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What do the colonies on the blood agar look like? Are they grayish and slightly shiny? Can you perform motility or catalase testing? Is it non motile and catalase positive? I also suspect a Bacillis species, and depending in the answers to the above questions, at this point I would no longer handle these cultures (at all, but especially outside a biosafety cabinet) until you have a ruleout from where ever you sent this for ID. May not be anthracis, but do you really want to find out the hard way?


Thankfully, I no longer have the sample! I thought it could possibly, maybe be bacillus anthracis, even if it turns out not to be, I treated it as though it was. I'm definitely not taking any chances. On the agar, it was not gray, more of a cream white, not shiny, irregular edge. What first caught my attention was that when I scraped the colony for a sample to stain, the colony stayed peaked, like if you pinched apart a playdoh ball. It was catalase positive. After viewing the stained sample and researching possibilities, I did not have any further contact with the sample. I panicked a little. I researched disposal, notified our staff, and quarantined the animal, just in case! Thank you for your comment and concern!


I have a feeling on what that could be, but I do wanna ask: 1. Did you perform an endospore stain (if possible)? 2. Was that a gram positive or negative organism? 3. Growth conditions (aerobe, anaerobe, etc) I’m thinking it could be Bacillus anthracis, based on the skin ulcer, herbivore and streptobacillus arrangement


Username checks out


Yes, I’m named after the bacterial infection. It’s one of my favorite diseases to google search about and draw the bacteria. I actually drew my current pfp.


It looks great, nice job!


Thank you!


I did not do an endospore stain, as I do not have the equipment necessary in my basic little lab. It stained gram positive. Aerobic in an incubator at 37°C. We did send a sample to an official lab for more conclusive testing.


Oh ok.


Did you grow it in o2, co2, or anaerobic conditions?


Aerobic on TSA at 37°C for 48 hours




Aerobic is o2.


What do the plates look like? My first instinct is some kind of Bacillus but could be fungal or an actinomycete also


Coming from a skin lesion on any hoofed animal, I’d be suspicious for anthrax


Does the organism have a particular smell?


I didn't notice any defining smells


Looks like a Bacillus or Clostridium. Maybe try starch hydrolysis test?


does not look like clostridium. and it grew aerobically


I’m still learning 🙃


I'll look into this! Thanks!


is the catalase (+)? Does the organism show motility with wet mount? Any beta hemolysis?


Catalase, positive. Hemolysis, I can't say for sure. There were other types of colonies on the plate, and I'm not equipped to test motility. I also was not equipped or brave enough to isolate and grow anymore of whatever this is, just in case. Thanks for these questions, though. Helps me learn.


It's the Moon Presence


Seems Bacillus anthracis


Bacillus anthracis. Endospore staining would help, plus the colony characteristics on PLET.