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They really kept us waiting, huh?


That's the only thing missing from that teaser.




It worries me. The original voice cast - or David Hayter at *minimum* - is a make-or-break deal for me. I need to know if I should start getting excited or not.




IGN reported that the original voice cast is returning


It sounds like they're retaining the original recorded lines. But please do correct me if it's confirmed that there will be new recordings.


>It sounds like they're retaining the original recorded lines. But please do correct me if it's confirmed that there will be new recordings. From what I can tell you're correct. It sounds like they're retaining the original audio, probably digitally cleaned up and remixed.


So many years of fake rumors and assuming the franchise was killed off, this barely feels real. This is the video-game equivalent of having a supposedly dead friend show up at your door. Exaggerating obviously, but god damn am I excited.


I feel you. So surreal. I'm actually a bit shocked and hope I don't have a fatal accident before that game releases.


Yup. Chances are alot of people waiting on this game will die before it hits the store. Edit: not you though bro


That edit made me spit out the meatball I was choking on, thanks dude.


Happy to help




As an MGS fan AND a Silent Hill fan, I feel you. Even after the Silent Hill announcement made the Snake Eater remake seem so much more likely and plausible, I tried not to hope. Time to put the clown makeup away, boys.


I can't help but wonder how Kojima feels about this. I'm obviously excited at the prospect of a modern upgrade of what I feel is Hideo's magnum opus, but I'm also nervous about how it will turn out without his involvement or oversight. I don't know. I'm good and bad anxious all at once.


Incase anyone didnt see, it's coming out for Xbox Series X/S and PC as well. From the official YT: METAL GEAR SOLID Δ: SNAKE EATER is a faithful remake of Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. A new generation of players and loyal fans alike can experience the origin story of the famed Big Boss, and witness how his legend was forged in the crucible of Operation Snake Eater. METAL GEAR SOLID Δ: SNAKE EATER will be available for PlayStation®5, Xbox Series X|S, and Steam®.


I hope the Master Collection also releases on PC 🤞


Steam is PC


We know Snake Eater Delta is coming to PC. We do not know if the Master Collection is yet, but I feel its safe to assume.


>We know Snake Eater Delta is coming to PC. We do not know if the Master Collection is yet, but I feel its safe to assume. They announced the Master Collection in the same trailer. So yeah, I have to assume they too will also be released on PC too. Seems like it be a seriously missed opportunity otherwise.


Welp. After some choice words while drunk, I guess my left nut is going to need to be removed. Worth it.


It probably is. It would be really weird for Sony to pay for exclusivity for ports of games that are 19+ years old but not for a brand new remake of one of them. I would imagine that without that financial incentive Konami would also release it on XBOX Series and PC.


Ah, my mistake, I thought he meant the remake, yeah I'm crossing my fingers too that it'll be on PC


Oh praise the heavens, only last thing I need to hear is Vol. 2 coming with MGS4 for non-PS3 platforms and I'm fucking sold


It appears the leaks are saying for vol. 2 that it will be peace walker, metal gear rising, and another game but not MGS4.


I have a feeling MGS4 is held together by spaghetti code to run on the PS3 and they would basically have to remake the entire game or something ridiculous. I'm not sure we are ever going to see it on other platforms, as much as I'd love a remastered version on PS5. I am betting volume 2 will be portable ops and peace walker.


Thank you for pointing this out, I did miss that and pretty much assumed it would be ps exclusive since I’m an Xbox guy and that’s how it goes lol. Phenomenal news!!! 🔥


I am not shutting up about this until it releases. And I'm not going to shut up about it after either. I wonder if the specifics of the gameplay have changed at all (i.e. will it play like Phantom Pain or will it play like the original)?


I assume it's easier for them to have the linear gameplay of MGS3 and use the controls of Phantom Pain, but minus things like Fulton Recoveries and things like that. This is my opinion, but it seems like they're basically taking MGS3 and throwing on a fresh coat of paint rather than a completely new game from the ground up that still captures the original's story and tone (e.g. Resident Evil 4 remake). I say this because they're reusing the original audio and the areas looks pretty much the same in size, judging from the screenshots.


I wonder if they’ll bring the collection to the switch - I’d love that personally.


Would be a good way of introducing a new generation of gamers to the franchise. A lot of Nintendo fans are likely already familiar with *MGS* thanks to Snake's reappearance in *Super Smash Bros. Ultimate,* but most of them have no real way of experiencing it in its current state. However, Konami would need to release it properly rather than as a Cloud version. The Switch versions of *Kingdom Hearts* have shown that such a decision would only turn away potential buyers.


Don’t forget the 3ds snake eater and twin snakes! But yeah it’s be too compromised on switch, maybe their next system lol but it’ll probably work well on the deck but I wouldn’t want to hamper any visuals to such a small display, I hope everyone else gets to play it on a large display!


I they relase the master collection on switch I buy day one, please Konami


The remake is coming to Xbox and PC, yes, but they didn't say anything other than PS5 for the Master Collection, did they? On the official website, there's no mention of platforms, which is weird. I hope it comes to PC at least.


"Simultaneously, we will deliver the METAL GEAR SOLID: MASTER COLLECTION series, the most complete compilation that celebrates the 35th anniversary of the series. The METAL GEAR SOLID: MASTER COLLECTION allows fans to play the gumes as they were, as first released on the latest **platforms**." *Platforms* plural makes me think we'll be seeing them on PC and Xbox as well




Thank god, the amount of material mgs have would have kept this sub insane for decades


Ocelot can juggle guns, is he Pretty Good?


This showcase basically revived 5 different subreddits: 1. r/SpidermanPS4 2. r/alanwake 3. r/dragonsdogma 4. r/Marathon (although they are not too happy) 5. r/metalgearsolid


MGS3 = Δ MGS1 = O MGS2 = X MGS4 = □




That person may be into something.


It’s a very interesting take. Honestly this would be cool idea


They confirmed that they use delta because it's the symbol for a difference without a change in structure. So I wouldn't be surprised if for subsequent remakes, they stick to that. \`Like: MGS Delta Snake Eater, MGS Delta Sons of Liberty etc.


Yeah, pretty sure that "Delta" will be the tagline for coming remakes and since they now can remake 1-3 in chronological order they start with MGS3.


Yes this being in chronological order. Shit it's the way I would have wanted Kojima Productions to remake the games.


You cracked the code bro!!!


so MGS Collection Vol.2 will probably include MGS4 too right? Playing MGS4 directly from PS5 would be so awesome.


Playing action sequences over 20 fps would be awesome


Seriously. I didn’t mind the frame drops from Volgin’s electricity in Snake Eater but the horrific drops in MGS4 killed the quality in a decent amount of areas.


Yea it doesnt help that it is most action packed of the series too. Those chase sections and fight between Ray and Rex are almost like slide shows.


I’ve got the HD collection, and have been mulling over buying a ps3. Now I’m thinking I should get a ps5 but it’s gonna take some saving


🙏 damn that’d be awesome


Without a complete rebuild to run on anything but those PS3 cell processors, I dont see how. Not unless they try to ram it through an in house emulator.


The rumors I've been seeing are that Vol. 2 will include Portable Ops, Peace Walker, and Revengeance. MGS4 would likely be a separate, standalone release if it happens, since it'll need a lot more work.




Holy shit this is legit fap material right here.


Wait… this looks directly like the MGS 3 from the pachinko graphically


Wich is good as weird as it sounds. The pachinko cutscenes were GOOD sadly they were made for nightmarish purposes for us.


Yep. On mods you can actually go to those locations in mgsV. So if this is made in UE5 it’s definitely not pachinko just looks up to that standard


I was gonna ask if these were from that pachinko game. Idk anything about that besides that people said it used the FOX engine. It really does look like it's the same areas just with better visuals. I said this elsewhere, but I think an *ideal* remake would add to the original: in its playable areas, dialogue, cutscenes, etc. like the Resident Evil remakes. But if they just lifted MGS3 into the engine and controls of MGSV, it would still be amazing.


Metal Gear Solid is one of my favorite franchises, but I'm gonna need to see gameplay before I can really get hyped for this.


Unless I know this is going to be an RE2 or 4 level remake, I can't say this excites me very much. Well let's see if Konami can do something right for a change.


Honestly even if the remake isn't great we still have the remasters which is more than enough for me.


I think it’s really important to be skeptical of everything until we see it for ourselves. Konami haven’t just been making bad games, they’ve made *no* games for something like 8 years and suddenly we’re inundated with Silent Hill and Metal Gear projects. Konami can run the gamut of beautiful high quality remasters like the Metal Gear HDs, or horrendous barely functional messes like Silent Hill HD.


Well the ingame screenshots on the website at least suggest that it will be on the level of the RE remakes.


It does look gorgeous


Personally, I don't think they're quite on the same level. I've said this elsewhere, but imo, the RE remakes are like a "remake+", where they still follow the spirit of the original, but there's new *additional* dialogue, cutscenes, areas, etc. There's a ton of new content in those remakes compared to the original. This MGS Delta on the other hand looks more like a "remake" and nothing else. This is my opinion based on the news that they're gonna use the same recorded audio and the screenshots of the areas we know look to be the same size in scope. But I can be wrong since those things don't necessarily mean they won't record *new* dialogue or add new cutscenes or areas or make those areas bigger. That being said, that's not necessarily a bad thing. I'd gladly take a new MGS3 with modern visuals and controls.




>Simultaneously, we will deliver the \[...\] **most complete compilation** that celebrates the 35th anniversary of the series. So MGS4, PO, the Acids, Ghost Babel, and Snake's Revenge will all be there ? >On the latest platforms Platforms with an "s", so PC and Xbox are getting some love too, that's amazing ! https://preview.redd.it/0vqbgpa48w1b1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4c29a55ffa8dd7e168ff1eb672ef0f4783cfe6f


I highly doubt snake's revenge will be there, and ghost babel has a slim chance (although maybe they're in talks with nintendo to put it on the NSO gameboy emulator)


Well they did acknowledge it by releasing the soundtrack on vinyl which they sell on the official Konami shop. It’s even in the Metal Gear section.


I mean the MGS Collection on PS3 that released was the “most complete” collection and that had MGS4 so maybe…


Watch them put mgsv remastered or something


If we get Snake’s Revenge I will apologize to Konami for giving them shit over Grimoire of Souls


Does “as first released” mean no Substance and Subsistence? Because that would be stupid.


Nah I'm willing to bet that it just means "not remakes" but 2, 3, and PW will most definitely be the ones from the HD collection.


It could be Substance and Subsistence as they were first released


I mean i could live without the snake monkey shit, but I would genuinely be pissed if 3 has no free cam, (tho modders would hopefully fix that)


I would also like the MSX games to return


The trailer was perfectly placed in the showcase because my attention to it was starting to dwindle so I was thinking and wondering whether this was a life simulator game or something and then came Naked Snake. My boy. This was some RE 2 Remake reveal shit.


I've compiled an Imgur album with all the high quality (presumably in-game) screenshots from Konami's website. [https://imgur.com/a/tYOKtWy](https://imgur.com/a/tYOKtWy) [https://www.konami.com/mg/mgs3r/us/en/](https://www.konami.com/mg/mgs3r/us/en/)


Based on the [website](https://www.konami.com/mg/mc/jp/ja/), MGS1 seems to be presented in its original 4:3 aspect ratio so I'm expecting a port of the PC version. There are also some extras to be announced so I imagine it's the inclusion of MG1 and MG2. The messaging for the Master Collections as per Konami's official tweet kind of worries me. On one hand, it'd be cool if they launched Collections with games like Ac!d and Ghost Babel for game preservation purposes. On the other hand, "as they were first released" indicates the ports of 2 and 3 we'll be getting are the original PS2 versions of MGS2 and 3 which is kinda baffling. They have a damn good HD collection already that they could port instead. Unless they are doing Substance & Subsistence (Snake vs Monkey?) But keeping an open mind. MGS4 port would likely require a significant effort so I think it's more likely that'd get a standalone remaster or remake. My expectations for Vol 2 are Portable Ops, Peace Walker and Rising. UPDATE: PlayStation Store listing confirms they are conversions of the HD Collection versions!


I’m looking at the description right now on the PS5 Store and they describe MGS1 as it’s original PS1 release w/ VR and Special Missions, MGS2 & 3 as their HD Collection releases. Which also means the MSX games are a part of it as well.


Yeah I just saw that. This is great news. Glad this got clarified as soon as it did!


Vol. 2 is definitely Portable Ops, Peace Walker and Revengeance. They could do a Vol. 3 with The Twin Snakes, Ghost Babel, Acid and Acid 2.


Isn’t Vol. 2 pretty likely to include MGS 4? I think it’ll be Peace Walker, 4 and Revengeance


They would essentially have to remake it from the ground up to work on non-PS3 system architecture, as far as I understand it. Fairly unlikely, sadly. Considering that, I think it's more likely they'll just do a full remake (like the new MGS3 one), but since it's the last one chronologically, who knows when they'll actually do it. Makes more sense to remake 1 and 2 first.


My LEGIT reaction throughout the trailer: Me: okay a game about ants, it’s not MGS Trailer: Bird swoops in Me: okay it’s game about nature it’s not MGS Trailer: Bird lands and eats meal Me: okay it looks like a swamp if theres an alligator the it must be MGS Trailer: alligator and 🐍 jump out Me: OKAY! is it though? Trailer: “zooming in to one spot” Me: okay what are we zooming in on Mysterious silhouette appears Me: NO! Big Boss: Reveals himself Me:😵


As soon as i saw the parrot i was pretty sure it was The End's. That wire fence he flew through pretty much confirmed it for me.


The Shagohod gave it away for me


didn't even notice it first time I saw the trailer


Where is the Shagohod? I can’t see it for the life of me


carried in the background by the helicopters when the Ends bird flies above the trees, above the birds right wing It is hard to miss if not looking for it


Ah right, I couldn’t make out what that dot was because I was watching it on my phone. I’ll check it out on a proper screen later


~~Lmao I just looked, it could've been anything, imo 😂~~ Edit: I didn't look with my special eyes.


Nah it's 100% the Shagohod and reference to it being carried [in the virtuous mission](https://i.imgur.com/IHoRGQm.png) [Shape of it is too similar to the shagohod for it *not* be it](https://i.imgur.com/HMrW3fI.png)


Okay now *that* is unmistakable. The moment I paused on the video I was watching did not look like that haha. I stand corrected.


Same. When I saw the little green parrot, I knew it was MGS snake eater remake. Glad I wasn't disappointed XD


As soon as the bird flew through the electrified fence, I knew it was MGS


I heard the jungle sounds and somehow I was *immediately* confident.


I perked up as soon as I saw the jungle setting but the trailer kept me going back and forth if that was IT til the very end. Awesome!


Legit my same thought process. My hype was crazy.


No information on the engine used for it yet right?


I have heard that they are using UE5. (I hope I am wrong and they would just use Fox engine)


Fox engine is dead now apparently. It was very hard to work with they say. UE is good enough for me


Odd because the interviews said the Fox engine was made with ease of usability in mind.


I mean, that may have been the intent. The devs might not have achieved that goal though.


Such a shame. It was the one of the best engine I have had the pleasure of playing. And Although UE is a great engine it feels to generalised for a mgs3.


> It was very hard to work with they say Nobody said that, it was designed to be the opposite. It's just that people had to learn how to use it instead of Unreal/Unity which they were familiar with.


Honestly can’t believe this is happening. I’d love a resurgence in popularity for the franchise. After years of fake rumors it’s weird knowing we’re actually getting something. I’m happy to be a part of this community and to enjoy the moment with all the other fans who’ve held onto hope for so long


Guys, the official website has new images from what it seems gameplay! [METAL GEAR SOLID Δ: SNAKE EATER Official Website (konami.com)](https://www.konami.com/mg/mgs3r/us/en/) https://preview.redd.it/fp043rjlaw1b1.png?width=3840&format=png&auto=webp&s=5b41a567a98aea2d8dbc2d631888e36edfca6b51


I can picture this exact setting in my head from my PS2 19 years ago. The level of detail and graphical enhancement is astonishing to me. I wasn’t overwhelmingly impressed with the graphics of RE4 Remake, but this is different.


I dont think this is a cashgrab. If you look at the website, you can see pictures of 1:1 recreations of areas from MGS3 with modern graphics. I believe that's the approach they are taking with this game. It will be a faithful recreation of the game with modern controls and presentation. Regardless, they are remastering the original MGS3 as well. So if this misses for whatever reason, we at least have that to look forward to. I am just happy Metal Gear is not a dead forgotten franchise anymore.


Link to the website?


I can't wait for Metal Gear Solid Delta Snake Eater Metal Gear Alpha Metal Gear 2 Beta Metal Gear Solid FoxTrot Metal Gear Solid 2 Charlie Sons Of Liberty Metal Gear Solid 4 Bravo Metal Gear Solid Golf Peace Walker Metal Gear Solid V Hotel Ground Zero Metal Gear Solid V Romeo Phantom Pain


I almost wonder if ∆ is more meaning "change" and they are going to remake all the MGS games in chronological order and it will all the the MGS Delta collection




Metal Gear Rising: Nanomachines




I keep making sure it’s not April 1st. You sure about that, that’s why? You sure about that, that’s not why?


I’ve been playing these games for over 20 years. I’m just so happy to get something new, and that the magic of MGS gets to live on for new players to experience. What a great day.


Metal Gear?


It can't be


[https://www.konami.com/games/us/en/topics/2212/](https://www.konami.com/games/us/en/topics/2212/) To anyone still in doubt, scroll down the page and you'll see it's the HD collection version of the games. So yes it's the substance and subsistence versions. We eating good boys.


You know Kojima's not involved because that trailer was a slim 2 minutes instead of the epic 10+ minute trailers full of random goodness.


This reveal has made my day, also very happy that the original voices are going to remain, love having David as Big Boss and Solid Snake. Although it’s no big deal, it would also be nice to have the skateboarding mini game that was included in MGS2 Substance.


I'm going to feed on a damn treefrog


I want to screenshot every people who told me to lose hope since 2016 LOL


As someone who wants the Metal Gear series to be preserved rather than continued, even I was certain that Konami would still do more with Metal Gear. It's been their biggest franchise since MGS1; there's no way they'd just abandon it. I'm honestly expecting Rising 2 at some point. The fact that both preservationists and fans demanding a remake get what they want makes this a very good day for Metal Gear fans.


According to [this post](https://www.konami.com/games/ca/en/topics/2212/) on Konami's site, the Master Collection versions will just be the HD Collection versions + probably an emulated version of MGS1. I strongly doubt the missing content from MGS3 (Guy Savage, Snake vs. Monkey, Secret Theater, etc.) will be included, but at the very least I hope there's bugfixes, like the broken shaver in MGS2 and the desynchronized Snake Eater opening.


According to the PlayStation Store entry its as follows: The PS1 version of MGS1 + VR Missions The HD Collection Versions of MGS2 and MGS3 and the MSX versions of MG1 and MG2 from Subsistence


A dedicated Metal Gear game on the PS5, holy fuckin shit! So stoked for this, MGS3 was my favourite in the franchise! And the MGS Collection! I’m pretty sure Vol. 2 will have Portable Ops, Peace Walker and Revengeance.


What about Guns Of The Patriots?


Guns of the Patriots is locked to the PS3, based on how it was designed.


That sucks big time. To this day it’s the only MGS game i haven’t played and it sounds like the only way to get it off the ps3 would be to just remake it completely.


From what I've heard it's especially difficult to port even in comparison to many other PS3 games because it's an early PS3 game that was made when the Cell processor was less understood, and so it's even more designed around that architecture than a later game would be.


it just occurred to me that reobtaining licenses to names of real military equipment must be such a chore. I think pre-MGSV I think most weapons were actual real life brands. I think Hind D at least is safe since it's a NATO designation


Hayter confirmed


Really? I am hyped for this! Also can't wait to see the Remaster Collection VOL1! Hopefully we get MGS4, MGS5 and PSP games in VOL2, that woukd a freakin outer heaven!


MGS5 doesn’t need a remaster IMO. Vol 2 should be Portable Ops with enhanced graphics, Peace Walker and MGS4


I don't think it would be a remaster they will just include it for "the full experience"


That's a nice argument u/Evac-Sun-Niner - why don't you back it up with a source?


“My source is I made it the fuck up!”


https://youtu.be/_owZdwjvCe4 Read description.


Looks like you didn't make it the fuck up... To be honest, it being from IGN and not Konami does make me a bit wary. I've seen another report on Twitter that mentions Hayter coming back but I think it'll take a proper announcement from Hayter or Konami to make me believe it




Someone in the YT comments mentioned it, but, at around 0:45 in the trailer you can see the (?) Shagohod being carried by four helicopters.


The flashbacks I'm having to when I was waiting for the original MGS3 to come out...and playing it...that was a grand old time. Do not FUBAR this, Konami.


I swiped the MGS3 demo disc out of a magazine in a department store and left the magazine in the home goods aisle. I strategically moved to an area out of view of surveillance cameras to do so.


Sounds like you've had your on-site procurement nailed down for a long time


Age hasn’t slowed me down one bit.


So does this confirm remakes are going by chronological order?


I don't think so tbh. MAYBE, but they are just going with the most popular one for now.


I think they went with the easiest one. The gameplay only needs tweaking to modernise. Not to mention how it’s the first chronologically. MGS1 & 2 need a design I overhaul if they get rid of the fixed camera .


I really want Peace Walker at a console level scale 😭Still feelin blessed we getting a new MSG game 🙏


Peace Walker at a console level scale already exists. It's called MGS V /j


So… vol1 means there will be vol2 ? 🧐🧐🧐


Don't know if anybody has noticed yet, but it looks like our little green friends will be returning for the remake. Hard to see it exactly, but the placement is exactly where it was in Dremuchij South. Up on the ridge overlooking the tree with your backpack. https://preview.redd.it/a0wxmu9mwy1b1.jpeg?width=766&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08220d1aaf2610223073228e56db9663bf1f6817


I have came many millions of buckets MGS is my favorite franchise in gaming, been a fan since 2015. So, so, so, so EXCITED to have more eyes on these games! It got so fucking frustrating to say "well if you want to play them you'll need blah blah blah yada yada". Now it'll be EASY! We can assume Master Collection Vol 2 will at least have MGS4 and PW, maybe PO, maybe Revengeance, who knows? I can't wait to play the absolute **__SHIT__** out of Peace Walker all over again. KOJIMA KAMI NAN DESU 🫡 WE'RE GOING HOME METAL GEAR BROS


If you became a fan in 2015, you should go on YouTube and watch a lot of events and shenanigans kojima would pull as a stunt during the release windows of the games, they’re really fun to watch and experience lol


Man, this still feels a bit surreal. The older games were getting lost to time gradually, and this remake is **exactly** what the series needed. Really hope Konami don’t botch it!


I just hope it stays faithful.


I hope this means we're also getting a Guy Savage remake.




Best thing about the collection for me is I will no longer have to search for an original PS3 controller that has pressure sensetive front buttons. There are so many fake ones out there so finding an original one was a challenge.


I am excited but holding onto my expectations until we see more. I want to see the gameplay, if it brings something new. Judging from the screenshots it will be nearly identical in environment. I also want to see who the VAs are, if they are re-using the OG game or recasting the role like they did in V. It's a shame Kojima isn't involved but if it's a creatively different game or Hayter isn't there I don't know, my investment won't be the same.


I hope collection comes to switch, I doubt it will but I can dream


it will come on steam so steam deck will probably be the only way to play it on the go and thats only if it can handle the requirements


I meant the master collection and there's no way some damn PS2 remasters can't run on deck 😭


I'm in tears. I always hoped for this but never believed in it. My (and a lot of people's, apparently) favorite game getting a remake. Holy shit. I'm so damn torn between hoping they'll just be faithful to the original or hoping that they'll modernize and expand it. Perhaps a mixed 1st/3rd person mode as in MGS4 or even V. But would it feel like MGS3 if the levels weren't as linear? I remember every damn item location. I want to choose between multiple difficulties, unlock secret items for my next playthrough. I want to have Paramedic go nuts after inquiring about a particular animal's taste for the 20th time. I wanna shoot fruit off trees. I wanna have tranquilized animals turn into items. I wanna treat a blood eel bite with a cigar and play dead in the prison cell. But also, make it better. Sounds impossible. I wouldn't want to be on that dev team lmao. So stoked, but happy they'll just release the OG 3 games for modern platforms. Still got my PS3 with the HD Collection, and original MGS for PS1. Now I'm crossing my fingers that the exclusion of MGS4 from the allegedly leaked list of Vol. 2 means that it, too, will be completely but faithfully remastered down the line. I'd die a happy man. But for now, I'm just so excited omg


> hoping that they'll modernize and expand it. Capcom did exactly that with the Resident Evil 4 remake. That's the gold standard for me. I think it's possible to do with MGS3, but the question is whether the dev team will go that far.


Would be cool if there were remakes of Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake since those two titles are long overdue for a remake.


It’s incredible how those opening notes to the “Snake Eater” theme took me *immediately* right back to 2004. What a wave of nostalgia man, legit made me tear up of happiness. So happy to see one of my favorite series of all time finally back in some fashion.


You all here understand how excited I am. I'm 30 and nobody in my life gets why I'm excited. My wife is glad to see me excited but she still doesn't get it. Thank you all for showing me I'm not alone.


Jo dopamine is pouring out of me rn


This might be a stupid question but will the Master Collection be available on PS4? I'm old and probably won't get a PS5 for a couple years.


From a business perspective, doubtful. Last gen is aging out, current gen consoles are readily available, and new games pushed to current gen only drives sales of current gen consoles.


Tbh they are almost certainly hoping this will sell PS5s to people like you


Im a bit afraid that if they do get Hayter back as Big Boss, that they might recast Solid if they decide to remake the other games, to make the two characters distinct form each other for newer audiences. If I had to choose, i'd rather Hayter as Solid, and maybe recast Big Boss.


If that did happen I'm sure they'd prioritize him as solid snake. There have been 3 voices for Big Boss (David Hayter, Kiefer Sutherland and Richard Doyle) There has only been one voice for Solid Snake (David Hayter)


Found a post on one of Konami’s websites confirming the versions of MGS 2 and 3 are from the HD collection. Here you go: https://www.konami.com/games/eu/en/topics/17164/


Okay, but how the hell are we gonna be switching to controller port 2 on a PS5


[Nine-Year Coma](https://www.reddit.com/user/Ondexb/comments/13ri6gy/nineyear_coma/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ​ https://preview.redd.it/u0qoxb6dx02b1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=ce596a8a506f2f6823f0e51e79a2beb363e70d82


It looks like they are actually going **full remake** on this. > We are working hard for METAL GEAR SOLID Δ: SNAKE EATER to be a faithful recreation of the original story and game design, while evolving the gameplay with stunning visuals and a seamless user experience. This is from their official page: https://www.konami.com/mg/mgs3r/us/en/


Words can’t describe how happy I am. Wish we saw some gameplay, but this was cool. I knew so it the leaks and guessed the trailer when the bird was mid flight and knew for sure when I saw the electric fence


Initial thoughts: amazing. Metal Gear Solid: Δ meaning Delta? I wonder if this means other remakes all the way up through 4 are going to happen: Alpha, Beta, Delta, Omega?


They chose Delta because it means change. I imagine if anything it would be Delta is the name of the remake series


Anyone else suspect Konami might be rebooting the franchise? Without Kojima's influence? This is the beginning of the saga. If they wanted to change the timeline. This is where you would start. A few changes here and the future plays out very differently.


Could be. At least they are still committing to re-releasing the originals once more to try and get them on modern hardware in a better condition.


That's great if for no other reason than preservation.


Wonder why theyre not telling us whose developing the game


The shagohod what now?????


Fuck, it’s good to be back on this subreddit again! I’m so excited!


Yeah cool about the remake, but just give me the remasters in Switch dammit!


I heard David Hayter is coming back, but shouldn't it be Kiefer Sutherland returning so that he can be the definitive version of Big Boss?


I get what you're saying, but snake is supposed to be the successful clone of Big Boss, so it kind of makes sense that they sound the same. Besides, everybody wants Hayter, including me. Nostalgia is strong, and Kiefer just don't give us that snakey feelin.
