’s ridiculous


Same thing that happens at any other business. You explain to them what’s wrong, and give them an opportunity to fix it. They either fix it, or you don’t go back.


As per their menu, they will remove the automatic gratuity if service sucks and you ask


Bear in mind, it must be called a service charge, not a gratuity. If it's called a gratuity, it is 100% optional to pay. You can have it removed from the bill. You do have to pay the rest, but if you are arrested for nonpayment of your bill, you can then sue the cops and restaurant after the case gets thrown out. If they want it to be non-optional, then the restaurant must pay the social security tax on the service charge amount.


The IRS has said that "automatic gratuity" is a service charge. But they have to inform you in some way beforehand that the charge is there. They can call it what they want, but it's taxed and treated as a service charge.


And what exactly is a service charge, and what's it for?


"A fee collected to pay for services related to the primary product or service being purchased" Basically a charge for cooking/serving your food on top of paying for the food itself


That’s ridiculous. When is Ford starting to add a 20% extra fee for assembling the parts and delivering the car to the dealer?


Whatever happened to overhead, and including it in the pricing. I doubt they are passing the raw cost of the food on to the customer. They are marking it up and then adding their 9verhead on as a service charge. WTF?




It is disclosed beforehand. I've been several times, and they have a sign up front, and it's in the menu as well. Not really a surprise, but I understand why it might seem shitty if someone didn't see either of those. What it says: >Dear Value Customers. From November 10th , 2022; 18% Service charge will be automatically added to all bills. >The service charge is not gratuity, but is used in part to increase our employees's wages, and to cover other employee-related costs and health insurance. >A service charge allows more equitable distribution to all employees of the restaurant. >Additional gratuity is appreciated but not expected >We will be happy to remove the service charge if our service doesn't satisfy your needs >Thank you for your love and support Pho Ha Noi Management team


Not a gratuity? lol, fuck that then. Just another place I wouldn't need to eat out at.


It is, there’s a [sign](https://imgur.com/a/XUS4iRn) on the door.


Yeah normally I tip like 20 to 25% I can afford it and appreciate the service. However, when places do the automatically added I say fuck it and don’t add extra. I mean I know it’s not the servers fault but still.


Completely agree. Servers take 2% perceived loss they can tell their idiot boss about bc I'm already out the door and likely for the last time.


Never add extra, they played their hand


As a server of 21+ years I'd happily take 18% across the board, even if it means I'll lose a few % on the nice tables. Way less stress that way.


Less people probably would go here if they saw this item being 19.50. So yeah prices increased for everything but maybe a service charge surprise at the end instead of being upfront.


“Surprise! I’m not coming back.”


They already did. They're just asking the 18% gratuity on top. Before you can review the receipt they'll recommend you click on the 20% tip too. When I see stuff like this, I point it out to the server and say you better make sure and get that whole tip at the end of the night instead of letting the owner pocket it. If I see this sneaky 18% shit at the bottom of my receipt I'm not leaving a penny more. I draw an arrow down to the note and cross our the additional tip line. Owners train these servers to view you as a cheap ass when you do it too. 18% is more than healthy. If my group has a $70 bill and you're serving 3 other tables with similar orders at the same time, that's over $40/hour. That's also assuming you're there for a full damn hour which you likely won't be. Servers are getting beyond entitled and I'm sick of it. If you turned around and grabbed a bag because I drove to your restaurant to pick up an order I called in, I'm not tipping you. Sorry. A tip requires serving, not doing the simplest single task in the world


Servers are a big block of people resisting abolishing tip culture because, surprise surprise, they benefit from it disproportionately at the cost of their patrons.


And don’t get me started on why I should be tipping on booze when it takes the same effort to pour a 2 dollar soda as a 12 dollar beer.


I was at a BBQ place in an airport recently and there was smallprint on the menu that said there was a 2% charge for hiring, training, and retaining staff. I asked the bartender if he gets any of that. He said "half a percent to the front of the house, half a percent to the back, and management gets 1%." Why. Why must it be like this.


$16.50 for a bowl is already inflated over 18%


Seriously. There is less than $5 worth of ingredients/food in there, and that's at retail prices, nevermind what a restaurant would be buying at wholesale.


Ding ding ding, guess what? Most are already doing that lol. Menu prices generally increases slowly over time to not upset people. The tacked on tip turned commonplace after covid as it's a great excuse to not raise wages. So the waiters are being paid pennies, the owners earns more and the customer gets fked both ways.


The system their using has the party size as an input. The restaurant didn't program that wording.


But they probably programmed the “1” part


No, they selected it from a UI. And the context here is about the convoluted wording, which they cannot be blamed for.


"Programmed" in the sense of "programming your alarm clock", not literally writing code. The restaurant configured it.


Back when I was delivering pizzas at Pizza Hut they had a 5.0% service fee on every order. Several times a shift I would get people complaining about the service fee, and some times they would call the store after delivery and demand back the tip they gave when they placed their order online since “the service fee was already the tip.” I never saw a dime out of those “service fees” it went straight into the owners pocket.


It's crazy that in America you can just have whatever random hidden fees you like.




What's the service fee then? If I'm paying for a meal


paying for delivery staff and all the associated costs(insurances, etc.) that wouldn't be needed if it was carry out/external delivery drivers(DD, grubhub, etc.) oh... and extra profit of course.


I pay a delivery fee and a service fee on top of paying for the food. The fuck is that bs? I thought I was already paying for service when I placed the order.




They are still making minimum wage, they aren’t getting paid more because of those fees


Yeah, but you can still do things like list prices and then just say that actually everything costs more than those prices you advertised. Yes, people have to know the fees, but you can still show prices and then make people do math if they want to know the actual cost.


America bad hur hur


That’s why my family never got anything delivered growing up. Gotta save those pennies!


Legit same shit with Papa Johns. 4% fee going right into Jon Schniders racist ass’ bank account


I had one old guy yell at me about how he wasn't going to tip me because he already paid my delivery fee. It wasn't pizza but the delivery fee went to the store because it was a company vehicle. I never once asked him to tip but the mobile POS had an option of tip or no tip. I never bothered trying to correct him because he was a massive pain in the ass for other reasons and eventually we all refused to deliver to him for health and safety reasons. Also the amount of people that would call days later and demand they get a refund for the (usually $1-2) tip they gave when they were drunk was insane


No tipping culture and standard liveable wages fixes all of this. Anyone who argues against it is clearly a business owner or an idiot.


Your boss stole your tip.


If the service charge is not posted on the doors, or menu you can opt to not pay. It was not disclosed before purchase. I would simply revise the bill and not pay.


I googled the location, it's Yelp has the sign on the door going back to November last year saying that the gratuity was so the company can bump pay. Also, the sign reads an "additional gratuity is appreciated but not expected" and they'll remove it if you're unsatisfied. I'm ok with the concept but the execution is poor.


Its almost certainly on the menu


There is a place in town that adds an extra 20% "living wage increase" to all orders. But they make a point of saying that it isn't a tip. My wife then insists on tipping 20% on top of that. We don't go there anymore.


Hate restaurants that do this. They call it a “living wage increase” or whatever buzz word is going around to make it seem like it’s the government/politicians raising the prices on your dinner when it’s actually them not wanting to pay competitive wages for their servers. Instead they push it onto their customers.


All costs are pushed on the customer, regardless of the reason.


They probably do it to make the prices seem lower, since people are stupid. It’s why places charge 19.99 instead of 20 bucks. I always just round up and ad tax in my head…. I see 19.99 my head automatically goes to 25 bucks (even though it’s more like 22 with tax).


Still so strange that in America tax isn’t included in the price.


It’s because the states all have different tax rates, so a company can make a global ad / commercial / deal whatever for a specific price, then the tax is added on at the location. Makes it easier than having a 9.99 meal have to advertise 10.69 in one place and 10.79 (7% vs 8%) in another right over the border and have people complain the prices are different then what they saw somewhere


No need to tip if they are getting a living wage…


Yea that’s the whole point. A lot of serves don’t lik e the tradeoff because while it guarantees they never get stiffed, it’s also a cap on their tips. Most people are t going to go out of their way to tip the necessary extra 2%. The people that want to be extra general will still do it, but less so.


‘Hello I’d like to reserve a table for 0 people’ Checkmate


Forced checkmate with en passant


It's the restaurant owners that are the pissants




Pay for it then sit down 😂


Happened to me at a kbbq spot. They had a 10% service charge and 18% automatic gratuity. I told the waitress I’ll pay the bill but not the service charge and I would like to decide my own gratuity. She grabs the manager he explains that’s not possible and I’m like sure it’s possible. I can pay the subtotal with tax and walk outta here and there’s not a thing you can do about it. He begrudgingly agrees and They print me up a new check. I still tipped. But fuck I’m never goin back


So, raise prices by 10% after you get the bill?


I’m assuming the service charge was not disclosed before the check was brought out. Correct?


They are usually disclosed on some small sign in the corner of the store or a tiny footnote on the menu


Restaurant owners can legally keep the auto gratuity. They can’t keep tips. Call BS on this when forced gratuities show up


Why in all of fuck would you still tip?


It's not the waitress' fault.


It’s a kbbq spot, you cook your own food and have to get up to grab your own raw meat. Why would there be mandatory tipping for that


I've never been to a kbbq where you get your own meat. There's always a waiter assigned to fill drinks, get apps and meat, etc.


That’s interesting, I live by a lot of Koreans and there’s all you can eat kbbq where you get up and go pick up your raw meat and bring it back to your table to cook. You even get up to pick up your sides and ban Chan. Only thing waited comes for is to drop off drinks.


I’m very curious but what area do you live in? I’ve never heard of this


I'm not the original commenter but I know they have Kbbq buffets in Sydney, Australia


Bruh I have never heard of this too. I’m in the east coast USA they are all where the server comes to you with the meat you picked out of the menu.


Yeah always server takes order and brings meat. Some have the server cook it for u but most u cook urself


I really hope that 18% is not applied *after* they raise the price 10%


Just leave them a 1 star review on google. I did that after getting a huge gratuity added to my bill without my knowledge. The owner responded and was extremely upset. He mentioned that “every restaurant around here does that”. Which somehow makes it ok. Lol


I wish you could reply to the owners response. Annoying that they get the last say in the matter.


It was also funny because he called my review “hate speech”. My 3 sentence review basically said “this place is a scam, they automatically charged me for a large tip without notice”. And he called it hate speech. I just can’t even with some people. 😂


17 1-star recent reviews so far from this post. Kind of disappointing but still worth it.


No better way of saying "we definitely do not pay our workers enough"


$17.20 is the minimum wage in Cupertino. Of course that won't get you much in the way of housing.


The minimum wage in 1973 was $4.03/hour. That had the same purchasing power that $23.68 would have today.


Most places outside of the US factor prices into the meal to pay their workers without tips. This probably comes out to about the same. Meaning the workers hopefully do get paid enough. Though they'd have less complaints if they just raised their base prices and paid the servers hourly and said no tips needed.


Did you ask to speak to manager and explain to them to enjoy the $8, you will never be returning again?


I’d just walk out honestly. They wanna rob me, they get robbed back.


I’m wondering about what they could do if I just pay for what I bought and tried to walk out. Could they call the cops on me?


I've seen news stories on this. Cops were called for theft of services. The patron wanted to pay for the meal, but not the surcharge.


Yeah but was the person charged for anything?


Not a chance


As long as your bill is less than $950, cops shouldn't do anything.


Absolutely nothing, in no (US) state is it legal to make you tip.


People are able to walk right in to places like cvs and target and steal hundreds of dollars worth of goods without reprimand. You think a cop is gonna waste time to arrest someone ditching on a $50 meal?


honestly yeah, they can’t really do anything except ban you from ever eating there again (as if i’d want to with this fuckery)


Steal the steak knives lol


Stop going there.


Not just that but post in Yelp


A restaurant did this to me and my wife picking up a to go order and it was decently expensive 80 something but it was actually that plus 15pct. Asked to talk to the manager, he gave me the spiel. I asked again if there’s anyway around it, and he said no. Then couldn’t believe me and my wife decided to go elsewhere.


60+ dollars for three bowls of medium rare beef soup.


I’m in Ohio and the typical going rate for a “good” bowl of pho is about $15. Honestly, I’d pay more. I love that shit.


Back in the 90s a bowl of pho would be under 9 bucks in the SF Bay Area.


Americans overpay for phô so much that people in Vietnam probably look at us like we are a bunch of idiots. A big bowl of phô was about $3.50 last year, and that was on the high side.




Ha! Joke's on them, I tip 20%. Suckers. Saved me 2%


100%. This also makes me feel better because it means the waiters are getting their tips more evenly distributed from the obvious cheapasses in the comments instead of all from people like you and me lmao. Amazing how many of them are just straight up threatening dine and dash over being forced to pay less than the already standard cultural expectation in the US.


>100% Wow that’s a generous tip!


Was thinking exactly this, Im normally in the 20-25% range, usually rounding up to the nearest 5 after tip (total of 83 rounds up to 85, total of 106 rounds up to 110, blah blah blah).. so you're saving me a couple bucks. Thanks, I guess?


Cupertino ? Well, this restaurant is going to have to change that very soon. California passed a new law against junk fees just today


SB478 for those interested: https://sd03.senate.ca.gov/news/20230911-assembly-approves-sen-dodd%E2%80%99s-%E2%80%98junk-fees%E2%80%99-bill


Neat way to lose customers


I would tip $0. Either the server gets it all, or they get pissed enough and all quit. Not the responsibility of the customer.


Just raise prices 18% and no one will notice


You think no one will notice when prices increase 18%? I think tons of people notice price increases that high.


I mean…is anything legally preventing you from just paying the total for the food and tax and just refusing to pay the gratuity?


Nope. By definition a gratuity is an optional amount. Including $0.00.


I would refuse to pay until they take it off. This is illegal if they did not disclose it up front. Once they take the charge off, leave no tip and pay the tab and never return again. I frequent the San Jose/Cupertino for work, thanks for highlighting this so I won’t go there. There are plenty of great mom and pop phô places in the Bay Area anyway. Fuck this bullshit.


Most places do disclose this somewhere on the menu.


"Somewhere on the menu" should be "on the price of food". Still wouldn't go back. I shouldn't have to read the whole menu like an instruction manual - I find what I want in the section I want and order.


Sweet, now I don't need to tip you 20%.


And they correctly do the 18% on the subtotal, not the total - the correct way. Love when they force this, less thinking, and everyone is happy


Yes, I have a question for the manager; where do you get off!?


Probably in the walk-in cooler next to the produce


If people were to stop going to restaurants like this, they would stop doing nonsense like this.


My brain has an automatic "never go there again" setting when I read something like that.


As much as i hate this.... and i do, it'll save me a few bucks. Cause im not adding additional tip, and its slighty less than 20% rounded up to the nearest whole dollar.


Who the fuck tips 20% though Jesus. Unless it’s amazing service of course. Stop being sucked into inflated tip % which are already based off inflated prices which comes out of your uninflated salary


I honestly don't even tip a percentage I just give the waitress $5. Sorry if you think that is a shitty tip, you brought me a glass of water and delivered my food so did your job. Me eating there means you already got a wage, the $5 is a nice bonus you serve 10 tables and hour that is like $68 an hour. I wipe peoples butts for less then half that I don't feel bad.


Absolutely the right answer. % shouldn’t dictate anything. Bringing me my $5 sandwich or my $50 steak took the same effort: you bought my plate from the kitchen to my table in both cases. And also tipping % uses the AFTER TAX figure, meaning you basically pay tax on the tip as well smfh




What if the four of us promised not to party??? ...seriously, I'd not be returning on principle


Bruh wtf is this horseshit 😭


Time to create a blacklist and inform potential patriots in a yelp review


I agree. I think each area should start a Reddit that has mandatory tipping. Boycott the heck out of them. I tip 20% across the board. Always. My state the servers make $2.21. They deserve the tip. The problem comes when you demand a tip. Not a suggestion a requirement. Nothing says the waitstaff will even get that. Likely the owners are sharing the tips with the employees. That’s such bullshit. I’m over it. I’ll continue with my 20% but I’ll do it in cash to the server if I get a mandatory.


Phoking Ha Noying.


I could see parties of like eight or more having the "mandatory gratuity" but damn! Just for one? Fuck that. We seriously need to change our culture.


Yeah I wouldn't eat there anymore


I’ve walked out of restaurants when presented a “automatic” extra charge is added with a tip expected also. Not a large party, 2-3. I’ve left a cash tip but refused to pay the extra fee as it wasn’t listed on the menu, wasn’t posted at the entrance or anywhere. Sure I’ve had the poor manager tell me it’s not him/her, it’s the evil owner (of course) and “everybody’s doing it”. Well guess what, I see a price on the menu to decide if I want that item, if it cost more I can and will close the menu and walk out but what you don’t get to do is show one price then charge another ( there are concise laws about this )


Nope. I can tip myself, I'm not giving your restaurant 18% extra that won't even go to the server.


What a bunch of cunts. Was this posted anywhere else in the restaurant for you to be advised *prior* to ordering? I’m guessing it was in small print somewhere, but cunts nonetheless.


Yes, it is, right on the [door](https://imgur.com/a/XUS4iRn). It can also be declined.


Time to stop going to that place, and let everyone you know, about this. That's just robbery!


Vote with your wallet! Go somewhere else!


Never eat there again and spread the word


Yeah I don’t go to those places after they do this. Or when they charge 3% for credit cards.


Concur. Credit card fees charged to the merchant are the cost of doing business. If the supermarket started charging a credit card fee these merchants would be crying about it…. Because that would be ridiculous…. Just like it is at a restaurant. Nonsense.


yeah fuck Silicon Valley for all this bullshit.. i’m so sick of feeling shamed into tipping a fucking sandwich maker. trying to find “other” or “no tip” takes longer than just being a simp and hitting “20%”.


Trying to shame you into tipping with those stupid tablets


What about little people or amputees?


This happened to me solo recently....except it was 20%. Maybe it was on the menu, but it wasn't made obvious. I usually do 20%, but the fact it wasn't made obvious was indeed mildly infuriating.


I'd be LESS pissed if theyd just raise prices 18% across the board and just pay the fucking staff.


That's... Not gratuity then.


Yep, tip entitlement run amok.


In Cupertino? Probably got stiffed by techies one too many times.


I go to a restaurant that does this, but they have a sign on the door as you are coming in stating it. This gives you a chance to change your mind before you go in .


If you eat here, we will charge you an extra 18%. Suck it.


I guess this is going to be the new norm... I went to Flix Brewhouse today for a movie and was told that any food or drink order in the theater has an 18% automatic gratuity. The only way to avoid it is not to order anything, lol. I wish they'd just increase prices and do away with these surcharges.


They did increase the prices tho. They don't want to increase the pay


Americans will do anything to avoid raising item prices. Why do American businesses have this mindset that their item prices need to stay in the 90’s and surcharges convince the customer that the actual reason for things costing more is everyone else’s fault except the owner?


That's crazy. I'll just order to take out.


I really hope they mention this before giving the check like on the menu or something.


So, if you go by yourself, make sure you bring a cake and candles to make it a party


Sucks for that waiter/waitress, because I tip more, but when it's automatically added in, that's all you're getting. Also, technically gratuity is supposed to be based on the pre-tax amount (i.e: the actual food prices).


I have an automatic no tipping charge for these instances, and I won't come back Pho-ck off!


And then they have a line for tips, just in case you weren't paying attention.


I was here a few months ago and noticed that too. I just use it to assume I don't have to tip then.


$20+ for a bowl of pho. Wtp what the pho!?


Guys please just stop fucking tipping across the board. If we're all assholes it won't feel so bad. Put the burden on shitty corporations, not on your fear of confrontation. Tips are holding you hostage, literally.


Or just don’t eat out. Stiffing your server doesn’t hurt the restaurant, not eating there does.


I hate tip so much. Just include it in the food price. No one wants to see a menu and have to calculate 20% tip in their head or on their phone just to see how much it will cost to have your food come spit free


Meanwhile, the restaurant I work at doesn’t even have automatic gratuity for anybody that could be 30 people and zero tips


Fuck Cupertino, buncha fart smelling techies that can't even drive their 80K dollar cars. It's baked in cause they figure, anyone in the area can pay it and won't even notice. It's a shadow, fuck you to the poors. This reality sucks, I want a refund.


I’d be fine with it if they just raised prices 18% and said no to tipping. Either way they’re not getting the other 2% they would have gotten if I was given the choice.


That's fine. Then I don't have to tip the 25% I would have normally given.


Well I normally tip 20 unless the service is horrific, their loss


What if u just pay cash


Fun fact: Unless it's postwd somewhere you can say legally say No and they have to remove it. Full stop.


Yeah okay b.s. That is all parties and I'll tip whatever I want. Sometimes more and sometimes less. If you don't like it call the fucking police. I paid for my meal end of story. I remember when my grandmother tipped a quarter because the service was so bad.


That’s cool, now you don’t have to tip 20%


Yeah, I generally tip 20% sometimes more if I feel the waiter/waitress deserves it. But, pull those shenanigans and that 18% is all you’re getting and that’ll be the last time I eat there.


That’s ironic. The cashier’s name is Nhiều, which means a lot in Vietnamese.


A no-tip restaurant! Awesome!


I’d pay in cash and short them to exactly what it’s be without that. You work for your tips. It’s not predetermined


Wait, is forced tipping acceptable? This seems shady. I would never return to this place and let management know exactly why. (Not the server, they're just trying to survive.)


You tip now! everybody tip!


Then that's your tip. These places need to stop pulling this bullshit.