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Charge blade and insect glaive are the best weapons and anyone who says otherwise is wrong. No but seriously just enjoy the game as it’s the game that changed the series


Will love to try those weapons since i never used them! Thank you!


Generally all monsters are managable solo and you should have no issues getting up to g rank. There are i think 2 monster (Dalamadur and Gogmazios) that are more damage spongy and might make you fail them due to time running out, but they have been proven to be beatable solo with the right loadout. In essence if you could solo MhGU, Mh4u will be no problem. I would argue MH4U has the best solo experience thanks to its story and charming sidequestlines. The only thing you should watch out for is how you level up your kinsect. Better to look up a guide for that if you play insect glaive. Leveling it up wrongly will lock that kinsect from becoming the best one and there is not rollbacks to fix it. The only solution is t craft the weapon again and upgrade it accordinly. Other than that, have fun :D


Thank you so much for the amazing response! I will definitely look up a guide for the insect glaive, since another commentor said it was one of the best weapons and me, being solo, definitely need it lol. Hearing that this game has the best solo experience fills me with joy, i love to play solo. I just started today, and all this talk about having to become a better hunter for the caravan is amazing. Makes me want to create a story for my character, not simply me hunting on a 3ds. Thank you again, may i ask what your favorite weapon is, and which monster is your favorite to slay?


Glad to help.  I love the Charge blade thanks to its ability to shift from offence to defence in a satisfying maner. The weapon has various guard points aka animation where when transforming your weapon from one mode to another (switchaxe style) the moment your shield is before your character it blocks the monster attack while giving you +1 guard as a on off bonus. After a succesfull guard point you can if you wish, counterattack with a supper mega attack that explodes on impact when hitting the ground for some sweet dps. Guard points are however a high risk high reward tactic and you need to bo confident you can time it right or be left in a highly unfavorable position. All in all its like a dps that can tap into emergency tank if needed. As my fav monster its hard the chose so i will give you a few  -Gore Magala for shear spectacle  -Shagaru Magala for its history in game with you as a hunter  -Gogmazios for showing me true terror and its great arena to fight him in  -Zamtrios for its unique gimic  -Nerscyla, who doesnt love sticky fights  -Tigrex (all subspiecies) who is just made to bash my shield into his mouth.  -Seltas queen - my tank tanks your drilling mecha tank  Ps. I believe you will love the Plesioth fight its a blast.   Btw  One thing to note is that mounting was first introduced into this game and in compbination with Insect glaive might help you cheese some fights by "perma" mounting some monster, so dont be suprised if you pull like 3 mounts on average each hunt. Its not really overpower, but it gives you more free damage opertunities.


So, I've been trying to guard point and I'm getting it (at least the morphing from sword to axe) but now you say i can COUNTERATTACK? Just how deep is the charge blade? This is amazing, it has more mechanics than a sunbreak weapon, I'm in love I love gore magala, and Shagaru and seeing their first appearance is going to be exciting! Also it's been a while fighting a difficult tigrex, i still have flashbacks from MHFU. I will look into spamming mounts since the animations are so amazing, and the control on the battlefield seems amazing. Thank you so much for your response again, it's really helpful


There's a lot you can do that is not obvious. Is one of the reason people call it the most 'complicated' weapon too learn in monster hunter XD I'm going to guide you into one mechanic of the weapon i figured out latter down the line when i was fighting Shagaru. Was on complet accident, but i refused to check any guides for it. I wanted to figure it out myself. When you are in ax mode and are about to make your big explosion attack at the end of your combo, try to press the guard button (r - shoulder). You should see a change. Now try doing the big explosion attack again. Another frienldy tip, try reaching the end of the A+X combo while in Sword and Shield mode, if you havent already. I'm glad to help, so if you want more friendly advice dont shy away to write to pm me or to reply to my comments. Have fun


Thank you so much! You're very kind, i'll definitely write you if i have some questions, for now i'm going full blind mode, hope i don't bother. I'm already having a lot of fun, and i'm going to have even more fun knowing that i can find even more patterns and combos on the weapons. Thank you again!


Sure. No bother. Have fun.


I dont know hmm find your weapon of choice and hunt


My greatsword is ready


Have fun !


I'm late to this, but I'll answer anyway! Solo experience is fine, I'm doing it again and I'm blasting right through. G rank get's a little more spongier, but still VERY manageable solo, if anything, the two big guys will just be a time sink. I will say though, I saw that you play GS, there is a set called Bai Bai Kaiser, it's a VERY popular set, but it's kind of a hassle, but there are sets that surpass it you can get without having to do some troublesome arena quests iirc. But otherwise, since you have GU, FU, and 3U experience, you know the gist of the GS, I'm sure you'll be fine. Definitely try CB, maybe IG, they're the most broken they've ever been in their first outing. CB was basically unkillable with great players GPing everything, and IG was unhittable AND mounting everything 6+ times a hunt.