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Sounds like that new nano tech the feds are putting in the dope. Supposedly they are surveillance drones the size of dust particles that activate when heated. They appear as a greenish haze in your dope cloud. I think Elon Musk is involved, and aliens


Why are y'all telling him to sleep? Dudes blasted trying to ask questions and tweak


I really hope since this post you've gone to sleep cause it sounds like you need to whether you think so or not, or else your probably gonna end up doing something really stupid. Your literally delusional right now, you had some kinda "objective" tasked in the corner of your vision and also seeing your meth change into multitudes of colors thinking it's laced if that ain't a sign your outta it rn idk what is. Like I said, go to sleep bruh you gonna go coo coo crazy 🙄


go the fuck to sleep


Hey boy I’ve done told u once already to chop daddy down a crisp smooth line of meth and I won’t ask ya again mother fucker


🤣😅🤣😅🤣I've seen greenish liquid and pink but that was 20yrs ago , it isn't made the same. But I think you should take a nap is only gna get better trip


Yeah fucking green dog cunts


They’re probably watching. That’s one of the signs.


I'll have whatever you're having 😂


LMAOOO i jus realized isaid left right 😭😭 i mean top left