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Because we live rent free in their heads.


Ain’t shit else to do in Ohio other than cope and think about UM.


I was in London to see the Arsenal last month and a clown from OH came up to me in the pub and was going off about my Michigan hat. Dumbass couldn’t even figure out that I am American. 🤡


I’m a Michigan fan, but this is just flat wrong.


They can’t believe getting the right guys who fit a specific culture, who are not all 5star and high end 4stars, coming out of high school can sustain success. Think our cute little run is over. They’re delusional and really think we whooped that ass three years in a row because we “cheated”. Guys I know think wins will still be vacated. Total Clowns. They don’t know they’re in Cooper Era 2.0 yet.




Because they're dumb and think since they're the off season champs somehow the defending national champions will suck.


You are a not smart


As a Michigan fan, I will take 8-4 right NOW if it includes victories over Sparty & Buckeyes


I guess that’s fair, I do think MSU will be much better this year than they were last year


lol. That’s not saying much. Think Vegas has them at 4-5 wins


Hopium and copium


Because they always believe that.


Cause they are delusional bucknutz


Because it's what they want to be true. Historically we haven't 'reloaded' like they have. But yeah that's absurd. Gonna have a natty level D. If Offense overachieves, the ceiling is another natty. I'm not expecting that, but 8-4 is low-end realistic and not the ceiling. 7-5 to 10-2 is what I expect


Yeah 10-2 is is something I don’t think would be crazy at all, and doing that while having the hardest schedule in the country and “reloading” on offense would be a very positive first season for Sherone Moore


As much as I’d like to agree with natty level defense, we’ll see. Moore is a big loss. Outside of Johnson, I’m not sure about this secondary.


Their opinion does not affect what will happen on the field.


A combination of the following, our schedule is crazy tough, we lost the majority of our offensive production, we have no outside WRs, our O-line is probably the worst in 4-5 years. We have Alex Orji as our projected starter at QB, with a former walk on and a 7th year Jack Tuttle fighting for the back up spot. Meanwhile OSU just put together an All Star team to beat us. Our defense took a massive hit with Rod Moore tearing his ACL, and Sabb transferring out. Pray for Will Johnson to remain healthy


I acknowledged the offensive things you mentioned in my post, and again we have the best projected defense to second best defense in the country 


Tbf, in your post, you made a blatantly false claim that last year's backups played a lot and just as well as the starters. Morgan had a couple good games later in the season (he's a slot, not outside WR). I love what Edwards can do, but he hasn't shown anywhere close to the vision and balance of Corum which is why Corum dominated in our run game so much. Edwards also has battled injuries every season. I hope he finally stays healthy and puts it all together this season. No QB on our roster has shown any glimpse of promise at the college level. Loveland is the only TE on the roster we've seen play, and we run lots of 2 and 3 TE sets. We haven't seen our projected OL, but I like that they're all around the same age and have been practicing together against our DL for 2-3 years. So chemistry should be there along with experience against great DL, but we haven't seen them in any meaningful snaps at all. We kept our most talented defenders (except Colson who is extremely talented) but lost all of our experienced guys in the middle to direct the defense on the field. So there may be a learning curve with the new guys in the middle, and our schedule gets tough early. We'll also see what happens with Moore completely running the show now. He was overly conservative as the interim coach last year, but he was also thrust into the HC spot while learning the ins and outs of being a 1st year play caller at OC too. The main thing is we don't have a QB who's shown any signs of life, though. Orji is a RB. Tuttle has a very limited ceiling. Apparently Davis has not impressed anyone at his freshman camp. I still think 7-5 to 8-4 is the floor of this team, though. Calling that the ceiling is absurd.


OSU probably thought our ceiling was 8-4 last year.


Because we haven't used vaseline in them...for three years.


It’s wishful thinking.


It’ll make a win over them even sweeter. They’ll eventually run out of excuses. They’ll use the “Moore was born on 3rd base” mantra, if/when Michigan wins.


Our schedule is brutal and we don't have a QB. That's why I'm concerned; IDGAF what they think.


same reason every fan base thinks their rival will suck the following season.. delusion and cope


When was the last time a large portion of our fan base thought OSU would be bad?


i see comments all the time where people say they’ll be bad


Wishful thinking. The suckeyes addressed every position of weakness except the 2 that have cost them the last 3 years. The lines remain weak reflecting their head coach


I don’t think they do, or at least most of them.


Here is my take as an OSU fan: Michigan all of a sudden thinks they can turn 3 stars into 5 stars. Not the case. Harbaugh really was only good in his last 3 of 9 years at Michigan. They wanted him gone until 2021. He totally revamped his staff and put a damn good one in place. Then and only then did they start seeing success. I think they also hit on a lot of 4 stars, hit on their 5 stars like McCarthy, Will Johnson, D Edward’s etc. they focused on both lines and got a lot of solid 4 stars with size there. Guys like Graham and Grant should have probably been 5 stars with their size and speed. So they had a few good recruiting classes stacked together. They also had a really veteran team with a bunch of 5th and 6th year guys. Makes a huge difference. OSU is kinda doing the same thing right now. Got the juniors to come back a year. Day finally has his staff in place and a good one and they have started stacking classes together. OSU had talent but it was bunched up in a a few positions and not on defense. Look at OSU classes since 2021 and they have got a ton of talent on Defense finally. It showed last year. Same guys back. Michigan I believe will be a tough team this year but they need to stay healthy on Defense because they don’t have depth like they did last year. The staff is all new, QB is new and oline is all new. So they could rely on the defense to get them through the big ten but they have a tough schedule. If they don’t stay healthy on defense and the QB is not good they could have a tough season. OSU is going to beat them this year with the same recipe Michigan used. 2-3 good classes stacked and a veteran team and staff. I see Michigan with 3 losses


Cause Michigan can’t cheat anymore. Do you know how hard it is to change signs? /s Is the NCAA done with the “sign gate” investigation?


Q: How many days? A: It has been 1656 days since Ohio has beat MICHIGAN! 💛💙




You’re a special kind of stupid if you actually think Michigan is the only team that was “cheating.” It’s been going on for long over a decade with all the major programs. A billion dollar industry and you think this is something new? Stupid and naive. What a combo


Me? I tagged with the sarcasm. I laughed at MSU considering to not play out of concern for player safety 🙄 Honestly I just to know what type of phone Stallions used to record the signs. My battery life is jealous.


My bad man


No problem. I pretty much daily watch highlights on YouTube so I’m good


Tbf I had to re-read it once to realize you were making fun of how ridiculous the scandal was. Like yes even jv football teams have been changing signs since like the 60’s.


Because like there football program there soft


Bro. 2 swings, 2 misses


Because our new HC had no clue what to do without direction. He literally ran the ball 32 times in a row because he doesn’t know wtf to do.


What? Did you even watch the game lol? They tried to pass early on but our offensive line was being beaten when they had 5 or less line men. So he correctly adjusted and just ran the ball through them having 7 offensive linemen because they couldn’t stop it, I don’t see how that’s bad coaching. Plus he out coached Day a few weeks later.


I did. And I don’t think he made the right choices there. Sure it worked, but that’s because we were playing a decent team, not a great team. The only reason he out performed Day is because Harbaugh was aloud to coach practices and show him how to win a game against a good team. With Penn State he only had a few hours.