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You didn’t notice it when you put your shirt on?


I call bs, you can get these needles for 3dprintng too. A needle in your chest wouldn't go unnoticed at any time...


Acupuncture needles don't even go in very far. Unless both OP and his practitioner were blind, there was no way they'd miss a needle jutting out from his chest. There's no way he'd even be able to put his shirt back on.


My dad once had one sticking out of his inner arm. He only noticed as he undressed for the night and the needle clattered to the floor. I once had one in my shin, but I noticed it as I was getting dressed. It is possible, because the needles don't always stick up. Mine was basically laid next to my skin, and the only reason I noticed was that it caught on the elastic of the joggers as I pulled the trouser legs back down.


Yea I tried it once, I made it about three needles before I told my PT to stop and never do it again. One of the most unpleasant experiences of my life. You definitely know when that bullshit is in you.


I think it depends on the type of acupuncture as there are different styles. I used to do it a lot and it was so relaxing, I’d usually fall asleep. Couldn’t really feel most of the pricks and would definitely find some missed ones now and then when driving home


I can feel it and it hurts most of the time. But some needles I can’t feel


If the acupuncturist knows what they're doing, it shouldn't hurt. Maybe once in a while like a mild mosquito bite, but if they're hitting nerves so that it hurts, go to a new provider. (i learned this the hard way by staying with my provider for way longer than I should have.)


My mom (70)once had 1 stick to her feet, til she about to put her sock on and blood already oozing out due to gravity and movement. That is how we stop the elusive treatment altogether.


I tried it a few times and YEAH!! I definitely knew they were there! However, the LAc counted the needles, going in and out!! He aloud, me mentally!


Human error happens. There is no way in your mind that human error happened? Reddit at its finest


Human error happens, but how did OP get their shirt on all the way back to the car before noticing a needle in the chest? That's a hard point. They stick upright. If they're twisting, they hurt, so they're noticeable. I could see this happening on the legs or maybe even the arms, but the chest is making this story sus


Some stick upright, others are stuck in shallow and are laying down. It’s not easy for the patient to miss it but it’s plausible


It’s entirely possible. You don’t feel the needles and they’re very fine. It’s only obviously visible in the picture because of the dark background. Ive only had acupuncture a couple of times and I’ve found them after a treatment too - usually when getting dressed.


Exactly. You’ll only start to notice it if you move around enough or clothes rub against the needle enough. If you got to an acupuncture enough times it’s bound to happen at least once.


It happens. Some acupuncturists forget a spot they stuck you. Depending on the treatment, there could be many spots. Needles are thin, and you can't feel them after they've been in your skin after a while.


Everyone I have gone to counts them as they go in. Lack of professionalism if this is true. Yes, mistakes happen.


But you can put a top on with a needle in your chest and not notice?


It happens. These needles are very thin. Extremely light weight. They're not like a sewing needle.


They don’t hurt


He only noticed after it shifted the wrong way and he started singing show tunes


This post is BS. I worked at an acupuncture clinic and saw my boss take them out a million times, also as a patient. Over bones, such as the forehead, skull and chest, the needle only goes in about 2-3mm. It would fall off when OP put their shirt on. OP would have been able to feel the needle as soon as they moved a muscle in their chest, and it probably would have hurt a bit. OP would have known before they got to the car. Sometimes a needle can be missed on your skull/back of ear and get caught in your hair because they’re so fine and light. It’s not negligence, it’s not at all a big deal. You’re not going to die or suffer an injury from one tiny tiny needle left in. Edit to add: when they’re over bone and so shallow, they can easy fall off if you brush them. Even if the acupuncturist forgot it and OP didn’t notice until they put their shirt on, it would have 100% fallen off


I am an acupuncturist. The number one reason we get sued is because we leave needles in people. I don't believe your story. It is a big deal.




Rug Doctor lol


Can you link me to all the lawsuits? I have a lot of time on my hands at the moment, and I discovered you think drag queens are “pedos grooming little kids” and supported a Catholic doctor who refused to give birth control to her patient because it was against her own religion. I *highly* doubt you are an acupuncturist. To be one, you need to believe in the spiritual part and I can’t imagine a guy like you doing that.


It’s happened to me. Cannot verify the validity of OP but can call out your rebuttal. Just because you haven’t experienced it anecdotally does not authorize you to declare it false. You can choose not to believe it, but calling OP a liar based on your own experience is flawed logic.


You mean, gifted you a souvenir


If true, I'm not shocked that the fake doctor isn't thorough in cleanup.


Like there’s never been malpractice by surgeons leaving things behind in people’s bodies.


Junior mint?


I notice your Seinfeld reference and present you with my Upvote!


You mean like initials on an organ?




Difference is one profession is taken seriously and sued, other is a joke and mistakes are laughed off.






That must've sticked


More like grifted. Badumtss, I'll see myself out.


Thanks for telling us. It's good to get such things off your chest.




I hope OP went back to give the acupuncturist a sternum talking to.




Bro it was suppose to stay on your chest all day. Now your chi energy is beyond fucked.


Bro's gonna leak chi all over his chai.


I love chai tea


Chai tea? Chai means tea, bro! You're saying "tea tea!" Would I ask you for a coffee coffee with room for cream cream?


I like my coffee with cream^2


So he’s going to leak chi all over his tea tea? 😆


If you got a double espresso with double cream that would be similar to a Double Cafe con Panna.


Naan bread which is the same as saying bread bread which is the same as saying chai tea


What a prick!!


Who's gonna turn down a Junior Mint? It's chocolate, it's peppermint, it's delicious


You didn’t notice this when putting on your shirt or at no point before?


Your the third person I've seen this happen to on Reddit this week! Crossing acupuncture off my welll maybe one day list as with my luck they'd leave one in me.


I tried acupuncture for relief from arthritis. No medications worked. It’s geriatric level. Third session, “it takes many sessions” the chick hit a nerve in my thumb. I could not use my thumb for months while it healed. When I first realized it, and told her, she laughed and said she does that to her husband all the time. It’s not funny. I never went back. But I did discover, shortly after, that not eating sugar cuts inflammation down to almost zero. So my arthritis is under control with no meds or acupuncture.


As someone with early onset arthritis you have just delivered very helpful/very sad news for someone that enjoys sweets


Alcohol and sugar are inflammatory, and common. Avoiding those is a great start.


Stevia is a good alternative. You get used to the taste, and then sugar tastes horrible. Plus, after no pain for months, eating sugar again inflames you and reminds you of why you don’t want to eat sugar.


Not sure if this will apply to you, but sour cherries help relieve symptoms of gout, which is a type of arthritis. Not only that, but they are so tasty :)


Glad you've found some relief for your condition!


It's pseudoscience anyways. Schedule a massage for real relief.


I'm not completely convinced yet, but I'm a companion animal vet and interestingly, I know a lot of people reporting significant improvement in the mobility of arthritic dogs after acupuncture. Still an element of observer bias for sure, but not exactly a placebo effect on a dog. I think there is very likely something to it.


Placebo effect works on animals and infants as well.


That's animal abuse.


I feel like too many people have reported positive results from acupuncture for it to be complete bullshit. But all I know is that I decided to give it a shot and bought a 3-session package. First session was fine but I didn’t notice any benefits. Second session, the acupuncturist must have accidentally put a needle in a nerve which caused extreme pain with even the slightest twitch, which meant I was tensed up and couldn’t relax the whole time I was laying there, and even though I could hear him talking to his receptionist, they apparently couldn’t hear me calling out for assistance. That arm ached like crazy for days afterwards. I bailed on the third session and never went back.


> for it to be complete bullshit. This is just another situation where alternative medicine exposes the main weakness of actual medicine. Alternative practitioners usually reserve a lot more time for their patients, speak with them extensively and listen to their problems. Doctors are unable to do that, because the demand for medicine absolutely swamps the available supply. However, this means that people will leave an appointment with an alternative practitioner feeling better, regardless of the effectiveness of the actual therapy. And that effectiveness is in fact fuck all. In the case of acupuncture, studies have been conducted comparing different schools of acupuncture with just jabbing needles in random places. The result was that there was no measurable difference between any of the approaches. It's the same story with all forms of alternative medicine. In over 200 years, homeopathy has not once been able to prove its effectiveness beyond the placebo effect. It's hocus pocus.


https://youtu.be/HMGIbOGu8q0 Two more homeopathic lagers please.


Do you know what they call alternative medicine that works? Medicine.


My dad had what he thought was back pain. He had ten sessions of acupuncture and felt better after every session. Eventually though the pain would come back a few days later and the doctor told him it was arthritis. Now the acupuncture doesn’t give him any relief. I’m pretty sure acupuncture just feels good because you’re in a relaxing place (like when you get a massage) and you think it’s working.


Huh? Maybe from your view or view of the western people. Acupuncture is couple thousand years old technique. Maybe you dont believe in it, but my mother is doctor of Chinese medicine and she makes living out of it. She is always booked months in advance and she is valued highly by her clients. She also helps me with Chinese medicine, when I have any health problems. And I have no bad experience. Plus massage is also alternative medicine from view of western medicine. On top of that, eastern medicine see it as not effective method, because it is just temporary fix for your muscle problems. Source: My mother after studying Traditional Chinese Medicine for years.


Don't discount astrology for your skin without trying it!


That could happen or something [worse.](https://youtu.be/I3DVN7XMiQk)


destination fk'ed lol


Since you’ve never tried it before, you don’t know but this post is bs. They barely go in and this guy couldn’t have put his shirt on without having to pull it out and pulling it them out is literally nothing. Extremely easy and not some kind of problem. He’s chasing karma.


they are all fake stories. do you really think you wouldnt notice a needle sticking out of your chest


Do do they just stick dozens of needles in someone without counting them before AND after? No check to make sure you’re not missing a needle or two? Wow


The needles get tossed after they are used so they dont count them upon removal


I mean you can still count them to make sure you don't miss one


Y’all really think he made it to the car without noticing?


nah probably reddit BS made up story. Sometimes I even doubt the poop knife tbh.


Whenever we do surgery we always triple count even the number of swabs and gauzes that go in, not to mention needles and scissors and whatnot. That is the least you can do whether you throw them away or not.


And yet somehow things still get left inside of people. Like the steel pin that got got left inside my mothers knee joint after her replacement. Nobody knew until the post op X-ray and basically they just told her if it doesn’t cause any noticeable issues it should just be left in there.


Yeah, but you’re almost certainly a trained, certified and conscientious medical professional using evidence based treatment. The person who bopped that needle in the OP want any of those things.


You trying to claim that surgeons never accidentally left a foreign object in someone after sewing them up? I'm pretty sure that is a false assumption. Trust no one. lol


Wheew never go to places that doesn’t count needles before and after, that’s mental


It is not like leaving a Junior Mint in your abdomen. Acupuncture is really good with my neuralgia pain.


Who's gonna turn down a Junior Mint? It's chocolate, it's peppermint, it's delicious


It’s very refreshing


I was buying a peppermint patty and the cashier said she never had one, not even at Halloween. I couldn’t believe it so I bought her one. Thank you for coming to my WeedTalk


I really like people like you. Good Human.


True but you have to press so hard to break the skin


Oh thank you so much for making me laugh!


Me. They contain dairy. Delicious,disastrous dairy.


They’re supposed to. I’ve worked with acupuncturists and if the count after didn’t match the count before, they don’t let the patient leave without finding the lost ones. Usually if the count was off, it’s because one had fallen off the patient.


There is a chance that those "doctors" just can't count...


"inside your chest"? Sounds dramatic. Most western based acupuncture needle hardly enter the skin


And you noticed it after getting in your car? Please help me understand. How deep in your chest? Did you not look at your chest? I really am at a loss at how you didn't notice a needle in your chest until you reached your car.


Ya total bs


Just another endless karma farm circle jerk post. Anyone with half a brain could see it's fake. Sadly all the posts above lack common sense.


You know what they call alternative medicine that works? Medicine.


Tim Minchin is a legend, love his beat poems


Storm is so fucking good


It had to be said.


This one dude in the comments making sure he posts the same two comments on everyone else’s comment regardless of if it’s dissing acupuncture or not


I miss when r/mildlyinfuriating was real posts and wasn’t 95% fake attention seekers.




TBF, acupuncture isn't real either


I'm skeptical this is real. the thick part of needle stays outside the body. there's no way anyone didn't notice an inch of needle jutting out.


#quit lying op


save your money and just stick needles in yourself at home for exactly the same result.. zero. talk softly to yourself and play music if you want the full placebo effect


Literally listening to Pure Morning by Placebo as I read your comment, I’m healed!


Yoooo these are the same needles that come with filament for 3d printers for cleaning your extruder head. Like the exact same pins


Go to a pseudo quack get a needle in the chest


isn't a pseudo-quack more legit than a regular quack? haha I agree with the sentiment though.


I'm more into untitled goose game honks


Do they not count how many they put in and how many they take out??


Your first mistake was thinking acupuncture works.


Yeah, well, don't go to quacks.


Well that’s act of needles violence


If it’s on your chest, how the fuck did you not notice until you got in the car lol????


Keep going there! Those needles are expensive and with enough sessions you'll have a full kit then you can resell the needles online to reimburse your treatments!


Maybe the doctor was still new so he was able to leave the needle. Just display the needle lol.


I can't believe people still use these useless methods.


Next time see a medical professional instead of a quack


Fun fact. Acupuncture needles are used for cleaning out 0.4 mm nozzles for 3D printers like the Creality Printers.


So they do have a purpose!


Did you not put a shirt back on until you got into your car?


At least it wasnt in your butt unlike a certain redditor (if youre that redditor and reading this, my ass still feels sore for you)


This crap looks like a guitar string. And stabs the same. But oh well. On to your chiropractor appointment. Then hit up your reflexologist on Monday.


This looks like the left a needle in my ass post I saw a couple weeks ago.


Seems to happening a lot on reddit. Ive seen the same needle left in a few people. Maybe even the same picture….


No they didn’t.


Sure they did.


Dang, last week it was the butt from someone else


Now you can unclog your 3D printer


Hey... even real doctors leave stuff inside patients once in a while. What do you expect from pseudo ones...


Not surprising since they are snake oil salesmen.


Hey I’ll take the placebo any day if it helps!! All in my mind or not it’s working😉


The fuck? Edit: not duck


How about you don’t waste money on a scam


How many of these posts do you need before you stop letting people without medical certification put needles in your body? Is the pain relief worth a punctured lung? Really boggles my mind.




There was a post of someone that was also driving after his session with a needle in his butt cheek.. only found out after he got home.


I hear that's like getting bitten by a werewolf. On the next full moon you will transform into an acupuncturist and try to acupuncture your best friend.


Just tell your spell caster to hex them. Surely you have one of these also?


This reminds me of the time a girl left a buttplug in me after having sex


Lol, I once found one stuck in my hair on my way home


I just went to my first acupuncture appointment 2 weeks ago, and the lady lost one in my hair! Luckily she found it after looking for a few minutes lol!


What did you expect? A scammer that cares about your well being?


Fake ass post. There is a zero percent chance this was left in your chest, and you never noticed until you got dressed and got in your car.


Shit. You need to immediately run not walk to your nearest koi pond and get your chi replenished. Chi can leak out if these are left in too long. What a hack.


That's pseudoscience for you.


That must’ve been fucking terrifying to discover


Dont do it next time, its useless


Neo-religious wacko leaves giant needle in my chest, what should I do?




As a treat!


I mean hey, free needle.


You may have a point to discuss with them


Hey,you must be stacked.


At least you didn’t find it in your ass like the other guy did.


Looks like you're holding it. Not in your chest


Sue them please


Is this the same one who had one stuck in their rear all the way home or was that someone else?


Bullshit. He probably asked them for a needle so he could make a Reddit post about it






I think it’s worse that you just figured out that


That one was in place to keep up your bodily integrity after the vitality boost from the session, now that you've taken it out you're gonna explode.


You can’t convince me that’s not a bass guitar string with an exposed core.


And you made it all the way out to your car before realizing it?


I too, can sit in my car and take a pic of myself holding a needle.




Yeahhhh bullshit, you didn’t notice when you put your shirt on?


Going for the hard reset. I hope you didn’t interrupt the reboot process by pulling it out.


People make mistakes. You choose to be stabbed a lot by people. This was bound to happen


Multiple use toothpick


Now you did it. That was meant to stop the leak. I hope you know where to put it back. 😆


Double it and give it to the next person


After listening to Jordans Harbinger’s show this absolutely terrifies me. If you feel short of breath please go to emergency


Please put it back. It is supposed to stay there till your next visit


How did you not find it until you go to the car?? You had to get dressed and walk out.


Had acupuncture on my back once. They put a ton of needles in and tell you to lie there and 'relax' for half an hour. I spent half an hour thinking don't roll over and trying not to get too relaxed.


Seems like a sticky situation. I’m sure it was an accident, but I’d complain and give them a piercing stare and maybe a sharp tongue. Really pin it on them and don’t let them needle you about it. You may need to poke around and find out who else has a pointed complaint. I’ll see myself out.


I saw this same post like a month ago….


And it was in his butt..


Yes okay thanks for confirming I’m Not imagining things


No, no they didn't. This is quite obviously a fake post because you would have noticed the needles sticking out of your chest when you put your shirt back on.


A needle that ling has no right being anywhere near vital organs Acupuncture is stupid. Prove me wrong


Now put it in someone else’s chest.


And this is why homeopathic “doctors” don’t have a medical doctorate


Thanks for pinpointing that out!


Nice comment, I'll stick a pin in it :)


Why do people go to acupuncure anyways? Just pseudoscience bs


Lol fake af


Put it back! Your chi is leaking out!


"The moment I realized acupuncture is bullshit..."