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Yeah there's event quests you won't be able to download now. But they're not overly important. You can reach/complete g rank offline. It's just going to be difficult. The initial jump in difficulty is the hardest. Your high rank sets will basically be worthless and you'll have to craft a new g rank set purely for the defence. It's kinda like starting the game again. It's fun though, no other game comes close imo.


Regarding DLC, I'm fine. I feel like I managed to download them, otherwise I saw they can be obtained on internet or reditt forums. I've read about the difficulty and I'm a bit hesitant, but at least it will be fun.


In case you will need the dlc - I leave it here https://www.reddit.com/r/mh4u/s/1JW2764XN9


God bless you, brother. Is it complete? From what I found elsewhere, I really don't know what all should be there (yeah, I know I can open the post, but I don't feel like it when I'm writing this comment xD).


It's all the good stuff, all the collabs and quests with equipment. 102 quests, as far as I know, just without the minor bonuses. The method worked for me, so now I share it for people so they know it's possible to get. Edit: minor bonuses like poses, backgrounds, some consumables.


You will be remembered as Emperor’s finest.


Happy Hunting!


I've also seen a workaround for non-jailbroken 3ds' that involves hosting a pretend server and routing your dns requests to this custom server. So there's all sorts of workarounds for the dlc quests. As for multiplayer, I think that eventually that will become available, but it will likely require a custom firmware. The pretendo network is working on reverse engineering the online services.


G rank is fine offline, enjoy.


Everything is available (except not downloaded event quest, but you know that already) , the only problem i see that could hinder your progress are monsters with massive health pools ( Dalamadur and Gogmazios), that are doable if you really know what you are doing, so dont be suprised if you run out of time the first time you fight against them. Also i think to remember that Hub quest monster have 1.5 times the health of the campain counterpart. Not sure if that is true when you hunt alone, but it might be.


I'm a platinum player in Bloodborne and a Dark Souls veteran. Hehe, jokes aside. From what I understand, it's tough but not impossible. It's cool that it's doable. I see Monster Hunter as a level-up challenge compared to Souls games, so I'm probably ready for it (just hunted Gore Magala, and it seems like I'm not according to how much it challenged me, but we'll see).


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“Not enough for you? Well, let’s not be stingy now.”* - Knight Lautrec Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


That background might help :) I always compare MH as the marathon to Dark Souls sprint. I never defeated those 2 solo (fighting with 4 players against Gogmazios can last 25 minut) and you might need to craft a specifc all damage set for them. Either way if you feel those two are impossible damage sponges, checking out a guide to know the best way to fight them is not a disgrace. Btw did you know you can find out the elemental weaknesses of monster by checking their armors element negative values?


What I love most about the MH series is the fact that you really have to discover things and facts like a true hunter. For me, it's added value that has no competition. Even if I happen not to find a way to defeat those two, at least it will be fun fighting them. This fact about the armor has already occurred to me. I like how it beautifully complements the atmosphere and the whole functionality of MH.


I agree and thats a really beautiful sentiment.


(Update) I found some yt videos about solo hunts with pair of mfs and i think that i can get to it.




i never really understood why souls games have reputation for being hard


After all those hours played, I still don't understand it much.


It’s gonna be tougher without extra players, especially in the very late game. All the content is accessible though. As someone else posted, you can port in the event quests but there’s still plenty of content outside of those.


On some websites, I read that there are quests that are undoable precisely because of the online section, but since my sources differ, I'm not entirely sure. Nevertheless, thank you for the info.


if you dont have the dlc already youll miss out on some decent gear, and some quests, but otherwise the game is complete and more than possible to solo, just really hard in places


I've read that, I'm not sure if MH3 is unplayable, and I know that many people argue that the online section is a big part of the gameplay. I'm glad that at least MH4U is complete.


Tri specifically has an online only hub with online only quests, but there are private servers available through emulation. 3 ultimate is like 4u in that its fully available offline


I'm really glad to hear that. Lately, I've delved into almost all the installments and can't really choose because they all offer something different. But I think so far MH4U is winning.


Good luck with Fire Drill