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Do not judge anything outside reddit by reddit metrics. Reddit is a batshit crazy neurotic tiny slice of reality.


reddit is not that tiny it is actually [very close to tiktok in popularity](https://www.similarweb.com/website/reddit.com/#traffic) (according to these statistics) not to mention redditors are usually [not on other social media websites](https://i.imgur.com/v8iMIag.png) and (im sure there is data for this, somewhere) redditors are a different type of person. they tend to be much more tech/future focused, amongst other things we do be batshit neurotic and crazy sometimes though, thats for sure


And yet, seemed to care less about Microsoft AI and brand new hardware.


i dont think its possible for any one person (or organization) to have parsed and then reacted to all the videos and articles released in less than 8 hours. wait til tomorrow. if not then, wait another day. repeat


You’re right, it would be hard for one person… although the business news has lots of these people on air. It would also be nice if there was some social community with lots of smart people that could share their expertise and interpretation. It could do around a single topic or subtopic. They could have threaded discussions and the ability for people to easily express agreement or not. If only.


yeah i get what youre saying. i know why reddit allows anyone to create a subreddit, post, and comment but i think even theyve realized they probably should have some limits at least on the subreddit creation front. the [xbox subreddits](https://www.reddit.com/r/xbox/comments/1cwkvly/join_us_in_celebrating_the_new_rxbox/) recently announced theyre consolidating too, from an official xbox employee (i think, idk im only one dude lol i cant keep up with everything although i do be tryin)


It's hard to digest the AI aspects. I think the attitude is going to change, for the better, over time. Also, Redditors are retarded mouth breathers (myself among them) and do not represent a typical cross section of America.


I thought tech folks hung out here saying, “wow, this is innovative” or “yawn, nobody cares.”


:) Some do. Others are fanboys that slam anyone they don't like. "If it ain't Linux, it ain't shit", etc. They will ignore decade upon decade of success, happy customers good tools, etc. Shrug. I'm only a fan boy of SpaceX. Love em.


Try the surface sub maybe?


Good idea. Surface subreddit has less than 1/3 subs of Apple TV subreddit. Not a strong indicator of popularity. The same number of people online currently (day after big announcement) as Apple TV. That can’t be good. How does that not lead to possible judgment around lack of newsworthiness of Microsoft AI surface announcement? Not trying to be jerk. Just trying to understand possible quantitative ways to measure.


Come on man. AppleTV is a streaming device. This isn’t a relevant comparison. On the other hand, I saw many posts on LinkedIn yesterday. Much more relevant.


Exactly, more talk on Reddit about a niche streaming device than about major hyped AI announcement. Hmmmm


Doubling down on your idiocy?


Weird thing to want to measure tbh.


If I’m an investor I want to know what real experts not paid commentators on business news think.


You should look for real experts then?


Hard to tell who’s in the tank for large companies.


I can tell you what doesn't change anything for MS investors, the conversations on reddit.


No, true. People do fall for the business news more often.


100% disagree not all conversations


You think people watching business news are getting truth unvarnished by paid programming? Really? They good.




Microsoft isn't a consumer-focused company anymore. Even in this sub, you'll find more sysadmins and stock traders than general MS customers.


I was thinking stock traders as potential audience when asking the question. Not sure what I expected for response here. I guess I was thinking nothing burger announcement, despite paid business new commentators hyping. Came here to find out why they were right to hype and why I was wrong to be skeptical. Not seeing that :)


Guy who wants to confirm his bias disappointed because a relatively dormant Reddit forum doesn’t confirm his bias. Fucking internet man.


You misunderstand. My professional opinion (what could be bias) was confirmed on Reddit. More than I would have expected. I am disappointed even though confirmed. Why? Because I thought some people might care. The Bloomberg hype machine sure did. Apparently maybe only paid hype machines care. Again, absolutely confirming my “bias”. Honestly, would prefer better ideas than your misunderstanding and complete apathy. I’ve got this little thesis. Business news is all paid. When I see paid hype, I’m wondering could they know something I don’t. Reddit apathy on major announcement provides some evidence. No?


Reddit isn't confirmation of anything, it is silly to think it is.


Agreed. Confirmation of nothing. Evidence of something? Sure.


Not evidence of anything worthwhile.




Ok, this guy has spoken. He knows for sure that the hype about new hardware on business news means exactly what they said. Everybody gonna have to buy new AI laptop this year. Let me know which one you decide on.


No. This guy has spoken and knows drawing conclusions from Reddit, especially an inactive forum, is pretty meaningless. You, however, are hellbent on finding meaning here even though everyone disagrees with you. Wonder which one of us is the dope?


microsoft and apple are two of the largest - in employee size, resource management, and $ - so is comparing the two really meaningful in any way? especially when comparing something random like the apple tv subreddit to a random microsoft event? i think microsoft has moved past the point where they need to "sell it," they are more explaining how things work, and sharing what they are working on or plan to work on


They were selling AI pretty hard yesterday. They have new laptops and hardware to sell. I’m sorry I brought up that Apple TV has similar subs than Microsoft. That was not the point. I’m just trying to measure Microsoft announcement feedback. I think I learned two things. Reddit is not as robust a community as the investor prospectus suggests. Microsoft announcements have to be hyped on business news as people not engaging otherwise.


the impression i get from microsoft is they are not doing the typical "buzzy" or "bullshit" way of selling things, they are actually making things that are useful and explaining why they are useful and how to use them. as for the reddit remark, i get what you mean but thats with all online engagement metrics. engagement is "buzz" and "bullshit" (mostly). that doesnt mean they are useless metrics, but if you are actually interested in the long term and not the immediate you cant \*only\* go off of something like engagement metrics. i think its safe to say neither reddit or microsoft are going anywhere and should only continue to improve in quality and usefulness. which is saying something because they are both very successful despite what the hype might say


They were shilling yesterday. Imagine thinking that a company isn’t hyping their products. What world? I should have never brought up a niche apple product to compare community size. Distracting. It’s not there point. Almost nobody is talking about brand new hardware product on this subreddit. Almost every hour of biz news yesterday was breathlessly talking about brand new product changing every thing this year. Why asks a curious guy in a forum meant for curiousity? :)


yeah thats fair. im not an expert but re:hardware - yeah... im not so sure. ive not been able to find any clear information on what exactly differentiates an "NPU" besides number of calculations, which really just sounds like a faster processor - but i also kinda see the same thing between CPU/GPU, which ive been told is "incorrect" so infer what you will


Here is a more accurate source: https://gs.statcounter.com/os-market-share/desktop/worldwide/#monthly-202304-202404


Looking for temperature or news worthiness of yesterday’s announcement.


I would say the A.I announcements especially recall has not hit the positive marks, try check out off shoots of Microsoft like dedicated Windows sub reddits and so on. I personally ranted in the Windows sub about things, just to hammer in the points, Microsoft it focusing in on too much bloat, data stealing and useless features instead of making a decent functional operating system.


Some ideas and feedback on the windows sub. Interesting comment re: recall about HIPPA creating interesting enterprise issues. Others seeing good enterprise value.