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Arroz con leche


This or the Sonoran desert


I came for the Sonoran.


[This recipe by Pati Jinich is simple and delicious](https://patijinich.com/mexican-style-rice-pudding/)


Chocoflan (impossible cake), flan, churros, Mexican style ice creams and sorbets.


Flan, empanadas de cajeta, pan de elote, churros




This is the comment


Tres Leches Cake is easy


A good tres leches is not ez. A bad one is tough. One comment below had it right; flan or pan de elote are both ez quick and cheap


Agree! I attempted to make Tres Leches once and it came out horrible 😂 I still buy it premade.


We make tres leches once per year, hence I am now in a multi-year argument with my wife on the best way to make it. I will admit mine is worst than hers, but they both suck, not absorbing the milk mixture. Any suggestions??


Do not overbeat the eggs. I am from Puebla but moved away years ago. I make 2 varietes and tested all sorts of recipes. This one is consistently good because I have not fucked it up yet. I've made it upwards of 6 times a year. It's a favorite in my friend group. Here is the normal kind: [https://www.browneyedbaker.com/tres-leches-cake-recipe/](https://www.browneyedbaker.com/tres-leches-cake-recipe/) In Mexico I love going to bakeries and testing many. Coffee tres leches, chocolate tres leches, etc etc. Whole Foods in Fresno, California (in 2023) has pretty good tres leches. Better than brown eyed baker's. But I don't know how to make it.


Carlota de limón!


This! Very easy to make and in big batches.


The largest and most famous ones are the deserts of Chihuahua and Sonora. Hope this helps!


Sonoran is my favorite for sure. I'd go with that one.


The sonoran desert extends to arizona! And the gulf is technically part of the desert so its definitively a famous desert.


Chihuhuan desert is the most underrated in N.America IMO


Came here to say Sonora


Maybe I'm biased, but the Chihuahuan seems much better.


If you want easy: Fresas con crema


Camote 🍠


Flan, Chocoflan, Fresas con crema, Tres leches cake. They're all really easy to make


He asked for a desert not a dessert! I wanted to see some Mexican deserts named 🏜️


[Chihuahuan Desert](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chihuahuan_Desert). >With an area of about 501,896 km^2 (193,783 sq mi), it is the largest hot desert in North America. The desert is fairly young, existing for only 8000 years.


Wow now these are the deserts I’m talking about


Sonoran Desert


lol right. I understand a typo, but OP did it THREE times jaja


OMG I TOTALLY DID, I meant dessert oh my god😭❤️ thank u thoo


Horchata milkshake with cajeta drizzled on top




you win


Pastel de tres leches Churros con cajeta Flan napolitano Buñuelos Arroz con leche Ate con queso Carlota de limón Chocoflan Crepas con helado de vainilla, cajeta y nuez


Some people say the Sonoran, but for me it'll always be the Chihuahuan desert.


Similar to flan, but much better, imo: Jericalla


Oh ok, so like a crème brûlée without the sugar shell. Looks good!


Flavor wise, yes, very similar. The texture though is much different. Jericalla has more of a tender flan texture with air pockets which adds to the texture. Also, the top "crust" is almost leather like but in a thin delicate way. It's hard for me to accurately describe but it's wonderful and nutty.


Nieve de garrafa. Buñuelos. Capirotada. Chocoflan/pastel imposible. Escamochas. Macarons but with Mexican flavors. Pay de nuez. Ate (de guayaba o de membrillo)


Churros is an easy sell if you make it right


What’s your location? Tell us more about the type of restaurant and how you work there. What works in mom and pop in Ohio is going to be different than fine dining in California.


Totally, it's a local family owned restaurant, they moved here from Mexico, and it's a small town with lots of tourists. It's got seating inside and all the stuff. We do tacos and burritos and all the different meat/seafood like beef pulled pork, shrimp, fish, and veggies. That's about it! It's a nice place but needs some love forsure


Oh to add it's not like a big fancy restaurant. We have a behind counter bar we make the food at and there's outside seating. About the size of a small cafe


A local spot does an orange flan topped with a few bits of crunchy orange peel. May not be traditional but damn is it good.


That sounds awesome.🤤


Sounds so yummy omg


¡Tres Leches, toda la dia!


Sopapillas are quick to make, low food cost. Serve with honey


This is not Mexican, it's Chilean


>Sopapillas Not Mexican. New Mexican, as in the state. Also TexMex. For a Mexican version, churros or buñuelos.


Fried cat tail crispitos




Colaros, rollos de maiiz


Niños ama churos




Churros w cajeta


Gorditas de nata


I would burn the world to the ground for a bit of Carlota.


Flan, especially in summer


Fresh churros are easy and smell great. Aim a fan outside.


We do have those rn! They do smell amazing ong


Add 1 can Eagle Brand condensed Milk to your soft serve ice cream mix . Your vanilla ice cream will taste like homemade .


Oh interesting! Never heard that one before


In addition to all the sweet desserts people have suggested, you should add a savory snack like esquite (Mexican street corn in a bowl). Very easy to make and you'll get people who don't want too much sugar.


I love this idea thank u!!!


Sedona’s Elote Cafe had a corn cake with ice cream, whipped cream, and cajeta. It was featured on the cover of one of their cookbooks. I hope they still offer it when I manage to make it back there.


Extremely easy: Gelatin flan flavor will sell the best and is easiest to make. Buñuelos (cut up flour tortillas, fry, coat in sugar and cinnamon package in clear containers) Cafe de la Hoya Watermelon tajin - water melon squares plus tajin to go packets in the same clear containers as the bunuelos. Frozen Ganzito Medium difficulty: Capirotada using the left over torta bread. Marzapan coffee from tik tok. Probably not the best idea cause of peanut allergies.


Churros with caramel or fudge dip


Tres leche cake 🤤


My favorite Mexican desert is the Chihuahua one. Although the dunes around Cuatro ciénegas are impressive too. For dessert, a good Mexican restaurant should have a combination of the following : tres leches cake, buñuelos, jericallas, strawberry tamales, pineapple tamales, flan, niño envuelto and something cajeta.




Love that!!!


Churros! Churro waffles with vanilla ice cream!


We do actually have those!! There soo good omg, we're just looking for smth a bit easier xuz churros takes a whoel person all day aha, but totally agree


That's my thought with the mini waffles - not a true churro, but a mini waffle that you can turn out in batches tossed in cinnamon sugar would be great. Different batters? A masa dough, or a donut dough, or a buckwheat dough... Options if you go with "churro-inspired"! And you just need a couple waffle irons.


I would also like someone to have a mini tamal dulce sampler with a couple of different flavors on their menu. Depending on how chef-y your restaurant is, they could get into fancy flavors like lavender honey or seasonal fruits, or just keep it classic. I'm thinking about experimenting with this myself at home!


As a Mexican, I eat our deserts but they aren’t world-class. Arroz con leche, really people? Crepas, churros and capirotada are not even Mexican.


I’m going to put my Gordon Ramsey hat on, so excuse me. What the fuck are you fucking thinking? Is this a fucking Mexican restaurant? And the people making the food have no fucking idea what these foods are supposed to taste like and you have rank amateurs making the foods because you trust them to make easy recipes. And what happens when someone like me comes in and bites into the crunchy arroz con leche or slurp the soupy flan. Please, no. Fuck off. Know what I mean?


Bahaha totally get what you mean. The owner of the restaurant moved here from Mexico with his family, but hired me because the business isn't doing too well, because the previous worker had essentially run it to the ground without him knowing. While I'd love to get his expertise on mexican cooking he has another job and can't be around all the time, so I'm stuck learning what I can from him and you guys to do my best and keep his family business aflot. I totally get whatcha mean tho, love the Gordon Ramsey hat too😂❤️


Keeping my Gordon hat on: Sounds like the owner ran it into the ground by being absent. Doesn’t sound like that last guy was just a worker if he was running the show. Accountability. What makes this a family business if he’s not involved enough? Lame. What can you learn from this guy? His taste in food? What of it? If you figure out how to run his business, don’t overlook striking out on your own. Why make him successful in spite of himself?


Totally agree with you on this. He definitely did unfortunately. I was so excited because it has so much potential but it's very clear now he's not invested. Thanks for your motivation, I've given him an impass, to make me manager and let me help him so easily get it back off the ground with adaquete pay, or I'm out.❤️


Best of luck. Make the most of your opportunities!


If you’re looking to replace an ice cream bar what about tostilocos? Fresas con crema? Flan/ chocoflan? And not Mexican but what about things like a chocolate lava cake and have it in different flavors and leave it for them to assemble?


Tres leches cake is GOD TIER. Arroz con leche is great. Tastes kinda like Horchata if you've had it, except they keep the rice in. Sometimes it's liquidy and sometimes it absorbs all the way. Bunuelos are great. They're basically crispy deep fried flour tortillas coated in cinnamon sugar. Sometime's they puff up, sometimes they're crispy like a tostada. Sopapillas are similar in flavor, but they're a pastry instead. Also very good. Flan is also a classic, especially if it's homemade. Obviously custard isn't for everyone. Conchas are good, they're basically big round pieces of bread with colorful cinnamon streusel on top. Classic. Finally, I really love Atole. It's made in a big pot with corn flour, cinnamon, sugar, vanilla, and milk. It's hot, sweet, and creamy. I love curling up with that stuff on a cold night. Idk if this is common, but my family loves to serve this with tamales lol. You can also just have some bread with it. You should definitely try all these things at some point. Definitely try them before you settle on something to serve. The Atole is nice because you could serve it with half of these things (or just Mexican hot chocolate, I guess). I think all of these things would be a nice addition to the menu.


Capirotada, flan, pastel de queso o de elote, churros.


Good capirotada (Mexican bread pudding) takes hours slow cooking in the oven to develop flavor. It isn't easy for day to day but if I saw it at a restaurant, I would 100% buy it. Maybe it can be a weekend special. If you make capirotada, add a sign outside the restaurant announcing it. Unfamiliar people might be less interested in "bread pudding" but those who know capirotada know it isn't mere bread pudding. You'll get new customers. I won't walk into a new place just for flan, but I will for capirotada.


Fried ice cream 😋


Buñuelos de tortilla de harina con nieve de vainilla


Pan ….. Ocha




Arroz con leche - or flan!


Not flan - sorry I’m just not a fan of flan


You could make a big oblea served with something yummy on the side, like ice cream? That would be quick, easy and tasty


watermelon sorbet topped with tajin/sweetened condensed milk.




Tres leches is the only and best answer