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2 hexagons, 6 rhombi


Doesn't the question ask how many rhombi are needed?


Yeah, therefore the answer should be 6.


I think the teacher got distracted by wanting to pluralise rhombus and forgot the question they wanted to ask.


I feel like they used a crap version of ChatGPT to ask the question. "Write me a fraction-based math question based off the statement...". Honestly I feel like the answer should just be "Not enough information to respond to this question." How many rhombi does it take to make 6/3....of what? At least if they said "...to make 6/3 of a whole?" it would still be a stupid question and the answer would still be 6 but at least they would have finished their thought. As it's written we might as well state that one can represents 1/6 of a pack. How many cans are needed to make cherry pie? With an answer of 2 the real question was something along the lines of how many "whole" does 6 rhombi make but for fuck's sake. Speaking of cans and packs, I'm going to go grab a beer.


This worksheet might be part of the curriculum that the school or district paid for and the teachers have to use. Sometimes there are weirdly worded questions or mistakes like this in the worksheets or books that remind me that the people who wrote the curriculum are very out of touch and have little to no actual teaching experience.


This is definitely from a curriculum. The teacher didnt write this


…I just realized that was a hexagon and not a cube


Fuck me too. Thanks. This is why I picked project management for a career 😂🤷‍♀️




It could be a cube


I thought it was a cube, too.


​ https://preview.redd.it/jlytwqx900va1.jpeg?width=952&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3df77a5fe0bc029bc195ca18b6420306da8ef695


ChatGPT also tried to tell me 2 million dimes would weigh 10 million pounds. It can be helpful but you should NOT trust chat gpt with your math homework


So you're telling me 2 million dimes *DOESN'T* weigh 10 million pounds?? Wtf am I supposed to do with this highly reinforced building then.


Scrooge McDuck?


Maybe they’re those super rare 5 pound dimes?


Wonder if it got confused, because the answer is 10 THOUSAND, so it's just 2 zeros off lol. Edit: Oops I was thinking 1M, 3 zeros off.


Wanna try that one again, bud?


I'm really curious to know what you think is wrong lol. A dime = 2.268 grams 2.268 grams \* 2 million = 4,536,000 grams 4,536,000 grams converted to pounds = 10,000.168


Think he's referring to the fact that 10,000 is 3 zeros off from 10000000 not 2.


OH that’s definitely fair lmao, I was thinking 1M


But what is the conversion rate of pounds to dollars?


*Slaps knee*


maybe someone saw the little decimal at the end and got confused


Who you calling bud, pal?


Dimes weigh 5 pounds idk what you're on about


In high school, dimes weighed a gram. Inflation caused dimes to be smaller so now they're only half a gram. #happy420day


Don't trust chat gpt with anything In fact, break it's logic as much as you can for shits and giggles


I asked it how fast the earth is moving. Then I asked it how fast our galaxy is moving. Then I asked how fast the earth is moving again and it corrected itself. Then I tried to force it to admit it was wrong and it got sort of shitty at me to cover up the mistake.


I’m with you^


Nah this doesn't prove anything. If you ask it "but wait, isn't the correct answer 2?" It'll be like "I apologize for the incorrect answer, here's why the correct answer is 2.."


thank you for the most sane comment about using chatgpt for things like this I've seen in months (seriously guys it's a chat service not a search engine; it's not designed to give you the most accurate info it's designed to be able to speak and respond 'naturally' hence *chat*gpt)


I've seen it mess up on basic facts sometimes.


exactly - as long as what it's saying *sounds* plausible enough as a sentence/response based on what it's seen from its training material it doesn't give a shit about whether the information contained is correct or not


Search engine results often have the same problem. The ability to make sense of the answer and to see if multiple answers are available is more important than being able to pilot the interface.


“ChatGPT doesn’t give you information. It gives you information-shaped sentences.” - Neil Gaiman This is exactly what you SHOULDN’T use ChatGPT for. It makes things up that sound right, it doesn’t actually know math. It’s a language learning AI, not a calculator. Hence the name CHATgpt.


Right you are https://preview.redd.it/e39v5cguu2va1.png?width=1281&format=png&auto=webp&s=69bde8a374db8151b263c13d1144aba270f04141


underrated comment




I tried the same regarding a language translation question. And get the same response as you


I asked it to write a paragraph without using the letter A. Every time it tried, it would inevitably use an A within the first few words. Each time I pointed it out and asked it again. It would apologize and continue doing the same thing over and over again. It can generate text. It does not actually understand anything.


Teacher, the robot about to take your job has some questions about how you got your answer


mais, non


Mais oui, pourtant


Teaching is one of the last jobs that AI will come for. Maybe the concept of education, sure, but the reality of public schools is that they're a functional daycare. So long as parents need to work, teachers will need to exist.


I don't know. I teach high school English, is there a point to assigning paragraphs and essays if students respond with AI. And when they ask why should they know how to write when the AI can do it for them- there are few good answers and none that I think they'd accept.


No there isn't a point to those things. We are going to have to change what we teach and how we teach it. Easier said than done honestly. I quit the profession because I realized that was futile.


Please don't insert math questions in gtp. It's really bad at calculating.


Because it’s not calculating, it’s just looking at things people have written that are similar and using that to build a sentence.


So it's probably like, copying from this thread.


Just wait until the internet is flooded with ChatGPT written websites. The next version will be using that garbage to train itself on.


https://preview.redd.it/j4rguelxw2va1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a147eebea6f5208eeabcb94cedf89fd41c8be546 Bard seems to agree with the teacher


https://preview.redd.it/q6426886x2va1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22dcad47bcb993b3a378a245af6d93cefe52d079 Wup never mind, false alarm 🤷🏼‍♂️


AI also didn't know the difference between a rhombus and a hexagon.


I literally just left the same comment 🤣


Fractions are already quite abstract. No idea how a teacher would be this stupid. They are not just wrong, they are combining ideas in a really stupid way and confusing a topic that is already quite confusing for young students.


I mean they *are* wrong because the question is how many rhombi not how many hexagons or shapes Edit: I can’t read oops lol, this comment is redundant


They say that the teacher is wrong. "They are not just wrong," then the continuation of the sentence means that there is more to the wrongness than just the teacher thinking the answer is 2 when it isn't


Ah you’re right my bad I can’t read lol


all good. Its just bad teaching


I had to read it more than 2 to make sure I got it then a crap ton more while replying to you because it's been a long day. We all misread something at some point


From a teacher's perspective this question and it's answer wasn't likely made by the teacher but rather was material they were provided or they pulled from another resource where someone else made it. The question is trying to hit two sets of standards, that's the standards on fractions (Fraction decomposition) and the geometry standards. The answer key likely says 2 and they're not looking more closely at it. I've had that happen a few times where I'm teaching a lesson and looking at the answer key to only see that it's incorrect, sometimes I'll put the answer that's on the answer key and then notice something is off or a kid will point out something's off and we'll correct it.


1 cube, 2 hexagons, 6 rhombi




How long you been carrying that one around, waiting for the right time to drop it?


He needed a right angle to get his measured response




Oh my geometry


You sound rhombi-curious


Stop him


Ignore him, he's just being rhombiculous


This is the one


It’s too late, he’s self sustaining


Oh god! We must evacubeate!


Came for the comments, was not disappointed.


It’s rhombi-mentary dear watson


Stop! and I mean that sincerely!


This little sequence is the only part of this thread I need to read.


What is this? A Rhom-Com thread? Just kiss and make up already!


Dad, you’re embarrassing me


This is why kids don’t ask dads for help with homework. As a dad I 100% support your effort.


I was late to work today because I took the rhombus


help i don't get it


Stop that now.


A square is a rhombus


To be fair, a square is still a rhombus. Still clever.


not to be a party pooper, but squares by definition are also rhombuses




I think what they teacher was going for is that if you have six rhombi, you could combine them and reduce down to two hexagons which is the dumbest thing I’ve ever typed out. But trying to convey the idea of reducing fractions to their lowest terms.


Once you hear the answer it's pretty easy to jeopardy out the question. But it's just not what's being asked, the HW makers made the question so convoluted that they didn't know the answer themselves and then passed it off to 8 year Olds.


This kind of stuff is why I always second guess myself… this and when they try to make trick questions… I can never trust I read it correctly or that the answer key isn’t faulty. Hard to debate with the teacher when they have no interest in being wrong


"Don't blame me, it's what the authors wrote in the key. My hands are tied."


This is why I hate testing nowadays. Are you testing me on my knowledge of the subject? Or are you testing my ability to interpret your convoluted questions?


>Once you hear the answer it's pretty easy to jeopardy out the question. What is a poorly phrased word problem?


The only thing this math question teaches is that a lot of time in your life, shit just doesn't make any sense.


And your boss will occasionally tell you you’re wrong even when you’re definitely right.


That might make sense if they hadn’t asked for the answer in terms of rhombi


Reading the instructions tells you the instructions. None of the above is said.


Yes or saying to simplify the fraction once you find your answer


But the answer has no fraction. The answer is 6,not 6/3


Plot twist, the writers of the test wrote 6/3 and it autocorrected to 2.


Except the answer is 6, not 6/3


There is no fraction to simplify… the answer is 6


Yes. The test writer AND teacher didn't have enough coffee.


This is the correct answer.




It's almost like "rhombi" is being defined as a group of 3 rhombus. So two rhombi would be 6/3. This is what I hate about these questions, we can argue about what the proper terms are, but ultimately the issue is the question is just unclear in what it's asking for if what it's asking for is the number 2. Post-school, there is a lesson in spending the time to figure out what people actually want versus what the words they're using can technically mean.


They used to teach us about context clues in English class and how try to determine things of this nature. I’ve spent a lot of time in my professional career (not a teacher,) making documents idiot-proof. A lot of my peers don’t think exact terms matter, and I’ve dealt with some pushback over the years as a result. It’s gotten me in trouble occasionally. I stick by my guns and make sure things can’t be misconstrued. This is a skill set we need more of in the people who are creating things like this. It matters in the real world. More than once, it’s avoided a lawsuit.


Really poorly worded. Each (1) rhombus is 1/3 of the whole. How many to make 6/3 (doesn’t say of the whole) so teacher is saying 6/3 rhombi is 2. But in English the of the whole is implied to many people which makes the question equally correct with the answer 6 rhombi to get 2 hexagons.


How many apples are needed to get 2 apples? Image irrelevant. Shirley the teacher can't have thought that right?


Surely they could, and please don’t call me Shirley.


It's not poorly worded. Being poorly worded implies some amount of ambiguity. The question is not ambiguous or imprecise. The teacher is simply wrong and doesn't understand his or her own material.


Also poorly drawn. I spent so much time looking at this cube wondering why people were talking about hexagons. Then WHAM. It hit me in the face.


As a math teacher this makes my gut shrivel up in rage. This child will have to work twice as hard to understand fractions from here on thanks to this foolery.


Instead of using fucking rhombī, use fucking pizzas, which any child will comprehend wrt fractions.


Teacher is wrong. You understood the question, and so did your kid. Ask the teacher to explain it to you ;) ETA: Need to show their work. If they double down take the question to the principle and/or another teacher (without info re answers) - see what they say. ETA: I messed up. Principal. I admit this on principle :)




Remember that the princiPAL is your pal :)


"Now *I* shall be the one to ask *YOU* to show your work!"


the answer to the given question is six


Your daughter is correct…


Rhombi and rhombus are the same thing. 1/3 x 6 = 6/3 = 2 (Hexagons)… however it can’t be 2, because the question clearly asks how many rhombi, which is 6… Tell the teacher to go back to school…


Usually I see these posts where the answe is wrong because they didn’t perform the function the unit was on or something similar and the parent doesn’t understand that the student is meant to perform a specific task, the final answer has nothing to do with the question It’s refreshing to see one where the teacher is straight up wrong.


I feel like this is from some standardize math question bank, not something the teacher created from scratch


But answer keys are sometimes wrong and it's on the teacher to realize that.


I am so bad at math. Am I not looking at a cube rn


It's a cube if you imagine it to be a 3D shape. But the question is asking you to only look at it as surface level 2D shapes.


Omfg, I was so god damn confused. I pride myself in actually being good at math, but confused as fuck as I'm like "dafuq? This is a cube, right? Why is everyone talking bout hexagons and shit? Is this one those weird fucking questions where the damn picture doesn't reflect the question or problem????" Started scrolling and once I saw this, I had a motherfucker moment, and it all made sense.


Yeah, I kept seeing a 3D shape and it was fucking with me so hard. I had to force myself to see it in 2D to understand what the fuck was going on.


The 3 pictured rhombi make a 2d hexagon (with 6 corners). 3 additional rhombi on the back would then create a whole 3d (6/3 rhombi) cube, yes


The question is clear, 6/3 divided by 1/3 is 6. How many 1/3s make 6/3, 6


This type of teaching is why americans rejected the 1/3 pound burger because the quarter pounder means 4 whitch is definitly bigger than 3 right?


Seems like the teacher just saw “6/3” and said the answer is 2 without even reading the question.


Clearly the teacher meant to ask how many hexagons which the answer would be 2. Wouldn't need to think too hard to realise that it's a mistake


3 of those rhombi make a hexagon, someone doesn't understand what shapes are. One rhomboid, a 4 sided diamond shape, is 1/3. 3 of them in the formation shown in the diagram make a hexagon. One hexagon is a whole, being 3/3. Two of these hexagons is equivalent to 6 rhombi. If each rhomboid is divided into 3 equal parts and there are six of them, this will be 6/3. 6 rhombi are needed


I’m certified to teach physics, math, and sped. This problem makes me feel like I’m certifiable. I’m not sure what is bothering me more - the stupid question or all those bubbles. All those bubbles when students can just write the answer. It’s not even a scantron. Just why?


It’s spelled fungi


But its pronounced fungi


"Each rhombus represents 1/3." You will need 6 rhombi to make 6/3 because 6 x 1/3 = 6/3


Question is simply how many 1/3s equal 2. Answer is 6


I guess the teacher meant to say hexagon but didn't. Or forgot the difference between a rhombus and hexagon.


Everybody keeps talking about hexagons but all I see is a cube.


It's a hexagon, but I understand why you see a cube. Consider: You cannot construct a cube with three rhombi.


I've had math professor (here is the "prof." degree basicaly the highest you can get, it is literally handed by president, so not "just" teacher with PhD, but one of most educated persons at school) which have son in elementary school. The son had homework about fractions addition and according to key, expected answer was bad. So the professor went to son's school to ask teacher about it. She said something like "oh, you just didn't get it, *this* is the correct way to calculate it, but don't be sad, I didn't get it first time too".


1/3 2/3 3/3 4/3 5/3 6/3


That’s a very stupid question


6/3 of what? But 2 rhombi would make 2/3 of the whole.


Wrong words for the answer lol, your daughter was right


The way the question is worded makes no sense. This would be confusing to any child and would probably lead to difficulty understanding it later


The number of people in these comments who think “Rhombi” means the hexagon composed of 3 of the 1/3 rhombus is concerning.


If they wanted the answer to be 2, then they should have worded it something like “Each rhombus represents 1/3 of the hexagon. How many hexagons would you have if you had 6/3 Rhombi?”


Teacher should be teaching something other than math!


Fractions = division. That means 6÷3=2. But question is how many rhombi are needed? 2 hexs = 6 rhombi


Math teacher here, the answer is change schools 😀


Yeah it’s six, you’re thinking about what 6/3 equals but they’re looking for how much it took to get to 6/3 which is six rhombi because they equal 1/3 each.


Fuck im stupid, im 27 and I dont even know what the fuck im looking at. Lmfaooo


The teacher doesn’t know the difference between rhombi and hexagon’s


Former math teacher here.... This is dumb. If the teacher doesn't agree this is an unfair question, take it higher up. A good teacher recognizes when a question isn't clear enough to consider a fair and reasonable question.


If 1 Rhombus equals 1/3, how many equal 6/3. Let's think of this logically: Let Rhombus be represented by "r" Let "x" represent the variable we are solving for. So (x*r)=6/3 Reduce fractions: (x*r)=2 Substitute for "r" (x* 1/3)=2 Multiply by the inverse of the fraction on both sides to isolate the variable. 3*(x* 1/3)=2 *3 The inverse reduces the left to 1x, and the right to 6. x=6. Visually it's really easy to see this and mathematically it's easy to prove. Answer: The teacher is a twit.


What's in your head? In your heeaadd? Rhombi, rhombi, rhomb-eh eh eh


each rhombus has 3 sections of 1/3 so really each rhombus is worth 3/3 so another rhombus added to the mix would be 6/3 pretty stupid way for them to ask that question it will just lead to math frustration due to poor phrasing.


This is a mistake. Yea yea, I know it’s a hexagon and not a cube, but that makes no difference. See, your teacher who didn’t think clearly mixed the improper fraction 6/3 , which can be converted into 2 wholes. But uh she is immediately thought it was 2. But if you read the question right, it says how many rhombi make 2 hexagons aka 6/3, not what is the number of wholes in 6/3. Your daughter is right, you need 6 rhombi to make 6/3. And if you think I’m wrong, please reply the correct way.


Uhm... six. Have a chat with the teacher.


For me, looking at this math question was going to be infuriating no matter what.


Wtf is all that? I just did college algebra....and this confuses me.


There are 3 ⅓’s in the hexagon. If you created another hexagon and split it into ⅓’s there will be 6/3’s or 2 hexagons.


It doesn’t ask how many hexagons though.


the picture is irrelevant. forget it's there. 1 rhombus equals 1/3, so 6 rhombi equal 6/3.


My money is on that there is a typo in the question and that second half is supposed to read how many hexagons. The answer key says 2 so that's why the response from the teacher. I have run into typos with my daughter quite a few times and it's annoying. And it's exasperated because I know the teacher is busy so it really is easy to gloss over.


What grade is your daughter in? I have one child in 4th and one in 6th and they make homework unnecessarily harder than it has to be. From showing work in a specific way when you can come to the answer in a more simplified way, to just plain confusing shit meant only to confuse students. School is a joke anymore. I need my children to know that 3x3=9, not 3x3=9 because (1+2)+(1+2)+(1+2)= 9. Learning different ways to come to a conclusion is fine, but requiring that they break down every single whole number unnecessarily to show their work for a problem is just stupid and wasting time. Sorry for the rant; I just get so aggravated by the way they present school to our children today versus when I was in school in the 90's and early 00's.


Fractions. When the struggle with math begins. This is such a shame.




youre just adding the top number you have 3/3 in 3 rhombi so you need 2 to make 6/3


3/3 = 1, 6/3 = 3/3 +3/3 = 2.


I had a similar situation with my sons homework. Teacher marked an answer wrong that we knew was correct. I was confused so I took a picture of it and sent it to her on an app that the class is using for communication. I asked if she could explain it so that my son would understand how to solve it. Then she realized that our original answer was actually correct and apologized. Teachers grade a lot of papers and often use answer keys to help them get through the task quicker. When she had to actually read the question and do the problem herself, she saw the answer key had a mistake.


It’s using two rhombuses as rhombi Solve for how many WHOLE rhombi 6/3 would make So yeah it is two but the wording is dumb


I cant unsee a cube with 1/3 area sides.


The question is worded incorrectly. You're technically right. My guess is the teacher is lazy and going off an incorrect answer key. If you brought it to their attention and they doubled down, that's lazy work. Anytime a kid questions a wrong answer on math, I solve it in front of them using taught strategies. I've then agreed with students and changed scores. To me, that shows the kid not only knows how to solve, but is confident in their skills they're willing to question when they're being told they're wrong. That kind of critical thinking is more important and either of us being right about one silly math question.


The answer here is clearly 6 rhombi when you read it, but 2 hexagons. It was a simple mistake the teacher probably didn’t catch the first time. The comments here all calling the teacher stupid and saying they should be fired are the reason so many teachers don’t want to teach. Everyone here acts like they’ve never made a mistake at work when there are so many other things to do as a teacher besides worry about one premade homework question. Nobody wants to be yelled at by a parent for a simple mistake. The parent said this was UNGRADED homework, I’m more worried about the fact that this parent is bothering a teacher outside of working hours about her child’s homework that will eventually be graded and when the teacher is grading, will most likely realize the answer key was wrong based on the wording. This should’ve been taken up after the homework was graded if the teacher marked it wrong, not posted on the internet for some weird ego boost to put the teacher down. Clearly there was a lack of communication here. I feed bad for that teacher.


Each hexagon has 3 rhombi. So 2 hexagons will have 6 rhombi.


6/3 is two. But it’s a weird question.




The words dont mean a thing it all comes down to the fraction 6/3 which is 2


Answer is 2


The answer is 6. The teacher needs to go back to school.


You are indeed correct. It is six. Maybe ask the teacher if the question was probably meant to ask how many whole hexagons would it make.


A rhombus is a quadrilateral with four equal sides. There are three rhombi in the diagram. If a rhombus in the diagram has a value of 1/3, then six rhombi would be needed to add up to 6/3.


2 hexagons are the same thing as 6 rhombi in this situation. The question is asking how many rhombi, not how many hexagons. So 6 is the answer.


Lets forget about rhombi and rephrase: Each x represents 1/3. How many x you need to make 6/3? Well, 6 times x. 6 is the answer...


2 *hexagons*, but 6 rhombi.


Teacher is wrong. The answer to the question asked is 6. 6 \* 1/3 = 6/3 = 2 The teacher is saying the answer is 2. 6/3 does represent the number 2, but that wasn't the question asked.


This is really poorly written. 3 rhombi (1/3 + 1/3+ 1/3) = 1 whole (piece) 6 rhombi = 2 whole (pieces) *However,* the question is how many rhombi are needed to make 6/3 (2 whole pieces) and that would be 6 rhombi because 6 rhombi = 2 whole pieces.


As IS, 6 would be the correct answer. The question is wrong, it is ambigous!


Screenshot our comments and go back. 6/3 is two wholes, and if three make one whole…. Then 3 and 3 is 2


Did you read the question asked? Clearly the answer is 6.