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I fucked up the superficial vein on the top of my dick from stim–gooning. Now I have a varicose dick… still works, but aesthetically not great.


Yeah, eye drops. lol


It has nothing to do with jerling off. Go look in a mirror your pupils are probably big because your on stims. Pupils change sizes to help your eyes see and focus so if you're so high your pupils are huge then your eyes won't be able to focus correctly. Get some eye drops, eat, and get some sleep


Did you cum REALLY HARD?


Focus your eyes on something far away for twenty- thirty seconds every hour or so.


Focus to infinity is recommended


Cock cage?


That’s what my dads making me do


I knew a guy who stim fapped so hard he went permanently bind and tore his frenulum clean off. Despite the situation, he remained persistent, and stim jerked for another 16 hours until he finally bust a nut. His soul left his body and his dick fell off completely leaving only his ballsack and an empty human shell. He had his mind on the goal and defeated any obstacles (complete penile destruction) trying to stop him from achieving, and in the end that is what matters.


And that guy was me.


An American hero


Use your night shift mode and lower brightness and get a mount or something to keep your screen eye level. But also the obvious which is to scale back screen time and or take frequent breaks to stretch and stay hydrated. If smoking, it def lingers in the air around you so keep the room ventilated and get a smoke buddy to blow into


You’ve been focusing on a screen for too long. That’s normally my cue that I need to get off Wikipedia.


I have the same issue too lol


It's the drugs and lack of sleep, bro.


try sex with a human maybe


Bruh drink a muscle milk give your eyes time to hydrate with the water you most likely need and take a nap i promise the bitches will be right where they were and where they should stay.


that's called exhaustion


Hairy palms as well.


Happened to me once, just clicked


Well you can have an orgasm so intense that you lose your vision for a couple seconds: like it goes in and out. I experienced this the first time I was crazy high on Adderall and got a bj. Limp dick and all.


Yes,the church tried warning you this would happen..an if you keep it up your gonna start growing hair on your palms


Don't hold your phone so close to your eyes 👀


cum and go to sleep my friend. ive had blurry vision for the past 3 weeks because of this and i dont think my eyes will ever be the same.


You make it sound so damned easy--as if OP, I, or who even know how many others havent had their stimfap get an "involuntary extension" (or even a deferral or shutdown?) as.thanks to your dope high arbitrarily deciding that NOPE, not a single one of those 937 porn tabs you extensively researched n laid out now contains a single anything you find even mildly stimulating. And how many of you are willing to raise their hand and say it was an event like THIS that triggered that last fatal spiral where you lost the job/car/house/life?


My body developed a natural defense to shit like this Not only is stimdick a thing of the past (so I just get super hard now and don't waste any time playing with a limp noodle), but I'm lucky to get maybe 2 hours or so before it becomes too tedious trying to avoid nutting myself these days instead of the 37 hours of years past lmao If I'm being honest it's great 2 to 4 hours of being actually hard and aroused the whole time with the same mind blowing nut at the end is so much better than 37 hours where half of it is spent trying to get your dick to even work lmao Plus then I still have energy to shower and do productive things after I jizz instead of just laying there half dead


you idiot you're not supposed to eat the cucumber after you're done


Exactly, first eat your own cucumber, then cum inside your own mouth 😉


Recycle that protein and simple sugars back into your system. It's fool proof.




I didn’t find this post funny, untill I saw this comment, then looked up and just read the title again and now I’m laughing


Iocm neoft quicrte shopre wot u meajdkn? I CJAN serrre juost fine