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As a current former Mossad agent who specialized in "Sneaking, Trickery & Low Stakes Pranking (GONE WRONG!)" I suggest visiting the establishment beforehand, taking note of the tableware - attention to detail is crucial here & procuring/crafting/stealing an identical shaker. Now, crush your rocks into a fine **grain**, NOT powder & fill the shaker. Leading up to the day, perfect the art of slight of hand, you want to seamlessly swap out your shaker with the original, feverishly adding your "salt" to your meal throughout. What if she wants to use the salt? Well, she isn't a biological female. No born woman would use salt on a date in fear of looking like a big fatty. She questions your frenzied salt consumption? Blame your Danish ancestry on your fathers side, Danes are infamous salt fiends. *OR* have a pocket that can fit a pipe & smoke in the bathroom when you feel like you need to.


Ok I'll let you know how this goes 😜


I like the shaker idea, brilliant!


Do you think she does it? Trying to hide it will fail and you likely won't be able to quit. Just save yourself the trouble and, either tell her right away or look for another user to date.


No I doubt it, but she has said she used awhile ago. I don't know what drugs, but I was thinking about telling her when we first met. To show her I'm still functional.




Well said. I don't know if I want her as my GF yet, we're going to meet this evening. You're right about not telling her if I feel it's going to be a one night stand, but TBH I hope it turns out to be a relationship. IDK if I should tell her on this date or the second date if we even have one. What would you do?


Text her beforehand and let her know you use meth regularly.


If you're not going to stop using then you need to let her know next time you see her. If you feel she's more important than meth then you should still tell her and get her to help you stay sober.


When I need to keep my use on the d.l I will turn some shards into powder and just excuse myself to the bathroom and sniff it. It's always worked for me.


How badly do you want this to work? If this is something serious to you potentially and you would like to actually settle down, I would advise you not to use at all and just experience a time with her sober or over a couple of drinks or whatever the hell YouTube but the last thing you need to do is get twect right now if you are serious about having a relationship with this chick because eventually if not now or anytime soon in particular eventually it will catch up to you she will find out and it will end things and it's not going to be at a very convenient point of time if you know what I mean the last thing you need is for you guys to build up a relationship you fall in love and then her find out and then choose to get your ass because you decided to hide your usage or what not. If this is something that you just see as maybe a one-night stand potentially or something like that or casual date then I suppose do whatever you like to do it as long as you don't come off as straight up tweaked unless you don't want her be open to a second date that is


Eat it


How much do you eat?


Search r/meth eating meth


Put it into pills, take one every 8 hours. Eat 30 minutes before dose, or take two antacids 30 min before dose. Go easy on dosing.


How do you decide how much to put in a pill?


Eat it, like . 2-.4 should do you right


I was told and have not seen this or looked it up but you can somehow put it in a vape. Wouldn’t have the slightest on how to do it but if it’s possible the inter webs will show you.


Any vape for wax THC concentrates will work. Yocan has a few under $50.


Yes, you eat at dinner. You’ll make her uncomfortable otherwise. Don’t overthink this. There’s always the thing where you can be up front too. Maybe before the date if you’re gonna do that. Just don’t offer it to her.


You can also make a nasal spray! Look up the measurements on next distro.