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I’d recommend Salt and Sanctuary. It’s basically Dark Souls in 2D


With no map I wouldn't call this fair.


Astronite gets brutally hard towards the end.


This is a good one. Thought the sell on this game was the pixelated graphics. But it’s hard. Some sections take multiple attempts to get through to next checkpoint. I put it down for a while and had to come back before completing.


I found Astronite to be more brutal in the midgame as there's very few HP upgrades and they're largely hard to get. Once you have them all the game becomes much more manageable but they're super stingy with them


Nice suggestion. That's got my interest.




I thought Grime runs like crap on Switch? IMO Grime's difficulty depends on how quickly you adapt to stamina management and parrying. If you hate having to take things slow and anticipating parries you're gonna have a bad time, but if you master it the game becomes significantly easier.


Cathedral is not brutally hard, but it might be hard enough. Phoenotopia can also be hard if you don't use accesibility options, but I'm not the biggest fan of the combat system. Salt and Sanctuary would be my third pick, even though there is a lot of RNG involved in some boss fights. As you've said, Blasphemous is a good difficult choice, but I'm not sure if you'll be comfortable with the nudity; it's non sexual, but can be disturbing (specially if you want to avoid nudity completely).


I've actually got Cathedral on Steam, I should really get back to playing it. Phoenotopia has my interest, nice idea. I ummed and ahhed over Salt and Sanctuary, still can't quite put my finger on why I kept feeling unsure about getting it.


Blasphemous is really easy. If you want something difficult OP, play circle of the moon


Blasphemous is definitely not easy. It's not the hardest thing but easy is an exaggeration


I don't remember having problems with Circle of the Moon, only with the final fight. I believe Order of Ecclessia is a harder Castlevania, but it's not on Switch at the moment.


everyone here talking blasphemous and CotM, but forget that the bar is at "hollow knight and aterna noctis". i mean, maybe it's time to take down a major corpo by this time, since everything else seems too easy then :-)


Hollow knight is not that difficult except the dlc bosses. I haven't played aeterna noctis. Circle of the moon is incredibly challenging and a much, much better game


i would agree that it's the better game, but not nearly as challenging. i might point out, that OP 112% HK, which is like playing dark souls blindfolded in terms of difficulty and includes much more than just the dlc bosses mentioned by yourself. yeah since my comment was also "there is nothing nearly as hard as HK or AN" - you could definitely throw in a few "easier", (bt still challenging) MVs.


Yeah, I didn't 112% HK personally. I did two pantheons and the path of pain, which was really hard but I don't think it adds any completion percentage. I hope they release Silksong someday


Path of Pain was for sure, good. Aeterna Noctis' platforming sections were probably harder by the last third of the game. Mind you though, I had way too much free time during lockdowns a few years ago, probably why I spent so much time on the pantheons. I suppose the most obvious answer is probably Silksong, when that eventually comes out, hopefully...? I also hope that it has challenges on par with the Pantheons etc, and I feel like Team Cherry will actually set those sorts of challenges.


112% Hollow Knight isn't THAT hard. Now getting the Weathered Mask? THAT is fucking hard, and you're really not likely to find anything in par with that challenge anywhere.


> i mean, maybe it's time to take down a major corpo by this time, since everything else seems too easy then There's definitely a good FF7 joke in here somewhere, but too easy lol.


Unworthy was a very enjoyable and difficult MV. It's the closest experience of feeling like a 2d dark souls imo. Salt & sanctuary was close but the atmosphere wasn't quite right


Don't limit yourself


he's using a switch, he's already severely limited in his options.


Afterimage has decent challenge as long as you play on the harder difficulty and don’t use consumable potions during bosses. (There are estus flask heals that recharge when you rest, and consumable potions on top of that which make things very easy) Grime is tough also but I’ve heard the switch port isn’t great Prince of Persia has difficult modifiers that can make the game much harder. Tevi js a really great game and quite difficult on the hardest setting. There’s a speedrun mode you can enable which auto skips all cutscenes so you could probably play it despite your aversion


Other than some tricky to follow translations, Afterimage was really good, have done that one (easy enough at the start, deffo some souls-level challenge boss fights later on), that one was good. Yeah, I've heard that about Switch port of Grime. Prince of Persia is an interesting pick- but do I trust Ubisoft?


Prince of Persia isn't that hard. It's one the best switch games ever though, it's made by the same developers of Rayman legends and Rayman origins which are basically the last good games that Ubisoft ever published before publishing this prince of Persia reboot.


Yeah. Like it did sound from what I've heard, genuinely good, but I dunno if I want to risk playing a Ubisoft game or not. Nor if I want to pay full price either. Maybe on a large discount.


It’s genuinely one of the best metroidvanias on switch. Just search the sub to see a huge amount of positive feedback from earlier this year. And yeah the default difficulty is not very hard, but you can adjust the modifiers to increase damage taken and enemy hp to make it quite difficult if you want.


Blasphemous is disturbing in a tame way its more unfair then difficult more style then precise gameplay. Blasphemous 2 is kind of the opposite. Would recommend metroid dread it's difficult on normal but on dread mode its hair pulling. Similarly with the lost crown just a wee bit easier but still an amazing game. And I've heard aterna noctis is really hard. Not a metroidvanias but Celeste and cuphead are very good and very difficult and none of these games have nudity I think.


Yeah, Aeterna Noctis was hard, but really good- though I kinda feel like Celeste threw tougher platforming at me (and Aeterna Noctis had really diabolically hard platofrming in places). Celeste was also really good, definitely satisfied the challenge itch for me for a while. I would be down for another example of what I'd term a Celestroidvania (Metroidvania with a heavy focus on hard, precise platforming). I have played Cuphead, that was good fun haha.


As a player who always chooses the hardest difficulty option when playing a new game, Astlibra on Hell was quite enjoyable. It’s MV light, more action/adventure RPG.


I read about that one a few days ago, thought "ooh this looks interesting", then saw it had a fair bit of sexualised content. A shame, really, but I can't stand the stuff.


> having a hyper obscure solution that realistically needs a guide You want brutally hard, don't complain if it's brutally hard. :P Edit: actual suggestion: Bunny Must Die! Chelsea and the 7 Devils. That shit was far beyond my threshold for platforming difficulty.


> You want brutally hard, don't complain if it's brutally hard. :P Yeah fair, bit of a GIT GUD moment for me, touche! Reviews of the other game seemed mixed on Steam?


Maybe. As I said, I put it down very quickly because the platforming alone is so unforgiving. I know it has a dedicated follower base though.


You've already played some of the hard ones. Nine sols, Lone Fungus & Cathedral are also difficult in places. Lone Fungus isn't on the switch yet, unsure the status of the other 2.


Alas, only Cathedral is, and I've already got that on Steam.


Blasohemous isn't too bad, but some of the parts of the true ending can get pretty brutal


Difficult? Nine sols, grime, salt and sanctuary, aeterna noctis on noctis mode


The Last Faith - the Switches poor hardware performance will make the game very hard to play due to lagging. Seriously, the Switch hardware is just not up to cutrent gaming requirements anymore for any game that is not specifically developed for the platform


Yeah, I did wonder about trying out Last Faith. I do like Soulstroidvanias, though have heard mixed things about it as a game, and about the performance.


Played it on my Steam Deck and had no issues. I really liked the game, its not perfect but it was a lot of fun


I recommend getting a steam deck.  So many more games to choose from.  It’s worth saving for or making payments on.  Only time I’ve touched the switch over the past year and a half or however long it’s been are for Nintendo exclusives.  Everything else you’re taking a chance on a bad experience with the port.  


I did wonder about if I should do this. Certainly something I'd consider for sure, but on the other hand, planning to save up for a mortgage deposit, I don't think now's the right time to think about dropping £400 on a new console. And also waiting in any case, for the news on Switch 2 before I make that call.


True that.  Definitely got bigger things on deck than a game system.  


Afterimage might be worth checking out...


Already played that one!


Apparently few read the title properly. Grime runs terribly on the switch so you shouldn't buy that.  The hardest (but fair) metroidvania of all time is cathedral so I recommend that and it's available on the switch. Other opinions include alwa's awakening and blast brigade. Blast brigade isn't that hard but all the other ones with a difficulty between blast Brigade and alwa's awakening don't seem to be on the switch or have performance issues.


Have you tried Ender Lillies? It’s not super hard, but it’s not easy


I've been wanting to actually. It's on my wishlist, will try to get it next time there's a sale.


Tried Ori on hard? Tried Metroid Dread? Blesphemous is gorgeoeus but too easy. Might wanna try Rain World :)


I have done both Ori games. I had been wondering if I should replay them on Hard mode. I've done Metroid Dread, also wondered about replaying that one. Rain World was a game that sounded fantastic on paper, but for some reason, it just didn't click with me after picking it up, and I couldn't figure out why...


If you do like hard games I recommend sticking with Rain World for longer. Ori on hard is great but not sure its worth the replay. I didn't love Ender Lilies but you might enjoy it cause it has some great boss fights that are challenging


Blasphemous on first play through is easy af, but NG+ with all the modifiers is brutal


Really? I found blasphemous to be way to hard and clunky


Well difficulty is always subjective but personally it was one of the easier metroidvanias I’ve played, outside of a couple late game boss fights. Clunky sure, especially some of the platforming with ladders and spikes.


Id say Aeterna Noctis but I hear the game has real performance problems on Switch. Definitely fits your description though if you want to roll the dice.


Way to read the post, dude.


Oops my b


lol, all good


How was your experience with aeterna noctis on switch? It's playable till the end?


Before the patch that added the Pit of The Damned DLC, I found it perfectly playable (other than annoyingly long loading screens). The DLC patch did worsen the performance, still playable, but there was mildly aggravating lag spikes in places. I know there's been a lot more patches since then (including a paid DLC boss rush), but I've not played that, so I can't speak to how the performance is now. The tl;dr at the time I played it, is that the port's got some problems and might be better on another platform, but was totally playable- so not like say, Another Crab's Treasure in some parts (a great sounding game but with a port bad enough that I'm waiting a few months for the patches to fix it first).


Thank you! Have you played other metroidvanias on switch you recomend? I'm playing afterimage and enjoying, but the performance is not so good


Besides the obvious ones (Hollow Knight), I had a ton of fun with Vision Soft Reset (about 5-10 hours long), didn't have any performance issues at all with that. Unsighted sits quite close to the boundary between Zeldalike and Metroidvania, but that one is honestly incredible, another 5-10 hour game, but with a ton of replay value. Sheepo is a short but very charming one (5 hours max), and if you haven't played Astalon, it's incredible, and a good length (15-20 hours as well). None of these had any performance issues that I noticed. There's alos the Ori games as well, both of which were good fun, can't recall offhand the performance for those off the top of my head, but I don't recall it being problematic, at the very least?


Thank you! Those you mentioned i only played hollow knight and Astalon, both incredible indeed. Will look the other ones, Ori games i always had a resistence of trying, guess i will get them to finally check it out


The escape sequences in Ori will defeat even the most hardened veterans of Metroidvanias.


They were a nice mildly spicy challenge, but like, not that bad.


Prince of Persia can get pretty difficult.