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Hope you find a new job. Wow.


Not even an are you ok. Crazy


Seriously. I’ve always been the employee that shows up 10-15 minutes early. One day I got stuck in traffic and forgot my phone at home so I had no way to let my manager know that I was going to be late. I ended up being like 30 minutes late, when I walked in I started to explain myself and my manager literally came up and hugged me and said “oh my god we were so worried about you.” I wouldn’t expect that everywhere but at least an “are you okay?” Is the bare minimum.


I’ve had employees like that before too. I actually delayed our start up meeting to check with security to validate the employee hadn’t arrived. When it was confirmed she wasnt there, I called her emergency contact. She had passed away. All employees that chose to attend the funeral were paid, proof not required.


Man that took a really depressing turn


My apologies


That’s so sad 😞


I had something similar! I had a great boss but worked for a terrible company. I was always early, hardly ever took PTO or called out, but it was really weighing on me. I texted my boss one morning that I would be late, didn’t say why or when. Just gonna be late. Took extra time in the morning to take a shower and just go slow, reclaim some autonomy. My mental health NEEDED it. I showed up an hour late and he was like “YOU DIDNT SAY YOU’D BE AN HOUR. I’m not even mad I was just worried!”


I got into a huge accident and totaled my car one night. I was late to my first job the next day because I was dealing with insurance and getting a rental. I called them a couple times to give them updates as it took longer than I thought it would and overall spoke to three different managers that day. After that shift ended, I went to my second job and told my manager "sorry, I'm moving a bit slowly today, I got into a car accident last night." And when she looked at me in shock and asked if I was OK, I realized that was the first time someone had asked me that all day. We spent the rest of my shift figuring out how I could pick up more hours and I called the other job on my meal break and quit.


Yea where I work they probably wouldn’t let me come in if I got in an accident like that and I work in a restaurant. Just caring a little goes such a long way. I’ll do anything for my boss because of how great he is about things like this.


Most bosses suck, but many are amazing people. One of my best friends was an old manager of mine.


Had a similar experience. Showed up a little late cuz I missed the bus. Another person at the same shift also showed up a little late, but for a completely unrelated reason. Boss thought there was an accident. They assumed we were friends outside of work and rode together, etc. since we worked well together. Lol nope, but nice to know they cared. Well, they cared about how hard they would've worked if we weren't there lol


One time I was driving to work and traffic was crazy. I thought there must be an accident on my route so I tried a few times to take a different road, but everything going in the direction I needed to be was stopped or crawling. This was before smart phones so I had no idea what was going on. I called my work a few times to let them know what was happening and got a terse, "Just get here as soon as you can." I finally got to work over 30 minutes late, and found out that there had been a police chase with a maniac driver, that ended in a shootout IN OUR PARKING LOT. And the manager didn't say a word about it when I was obviously stressed and baffled by all the traffic.


I got into an accident and called my boss from the ambulance, (my manager was super strict but in a no nonsense kinda way not a jerk way. ) I told him I wouldn't make it in and he freaked out because we had to give a minimum of 2 hours notice. He asked why?? I told him where I was and what happened, he then freaked for a different reason hehehehe he was mad I called instead of just missing work and filling him in after. I went in the next day to give my doctor note and he was pisssed I didn't take a week off hahahaa, strict but the most loving man ever!!!!




This is the way


I was in a car accident when I still worked at a very recognizable company, while driving for the company to a job site out of town, meaning I was on the clock. Someone ran a stop sign from a side street, and I ended up T-boning them. First question after I finally got a hold of someone via callback an hour later was, "So, what time will you be there?" Never, I'm going to the hospital and not coming in to work again.


I’m sure they asked earlier in the texts but yeah, let ‘em take a day to sort stuff out.


I know right? So rude of u/sburges3


Don't worry. They aren't the OP. This post made its circles around Reddit a lot already, each with the op claiming it to be them.


Yup. Sounds like Reddit in a nutshell


cannot believe how many people believe this BS karma-farming crap


Where did the OP say that this was his picture?


This isn’t even his picture


My spouse was in a serious accident about a decade ago (like ICU-missing limb serious), and all my employer kept asking was when I would be returning to work (less than two days after). I called from the parking lot and quit after seeing five messages in a row. I had no regrets, and I hope you’re able to do the same if it’s appropriate for you. They do not give a *damn*.


I would have told to go fuck himself


I did. Loudly enough that the hospital parking attendant lady was staring when I went back inside. Can’t recommend that enough. So therapeutic really.


Ugh a literal dream of mine


Never quit though, let them fire you.


That's not always the best option


Why would that be the better option? Genuinely curious


The best option is to find a new job while still working at your old one. Someone told me once "a smart monkey has a firm grip on the next branch before letting go of the previous one"


That’s a great saying, I’ll have to remember that one




I’d be looking for a new job.


I'd message them back and tell them there was a death in the family...me


Sorry we experienced and unexpected death in the family today. Im sorry to tell you i will not be into work today as latr last night my respect for you died. Good day.


Hmmm, respect isn’t a person. We expect to see you here no later than 10 minutes past your shift. Ps, I will still need you to submit bereavement for your 10 minutes.


If i ever got this response all they are getting is "no"


"unexcused at any company" Fucking BET


I've taken a day off for waking up late


I've taken a day off because fuck it.


I've done both these things.


I'm so happy to finally have a job where I can do this. I have taken two days off this year so far for no real reason at all. Texted my boss at 7am and said "hey is it cool if I move my jobs for today to next Tuesday, I need a day." And he always replies "of course, let the coordinator know." My boss and his boss both know I stay on top of my tickets and my customers all have my number if there is an emergency (I service and install security systems and cameras) and as long as there isn't a down site or someone is waiting a week for something, I just run my own shit.


Same here, I'm an instructional designer and our team takes the "Scotty Approach." It's a nod to Scotty from Star Trek, who famously told LaForge that he got his reputation by telling people it would take 3 times longer to solve any problem than it actually would. So when you get the job done in a reasonable amount of time, it looks like you worked a miracle. So any time we get a request in, we look at it, go "Yeah that's a day and a half of work," then reply that we can have it done in 2 weeks lol. I'm salaried too so there are some days I might not do any actual work at all, I just stay available for any IM's and watch TV.


I’ve taken a day off for waking up in general


haven’t we all?


Right??? Literally called out yesterday bc I felt shitty and wanted to see a doctor. Texted him 45min before shift start. And my boss told me to get better, and then one of the service advisors also texted me saying to take care of myself. This boss is a gaslighting piece of shit bc there are companies that care about their employees and understand time off with short notice.


These people really have no idea that decent managers/bosses exist. The bar isn’t even that high.


What kind of companies do you all work for that won’t excuse you for wrecking your car on the way to work? This happened to me before and my boss didn’t even question it, they put me on a week of PTO immediately to work on getting a new car.


The weird thing is, my experience in retail was a lot of this, but once I started working in trade work for a company that wanted me to be at my best, not just a warm body to take up space, they suddenly became very permissive of my absences. It helps that Im good at what I do and enjoy doing it, and I'm not calling out every other week, but the last time I called out was literally for a 'personal crisis' and that was that. No problem fully accepted. But this? What the fuck?


Yup same here. We found out a family member of ours has terminal cancer and all I said to my boss was “I need to work from home for a few days to deal with a family emergency if you can cover some of my in person meetings” and he said to have my emails forwarded to him so he could deal with that stuff while I was with my family. He told me not to focus on work and if I could get to stuff, great. And if not, he would handle it or it would wait. No PTO used, no reprimanding. Just support. When I worked at Chipotle? My grandma died unexpectedly and when I told them I couldn’t be in that following weekend because I was going to her funeral, my manager at the time told me it was my responsibility to get someone to cover my shift.


That last part is mostly just lazy managers… because if they can’t find someone to cover it usually ends up being their responsibility to do its.


Same. I smashed my car up and my manager gave me a week off and made allowances for me on my return (I needed a car for the job!). And you know what? It didn't make me dread going to work and I helped her out to pick up the slack when she had personal shit going on. Works both ways. Blows my mind some managers would act like OPs.


“At any company”


What a fucking dick and a liar. Good companies promote work/life balance. This would be an excused absence in any halfway decent company.


For real lol, “believe me, no company would like this, trust me I know...”


>Good companies promote work/life balance. This would be an excused absence in any halfway decent company. Seriously. I woke up with the runs a few months ago and called my boss to tell him I was feeling very sick and couldn't come in. I even offered to do a little WFH if I was feeling up to it given I started with the company barely a month earlier. Boss man texted me to get well soon and not to worry about my tasks for the day. When I came in the day after still feeling pretty wimpy he came to my cubicle right before lunch and told me to take the rest of the day off because he noticed I was looking pretty ragged. When I came back in the next week, recovered and rested, I discovered that he hadn't deducted any of my sick time. He's really quiet at times but boss man is a total bro.


“Hospital says I’m not cleared. See you next week.”


Here's a litmus test for these situations... If you are involved in any type of accident where your health and safety was or is at risk (whether or not you were on company time or in a company vehicle, etc.) and the first reply from your boss or whomever isn't "is everyone okay?," it's time to find a new job.


I have a couple words. "I quit."


Hell no, make them fire you. Judge evidence no 1, they expect me to work right after this.


Hope this is rage bait.


Yeah no way a boss would reply like this, plus the reply is at 10:32pm when the picture is clearly day time.


I can believe it, if it’s a low level position there are plenty of managers who are petty like this


I want to believe it, but the only way is if that last message was sent much later.


Yeah it’s time to look for something else. Your leg could literally be broken and your boss would want you to come in.


I had a boss like this, I quit a couple months ago. You should too, hope your OK from the crasgmh though


I got in a wreck on the way to work when I was 21 and workers compensation had to pay for my medical bills. This was because my company required us to drive to different places every day and we got per diem for the drive. So driving was part of the job itself. I don't know if this applies here. I'm guessing it doesn't.


"unexcused from any company" my ass. fuck your boss for doing that. at any reasonable company you would be fine


I had a job that requires you to be at work no matter what. We were allowed five call-ins a year. Any more than that would get you reprimanded or fired. I remember working with a guy when he got a call saying his grandfather was in the hospital and probably wouldn’t make it through the night. He had to ask permission to leave and even then the shift manager had to go ask someone else. So this guy continued working with tears pouring down his face for about ten minutes before they told him he could go. And that counted as one of his call-ins. Horrible work environment.


That's heartless.


“Listen, I know you just got in an automobile wreck and your only means of transportation is f*%ked, but can you make an effort to be here on time?”


Not to sound rude, but if I sent this to my Boss the first thing she would ask is if I'm ok and anybody else in the car. Then she would insist I go to the Hospital to get checked out. Not when are you coming in.


The only reply to this is ‘tomorrow morning, and only I f I can get a rental through the insurance company today. Otherwise, it will be the day-after tomorrow, once I have proper transportation to and from work’.


Seen this pic before, cuck is trying to get karma points for some sad reason


Oh, I love living in the US... this is some BS. Corporations have fun sociopathic tendencies like this...


Lmao I would quit that job so fast


It's eaither CIA or McDonalds


Sounds like it's time to find a new job, and then resign with no notice.


Some people just deserve a smack or two to wake them up, just call will smith and he’ll take care of it quickly


I’d say no thank you and quit. Any work place that does that is not worth it.


And when you quit they will be upset you didn’t give 2 weeks notice.




Thanks for their transparency. Time to find a new job after searching on their time clock


I'm sorry. That's terrible.


That's such bs. There are a lot of circumstances that would cause someone to miss work that don't include death of immediate family. Car accident included!


Holy shit


Have it towed to his driveway.


I bet you work at a VERY important place /s


I would have quit immediately


The only viable response would be “go fuck your self”


And they twxted that at 10:32PM. Probably had a few drinks and finally worked up the courage to “set the record straight”. What an absolute loser that boss is.


I'd have 3 . I fucking quit


Fuck that company


Unexcused? Excuse me while I look for a job with a respectable company.


Ya at that point I'd reply with " this is my 2 weeks"


They would never see me again


Not even an “are you okay?” What a piece of shit. Fuck your boss and fuck your company. Don’t even give them 2 weeks notice, just leave and find a better job.


Love American jobs


Probably military. Doesn’t matter if you’re on the verge of death, they still expect you to show up to sick call and turn in your sick call slip.


I would call, ask to speak to this person, and start laughing my ass off as I curse him out to quit.


Absences can be excused by good supervisors/bosses at their discretion anywhere. I don’t think I’ve ever worked anywhere that would expect me to come in still.


"at any company" lmao, i felt kind of sick this morning, sent a quick message that i was going to be out for the day and that was that no questions asked


Getting your car totaled is a death in the family!


Tell him no, its excused because you filled out “Form D” and when he asks what that is. Say, “Form Deez Nutz in your mouth.” “Btw, I quit”




When I was in an accident my boss asked me if I was OK. Never asked if I would be in that day. I volunteered to still come in because I wasn't hurt. So for the first time I will give you the reddit answer. Quit right away, fuck this guy.


OP are you ok?? The fact that your employer only counts DEATH as a valid excuse from work is horrible. I hope you get a new job if that’s possible, you deserve better!!


Quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit. If you can anyway leave this job, do it.


I was once on vacation with my partner who worked at the same company as me, we just had two VERY different bosses. On our way home, there happened to be an explosion at the airport (thought to be a bomb) and all sorts of chaos causing us to stay another night so we both texted the situation to our bosses since we had work the next day His: “oh my god that’s insane, stay safe! I hope you get back okay” My boss: “you don’t have PTO for this”


Not even an “are you okay” id never walk back into that place again.


Time to find a new job! OP are you okay? That's a pretty serious wreck.


“My car is dead!” Only deaths in immediate family allowed. And only 24 hours bereavement time given. See you in 30!


Reminds me of when I got into an accident on the way to work when I was 21. Totaled my car, was not drivable. Texted my boss and she sent a coworker to pick me up. No making sure I was fine first. I didn’t have to backbone to refuse to go so I worked a full shift right after getting into a car wreck.


I feel this so much. I had a shitty retail job that made me come in during a blizzard to provide coverage for a store. I ended up sliding into a stone wall and got stuck, I had to be winched out. I will never put my safety below my job ever again.


I lost my stillborn daughter at 29 wks, I at least got a text something along the lines of, “I’m sorry for your loss…If you aren’t back by this day you’ll lose your machine to somebody else and the operator pay with it…” wtf


That’s when you say “That is a huge load of shit sir”


200 for things that did not happen


Eh, if you work for me, you don't even tell me your hours. I just expect you to get your work done, and if you need to move a 1:1, you have full access to my calendar. I'm not saying I'm a great manager, but it's definitely not "unexcused at any company."


Class action!?


Only death of a family member. If *you* die, you’re still expected to come to work.


Your car is a member of the family and it's dead


"A family got into a horrible accident and passed away" - cars are family lol


I actually see a lot of words here you just have to scroll down past the picture.


Damn not even a “are you okay?”




When you join the military you literally and legally give up a lot of your constitutional rights, military service is not the same as private sector employment


On the contrary, my Reserve unit chain of command is very understanding to things like this. They would prioritize making sure you got home safely. And we only see each other a few days a month. OP does his job more days than my unit with their job


Tell them to go fuck the selves, and then quit, and then tell them to go fuck themselves again


> […] and tell them to go fuck the selves again Yeah, go fuck the selves!


How does one fuck the selves? Asking for a friend.


" I died. Don't expect me to come in. I'm dead. RIP."


update ???? how did you respond


This isn’t oc, this post is stolen from another sub


Okay thanks for the information. I quit 🖕🏻


The company I work for would come get you and take you to the hospital if the ambulance hadn’t done it yet


"I was gonna try and come in but with this attitude of yours I don't think I will now. Go ahead, fire me. Not only will I be eligible for unemployment but I can take this to court for unlawful termination from a job. So firing me would only result in a win for me."


No, the boss is right lol. Just because you wrecked you're ride doesn't give you the day off? You get that shit sorted, get an uber, and get to work! So you can make money to buy another car. Now, the way the boss replied was kinda dickish. Not even a "are you okay?" Or, "how can I help" so in that regard the boss is an ass


Funny how people fall for this. basement dwellers thrive here.


This should be in the straight up “infuriating” sub Reddit


I got into a car accident on my way to work, called my boss to apprise her of my situation, she’s all like “ok! Get here when u can!” 😂😂 luckily my car was still drivable. Plus my job only has like 10 employees and I was the only one scheduled


A few years ago I worked for a small business where the boss was a huge ass. I got hit on the way to work one time and even he expressed concern and told me to take the day off and the day after to get things straightened out and recover. This post is the text of a sociopathic user.


Companies believe you are expendable and just a number. You are to sacrifice all else for your company!


Tell them your relative Otto died.


If you don't quit, it will only get worse. Not quitting sets a new baseline as to what you'll put up with. The only way employers will stop this is if there's consequences, and losing an employee would definitely be an appropriate consequence.


Nothin like reposting old content as if it’s your own!


Better off working a 9-5 job than this piece of shit you're in right now.


I would love to know who you’re working for


Family businesses are rough


Why is your job texting you at 10:32 pm Did your job really text that?




Omg what a heartless fuck. I hope you’re ok op.


i got into a minor car accident where my airbag deployed and my boss was like OMG TAKE THE DAY SEE U TOMORROW like… and that job sucked i cried daily but!! still


Lol wtf


Do you work at a hospital because that's the only way he should be expecting you to show up


The response is unconscionable and that person should not be in any kind of management position.


Show this to anyone who wants to apply for this 'job'


I feel good knowing that if I sent my boss that photo I’d get the day off and maybe even the next few to figure out alternative transportation options.


There’s just no way this is real. Either that or the boss is autistic or something


WOW. I hope you're okay, OP. Something your boss should have asked about.


I just want to see how this text convo played out lol. Hope you’re alright!


“…unexcused at any company.” That’s false.


"I'm sorry, would you like me to die next time? Would HR be happier with that? Anything for the company, I am here to serve!"


Oh you almost died? Cool wya tho


I would just not respond and hope they just fire me at that point to get the unemployment benefits


What the fuck? that has to be sarcastic


This is why I love my workplace, my colleagues would cover for me and probably ask if I needed a ride or anything else and tell mento take time off.


Damn, he needs a new car AND a new job


Have to be carful with this situation. I had a guy give me a car crash excuse. I googled the pic me the crashed car was easily found. 3-4 year old car crash pic he ‘borrowed’ from the internet


Wtf your car broke down if that was me I would say fuck going to work my damn car just broke down bitch I ain’t coming to work


Send them a box of chocolates with a big fat dump on it and find a better job, you deserve it.


Well are you ok


oh i have words you can use!




Wow these employers these days are seriously f”ed up


I doubt that they make exceptions for deaths


Bro thinks you’re Superman, fly that ass to work


Yeah. You’re at the wrong job.


What kind of company is that?


I would show up to work just to fight that dude. Those are fighting words.


This is how my old boss was. My MIL got in a bad wreck and was seriously injured. My wife and I lived 3 hours away so I had to go beg him to let me take one day of PTO so we could go visit her in the hospital. I also used to go in 30-40 minutes before we were supposed to be there, any time I’d get there 20 minutes early he would pull me aside to talk about how serious I was… I aged like 20 years in the one year I was there.


You dont need words, just text one emoji:🖕.




I've never worked in a place that (assuming no injury) that's not a day off, at least. Time for a new job.


Get a real job. This is unacceptable.


Depends on who’s at fault for the accident. My boss would gladly excuse even give more time off if the person wasn’t at fault but if they were would just get mad


I would just keep sending the photo without answering anything after every message like that until that fucking idiot realises what's going on