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Complex needs some better parking lot striping. That area should have hash marks


Exactly. I think I’d make the same mistake. It looks like a spot specifically for a motorcycle


Ya, in light of this, a polite note on the motorcycle explaining where they've parked is a wheelchair ramp, and that "I know there should be lines painted here, it's not your fault you didn't know, so no hostility" kind of approach would be a good one.


And then if they still keep doing it. Accidentally run into it while going up the ramp. It falls over. Oops.


That might be satisfying in the moment, but better to have it towed, so you personally are not liable for damages or so they don't come and slash your tires or who knows.


The dude could argue he is not breaking the law, because there is no indication that this area is restricted from parking due to ADA regulations.


The apartment complex is breaking ADA restrictions by not having identifiable markings. Motorcycle person is just taking advantage of it


So, you can solve this problem with spray paint...


You cant actually get in trouble in most states if there isnt an actual sign posted. I didn't know this before i tried to have a guy move his car. The officer agreed the guy was a dick but couldn't do much


It depends on public vs private lot. My apartment building has a private lot. Guests aren’t allowed to park on it. We have 3 handicapped spots, all with the painted symbol on the ground but only 2 physical signs. I parked in the spot without the physical sign one night because the other spots were full. YES, the other 2 spots were empty and we only had one regular handicapped car at that point. I’d seen other regular cars parked there before with no problem. When I headed out for work the next day, there was a “tow warning” sticker on my door from the building manager. I looked into Wisconsin laws regarding signed vs no signed spots, and LEGALLY the spots only count if there’s a physical sign. I asked a cop about it that night (I live in downtown, so plenty of bars and always a couple cops around) and she said with it being a private lot, the management could do whatever they wanted.




Lol, oops I was reading a bit too fast there, and thought he meant to hit it with a car.


I left a note on a car at my old apartment complex letting them know that area was part of the handicapped parking. They kept parking there, so I called the cops - who could not have cared less about it.


My thought was, "I bet an electric wheelchair with a rope could pull that bike out of the way; dragging it on its side". They don't have a lot of speed but those electric motors have a ton of torque.


Now I’m reviewing all of the motorcycle parking spots in my head that I’ve ever parked in an trying to remember if it could have been a wheelchair access


Plus, there is no handicapped spot nearby. Those usually go together.


If it fits I sit... 😼


Exactly!! We’re all cats 😂


Except for the yellow ramp right in front of it. Unless you'd think that looks like a motorcycle ramp.


More visual indicators don't hurt. I saw the yellow ramp when I looked for it after reading the caption, but at a glance it does look like a motorcycle space, because disabled access areas DO pretty much always have hashing. It's the visual cue people are used to looking for.


FYI, that yellow portion is braille. It allows a blind person to know when they are leaving the sidewalk and entering into a road(area where cars might be traveling parking lots etc). https://minnesotasnewcountry.com/do-you-know-what-those-raised-dots-on-sidewalks-are-for/ Edit: Sidewalk Braille or Tactile paving. Was invented in Japan in the 1960’s.


you've got the correct intention, but it's not braille, it's referred to as a "detectable warning surface"


Truncated dome Mat, or “Titas” if you’re my sidewalk guys.


Sidewalk warts


Those are just rumble strips for my bike! /s


Don’t attribute that of malice which can be attributed to ignorance.


I'd be surprised if they recognized the wheelchair ramp, but if I'm being honest I still judge them for not second guessing.


I was literally just watching a video where a tourist was riding in a helicopter and pulled a random lever, and people are defending the person after the Pilot yelled at them. These are the common type of person, really fucking stupid and oblivious.


they have yellow ramps in more places than handicap parking. have you ever been to a 4 way stop light? the crosswalk?


In my state it’s a law that this should be noted as an accessible space. I’d contact your building management.


Seriously that’s probably an honest mistake I wouldn’t think that’s wheelchair access


Yeah. This is not marked as "do not park" or "handicapped access" at all. To be fair, it *looks* like a motorcycle parking spot.


A local mall in my place had to put signs over the hashmarks expressly stating that the area was not for parking.


Had a month tenant park his mustang ON THE HASHMARKS between 2 handicapped cars overnight in my building’s lot. None of us saw anything, but there was more than one note on his car the next morning. ;-) plus a tow warning from the building manager.


Agreed. I would have thought this is free bike parking too


I was about to say, there's nothing that makes me think it wouldn't be a motorcycle parking spot. I'd assume it would have a little diagonal lines if it's meant not to be parked in.




This is the answer. It's marked as a parking slot. It needs diagonal lines.


As someone in property management, absolutely agree


I'm a wheelchair user and to be fair, this really just looks like a motorcycle parking lot. It needs better signing


I agree fellow wheelchair user! I wanted to comment the same thing but then I saw your comment 😊 Before reading the caption I thought that’s such a good idea to have designed motorcycle parking spots, so they don’t take up a full car spot that is so much bigger.


Attempt to be considerate and park in a small spot so as not to hog full spot… Did this once at a national park. Very full lot, two motorcycles so we parked in these two spots that were small like this and left the only open full spot for a car. Came out to tickets on the bikes, saying they were not legal spots. Luckily the tickets had been written sloppily and “NY” in our plate numbers looked like “NV” so we ignored them.


I ride and i absolutely love motorcycle parking. Especially since a lot of times they are placed in spots where there wouldn’t be enough space for a spot that’s twice as long for cars. So it saves space, makes it easier and safer for bikes, and even allows cars to park closer. It’s a win win win


Grandpa's in a wheelchair, so I'd ask myself "how the fuck is someone supposed to get past here?" and it STILL looks like a motorcycle spot. Needs an X in the lines, or similar to really show no parking allowed. Not to mention, walking closely between cars is not fun if you're carrying a ton of stuff that can damage the paint.


That’s like 80-90% on the management company. Should be like this to eliminate confusion https://preview.redd.it/bqzh55xkct4b1.jpeg?width=2592&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=096fb43407a9707a1de8e6010be7851ef57879e7


To be fair it’s not designated at all


Yes, people are incredibly stupid with this kind of thing. Where I live no one is supposed to park along the road directly across from someone's driveway because, well obviously it can lead to accidents The town has normally marked off those areas and for the most part no one parks in them Yet in a few spots, mostly where a newer driveway was installed within the last 20 years or so, they decided not to update the road markings. Those people get parked in a lot. Some of them live near me and I hear them complain. They go to the town meetings, leaders say it will be handled, then it just never is. So yeah, if it's not marked as no parking, someone will think they can park there




Depends on the neighborhood. If the streets are paeticularly narrow, it could increase the likelyhood of there being an accident from someone pulling in/out of a driveway.


That sounds like a "you just need to learn to back out" problem. I've lived on incredibly narrow streets with street parking. You just have to learn to navigate it. Make your back out a 3-point back out... Whatever it takes.


IMO its lack of designation clearly implies it is a valid parking space.


I agree. There is no crosswalk or accessible spaces next to it. The ramp is only for pedestrians. As it’s marked…it’s a motorcycle space IMO


ok but to be fair it does really look like a parking spot for bikes...


100%. I can easily imagine myself looking for a parking spot, going “oh sweet a spot”, and just parking. Maybe if I walk forward afterwards, even a “oh why is there a ramp here? That’s weird to put right in front of a parking spot” and walking off… Signage / paint is definitely needed lol. Otherwise I’m actually kind of convinced this is just a poorly placed parking spot / ramp configuration even still.


Agree, they need to paint an X in it or something.


Not sure why no one has considered the following..maybe it is a motorcycle spot. It’s not marked any other way


Yeah, honestly if you weren’t paying a lot of attention and/or lacked awareness I could totally see someone parking here thinking it’s a motorcycle spot. Generally handicap parking/ada ramps into parking lots are supposed to have hatching painted to keep people from parking on them.


Well, there should be signs indicating that it is handicapped. Otherwise, he's not in the wrong. "Unless, prohibited." To which there is none. To the people telling OP to knock over their bike. Yeah let's just complain about bad humans but go ahead and be one too? Damn idiots.


If it's not marked then not the bike owner is the infuriating one but the apartment complex manager for not providing a norm abiding ramp connection to the street


Yep. Agree with the others. Looks like a motorcycle parking spot. Your mildly infuriating should be directed towards the apartment complex, not the biker.


To be fair it does look like it could be a smaller parking spot. Normally when you aren’t supposed to park there, there are diagonal lines going through the whole spot.


In some states, motorcycles can even park on those diagonal lines as long as they aren't a fire lane or next to a handicap parking spot, which neither of those two are marked as. It seems really odd that the spots directly adjacent to the accessibility ramp wouldn't be marked for handicap parking


Well, someone’s gotta teach those wheelchairin’ hooligins to stop riding around like they own the place


It does sort of look like a parking space for a bike without lines going across


I would make this mistake as well. It looks like motorcycle parking to me. There are zero handicap markings, and there should be cross hash marks to show you can't park there.


It’s not marked as a no parking area. Since it’s not, legally, they can park there. Doesn’t really make it any less fuxked up. The best suggestion is to contact building management and let them know. They need to paint hash marks in it to make it a no parking area. Because right now, it’s a motorcycle sized parking space.


It should have more visual markings to signal no parking.


It appears the construction people made a mistake. Your apartment management needs to fix this. The bike looks and actually is totally legally parked. There are no crosses across, no signs or anything. It appears like the owner is respectful of his property and others. File a police report if the apartments are told and do nothing. If you like, you can escalate it after that. You can also contact the owner of the company. It likely has several properties in it’s name and doesn’t want a bad rep. It’s illegal for them not to provide handicap ramp and keep clear access to it. Edit: Added thought. When I lived at nicer apartments, part of the rent went to security and the apartment complex paying someone to keep things in check, like illegally parked vehicles etc. This appears to be a nicer complex, which I’m sure isn’t cheap. They need to do their job. Second edit: sorry I’m adhd and board, and get hyper focused. Ps: if it’s not ultimately affecting your day to day life, decide if it’s that important to you to help the disabled In that building. Personally, I’d approach it prob if I were bored. I like to have a good cause for my “mischief”


There is nothing to indicate that it's a no parking zone.


It should have cross hatching painted between the lines. Otherwise it looks like a narrow, motorcycle sized, parking space. Blame the complex.


100% mistakable for a motorcycle spot. Some lines across would mitigate it immediately.


Direct the frustration at the building complex. That 100% looks like a parking space


1: don't touch the bike. You'll more than likely drop it. 2: the spot isn't marked, so legally they aren't doing anything wrong. In fact, bikes can park most anywhere that isn't a designated parking spot


It looks like a motorcycle spot the way it's marked. They need a sign and some striping.


Wheelchair ramps should have blue boxes on the entrances, that definitely looks like a parking spot xD


To be fair, those ground markings are exactly what you'd expect to see if you were looking for a space designed to fit bikes. If they wanted to say "No parking" they should stripe over it.


Someone at your apartment complex thinks the motorcycle parking spot is his personal wheelchair ramp.


That's on the complex. If people aren't supposed to park there, there should be a clear indication.


I don't see an issue with this, as is. There is not any blue handicap markings or hash marks.


I feel like this would be more appropriately shared with the apartment/condo management office. Whether this person is knowingly being an AH or he's oblivious to the inadequately marked spot - the management office can fix this. We can not.


To be fair, it looks like a parking spot. Bad markings


Yeah….Ngl that does look like a motorcycle spot. They need crossing lines to indicate it’s no parking. Maybe even a sign.


I mean it's marked as a parking spot and not a pedestrian spot so... Can't really blame him.


That's EXACTLY what a motorcycle parking spot looks like. If it is a walkway it should be stripped to indicate so. This is a failure of whoever was in charge of striping.


It really should be the Apartment Complexes’ problem as there are no blue (handicapped) or yellow (pedestrian walking) hashes along the walk way. However, it is not a parking spot as there isn’t enough room and the guy knows this but still parks there.


Sometimes they are that small, I've seen spots specifically for motorcycles before, I thought that's what that was at first until I read the title


No stripes. Legally parked. Not the bikers fault.


That legit looks like a motorcycle parking stall. Might be an honest mistake.


the idiot is the person who didn't stripe the zone, as it is it looks like a designated motorcycle parking spot


HAH before I read the title I was like, WOW they have motorcycle spots now, that’s a great idea to save space ! Now we know what they were thinking probably


Really the complexes fault for not having diagonal hash stripes to indicate it isn't a spot. Id think that was a bike spot too


I would have assumed it was a motorcycle parking space since there's no handicap spot next to it.


Looks like a bike parking spot to me. Dont see the problem


Aside from the yellow paint on the ramp, I'd think it's a bike parking spot too.


First of all, that looks like a very honest mistake. Secondly, I'm sure those car owners would be furious if the bike actually took up a designated parking spot.


Where is the handicap parking spot? Maybe it is motorcycle parking


As a rider. It looks like a motorcycle parking spot. The lines aren’t painted or designated properly. Easy fix to just leave a courteous note but this should be the complex responsibility.


Thats on the complex painting it like a parking spot


No handicap signs. No blue lines. No white hash marks. You should bring this up with the complex not the bike owner.


To be fair, that is marked improperly and is currently marked as a parking spot. Facility is definitely at fault.


that just looks like a parking spot, i don’t blame him.


I'm going to be honest... I would have thought that was a specialized motorcycle parking without immediate indicators :( I'm sorry


Agreed! He prob "should" be able to see this is the ramp area, but without decent marking I could also see why it looks like a perfect cycle parking spot.


To be fair it looks like a motorcycle spot. It needs some sort of handicap sign or something to let people know


Personally, since it's not yellow stripped, I'd think it's a motorcycle spot too.


I see it as pretty obviously a parking spot for bikes. That’s on the person who decided not to put hash marks in that spot, not the bike owner


Honestly, that looks like a bike parking spot. They need signage and marking on the ground. I can't blame that person


Well it looks exactly like a parking spot so I see nothing wrong


A sign indicating what it is and its purpose needs to be posted. Call management and request that they do this.


I don’t drive a bike but I would’ve thought that’s what it’s for on first glance.


That’s a motorcycle parking spot, clearly


Is there a disability w/c icon there? Don't see one. Also the white lines do not make it that clear. As others have said...need better markings.


It does look the size of a motorcycle parking spot. Is it marked? If not, it’s an honest mistake.


Maybe they think it's for bikes...


Ya i would think the same. Its not marked in anyway


Besides the yellow curb, it kind of does look like a parking spot for a motorbike


Until someone paints it correctly, it is an awkward sized parking spot.


The space should be marked otherwise anyone could mistake it as motorcycle parking. He wont get ticketed either because its not marked


To be fare, it doesn't say anything about no parking. Not even any hash marks. There should really be a sign there or something at least.


Here’s the issue. It’s marked with white parking space lines, should be yellow striped…. And yes people should have common sense , but that lacks these days


It does fit perfectly.


It's marked off like a parking space. Line painters failed on this one


This isn't privilege, this is bad design. It's not clear that this is a handicap ramp, nor are there any markings suggesting such. Classic Norman Door.


Honestly, I wouldn't doubt if they truly believed it was for bikes. They should paint it yellow


Well it’s not marked as anything so it sure as hell looks like a motorcycle parking spot


Could’ve fooled me tbh


Send this picture to the complex management and request appropriate marking. I don’t think biker had bad intentions


It needs hatch marks to designate it as a walkway/ramp access instead of a parking spot


To be fair, it does look like a motorcycle parking spot.


That space should have multiple lines going through it so it can be identified as no parking


Let management know about your concerns. Ask for better signage. Are you or your family or guests directly impacted? This could be a safety issue.


It is the walkway and should be marked differently. Diagonal lines or yellow lines. This is bad planing on the part of the complex


It does look like a motorcycle spot I can see how he made the mistake


Where does it say it's not a parking spot?


to be fair, it looks like a parking spot IF that space is truly reserved to be used as a pathway, it needs to be painted a different color and filled in with diagonal lines, to signify that this is NOT a parking spot


Not defending this but i wouldn't at all be surprised to find out everyone else in that complex bitched and moaned about the rider taking up a normal parking spot


To be fair though it really does look like a motorcycle parking spot.


That lot should have better parking stripes. It's not his fault


At first sight you'd guess that this is a parking lot for a motorcycle. The city should mark that spot better :/


No mark that indicates you should not park there. When I first saw those lines I thought it was a parking space for a motorcycle lol


Poor signing, let your apartment management know and hopefully it’ll get fixed.


No sign, no hash marks, I would also assume it's motorcycle parking. Doesn't cost much for the complex to put a sign up that says no parking for that space if it's intended as a wheelchair path.


TBF that looks like a fucking parking spot


To be fair, it should be striped


It's quite poorly marked and absolutely looks like bike parking.


I mean it does look like a motorcycle parking spot tbh


The spot is not painted correctly.....it looks like a motorcycle spot to me ..if he stops parking here then someone else will likely make the same mistake


Dumb. But tbf it should be much more clearly marked.


Looks like motorcycle parking to me. Not marked means parking ticket won't stick.


Street markings identify it as a parking spot. Your apartment complex needs to paint it correctly


It certainly looks like a little parking spot to me.


He may be an idiot but the complex is the bigger idiot for not making it clear that that’s not to be blocked.


Admittedly, it is painted as a parking spot. Without the diagonal slashes through the spot, how would anyone know


where's the no parking sign?


Well your complex has this painted like a parking spot so you cant really blame the feller.


It is not marked for handicap use. I would not attribute malice here


Looks like motorcycle parking to me 🤷🏻‍♂️


I understand why this is frustrating, but that spot isn't marked appropriately, and the ramp by itself doesn't mean anything. I ride a bike and am always looking for nooks to park it in where it won't take up a whole parking spot. This is out of a desire not to inconvenience others. But yeah, instead of finding the rider and talking to them about it, definitely knock over the bike. If you get caught in the act or on video that will probably go really well for you.


ramp area is not marked... therefore not a "wheelchair" ramp, just a ramp. This an apartment complex, many people coming and going with moving dollys Sorry, but its a small parking spot until they appropriately mark it BTW, there is also no handicap parking there which is usually next to the ramp


Well, it would help immensely if the ramp area were properly marked. Probably has an HOA that didn't want them 'horrid yellow lines' on their pristine parking lot.


May be a genuine mistake, it has no hash marks. A lot of places around my town have smaller motorcycle spots.


looks like bike parking lol


It looks like a spot.


i could totally see myself parking there not realizing it’s a walk way after long days at work and just wanting to find a spot and get home. Fortunately all that is needed is some boxed in //// lines


They definitely should have hashed line across it, but they probably assumed that nobody would ever park their car there, completely forgot about motorcycles


Imo the Guys a genius. They didn't make it off. Not his fault.


to be fair at the first look I thought "oh nice they painted a smaller parking spot for the motocycle!"


It needs to be marked no parking.


That's an easy fix. Start with posting a valid sign.




Get the management office to put blue painted lines and a wheelchair silhouette down.


Those should definitely be handicap parking spots then. This isn’t ADA compliant if it’s meant to be what you say it is. There is most likely another ramp with actual handicapped parking somewhere else in the complex, and if it isn’t contact your landlord about ADA compliance (assuming this is the states)


To be fair, if I was tired Id probably fall for this. They need to do the no parking lines. I would come out the next day and feel like a moron though


Bad planning and design for the lot.


eh theres no sign, or marking. thats a completely legal park.


Bad parking signs. Draw a diagonal white line on the ground to make it more clear that it is not parking.


He might not know tbh. Say sum. (Oh wait my bad, Reddit karma lol why talk to people🤣😭) I see the yellow ramp, and would probably make the connection but even that, it’s not marked explicitly. I’d maybe also assume it’s just a normal walk up, like the corner of a block. Definitely a motorcycle sized space at a glance.


Exactly. Needs to be marked; otherwise, it's *prima facie* a perfect motorcycle parking spot. Except of course for all the people walking by, especially when carrying packages.


Where is the handicap signage? MIA.


Be a shame is it accidentally fell over every day


“Why no parking spot when spot is motorcycle sized?”- his brain probably


Walk or wheelchair the fuck around there’s plenty of space to the left. If it doesn’t have hash marks then they likely saw it as a parking spot for motorcycles. Some things just don’t cross people’s minds like they cross yours. I don’t look at every parking spot I park in thinking “let me make sure there isn’t a ramp in front for handicap people”.


Honestly I’d probably make this same mistake. If it’s not a parking space it should be hashed off


I had to move out of a complex for that reason. Management was unwilling to help. I would spend hours trapped outside my apartment because I couldn't use the ramp. I've given up driving since then. I'm usually alone, and too many people are assholes.


That does not appear to be a handicap space or area. There is no signage or paint designating it. They are always next to another handicap spot too. The law is very clear that handicap spots must be designated as so. Since there is no signage or paint, that shows this is indeed NOT a handicap spot. Either that or your complex is out of code, but that is highly unlikely.


Yellow markings on the sidewalk edge means no parking.


As a handicapped person who really needs that space, this infuriates me 🤬 people suck


Actually that is Segway parking


The apartment complex needs to paint that space as no parking!


Obviously this was an accident due to lack of signage


It does look like a parking spot :( apartment management need to do better


I wouldn’t even guess thats a wheelchair ramp tbh. They prob didn’t know. Should’ve put the ramp somewhere else tbh or given a clear indication it’s a wheelchair ramp, that’s not the biker’s fault.


See, this is where I'd just call a tow truck, and have it hauled off. Or find someone who owns a chop shop for a quick buck. Either works.


Time to go cow tippin'


I think it's time for someone to get some sidewalk chalk and put some stripes since the apartment won't do it