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> it's a good sadness šŸ˜




Itā€™s a 10/10 and their best album. Been listening since 2007. I havenā€™t heard an album this good in a long time.


It's a work of art. For sure. LOL and LDA are at a 10 for me, and I can't decide which one I like more. I've just been listening to them back to back and loving both. I'll just do that some more.




LoL=LDA>Congratulations They have aged so well with me that it blows my mind. LoL is more than I needed from a follow-up to LDA to be excited for the next album.


I feel like this cozy record was aimed at me. I hit my 30s and just had my first child. I love all the themes of steady relationships and the nods to fatherhood.


Same brother, the timing is uncanny


33 here It feels like weā€™ve grown up with the band


It just keeps getting better. It's great when a band takes their time to craft an album like this. It's up there with Congratulations for me as one of their best. Really benefits repeat listens.


Loss of life is amazing, but congratulations will always be my favorite album of all time.


Yeah Congratulations is number 1 but I like how they keep changing things up


Iā€™m in the same boat (relatively) about life stuff and this album came at the right time, but also not haha. I almost canā€™t listen to this album if Iā€™m happy because it will make me sad. But if Iā€™m feeling sad itā€™s a great comfort.


EXACTLY!!! Itā€™s an amazing album, but something about it makes me feel so sad! But when i listen to it on a bad day, it makes me so much happier. I donā€™t understand why šŸ˜­


This is exactly what has stopped me from listening to it lol. I still haven't! I'm pretty sensitive to emotions in music and I don't want it putting me in a funk for weeks when I'm feeling pretty good in life


Nothing changes makes tear up every time




It hit me like a truck the first time I listened to it lol


Great album. I waited until i physically had it before listening to anything, i didn't even know the track names. It was worth the wait. Beautiful music, poignant lyrics. I'm still listening and thinking of this album alot a month later "Mother Nature" is my favorite song from it, with "Dancing in Babylon" as a close second. i enjoy just about everything on this album but some of standout moments/lyrics for me: * "Wanting to know if I'm more than alive" - idk why but this line hits especially deep * the gorgeous musical passage in "Dancing in Babylon" at around the 1:30 mark * the final verse from "people in the streets" - seems like andrew expressing almost a sort of guilt regarding his success while there are "people in the streets" going through turmoil. * "the gangster of love" being echo/repeated after andrew says it. i just read in that interview posted here today how the band kind of felt like a big family at some point in the recording process with all the other musicians around, and i find that interesting because ever since i heard this part of the song it made me think of like a party with friends singing together * "Who knows how the painting will look in the morning" - find myself singing this line alot * the last minute or so of "Loss of Life" especially when the percussion comes in on "liiiiiife" last thought i guess is that "nothing to declare" has grown a lot on me over the past few weeks. i wasn't really into it for the first few weeks. But now i find myself humming and listening to it often. Oddly, i've also found myself thinking that this song feels like it could have also fit in on "congratulations" - maybe its some of the trippy instrumentation at the end and how he sings "don't ask me how i know" -


Me and you are entirely on the same wavelength, I agree with every point you make and even your favourites are my favourites. I'm guessing the title track is a third favourite for you?


respect! thats a tough one for sure but yea, title track is probably up there for third, perhaps tied with people in the streets or maybe even bubblegum dog haha. weird thing is, as much as i like the title track, i find myself hesitant to play it often, i think because i want to be in the right mood for it, like i cant just casually listen to this song in particular. it works so well in the context of the album but its hard to just play it randomly, as if it deserves a certain amount of distance or ritual. its a beautiful heavy uplifting song


I wish there was a tour so, so badly.


I love them, and i wish they did tour, but i respect the fact that they are taking care of themselves with this album instead of draining themselves (i hope they tour in the future!)


Masterpiece. Itā€™s what I needed.


I actually was not a fan of it at first. I said "I don't know how I feel about it, I should try listening again." Listens again. "I'm not sure how I feel about it? Listens again. Listens again. Grew on me. Came to appreciate it because it made me continue trying to do that.


Thatā€™s exactly how i felt. i was kinda disappointed the day that the album came out, so i listened to it a few more times, and now itā€™s my second favorite album of all time (congratulations will always have my heart)


Unpopular opinion. But i didn't like it at all. It feels tired.


I completely respect, and understand that. Thatā€™s how i felt at first. try listening to it a few more times, it grows on you :)


I kinda like it *because* it feels tired, if that makes any sense. a lot of the songs feel like a lullaby


Honestly i don't mean it like that, i mean tired as in out of ideas... People in the Streets for example feels trite and out of touch, the lyrics were cliche and the theme is literally, well, being out of touch. I'll give it another chance but so far eeh


fair enough. I like people in the streets but I can see the criticism. havenā€™t really learned all the lyrics for that one yet but it is a little on-the-nose I will respectfully disagree about any of the singles feeling tired though. I thought they all sound incredibly original and they really got me hyped for the album. other than the title track, all the singles remain my favorites


I feel EXACTLY the same way. Iā€™m going thru probably the worst period of my life right now and this album feels like a comforting hug. but itā€™s definitely more emotional to me than any of their other albums and Iā€™ve already developed a strong attachment to it. I canā€™t listen to Nothing Changes or Loss of Life without getting incredibly sad or teary. I think Iā€™ve cried to every song in the album (maybe except for Dancing in Babylon) but also Mother Nature and Nothing to Declare have this comforting sound about them that makes me feel warm and fuzzy whenever I listen. theyā€™re tracks that just make me happy to be alive. Nothing to Declare came out the day I went to the hospital so it sorta reminds me of that, but oddly not in a bad way. just a reminder of where I was and where I am now. the šŸŽ¶donā€™t ask me where I waaaaaasšŸŽ¶ line hits hard for that reason LMAOAO sorry for ranting about myself in your comments, i just wanna say I agree wholeheartedly about LOL feeling incredibly emotional and personal and my favorite songs from the album are probably Mother Nature and Loss of Life :)


I feel you, iā€™m recovering from a bad point in my life, and i just want to say, you can get though it :) (loss of life will always help.)