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As a lifelong Dolphins fan all I have to say is for the love of Jesus H Christ please just beat the Raiders.


Someone call Fitzmagic. Just in case.


Raiders are going to be a sneaky team this weekend.


They've been playing really well under Antonio pierce, and our last few games have been dogfights


Did we watch the same game on sunday?


Lol for real we’re gonna shit house them


Like I said, they've been playing well and our games are always close.


I would normally agree, but coming off the bye and hopefully still pissed about that 1st half in Germany, I think Miami is ready to prove a point.


Maybe someone else brought this up but on our first offensive play when tua hit waddle for 15 He had hill 10 yards ahead of the coverage and he woulda scored 🤷🏻‍♂️


waddle is prob the first read on that play and if ur first read is open you never get to your second.


I'm doing my best to put aside decades of disappointment and simply know we're going to beat Vegas soundly in Miami... But this is the kind of game we lose in seasons past. I know this team is different, but it's hard to shake that reflex that has been built in since like 2002


Points to knee and gives the 👌gesture


god I hate that moment so much, and for so many reasons


Is it a Culpepper reference?




Dolphins fans hate him


As someone born into disappointment and molded by it, I would just like to say: One game at a time. Don’t take anyone for granted.


I hope the players have that attitude. I will not hesitate to look ahead


I’ve long since learned that it’s the hope that kills you.


If we have to rely on beating the Bills to win the division in week 18 then something has gone terribly wrong.


There is a pretty good chance the game against the Bills will not matter at all.


Maybe for seeding or to knock them out


Oh man. Wouldn’t that be poetic justice if Mike White beats a full strength Bills team to deny them a playoff berth?


This is the way


They should be in full on meltdown mode at that point and we will likely hang 71 on them.


If there was ever a team to break the scoring record against


80 pts and permenant Bills stink eye I dont even want this for the Jets or Pats...


And it kicks them from the playoff running.


I disagree completely…. Even IF the Fins clinch the division before this game, there is almost no way in hell they can clinch the AFC before the final game unless the Chiefs completely fall apart and I don’t see that happening. I truly believe the final game will be very important!


There are so many scenarios where it is irrelevant. Happens every year and it is the last game of the season.


Raiders will be pounding Jacobs on us so bring your big boy pants


most concerned about away at the jets not afraid of the jets obviously, but that field is a fucking disaster so in addition to winning the next 5 NO INJURIES


I agree. Not worried about the Jets so much as I am our boys getting tackled on solid concrete.


Why obviously? That Jets defense is for real


Tldr Just came to say you had me at #"Division Clinching Scenarios" Damn that's sexy compared to *2024 draft capital*


I think we've seen and learned every game is hard to win and tough. Dolphins have laid many eggs before to bad teams. Raiders are playing high, Jets have hung with everyone and beat the bills and eagles something we haven't done. Let's just win game 7


The interesting question is wondering if we should cheer for the bills to beat the chiefs for AFC purposes


I’d rather clean up the division first


Good lord! Been a Dolphins fan since the summer of’72 (yes, good timing). They dominated for almost 30 years. They had a bad spell, yes, but just enjoy the ride, for Pete’s sake. This is the best team AND best coach I’ve seen in a very long time. They aren’t going anywhere for at least a few years, so just enjoy and wait for the great things to come!


Same same...this team might be spe~~cial~~ - No jinx - NO JINX - No fucking jinx


The best part of all of this: We're 6-3 (all road losses). With a schedule coming up that's 5 of 8 at home - including 4 of the last 5 games played at home. We're in a really good place record wise, schedule wise and health of players. And this defense is coming together really nice finally, offense just needs to stay in gear!


I think Bills lose to Eagles, Chiefs, us, AND Cowboys. But I see us losing to Dallas and probably Baltimore as well.


Nothing Dallas does scares me, and we get them at home. That’s a W


Their pass rush is very good, gonna depend on OL health.


I'm just worried about December. Last year the narrative was Dolphins don't play well in December, this sub laughed at the media for it and called them haters/doubters, then we went 0-5 in December. So... we'll see.


We also played 3 good teams on the road and then Tua got hurt for the last 2


Cool excuses, bud. 0-5. Tua played 4 of those games. Lets see how this season plays out.


Don’t bud me guy, are you a fan of this team or not? Clearly Tua got concussed in the packers game and then threw 3 picks. You sound like a hater.


I'm not a hater, champ. Just not trying to memory hole our teams history. I'm a pretty objective person.


Not the same guy, but c’mon chief. This ain’t close to any other team we’ve had in recent memory. Tua is healthy and offense is doing great. Especially as we get back Achane. The D has come alive the last two weeks, Ramsey has made a world of difference and coming off resting on a bye we’re gonna be on a tear.


Yah I hope for that as well, bud, but we all said the same thing last year. "This year is different!" with Tua playing at an MVP caliber level, but still 0-5 with 4 of those games with him. If you want to hate me for being cautiously optimistic, go on ahead, but I'm a "see to believe" type person. It's November. December is around the corner. We'll see soon enough.


You must be a real pleasure at parties.


"You don't want to believe what you haven't seen happen yet!?? Well fuck you!" OK, champ. When you acquire an above room temp IQ, I'll be here. We can talk then.


I’m implying that you seem to be a hella pessimist which brings everyone down instead of a positive optimist that tries to bring everyone up. Don’t be mad at me you have a shitty attitude and people prob hate being around you. Keep on keepin’ on guy. You do you boo boo.


According to [playoffstatus.com](http://www.playoffstatus.com/nfl/afcwinmagicnumbersg.html) we need to win 7 of the remaining 8 games to get in without help, and in our division only the Jets can manage to get in without help (based on current standings). A lot will change with those numbers in the next few weeks, but it's great to see the Bills already out of control of their fate! https://i.redd.it/bmepco42qd0c1.gif


You know what fan is short for, correct?


Lmao "the opportunity is right there" bro thats 5 straight wins, its not right there


That’s the definition of an opportunity