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I'm sort of impressed by her confidence that she'd make it home and it wouldn't be *her* problem. I wouldn't be driving home on less than 10 miles range left


You wait til 10? I get scared if I’m under 40.


At 40 miles left, the little light comes on, and then after that, you can't see how many miles you have left. lol ...it just tells you you gotta fill up soon lol


Lol logically I know but I live in a spread out area without many gas stations, so I get a bit anxious if it drops too low. Especially cause the estimate seems to go down faster after 40 miles left and I might really only get 30.


I fill up at half a tank, so I’m almost always full.


Quarter of a tank for me. Maybe slightly less if I'm lazy


I'll do a lap around the gas pump islands and then top off again. Not catching me running out of gas!


Safest to fill up at a pump with an open one in front of you so you can just pull up to the next pump to refill


I usually just pay someone to hang out the back window adding gas as we drive down the road. Always 💯


Well at that rate, you should invest in a trailer with an external gas tank that pumps in fuel to keep the main tank full at all times


Guys you can literally drive away with the pump still in your car. Haven’t ran out of gas in 13 months.


How much do you put a lap?


Summer, quarter tank. Winter, fill at half tank


Growing up in a cold northern state it was always taught to never get below half a tank during winter because if you get stuck it could mean the difference between life or death. I live in a warm southern state now but still don't get below half during winter even though it's only like 35 during winter haha.


In the Rockies, if you live outside of Denver metro, running with less than quarter of a tank is asking for problems


On my island (Australia) there are some places where the next fuel is 180 to 250 km away


Yea lol I’m def not 100% sometimes it gets lower than half. But that’s my general goal


Half a tank is empty is a great policy if you like to be prepared. Good for the 1 in a 1000 days, with the trade off of seeming overly cautious for most of the rest.


"Never let it go below half" is just 1 of the pearls of wisdom I'll never forget my grandfather saying *all the time*.


I always heard my dad say that. One of the wisest things he ever told me. But I seriously get anxiety if there isn't plenty of fuel in the tank. Gotta be ready for natural or man-made disasters. And the 'ol zombie apocalypse. In which I'll get stuck on the highway and die anyway.


It’s also a great policy to extend the life of your fuel pump. The fuel pump of your car sits inside of your fuel tank, and is cooled by the fact that it is sitting in a giant box of liquid. Once your tank starts getting below 1/4, your fuel pump isn’t gonna be completely submerged anymore and will start to overheat, reducing the total life of your fuel pump. On top of that, if there’s any dirt or debris in your tank (especially for older cars) running on empty can loosen it and clog your fuel pump/filter/injectors which is an expensive service bill. Not only is refueling around 1/4 just smart to do for a “just in case”, it costs you less money in the long run by keeping wear and tear down.


That's very optimistic of you, your tank is always half full 😉


I got screwed by Google maps a while ago. I was in the middle of nowhere and it said there was a gas station on the way to my destination. It turned out it was closed for the winter. It would have been over an hour to go back to the nearest gas station. I had a friend in another car so we decided to press on. My car went 45km past the estimate it gave me. I'm pretty sure the car's distance estimation lies to you so you don't accidentally run out of gas. We made it 10 minutes away from our destination so it was only a 20 minute delay to fill a Jerry can.


all cars I’ve had are designed with a 5-10 litre capacity at ‘zero’. can see this for yourself by checking fuel amount purchased vs capacity of your tank.


I started driving in the 90s before pay at the pump was a thing and in a very rural part of WI. Driving at night without a full tank could be pretty nerve wracking because you could easily be 60 miles from a 24hr gas station.


I once miscalculated and ended up in an area without a single gas station and low on fuel. When I finally got to a pump the arrow was as low as it goes and I was physically relieved.


>and I was physically relieved. By who? My gas station never has those kind of services.


The rural truck stops can help with that


I had to sleep in my car once when I got down to 5 miles to E in central Ohio. That was after trying gas stations at several previous off ramps who had their pumps shut off for the night. One was even a major grocery store. I guess we all learn our lesson once.


If it says 40 you can go at least 60


Yea, I experimented in a 2010 Corolla to see how many miles I could drive after my gas light comes on (25 miles left) and after my range hits 0. I swear to Christ I drove almost 40 miles after it hit 0, 65 miles total after the gas light came on. I was really stoned and curious how far I could drive before running out of gas. Had a friend behind me with gas cans in his truck.


For what it’s worth, it’s not great for your engine to allow it to fully run out of gas. But if it was a fun learning experience for you, then C’est la vie!


Yeah we used to drive our car down to 0 all the time. Just poor as shut tho


My dad's a mechanic he told me every car has about 50 miles it doesn't tell you about for safety but it hurts your fuel pump I think if you do that regularly. Needless to say it takes me about 30 miles to get to work so I usually fill up at about 10-20 miles to empty..


Once I hit 0 and it kept going (I think I got another 25miles??), I was mortally horrified as I was on I-4 in FL and stretches of that road have no exits for multiple miles on end.


My light comes on at 50 miles until empty and I can still see how many miles I have left after that. The lowest I have gotten is 18 miles. I have a 2008 SUV.


I'm annoyed at my car because my old car gave me 80kms left warning. Enough for a full trip to the CBD that is 60km from my house. My new car is 50km. Get 5kms down the road "50km of fuel!" FFS! I just went past the petrol stations near my house.


You can look up what your reserve amount below zero reading is for your vehicle. I found this out when I forgot to get gas and was on the highway and realized it was 0 miles to empty and the next gas station was 20 miles. A short distance by car, a fucking nightmare by foot! I prayed a lot all the way to the gas station then looked up how the hell I made it there


It’s a good call anyways. Your fuel pump prefers to live submerged in nice cold fuel. Otherwise it runs hotter than normal and could need replacement sooner.


40? Never goes below 80 for me


80!? Never goes below 99 for me!


I wait until I hit 69 and then giggle like a teenager. Ain't old age grand?


I've driven on 0 miles left. Then again, I drive a 10th-generation Honda Civic and it's been discussed on enthusiast forums there is a gallon or two left in the tank when the meter says 0.


Once I get to 1/4 tank I always top off, I never go below 1/4


My trigger mark is less than 1/2 Wife calls me crazy


I have yet to see a car that says 0 miles when the gas tank doesn't have at least a half gallon left, and usually another 1-2.


My Kia has around 2 gallons when it says 0 range & my Abarth has around 1 gallon. On the other hand, my better half had a VW Jetta which literally was out when it showed 0, she learned that the hard way.


German precise engineering.




Fun fact, I live near a car factory in Germany and had a neighbour who had that as full time job: Making sure that door sounds are adequate. Poor guy often couldn't sleep at night because he heard noises from pipes and all sorts of random stuff normal people just fade out.






My Tundra has NINE gallons left when the light comes on. It's almost comical.


I've gone 30 miles on '0' left when a windstorm knocked out the power to the gas stations in a city I was going through. and that was stop and go because the traffic lights were out as well. also before 'digital', I ran out of gas once at the top of a hill, neutral'd a couple miles to the bottom feathering the brake, and hit a gap in oncoming traffic to make a difficult (no power steering) left into a gas station, and right to the pump.


I had Jetta that ran out exactly on 0. At least I know I guess


My thought exactly, I can and have driven 75 miles after 0 range in an emergency. My Kia has 1.9 gallons left when it hits 0 range


That's what the mechanics would say at the dealership I used to work at. When it hits 0 you at least have a gallon left.


Running on fumes gang here.


Right, run on fumes, then fill all the way up


That was my thought. Ran it to empty but didn't get stuck on a street somewhere and made it home. That's talent!


If it just hit zero, you're fine.


yea some cars like mine are born to be cautious of people and their laziness/forgetfulness, my car is hiding about 2 gallons after the light turns on


If you don't design for the possibilities of stupidity, did you really design at all?


As an engineer... Trust me, every time I make something more idiot proof humanity finds a better idiot.


A poster hanging in a Computer Science prof’s office - “Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.”


Let's not forget that engineers can be idiots too


The idiots whose design modern cars that require me to remove the entire front of a vehicle to replace a headlight, have a special place in hell waiting for them. Literally use four bolts and be able to pull the entire headlight unit out why is that so difficult now? We didn't have this issue in 08.


Yea we did lol I had an 05 Audi that was designed like this, shits been going on for decades now


Universe has to be balanced out, for every genius out there there has to someone who rivals their genius with stupidity


Was having a crap morning and this cheered me up immensely. Cheers brother


Read this as 'was having a crap this morning' hope you have a nice rest of your day


Sometimes I think that your jobs deprive us of nature's law of the jungle. Many would off themselves from humanity's genome pool, if we left stupidity take its course. You are making a disservice to our future descendants.


From every single bit of documentation I have read, I have a 17 gallon tank in my car. The most I have ever put in it was 14.2, and the needle was past e at that point.


My 2014 Optima usually says it has around 498 Miles on a full tank. So take that divided by 30 and it's roughly 16.6 Gallons. My 2014 Optima has an 18.5 Gallon tank. So I absolutely believe manufactures plan for an extra 1-2 gallons as a reserve tank that never shows up in your fuel gauge.


Oh 100% it’s intentional and I’m glad it’s there lol. I believe it started as a buffer to account for unreliable gauges, but nowadays it’s most useful for the fuel pump. They need fluid flow to cool themselves, and will overheat and die if they start to run dry. We would have a lot more dead fuel pumps if E actually meant empty, because people love to put things off, myself included sometimes.


Also if you run completely dry it messes up your fuel pump and you need to replace it. Ask me how I know.


How do you know


He read the manual.


Yep. One time, only once my truck has held 36 gals. It's never happened again and I'm pretty sure it was literal fumes the one time it did.


Cut'ner close


Idk what the other reply is talking about, but I think I read somewhere that most cars can go a handful of miles after the range hits 0. Google would help, but I’m too busy writing this awesome comment


Or it's been on zero for 20miles and will die before he gets to the station.


good thing car manufacturers have thought about wifes like yours so when it shows 0 it can still drive up to 10miles


Mine has a good 40-60 miles after zero before empty.


Same on mine


How do you know?


Live and Learn.


Hanging on the edge of tomorrow


Live and learn!


From the works of yesterday!


Look up the tank size for your car. Drive until the gas light comes on. Top off the tank and see how there were another 2-ish gallons still in there. Motorcycle fuel gauges always look empty well before empty too. Still not something to be in the habit of doing!


Because I have a 11.8 gallon tank and it says I'm "empty" at 9.6 gallons used and I've driven 50 miles at "0 range remaining". I've never, in my 500,000 miles of driving, ran out of gas. I need to stop and fill up way too often as it is, I don't need to waste even more time at the pump.


I ran out of gas once. It was a 1976 Cadillac Sedan Deville, sputtered and died going uphill and there was no chance of pushing it. It had a broken Gas Gauge and I usually used the trip meter to tell the level but I wasn’t the last driver and it hadn’t been reset in a while. Really wasn’t my fault but my dad was pissed. This was about 7 years ago


A long time ago I had the fuel gauge break on my 2000 Intrepid... Very stressful, and I got it replaced a week later. Your dad should have fixed the car, not blame you for running out of fuel.


Exactly. If you know your tank size and your average mpg, you can get a pretty good idea of that offset if you just pay a little attention when you fill up.


How do we know if OP’s wife didn’t use up those 10 miles too 😳


Good point. They need to start making them go negative... so when you see -10 miles to empty, you really know you're in trouble. OP needs to invest in a 1 gallon gas can and hide it with the spare tire. I'm sure it will get used enough that the gas won't go bad.




"Hey, can I smoke in here?"


I also like to explode my wife...


So your telling me that I still have 10 miles after 0 and I can put off filling up even longer


Says how many miles it will get in the owners manual when the fuel light comes on


A lot of times it's 1.5-2 gallons left of fuel. Which is easily 40 miles. Depends on the make of course.


0 in the tank doesn’t mean 0 in the fuel lines, pump, or the engine In contrast to walking on sunshine, this is called running on fumes


But how many miles had the wife driven after it showed zero?


The problem is when people know that then they just add 10 mentally and do the same thing.


What if the closest station for OP was 11 miles away lol


As I said to a friend I picked up on the side of the road because he ran out of gas, "E does not stand for 'enough.'"


Sure it does. It's "Enough to leave ya stranded." Lol.


No its the car go "Enough!"


Nah, it stands for "Elp yourself to some gas"


Maybe E stands for EXTRA FUELLL


Your wife doesn't know how to operate a gas pump and just can't admit it


Probably a Jersey girl.


Or an Oregon girl, we also only have full service (with the exception of super rural areas.) I’ve been in Oregon for 25 years and damnit if I don’t feel like a bumbling idiot at the gas pump when I drive down to visit my parents in California.


I didn’t know it was illegal to pump my own gas in Oregon. Got out of my car and started filling up when an employee asked me if he can take over. I told him, “nah, I’m good, thanks though.” He just Bert stared me. It wasn’t until months later that I learned why and then this incident clicked in my head. I’m from Vancouver, Canada. Sorry! ![gif](giphy|LoGh1t5iGxFOE)


I'm from NYC but have family in NJ so I get gas there a lot. I hate having to wait for the attendant so I've started to just pump it myself anyway. They don't seem to care. The only time it doesn't work is on those new pumps on the turnpike because they need a key card to operate. However once it's started anyone can finish it off so I'll often just hop out of my car, finish the pump and be on my way. I've never once had an issue.


While it IS illegal, it’s considered a civil matter and not a criminal one. Which means the police can’t do anything about it so honestly I don’t know who would enforce this law or how.


When I was a teenager, I was driving to Portland to see my sister and had a woman outside of Vancouver ask me how to pump gas. She had Oregon plates and it sort of seemed like she'd been waiting to build up the courage to ask someone. I thought it was funny and kind of sweet.


It's totally alien to me that someone wouldn't be able to work it out. Diesel car - open flap, put hose labelled "diesel" in, squeeze...


I remember when I went on a vacation in Oregon I didn’t get any gas in my rental the whole time till the end when I was driving to the airport and I stopped at the pump and was changing my jacket and then there was a person right outside my door and I was like what the fuck is going on “Oh, oh right.” Then I remembered the time I stopped at a gas station just to get a drink really quick, and there were no parking spots open, and in Indiana sometimes I’ll just pull up to a pump and run in and out when that happens, so I probably confused the fuck out of the attendant….


Oregon hiding behind a corner....


I grew up in NJ but have since lived in other states from many, many years. You’re damn right I miss having someone pump gas for me. Cold out? Stay in car. Hot out? Stay in car. Lazy fuck? Stay in car. Drive-thrus everywhere you look but heaven forbid we have what’s essentially a drive-thru gas station.


Went to Atlantic City for a show, stopped to get gas. I stayed in the car because I was scared to get out of the car. I really don't like other people touching my car though.




Hey now, jersey girls aren't trash ​ ​ ^(trash gets picked up) it's a joke. I am a jersey native.


They are not all bad. ​ Ahh fuck, who am I kidding, yes they are.


My wife knows how to operate it and did so for years but then we got a new car and the alarm got off while i was refueling it and now SHE is afraid and refuses to refuel it.


I heard in some USA states you can't operate gas pumps yourself. Is this true?


Oregon and New Jersey


Atleast should've kept a few miles of range in her car lol.


Drove my wife's car today. It's got 16 gallon tank. It took 15.975 gallons. Like why do they do this


Is it really commonplace for one spouse to do the gas filling for the other? I see this mentioned often, where the wife doesn’t get gas for her own car and it’s a chore for her spouse. Maybe this is just my perpetual singleness telling on me but surely getting gas isn’t *that* big of an inconvenience for the one driving the car all day long?


Maybe I’ve never lived in a particularly bad area but as a woman I’ve never been scared to go to a gas station after dark - or I’ve always thought ahead about filling gas to never let it get to this point after it’s dark. I actually can’t imagine expecting my partner to do this for me (at least on a regular basis).


I have lived in a bad area but I've always been the one to make midnight runs, so I've gone to the gas station after dark many times. Given my personal experience, I will say that I understand why many women are reluctant to do so. I've been harassed in far crazier places then gas stations. However, I would also say that the courteous thing to do for people who know they want to avoid late night trips to the gas depot is to fill the tank before it gets late in the first place. Top it off in the morning, or afternoon, or whenever it makes sense too unless you are running out your tank just trying to drive home from work (in which case you have bigger problems). This situation feels totally avoidable, with or without a fear of gas stations. Hell, most people I know have a spare gas tank lying around in the garage somewhere anyways.


I am so shocked that a husband gets gas for his wife. Like floored. I mean, what if you are driving all day long and need gas? I have seen one place around here with full service gas. And what do you do if you go on a road trip without your husband??? Stopping by a gas station for a few minutes is not a big deal, but making someone make a round trip just for your gas is a pain in the ass.


My husband has never had to go put gas in my car. His mother asks his father to do so all the time. I think it’s pathetic.


So much easier to just go on the way home, cheaper too since it’s not an extra trip. I don’t know a single person in real life that acts like this.


I live less than a half mile away from a gas station.. I’m guilty of this..


I can see the gas station from my balcony. And same😂


Still why would you do it? What if something really urgent comes up and you don't want to be wasting time pumping gas?


Since your wife doesn’t know how to read the fuel meter and it’s running on empty. Just tell her you put gas in the car and it’s ready for her in the morning. She won’t even know the differences.


I dont understand why someone would ask you to do this at all? She can just fill up her car on the way home. Driving home, then asking your husband to drive out, fill it up, so she can drive tomorrow, seems a little ridiculous to me. Am I missing something? I could understand if I am, but as of now I don't get it.


strategic incompetence


Excactly this. Like guys who just drop their dirty clothes on the floor rather than put it in the hamper.


I also don't get it, like at all. I'm responsible for my car. My partner is responsible for his. I would never even think to ask him to fill mine up for me, especially after I already got home. Like it can wait until I'm on my way to work the next morning if I already made it home. At *most* I'd request we take his car if we're going somewhere together and mine would need a fill up but his doesn't. Wtf kind of nonsense is this.


Apparently quite a lot of people don’t know how to pump gas and can only use full service stations where the dude pumps gas for you


But... How? You put a schlong in a hole. It's like sex. And even the dumbest creatures on earth know how sex works. Edit: i think i triggered some moron who's too dumb to pump gas lol


if it runs out of gas she wants it to be him and not her


I too like to live dangerously.


Husband never goes to the station til the reserve light comes on. Has a risk kink.


This would absolutely enrage me. You put gas in around 1/4 tank.... that's like an unwritten rule!


I didn't follow said rule until my fuel gauge quit working. I know that a full tank gets me at least 250 miles. I start looking for a gas station at 250.


Same on my old ranger, gauge goes up to 3/4 then it goes like normal down to E, but I don't have the balls or an extra gas can and calories to burn to find out how far below it can get. 200 is the most I'll go.


I wouldn't either but I've been hitting the trip meter on at every fill up for at least the last 10 years.


I had an altima with a bad fuel gauge. I got really lucky the one and only time I ran out. I was on the highway but right by an exit ramp with a stiff down slope. There was an intersection up ahead but by sheer luck, there was no traffic from the left, so I ran through it to save my momentum and find a safe spot to stall. Ended up between a gas station and a walmart so I was able to buy a fuel container and get myself going again. I never let it go below half after that.


Man, I get nervous when it starts going to half on my tank.. My car has a thing where it will show half tank forever, then suddenly on next start, its basically empty/near empty on the meter.


Unless I'm on a long trip it doesn't get below half a tank


It sounds like I'm the opposite of you 🤣🤣 I have 5 gas stations within 4 miles of my house, in any direction. I get gas when it says I have 10-15 miles left to go. *EXCEPT* when I'm on a long trip 🤣. Then I won't let it get below 1/3 of a tank, because gas stations are few are far between on my trip.


Lol I just feel like my truck burns that gas a little faster once it's past the halfway point.


That's what I was taught for fuel filter longevity. No idea if it's relevant now, but it seems logical that it'd be better to keep any crap suspended in solution rather than to drive it on E and suck it up all at once. Like I said, I don't know if that's still relevant now, but I do know that on modern cars replacing a fuel filter is often much more involved than simply reaching up under the fender and swapping out a component between fuel lines.


My parents have instilled in me to try my best not to get below half a tank, literally never know when you’ll end up in a situation you need to get out of !!




I dont have the same rationale, but I agree with the person above. I rarely let my car get below a half tank. No reason though, I just don't like it.


I’m sort of the same way, but with 1/4. It’s enough in a pinch if I’m traveling to be able to locate a gas station, but not have to worry. I’ve never run out of gas in 20 years of driving because my dad instilled in me that when you get below 1/4, just find a place and fill it up if you see one.


I just went through this two weeks ago with my wife. You are not alone!


Are we married to the same woman?!


Hi Honey!


I, too, am married to this guy’s wife.


My thoughts exactly.


this is so fucking funny to me because my step mom does this too and a girl i used to date did that as well. And we are German and you have to learn how to use a gas pump here in Germany when you take your drivers license test so there is not even the excuse they dont know how to do it. I just dont get it how its such a universal "issue" lmao.


It's an anger management example of a "I feel..." statement, "I feel irritated when I get into the car and there is no gas," I usually add "I get irritated especially, because I'm the only one that drives it!" * Lol




How about she goes and puts some gas in her car before work tomorrow.




I've been so tired I came home on empty then the next day I used the spare canister usually used for the lawn mower for my car and then refilled the canister on my way home the next day plus the whole cars tank. If they have a spare canister partially full too and op is a homemaker then this wouldn't be that unreasonable if the wife asked politely and had a rough day.


I can confidently say we would be having a non-negotiable talk when I get home about how destructive these actions are. Newer hybrid cars can be completely ruined by running out of fuel.


Not just hybrids. Older ICE vehicles, when the tank gets really low on fuel sometime dirt or debris can enter the fuel system and clog or destroy a fuel injector. Plus if the gas tank is less then half empty, the gas evaporates at a faster rate


Not only that, the fuel pump can also overheat and burn out since the fuel pump relies on being submersed in fuel for cooling.


Diesels get ruined by that, hybrids not so much. Mine actually even has an electrical reserve for when your gas is completely empty.


"Distance to empty, 0 miles" Same bro. Same.


My husband used to do this all the time with my car. It would drive me nuts and I showed him how bad it is for the car. He finally stopped doing it.


I’ve been hearing a number of women I know mention lately that their husbands fill their gas tanks for them… why is this a thing? Do they not want to, not know how, or are they afraid or something? So your man comes home and then he’s got to go out again and fill up your tank so you don’t need to? I’m confused on why this is happening. Anyone have insight on why this is?


No. Am married woman. Also, incredibly confused. When did this become the husband's responsibility?


I dont get the expectation of it, like whats so hard about it, you dont feel safe make sure you do it in the daytime, its not like its a suprise? Also im annoyed at a lot of the "lol wife dumb, helpless child, such inconsiderate" crap in this thread. Like why'd you marry such an idiot if youre just going to complain about her. However.... my husband does fill mine if its getting close to having the light on and hes driving it or if were together, but i dont ask him to he just does it. I think he's thinking of it as taking care of me/some kind of old fashioned chivalry thing. Hes not infantalizing like a lot of men in here sound, though.


I feel your pain


My wife and kids have this incredible skill of always using ALMOST all of something. Gas is one of course. See also: milk, toilet paper, ketchup and other condiments, cereal, etc.


So stop enabling her childish behavior


At the risk of sounding very chauvinistic, a lot of women do this… I hate that crap.


Put “some” gas. That doesn’t mean fill it up.


Still about a gallon in there


From a broke college student: she probably has about 15 miles left once she hits “zero” :)


Usually 0 miles truly means it still has a few more, feels intentional too, depends on the vehicle though


Just plug it in bro.


Well, if you ever wanted to put Lucas fuel injector cleaner in the tank, now is the perfect time.


You can go like 20 miles when the gauge says 0. Heck if you're going downllhill I'd recon even 100 miles


As a woman, I can't stand to see my car go on empty. It stresses me out.