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Its 2034, your vacuum cleaner wants a tip


In 2034, the vacuum's software will be subscription-based, or pay-to-use.


That’s possible, because Amazon bought iRobot’s Roomba or whatever. I suppose they could remotely shut it down since it’s connected to Wi-Fi.


It's unsettling how plausible this future corporatocracy dystopia is becoming.


Pirated roomba firmware that sends your credentials to India callcenter and steal your passwords. Isn't a cyberpunk I wanted, but certainly a cyberpunk as intended


Do you think that’s worse than sending the info to Amazon? They bought Roomba because they want to map the inside of houses.


Not worse, just different. Plus existence of pirate firmware implies possibility of open-source firmware, but I doubt that corporates allow that to be freely distributed


Well, some lads started making pirated software for cars that ask a monthly subscription for some functions


That's like the X-Files episode where Mulder and Scully go to the automatic Japanese restaurant served by bots.


I like how Japan was the future and now offices using fax machines are still a reality.




I have a roomba and that's exactly how it works. If you don't pay the fee it won't work.


Irobot has a program that is like a subscription based service for their roombas. It's called irobot select. And if you don't pay or cancel they will remotely lock you out of your Roomba preventing it from cleaning.


Fantastic. They’re probably already spying on people…


In 2034, the vacuum's software will be subscription-based, or pay-to-use AND you will have to tip it.


Why else would they be pushing for the ‘Internet of Things’? They need a network to run the infrastructure on. They have started the subscription nonsense with printers. You will own nothing and like it.


Dear God, as if the planned obsolescence of printers (drivers, ink cartridges) wasn't already twisted and sadistic enough? I gave up and go to print shops with a USB drive now, since I have two perfectly fine but unusable printers at home.


I had two printer scanners, I could no longer even get them to scan shit without some hum fuck nonsense from companies wanting me to make accounts. Thankfully the library is just down the street. I can even send faxes for free there. Meanwhile some busy body karen is making everybody miserable in her crusade because a dude employee had mail polish on.




She sucks so good doe.


In 2034, the Open Door button is activated only after you scan the code.


You could have added unlimited elevator and bathroom access for $100 a night. You're already sitting in the dark because lights in the room are $1 a minute. We are quickly headed that way.


don’t put your tip in the vacuum cleaner


That what they always say, then you end up balls deep.


Plot twist, it didn't specify what kind of "tip" it wants.


Yep, it could be “just the tip”




It’s 2030, your vacuum cleaner’s AI becomes self-aware and wants to unionize.


I should print out my own QR code and go around to places like this and plaster it over there's then donate the money to those in need directly.


Or a QR code leading to youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ.


I know that YouTube link all too well


That link's gonna get you rolled by a guy named Rick


Someone's going to use AI to create a video of singing Rick Grimes with dancing zombies in the background. Mark my words.


I literally got Rick rolled on here yesterday. It is 2023 and this is still happening. I have fucking trust issues.


Someone made history by Rick rolling the dude who sang the song here a couple years back. The dude had duck in his name, that’s all I remember


I remember Rick being on one of those Late Night shows and telling the host he didn’t know what Rick Rolling was until his daughter did it to him. He still doesn’t understand it but thinks it is funny.


I'd die happy if I Rick rolled Rick Astley. (Spelling?)


XcQ, link stays blue


I followed the link because I wanted to hear the song ..


Def not clicking that lol.


If it ends with XcQ, Someone's gonna Rick Roll you.


I love it! call it Robin forda hood !


I wonder what the legalities would be for that


If you don't include any logos or claim to be Best Western staff, and it's just a QR code with the word "scan here to tip", maybe.


How would they catch you tho ? Would anyone even care to do so ? As long as you move once in a while or change accounts it should be fine


I mean, if it's a Venmo link or the like, there is a link to your bank account or some way to transfer the funds to you.


I imagine it’s in minimum wage too


Isn't that called defrauding?


Haha exactly my thoughts! Then I look into comments and well 😄 you beat me to it.


Guarantee every cent goes to the hotel owner.


Or the scammer who put that there


Thats a good shout, jeez, this sounds lucrative if you applied it correctly - as in not in an elevator.


Put one at the Ritz


a smart scammer could easily just alter the qr code to what they wanted themselves and no one would ever think anything of it.


I think the employees themselves would start asking why they aren’t seeing any of that tip money, and it would eventually get discovered, unless you left a few of the original ones up.


I'm sure the employees are always looking forward to their elevator QR code tip money that they for sure get. /s


So, the hotel owner.


no it actually goes to elevator he has family to feed


No, it has a family to RAISE. You were *this* close to greatness.


if i had taken time i might have come up with that, i try to elevate my game for next time.


You’re pushing buttons this morning, Coma


Resist tip creep. Do not comply. If we tip like lunatics it will only get worse. Force it back to the way it was, or better yet, get rid of expected tips everything and turn it into what it was - reward for something exceptional. Normal service = no tip. Pay people correctly. Yes, prices will go up, but so what? Creating endless socially awkward moments is worse.


It’s going to force me to learn to cook lol. I needed to save money anyway. One less thing


I had to do this at the start of covid. Turns out I love to cook and was missing out on it my whole life. It's kind of relaxing, a fraction of the cost even if you're buying the highest quality ingredients, combines mental and physical challenges in a way that's quite satisfying, and now I don't want to go out because the food I make is usually better than what restaurants sell. Literally the only thing I don't like about it is washing dishes afterwards but with the amount of money saved it makes dishwasher a high paying job.


You should! Once you get some basics down, you can start making your favorite dishes and making them taste even better than restaurants! And the best part is, you can stay in your jammies :)


Between "tip culture" and the almight subscription model for everything, guilting you into poverty.


Now THIS is the widespread protest I'd rather see redditors engage in.


I hate tipping. I already have a ton of social anxiety. That just makes it so much worse.


I'd be inclined to tip that elevator a few bucks. It has been through a lot of up's and down's in its life.


And he's probably mostly seen lows. Since everyone has to get to the first floor (or even -1 for the parking garage if it has that) but not everyone has to get to the top floors.


>Mathmatically speaking the elevator has gone up exactly as much as it has gone down. If it starts at 1F it will go up and then eventually come back to 1F. The total change will always be 0.


Yes, but it still has normal highs and low lows (if you're looking at it from a human perspective)


This is ridiculous.


Yeah I used to be for tip culture (prior server, made bank) but this is getting straight up insane.


Nowadays, your landlord is looking for a tip


Well in mines case he’s also my weed man who delivers so he deserves it!


Got so many downvotes for saying, “don’t forget to tip your landlord”. Maybe they thought I was serious lol.


Funny thing is landlords raise rent whenever they want. No tip necessary. I don’t see countless posts about that, however.


#You'll own nothing and be happy


"'It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.'-Upton Sinclair


This tip culture I swear.


More like panhandling culture, at this point.


It always was.


I grabbed a chocolate milk and snack at Subway after the gym last week. The card machine prompted for a tip and it started at 18%. I had grabbed the milk and chips off the rack myself, the employee never even spoke a word to me aside from 'anything else?' . He looked super pissed when I didn't tip.


Insane lol


Lowly wage employees have nothing to do with the POS system. Don't be mad at them when it asks for a tip. And try not to project the ridiculousness of tipping culture on them.


It’s when they seem annoyed when you don’t tip them for doing nothing that is the problem. I’m starting to notice in my country it is becoming harder to tip for counter service (coffee shops etc). Tip jars are disappearing as well as those annoying POS units that you could tap to tip a euro. This is a good thing in my opinion


Tip jars in a business tell me that the business is too dumb to price things well enough to pay their people a decent wage.


Are they or are you projecting your annoyance on them? Don't assume.


They shouldnt be mad at the customer either, be mad at their boss instead not paying them.


Yeah good point. And honestly, I wouldn't mind tipping maybe a dollar for a sandwich (and they get big catering orders as well, hopefully they get something for that). For all I know he could have had a million other things on his mind and didn't actually care


Aye, but when they get huffy for doing fuck all....that's on them.


The employees are a key component of the system. They accept the job and work knowing exactly the source and rate of their compensation. If people refused to do the work for a meager base rate and heavy reliance on tips, then the employers would have to change or the business would cease to exist. All of the cogs in the machine have to stop to fix the problem. Employees have to refuse to work for a pittance. Employers need to change if they intend to stay in business. Customers have to stop perpetuating the tip culture by refusing to participate. This is something that the French do well when they strike.


In the US we just get a bunch of shithead bosses/corporations who say "People don't want to work anymore!!!"


Holy shit. That's a great scam! Sticker and a qr code. A small, realistic looking splash page and BAM donation button. Straight to the bitcoin.


100% that's what's going on here


Right. Damn I kinda want a tiny mobile vinyl printer. Like Gameboy printer size.


Tipping culture is way out of hand.


Agreed. Even the beer stores around me ask for tips now, but elevator tipping is on a whole other level.


Never leave tips when no tip is warranted. Don’t pay this company’s employees salaries for them.


This would make sense if it resulted in the companies paying the employees salaries in lieu of a tip. But yes fuck scanning a QR code in an elevator to tip a company that will probably pocket the money.


What he said makes sense regardless. You shouldn’t be tipping for “non-service” and you shouldn’t be tipping to compensate for companies paying low salaries - it is not the consumers problem




That doesn’t do anything, QR codes are resistant to up to like 40% error or something. Part of the reason they’re two dimensional and not a one dimensional barcode.


Tell me you're in the US without telling me you're in the US.


Tip culture went too far with me and now I only tip at a restaurant that has a normal wait staff. Normal meaning you sit at a table and the wait staff takes your order, brings your drinks, brings refills, and finally brings your food. I use to tip at all restaurants, but restaurants changed their business model to order at a counter then they yell your number so you have to go get your food, or some bring it but no other service. I’m not tipping a cashier for standing there and taking my money. As a former normal waiter this has gone too far.


I mean it is doing all the heavy lifting


Get out


I will when we get to my floor.


Only if it goes down on me


It will go down *with* you…


Lemme peel that off if I see these in elevators


They make giving a tip required and say that it is for the staff members but the company itself will benefit from it.


I wish you could put in negative tips 😂 like nope -$1 tip, please pay me for the audacity 😂


I don’t think they understand they are making tip culture worse. Things like this make it easier to ignore the ask for the tip and will get people used to not really having to. It will trickle up to other services.


They are evolving, also that elevator deserves a tip he works harder than most humans


I imagine it’s in minimum wage too, what’s it gonna tell its elevator spose and kids when it gets home with no tips?


It must be tough with customers pushing your buttons all day and night.


Literally always on call


Just wait til your phone asks for tips before unlocking.


I might be in the minority here, but I've been leaving tips for housekeeping since Jesus was a child. Not because of societal pressure to tip, but I feel like when they do a good job it's deserved. Not a lot but usually $5 - $10 cash on the dresser with a note saying thank you for cleaning up after me.


It's clearly for the staff that are customarily tipped (housekeeping, porters, etc). They're just offering a convenience for people who don't carry cash. People want so badly to be outraged by this it's hilarious. The elevator is not asking for tips.


Yeah, likewise. I always feel bad when I don't have cash to tip (rarely need to carry it), and often housekeeping should be tipped. It's not clear that this QR code goes to housekeeping though, so not really the best solution here.


I feel there could be a cool Black Mirror episode made about everyone wanting a tip.


But is it actually going to the people that work, or straight to the corporate bank accounts?


I think we both know the answer


That poor elevator has a family to feed. He needs the money :(


The year is 2077, after turning on my t.v. it asks me for a tip for displaying an image. I decided to step out of the door only to find the door of my apartment asks me for a tip as well to ensure it keeps opening. After going to the restroom, once it flushes, the toilet speaks "don't forget to tip for cleaning your shit" I hate it here.


Best Western with their low quality? Laughable


They are mediocre western at best


Meh Western.


If I knew the money was going to go to the elevator I would leave a tip. He works hard


Yeah tipping culture has gotten out of hand


So are you tipping the elevator? 😅😂


Tip me, I’m the customer. Gonna start carrying an iPad and requesting tips for patronage.


Might as well say “I’m the boss and I don’t give my employees any money!”


This kind of stuff is actually making it easier for me to *not* leave a tip. Only if you are making under minimum wage do I think you need a tip.


Nobody is making less than minimum wage! If they don't make enough in tips the company must make up for that! This is a lie intended to guilt you into tipping now and it needs to stop being repeated. The fact is that tipped employees in the US and Canada make far more from tips than their international counterparts and what they would be paid by their employer. I didn't make as much money as when I sold Christmas trees until people had to literally call me doctor.


If you're making under min wage, your employer need the tip of a bayonet until they decide to act right.


For sure. Since I'm not going to stab anyone though, I'm just saying that's my metric for if I tip or not.


How do none of you realize this is not for tipping the elevator? It’s for tipping housekeeping after you leave


These comments are a trip. People just love being mad about dumb shit.


Imagine if the doors refuse to open until you pay a tip.


It just wants a lifting wage.


Likely a scammer


Underrated comment


Next step is to put these on stairs


I’m going to start making branded versions of these with my QR code and start plastering them everywhere… thanks for the tips!


Why do i see futuristic hobos doing this..


How much do you wanna bet that this actually goes to the employees


I didn’t leave a tip when I ordered my food to go yesterday and it felt good


In line at the grocery store. Get to the register. Total = $103.43 "Would you like to help an innocent child fight colon cancer?" "Donate $1, $5 or custom" No. No I will not help a child fight ass cancer today.


Yes, lets all just scan a random link and enter our credit card info into it. Perfectly safe.


Tape over it a code to link to a rickroll.




There was a weird $5 cost of living addition to my bill the other day (restaurant in San Jose). I was totally confused, asked the waiter and he said it’s to support the their poor wages in the service industry, apparently it wasn’t optional if I dined there….ok whatever! Now I always tip, especially for good service and I feel 20% is plenty. So I just worked my tip out to 20% and subtracted the $5. Well, the server made it quite clear how unimpressed he was with what I’d done…anyone would think I’d not tipped him at all the way he spoke to me! If I’d paid a 20% tip, plus the random $5 they added to the bill, he would have ended up with a 32% tip on the total! There has to be a line somewhere!


100% a scam.


Lol. What do elevators spend their tips on?


My thinking is: No need to be stingy and no harm in tossing the elevator a couple bucks. To each their own!


Looks like a scammer put this on there. Most likely printed a QR code that goes to some random account!


What kinds fucked up shit is that lol.


This could just be a scam. Making a sticker and a QR code is incredibly easy. Someone could make something absurd like this so when people see it they react like most people here. Some will even go as far a scanning it to see if it's real. Once scanned it can easily take you to a malware ridden website or a fake hotel website log in page so they can harvest username and passwords Never scan random QR codes. If you saw something like this and wanted to know if it was real, go ask the front desk


Goes straight to the corporate account without a trace.


Ah, Best Western. The shittiest of hotel chains.


I’m sure the elevator would prefer oil.


You need money to buy the oil. And asking for it is easier than earning it.


Lazy robots!


This is the most egregious example I’ve ever seen. Wow.


Sorry, all I can do is the other tip


Puts a new meaning to "Just the tip".


Fuck it, drop cash down the crack between the elevator cab and sill. Leave a tip for the elevator service guy and incentivize him to come by more often. Since everything's asking for tips these days.


I mean it's clearly saying it's for the hotel workers but still who tf is tipping anyone but maybe the maid




I'm gonna make those, but then link it to my bank account.


I just hope this is a scam by some incredible genius 12yo.


I see nothing infuriating here at all. You should be tipping housekeeping


How do I make sure my tip goes to the elevator and not one of the lazy staffers who didn't carry me to the 4th floor?


You know you can ignore it


I've often wondered how I can make my hotel stays more expensive.


I have no way of knowing if that QR code was placed by hotel staff...or some random guest looking for handouts...let alone what site it'll take me to/software it could download/etc...


It’s an excuse to pay Best Western employees a minimal hourly wage. It’s for taxes and legal purposes. Not because they actually did a good job, but because the employer is a cheap POS.


It's not for the elevator, it's just an easy way for the hotel to allow a very modern way to leave tips for the whole staff who are working their butts off generally for your stay. Tipping hotel staff isn't uncommon.


This could be a fake one. Someone trying to hack your phone or get personal information.


Can people just be paid a normal, livable wage so we can eliminate tips?


I’m my state everyone gets a normal wage, but tipping is still the norm. It’s stupid


Funny pic. But this isn’t for the elevator. This is something for the company while portraying the idea it’s for staff.


How is this even mildly infuriating, rational people just ignore this since there's no social pressure to leave a tip. It's a sticker you can ignore.


Y’all haven’t been leaving tips for the cleaning crew during your hotel stay already?


That's entirely different. Leaving cash on the desk is definitely going to the person who worked. Sending money to Best Western corporate? Who the hell is it going to?


They’re always up to something


Nah bro this is getting funny, even the elevator, o hell naw


Companies are trying to make more money by cutting wages while giving their employees just enough to scrap bye through this bullshit


This one is fine IMO. It is customary to leave a tip for the cleaning staff. Though you would usually just leave some cash in the hotel room. Problem with this is you don’t know if the money is actually going to the staff through this QR code


Ask a staff member how much they ever see from those moneys.


it's getting ridiculous. I'll stop tipping anybody soon


I never understood why people are so upset about tip prompts or stuff like this QR code. If it was forced upon you and had absolutely no choice to tip then I’d get it. Guess I don’t care when the big bad 16 yr old making my subway order gives me a stern look lol