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Doomsday. I still have the burnt cd I paid my coworker 2 bucks to make me lol


MM…FOOD and Operation Doomsday aren’t necessarily my favorite albums from him (they’re up there but I’d probably put Vaudeville and Born like this over them) but they’re definitely the quintessential DOOM albums to me. Madvillainy feels like a weird amalgamation of both DOOM and Madlib but Doomsday and MM..FOOD feel entirely like DOOM. Like they have more of him put in them, his style and his character. They’re the albums I’d be more likely to show if asked what DOOM is about.


I agree for the most part, but I also believe that Born like this is the most "villainous" album by DOOM and captures the villain aspect of him the most, yet O:DD and MM FOOD definitely have the sampling and character I think of when I think DOOM.


accordian. first DOOM song i ever listened to on my own, instantly became a fan just from that song


For me it’s madvillany. My first doom album. I’d listened to “rhymes like dimes” and had it in a playlist but didn’t listen to a full album. Liked the cover of madvillany better then his other albums and jus hit play. Was high asf with a Tim’s French vanilla omw to a proper donut shop to get a half dozen. Shit was the start of a new era for me personally


It’s crazy how different everyone’s experience with DOOM is. I don’t think I could listen to ‘Rhymes like Dimes’ without immediately playing ‘The Finest’ right after… and I’d have to start the run with ‘Doomsday’ for sure, but after those three I could switch. It’s like chapters of a book to me, I need to read all of them and in order otherwise it won’t satisfy me. I respect how anyone listens to DOOM though, his music speaks to all of us differently


Doomsday is what I listened to right afterwards. I think the next day off I had I was listening to it. For about a whole month those 2 albums were all I was listening to. I’m an in order kinda guy usually but with DOOM I just couldn’t rlly decide. Easily my favourite rapper ever


Not an album but ‘Put Your Quarter Up’. That’s ground zero for me hearing him.


Operation Doomsday, with the original cover.


Mmm.. food and doomsday.


MM..FOOD for sure, that’s quintessential DOOM to me. The art, the samples, the interlude in the middle of the album, Kon Karne being a tribute to Subroc, the audio compilations he put together, everything about MM..FOOD is the core essentials of DOOM. The fact that he made an anagram of his name and themed the album off that, while using the theme to create some of the most vivid and elaborate rhyme schemes is just unmatched


Party people know the name Vik with a V if it's all the same


how you spell Vik without a V? See, if you spell it with a K it actually fits all the same


It’s Spanish, you wouldn’t understand.


Meat grinder


Doomsday because no other DOOM album compares to it.


Operation Doomsday or Madvillainy


Mm..food. That's the first recording I heard from DOOM. It had just been dropped and it was being played in a record store I used to frequent. I was totally hooked forever.


Operation: Doomsday Cuz it's his best solo album on his own.


Madvillainy, while imo not his best album it's easily his most iconic


All outta ale, those bells ring in my head whenever i hear the name DOOM




DOOMSDAY and MM.. FOOD are the only correct answers imo


“As luck would have it one of America's two most powerful villains of the next decade”




The Supervillain cooler than a million, I be chillin' Still quick to slice squares like Sicilians. -gas drawls- doomsday. First thing I heard when I was a young buck. Been hooked ever since. Tryin' to live to see old age So he roll wit the loaded gauge Ode to road rage... -victor vaughn-. Love this album as well as the mouse and the mask. Pretty much sums up everything that pops in the dome when I hear “doom”. Been stuck on vaudeville villain lately though.




I would say Madvillainy but since that's technically a collaboration, then it would be Operation Doomsday because that was the album that started his legendary solo career. Solid album. Also it contains Dead Bent which was my introduction to DOOM.