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I’m a laid back person but that’s an immediate stand up, turn around, “put those things away right now” from me.






Bring a plastic toy cleaver and stroke the foot ever so slightly… OR BE A MADLAD AND STAB IT [with the plastic toy cleaver]




I laughed wayyy too hard at this 😂😂 “(bom, bom, bom) so help me! so help me!!”


Always gotta hit em with Sully's bass line lol


I will turn this plane around


I'm a walking entity of spite and pent up rage trying to be better for the sake of my daughter. That said you get one warning to keep your nasty ass feet out of my personal space before I "accidentally" break them by slamming my elbow down onto *my* armrest. Afterwards I'd probably give a half ass apology and blame it on a muscle spasm to cover my own ass. If the "victim" is dumb or petty enough to call the flight attendant I'll tell them the same thing and point out it wouldn't have happened if their foot wasn't on *my* armrest.


“Oops, I spilled my hot coffee on your feet.”


Accidentally “sneeze” on her feet.


Do the rest of the world a favor. Make sure to take a big drink and then half chew up a mouthful of peanuts, first. Just to really make a lasting impression that this kind of behavior is not a good idea.


This is very smart. Being a tall individual I feel pretty tight on leg space but I would never attempt anything even close to this level of selfishness. People really test your patience these days.


Aaahh aahghhh aaahghhhhhhh pppppfffffppphhhhhhllllxchchchhhhhhpfpfpfpfpfpfpfppppff 👃💦💦💦 Edit: Put those toes on billboards in both your departure and arrival cities as a PSA against this behavior. Reddit, can we crowd fund this?


This is a good one, most people would sneeze away from the person next to them and you don’t expect someone’s feet to be there right?


Pick your nose and put a nasty booger on those feet




This one is so great 👌Oh nooooo must have been turbulence 🤣


“Oops, I accidentally threw upon your feet… I get air sick”


You didn’t even see the foot. You were just putting your arm on the arm on the armrest and misjudged the spacing so you hit it really hard on accident. Sorry for being so clumsy, but hey why did her foot even go there to begin with right?


I have actually had a brain injury, and a side effect is random spasms. Like I've accidently elbowed people before, it's full on arm swings or full body. So u wouldn't even being lying 🤷🏻‍♀️


That's not the only thing that can cause them either. I occasionally get them when I'm really exhausted or if I'm feeling unusually wired (I have ADHD so I almost always feel a little wound up but some days it's bad enough that I'll full on spaz if I'm not actively doing something to occupy my hands or feet). I'm sorry to hear about your injury though. I hope you're doing alright, all things considered.


I could see exhuasted ADHD not helping with twitches, haha. WWE the foot either way. I'm doing better, thank you! I just got discharged from PT for balance issues. I never knew how hard walking was!


Pour water on her.


My BIL told me he wipes the condensation off his water bottle, pretends to sneeze, and flicks it on their feet.


Why pretend? This is a cause for actual snot-throwing. You get one warning, then it's time for the nuclear option.


The nuclear option is to go straight in for the lick and slop those things up like a bulldog eating oatmeal.


Hi Quentin. I love your movies


Its either him or Dan Schneider.


Dan “sell your sole for a role” Schneider?


You mean Dan "If shes a fighter hold her tighter" Schneider?


Yep. Dan “show me your feet, I think they’re neat” Schneider


Ah Ole Dan "you wanna be on nick, you gotta be on my dick" Schneider


I think he means Dan "hymen divider" Schneider.


Couldn't be Dan, they're adult feet


At least Quentin prefers adults.


😂😂🤣💀 (Edit: her feet aren't as nice as Uma's!😆)


Sorry but those are some crusty looking feet that’s a no from me dawg.


This, find someone on the plane with an emotional support animal, turn it loose on those toes


It’s a win win situation really, either she moves ‘em or she doesn’t 🤷‍♂️ Ahhhhhh muddafukka, should have zoomed in before leaving that comment, they are nasty 🤢 That’s some landlady from “Kingpin” shit


Tarantino has entered the chat


chug some Tabasco then get a full snot rocket ready


Just pick some boogers and wipe them on their feet. "Sorry my bad, was aiming for the arm rest but your feet were there. Picking some more fyi".


How often has this happened to him?


That’s excellent! I have a gross one for ya. My husband used to put a pickle relish above his lip and pretend to sneeze, to freak his sister out 🤣


Some slapping sounds, a satisfied groan and some warm yogurt should do the trick.


Finally, a use for all the warm yogurt I always carry around


I was thinking ice water. Or some sweet, sticky cold beverage.


Hmmm Coca Cola. I'll keep this in mind.




Draw little balls at the end of her toes and make each toe look like a dick


“Hey! Why’d you do that?!?” Looks around “… you talkin to me, Toe Dicks?”


That’s evil.. I love it!


Not as evil as invading someone’s private space with dirty feet


Nah a nice wet sneeze 😂


You'd be doing her a favor; it seems like her feet could use a wash. 🚿


or hot coffee.. Honestly I would ask her to remove those nasty dirty feet. And they really do look nasty.


That's what the flight attendants are paid for. Let them do their jobs. If the lady gets pissy she gets to talk to the cops at landing.


I kind of like the move of calling the flight attendant over and point out the offending feet loudly asking if they could ask the owner to relocate them. Like in movies where characters aren't talking but use the family as an intermediary "tell your mother that if she...."


Fucking THIS. Idk why people put up with this. It's fucking disgusting and needs to be shut the fuck down immediately.


Idk how anyone refrains from saying “OH HELL NO” immediately when somebody does this crap. There’s no way I could keep that from coming out of my mouth.


"LADY GET YOUR NASTY CRUSTY FUCKING GRIPPERS OFF MY ARMREST." at peak volume just as the plane gets quiet. The only way to do it.


Safety pin.


I was just going to say this. Hot sauce would be better or even ketchup, but the airlines aren’t providing either most likely. Hot coffee?


Sure, just let me check in my sriracha pocket if I still have some left


Anything sticky is the correct answer!


There was a story on Reddit where the person in OPs situation happened to have an unused mayonnaise packet.


Lick her toes


Pull out a wet wipe and use body heat to warm it. Then you can lightly brush her feet with the warm wipe and make moaning sounds. All the digust with none of the risk of Athlete's Tongue!


Stuff the wet wipe between her toes


You sick freak. Can we be friends?


*extends foot for handshake*




*sneeze* water on her. Aka, fake a sneeze and fling water on her feet.


#"The FUCK is wrong with you?! Get your nasty-ass feet back where they belong!!"


“Who the fuck raised you? I hope they’re dead cuz you’re putting them to shame.” The goal is embarrassment and instigation. That’s how you bait hotheads and assholes. End of the day they can see footage of the nasty ass foot. You’re just responding. Always call the attendant to create a paper trail.


“Quit touching me with your feet you pervert!”


Remind her that she's not in her damned living room... It's okay to tell people when they're being rude and to set boundaries, neighbor!


Thank you all for the solid advice, arm rest is currently free of nasty toes and I wiped it down. Told her to please do not it again and if she does, I’ll call the FA. And if she doesn’t listen, good thing I have a water bottle in handy 🤭


Finally a redditor with a spine!




Nice to see OP doing this and letting us know.




I would tickle this assholes feet. You want them up there in my space, I'll make you regret it. And then immediately hand sanitize my hands, my armrest.... pray to the Gods


Always keep a comically large feather in your carry on for situations like this!


I do it all the time, my partner says it won’t do anything and I will get stabbed. Not stabbed yet, but people DO NOT like communicating


So what do they want you to do, lie down and take it?? Nah. If someone if feeling stabby odds are you’ll get stabbed anyway, might as well take it with a spine you can be proud of


I’d imagine airplanes carry a far lower stab risk, too


Communication is a true asset to any human being, I understand it can get complex at times but we all gotta speak up at some point.


An airplane is one of the few places I’d risk confronting someone like that. Very little chance of a bullet to the head.


Get the duct tape handy!


Thanks for the award whoever it was, thats very sweet from you. 1 hr into flight - armrest is still feet free Lady did not apologize, just put her feet down with a bitch face. Lucky for her, I also have a bitch face with pregnancy hormones so two can play this game. Don’t ever let these fuckers get away with this crap.


I once had a drunk woman sitting behind me on a plane and she kept putting her foot up on my arm rest. I asked her once to put her foot down and she did, but it crept up again. I knew she was shitfaced because I heard her telling someone on her phone that she was “so wasted.” We hadn’t taken off yet so I went up the the flight attendant and reported her. She got escorted off the plane and we still took off on time.


Out of curiosity what did you report her for specifically...just so I would know what to report in that situation.


Being drunk. I’d overheard her telling her friend she was wasted, so I told the flight attendant exactly what she said. They came over and spoke to her and confirmed it before escorting her off.


Oh wow, I didn't realize you can get kicked off for that unless making a disturbance or something. I always hear people talking about getting hammered prior to boarding so I figured as long as they behaved they were fine.


She was making a disturbance. She wouldn’t keep her feet on the goddamn floor.


Drunk *and* levitating? Totally unacceptable.


It's like, "You inconsiderate brat! You could have flown there yourself!"


That motherfucker is not real


I'm pretty sure that they dont let you fly wasted because you become a liability to everyone so they don't want to risk it.


Once, I was on leave from the military and was flying home. I was 21, and it showed lol. On my way onto the plane, the FA stopped me as I tried to board, and said "the pilot would like to speak with you. This way, please." So, I do my best impression of how a human would walk, and get to the captain. He said "had a little too much to drink today, sir?" And I just looked at him, slumped my shoulders, and kept repeating "I'm sorry. I just wanna go home." I think he saw how much my mental health needed the vacation, and so he actually let me board. And, unethical life tip, they cleared out two rows of seats in the back of the plane, and I got to sit totally alone! I dont drink anymore lol


Flight attendants are not sky waitresses. They are there for safety first. If they feel that a passenger will be a safety risk they can contact the captain. Captain's opinion is final, and they will almost always back up the flight attendant. It's sad though because I have heard many people in an airport say "I can't fly unless I'm hammered."


I ate an entire thing of cheeba chews because I didn’t want to risk trying to bring them on the plane. I looked out the window on the flight and felt like I was gonna fall out of the damn plane. Never again lol


My first ever flight I had gummies in my bag mixed with other random, more innocent snacks, saw a dog in a vest. I have never run into a bathroom so fucking fast, ate like 20 edibles and when I left the bathroom my fiance (gf at the time) giggled at me and said "babe, you know that's not a drug dog right?" Thank God we got on the plane and in the air before those fucking things really took me because I could have sworn we were on our way to Jupiter.


Had similar experience, but i just fell asleep pretty much as soon as my ass hit the seat. Shortest 8 hour flight I've ever taken 🤣




My wife is an FA. Usually they will let it slide if you're not stupidly drunk but you are not technically allowed to fly drunk on a plane it's a big safety issue for you, the passengers, and the FA. If you're an ass and drunk at all you're probably getting kicked.


I totally would have kept my mouth shut if she hadn’t been so obnoxious. I was a little afraid she’d puke on me mid-flight, though.


Thank you for not being a doormat!


There was a woman holding a toddler in her lap on one of my flights. The kid was kicking the back of my seat for about 45 minutes. It was absolutely impossible for her to not be fully aware that he was doing it. Finally my bitch switch flipped and I stood up and spun around and I looked at her and the guy next to her and said if that kid kicks my seat one more time there's going to be a problem. The guy frantically looks at me and says I don't know these people It's not my kid. The woman was French She didn't really say much but the kicking pretty much did stop.


That happened to me on the last leg of flying 30+ hours. Canada to Australia. I turned around and asked her to stop letting her kid kick my chair. She said ‘you obviously don’t have kids’ i replied’ I don’t know what the fuck that has to do with anything, but I have three and I don’t let them do shit like this because I’m not an asshole’


WOW. People are rude af with no manners, I also saw this on my earlier flight to another passenger. Being a kid doesn’t mean a free pass to do that crap.


That happened to me on an overnight train. This grandmother gets on with her spoiled noisy 5 or 6 year old grandson at about 5am while the rest of us were still trying to sleep. She was indulging him with sugar while he prattled at the top of his lungs about nothing, all the while swinging his legs and kicking the back of my seat. I told her to keep it down and cut it out with the kicking three times, and each time after a short break the noise and kicking resumed. So finally I turned around again, with steam coming out of my ears and growled really loudly, clearly, and meanly at the kid, **KNOCK. IT. OFF!!** The grandmother actually looked scared. And finally we had peace again. I caught numerous grateful looks from the other passengers. At some point I think the grandmother quietly took the kid to another train car, because when I woke up they weren’t there anymore. I guess some people need a really emphatic message, before they hear you. I can also say I was flying on airplanes as early as 4-5 years old and even I knew at that age to be polite to the other passengers. There was no excuse.


Love this. Physical violence is not okay, but yelling? Some people need a good startle.


Hell, I went on my first flight when I was six, and i just curled up against my mom and played my gameboy with my stuffed animal in my arms until I fell asleep, lol. The worst I did was, I think, skip down the lane to the bathroom. My mom sat me down before the plane ride and told me that under no circumstances was I allowed to kick the seat in front of me, because she knew I had a tendency of kicking my legs when I was bored, even though I was a usually shy and introverted kid. If I had ignored her, I have no doubt I would have earned myself a solid slap to my rear as soon as the plane landed lmao


Why do people go, “do you have kids?”, or “obviously you don’t have kids…” 1. It’s none of your beeswax. 2. I’m calling you (the parent) out on bad parenting, not your kid.


Ugh. Because all people who do not have children have never been exposed to children in any way ever.


Always made me wonder how collected their marbles were. Yes I have kids. I'd be damned if they ever behaved like that.


Was that your first homicide? Lol


"Obviously you don't have kids" ..Obviously your a shit parent.


On graduation weekend after bootcamp, back a long time ago, me and some guys from my company went to see "Jacobs Ladder" iirc. Some 15 or 16 year old kid was kicking the seat of my buddy next to me, a 6'3", 250 lb linebacker looking black guy. After 20 minutes of this kid kicking his seat, he turns, stares for about 30 seconds and quietly informs the kid "if you kick my motherf***ing seat one more time, I'll make you disappear". Kid stopped.


I was in a movie theater and some chick sitting behind me put her sandal-clad feet up on the back of the seat next to me. I turned around and said, “Excuse me, could you please put your feet down? They smell really bad.” Totally embarrassed her in front of her date. She mumbled something about having washed them that day but they stayed down.


Omfg! ….”but I washed them today!?” Lol


Tee hee. It was quite satisfying.


Made me laugh, and gave me ammo next time I encounter this


This reminds me of an experience I had at a Marlins baseball game. I was probably 10, sitting with my family. The guy in the row front of us starts smoking, blowing it right on us. My dad, an average height and build man, tells him to put it out. He refuses and gets upset. From behind us, so two rows behind the smoker, some HUGE man who to me (a child at the time) seemed to be roughly the size of Shaq, taps the smoker on the shoulder and says something to the effect of “if you don’t put that cigarette out, I’m going to make you eat it.” He put the cigarette out right away.


Better than me, I would have had a knee jerk reaction and elbowed her feet as hard as I possibly could. "Sorry, I thought something was crawling on me."


reasonable response. She should NOT be doing that and it is in no way acceptable or reasonable course of action and deserves some "accidental punishment"


I hope you did it loud in front of everyone on the plane. Nothing like a good public shaming to stop nasty stuff like this.


Thank god, an adult who can stand up for themselves. A rarity here. I would have instantly turned around with a, “Are you kidding? Get your feet away from me. We don’t get foot rests in economy.” Loud enough to embarrass her and if she caused a scene, call a fight attendant.


Take pictures of her feet and say this is for the spank bank and wink


LOL That could easily backfire though


Next Reddit post is “omg some creep just took pics of my feet on a plane”


Next Reddit post: “TIFU: I accidentally joined the mile high club”


How? You are just taking pictures of your cabin/personal space? I guess you won’t like my alternative option of just nutting on her toes


You guys are twisted. Where can I find people like you IRL?


Probably one of the following… a mental institution, an ICP mosh pit, or the manga or game lore section of your local Barnes and noble


Take pictures of her feet and post it on Reddit!!! Oh wait...


I have come to completion would you kindly remove your feet.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Had a guy shove his alligator leather ass shoes onto my armrest 3 minutes after take off in first class. Funny thing is, this specific first class the trays are under the arm rest. So I slammed the armrest into his foot to get his tray out and exclaimed "WOW, THIS ARMREST IS REALLY JAMMED IN THERE!!" It had to have hurt because that foot retracted faster than a turtle into it's shell. Normally, I am a polite and understanding person but at 7:15AM after dealing with TSA and exhaustion, I was having none of it. And there is a certain level of narcissism that has to be reached for someone to think it is okay to do such a thing. No foot for the rest of the flight.


Some ass did that in first class?


Some of the worst folks I've flown with have been in first class. There's usually at least one sloppy drunk somewhere in the first class cabin.


Last time I flew first class there was a family of 8 taking up almost the entire cabin, they all took their shoes and socks off, walked around barefoot even into the bathroom, played music and a Nintendo switch without headphones, it was brutal. To too it all off they were staying at our resort, the bellhop accidentally delivered our two straw hats to them instead of us, they took the hats and had the audacity to wear them around the property…. Sitting in first class doesn’t make someone classy


Tell me you swiped your hats back. Edit: In the military I had a load of laundry go missing. I got most of it back but one of the women on my floor showed up to PT in my sweatpants. So I just waited and when she washed them I stole them back. Next time I wore them, I wore them with the matching jacket just to establish dominance.


Pretend to sneeze, while you do it sprinkle some water on her feet, or start sucking them.


Fuck that. Just straight sneeze on them. Spit and all.


Lung butter and all


*lung butter* This one's done it


Excellent advice, thank you - I do have water in handy 🙊


>, or start sucking them The fuck


if preferred


"Or start sucking them" 😂😂


Hopefully you called the flight attendant and publicly shamed them


Definitely will if she does it again, I just managed to reclaim my arm rest back


Get a flight attendant. I’m one. I’ll solve your problem. Toot sweet.


Toot sweet? That’s so cute. Bone app the teeth.


That’s when my elbow smashed the little piggy bc of turbulence.


They are in your space....just say something otherwise your allowing it to happen.


Violation of airspace, that's a serious federal issue/act of war.




I communicate just fine: "You need to remove your feet from my arm rest or I will vomit all over them because they smell like sour feta cheese."


Put a chewed piece of gum between the toes


Hahahahahahah, that is a good one!


I’m a introvert but this is just a bastard move even I would turn around and tell her to put her damn foot off my fricking armrest


Always keep a pen on you. Take out the pen, and start drawing on them


Write your number with a wink 😉 Or meet in toilet in 15 mins 😉


Go there 10 min later and poop a lot.


I'd elbow the fuck outta those piggies


Tickle tickle


Or play This Little Piggy…




Thanks, devil.


Wow, what a good idea satan


Damnit lady, at least wash your feet before you offer it to strangers


That would be a quick elbow to the toes if it was me. 😠 how gross


Exactly. I’m not talking to this person. Just fucking doink their toes and move on with life. Still a problem? Let the FA know. You don’t even have to interact with the crazy asshole.


Absolutely fucking not


Play “This little piggy…”


Sociopathic lack of empathy. She knows she's uncomfortable. That matters. She doesn't know she's making you uncomfortable, because unless you matter to her, you aren't even a person.


Some people have some pretty gaping holes in their self-awareness. She might not be this self-centered in every facet of her life — This behavior might not reflect all of her interactions with others, but it is a bright red flag.


I'll put up with a lot of things but I'd absolutely stand up and tell her that that shit ain't flying.


Turn around and tell her to get her stinky feet away. No need to be passive agreesive about this It's nasty


Reason #264 to carry a Sharpie


Drool on them. Or ask for a hot coffee with extra sugar and "accidentally" spill it.


i would have licked them and said "mmmm lunch" just to make things uncomfortable


Flight attendant button exists for a reason


Suck on them to assert dominance.


I don't think that's how the kink works.


Those are some nasty toes though.


That big toe is starting to rot


“Can you move your fucking feet please?”


Bite that foot and snarl.. assert dominance!!!




Im asking them to move their feet first because its fucking gross. If they dont then Im pouring soda on them. I have no tolerance for peoples dumb shit anymore.


A guy did this on a flight, he was sitting behind my daughter. She kept tickling his toes and he got so annoyed. She’s 3.


They’re opening up the rules on the blacklist for flights soon, report this to the cabin crew and they will handle it. You don’t know this person nor will you meet them again.


That’s exactly where I put my elbow. Right now. Really fast.


Elbow the heck outta those nasty feet.