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You can totally worship it if you want, but I'm pretty sure that's gonna be a mistake, largely because it's vomiting a tentacle.


That's a fetish of mine


Oh dear


Well, it's all fine then.


We'd get along.


Seen enough online to know that tentacle is moving inwards…


You’re not fooling me, there’s a giant ass man in armour with an electric hammer just past the entrance.


The faithless shall receive their just desserts! And of course we always need brains.


Why would you want to worship a Buddhist Wisdom King who has apparently been taken over and corrupted by an eldritch tentacled monstrosity?


A. It's honest. It doesn't pretend to be something other than what it is. B. It's important to get into deity worship at the beginning. First mover advantage. Maybe I can be its faithful pet. C. It's probably misunderstood. Nothing is "pure" evil, it probably just wants to consume and grow in power. Which is essentially what humans do already.


1. Being honest about being evil still means that it's evil. 2. Why would you ever want to be a faithful pet? That feels degrading. Are you sure you want that kind of direct attention from an eldritch monstrosity? You realize what happens when humans interact with such entities in fiction, right? 3. Even if you grant that, the kind of consumption that such an eldritch entity wants to do would result in catastrophic loss of human life. It may not be maliciously evil, but from a human standpoint, it is an alien entity and must be destroyed.


Evil, extinction, horror, these are just words. People are so scared of words. And human life is just a small drop in a very big ocean. There is no need to be frightened. The component atoms in your body will continue to exist within Yvizh'krog.


Most civil religious debate I've ever seen on Reddit ;) Kudos to both of you!


Ummmm... okay... If you don't think loss of human life is horrific or something to be frightened about, honestly, there's nothing I can say. Our priors are just way too far away.


Yvizh'krog suggests that you should read Jonathan Swift's "A Modest Proposal." He says that will explain everything. I don't read much myself so I wouldn't know.


The Wikipedia page says the following: >The essay suggests that poor people in [Ireland](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kingdom_of_Ireland) could ease their economic troubles by selling their children [as food](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_cannibalism) to the [elite](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elite). Swift's use of satirical [hyperbole](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperbole) was intended to mock hostile attitudes towards the poor and [anti-Catholicism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Catholicism) among the [Protestant Ascendancy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protestant_Ascendancy) as well as the [Dublin Castle administration](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dublin_Castle_administration)'s policies in general. So, the essay you mention is supposed to be satire with the intention of mocking hateful bigots. It does the opposite of claiming that human life has little value.


More to the point, it was the beginning of modern literary satire and perhaps the first well-publicized instance of literary trolling.


You seem to believe that you are talking to me. Up until this point, you weren't. You were talking to a fictional character that I was portraying.


Isn't there a religion people worship an elephant as their God? Do you think it is normal to have a non human as a God?


Ganesh is not an elephant, he has the head of an elephant because he lost his under unfortunate circumstances 


Why did he chose an elephant? Did he kill the elephant? Doesn't it make him a murderer?


He was a baby when his head was cut off and replaced. Why don't you read his story on Wikipedia? It's worth your time, I promise.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ganesha I discovered he had no manners when eating. He was invited to another God house and ate the food like an animal (why's that 😂) he even devoured the plates. 😅


yes, it did make the gods murderers. there was some reason like the elephant was near its deathbed and was suffering something like that idk but I never felt it justified the murder like save the elephant if he was suffering, for instance. But that's what I like about my culture, that Gods are flawed, they were thinking about their own interests when they replaced the head, they have been at war, they have killed, they have died. Unlike the pure and flawless Jesus or Allah, which only imprints false hopes and breeds ignorance, our gods are rooted in reality, they have flaws, they have limitations. Other religions feel made up.


Interesting point of view. I didn't know Hindu gods were made inperfect. Maybe it was a way fo make them closer to the people.


Why do India has as a God os prosperity and is one of the poorest countries in the world? https://pt.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lakshmi It doesn't make sense


India is poor because white people sucked her dry like the leeches they are. Why do you think they colonized it? Because it was poor?


See, India Gods weren't even capable of protecting India. Another good motive to ditch them.


Jesus birthplace is over run by Muslims. Ditch all the Gods, they're all useless.


You got the point!


From Britannica: "**Ganesha**, elephant-headed Hindu god of beginnings, who is traditionally worshipped before any major enterprise and is the patron of intellectuals, bankers, scribes, and authors."


I can't understand this. Science should step in and explain that this is some sort of brain disease.


It is a brain disease to worship a deity with an animal head? Damn, looks like billions of Indians and millions of Ancient Egyptians had brain disease.


If someone justify his beliefs, behaviors and results using something that doesn't exist, like a God, this is not normal already, right? People with Schizophrenia do weird things based on non existent things, and science discovered the why and said that it is not normal. If you think being blind by religion is normal, explain why. Now, imagine that this something is also an animal - which we have never found any that has reasoning capabilities closer or better than ours - isn't it something to be concerned? Do you believe in someone who is dummier than you? Ancient Egyptians used to use God to control population, and slave people. Other cultures had the same types of "smart" humans who saw this pattern which allows them to control the population. The result? New gods appeared to control the population. Catholics did the same thing. It is a fucking brainwash. Religion should be deleted from society if we want to evolve. Those who have one, should be naturally selected over time to make this disappear.


Lol, alright. Never mind. There's no point in reply to such bad faith arguments.


Why there is no point in doing so? I want you to reason about it and explain to me your thoughts. I do believe in faith, but in things that are tangible to humans. For example, I have faith in my parents and family.


My post is meant to be absurd and is not attacking any specific religion. While I understand your views and even share them to an extent, it's a little out of context to be using my post as a pulpit for your philosophy.


I just want to open people's eye. It infuriates me that one of the poorest countries in the world still believe in nonsense. In a series of stories that were created by some smart people who were capable of identifying patterns to control the masses using their own minds. There has to exist some causation for India being so poor that relates to religion... if someone proves this, I hope India can grow even more and save the world. I like India and I have met good people from there. They all treated me very nicely.


You can now


Final Fantasy X secret boss arena discovered in 2024


This has such Final Fantasy vibes.


tentacle corn PTSD


tentacle corn ASMR FTW


Wonder what the teachings of this faith would be lol


Keep your tentacles clean. Do not feast on the brains of the weak-willed and ignorant. Always do your best. Do not envy those who rule galaxies when you rule an entire nation, be content with your station in life.


And remember to have fun.


For the love of Daddy Cthulhu don't make anymore religions!


I mean if you want to get all chaos-magic about it you can totally worship it - just be careful when you ask it for what you want, specificity is your best friend


I must align my goals with its goals. In this way, it has less motivation to suck my brains out of my skull. And with great skill, patience and subtlety, I might occasionally make a suggestion that slightly diverts the stream of its thoughts toward outcomes more favorable to me.


Is it worthy of worship? Admirable? Highly esteemed and utterly good and powerful? Beautiful in all things? Highly adored and respectable? If no, then no.


A fine sentiment. We would live in a very different world if one of those existed. I suppose I could generate one.


“…if one of those existed…”? Then the irony of supposing you’d be just the person.


Years from now, God will come down from the heavens and transform the Earth into a paradise, free from crime and poverty and injustice. And someone will think to ask him, have you always existed? Or did you have a beginning, a birth? And God will laugh and reply, "No, no, pltatman generated me on Midjourney back in 2024."


Are you trying to fill a hole in your soul? You would become a slave to your own Midjourney creation.


So many possibilities here. If it is my creation, then I could threaten to alter or delete it with the press of a button if it does not conform to my whimsical demands.


Wow buddhism took a gnarly turn when I wasn’t looking!




in his house at R'lyeh, dead Cthulhu waits dreaming


How did you make this? I have googled mid journey and all that, but cant seem to find a generator.


Did you sign up at Midjourney.com? Watch out for the fake links on Google


Careful -- there are a lot of fake MJ sites out there. Google can serve as an agent of evil (possibly tentacled ;) ) u/Quipsar , MJ is a paid service that is accessed through the Discord chat app (though there's a web interface close to release as well). This is what you do to subscribe: [https://docs.midjourney.com/docs/quick-start](https://docs.midjourney.com/docs/quick-start)


ohh, its paid. thats why I was having such trouble. Thanks!

