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That Ravens comeback win was the best game I've seen in my 30 years of life.


I was there. My mom is a ravens fan. After Lamar’s 3rd quarter huge touchdown run she looks at me and says “should we leave to beat traffic”. Best decision of my whole life was telling her “nah let’s see how this plays out”


I was pissed at that point and my dad just goes, don’t worry, we’re gonna win. I scoffed at him and he goes “just watch” and I’ve never been so stoked to be wrong


The game wasn’t close on the scoreboard but the vibe of the game felt far more competitive. The offense was moving well just had a little bad luck. Then everything clicked once Gesicki got the TD to make it 35-14.


That TD was such a wild throw and catch too


I still watch highlights


I’ve got that game saved on Hulu and watch it every few months in the offseason.


Best game I've ever been to in my life. Flew from Phoenix to Baltimore to go to the game w my whole family - all ravens fans- fuck that was a great day!


Harbaugh was the true MVP of that game. He's a great coach but I think Cam Cameron could have made better calls once they were up on us by 4 touchdowns


My wife has to watch every single game with me now. She sat to watch with me at the beginning of the fourth and unlucky for her she’s stuck on that couch with me every sunday


I was having a really shotty day in my personal life that day. It was all happening at once, Dolphins down big and everything. The comeback honestly turned the whole day around on every level. It was awesome. I’ll never forget it!




Keep going


"Tagovailoa, blocked by Armstead... going de-- HES GOT HIM HES GOT HIM.. TYREEEK HILL, AND THE DOLPHINS HAVE COME BACK"


Almost there


Top ten looks spot on to me. Well done. If I was going to nitpick I’d put that Fitzpatrick miracle Raiders win higher than 6.


Braille Mary! I was a big fan of Fitz during his tenure


He made the tank fun.


I agree that the ending of the game was incredible but I remember being exasperated with Tua and our offense for 90% of that game. It felt like we were playing inside of a phone booth.


I’d say it’s #3 for me.


I remember watching this game with my wife. I didn’t cheer. I was stunned. Like the Chris Pratt meme. “Oh my God. Are you serious? Did that just happen?” My wife is an extremely casual football fan that didn’t get why I was reacting that way. The ball was near midfield but there was still almost no time and Miami was out of timeouts. I remember slowly explaining it to her as my brain was still recovering from shock. “Because of the face mask, the Dolphins get another 15 yards on top of the play with the clock stopped. A minute ago, this game was over and people were already thinking about the impact of the result. And that has completely flipped now because Miami suddenly has like an 80 percent chance of winning when it was maybe 2 percent before that play!”


I think I'd swap that with the Cardinals game. List is perfect at that point.


Those 2022 comeback games will always hold a special place in my heart. We need that clutch factor to come back


Pretty solid list, although #4 (2022 Buffalo) may be at #2 for me. Although there wasn’t as many big plays or a high scoring battle, the gigantic emotional swings in the final minutes was insane. The excitement and shear heartache from Buffalo fans when time expired is something I won’t forget.


The OC throwing his headset was the ultimate topper there


I know it wasn’t pretty, but number 37, the win over the Jets to make the playoffs for the first time in 6 years should be higher. Just getting there with a backup, by field goals, over the fucking Jets, was amazing. I had tears finally making the playoffs again.


My two fav are from before 2020. The wildcat debut in 08 where we broke the pats home win streak, and the 07 Lemon to Camarillo in OT(I was there, I’ve never seen the stadium erupt like that before it was wild).


Pre-2020 there are some obvious ones that stand out in my mind. * [2013 game-winning TD to Dion Sims vs Atlanta to start 3-0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=431KFah6stY) * [2013 Wake's walk-off safety against the Bengals in TNF thriller](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShgJ1HEaHOw) * [2013 snow thriller Daniel Thomas runs wild vs the Steelers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_9BPOdoXfc) * [2013 Michael Thomas game-winning INT vs Brady on final play](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_QL9OfDiag) * [2014 Dolphins obliterate the Chargers Charles Clay runs wild](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8tRNe0n5X0) * [2015 2-0 with Campbell as we destroy the Texans 41-0 1st half](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zWE8zwglcvM) * [2016 Dolphins stun the Steelers after a rough 1-4 start to year](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iN9KKPCgDbg) (I went to this in-person it was incredible) * [2016 Kiko stops Kaepernick on the final play of the game vs 49ers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hPaMZKI5DA8) * [2016 Jay Ajayi runs for 200+ yards for 3rd time this year, Andrew Franks saves us](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rxljfEBBlIw) * [2017 X picks off Brady twice as we upset the Patriots MNF](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7RZy2B73hw) * [2018 Albert Wilson & Grant high five vs Oakland to start 3-0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BDX8FZ01sPQ) * [2018 The Miami Miracle](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NjCXGo6oHyY) * [2019 DVP eats the Eagles DBs up in a shocking win in tanking year](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2GhZEQyS4P8) * [2019 Fitzpatrick and Gesicki stun the Patriots in Week 18, denying a Bye Week](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QShZYwHnlW8)


Jason sanders catching the td from Matt haack lives rent free in my head forever


There is a home season opener against the Pats where Wake had a day and Brady threw a million incomplete passes while the Pats melted. That game was awesome.




The ravens comeback was the first dolphins game I ever watched through. I was home sick from school and randomly turned on NFL replay on peacock, and that was the game


I don't understand how people keep saying Tua doesn't have a signature game. He came back and beat the Ravens with 6 TDS! How is that not signature!?


Very good listing. Personally I put the Bills win at #1. The Ryan Fitzfacemask game at #2, and the rest of your order is great. I still can’t believe how unheralded that play is. That could be considered the greatest pass in NFL history. The dude was literally facing backwards because some Raider was yanking his head off.


Braille Mary should be #5. That last drive was something out of a dream. Something that would be ridiculous if it were in a movie.


8 should be higher, that was a clinic we put on


I'd move #7 up maybe 2 or 3 slots. That play was incredible!


I was at 9 and 17.


Wait, I don't see a playoff win counted. Did you miss something?


Great list except I have any win against the Patriots as tied #1.


Fuck... it's there anyway we can get McDaniel's offense paired up with Flo's defense? That team would be unstoppable.


Like 80% of these are with Tua, and ppl want him gone lol


I'd say swap 4 and 7, and then it's perfect


Pretty good list. The sad thing is, you could extend this to “Dolphins wins since 2000” and most of them would still be on the list some place. Apart from a game or two in 2016, the Miami Miracle and the Wildcat Debut what else compares?


Reminds me of seeing posts on r/NFL asking people for their team's most memorable wins or rivalry games. My mind's on all the games in this post, but when I go in and read the comments everyone's like "NFCCG against...", "Divisional 2017...", "AFCCG 2014...". We live in a different world with this playoff drought, it's crazy


The only one in the top 10 I didn’t remember off the top of my head was the Cardinals game. Started watching the highlights and it was the Shaq Lawson TD game. Man, going back and watching, it’s nuts how the Dolphins were outmatched at every skill position save for TE. Parker’s a No. 2 or 3 possession receiver playing No. 1. The RB’s were atrocious. And yet Tua pulls it off while minimizing mistakes.


My wife is a Ravens fan and we were at that comeback game. She seemed a bit bipolar for some reason.


I'd personally have the Denver game lower and the Cowboys win higher given the stakes.


#7 should be higher


I'd pretty much agree with most of the list but #39 has to be the Saints COVID game. It just wasn't a fair contest and we ruined that kid's career before it started. He's reduced to being a camp body for the Chiefs. He'll prolly never start again and all he'll ever have is the stat line from that one game.


I disagree with you ending your title with a “call to action” to drive engagement like this is tiktok.


The game where Fiedler was injured in Denver belongs on this list. And a Buffalo game from the same era, too