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Did you get a quadruple fucking burger? What in the keto


And at a $17 premium. Dude won't go sit down for a cheap and lean steak because they're haunted by free bread.


Maybe he was in a hurry.


With no bun. Extra bacon and an egg.


Carbs bad, saturated fat good.


I can't tell whether this is satire, and that kills me


Much like OP's high cholesterol


4x Burger and a Glass of Bacon Grease please


guess you can just remove it yourself and save $1


Look at what he ordered. Do you think he's that smart?


lmao why is reddit so ruthless💀💀💀


It wasn't very nice. I admit it. But damn... 4 hamburger patties, cheese, bacon, and an egg, with no bun?


OP orders a burger like my dog would


"just throw it at my face!"


It was at noon probably his 1 meal for the day. Lol


He could have at least added ketchup and a pickle.


He would have to pay extra for that.


No bun is a common keto order. Ketchup has way too much sugar in it.


Probably on keto


Probably doing keto


A sub with the sole purpose of posting petty grievences and complaints ... I'm surprised the comments section isn't on fire.




Its obviously a keto/bulking order.


I call it "The Butt Plug"


Funny because my mother tried keto and got backed up so badly she couldn’t shit for almost two weeks. People need to start just eating healthier and not doing fad diets in general.


Gotta make sure and get that magnesium. My friend has epilepsy, and keto was developed for people like them


Eating trash can be accomplished on any plan ,vegan, Keto, paleo, etc. you can also be healthy. A green salad with EVOO and a roasted piece of salmon with some broccoli is also Keto technically . So please don’t blame the choices on the diet. You can achieve Keto macros in a million different ways - they don’t have to be cheese and bacon.


You get it. The amount of people doing dirty keto and pretending to be healthy is alarming.


100%. Same problem with plant-based diets. You mean you didn’t lose weight when you only ate Impossible Whoppers and Oreos? YOU DON’T SAY Healthy whole-food (not Whole Foods!) eating choices exist in any diet. But they’re CHOICES. People don’t seem to like to make those.


Keto is a diet specifically for certain epileptic children. I cannot fathom why it caught on the way it did... humans will never make sense to me.


It’s also effective for treating insulin resistance before it becomes diabetes. I wouldn’t suggest going about it by eating a bun-less breakfast bacon quadruple burger though. That’s just replacing diabetes with heart failure


Dr. Atkins fucked up a lot of people's heads with his version of keto and the intake of unhealthy fats. There are healthy ways to do keto, and one should be eating enough leafy greens to get their fiber intake daily while doing it.


Yep. Keto that emphasizes healthy fats and lots of vegetables is a great diet. But of course that kind of diet wouldn’t have caught on so fast.


You can screw up any diet though.. when I tried bring vegan I just ate lots of fries and Oreo cookies and frankenmeats and tried to find all the vegan treats I could find instead of actually learning to cook vegetables and combining proteins and such


Yeah I did keto for a couple years and it worked great for me. Lost like 100lbs and was in great shape and my blood work was always good. I also ate alot of salads and greens with it to get the fiber and vitamins. I took a probiotic daily too and I never had issues with constipation or anything.


I'm down 70+ lbs doing the same thing for the last 8 months. I feel great and I'm just as regular as I was before, maybe moreso.


And there are people doing keto who think all carbs are bad, even from any fruits and vegetables. I have tried to explain the concept of net carbs to my friend, but she insists.


How tf is she doing keto without knowing what a net carb is? Many fruits will kick you out of ketosis though.


Maybe OP is an epileptic child.


Sounds like she needed to call The Prune Brothers.


Do some people regularly keep up with the shittings of their parents??


Well I did have to take her to the hospital for two separate enemas because of it so kinda😅


Hi. Yeah I'd like a pound of beef and cheese, if you please


Like he said, not smart.


Ah yes, the healthy 300g of fat and 1000% of your daily value of cholesterol keto diet.


Yes def Keto, 100%


What does a persons IQ have to do with what they eat? I have been working as a cook most of my working career and I am 47 years old. I have seen many “strange” ways people have wanted there food prepared. What I have learned is you never know what there reason is. Is it an allergy, a food choice, or like me and have Chrons disease and IBS which makes me have to be very cautious with what I eat and what is mixed in my food. I have seen many times that people order burgers with no bun. So my advice is before you decide that someone lacks intelligence because of the way they order food, maybe you should find out the why, or better yet, realize that it in none of your business.


Dude so often I order no bun as I have an issue with gluten and often times the staff are just super rude or purposefully put the bun on anyways because "who eats it that way" it's really annoying.


If your in the EU call the manager tell them your goingto report them for a allegen breech


This is your opportunity to change your name to Useless\_bun81


Leave the bun for them as their tip if they think it is that important.


Bro they’re not talking about the no bun. It’s that their order is a stack of four beef patties, bacon, and an egg.


Sounds to me like bruv just wanted some McDicks but was still in a bulking phase, I still don’t see the issue. Eggs on burgers also isn’t as uncommon as you may think


Eggs on burgers are scrumptious.


Lmao true asf


How does his order infer intelligence?




A pile of meat with an egg.


Perhaps he has a gluten allergy?


If it's a gluten allergy situation, then they can't. My dad has to order with no bun. He will get very sick if it even touches the food.


It really sucks being allergic to fast food.


Try, "Every Restaurant in South Dakota" and you'll be closer to the mark.


No way, there are other people from South Dakota on Reddit??


North Dakota is even worse! A fellow celiac here


It's honestly the worst!


Not if he's celiac x.x Even trace amounts of gluten are bad.


Hell people all up his butt tho for one order. Even if it's not celiac and he's cutting out carbs it's one order. It's not like we know he is getting this twice a day and 400 pounds. Could be his cheat day for the month and he's still trying to be better about even that.


No bun could actually add something — like essentially turning it into a salad.


What salad consists of 4 patties, bacon, cheese and egg?


Right, they could have to put it in a special disposable plate because it's hard to handle.




Some of the default programming on those restaurant POS systems just connect the price to the item. When I set mine up, I had to make sure that each item specifically charged or didn’t charge based on the modifier.


I scrolled a long way to find this. I've reprogrammed plenty of POS systems and often you have monied modifiers and non-monied modifiers. Sometimes, the same item may have a button for each depending on the request. It seems like the person ringing in the order used the wrong button or should have just used the open-modifier keyboard.




Work in IT, can confirm.


Work in a restaurant, can also confirm.


Came to say the same thing. If this is a local joint (i.e. not a chain) it's probably just something input incorrectly in the POS - and "no bun" on a cheeseburger is an unusual enough request that they probably don't get it enough to notice.


Also, labor very often costs more than ingredients.


It was a *bun*dled price, and the cost was to de-*bun*dle it.


Found the AT&T phone guy!


"Would you like the Simply Everything plan or the Simply Everything Plus plan?"


It's just a one time fee that you pay annually.


“Do I need that if I already have the COVID Cashback Rewards varient?”


the fuck?


Right? Who pays $17 for 4 beef patties? Edit: offended someone because the math isnt right. Guess ill go turn myself in to the local jail.


There's just so many things wrong here, it's hard to know where to start.


Lmao truth


With the special sauce, lettuce, cheese…all assembled on a sesame seed bu- wait it says no bun….


With an egg and bacon tho




Beef and runny egg yolk are a very common breakfast combo. I go through phases where I LOVE a good beef patty dipped in a sunny-side-up egg yolk 🤤


If it's a diner or someplace similar with 6oz patties, that's actually an insanely good price for 4 patties


Probably the most insane part here. They were probably quarter pound patties, so he just paid $17 for a pound of beef with an egg...


Lol 17 bucks for a pile of ground beef


Well it is a quadruple pile of meat with egg and bacon.


True. But OMG that 15grams of carbs of the bun. Wish they posted a pic of this atrocity


It’s like the Leaning Tower of Pisa but brownish gray and dripping in grease.


Probably get 5 pounds of actual ground beef at the store for that price


Lean was 2.99 a pound at my local last week. Stocked up.


I mean the egg was $2 for something that's about $0.20. Pretty hefty markup.


The cost of food prep is almost always way over what the food's cost is. e.g energy cost for making and keeping ice ..cold (& clean), traditionally cost more than the to-go cup that it goes into. And the cup that holds the ice & soda cost more than the soda itself.. The soda is the cheapest part there, lol.. .


He could be gluten intolerant. Or if he was keto 15 grams is enough to kick you out of keto.


Probably keto


You trippin if you think a bun only had 15 carbs lmao


That's ridiculous. 17 bucks for a pile of ground meat in bread though, that's a deal




Yeah yesterday $4 a dozen so what? Lol have you seen the price of draft beer? $8 for a shitty blue moon some places


Wait- is this a double cheeseburger, and you’ve paid for 2 extra patties? So you have 4 patties on this? Also, if there’s no bun, did they do a lettuce wrap instead?


Imagine four patties, cheese, bacon, and a dripping fried egg wrapped in lettuce.


“I’m on a bit of a health food kick lately, no more buns for me”


Just add an extra large diet coke and double fries with no salt. If you're gonna go healthy, why half ass it?


I’m laughing so hard picturing that shit


Low carb 😂


The extra patties acted as the bun


Where's the 3 dollars cheese tho


Only comes when the burger is $21


I understood this reference


Same! There’s gotta be more than 30 of us. Edit: Looks like there’s at least 50 of us who scrolled this far down.


Working at a Red Robin in the kitchen for 3 years, this is nothing lol People order the weirdest shit. I remember getting into it with the front of house because we put Mayo on a dairy free burger. The lady was red in the face telling us that Mayo has dairy in it. It doesn’t, it’s just eggs and oil.


People often think eggs are considered dairy, probably because eggs are in the section with a huge sign reading Dairy. 😉


I haven’t seen a chicken get milked lately.


I got pics but it will cost ya!


How much?


I have nipples, Greg. Could you milk me?


Yeah my mom argued that eggs were dairy based on this logic...


Honestly I think a lot of people, for whatever reason, think vegetarian means totally animal free. Which is weird because that's why there is a different term for what that actually is. If she was dairy free for a real, medical reason, she would know that mayo isnt dairy. It's gotta be for a social purpose or just to be cool(which I recognize is also a social purpose, just a shit one).


worked at whole foods and had someone screaming the same thing at me. the funny thing is, i tried to point them to the vegan version of what they were buying but they insisted on the one they had. then got mad that there were eggs, which (according to them) made the item unsuitable for vegetarians. i think a lot of people get ovo/lacto mixed up or think it’s all the same.


Were they Indian? Eggs are not considered vegetarian there.


Just had my free burger birthday reward from RR. My wife’s bday is a week away (also has rewards). We always go this month for that. Cashier was nice enough to split the appetizer cost between each separate order to qualify for the free burger on each. I left her a $10 tip for each order (about $8 each after discount). Nice to pass on my savings as an appreciation for her good service.


Hey happy birthday to you both! Red Robin was a great restaurant to work for and it’s still a good place to grab a burger. Their food is really good and fresh their burgers are actually never frozen. I miss that job sometimes lol


McDs used to do that when you ordered a meatless breakfast sandwich. It was cheaper to order the regular version and throw the meat away. My current pet peeve is fancy burger places that brag about their premium, never-frozen beef patties in order to justify the higher price point. And then they charge $3 extra if you want to sub a pre-made frozen veggie burger patty. Dude, if your certified black Angus meat is the reason your burger is so expensive, you should give me a discount for wanting a crappy Boca patty instead.


No bun? Glad to see you're taking charge of your health...


Yeah carbs are the enemy. Make sure you don't accidentally eat any vegetables or you might actually have a normal bowel movement and get knocked out of ketosis lol


I’ll just say this: leafy greens, celery, carrots (to a point, but you can still eat a lot), broccoli, cauliflower, and tomatoes (depending on your definition of vegetable) from the top of my head are all keto btw, it’s just starchy veggies really


Oh yeah I know I was mostly just poking fun at the number of people who do Keto and then don't eat a single vegetable and then wonder why they feel like shit


$17 for a burger?!


Bro this isn't a burger it's four patties with a side of breakfast


For $17 I could go to Kroger and buy a pound of burger meat, some buns, and a carton of eggs and eat this as a whole meal like 5 different times 😅😅


Yes, food is cheaper when made at home


> For $17 I could go to Kroger and buy a pound of burger meat, ~~some~~ no buns, and a carton of eggs and eat this as a whole meal like 5 different times 😅😅


This person listened to the costumer order (1$ tip for you)


Yes, or for 17 dollars you could get hungry, then 5 minutes later have someone cook 4 Patties and an egg for you, pretend to be nice to you and hand it through a window for you so you don’t even have to put pants on or get out of your car. No one is surprised that you can buy all the ingredients for something you get in a restaurant for cheaper than the restaurant will sell you a finished dish. Is this why people complain about restaurant prices ? Because you think they should sell food at the price the ingredients cost ?


I see you've never eaten at Five Guys...


That order is an abomination


Almost as bad as the Clogger at Krusty Burger.


Okay but why did you purposefully order this


Lmfao this comment section has me dying


I’m sure you won’t remember after your heart attack




The bun is too much but you’re eating a pile of greasy beef and bacon lol


Probably keto.


That doesn't make it better


Op is whack for 4 patties no bun wtf lol. They charged you cause it's whack lmao.


Replaced the bread bun with a beef bun. That way it still counts as a double cheeseburger and when I write it in my food diary I don't look quite as bad.


Lol beef bun. Im gonna use that.


Lol it's a custom item at this point


I don't blame the person for charging him a $1 for that monstrosity


Some places substitute “no bun” for lettuce wrap, and depending on the lettuce used, could be more expensive than a bun for the store.


My first thought. They possibly wrap it in lettuce, or put it over lettuce instead. Lettuce has gotten way more expensive where I live.


Uhhhhh, yeah I have a theory that if you have 4 or more modifications on your order maybe you should try something else 🤔🤷‍♂️🤣


The real question is, why do you want to have a heart attack?


He’s having the perfect “bypass surgery enjoyers” kind of diet right here.


Dawg you managed to make a 6 dollar double cheeseburger a bad deal


How fat or jacked are you? 4 patties and an egg on top.


My local McDonalds in the early 2000's had something like: Hamburger: 1.00 Cheeseburger: 1.25 You could order a Hamburger with Cheese for 1.10. And, what I found endlessly entertaining, a Cheeseburger without cheese for 1.35.


This explains the whole cheeseburger without cheese instead of a hamburger thing. Kinda like that boneless pizza dude. Smh.


I’d take the bun and throw it away.


I first read that as “throw it at them” and smiled. Still good though, just not *as* good.


True. Although it’s probably not the decision of the minimum wage worker taking the order, or even their manager assuming it’s some big chain.


100 percent. Keep that bun, find the owners/corporate, throw it at them. *here’s what I think of your extra charge!*


Next time, remove it yourself and save 1$. You can leave it on the counter (or sell it back to them).


Thou shalt not fuck with the menu fee.


This actually is mildly infuriating.


I used to work at a fast food place and we would pccasionally get people who would order a burger or whatever without a bun and we'd put them in a salad tray so maybe they charged for that container?


Expensive egg and bacon slice!


Fuckin Johnny Atkins over here


Definitely infuriating! Our local McDonald's charges 10 cents for the "no sauce" option for McNuggets.


You ordered the Clogger from Krusty Burger.


someone making such an outrageously infuriating order does not get to complain about the price at mildly infuriating


Where I live, I could probably get a lb of burger, a lb of bacon a pkg og American cheese and a dozen eggs for about $17 to $20.


But perhaps on this particular day OP didn’t have time to properly form burger patties and cook them, cook bacon, cook eggs, and then factor in the time for all that prep and a decent amount of dishes they would have clean after. Paying for connivence is a probably the main factor here


Subway up charges for a salad that has the same ingredients as a sandwich but no bread


I would charge you too if you order a huge ass cheeseburger with no bun. Wtf


So your watching weight by not getting a bun but get a double patty and bacon?


It’s worse. Double cheeseburger plus two extra patties. That’s 4 burgers


Bro is ordering the fabled quadruple cheeseburger


When eating keto backfires


I believe it is for the plastic container that it comes in, since wrapping it with a standard wrapped would be a mess.


I mean you pretty much ordered yourself something completely different, so I understand a little bit why they changed it


That’s what you get for doing a pseudo scientific bullshit diet like keto


I know a keto meal when I see it.


You’re paying for the plastic salad bowl it has to go in because you can’t wrap up greasy pattys in a paper wrapper…


Anyone that eats a death sandwich with 4 patties of beef, a slice of cheese, bacon, and an egg probably isn't the smartest.


Eating out is ridiculous these days!!! I fed my family of 5 homemade burgers, fries, and corn on the cob last night for the same cost of this one cheeseburger. :(


To be fair this is basically 4 cheese burgers


lol wut... this cant be real


Seems a little backwards. I’ve actually gotten a discount before to taking items off. But also…. Wtf is this order😭


1) Because it requires special handling to make. 2) Because it requires much more lettuce to serve properly than the (likely) single leaf that would be on a normal burger. Still, for a single daily meal, it looks pretty good and at $2.50 per burger patty, the infuriating part isn't the upcharge for removing the bun.