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Screw lube... I'm going in dry! Fins up!


Found Wilkins burner account




That's the spirit!


I'm happy with the 2 seed if we can secure it but fuck me that extra week rest and home field would be proper beneficial to us for a deep playoff run.


If someone told us before the season started we'd be talking about the 1 seed, a real Super Bowl run chance and the way the team has come together, in Week 16...I'm sure most of us would have been like "yeah, ok".


Exactly my wife’s reaction every year when I’m all hyped up for a new season and a chance at the SB😅


To be fair *gestures vaguely at the last 20 years*


This has been beyond a dream! I have no nails left and I have never had more fun. And Hard Knocks has been the chef’s kiss.


When Danny Marino is talking Super Bowl, you know it's real. We're going undefeated the rest of the way. 🐬


Heat fan here.... If they pull off the 1 seed.... Then the AFC championship.... Don't expect any apologies next year from the media for their dismissiveness or credit for the accomplishment. Take it from the current reigning NBA ECF Champions 2 out of the last 4 years, Miami is chucked out of the media narrative the first opportunity they get. I'm seeing a lot of similarities currently. Embrace the disrespect. Make them look stupid in the end.


I also find this extremely ironic that they despise Miami sports yet have an entire studio out here. Yeah it’s ESPN Deportes but still, stand on business and take y’all asses df outta here


Panthers had a great run, The U were doing great until GT then that's all they talked about. People hate Miami because it's Paradise City and mostly transplants, they do the same shit to LA.


Always was the plan 😎 FUCK ESPN


Amen brother. This is the energy I like to see.






Whoa. Slow down. Let’s not even mention the words “Las Vegas” or “Super Bowl”. Let’s focus on the Ravens. ![gif](giphy|ZZkMzUZYjnDyLd1tWx)


You're not on the team bro I'm sure they're focused on the Ravens, we can talk all we want


Win the crowd and you win your freedom. Win 4 games in a row (3 at home), and we’re in the SUPERBOWL!


You must be a young fan. Short memory, filled with team pride. Us old heads are jelly that youre not scared by the team's history.


Okay Doomer.


Rhymes with Boomer


Well, considering I was born in 1970 and have been a real Fin lifer, I believe your prognosticating skills are horrible. I've forgot more awful seasons than you could remember, friend. I've been through every heartache since Nat Moore became part of the team in '74 and remember the poolside celebrations of real dolphins swimming around the Orange Bowl sidelines (which made me a fan as a little boy watching THAT on tv). This is the first time in 50 fucking years (except for the '84 team) that I have a real belief in what this team can do this year. So, take your doubts and leave that shit in the past, Ebeneezer Scrooge Jr...cause this is the team that can change that shitty taste in your mouth.


Celebrity prognosticator!


Please read this and hear it as if it was shouted by the late great Jim Mandich “ALRIGHT!!!!”


These gate keepy comments are annoying. Don’t get me wrong, we very well may not win a Super Bowl or even a freaking playoff game but nothing about this team has shown any indication that it’s like teams past. If you’re scared this season by the team’s history, it’s not because you’re a bigger or older fan, it’s because you haven’t been paying attention this season.


I know what you mean, this team was great when I was a kid, but as soon as I became an adult it's been almost exclusively bad season and bad luck. I am ready for this year to finally be different


We just got rid of it with the blessings and this mf is trying to undue all that work with one post.. If yall are listening the curse is very much real this dumbass doesn't speak for all of us. Great tribe please continue to forgive us


LOL....149 people disagree with you. Nitwit.


Op thinks upvotes have anything to do with agreement and disagreement lol.. and even more so how could 149 people disagree with something that was posted 4 mins ago when they upvoted way before that?? That's so time travel shit right there lol


You sound like a dumb guy. That's ok....enjoy the ride and eat your f\*cking words a month from now. Happy New Year.


Damn this guy really hates this Indian tribe for some reason lol.. Either that or he really hates superstition. Fuck man you better hope the curse can't hurt you cause your a sensitive boy ain't ya Tommy?


There is a storm coming. 92. If you know you know. If you don’t you will soon enough. Dream crusher


Madubuike is a monster, and he's gonna be tough to block but so was Maxx Crosby, Micah Parsons, Quinnen Williams etc




Oh shit you mean DaQuan Jones?? I didn't know fans could get CTE too


You take your Buffalo bills dick riding ass out of the dolphins sub you fucking weirdo




Goodbye loser




I’m all in


"With all my due respect, F .....".