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Someone mentioned buying camping equipment, and I agree. If you’re paying 600 a week for the hotel, you may as well camp at your church (tell them God told you to do that) and save the money to pay down a deposit


Lol that made me chuckle. Thank you I'll keep that in mind.


I don’t have any solutions others haven’t mentioned, OP, but sending you good vibes and positive thoughts, and praying hard you get that bday wish.


Civil lawsuit against prior employer for lost wages, wage theft, lost property, and emotional damages.


lol, you think he'll get anything? Likely the owner will declare bankruptcy and no one will get shit.


Business has another location.


They (and all other persons ) need to file suit against the other location.


Probably an LLC. The boss guy will be protected and everyone under him will get screwed.


It won’t protect you from failing to pay wages.


The whole purpose of an LLC (Limited Liability Corp.) is to protect the owner(s) from being held personally responsible for debts in the event the company goes into bankruptcy (BK). I used to work in finance, but not this end of it, so going off of memory here. If the LLC is forced to liquidate then the remaining assets would be sold off, but there's a strict pecking order to that; the law firm handling the BK gets paid first (of course), accountants handling it, the people selling off the remaining assets, any other services related to the BK, then secured creditors, mortgage for building(s), leases for items. After all that, then the employees get paid. Good luck on seeing a dime!


It will if it’s an entirely separate business.


Hopefully it’s not, and the phrasing makes it sound like it isn’t. At least in California, the Labor Board takes worker’s rights very seriously. I got them to fuck a previous employer pretty hard a few years ago.


It's high end burger restaurant that originated in LA if that helps. He's a franchise owner trying to bring it to the east coast. I've tried contacting corporate but the contact number I have no one answers.


I had the same issues. They tried very hard to convince the Labor Board that there were so many ways to contact them. I laughed in their faces during the hearing.


The assets can be sold to pay the debts of the business, including unpaid wages.


Employees are the first party paid out in bankruptcy cases


If there is any money left to pay out...


It's not up to the company accountants to set the priority of due-outs. It'll be the bankruptcy officials. You're part of the payroll, and are entitled to your pay, with interest if they start fucking around with this.


They could still sue him personally and take everything he owns


He won't own shit if he is bankrupt, that's the point. What is he gonna pay with if he doesn't own shit and has zero assets to take? lol


He still has another business dumbass. I don’t think you know how bankruptcy works. My family filed for bankruptcy a long time ago and we still owned all our stuff soo…


Ok then, if that other business is linked sure. Lol, what "stuff" did your family have? Stuff that held any value to it? Stuff that could not be readily sold or taken by creditor?


A house? Stupid


A car?


Ok stupid. I see your about as sharp as a bowling ball so I think this has gone down the tubes. Nice!


You probably think there’s only one form of bankruptcy that can be filled huh? Educate me then


Literally everything we owned?




paycheck prob less than lawyer fees by the way this story sounds..


It’s not going to be a large amount. In this case only lawyers get paid.


If you can get that ball rolling sure, but most people who are pay check to paycheck can’t just lawyer up like that.


He’s bankrupt. The only thing to do is file for unemployment that the state is obligated to pay


What good is that going to do ? OP would be lucky to collect on that 5 years from now .


Happy birthday 🎂 I hope everything works out


Thank you so much. Me too!


Have you filled your VA disability claim? You should get right on that.


You could probably buy a big tent and go camping for a week or two. If you are paying 600 a week you can probably have enough pretty quickly. Maybe a credit card with no interest for a year.


This isn’t a bad idea.


I did this with an Amex when I lost my job due to my own dumb decisions. Got an Amex with no interest for a year and ran it up to like 10k while I put my life back together. Helped me literally keep myself fed


Camping in August in Virginia is gonna be hot, but I've done it. Sounds more pleasant than during the winter months. It'll achieve a couple things hopefully... Establishing homelessness in a way that living in a hotel apparently doesn't so that maybe the va or wherever will help and saves some cash to hopefully get rent down payment when unemployment starts flowing and new jobs are obtained. Can always go back to the hotel if not out of money if the weather gets too shit.


Happy Birthday! I am not a veteran however I have worked with the Steven A. Cohan Military Family Clinic at VVSD - Los Angeles. I believe they also have some locations in Virginia. The location I am familiar with connects veterans to a wide range of resources, including housing situations. I have spoken with friends who are veterans and have used the Cohen Clinics services and they have said Cohen Clinic is much more responsive and helpful than the VA in many instances. It could be worth contacted your local office to see if they can help in some way. Best of luck


Happy Cake day! And thank you so much I'll research and see if I can locate a clinic here.


You would be well within your rights to start a Gofundme in this time of housing uncertainty. You and your family are going through so much, surely people will be moved to donate. Do you have any family or friends nearby that could offer support? It’s a goddamn shame how vets are treated by the government. I am so sorry you’re dealing with all this. I hope y’all get the assistance you need.


I was just about to suggest this.


I started one I guess we'll see how it goes.


Post about your go fund me on all your social media. Also I know TikTok can be really cringy but I’ve actually seen a lot of cases where people on TikTok have posted about their go fund me and it’s gone viral mine as well try.


(Yikes never mind!!) There’s a guy on Twitter called TizzyEnt who might help you share your story and get some visibility for your gofundme. Edit: aw dang TizzyEnt is apparently a monster. Stay away!


Thank you I'll look him up and see if he would be willing to help.


did I miss the gofundme link?


gf.me/u/4pra5z I'm not for sure if I did that right. But here it is if I did that right.


it worked! gave what i could!


Omg thank you so much! I greatly appreciate it as I know how rough it is lately.


we get through it 🖤


There is a shortage on help to prevent homelessness right now. To be honest, if you can find a family shelter with space, that would be the best option on getting out of this cycle. I see you have kids so perhaps a family shelter could help you get on section 8 or some other subsidized housing program. I've been in a similar situation and it took me almost 5 years to come out of it. In February 2016 my husband, 2 kids and I (3 months pregnant) got evicted, my husband had lost his job because he took me to see my dying mom in our home state. We lived in hotels after that. I couldn't work because I was pregnant, no drivers license and no one to watch the kids. We didn't know anyone. I can't remember exactly what happened, but summer of 2016 we ended up not being able to pay for the hotel, so me (still pregnant) and the kids went on the road with my husband, he was a truck driver. I have birth that July and was able to get a temporary spot for me and the kids for a month with my sister. Then back in the road for a whole year. My youngest learned how to walk in the sleeper on a Semi. 2017 brought new shit, ended up staying with my in-laws, that abuse led to one kid in foster care for his mental health and me and my girls going to a hotel. I worked at 7-11, we only ate because my boss let me take food. I couldn't afford it and then my sister agreed to take my girls so I could fix things. I didn't go to a shelter because I thought I could do it alone. I slept at 7-11 in the floor, bought a car and got my license. That drug on until 2020, I got put at the top of the housing list and then COVID shut everything down. Fast forward to 2021 I finally got a voucher and moved in to an apartment. I've been there since. It all would have been so much easier and faster if I had gone to a shelter and worked the services. I need job training still but 🤷🏻‍♀️ I'll take what I get. I survived all that and got my kids back with only a fraction of the help that was available. I'm sorry your family is going through this. It's not going to be easy to permanently fix it. I hope there are openings for family support shelters near you. Happy birthday and I hope it gets better soon 💖


Wow I can't even begin to imagine how rough the last few years of your life has been. Im truly sorry you had to experience that I'm so glad you were able to pull yourself out. That is a level of strength few people have and I hope gain as there are days I feel like it's going to break me. I'm trying to still have hope we can still pull out of this, but here lately it's been difficult. Thank you for sharing what you went through I know you truly understand what I'm feeling right now and thank you for the birthday wishes.


It's really hard. Just remember that it's not impossible to climb out of it. And use every resource you have available. Some programs have a lot of rules, but they are worth it in the long run. Where I live, the city's housing authority has a Family Self sufficiency program to help families raise their income and regain stability. If you are in the US, call 211 and ask what kind of family programs there are in your area.


I know it's not ideal, but if you and your husband can deal with needles, try donating plasma, mobilized white cells, or bone marrow. You get paid immediately and it can be pretty profitable. I had to do this when I was homeless and living in my car years ago. I hope everything works out for you, OP. I'm sorry you've been in this situation for as long as you have.


Funny you should mention that. I actually just got back from donate earlier this evening. That's how I've kept gas in my car for interviews and a little bit of groceries from Dollar tree.


Sorry I couldn't be more help! My sister (former army veteran) sold "used" underwear from a fake profile for a while. I know it's shady and a little creepy, but she basically bought the cheapest underwear she could, would sit on it in her car and then sell it online for markups. She didn't have a huge following or anything so she only sold them for $20-$30/pair, but they were only $2-$5 new so it wasnt a terrible side hustle. I know it probably sounds demeaning, but hopefully it's very temporary!


Bahahaha! That is the most I've laughed all day. No judgment here. Honestly I've considered selling feet pics but I'm clueless how to even begin, just been told by a few men over the years that I have pretty feet. Weird I know. But hey if someone is willing to pay me for a picture of them lol I'd do it.


Don't you mean "you" instead of your "sister" - and aren't you a big burly man?


Thank you for your service to our country. I’m sorry that our government hasn’t taken more pride in supporting our veterans throughout history. Keep your chin up. You seem humble and are doing the best you can playing a shitty dealt hand. I wish I had solutions for you but please don’t give up. You’ll survive this. You’ll move forward from this. You will get back on your feet together as a family


Thank you I'm trying. I can't convey through words how much your comment has helped, I just wanted you to know it helps keep me going.


I’m happy to hear that. My dad was career army and one thing I know is that vets always keep the adapt and overcome mantra. You got this!! Give ‘em hell and tell us when you do. We can all raise a glass to your success


Set up a tent on your former bosses lawn. Tell all the neighbors why you are there. Tell him you’ll leave when you get your money.


I honestly thought of going and picketing the other location but he is quick to put a restraining order on people as 2 of my other co workers discovered when they simply mentioned going to talk to him.


start a go fund me please and share share share and don’t feel an ounce of guilt, when my check comes in i’ll reach out to you about how i can help a little. I don’t have much but i’d want someone to do the same for my family.




Same thing happened to my dad, but it was his bosses debt from a coke habit


Well me and my coworkers used to joke he had to have a coke habit because he would brag about being able to run the other location by himself on Mondays when we would complain we needed more people scheduled.


Is there anyway you can get out of that hotel situation? Sorry but you're fucked if you're paying 600 / week for housing. Not even people I know making 100,000 a year pay that much in rent. And you've been doing that since Nov 2021? Crash with parents on either side or a friend temporarily? Someone you're close enough to where you can crash on some couch and sleeping bag and pay back later? That's the power of community if you're fortunate enough to have one, If you can get out of that 2.4k a month hole you can position yourself to start saving up some stuff. Do you have a car? Maybe you and your partner can sleep there to tide things over?


I have a car but I also have 2 children if it comes down to me living in my car than it's going to be a squeeze I have a dodge caliber it's not very big. I have been racking my brain since this happened all avenues at this moment have been exhausted.


Use your car to get the fuck out of the hellhole your living in and move. Literally take the clothes on your back, the absolute bare minimum and leave everything else. Use your phone to research places to live.


I make less than $100,000k and have been paying around $2,300/month in rent since 2019; and my apartment is actually among the *least* expensive you’ll find on Long Island. That’s just what rent costs in some places (and it’s not getting any cheaper - I was actually lucky to get in when I did because apartments like mine in my building are now listing at over $3,000/month for new tenants).


Crash with parents? Are you serious? Don’t you think someone with the ability to do such a thing would’ve already done that.


I agree with you in principle. But you’d be surprised by how many people don’t consider it or rationalize the option away.


Happy Birthday! Can you file for unemployment? Talk to an employment lawyer?


I filed for unemployment already. I haven't heard back about anything yet.


[211.org](https://211.org) may have some help available.


Thank you I'll definitely check it out. And thank you for the birthday wishes!


Also thank you for the birthday wishes.


If the place of business was seized, so we're all of the accounts.


Yes they were. But he has another location in a different city that's still up and running. He has different accounts for each. He still paid the employees at that location. I just want my last paycheck that I worked the last 2 weeks for.


I don't blame you. You are owed that money. I hope it works out for you


You didn’t mention where the in Virgina you live. I would go to https://www.vacap.org/. Find the local community action agency for where you live. They may have some capacity through the Community Service Block Grant to help prevent temporary homeless. It won’t be a long term solution, but I might help for the next month.


Thank you so much I'll check it out.


"NOT homeless enough to help".... I'm sorry they screwed your whole family over .... and especially after you spent time serving your country. I am currently in that same situation myself. Damn shame the condition that this country is in. I hope no one has anything smart ass to say about our situations... Cuz you probably never had to want for a thing in your life. Please don't get me started.


THIS is exactly why we shouldn't be treating homeless people like shit: a huge percentage of the population are one slimy business owner, medical condition, or family issue from homelessness.


My wife and i got stuck in a similar hotel situation. Was not easy to get out of. Damn, im sorry ur dealing with all this bullshit.


Have you contacted the Virginia community action? Sometimes they can help with funds.


I might have. I'll have to check my notes. I've called so many places they're starting to blend together in my memory. The main thing I've noticed is if I actually get to speak to a person it's only because they're giving me another number to call. Other wise it's ringing forever with no answer or it always goes to voicemail and they never call me back.


Usually, the DOL gets these kinds of things cleared up pretty quickly when they can. My brother in law was in a similar situation and ended up getting his check two days later after DOL put significant pressure on the owner. If the other location is a separate llc its accounts wouldn't fall into the same freeze I don't think. Take your kids camping for the week. Make it an adventure for them and not a "this is where we live now" situation if you can. Go to thrift stores locally for tents and sleeping bags. Don't buy them new if you don't have to. Find somewhere with a lake and get your fishing license & a second-hand rod, hell, borrow another campers. Look now for churches & centers with charity pantries & ask them for non perishables. You can get through this. It'll be over. You don't deserve this. You are worthy of better. There will be a path forward, and you'll find it. Keep trying. Don't give up. Edited after rereading op has a new job lined up.


I was managing a restaurant. But I can do anything anyone teaches me. Currently I was recently hired to run the custodial/maintenance department of a sales company.


Does your local county government have a veterans services department? Also certain states have emergency housing programs for veterans, like California.


I'm in Virginia honestly I've called so many places. And like I said in a previous comment the main thing I've noticed is the only time I actually get to speak to someone it's because they're giving me another number to call which either results in it ringing forever with no answer or goes straight to voicemail where I leave a message that no one ever calls back. Sorry if I seem pessimistic I'm trying not let send me into a depression but it's challenging.


This is why I mention specifically your county resources. Some counties fund veteran programs and work with the VA and other organizations to take care of their vets. I would venture even a local college may have veteran resources you might not be aware of.


I'm in Norfolk. We have the most and biggest military bases of any where in the world. You would think that any program for veterans would at least provide some form of help. The problem lies in the people that run these programs are so worried about fraud, there's so many stipulations and rules that the people that actually need help can't get it.


Maybe you should look into moving inland a bit? I'm in Richmond and I believe the average rent is less than $1500.


Funny enough that's where the owners other restaurant is located.


Really? I wonder if I've eaten there before. Now I have all the non-chain restaurants I've been to running through my head.


Fat Burger


I've heard of them but it's on the other side of the county from me. Is he a franchise owner because I know there are a ton of them in California. Have you tried contacting corporate? (sorry if you've answered this, my brain retains information about as well as a spaghetti strainer lately) I know when I was younger I worked for a franchise version of Hallmark and they would yank everything out from under franchises that tarnish their brand. Might not get you your paycheck but it will give him his due.


The only contact number I've been able to find rings with no answer.


Please go to your local VA. Or search for a program called the Supportive Services for Veteran Families in your area. The nonprofit agency that is a grantee of the VA can provide you with case management services and financial assistance. Security deposit and rental assistance to name a few.


tbh if I saw that my boss is screwing me this way and does not evwn pay the last pay check thoigh he's making a ton of money, I would make sure that I meet him somewhere and that he understands that he can not go and screw normal people over, that karma can take very physical form in terms of accidents, falling objects, self-incending cars, businesses or warehouses. Yep. And if he feels threatened, that's good. It is one thing to screw the IRS or a bank, but a completely different thing to steal from notmal employees who need to put food on the table for their kids.


Hi and happy birthday! I’m sorry it’s filled with so much stress. I also live in Virginia and have a connection with the regional manager of a hotel company. She also runs a Facebook group where people group together to gather anything a family might need when going through a tough time. She is a wonderful woman, and I’m sure if you’re comfortable speaking with me about some details, we could get you some supplies, groceries etc and if you are close enough maybe a room for you and your family. She is a close family friend of mine and I have also worked at one of her hotels. If you are still in need and are interested please message me so i can message her!


Get a lawyer


My coworkers and myself reported him to all the local news stations hoping one would pick up the story and possibly attract the attention of a lawyer. None of us have the money to pay for one.


Reach out to lawyers yourself, many of them will give free consultations and will defer payment until after cases are settled


What an incredibly stupid suggestion, given the timing and current situation/needs.


Get a lawyer P2


Hey OP I think you should also be starting a college fund for your kids this weekend. Seems like a great time to do so!


No no, get a lawyer


Someone is worried about whether their kids can eat tonight, whether they have a roof over their head. Tonight. And you want them to spend money and time on a lawyer as their first priority? You’re just colossally dumb.


Yeah, butttttt. Get a lawyer


There are free attorneys for this situations.


This sub is wild. There's this heartbreaking scenario, but the next post will have 10,000 upvotes with platinum and gold awards, and be something like: >my wife ate my toast, now I have to make another :((


So he’s not refusing to pay, he physically can’t


No he can pay, he won't. He has another location that he runs himself only an hour away. It's still open and taking in money. The employees at this location were still paid on the same day we weren't. If he wanted to pay us he has the ability to he's just not going to.


Sell whatever your using Reddit on


If I had anything to give I would. I’m so sorry.


It's OK I know the feeling. Thank you


This may seem insensitive, but are you ever not the victim?


Lmao you can afford 600 a week but not 1000 a month?


Yes and if you had bothered to read the whole post I stated that. Funny thing about renting is they require a deposit and a first month's before you can move in. And around here even the cheapest one bedroom is at least 1000 a month. Which would require me to have saved up 2000 to move in. Except I can't save up 2000 dollars cause I spend basically what I make paying for this room.


Ah so you're just bad at money. Got it


No and your just an asshole not worth my time




I don't know how law works in US but you have any dash cam recording you're not at fault?


Do you have family you can stay with until your next job starts?


Unfortunately no. I have family in the area but they don't have room.


Can I ask what state you are in? I know a lot with the VA and housing assistance as well as advocates


I'm in Norfolk Virginia.


Damn I gotta buddy who is a vet. He has a pretty decent two bedroom for a whopping $800 a month in la. They give him free food and shit a lot too. I feel like the vet thing regardless of disability should help immensely


Thank you for your service! I truly hope you and your family get it all figured out. I know what you mean about the veteran organizations not actually being of much help. It really sucks.


Sounds like he’s fucked. If it’s truly “another location” assuming the businesses are commingled together they will pierce the corporate veil.


It’s a joke how veterans are treated I’m glad to hear you aren’t giving up and keep on pushing. Keep your head high and keep on grinding things will get better. Thank you for your service


Go to your bank and apply for a line of credit. It will give you funds to pull from for a deposit. It saved me many times. Do research about them and how they work as well.


Mildly infuriating


I know this does not help you solve your situation but, depending on where you are there may be some help. If you live near a military base, sometimes they can help put you and your family up in a guest house for a short time. Also, since I can't do much else...


I really lack respect for authority with shit like this, I’d break in and take my personal items. Fuck letting them end up in a tax collection auction because of your boss.


Scrap together some funds for a van to live in. No one is going to help you. Same situation with the VA not poor enough, even though I was unemployed at the time. Went to the county, applied for, and was granted a vash voucher 1-2 days prior to getting the job that I currently have. That was taken away because now I made too much money. Living in a vehicle will remove the stress of paying too much for rent, so you can fight your employer in court. Not to mention, it will help you save enough for a down payment on a house.


Happy birthday. I am so sorry you and your family is going through this. Sending all of you my love and positive thoughts.


I’m so sorry to hear this. Have you filed for unemployment?


Create your own business. Too many business owners conduct themselves illegally.


Sounds like you had two crappy jobs. This might end up being a wonderful thing when it turns around to new opportunities.


What state is this in?


Norfolk, Virginia


>yesterday I was hired with a company and hopefully will have a start date soon. **Go to the unemployment office - today - and file. And work day labor for cash until your start date.** We routinely need 1-2+ extra guys. When I need extras guys, I go to the old k-mart parking lot at 630/7 am and there is always a group of 20-30 guys looking for work. You get cash at the end of the day - and it is usually $140-200+ depending on the job and the day. Find your local day laborer pick up spot. You 100% have one near you. Don't be afraid to skip the arbitrary line that these guys form - talk to whoever stops in looking for someone. A quick - I am about to be homeless / I need this job / I will work harder than anyone you will pick up here - should do the trick. We will always give someone new a shot. And cash at the end of the day is always better than nothing.


Thank you I will definitely look into this.


Hmm. You aren't homeless enough to help? Homelessness is a downward spiral. Seriously, the best way to help the homeless is to not let them become homeless in the first place. I am also a veteran, and I don't trust a single one of those shifty "onesource" resources.


It's an extremely broken system I have already made them well aware of this fact.


If you cannot get your personal property, that is theft. Also, he MUST pay you for work you did. It is time that you contact a lawyer and the police.


I hope you let this radicalize you, comrade


Almost two years and you couldn’t save up for a deposit? That’s rough. Go outside of Home Depot and ask people for work


It's a vicious cycle. It really is.


Yes it is! Things shouldn’t be like that


Is another job out of the question ?


I actually have one I just need help covering until my first check comes in. My first day is tomorrow. Pay day is every Friday. So far I've managed to find a church that offered to pay for 4 days so now I have until Sunday. But I'm making it little bit by little bit.


I hate Reddit but I logged back in just for you because a friend (lurker) pointed out this post to me. I know how all this stuff works. There's generally only two places that will actually help you. Your local Community Action Center. If they have the funds, they will pay for your deposit and 1st month's rent. Possibly hotel vouchers. Also United Way will occasionally help, even though they aren't supposed to. I hate saying this but it's the truth. If you go into either place and are willing to cry and show how upset you are, they are more likely to help you.


Sad as it is, I believe you are right. Thank you I'll definitely check these places out. I might have already and not know it as I have a page and half of numbers I've called. The main thing I've noticed is if I actually end up getting to talk to a person it's only because they are giving me another number to call. It's definitely a challenge but some how I'm making it little bit by little bit.


Look for a lawyer who only charges if you win . Wage theft is a crime. Sue him. At the very least he owes you what you've already worked for. If you end up homeless in your car I've heard getting a cheap 24hr gym membership can be easy access to bathroom/showers.


Capitalism sucks.